Slatester: Michigan lawmaker says “vagina,” is banned from House floor.
Minneapolis Mayor RT Rybak: Mitt Romney has history of firing people.
Bill Maher: Obama’s hologram.
Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report at Netroots Nation.
You’re Welcome: BP Voices from the Gulf:
Stephanie Cutter: Mitt distorts.
Romney’s bizarre “jobs plan”.
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Jon: Senate’s misguided drone criticism.
Young Turks: Obama admin. will stop deporting young immigrants.
Mark Fiore: Big Latvia success story!
Alyona’s Tool Time Award: Attack of the vagina.
White House: West Wing Week.
Pap: How Wisconsin uprising was hijacked.
Thom: The root of Romney’s comfort with lying.
Young Turks: “Vagina” gets Rep. banned.
Jon: Judging Jamie Diamon.
Romney senior advisor Kevin Madden has an Etch-A-Sketch moment on immigration.
Thom: Money has crushed the voice of the people.
Eric Schwartz: Vagina Jase Bolger (R-MI):
Romney advisor says his position on immigration is the same as President Obama’s.
Actual Audio: Mitt v. jobs.
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Sam Seder: Don’t say “vagina” in Michigan.
Obama: Department of Homeland Security Immigration announcement.
Stephen: Union cafeteria workers.
Sam Seder: Virginia Republicans war on words “Sea Level Rise”.
Jonathan Mann: The Vagina Song:
Thom: The GOP witchhunt against Holder.
The Mitt Romney “jobs plan”.
Letterman: Romney and doughnuts.
Liberal Viewer: Steven Crowder supports NAMBLA?
Obama: LGBT Pride Month reception.
Newsy: U.S. will stop deportation of young immigrants.
Ben LaBolt: Mitt Romney is running for office on a false premise.
Young Turks: Obama heckled by Daily Caller reporter during immigration remarks.
Ezra Klein: Nailing Romney for supporting Bush policies.
Newsy: “Vagina” comments get lawmaker blocked in Michigan.
Thom and Pap: Why are Senators fondling banksters?.
Daily Show: Florida voter purge.
Pap: Rick Scott and the pathology of lying.
Jen with pollster, John Whaley, How to ask poll questions.
Obama Boy: Crush on Obama:
Sam Seder: Rick Scott still disenfranchising voters, suing Homeland Security to save face.
Mitt Romney: Out Of Touch!
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Which union is it?
Anyone know? Tell us!
You missed one: “Mitt Likes Music, Including This”
Mitt Romney auto-tuned by the Gregory Brothers
And somehow RR will spin this as an argument for gun control:
Montana authorities say hitchhiker shot himself
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No Romney-inspired music video beats this:
We’re building a religion, peeps.
Remember when Obama said he had a ‘compromise’ that the Catholic Church hospitals could be comfortable with, regarding the requirement to provide birth control services to its employees and patients?
Er, not so much, it turns out:
Oh, and don’t miss this part:
Recall that Sister Keehan’s initial approval of the “accommodation”, like Dionne’s, was released via the White House religion press portal almost simultaneously with the WH announcement; it gave enormous political cover to the president, and helped him to divide a church that had — quickly and uncharacteristically — united against the HHS Mandate. Now, she’s walking it back.
I think we can call this a personal ‘Fuck You’ to The One from Sister Carol Keehan.
Pennsylvania has a lot of Catholics, I hear. Supreme Court, too. How about that.
Most of the women of which use birth control.
Right on cue, bob is here with his daily torrent of right-tard talking points. (it’s ‘bob’ today? Not ‘serial conservative’? Why the switch?)
He is, of course, only here for conversation, and to ‘make us think’ or some such swill.
So, bub, does @6 reflect your position?
That is, should contraception be considered essential basic health care for a reproductive-age woman? And as such, should it be mandated at part of comprehensive health care?
Or, should an employer get to decide, for whatever reason, what his employee does with her uterus and vagina?
It’s really that simple. Which side are you on?
Republican values. Senator McCain calls his wife a “cunt” and fascists like Bob say nothing. Michigan State House Representative Lisa Brown says the word “vagina” and fascists like Bob want her banned from speaking.
Not ’serial conservative’? Why the switch?
Different computer.
This ain’t China.
I can have more than one.
Who was the only reporter who got to ask the president a question yesterday?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Are you actually equating ‘forced abortion’ with comprehensive women’s health care? A woman’s autonomy over her body?
Is that what you’re saying?
Speaking of the wingnut experiment with fascism in America, when is Bob going to cut those poor, elderly black residents of Benton Harbor some slack? A global corporation abandons the town for the greener pastures of Mexico. The Republican governor appoints an Emergency Manager to rule the town in place of it’s local elected representatives, stripping them of any authority. Then the Emergency Manager gives away the town’s waterfront park to the very same global corporation which had previously skipped town, which they then turned into a golf resort for the 1%.
Do you think that maybe the fascists had fucked over the citizens of Benton harbor enough by now? No, not Bob and the Michigan fascists. They passed three voter suppression, er, ID laws last week, intended to prevent many Michigan citizens, such as the elderly black folk of Benton Harbor, from voting at all.
Changing the topic so soon?
I thought you wanted to talk about women’s autonomy over their bodies?
Hi steve!
There must have been fraud there – they were probably voting Democratic – a sure sign of FRAUD!
No nun that I ever knew would say, “Fuck You.” Certainly not to the President.
Sort of a pattern with you guys – like the reporter you revere above – and your incessant use of ‘The One’, it belies a real frat-boy like obnoxiousness. Sneering, grating, whiny, entitled.
But back to the original topic…what makes you uncomfortable with a woman managing her own body the way she chooses?
@ 12
I can have more than one computer.
That one went right over your pinhead, I see.
@ 8
ACA has created plenty of room for exceptions. Recall all of those waivers that Sebelius authorized for more than a million people currently covered by plans that would otherwise be adversely affected by the new law.
My only point is that if religion is to be exempted on constitutional grounds, so should religiously affiliated hospitals.
My argument is not that women should or should not have access to reproductive care and everything that goes along with it. Only that a religious objection to providing it must be respected.
We don’t get to pick and choose amongst our Bill of Rights content, libbies.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…
Deal with it.
Romney said that he would repeal the DREAM Act if he were president. HMMNN
What an incredibly specious argument, though not unexpected.
Ergo, any asshole who employs a woman, previously known as an autonomous adult citizen, can decide what that woman does with her vagina though the control of her access to comprehensive health care.
@ 16
I have no argument about choice in that regard, generally speaking. I consider myself pro-choice, for the most part. Have issues with 11 year old girls being given abortions without parental notification and some of the fringe aspects but as far as the basics of choice, I likely see it the same way you do.
I just don’t think a religious entity should be forced to pay for it if there is a long-held objection to doing so on religious grounds. I bet that everywhere there’s a Catholic hospital, there’s a Planned Parenthood not far away. Charities exist to do what government cannot or will not. See @ 17.
@ 18
You should read what John Yoo wrote in National Review about Obama’s announcement yesterday.
Yeah, if one president can unilaterally impose something that Congress wouldn’t permit, the next president can revoke it just as easily. Go figure.
@ 19
Specious is your last sentence in that comment.
A woman choosing to work for a Catholic employer should be made to realize that the benefits of her employment will not include abortion or birth control services, yes. She would have to obtain those services elsewhere.
She, of course, is quite free to seek employment somewhere else. I hear Obama has created or saved many, many jobs. Even Sandra Fluke says the job market is improving:
since we’re talking about a woman’s religious freedom and shit.
Good day, all. Gotta earn a taxable living so I can afford the TV set I will turn on when I get home so I can learn that I don’t pay my fair share of taxes. Or I could just log back on here to be told the same thing by all you wizards who aren’t self-employed and don’t have to work on Saturdays.
And the other shoe drops:
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Gawd you’re adept at being a weasel.
You’re shilling for employers – any employer – using the canard of ‘religious liberty’ to deprive women of their full autonomy and agency as citizen and human beings.
This is what an unbridled Republican agenda – headed by a President Romney – and abetted by Speaker Cantor and Majority Leader McConnell or Paul – will bring us.
Any yahoo yelling ‘religious liberty’ will be able to put the wimmins that are unfortunate enough to work for him in their place. No birth control, certainly no abortion, likely no ‘lady part medicine’ at all – so icky!
Republicans – pantomime “JOBS!” while passing more and more intrusive vaginal invasions.
Not when there are no jobs. That’s sort of the point, isn’t it? Economic desperation leads to a compliant workforce.
See what bub is doing at 24, 25?
Be AFRAID, VERY VERY AFRAID of the BROWN HORDES coming to take your jobs!!!
They’ll be after our women next, no doubt.
Good thing bub has these guys on his side, I’m sure he’ll feel safer from the BROWN HORDES!!
Serialbob is really on a roll this morning – he’s got his race-hate on, his vagina-fearin’ on, and he’s whining about all the taxes he pays, too.
What a loser.
I’ll check back later – workin’ on the man-cave again today – after dropping kid at the airport – lucky duck going to a week of snowboard camp on Mt Hood. Sheesh, kids today – all we had were cardboard boxes and uphill-both-ways walks to school.
@ 28
Speaking of No Jobs:
Fifty-two percent of independents said they agreed with the idea that the president has not helped create more jobs in America, an argument central to Romney’s campaign.
Obama appears to have trouble convincing some members of his own party that his administration has been good for jobs: 29 percent of Democrats said they agreed with the claim that he has not been a job creator.
29% in his own party.
@ 29, 30
Typical lib response.
I point out that there are economic consequences to Obama’s desperation heave yesterday and because of it I’m
Where are the jobs going to come from, Lib Sci? See @31.
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Read more:
Note author.
While the arschloch was cruising blogs, I was in bed with my lovely wife.
Thank Obummer. It’s been his economy for a long while per Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Now why would Lib da schmuck place this comment on the blog unless he actually believed it. Why bring it up because everyone here knows it’s not in his pathos? I love how leftists throw the race card around when they have no idea what it really means to experience it.
Lib da schmuck, a real piece of work!
Why do you hate blacks and latinos Lib da schmuck?
Did you enjoy beating your wife this morning?
It will be interesting to watch the pressure build on public unions over the next few months. What’s been promised to the public sector unions is clearly unsustainable and there isn’t a way to tax people enough to continue the payoffs.
Resentment will build, more liberals like Fareed Zakaria will come out and state the obvious, and many more states will start turning off the cash spigot.
’bout fucking time.
Trends are important in analyzing election contests and momentum is everything. When you look at the long-term and short-term trends of Obama’s popularity, it is not going well for him.
In RealClearPolitics Poll of Polls today, Obama’s at -1 and his Approval is stuck around 46-48%…and has been for some time.
Heck, it’s a 2-week old FoxNews Poll that shows Obama at +4 that is propping the poor bastard up! And I’m certain that will change significantly in the next poll.
Obama is in trouble. Why? Because he has a record to be held accountable to!!
@ 36
He put it there because it substitutes for a measured response. Looked at from an economic perspective it’s a current-day non-starter.
Screaming racism gets Doctor Steve and YLB to do the same thing, then there’s a liberal chorus, and no one has to address the point of what I sent.
Singing in the Capitol rotunda didn’t help the WI libs any, but they sure had fun doing it.
@3 You think it’s okay for people who shoot themselves to have guns? You aren’t concerned they’ll progress to shooting others?
Bob figures both the National Guard and militias will be required to keep order when a white governor appoints a Emergency Manager to take control of Detroit. I mistakenly refered to these a few times as “white” militias. But Bob corrected me and stated that he believed these militias would draw from local citizenry and, since Detroit is something like 87.5% black, there’d be some blacks included.
But I’m wondering just which Michigan militia will these Detroit blacks be joining? I assume that it’d be something like this Michigan teaparty-connected militia, which planned to murder a police officer and then use IED’s to kill more many more officers at the funeral.
When they served a purpose, to quench their thirst for power, the right-wing stood with “first responders” on the rubble of the WTC. Now just a few years later they are despised as union thugs. Hell, some on the right even make plans to murder them.
Maybe the Michigan facists should consider a trial run and let these militia guys push around the old folk of Benton Harbor for a while before the real thing comes down in Detroit.
Damn this was missed by the Friday Night Funnies Purveyor
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Factoid: As of 2010 the top 3 liberal magazines had 50% more paid circulation than the top 3 conservative magazines.
The magazines are: Nation, Mother Jones, Harpers (liberal); National Review, Weekly Standard, Newsmax (conservative).
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This may have something to do with lower educational attainment and literacy levels among conservatives and/or conservatives are too cheap to buy magazines.
@ 41
Thank you for correcting your earlier comments, Steve.
I think whatever resistance occurs will be natural and new, nothing astroturfed. I suspect we’ll see a bunch of people sufficiently motivated by unhappiness with what’s happening around them that they’ll mobilize in response.
I also suspect, although it is not my hope, that much of this will be fanned by the usual suspects descending into Detroit to denounce the government’s actions.
What do you know about Dave Bing? I try to separate my admiration of his athletic past from his current position. I pretty much wish he had been involved a decade ago, or even five years ago. Now I pretty much think it’s too late for anyone to get a handle on this. It’s clear he’s trying but E for Effort doesn’t go far.
@ 43
Or maybe there are fewer conservatives stupid enough to pay for killing trees when you can get the content online for free.
Saudi No. 2 Dies
Crown Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, King Abdullah’s heir and the country’s most powerful anti-reform conservative, has died.
An authoritarian figure, Nayef headed the Saudi interior ministry for 42 years and was the force between security services and religious police who suppressed activists and women.
So conservative and authoritarian, in fact, that he almost certainly will be replaced by someone more open to reforms.
Bob’s no racist. He just believes that the blacks of Detroit are going to react with violence when the Detroit local government is stripped of authority and a white Emergency Manager and ruling council are appointed by Michigan’s white Republican governor. So it’s quite understandable that the National Guard and Michigan’s right-wing militias will have to be called in to restore order.
@45 You’ve got a point — people will pay for what something is worth, and the conservative magazines give away their content free, otherwise their circulation would be zero.
Those Michigan fascists are no doubt thinking, “How dare that cunt say the word “vagina”.
@ 46
How’d that reform thing work out in Egypt, RR?
Is Egypt more open to reforms? Or is Egypt becoming a military state?
Is what is happening now preferable to Mubarak’s rule? After all, it was Obama himself who called for Mubarak to step down and leave.
Good example of what happens when we push for regime change without having anything in place for it to change INTO.
Smart Power we were promised when Obama took office – where is that, RR?
@42 ““There are a number of Barack Obama fund-raiser types from four years ago that have come over now to help with Mitt Romney,” Illinois State Treasurer Dan Rutherford said outside the Pump Room fund-raiser for Romney Thursday.”
So the Bush bundlers and Wall Street donors who jumped ship in 2008 are returning to the GOP? That’s hardly surprising. What was shocking is the Bush regime was so bad they worked to elect a black Democrat.
@ 47
Steve, what do you think will happen if Detroit is placed into receivership?
@50 Yeah, why not hand over power to military juntas in the first place, it’ll save everyone a lot of wasted effort. You’d probably like that in our country, too.
Damn this too was missed by the Friday Night Funnies Purveyor
Three things apparent…
1) Eleanor Clift’s head is still up Obummer’s ASS drinking da DNC kook-aid.
2) Real DUMMOCRAPTS like Mort Zuckerman are getting fed up about the Bain Capital lies promulgated by the DNC and broken-axle rod.
3) Romney didn’t inherit his wealth like some DUMMOCRAPTS! He earned it.
@ 51
Not quite.
The contributions from Wall Street generally follow the trend. Obama was clearly the favorite and the Wall Street money went to him because of it. The money rolled in largely when is wasn’t very necessary.
Now the Wall Street money is going elsewhere. Two reasons:
1. The quid pro quo didn’t materialize. Wall Street handed Obama big bucks and he took the money and then played class warfare, harming them in the process.
2. Obama will lose and they know it. The money is following the trend, as it historically has. What’s different is that the money is rolling in early this election cycle. They’re working actively to defeat him, and color has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Roger… need oxygen?
The state supreme court has finally cracked down on counties and cities who overwork public defenders to the point where indigent defendants have only token legal representation. I mean, 500 felony cases a year? C’mon. The court is ordering local governments to pony up enough money so these lawyers only have to handle 150 felonies a year — which is still a lot.
@ 53
Spoken by someone unable to argue a more salient point.
Actually, RR, I’m in favor of following the Constitution, not dispensing with it. That’s where you and I differ.
A kid who was bullied in the 1950s finally got around to shooting his tormentor this year.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This must have been preying on his mind for a while. Hey, bullying is no joke, being a bully can get you killed fifty years later.
@56 You didn’t know that a number of Bush’s top fundraisers worked for Obama in 2008? Puddy, you should read a newspaper once in a while. That was one of the best-known facts about the 2008 race.
@58 “I’m in favor of following the Constitution, not dispensing with it. That’s where you and I differ.”
This is so laughable it’s sick. The last GOP president who didn’t deliberately violate the Constitution was Eisenhower. Except maybe Jerry Ford, who was an unelected caretaker. Due process, rule of law, free speech — what’s that? Watergate, Iran contra, Dubya’s townhall arrests and renditions and waterboarding etc., you name it, if it’s in the Constitution, Republicans have violated it.
Given the news items this week, I’m surprised any of the HA’ers are even willing to discuss Obama bundlers.
I would think they would be embarrassed to do so.
@55 “Obama was clearly the favorite and the Wall Street money went to him because of it.”
Do you really expect anyone to swallow this bullshit? The Wall Street money went to Obama because the Republicans destroyed the economy.
@ 61
Where in the Constitution does it talk about czars, RR?
Where does it talk about unilaterally imposing policy when it didn’t pass the previous year as a law, specifically because Congress rejected it?
@64 Wtf are you prattling about now?
Things to contemplate:
1. Bush did not win a single state in which he had a net negative job approval.
2. Obama currently has net negative job approval in: North Carolina (-3.3%); New Hampshire (-1.7%); Colorado (-1.7%); Pennsylvania (-1.7%); Florida (-1.1%); Ohio (-0.9%); Virginia (-0.6%); and Iowa (-0.6%). Moreover, Obama’s job approval is below 48% in these states.
It’s only June. But Obama is already flailing.
@67 Other things to contemplate:
Bush was a Republican. Obama is not.
All you HA-types who claim that voters in Benton Harbor have lost their rights to vote:
Emergency manager issue heads to ballot
Appeals court declined to look at panel’s decision
Time to STFU. It’s on the ballot. You’ll get your wish, just like the recall petitioners in WI got their wish.
What will you claim when the whole state of MI, with a wary eye toward higher taxes if Detroit is given a Democrat-style bailout, gets to weigh in on the emergency manager law and find that they like it?
Will you claim that the voters voted to disenfranchise themselves?
Is Obama wildly popular? No, he isn’t, not even among Democrats and especially not among progressives. But he’s not a Republican. And the Anybody-But-A-Republican vote is huge.
@ 69
Keep believing it. You seem to think that voters will accept any manner of incompetence by a Democrat incumbent if the alternative is replacing that incumbent with a Republican.
Keep believing it. Oh, and keep saying things like Wisconsin was a big win for the Democrats because they made an irrelevant gain on an undercard race. You don’t convince normal people but you might convince Rujax and perhaps Lib Sci.
We’re counting on it.
Meanwhile on Daily Kooks…
But where were these same kooks when Alberto Gonzalez was the first his panic attorney general? They went went went nutzo! They were pizzed that Bush named a his panic to the post! They claimed Gonzalez was the political arm for Bush. And now Holder isn’t?
Cry me a river!
Not this year Roger Dumb Wabbit.
It’s the economy stupid!
Come to think about it… was that a rujax sighting on daily kooks?
Writes like rujax…
Sounds like rujax…
Condescending like rujax…
An idiot like rujax…
@ 22
A woman choosing to work for a Catholic employer should be made to realize that the benefits of her employment will not include abortion or birth control services, yes.
First of all, the issue isn’t about birth control services. It’s really about access to birth control pills, because birth control pills happen to be an effective treatment for a number of female ailments including ovarian cysts, endometriosis and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), that have nothing to do with birth control itself.
Second, a Catholic employer isn’t obligated to provide health care benefits any more than a woman is obligated to work for a Catholic employer. Yet, according to your formulation of the issue, should the laws regarding health coverage treat Catholic employers differently than any other employers, it would violate neither the establishment of religion nor the equal protection clauses in our Constitution.
Looks to me like your Constitutional argument is bullshit designed to cover up the basic idea that employers are supposed to have all the freedoms, not employees. In that respect, you are typically conservative. You should be proud of yourself.
@70 “incompetence by a Democrat incumbent”
What incompetence? Obama backstabbed his supporters, but he isn’t incompetent. He turned around the Republican Economic Disaster (TM) within months — in case you haven’t noticed, we’re growing now, whereas nearly every other country in the world is slowing down or going into recession. Our banks are much more solvent now than in 2007, and better regulated. He saved the U.S. auto industry. He got us out of Iraq and we’re winding down in Afghanistan. He killed Osama bin Laden and numerous other top terrorist leaders, and Al Qaeda is all but dismantled now. He got Romneycare through Congress, something that Republican and Democratic presidents alike hadn’t been able to do for half a century. And he did all that despite the ruthless obstructionism of an unpatriotic opposition party that puts his defeat above the good of our country. You call this guy “incompetent”? You’re either an idiot or a liar, or both.
@72 “It’s the economy stupid!”
Insert “Republican” between “the” and “economy” and you’ve got it, Snake-Eyes.
@70 “We’re”
We? You mean there’s still more than one of you left in this country, despite everything?
@74 re 22: “the basic idea that employers are supposed to have all the freedoms, not employees”
We liberals don’t allow employers to discriminate against racial minorities, we’ve enacted laws prohibiting that, and we’re not going to let them discriminate against women, either. No matter who those employers are.
Let’s be clear about something: The Catholic Church is a business. Yes, it’s a church and a religion, too, but society has as much right to regulate how the Church runs its business operations as it does other businesses. The Catholic Church isn’t allowed to engage in insider stock trading. It can’t run ponzi schemes. It can’t violate health and safety laws. So where the fuck does this idea come from that the Church, as an employer, can discriminate against its female employees in a way no other employer is allowed to? That’s horseshit.
No one is saying the Catholic Church has to hire female priests or bishops, or that Catholic hospitals have to offer abortions. We are saying their priests and bishops can’t rape altar boys. We are saying Church-owned vehicles driven by priests and bishops have to obey the same traffic laws that apply to all other motorists, We are saying this nation’s employment laws apply to their secular business operations. They’re not above the law just because they’re a church.
@73 “Condescending”
We should be condescending to you jerks. You’re a bunch of authoritarian assholes who, despite all your bleating about “freedom,” want to be dictators over everyone else. You’re a criminal gang of looters who take everything that isn’t nailed down. You’re corrupt, hypocritical, lying, draft-dodging, dishonest, perverted exploiters. Consider yourself lucky we merely sneer and look down on you. You deserve a lot worse. Hey, do you guys get a feeling we don’t like you?
Roger, you’re still arguing against the merits, when the merits aren’t the real issue. In a conservative world, the only people who truly have rights are people who own things. Markets are supposed to be free, and they’re willing to put people in jail in order to make that happen.
If you actually work for a living, then voting for a Republican means losing your freedom. It’s as simple as that.
@80 I quit voting for Republicans 40 years ago. There are already enough dictators in this world.
A tortoise pair is splitting up after 115 years together. After one bit a chunk from the other’s shell, zookeepers separated them, and reconciliation doesn’t look to be in the cards. I guess that relationship simply wore out. Spend enough time with someone else and sooner or later s/he’s bound to get on your nerves.
Clown Joe writes about merits
talking to Roger the DUMB Wabbit
Wrong again DUMB Wabbit… Let’s review the facts from the DNC mouthpiece herself… And I realize listening and comprehending are beyond your years so…
Remember back in 2010 Obummer told everyone on Planet Earth his policies were turning the economy around.
So based on the merits of this Roger DUMB Wabbit argument like others promulgated before… EPIC FAYLE!
A few years ago, I wathced a show where the talking head was complaining about high school girls at a local school wearing some buttons that said “I Love My Vagaina.” I think it had something to do with some play called “The Vagina Monologues.” Anyway, the taking head was getting all indignant about it and basically making an ass of himself.
I had to laugh becasue the solution for the local high school that was the subject of this piece could have ealily made those “I Love My Vagina” buttons dissappear. All the school officials had to do was choose about five or six of the nerdiest boys in the school and give them buttons that said “I Love Your Vagina, Too!” to wear to class. Those “I Love My Vagina” buttons would have disappeared faster than a peperoni pizza as a Weight Watchers’ convention!
Sometimes the solution to a problem is easy and funny at the same time.
It’s DUMMOCRAPTS who claim the authoritarian way… “Government is the answer”!
We say “Government is NOT the answer”! “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
@ 83
Remember back in 2010 [President Obama] told everyone on Planet Earth his policies were turning the economy around.
Not that anyone would want to, you know, look at the actual data, but that’s precisely what happened.
BOTH Dems and Reps want to control our lives and limit our freedoms. Get that through your head, Pudd-whacker!!
BOTH Dems and Reps want to control our lives and limit our freedoms.
True. The problem is, Republicans lie about it; c.f. Bob’s bogus argument about religious freedom.
You’re correct: that’s why I’m not a Rep. I’m not a Dem either.
@85 Bullshit. We use government to build up society for everyone — and to keep self-serving pricks from abusing the rest of us. There’s a reason by we have consumer protection laws, laws against racial discrimination and sexual harassment, laws against fraud and false advertising, etc. — we need them to protect us from people who are so morally deficient they can’t tell the difference between “freedom” and criminal licentiousness.
The immediate constitutional question for the Supreme Court is whether Congress can pass a law requiring cheapskates to buy their own damn health insurance instead of freeloading off the rest of us. We should have an answer within the next 10 days.
@84 For once you’re right about something.
Great Mother Rabbit Spirit, spare us from Republican morality police who tell us we can’t use medical terms to describe body parts while hitting on little boys during their off hours.
What are Michigan’s republicans going to do next — require women to wear burkas? Maybe they think if they turn their state into a mini-Saudi Arabia, oil will come up from the ground, like it does in Saudi Dakota?
Which is why we should have one law that treats everyone that receives federal dollars the same. No special treatment for certain churches.
The Catholic Church wants the government to give them preferential treatment.
re 31: “Fifty-two percent of independents said they agreed with the idea that the president has not helped create more jobs in America, an argument central to Romney’s campaign.”
But …………… In 2010, Republicans were given a majority in the congress for the express purpose of creating jobs. Do you know of a poll that measures what ‘independents’ think about the Republican Congress?
@68 “All you HA-types who claim that voters in Benton Harbor have lost their rights to vote”
Dumbfuck Nazi-type, you might try acknowledging that you fascists are fighting this tooth and nail. You even tried “the font’s too small” in an attempt to take voting rights away from Michigan’s citizens.
Um… I don’t even know where that is…
One of my aunts was a nun and you’d never hear say anything of the sort to anyone.
Oh’ yeah, people are just loving those Republicans in congress.
Here’s Jim Stamas email address just incase anyone wants to send him an email letting him know how they feel about his banning Rep. Lisa Brown from speaking because she said vagina.
Check out the RealClearPolitics take on the Battle for the Senate. They show it 47-45 Democrats with 8 toss-ups..
Here are the 8 toss-ups–
FL: Nelson (D)
MA: Brown (R)
MO: McCaskill (D)
MT: Tester (D)
NV: Heller (R)
ND: Open (D)
VA: Open (D)
WI: Open (D)
I can see this ending up 50-50.
R’s will win Mo., MT, ND & WI….and perhaps NV.
The other races could be real tight.
I think the Obama Fatigue..seeing this dipshit make empty speech after empty speech will drag the Dems down in these close races.
Obama is such a sick bastard, he actually believes he can say one thing, do the opposite and voters will still believe him.
It’s the economy stupid.
And when Obama recently said the Private Sector was “FINE”, that will spell doom for him as completely out of touch.
Two things.
1. Use a single screen name in any given comment thread.
2. These comment threads are for discussion. You may excerpt a small portion of another author’s work. But to be compliant with fair use and the comment policy, please provide some discussion relevant to the copied material. That is, don’t copy somebody else’s material without discussion (exception: something that closely ties in with previous comments may be acceptable).
Thanks for your cooperation!
@102 Evidently you don’t know very much about Montana or Wisconsin. I wouldn’t bet against McCaskill in Missouri either.
“Obama is such a sick bastard, he actually believes he can say one thing, do the opposite and voters will still believe him.”
Cross out “Obama” and insert “Romney” and you’ve defined this campaign. Even Republicans don’t trust Romney, and that’s going to be a big problem for him all the way to November.
I’ve been wondering how many of our new people were really just one person.
Haha, bite me righties…
This is, of course, old news. But, I do think it needs repeating. Over and over and over.
It’s also why the Mitt Romney will lose next November. Because, like the lie that the Republicans are trying to pull here, Mitt Romney’s campaign is also based on lies. And just like this line in the end people will see Romney’s claims and see that they don’t match the facts on the ground. Romney’s campaign reminds of the Marx Brothers line “who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes.” In the end people will believe their own eyes.
So Don Joe, I am glad you agree with Puddy this is Obummer’s economy.
Thanks for playing!
And this was debunked by everyone the next week Michael. Even HA’s prime arschloch ylb isn’t touting it anymore.
Where have you been Michael? Head up an ASS?
Michael @ 105
“I’ve been wondering how many of our new people were really just one person.”
I don’t think there is a lot of sock puppetry within comment threads. (Note that even though we prefer people use one screen name in a single comment thread, they are free to change between comment threads.)
Nope, try again Michael!
Gotta clean da house for Obummer. This is so funny!
And this is some really scary shit…
I thought the Obummer was against the 1%ers. Wait a minute… Obummer only hates rich people who are against Obummer.
More information for poor Michael!
So Michael, Rex Nutting’s work is nutty! Truth smacks a libtardo side their head!
Obama Amnesty Plan: catch an illegal, release an illegal, hope they illegally Vote DUMMOCRAPT!
Many of these slogans are spot on…
Why do you so fervently embrace dumb? You were born better than that. You chose idiocy. Why?
On March 23, 1944, two young white girls in South Carolina disappeared while riding their bicycles. They were found bludgeoned to death by a heavy wooden beam the next morning.
Within hours after the bodies were found, police arrested a 14-year-old black boy named George Stinney, who was 5’1″ tall, weighed 90 lbs., and was incapable of lifting the beam that killed the girls.
George was placed in a locked room with several police officers and confessed within an hour.
George Stinney’s trial on April 24, 1944, lasted two hours. His court-appointed attorney did not put up a defense. The jury deliberated for 10 minutes before finding him guilty. His lawyer refused to file an appeal because his family couldn’t pay legal fees.
On June 16, 1944, George Kinney was strapped into South Carolina’s electric chair and put to death.
This sort of thing doesn’t happen in America anymore, because we liberals fought against it. We liberals fought for fair trials, competent public defenders, and automatic appeals in death cases. We liberals fought against coerced confessions, racial discrimination in jury selection, and executing children.
For this puddy, a black man who enjoys all the things we liberals fought for, calls us “libtardos.”
What have you ever done to make this a better country, puddy? All I’ve ever seen you do is shoot your mouth off.
Proud leftist,
We see the outcome of 3.5 years of stupid. So why do you continue to support stupid?
While you present George Stinney as anecdotal evidence of “liberals” God will tell us if George did it. And if he did, what will you say?
Because if he didn’t God makes all things right! So brag onward about how you libtards are so great. I don’t see libtardo greatness in libtard led cities!
That Obama isn’t a big spender?? It’s a fact..
Really, what has he spent big on??
Any new wars?
Any new big tax cuts for the rich?
Any new “free stuff” for seniors or big pharma?
Tell me right wing dings? What’s he spent really big on? Not much I can see beyond repaired bridges, roads, reservoirs – stuff we need. Stuff that barely makes a dent in the backlog of crumbling infrastructure..
Heckuvajob Brownie proved that in NOLA dumbass..
And your moron-in-chief LOOKED DOWN…
on this..
@ 120
I heard he spent big on a bunch ‘o used cars and just junked them. Took perfectly good vehicles that the less wealthy use for their transportation needs, pulled them off the market, raised the prices of the used cars still out there due to a reduced supply of them, and the proceeds of what he did largely went to Toyota and Honda.
I heard he spent big on giveaways to first-time homebuyers. This enticed a lot of young people to buy into a still-falling real estate market, and now even more Americans are underwater in their homes than would be the case if he had just left the fuck alone and let the market sort itself out after a real estate bubble.
I heard he put a lot of money into ‘shovel-ready’ projects that weren’t shovel-ready or anywhere close to it. The number of repairs you claim to see is far fewer than promised. I do see sidewalks in my area of the Sound which were built with ARRA money. It’s not where I would have put them but the money had to be spent and there wasn’t time for rational thought. Much of that money is unspent and the GOP has tried to claw it back, but once you give a handout to a government entity, that money is toast.
Obama gave a lot of money to states, which enabled states to paper over their own problems and essentially ignore them for another year or two, which only made their problems worse when the shit finally hit the fan and the feds weren’t there with another big basket ‘o free money. Our problems in WA were magnified by the additional year of idiocy that free money permitted, before the tap was turned off and our legislators had to start acting like adults.
I heard a lot of ‘green’ jobs were created. Most of them were re-classified non-green jobs but he had a quota to meet, or lie about. This enriched an awful lot of friends and family, according to testimony of the IG, but didn’t do much for the economy. It DID give Romney a great press event opportunity a couple of weeks ago in front of that big, new, now-useless Solyndra building, and I’m grateful to The One for providing him that.
Want me to go on, YLB?
122 – Please do…
Uhh.. Last I looked, it was a pretty good idea for government to buy stuff in the face of the economy falling through the floor..
What was the right wing solution to that? More tax cuts? Obama did some of those too as I recall.
And when the economy started recovering the latter part of 2009???
What new “big spending” then Bob?
Oh Solyndra! Wow Bob! Remember the 1.5 billion dollar “Freedom Car”??? What came of that?
Where are their U.S. plants located Bob?
Like Texas with their vaunted economic miracle..
Since when is aid to the states such a crime?
Since R-Money’s latest gaffe on fewer teachers, firefighters and cops?
Oh and the first time homebuyers tax credit?
Indeed shame on Obama for adopting a right wing idea instead of vetting it first through economists who had a clue.
@ 123
FreedomCAR, you must mean. Well, I’m guessing the A123 company learned something from the research they did with the money received because they’re still making batteries, and they’re making them for Fisker, which also has been receiving money from the Obama administration. Money to manufacture automobiles somewhere other than the US, it’s turning out.
Money also went to GE and to Johnson Controls to fund battery research.
There probably are not hundreds of cars out there directly resulting from the FreedomCAR program but maybe there are and I don’t know about it.
I suppose my point is that there was a lot of public/private cooperation related to the FreedomCAR venture and a lot of that is still ongoing, even though the original program has morphed as technologies have changed, new discoveries have been made, old ideas discarded in favor of new, etc.
I suppose, YLB, you may need it pointed out to you that there was no huge half-billion dollar loss on that program because the federal government handed money to a crony, and then took a back seat to another crony in the event of bankrupty so that a failing venture could be funded for a few more months. This is why your apparent comparison between Solyndra and FreedomCAR is a nonstarter.
Nice try, but you ended up looking like an idiot. Again.
@ 123
Buying stuff is useful if it’s not STUPID stuff.
@ 124
Then the money should have been allocated only to US-manufactured vehicles. Prius is not made in the US. In general, handing money to foreign corporations in order to benefit the US is less useful than handing it to US corporations.
@ 125
It was not criminal but it enabled states to spend stupidly for another year. Putting off the pain usually ends up making the eventual pain greater. Things that cannot go on forever, don’t.
Notice how HA’s arschoch-in-chief ylb still dwells on GW Bush? Bush Derangement Syndrome.
Wait for it he’ll post ODS or some other useless crapola. What he forgets is Obummer is still in da whitey house.
Serial Conservative, what does HA’s arschoch-in-chief ylb know about purchasing power? His wife provides his while he’s at home all day cruising left-wrong sites.
Now it seems Obummer’s sadministration leaked Friday’s underaged latino announcement to the NY Times and Time Magazine beforehand. So we can see the Slimes is the administration mouthpiece.
@ 130
I am beginning to think that when he asked what’s wrong with handing money to states @ 125 he probably had in mind some handout that he gets as a result of all that free money that ultimately is paid for by someone else, but I don’t know him well enough to be sure, and the allegations about what he does, or doesn’t do, during the workday are probably just allegations.
It’s always easier to defend a stupid handout if you’re the beneficiary and not the ultimate payor.
Well here’s fact HA’s arschoch-in-chief ylb. And you already read the commentary placed in the HA DL thread from 2 weeks ago. You can lie all you want but you placed the first entry in it and was summarily handed your sorry ASS like always when you venture into kook-aid land (which is all the time). Three Pinocchios just like you are all arschloch!
And he’s the replay you purposely forget (Puddy doesn’t) on the real spending…
Facts, make libtard heads implode!
Not allegations… the HA’s arschoch-in-chief ylb is on this blog all day everyday posting from left wrong sites while you and I work!
It’s interesting watching the Obama administration redefine Executive Power.
Just think of all the things President Romney will be able to accomplish through the same Executive Power that Obama now claims to have. The same Executive Power that he claimed only one year ago NOT to have.
Of course, one year ago he wasn’t quite as desperate. And his poll numbers certainly weren’t in freefall back then.
One hundred rounds of golf and counting
Didn’t see any of that in my neck of the woods.. I saw a crumbling bridge get replaced and a reservoir lidded. Put lots of hard hats to work for months on end…
We needed more of that because the private sector still doesn’t see sufficient demand for their products and services to hire – in this country anyway.
Can’t we all get along?
Weirdest thing about this story: He was engaged to marry one of the jurors in the lawsuit against the City of LA in which he was awarded $3.8M.
I wonder how much she will wind up with now that King’s dead?
Honda and Toyota manufacture vehicles in THIS COUNTRY – in right wing, right to work harder for LESS states..
What gratitude to Obama for keeping those shlubs working!
Hey and weren’t you the one moaning about Chrysler not being allowed to go belly up and the Chevy Volt being such a bad deal just cuz’ Faux News says so?
Indeed what’s wrong with it? If it was good enough for Scary Rick Perry it’s good enough for everyone else..
And remember this 20 billion Bob???
@ 137
I thought you pointed out the recovery @ 123. We’re doing so well, we’re told. The private sector’s doing fine. I think I heard that somewhere not too long ago.
I still don’t see cars running on hydrogen in showrooms Bob.
But I do see Chevy Volts – a car championed by a right wing GM Executive but oh so disdained by right wing ideologues taking their cues from Faux News.
In the ONLY measure that matters to people like you Bob.
And it will continue to do “just fine” under the degenerate rule of R-Money.
@ 140
Read your own article:
No such aid was proposed by President Bush as part of his original $725-billion, 11-year economic growth initiative. But it was included in the Senate bill at the insistence of several key senators as the price of their support for the entire package.
The money wasn’t intended, but was used as a payoff to get support to pass the bill.
Seems like a bad idea at that time, and a bad idea now.
BTW that’s a Senate Finance Committee action, YLB. Since you provided the link, can you find out if it actually made it into the final bill, or even past the full Senate?
@ 142
You’re digging your hole ever-deeper, YLB. FreedomCAR was part of a huge, ongoing DOE program intended to discover new technologies to wean us off of fossil fuel dependence. The program is still ongoing, and is still being funded, and there are many private partners, universities, and government agencies. FreedomCAR is one small part. No, hydrogen fuels aren’t out there yet. But there is still ongoing research, so it hasn’t been discarded.
This is way, WAY different from the Obama administration handing a very large amount of money to the corporation of a major campaign donor, and then deciding to take a back seat to another major campaign donor so that rescue funds could be provided, even though the Treasury was opposed to the rescue. It had already been determined that the venture would fail and yet the Obama administration allowed itself to be put in the position of losing even more money.
The two concepts – FreedomCAR and Solyndra – have virtually nothing in common with each other.
On Sundays do you keep your head entirely up your ass, or do you pull it out once in awhile to breathe, YLB?
Well I’ll answer one part of it for him. Obama escalated the war in Afghanistan after Bush was out-smarted by the Iraqis into withdrawing from that debacle.
The Pentagon wanted more war-fighting.. Now Obama is fighting wars the way Rummy wanted to with fancy drone aircraft and other high tech strategies like snooping data centers in Utah..
Oh and he sees China flexing their muscle so now he wants to beef up stuff in the Pacific.
Wow what a peacenik that Obama.
@ 142
Chevy Volt.
GM’s Bridge to Nowhere.
You go, girl.
Spin, spin, spin…
I see no Solyndra solar panels.. Cost 500 million..
I see no hydrogen fueled cars. Cost 1.5 billion.
Only measure that matters to the man in the street Bob.. One with a memory anyway.
This dipshit can’t read… I already provided the information and he needs to see his pictures (pink hair, outstretched arms) every few posts. But you claimed
That fact exploded by your own words. Now you notice how he turns in #146.
Flip flop the HA arschloch!
147 – I love how the favorite right wing put down is to assign female characteristics to their adversaries.
I hope the women out there are paying attention.
Of course the idiot @148 can’t blame that on Romney! That feckless attack fell down when it was determined the $1.5 Million was appropriated by the previous MA governor’s administration!
149 – Doubles (triples, quadruples) down on not naming what Obama has spent big on.
Any new wars???
Any handouts to Big Pharma or whatever disguised as a benefit to seniors?
Any new tax cuts for the rich??
Oh my gosh! Republicans making deals! What principles!
Should have been a lesson to Obama about the first-time homebuyers tax credit – Johnny Isakson’s idea.
@ 150
You mean like this, YLB?
“I hope the women out there are paying attention.”
@ 153
Yeah, I guess the Democrat-controlled House, the Democrat-controlled Senate, and the Democrat president were just bystanders. Before all the changes at all levels that went into the final bill, it was someone else’s idea.
We’ll blame that MoFo.
At least you’re consistent, YLB. It’s always someone else’s fault, isn’t it?
@119 “God will tell us if George did it. And if he did, what will you say?”
So your answer is, “Let God sort ’em out” and “well, maybe he was guilty” … ?
This has to rank as one of your most asinine posts of all time.
154 – Don’t care much for Bill Maher’s schtick.
Remember his old show “Politically Incorrect”??
I thought you right wingers were all in favor of that.
@ 156
I’m sure there is no one on HA more familiar with asinine posts than Roger Rabbit.
I mean, none of us come anywhere close to his level of personal experience in penning them.
Mitt Romney on global warming:
Will the real Mitt Romney please stand up.
155 – *Palm slaps heads* You right wing fools still do this..
Obama never had any kind of captive majority.. Not like LBJ, not like FDR.
Arlen Spector was his 60th vote??? Joe Lieberman???
Roger DUMB Wabbit,
There are Internet posts on both sides of the issue. Things that far in the past are God’s purview now. BTW weren’t those DUMMOCRAPTS who put little George away?
What a DUMB ASS. Al Franken was his 60th vote.
Such a feckless arschloch all day every day!
@128 I hate to tell you this, but it’s you who looks like an idiot.
Basically you’re saying investments that work out are fine, but investments that fail aren’t fine. Great, most of us would agree with that.
Now maybe you could explain why a failed government investment is worse than a failed private investment?
@158 Haven’t had your first cup of coffee yet, I see. Do you have a clue what puddy and I are arguing about? It looks like you knee-jerked that response.
What a moron! Yeah and Joe Lieberman, a tool of big insurance, was a big cheerleader for the public option.
Could any right winger be more stupid?
Enough of this for one day.
@ 160
YLB, stop it. You have reached the point of complete idiocy.
History, man.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) parried GOP assaults on Democrats’ $825 billion stimulus package Thursday and refused to slow the bill down to give more time for Republican input.
“Yes, we wrote the bill. Yes we won the election, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want sustainability or Republican support,” Pelosi said.
But the Speaker showed little room for compromising the overall direction of the package, saying: “We’re going in a new direction because the direction the Republicans have taken us has led us to this brink.”
Your side owns it, completely.
Do you realize you have gone, in very short order, from cheerleading some of the results of ARRA @ 120 to apparently now whining @ 160 that it’s not your fault because you weren’t in complete control?
Read what Pelosi said. Of COURSE you were in complete control.
Obama will be judged on three things:
1. Effectiveness of the ARRA stimulus, relative to the amount of money spent.
2. Obamacare.
3. The economic recovery, or absence thereof.
This is how it should be.
It’s why you are flailing to blame someone else. Poorly, very poorly.
You are heading into Rujax territory. Stop digging, YLB.
@159 “Will the real Mitt Romney please stand up.”
There isn’t one. This guy is pure smoke and mirrors.
As always HA’s arschoch-in-chief ylb is so easily proven wrong!
@161 There are two sides to this issue? Really? Someone still defends railroading a 14-year-old boy to the electric chair?
Puddy, if you can’t see what’s wrong with executing a kid after a 2-hour trial followed by a 10-minute jury deliberation, you have more wrong with you than being dense. Get help.
@162 “Al Franken was his 60th vote.”
Suck on it, Norm Coleman!
Oh, btw pudkins, those southern racists are the property of YOUR party now. You own their legacy as well. That came with the adoption papers.
@ 163
Because there is a difference between what you do with your own money and what the government does with money after it takes it from you.
Is there any recognition on your part that that what belongs to you does not belong to the government? I fail to see how you realize that.
@ 168, 170
Franken was not seated until well after ARRA.
GOP Senate votes to end debate and move the bill to final vote were:
Nope, he reached that point back in 2005. He’s just “living the dream”.
Roger DUMB Wabbit, DUMMOCRAPTS in action. Yes, DUMMOCRAPTS are WRONG WRONG WRONG… since their eugenics thoughts with Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood founder), Oliver Wendell Holmes – AJOTSC, KKK members and today’s morons in action!
@ 159
Michael, did you notice that there are no examples in your link that discuss how Romney’s current positions differ from those he held while in office as MA governor?
@175 Finally came around, did you? Most of us wouldn’t need more than a microsecond to realize George Stinney was a lynching victim.
@173 So now you want to give the GOP credit for passage of ARRA?
LMFAO @ YLBigot getting his ass handed to him – time after time.
I love watching Roger make puddles sputter and spin…
@ 178
No, clown. Scroll up.
Yes, elections have consequences and Franken is one of them. This year, the pendulum swings back, with equally great velocity.
It’s own-goal month for the Democrat Party (I should trademark that description), and Beau Biden proves beyond question that he shares substantial DNA homology with our Vice President:
You can’t make this shit up, really. Priceless.
Speaking of Democrat own-goals, putting their own David Duke on a national stage fewer than five months before a presidential election can’t be good:
There are signs of panic among members of the Democratic establishment, who worry Mr. Barron could prove to be a headache in their ranks and an alienating figure on the national stage.
This ain’t all the Democrats are panicking over these days.
“Romney showed no signs of exhaustion despite a jam-packed opening to his bus tour. The candidate appeared before hundreds in the backyard of a historical iron furnace, the last public event of a day that included no fewer than four television interviews…”
You know, today would have been a good day for President Obama to give just ONE television interview. Maybe someone could ask him a question about what he did on Friday.
Half the Senate has figured out Obama has no idea what the fuck he’s doing with Iran:
An awful lot of Democrats on that list.
How, ya idiot? Puddy wasn’t born then but you were!
Lib da schmuck shows up and adds nothing as usual!
According to the story I linked to:
Do you not know what an about face is?
Also according to the story I linked to:
Are you so ill informed that you do not know what Romney’s and the current policies of Republican Party towards global warming are?
Way to go Mitt “can’t say it” Romney.
The guy has no principles what so ever.
But, here’s the thing: If Romney had come out loud and proud right from the beginning about his record of what he did as Governor me and a lot of other folks would be reconsidering* our support of Barack “least bad option” Obama. Romney’s fucking napalmed that option.
*I’d probably still have gone with Obama, but I would have had to think about it. I probably would have chosen Huntsman over Obama.
@ 188
So before he wanted to close old coal-fired power plants and now he objects to the EPA regulating carbon dioxide, and you find those to be conflicting?
I am sure he still wants to close old coal-fired power plants, but he wants them replaced with cleaner ones, or upgrade to cleaner technology if they are not closed, without having to deal with all the shit that the EPA has heaped on getting an upgrade or a new plant online.
And insofar as carbon dioxide regulation is concerned, the EPA has been out of control on an awful lot, and coal is responsible for 50% of our power output as a nation, but only 40% of the CO2 output. Right now the ability to replace that power output doesn’t exist and the new regulations preclude ANY plants from being produced.
All this does is increase the cost of other forms of energy if it ends up boxing out coal as a power source. Since the EPA isn’t capable of acting responsibly, people who aren’t CO2 zealots are understandably concerned about what their regulations would do to the economy.
@172 That argument is about as valid as home made license plates.
@ 189
Does that executive order even exist yet?
It’s not there.
I know what you are getting at but if all we know is what Obama says he’s going to do but we haven’t seen it yet, is it already time to hold Romney’s feet to the fire over it?
@172 Let’s explore this a little further. When you hand over your money to a private corporation by buying their stock, you’re giving them permission to lose your money. But when you pay taxes, it’s compulsory, and let’s face it: Bitching about taxes and what government does with our tax money is a favorite American sport. And about as meaningful as complaining about the weather.
Don’t like taxes? Then vote for no taxes and no government. That’s your prerogative. Don’t like helping your fellow citizens in hard times like we have now? Then vote Republican, they’ll spend your money on killing foreigners instead of food stamps. But if the majority of voters doesn’t agree with you, then you still have to pay taxes anyway. That’s how our system works, and it works the same for folks on our side — we have to pay for your wars.
I fundamentally disagree with the philosophy you expressed in your comment. Free markets and private companies have their place, but they’re not the solution to everything. Some things that aren’t profitable should be done anyway, like bringing schools, paved roads, electricity, and postal delivery to farm country that isn’t populated enough to pay for those things themselves. We urbanites subsidize it because we think they’re important. Most basic medical research is done with government and nonprofit funding, because it isn’t commercially profitable, but where would we be without it? And not a few of the technologies that now form the backbone of our private economy got started with seed money from taxpayers.
You’re a simpleton whose vision can’t see past his own nose. In a shaded world you insist on seeing everyhing as black or white: Private good; public bad. This is junior high school thinking, chum. It marks you as someone with a 12-year-old mind.
I’m disinclined to let people like you run the world if I can help it.
Before Romney was “the radical in the room” when it came to global warming. Now it’s this:
Here’s Romney in 2010:
Sorry, but your boy’s all over the map on all sorts of issues.
It’s more than reasonable to ask Romney what he thinks about what Obama is planing on doing. It’s the fact that Romney’s all over the map and can’t come up with a succinct answer for anything that’s the issue.
And if he believes this he’s way out of step with the Republican power structure.
Here’s more. But, whatever.
Thanks, Michael.
Darcy Burner featured in the Seattle Times:
She’s getting her ass handed to her in the comments section. It’s about 90/10 against her.
Darcy’s run this time around was over before it started.
It’s interesting kicking around issues, but the Presidential Race really comes down to a few states. As Darryl points out, it’s about the Electoral College.
Here is the RealClearPolitics Electoral Map still showing it 221-170 for Obama with the balance toss-ups.
Here are the remaining “toss-ups”
Arizona (11)
Colorado (9)
Florida (29)
Iowa (6)
Michigan (16)
Missouri (10)
Nevada (6)
New Hampshire (4)
North Carolina (15)
Ohio (18)
Virginia (13)
Wisconsin (10)
Romney must carry Ohio & Florida.
IF he does and also carries state he is currently leading Mo, NC & AZ..
That means Obama must get 49 out of these remaining states
Colorado (9)
Iowa (6)
Michigan (16)
Nevada (6)
Virginia (13)
Wisconsin (10)
Obama is clearly ahead in MI, NV & NH. That would be 26.
He needs 23 out of CO, IA, VA & WI.
Va and WI would get him to exactly 270.
That’s all he needs.
IF he loses WI, he would need BOTH Iowa and CO.
Interesting, huh?
Romney has a lot of work to do…but unless some more states come into play, it’s pretty clear where he must focus and what Obama must defend.
Clearly this wasn’t newsworthy for the Friday Night Funnies Purveyor.
Ahhh yes, more fact checking on Obummer’s main male mouthpiece… 100 rounds and counting.
Wow, Chicago is becoming a real wasteland. Must be Emanuel’s policies working perfectly!
Obama has no momentum going into the election season. His endless speeches do not have the effect they did in 2008 when few knew the guy and his sparse record wasn’t vetted. Obama got a free pass in 2008. Now he has a record to run against. Babbling about Hope & Change and class warfare ain’t gettin’ it done, is it?
You can see Obama stuck at 46-48% Approval with slightly more disapproving. It appears most Americans (and non-Americans who somehow manage to vote) have made up their minds.
The only thing Obama can do is to move to the Right quickly on the Economy like Clinton did.
Not sure if he is willing to do that being the hardcore Marxist Ideologue that he is.
We’ll see.
There is panic & desperation…and lots of Democrat in-fighting going on.
I love the idea of a portrait of Carter & Obama together with a by-line “2 Complete Failures”