White House: West Wing Week.
Purging Florida:
- Pap and Sam Seder: Will Rick Scott go to jail for voter purge? PT 1
- Pap and Sam Seder: Will Rick Scott go to jail for voter purge? PT 2
- Pap and Sam Seder: Will Rick Scott go to jail for voter purge? PT 3
- Thom: Voter purge…Rick Scott gives the finger to Washington.
Maddow: Someone might go to jail in the John Ensign scandal.
Darcy Burner’s keynote at the Friday mid-day Netroots Nation plenary:
Lilly Ledbetter on Paycheck Fairness.
Slatester: Michelle Obama does David Letterman.
Thom with The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Ann Telnaes: Paycheck Fairness Act fails in Senate.
Obama’s message for the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.
Mark Fiore: Dogboy and Mr. Dan with Who’s on Second.
Mitt Romney criticizes Obama for wanting to hire more police, firemen and teachers?!?
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Obama for America: Jobs.
Maddow on the bitter and best thing about the former Sonics.
Roy Zimmerman: Song of Mitt Romney:
We’ve heard it all before….
Sen. Cantwell (D-WA): Working for Washington.
Recalling the Wisconsin Recall Election:
- Sam Seder: Looking into WI recall election.
- Pap: Mitt will get spanked in Wisconsin.
- Thom and Pap: About Wisconsin.
- Young Turks: Big $$$ wins in Wisconsin.
- Alyona: How to buy an election.
- Sam Seder: Wisconsin and the demonization of public workers
- Stephanie Miller: Lessons from Wisconsin.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Mitt Romney penchant for impersonating a police officer.
Stephanie Miller with Dr. Jill Biden on troop support and the 2012 campaign.
Pap: You can’t make nice with the Tea Party.
Actual audio: Mitt’s campaign Day 1, part II.
Red Hot Chili Peppers Rock for Barack.
Thom: LA GOP spiral into chaos.
Slatester: Supreme Court now has it’s very own bad approval rating.
Alyona’s Happy Hour: Did Obama make a blow job joke?
Maddow: Going after Hillary Clinton.
Jen: Mitt’s donut gaffe.
Ann Telnaes: Whittling away health-care costs.
Why have Romney’s favorability numbers rebounded so fast? (Via TalkingPointsMemo.)
Greenman: Among the deniers at Denia-Palooza:
Slatester: Jeb Bush isn’t sticking to the script.
Maddow: One caught, Romney has no interest in correcting lies.
It’s up to you.
Thom: Organized Money beats Organized Labor.
Ann Telnaes: GOP solutions for health-care reform.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
@1 “I see them asking for free things …”
Would someone please explain to puddystupid that “free things” in union contracts are pay for work. We can debate how much workers should be paid for assembling cars, planes, etc. — although that’s really the province of management and union negotiators — but no matter what the final contract says the workers get it in exchange for their work. And any wingnut who thinks rank-and-file factory jobs are a cushy sinecure should get out of his swivel chair, go to a factory, and try it sometime.
Another Reason To Hate Banks
Banks are lawless. They’re run by people who will do anything to maximize profits, even break laws and/or trash communities. In most societies, people like that are branded as criminals, because that’s why they are.
Note what this article says about the degradation of public services: There are only five code enforcement officers for the entire city of L.A. Consequently, codes aren’t being enforced, and neighborhoods are going down the tube because banks refuse to maintain their properties even though the law requires them to.
Why should L.A. need even one code enforcer to keep bank-owned properties from becoming public nuisances? Is it so unreasonable to expect banks to simply be good citizens that we need to pay cops to preventing banks from committing criminal neglect of the properties they own? (And it is “criminal” neglect, because the law imposes fines for what the banks are failing to do.)
Our Republican friends would tell us to let “the market” take care of it. Market incentives, they’ll argue, are all that’s needed to motivate banks to keep up their properties — ergo, we don’t need city apparatchiks to prevent blight that drags down the value of other owners’ properties.
Yeah, right. Then why is L.A. such a fucking market failure? Because the neighborhood is black?
Maybe the solution is to pass a law that gives adjacent homeowners a right to sue people (including banks) who neglect their properties to such an extent it negatively affects the value of adjoining properties. You know, “the right to swing your fist stops where my nose starts.” And allow recovery of attorney fees.
There are plenty of energetic young law graduates who need work, so let’s put them to work suing banks who turn neighborhoods into slums. It’s a win for everybody except the banks.
At its very end, the video on Heartland Institute shows Joe Bass, its director, asking for “tax deductible” donations.
Wait a minute, how can that be? This is a political group, and political donations aren’t tax-deductible.
How do they get away with that?
Hey, did you notice how much Bass resembles Iran’s Ahmadinejad? He’s a dead ringer for Iran’s bomb-happy leader! He could be Ahmadinejad’s twin brother! What a strange coincidence. Or maybe Bass grew that Ahmadinejad beard and got that Ahmadinejad haircut deliberately, to send a message? Do you think? Yeah, maybe, anything is possible with these guys.
“On May 4, 2012 the Institute launched a digital billboard ad campaign in the Chicago area featuring a photo of Ted Kaczynski, (the “Unabomber” whose mail bombs killed three people and injured 23 others), and asking the question, “I still believe in global warming, do you?” The Institute planned for the campaign to feature murderer Charles Manson, communist leader Fidel Castro and perhaps Osama bin Laden, asking the same question. In a statement, the Institute justified the billboards saying “the most prominent advocates of global warming aren’t scientists. They are murderers, tyrants, and madmen.” The billlboard reportedly “unleashed a social media-fed campaign, including a petition from the advocacy group Forecast the Facts calling on Heartland’s corporate backers to immediately pull their funding,” and prompted Rep. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.), to threaten to cancel his speech at the upcoming Heartland Institute Climate Change Conference. Within 24 hours Heartland canceled the campaign, although its President refused to apologize for it. The advertising campaign led to the loss of substantial corporate funding, the resignation of Institute board members, and the resignation of almost the entire Heartland Washington D.C. office, taking the Institute’s biggest project (on insurance) with it.”
Source: Wikipedia (footnotes deleted)
Heartland Institute: Pants On Fire Liars
“In February 2012 environmentalist scientist and president of the Pacific Institute Peter Gleick obtained internal Heartland Institute documents and anonymously divulged them, together with an additional document he later claimed to have received from an unknown source, to public websites. The documents disclosed the names of a number of donors to the institute—including the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, tobacco companies Altria and Reynolds American, drug firms GlaxoSmithKline,Pfizer andEli Lilly, Microsoft, liquor companies, and an anonymous donor who has given $13 million over the past five years. Some of the documents also contained details of payments to climate skeptics and financial support to skeptics’ research programs, namely the founder of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change Craig Idso ($11,600 per month), physicist Fred Singer ($5,000 plus expenses per month), geologist Robert M. Carter ($1,667 per month) and a single pledge of $90,000 to meteorologist Anthony Watts. Payments or pledges to Carter and Watts have been confirmed by the recipients. The documents also indicated that the institute planned to provide climate skeptical materials to teachers in the United States to undercut the teaching global warming in schools. The documents also appeared to disclose Heartland’s plans for ‘Operation Angry Badger’, to be allocated $612,000 for activity related to Wisconsin’s recall elections. …
“The Heartland Institute maintained that the documents, which were first published on Desmogblog, were fraudulently acquired and declared that the last document was a fake that had been fabricated with the purpose of defaming and discrediting the institute. The documents contained the 2012 budget, a fundraising plan and board materials. The Institute asserts that one in particular of the released documents, the ‘Climate Strategy Memo’, was ‘forged.'”
“As of 2006, the Walton Family Foundation (run by the family of the founder of Wal-Mart) had contributed approximately $300,000 to the Heartland Institute. The Heartland Institute published an op-ed in the Louisville Courier-Journal defending Wal-Mart against criticism over its treatment of workers. The Walton Family Foundation donations were not disclosed in the op-ed, and the editor of the Courier-Journal stated that he was unaware of the connection and would probably not have published the op-ed had he known of it. The St. Petersburg Times described the Heartland Institute as ‘particularly energetic defending Wal-Mart.’ Heartland has stated that its authors were not ‘paid to defend Wal-Mart’ and did not receive funding from the corporation; it did not disclose the $300,000+ received from the Walton Family Foundation.”
(Quotes from Wikipedia)
Hmm, where’s Bashful Bob this morning, sleeping in?
Headlines from the internet state that former Republican Governor Charlie Crist may be gay and paid many men to coverup all his alleged gay affairs :)
Why can’t Republicans be honest? Or any politician for that matter? Why do politicians White Male Republicans mostly, have to hate or pretend to hate gays and then these old white dude Republicans get found out when their gay skeletons pop out of their gay closets?
The louder the Republican males hate and bash gays the louder it seems are their own self-recriminations/self-loathing against their own gayness.
Do you think so too?
Here is the link :) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....d%3D168496
Digby and David Adkins are, as usual, excellent this morning:
He witnessed this, in Ventura CA:
Where’s Leni Riefenstahl when they need her?
Or perhaps some Christ-o-porn?
True dat, Mrs. R.
Seems that being in that closet can really twist your psyche (see church, Catholic) and lead to some real self-loathing, made worse by the toxic mix with self-righteousness and the need to tell everyone else how to live their lives.
@ 7
And Mary Mapes still claims the documents she allowed to be aired are genuine.
You’re a clown. What Gleick did was score a huge own-goal. It broadly expanded Heartland’s donor base.
Meanwhile, no net warming in 12 years. Since you brought up AGW and all.
@ 3 Your idiotic first sentence invalidates anything else you have to say in the matter.
@ 4 Replace “Heartland Institute” with “Moveon.org” and you could make the same point. Where would the left’s money come from if not for Soros and charitable donations used for overtly political purposes, same as you accuse the right of doing?
Keep running with that Romney trooper thing, y’all. Maybe if enough news sources pick it up it will make people forget about Obama’s perception of how the private sector is doing.
Except only MSNBC shilled about it.
Wasn’t it helpful for Obama to provide Romney cover for a non-issue, by scheduling a news conference so that the world could see the greatest 2012 own-goal by a Democrat? It was a bicycle kick right up his own ass. Absolutely priceless.
Obama’s got a jobs plan? Is this different from the old jobs plan? The one that Joe Lieberman said wouldn’t provide bang for the buck? The one that’s paid for by raising taxes even though people like Larry Summers and Bill Clinton think that tax increases to increase revenue are not a good idea?
Or is the 2012 Obama jobs plan merely to hire people to work on his campaign, like the 100 people he had working in WI along with all those other people working on the recall campaigns?
Is his jobs plan different from all those jobs-related bills passed by the House, the ones Harry Reid won’t even bring to the floor in the Senate?
There’s just so little time in a 30 second ad for anything but empty platitudes for The One. Although those platitudes DID help him a ton in 2008.
Memory check:
But there is one feature Obama doesn’t emphasize.
Zandi said his job-creation figure only applies to 2012.
“Beginning in 2013, and certainly into 2014, the plan is a drag on the economy because the stimulus starts fading away,” he said. “So by 2015, the economy is in the same place as now, as if there were no jobs package.”
Also, Zandi said, his forecast does not leave any room for a new recession. If that happens, all bets are off.
Take a look around and it’s apparent, at least to me, so far, that the jobs plan is the same one that failed in the Senate last year.
Even if that plan passed, it would have limited and temporary effect. Using Zandi’s own words, if recession occurs, ‘all bets are off’. Aren’t we threatened with recession in the next few months? With a short-sighted jobs bill that even some of Obama’s own party don’t think will work, how does he think he’ll get any traction?
This isn’t about creating jobs. This is about TALKING about creating jobs for a campaign ad, rolling out now.
“… the plan is a drag on the economy….”
Felt that deserved to be seen as a standalone comment, because it’s important.
I bet you think this post is about you
Don’t you
Don’t youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…………
Memory check:
He’ll be hammered in the Fall for this. Mercilessly.
Hard to say which will be used more frequently, yesterday’s own-goal or this gem:
That last one is only 20 seconds. Imagine that one followed by a 10-second silent graphic, running every half hour in prime time, in each and every swing-state TV market during the last two weeks of October.
Just devastating.
“Your idiotic first sentence invalidates anything else you have to say”
Just like how your racism invalidates anything you have to say, Bob.
“Keep running with that Romney trooper thing, y’all.”
Yeah, pay no attention. After all, what could possibly go wrong with putting a sociopath in the Oval Office? A corporate raiding sociopath. Hmm, a corporate raiding, sociopathic cult member. Indeed, a corporate raiding, sociopathic cult member who hates dogs. Yeah, let’s put him in fucking charge.
Bleating Bob @12: “You’re a clown.”
This seems to be your favorite phrase. No originality of insults. Sorry, Bob, your saying it doesn’t make it true. You’re full of shit as usual.
Bub’s relentless screaming of the right-wing talking points du jour, above, over and over without regard to anyone engaging him illustrates quite clearly he is only here to distract, annoy, deceive.
He really really wants attention, wants people to spin wheels refuting his bullshit – bullshit that is admittedly more subtle than puddles’, but bullshit nonetheless.
There is nothing to be gained engaging him – he is a bad-faith actor, just as puddles is, a dishonest shill for people who basically want to extract every last dollar from every person they can – people who’d like to pick the bones of essentially every reader of this blog, for example.
To quote my 16-year-old the other day, “Dad, why are Republicans such assholes?“
@12 “no net warming in 12 years”
Do you really think you can get away with this in the internet age?
Please. Bob. You’re supposed to spin the evidence of global warming. Blatantly lying about it makes you look … well … amateurish. The kind of hack work you displayed above won’t get you a job at Heartland Institute. To be of value to rightwing propaganda’s bankrollers, you have to be slick. (And suck dick.)
@13 “@3 Your idiotic first sentence invalidates anything else you have to say in the matter.”
I’m a liberal propagandist. Deal with it.
“@ 4 Replace ‘Heartland Institute’ with ‘Moveon.org’ and you could make the same point.”
So what?
“Where would the left’s money come from if not for Soros and charitable donations used for overtly political purposes, same as you accuse the right of doing?”
I don’t know if Soros deducts his political donations — I don’t have access to his tax returns. I don’t. If you do, you’re jail bait.
@15 I thought “jobs plans” where the private sector’s responsibility? Weren’t corporations and the rich going to create jobs if we gave them tax cuts? We gave them tax cuts. Where are the jobs? If they don’t cough up some jobs soon, maybe we should revoke those tax cuts.
@22 “he is only here to distract, annoy, deceive”
I respectfully disagree. He’s here to collect his 5-words-per-penny fee.*
* Pay rate inferred by assuming Bob is expected to type 60 wpm, works from his home, and is paid from an central office located in a state without a minimum wage law and therefore is subject to the federal minimum wage rate of $7.25 per hour.
the brainwashing starts early in your family…
All I’ve done is inculcate a sense of morality and ethics rooted in the Golden Rule and reverence for Mother Earth. He derived the admittedly inescapable question on his own.
@27 Yours too.
To no one’s surprise, Spain’s banks asked for a bailout today, after the Spanish government spent weeks assuring the skeptical media it wouldn’t need a bank bailout.
The move was widely expected this weekend. Stay tuned for Europe’s Debt Implosion, Part 2, The Sequel. Don’t buy stocks yet; they’re gonna get cheaper.
Government Employee Unions have literally destroyed Cities & States. You will find, given the choice, members leave in droves like in Wisconsin.
$3 TRILLION of Unfunded Liabilities.
Government Employee must either take huge salary cuts currently..or support cuts in their pensions and the pensions of their Union brethren. Of course, union Boss Thugs want more tax increases to screw the taxpayers.
The days of Big Government Union Boss Thugs fleecing taxpayers, demanding big dues and funneling them back to Democrat lackeys is over folks.
Spain is a SOCIALIST Country Mr. Rabbit. Just like you are proposing America become.
Spain’s relevancy ended over a hundred years ago….what they do is unimportant.
LOL..funny statement coming from our personal HA Goebbels wannabe.
“Union Boss Thugs”
So laughable. Perhaps if some union thug were to slowly beat you to death with a baseball bat, pack what’s left of you in a 50 gallon drum along with some concrete and dump it in the bay, then such talk might not come across as total, complete and utter nonsense.
“Spain is a SOCIALIST Country Mr. Rabbit. Just like you are proposing America become.”
Socialists! STFU, you Nazi.
Kim’s Dong Will @34: “coming from our personal HA Goebbels wannabe”
In case you haven’t noticed, Kim ol’ buddy, bashing trolls is what we do for recreation on this blog. We’re liberal punks. We have a lot of aggression toward trolls. If you don’t like it go ask the U.N. for mediation services.
That’s the skull-dense-as-a-black-hole, racist POS troll, “little maxie”.
Wow Puddydope is awfully scarce.. Must be in overdrive gathering evidence aka fantasies to present to McGruff the crime dog.
Oh my… It’s ramping up.. Silly season is bringing the worst trolls out of their usual stupor or hibernation.
Don’t let Republicans get away with claiming they’re serious about reducing deficits, because they’re not:
“The House-passed budget blueprint would reduce the top tax rates for individual and corporate income … and eliminate the alternative minimum tax. … That proposal would reduce federal revenue by $4.5 trillion over 10 years, compared with what the tax code is raising with today’s rates, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.”
You need to have a Photo ID to:
1) Go to Moochelle Obama’s Children’s book signing and
2) Get in to the Democrat Convention.
How ironic?? More like how typical of the loons on the left.
Hey Obama, why are you disenfranchising folks from getting yer gal’s book signed?
Why are you disenfranchising folks from watching you bullshit ’em in person?
@41 Then it seems only fair these requirements should apply to getting a gun, too.
@41 We’re not into disenfranchising. That’s the GOP’s shtick.
Roger Rabbit’s Book Reviews
I just got home from my regular Saturday afternoon foray to the public library, and I’m here to tell you about the treasures I brought home with me today.
“At Last,” by Edward St. Aubyn
I was turned on to this guy by a book review in a magazine I found laying around in the veterinarian’s office while waiting to get my clap shot. (My day job is perpetuating the lagomorph order.) The reviewer said this English author, who writes about the British upper crust in the manner of F. Scott Fitzgerald, is not nearly as well known or read in the States as he deserves to be, because his writing is so good it transcends the subject matter. So I thought I’d give him a try. This novella encompasses one day in the life of a dysfunctional Upper Cruster at his late dysfunctional mother’s funeral. I haven’t read it yet, but it sounds like there’s something there to work with, in terms of plot, action, and introspection. I wouldn’t have thought of it, if I were trying to write a short novel. (I’m more of a Watership Down type of writer, as you can see in these comment threads.)
Tiny Homes, Simple Shelter by Lloyd Kahn
This book is timely as we stand on the threshold of new-era Hoovervilles as a result of following Republican economic policies for 30 years. It’s mostly a picture book and offers a smorgasbord of homes “under 500 square feet” (back cover blurb). What I especially like about these designs is the flexibility they offer; if the more permanent materials shown in the book are incompatible with your budget you can substitute cardboard from discarded supermarket produce boxes and plastic sheeting. There should be something here within every displaced worker’s means. For ultimate lifestyle downsizing, of course, you can always go with a sleeping bag under a bridge. The constructions depicted in this fascinating book are a couple of rungs higher up the socio-economic ladder, but not such huge ones as to be beyond the resources of anyone who still has an unemployment check coming in.
I thought you had me on ignore?
LMFAO….good ole YLBigot, always up for making himself look the fool.
get that starter motor swapped out yet on the Taurus?
06/09/2012 AT 1:46 PM
you are saddams republican guard to my US 1st armored division…you dont stand a chance, and you never did.
This book, by a Bainbridge Island author, was submitted for review by Mrs. Rabbit.
The Lyncher In Me: A Search For Redemption In The Face of History by Warren Read
This book is about the infamous 1920 lynching in Duluth, Minnesota of three black circus workers who were accused of raping a teenager. A medical examination the next day showed the girl had not been assaulted or raped but that didn’t stop the mob from carrying out its grisly work, which in a larger sense probably as a manifestation of the community’s anger directed against black workers migrating north who were perceived as taking jobs away from white workers. The men were dragged out of jail while policy stood idly by. A few years ago the city of Duluth sought to atone for the lynching by erecting a memorial to the victims featuring bronze statues of the three lynched men. The author stumbled across an old article that implicated his own great grandfather as one of the lynchers, and in this book he grapples with the stain on his family’s past. Author Read is a teacher who has participated in the Bellevue Parks & Community Services Cultural Diversity Program’s forum called “Conversations about Race & Culture.”
@46 “you are saddams republican guard to my US 1st armored division”
ha ha ha … you’re talking to a Vietnam vet, sonny boy … i’m as
apple-pie patriotic American as they come … but you’ve modeled your screen name after a rancid communist dictator … you have no idea how hilariously ridiculous this makes you look … ha ha ha
It has come to my attention that John Roskelley is in the running to return to the Spokane County Commissioners, which I think is a most excellent idea.
Strike #61 from the crazed databaze moron!
Golly you are one stalking turd.
Nope you idiot, had to take care of some bidness. It was fun and profitable, unlike the crap you do 24×7.
ylbozo, what a clown act.
Something missed in the Friday Night Funny Papers… It would have been front and center if GWBush are president.
Lloyd Kahn’s one of the world’s original DFH’s and is completely awesome. What books like his represent is the movement away from the debt slavery of the 90’s and Oughts. More power to him!
Would someone explain to Roger DUMB Wabbit, the free things screamed about by some union members such as health care are not free to other union members?
Well we see what happened in Wisconsin!
If Wisconsin rejected Scott Walker… the Friday Night Funny Papers would have been riddled with Scott Walker reject stories. Instead there are no Scott Walker wins stories, just standard left wrong pablum.
Can you say BIAS?
How do you know DUMMOCRAPTS are lying over Wisconsin… they dropped the $$$ advertising imbalance arguments once the truth came out…
Amazing story. Of course DUMMOCRAPTS want to focus on advertising… well they spent their wad earlier and then they complain! So where did all that DUMMOCRAPT money go if they didn’t spend it? It sooths the leftist egomaniacs into believing their irrighteous actions was smothered by conservative advertising spending. It fits DUMMOCRAPT ideology to a tee.
Where is the Friday Night Funny story about DUMMOCRAPTS leaking national security secrets?
Diane, Obummer must look good to the US audience, so the leaks come more frequent now!
Diane – You have to remember all past leaks before 2009 were always designed to harm President Bush. The NYSlimes was always happy to oblige and gleefully print each leak even if it meant hurting national security. The Slimes never cared from 2001-2008.
Puddybud – When am I going to get a call from FBI Agent Willhemina “Dana” Scully-Jack?
I guess that was all bullshit. Or maybe first, the local Seattle FBI has to “conduct an investigation” before I’m invited in for questioning.
Like an undercover at the Montlake??? LOL!
My, my! So this is how a right wing idiot like you believes the FBI should carry out their duties rather than catch the crazy religious Army Major shrinks before they go postal on the soldiers in the canteen.
Heh.. Too funny for words.
Which union is it by the way??
It must not have much bargaining power. Compensation is negotiable dumbass. Shit you ought to know that. You brag ad nauseum about your perks.
“The notion that my White House would purposely release classified national security information is offensive.” It’s always his?
Still stalking Puddy. What an ASShole. You don’t know moron? The vaulted crazed databaze didn’t tell you?
Why didn’t this make the Friday Night Funnies? In other news getting away from my HA stalker… Krugman gets his ASS handed to him again…
Why? Because Krugman reacted to this austerity story about Estonia economy booming while the high spending socialist countries are in da toilet! Krugman can’t stand the truth!
HAHAHAHA!!!!! First an Englishwoman parliament member and now Estonia’s President! Krugman is an ASS!
When you least expect it! And when it happens first they will contact others to determine who you are!
Heh. Nice police state fantasy there dummy. Typical fascist fantasy.. Your moron friend the asswipe troll can chime in his KGB, NKVD fantasies. I bet both of you dopes read the first chapter of The Gulag Archipelago.
LMAO! Why don’t you tell them? Don’t you know who I am? You got the cyber haxing skillz do you not?
Oh yeah! Admitting that would burn your own ass!
I can only know what you type in and I can’t stomach everything you type.. There’s only so much babbling from you I can parse at any one time.
So which union is it?
Why didn’t the Friday Night Funnies Purveyor skip over Bill Maher getting his ASS handed to him by an educated economist last night?
Oh da pain, da pain!
Dr. Dambisa Moyo There is an idiot on TV… So here we go…
Her credentials:
B.S., Chemistry – American University in WA., D.C.
MBA in Finance – American University in WA., D.C.
Masters in Public Administration – Harvard University – Kennedy School of Government,
Ph.D. in Economics – St Antony’s College, Oxford University
Butt the fun continues…
So here’s Maher, the dumbest in the room response
Wait for it…
Bill ain’t into nuance. He’s a blooming idiot.
So Puddy asks how did his producers miss this, unless they saw a highly intelligent African woman and immediately thought, wow I bet she drinks the Obummer kook-aid. Let’s put her on.
What is the nuance? Don’t remember this? Well Romney reminds of it…
Obummer said he wants to transform our system, and to transform, you must destroy what was before. And destroy he is and the economist sees it!
Bill Maher is such a moron. Loved by HA leftists everywhere.
And you know this how dipshit?
@49 Hmm, this is interesting:
” … Spokane County began a seven-year fight … battling public records requests all the way to the state Supreme Court, where it lost decisively last fall. This week, the county commission accepted a settlement in which it will pay $400,000 to the Neighborhood Alliance and the Center for Justice …. This week’s settlement is said to be the third-largest public records settlement in the nation’s history.”
(From John Roskelly’s website)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So what would that make the $225,000 that King County handed to Stefan Sharansky to settle his bullshit public records lawsuit? Fifth largest? Tenth? And did the fact King County has a Republican prosecutor have anything to do with this egregious cave-in?
67 – Yaaaaawwwnnn.. Ax him dumbass… He loves all that St. Ronzo Raygun era right wing paranoia of the Soviet Union. He’s played it many times through his spew in these threads.
I have long thought that when his parents placed an eyepiece through his navel so he could see, the first thing he saw was Ronzo’s palsying pompadour on the TV declaiming threats from the Soviet Menace..
So the FBI breaking down the door in the middle of night it all fits for you two..
Have at it.. I’m taking a break. Think about the union name while I’m gone.
Most Expensive Divorces
A quick search failed to turn up a list of most expensive public records settlements, but up popped a list of most expensive divorces. In case you’re curious, our old friend (emphasis on “old”) Rupert Murdoch is the all-time champ; it cost him $1.7 billion to get rid of wife #2. He may have thought it was worth it; 17 days later he married a woman 38 years younger than him. Arms merchant Adnan Koshoggi is No. 2 on the list; he paid $850 million to dump his wife #2 for a 17-year-old. He must have thought it was worth it, too, but he may regret it now; she went and got fat on him. Britain’s Bernie Ecclestone is No. 3; I’m gonna skip over him. No. 4 is Seattle’s own Craig McCaw, who dropped $460 million to ditch his college sweetheart and marry an attractive younger businesswoman and diplomat. Right behind him in the No. 5 spot is Mel Gibson, who forked out $450 million. By comparison, The Donald paid only $25 million to send Ivana packing, making him look like quite the savvy negotiator, which may help to explain how a serial bankrupt manages to stay in business. Do you see a pattern here? For people with more money than they know what to do with, shopping for a new wife is like trading in an old car.
Puddy asked N from Seattle about Obummer and the New Party. Yet N from Seattle kept up the sham… But there is more that is being ferreted out…
The web gets much clearer.
Yet Another Reason To Hate Banks
Okay, I got sidetracked with my last couple of comments, so let’s get back to business.
Credit is dirt cheap, but that doesn’t mean us ordinary shmucks can get cheap credit. (Well, you ordinary shmucks; I’m debt-free and don’t need credit.) It doesn’t work that way in our rigged and gamed financial world.
“As interest rates have been dropping to new lows seemingly by the week, American companies have been taking advantage of the cheap borrowing costs, but consumers have been largely left on the sidelines. … ‘The big beneficiaries have been the corporations,’ Mr. Yardeni said. ‘They have been raising money they don’t even need.'”
Meanwhile, a homeowner who wants to refinance a 6% or 7% mortgage at today’s 3.8% rate can’t get loan approval. It isn’t necessarily about homeowners being underwater; a bank refinancing a mortgage it already owns isn’t taking on new mortgage risk. In fact, refinancing at a lower interest rate reduces the bank’s default risk because the lower payment will make it easier for the borrower to repay the loan. The reason banks won’t finance older higher-interest mortgages is obvious: They make more money from a 6.5% loan than from a 3.8%, especially when their own borrowing costs are next to nothing.
I’m well aware, of course, that companies are borrowing huge amounts of money for practically nothing. They’re not using it to expand their businesses or hire new employees. (And why would they if customer demand isn’t there?) They’re making acquistiions or, in many cases, buying back their own distressed stock. Where this ultimately leads is there’ll be no public ownership of corporations after all the stock has been bought back. But what happens to a corporation when it no longer has shareholders? Who owns it then? Can a corporation own itself by buying back all of its shares? If so, who has the legal power to control that corporation? Its executives? Who, then, are their bosses? In this scenario, do boards and execs become powers unto themselves, answerable to no one? These are good questions to ponder.
And as corporations continue borrowing all that zero-interest money the Federal Reserve is printing keep in mind who’s paying for the money-printing. Us, the hoi polloi, because expanding the money supply without expanding production and consumption brings inflation. The Fed tells us inflation is a “low, low” (“buy TODAY!”) 2 percent. But when you’re getting paid 0.1 percent on your bank account the inflation rate is 20 times the return on your savings. I’m not sure even Weimar Germany saw inflation that bad.
The next time Ben Bernanke starts sounding like he might float a QE3, you should write your congressman and scream to high heaven, because you’re being ripped off. You’ll never see a dime of the billions flowing from the Fed’s lending window into banks, even in the form of a loan you have to pay back. On the other hand, you will see your 0.1%-a-year savings get devalued even further.
It’s a cynical game the Masters Of The Universe (TM) are playing — and you’re the predetermined loser. And that banker who smiles at you as he slams the lending window shut? Well, Republican congressmen smile at you, too. But that smile is all you’re gonna get from them.
Shorter Roger Rabbit: Why the hell you should eat a QE3 to bail out Greece?
@71 Keep finding excuses to not vote for Obama, putz. When your list is long enough maybe you’ll be able to feel good about voting Republican. This is really what your diatribes are all about, isn’t it? You’re struggling with guilt over being an asshole and a Republican.
If that’s true there still may be a glimmer of hope for you. I’m not counting on it, though. Can’t afford to. We have to keep slapping you down so your infection doesn’t spread to innocent readers of this blog.
Putz, you still haven’t answered YLB’s simple 4-word question. What are you hiding and why are you hiding it? Are you afraid your Republican buddies will throw you out of their club if they learn your wifey is a (shudder, shiver) UNION THUG? That makes sense;
it might be hard to convince them you’re not a collaborator.
Roger Rabbit’s Black Hole Theory of Money And Credit
The worldwide financial crisis has an ethereal quality to it. When you look around the same buildings, highways, bridges, factories, etc., are still there. The only thing that’s physically changed is our workers aren’t producing as much stuff and there aren’t as many commuters on the roads. Nothing really has disappeared except electronic blips on computer hard drives, representing dollars, that 99.99999999999% of us never see. How is it, then, that those computer blips can bring the world’s factories, shipping lines, and car dealerships to a screeching halt? It’s as weird as trying to comprehend the Higgs Boson. Another thing I wonder about is, if central banks can create money out of nothing simply by tapping keystrokes into a computer (or however it’s done), then why couldn’t the universe with all its matter and energy have created itself out of nothing, too? Physicists are beginning to tell us it could have, and in fact, some of them believe it did. And if there’s an ending to the physical universe — and why not? — then isn’t it logical that all that electronic money will simply disappear whence it came … from nothing and back into nothing? I oughta get a Nobel Memorial Prize In Economics for this. Even Milton Friedman couldn’t think of it, or he would have said so.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve always found it strange that a car dealer would give me something as solid and physical as a shiny new car in exchange for something as flimsy and ethereal as electronic blips on a computer hard drive. I think I’d rather have the car.
In this day and age when you don’t even get a printed stock certificate from your stockbroker (not that it’s worth anything; you can’t eat it or drive around in it), it’s also difficult to wrap my mind around the idea of trading “money” for “stock” in order to get more “money” labeled as “dividends” and “capital gains.” But that’s pretty easy. I’m simply trading electronic blips on one computer hard drive for different electronic blips on another computer hard drive, so it doesn’t feel like I’ve giving someone as tangible as a driveable car in exchange for something as ethereal as bookkeeping entries in a money market or brokerage account. This whole concept of money is a bit like particle physics: You can’t see it but you can feel its gravitational effects, and that’s really the only way you know it’s there.
I have more than enough ethereal electronic blips to trade for one of these,
but what would I do with my time if I didn’t have any stock blips to play with? I’d have to spend my mornings driving to the beach and picking up mussel shells. How many mussel shells does anyone need? But that’s sort of like asking how many stock blips does anyone need? Yet with mussel shells, any are too many, but with stock blips you can never have enough. Strange how that works.
@79 What facts? You’ve never posted any.
You want facts, puddystupe? Here are some FACTS for ya:
Obama kept the Great Recession from becoming another Great Depression.
Obama killed Osama bin Laden and four of the five other top leaders of Al Qaeda (and is working on the fifth).
Obama turned around an economy that was bleeding jobs into one that’s gaining jobs.
Obama enacted the first comprehensive health care reform in 50 years — a goal that eluded 10 presidents before him. “That’s not reform!” you claim? Tell that to the person who was denied insurance because of a pre-existing condition or the college student who was kicked off his parents’ health insurance at age 21, and see if you can get them to vote for the GOP’s “same old, same old.”
Obama improved food safety, although that wasn’t hard to do, because there wasn’t any under the previous administration. Notice how much rarer mass food recalls and mass outbreaks of e.coli have become?
Our country isn’t torturing people any more (as far as we know). Oh, but wait, maybe you thought that was a good thing. Some of us didn’t. Morality aside, there’s the practical consideration that if we do it to others, that makes it easier for others to do it to our troops and citizens who get captured or taken hostage. All they have to say is, “You guys do it, so why shouldn’t we?”
We’re attacking Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Pakistan, with or without that country’s permission, as Obama promised during the 2008 debates.
Social Security still hasn’t been looted by Wall Street or dismantled by rich white males in Congress who don’t need Social Security.
We have a federal consumer protection agency now. Your party has promised to dismantle it so banks can resume ripping off consumers unhindered.
Obama has enacted credit card reforms that protect consumers from predatory bankers.
Robosigning foreclosure fraud on a gigantic scale was brought to a halt and banks were forced to stop lying to courts.
This administration hasn’t killed any Space Shuttle astronauts, but it did kill Dubya’s extravagant Mission To Mars.
Obama’s stimulus helped save some public services in local communities during the Great Recession’s darkest hours, and kept the unemployment rate from soaring into double-digits.
Obama’s support for programs like extended unemployment benefits, food stamps, and CHIPs has help alleviate human suffering while the economy writhed in laissez-faire’s latest (and by no means first) implosion.
Obama helped our European allies and the Libyan people get rid of the guy who ordered the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, who is now taking his well-deserved dirt nap instead of luxuriating in an Arabian seaside villa.
Obama is bringing our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan, and meanwhile no new wars have started on his watch.
He has accomplished all this, and more, despite a Congress dominated by a party whose vision for America is forcing his administration to fail — an endeavor in which they, themselves, have failed miserably.
And you, putz, are a miserable excuse of a human being and a failure of an American citizen for shilling for that party. The “bummer” is you and your ilk.
Hey Roger… Where did you copy that list from? Hmmm…? Short simple sentences?
How about that unemployment never going over 8% with the Porkulus bill?
How about those lost housing starts?
How about those lost $Billions to Government Motors?
How about those high gas prices?
How about hijacking Medicare for Obummercare?
How about spending $1MMMM (that’s a trillion dollars leftist morons) paying off his bundlers like his buds at Solyndra?
How about bowing to the Saudi king?
How about saying the private sector is doing fine?
And you, Roger DUMB Wabbit, are a sad sacl of a miserable excuse of a human being and a failure of an American citizen for supporting and shilling for DUMMOCRAPTS.
@84 “Hey Roger… Where did you copy that list from? Hmmm…? Short simple sentences?”
Why do you ASS/U/ME it was copied? I wrote it off the top of my head.
“How about that unemployment never going over 8% with the Porkulus bill?”
A summary of my answer is that Keynes was right and you’re wrong about what government should do in a recession.
“How about those lost housing starts?”
Are you referring to the apartment building boom now underway?
“How about those lost $Billions to Government Motors?”
Why don’t you put that question to Michigan voters on November 6? And also ask voters all across the U.S. whether it was worth approximately $20 billion of taxpayer money to save an iconic American industry and 500,000 jobs? Your party said no. My party said yes.
“How about those high gas prices?”
Does it make you nervous that they’re dropping dramatically right before the election? And although presidents normally have little or no influence on world oil prices, this time Obama deserves some credit because his diplomatic efforts to avoid a war with Iran have succeeded in cooling tensions enough that markets have taken off most of the estimated $25/bbl “Iran fear premium” — WTI crude has dropped from over $105 to a little over $80.
“How about hijacking Medicare for Obummercare?”
I haven’t noticed any change in my Medicare benefits.
“How about spending $1MMMM (that’s a trillion dollars leftist morons) paying off his bundlers like his buds at Solyndra?”
As I’ve posted before, I think the market, not the government, should choose which technologies to bring to market. On the other hand, government funding of basic research and to launch new technologies and industries (see, e.g., the space program and the many products and companies it spawned) has long been accepted as an important contributor to our economic progress. Generally speaking, government’s role is to do those things that are important to the economy but which private business can’t or won’t do because those activities aren’t profitable or require a scale of resources that only government has. Solyndra, it seems to me, falls into a gray area between these poles. It was a judgment call that didn’t work out. Historically, our country became as economically successful as it
is because our system encourages risk-taking and is tolerant of failure. Would you shut off all government funding that might propel our economy to new heights because you’re afraid the taxpayers might lose some money now and then?
“How about bowing to the Saudi king?”
“How about saying the private sector is doing fine?”
“And you, Roger DUMB Wabbit, are a sad sacl of a miserable excuse of a human being and a failure of an American citizen for supporting and shilling for DUMMOCRAPTS.”
I admit the Democrats aren’t perfect. Unfortunately, the only alternative was the Republicans, which speaks for itself. As a hard-working, taxpayer, and patriotic American citizen WHO FOUGHT IN A WAR FOR THIS COUNTRY (did you?) I determined that preferring the Democrats to the GOP was a no-brainer. The GOP has had 50 years to convert me to their side and hasn’t done it. Why? Because they’re such miserable failures.
It’s a no-brainer because if you look at the FACTS you find that Democrats created more jobs, GDP grew more, personal income grew more, and — not least — stocks went up more under Democrats. You also find that what Republicans excelled at increasing spending, deficits, and debts much faster than Democrats.
I ask myself how you possibly can support as bad a party as the GOP and I have to chalk it up to a combination of stupidity and ignorance.
I Wonder If This Guy Is A Republican
I don’t know if this guy is a Republican, but he makes his living in marketing and sales, so I suspect he might be. He’s an elected irrigation district director; I don’t know if that’s a partisan or nonpartisan position in California, but we all know there’s no such thing as a nonpartisan politician; all the “nonpartisan” label does is allow them to hide their party allegiance from votes.
Anyway, this guy beat his son with a belt for dropping the ball while playing catch. A neighbor caught the incident on video and this guy is now free on $100,000 bail pending felony child abuse charges.
I guess he figured his kid dropping the ball while playing catch with his dad means the kid won’t make it to the Big Leagues and that’ll cost the family a hundred million dollars of lost potential earnings. I do understand parental ambition, but beating the shit out of a kid for dropping a ball while playing catch with his old man? What will this father do if his kid is rejected by Little League — have him shot by a firing squad?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not saying this guy is a Republican; all I’m saying is I can’t imagine a Democrat doing something like this. Democrats have different values than Republicans.
Maybe a father beating the shit out of his son for dropping a ball while playing catch with his old man isn’t so strange after all. Maybe it reflects some new sort of mainstream that has an academic counterpart in our schools.
“At high schools across the United States, pressure over grades and competition for college admissions are encouraging students to abuse prescription stimulants, according to interviews with students, parents and doctors.
“Pills that have been a staple in some college and graduate school circles are going from rare to routine in many academically competitive high schools ….
“Observed Gary Boggs, a special agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration, ‘We’re seeing it all across the United States.’ …
“[Students] … find that just one pill can jolt them with the energy and focus to push through all-night homework binges and stay awake during exams afterward.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Geez, are these kids afraid they’ll be dragged in front of a firing squad if they don’t get into Harvard? In my day, we got through all-nighters by guzzling coffee and propping our eyelids open with Q-tips. I never took any pills and my grades were good enough to get me into college, law school, and graduate school. If all the kids are doing pills now, maybe that explains why nobody in this country can spell or do simple math anymore.
Yes, I too am a hard working, taxpaying, patriotic American citizen. Dude I volunteered. I already covered this. Man you are one forgetful ignorant person.
You sound like John Effin Kerry… “I fought in Vietnam”. Did you throw away your war medals too?
Seems whenever puddy is backed into a corner by someone smarter or better at rhetoric, he squeals that he “already covered it” Happens over and over and makes puddy look smaller and smaller each time he does it.
Golly Roger DUMB Wabbit, that Alternet list seems to preclude anything you wrote here. Butt, I won’t directly say you plagiarized it like I saw from the crazed databaze dealer or recently from rhp6033 rewriting a wikipedia article. So I decided to check the Roger DUMB Wabbit BULLSHITTIUM post!
Obama kept the Great Recession from becoming another Great Depression.
So? As for standard nabob knob slobbering nattering about what Obummer didn’t do wrong, regarding that tired reprise of Great Depression that didn’t happen, let’s discuss what Obummer and other useless idiots such as yourself and the HA leftist pinheads who still support him have done. Obummer and other useless idiots in the slobbering libtard press hijacked TARP from President Bush and Treasury Secretary Paulson and gave it to themselves, proudly taking credit for averting a depression that NEVER happened. Obummer:” I did this and I did that” See post #60. Now why is that Roger DUMB Wabbit?
Obama killed Osama bin Laden and four of the five other top leaders of Al Qaeda (and is working on the fifth). Oh you mean killing all those innocent civilians in the process? Hmmm…? Didn’t we have to apologize the other day for killing another 18 innocents. Wait a minute… We forgot this…
Yeah he used all the infrastructure put into place by GW Bush and the info gotten by interrogation techniques approved by Bush and proved very successful!
Obama turned around an economy that was bleeding jobs into one that’s gaining jobs.
So? High paying jobs? Remember almost half of the 22.7 million jobs claimed by Clinton were minimum wage jobs. I posted this before but being as memory deficient as you are you just copy the standard Obummer and gang directive. And We see from the BLS many of those jobs are replacements for the ones lost when he took over the economy. Remember Debbie Wasserman Schultz said you guys own the economy… And lately it’s been a real doozy!
Obama enacted the first comprehensive health care reform in 50 years — a goal that eluded 10 presidents before him. “That’s not reform!” you claim? Tell that to the person who was denied insurance because of a pre-existing condition or the college student who was kicked off his parents’ health insurance at age 21, and see if you can get them to vote for the GOP’s “same old, same old.”
Really? Why in the latest polls from CBS/NY Times CNN/Opinion Research & Rasmussen more people want it repealed? Now over 50% and climbing
Obama improved food safety, although that wasn’t hard to do, because there wasn’t any under the previous administration. Notice how much rarer mass food recalls and mass outbreaks of e.coli have become?
You see Roger DUMB Wabbit… Puddy always checks out your BULLSHITTIUM So I looked at Bush’s last year… Just check a guvmint web site.
2007 – 58 recalls
2008 – 54 recalls
New law passed 2010
2011 – 89 recalls
2012 – 21 So far.
Our country isn’t torturing people any more (as far as we know). Oh, but wait, maybe you thought that was a good thing. Some of us didn’t. Morality aside, there’s the practical consideration that if we do it to others, that makes it easier for others to do it to our troops and citizens who get captured or taken hostage. All they have to say is, “You guys do it, so why shouldn’t we?”
Noam Chomsky big time DUMMOCRAPT said
We’re attacking Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Pakistan, with or without that country’s permission, as Obama promised during the 2008 debates.
Oh you mean killing all those innocent civilians in the process? Hmmm…?
Social Security still hasn’t been looted by Wall Street or dismantled by rich white males in Congress who don’t need Social Security.
So? More pablum from the pukemeister himself!
We have a federal consumer protection agency now. Your party has promised to dismantle it so banks can resume ripping off consumers unhindered.
Oh really?
Or this in the Huff Po…
Oh you mean Dodd-Frank? The reason George Soros took all of his money out of America because he would have to declare how he spends his money to forment socialism and political unrest? He doesn’t want Dodd-Frank regulations to manage his hedge funds. Sen. Richard Shelby called George’s hypocrisy BULLSHITTIUM “It appears that Mr. Soros talked up financial reform only to sell it short. Don’t be surprised to see his fellow Wall Street financiers follow suit.”
Obama has enacted credit card reforms that protect consumers from predatory bankers.
Oh really? Let’s see retroactive interest rate hikes, late billings, retroactive interest rate hikes, misapplication of payments was changed but the DUMMOCRAPTIC Congress was bought off by the credit card companies for real reform DUMB Wabbit.
Robosigning foreclosure fraud on a gigantic scale was brought to a halt and banks were forced to stop lying to courts. YEah HAMP was a real success NOT!
This administration hasn’t killed any Space Shuttle astronauts, but it did kill Dubya’s extravagant Mission To Mars. Bush didn’t kill any astronauts either. Butt coming from you, a prince of sick sayings (see other leftists on HA to determine the king of sick sayings)
Obama’s stimulus helped save some public services in local communities during the Great Recession’s darkest hours, and kept the unemployment rate from soaring into double-digits. Yeah unemployment was 10%!!!! Did you forget this Roger DUMB Wabbit? And what is the U6 rate Roger DUMB Wabbit?
Obama’s support for programs like extended unemployment benefits, food stamps, and CHIPs has help alleviate human suffering while the economy writhed in laissez-faire’s latest (and by no means first) implosion.
So? What has it done for poverty in America since he took office? People in poverty is up!
Obama helped our European allies and the Libyan people get rid of the guy who ordered the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, who is now taking his well-deserved dirt nap instead of luxuriating in an Arabian seaside villa.
Obama is bringing our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan, and meanwhile no new wars have started on his watch.
So? As you wrote BFD!
He has accomplished all this, and more, despite a Congress dominated by a party whose vision for America is forcing his administration to fail — an endeavor in which they, themselves, have failed miserably.
He had total control of Congress until Jan 2011. Real Americans removed that control from Obummer when they realized he was a total rank amateur!
And you, DUMB Wabbit, are a miserable excuse of a human being and a failure of an American citizen for forgetting facts. Too bad you are a useless mouthpiece for the standard DUMMOCRAPTIC Alinsky playbook tactics. You should be ashamed of yourself but everyone knows when in feral mode you are a real IDIOT!
@88 “Did you throw away your war medals too?”
You are an execrable piece of shit.
Up yours fool. It’s been covered 3 times here moron. Google it. You’re so small in mind no one really cares!!!!
See ya moron!
Oh really? Just following in your footsteps Roger DUMB Wabbit! A teachable moment!
See what I mean?
Oh and Roger DUMB Wabbit,
When oil and gas prices climbed in 2007 & 2008 Obummer and gang blamed GW Bush and his oil buddies. When it climbed last year and this year Obummer blames the world and not his policies stopping the pipeline from being built, killing tens of thousands of great paying jobs. Why is that?
Yeah you are a moron, real sad. A real mental midget. I don’t have to repeat myself for anyone’s benefit or pleasure. Ask the arschloch, you know the one with the crazed databaze. Grow some marbuls and ask. Oh wait, you hide behind a computer with no marbuls. Has anyone ever spotted Lib da schmuck? Is he a real person? No? Didn’t think so!
So mental midget, enjoy your day!
Google it!
*palm slaps forehead*
Hey puddy, have you ever gotten involved in a MLM? You’re their type of guy.
bombast definition
Yes, Roger DUMB Wabbit is the MASTER of rhetoric, and really skilled at bombast. BTW you are a close second Lib da schmuck!
Once again Lib da schmuck… Thanks For Playing!
I don’t write rhetoric. I provide links!
I get this image of a 6-year-old stomping his foot on the ground and crossing his arms, fuming.
See #99. describes you to a “T”. I see you are looking at yourself in a mirror as you wrote #100. Stop projecting… it’s a Psych 101 thing!
Go on and tell us. It won’t hurt. Was it:
ACN Inc.
Agel Enterprises LLC
Amway Global, previously known as Quixtar
Avon Products
Discovery Toys
Dynamic Essentials
Equinox International
Forever Living Products
Fuel Freedom International
Fund America, Inc.
European Grouping of Marketing Professionals/CEDIPAC SA
Holiday Magic
Isagenix International
Juice Plus
Awww, puddy found a dictionary. Precious.
Your pretentious word-smithing was blown apart again. So I placed #1 definition for the world to see how much of an ASS you are 24x7x365.25
I see puddy stopped just short of Melaleuca, Inc, the pyramid scheme of Romney money man and gay-hater extraordinaire, Frank L. Vandersloot.
Sort of like the terror that prevents people from saying, “Voldemort.”
Looks like puddy had to google “rhetoric” to come up with his retort – sad really.
He used the second on the google list that I get, from ‘dictionary.reference.com’
Were he to have used a more accepted source, Mirriam-Webster, he’d have gotten:
Even wikipedia schools puddy:
Seem puddy is not a discerning dictionary user.
But still, puddy – don’t get discouraged – keep reading!
I get the sense that the subtle use of the language somehow bothers puddy somewhere down deep…
BTW, puddy, I dismantled you here, too, also.
Oh no Lib da Schmuck, I gave you a chance to fess up.
Market America
Mary Kay
National Safety Associates
Nu Skin Enterprises
Scentsy Inc.
Shaklee Corporation
Stream Energy
Success University
Sunrider International
Tahitian Noni
Telecom Plus
The Pampered Chef
Unicity International
United Sciences of America, Inc.
USANA Health Sciences
Vector Marketing
Watkins Incorporated
World Financial Group
Azimov said that “violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”
On the internet, I’ve found, howling criticism of elegant and complex use of language usually supplants violence, and indicates impending surrender, or at least shamed skulking retreat…
So at 102 and 109, puddy demonstrates that he can google ‘MLM’
Good puddles (pats on head, figuratively), good job!
However, you seem to continue to find my original point elusive. There’s something about that very, very concrete thinking of yours that’s getting in your way, I think.
No you are a dickhead who tries to ram words through using the secondary definitions. I correct that fallacy.
Also you never placed the link in the other thread. I did so all could see how you hijacked a piece here and there!
I think in MLM? Bwaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa
And you think how? Gutter level? Blooms level? Trust me you are not even close to synthesis or evaluation levels. Hatred? Absolutely!
Wait for it… Something stupid will shortly appear from Lib da schmuck!
Thanks Lib da schmuck… you describe your liberal OWS and anarchist friends perfectly!
Thanks for playing again…! You provide so much useful information that helps describe DUMMOCRAPTS to a “T”.
rhetoric: b : a type or mode of language or speech; also : insincere or grandiloquent language – Roger and Lib!
See how Lib da schmuck places the link but mysteriously hopes you will take his “word” for it and not check for the one that describes Roger and himself.
Hmmmm. So I have Mirriam-Webster and wikipedia on my side.
Here’s The Google:
This is from Stanford University, and is the definition provided by a number of notable practitioners:
This from Oxford Dictionaries:
You have dictionary.com on your side.
I win.
I have spent enough time on this fine Sunday schooling you on all manner of topics – I’m off to a lazy and decadent brunch with family, to celebrate the Big Bang and the primacy of evolution in underlying all modern Biology.
Happy Sunday!
Roger DUMB Wabbit in feral mode admits he’s a unapologetic libtard! So how does does this rhetoric explanation jibe with the DUMB Wabbit? So I post it again
He doesn’t inform or persuade unless you are a leftist idiot who drinks kook-aid every day. He didn’t provide any links and when I displayed the Alternet commentary, he claimed it was off the top of his head.
Links? MIA as always from Wabbit’s prose.
Fool? Yes you are Lib da schmuck!
Well well well you see how libtardos lose the argument and then declare victory.
Look at CNN giving a pass to Obummer national security leaks…
“Everything you were discussing with him with regard to the leaks investigation, yes, there is bipartisan outrage about it, about all of these leaks, but he is the one driving the idea that it is political, that it is to help the President, that it is from the White House” – Dana Bash CNN
“By the way, he wouldn’t say, No, I don’t think the President would do that. I don’t think the President would purposely. I mean, I gave him a chance and he said, I don’t, I don’t really know what the President knows and doesn’t know, which I thought was kind of. Usually you kind of give the President a pass on leaking confidential stuff.” – Candy Crowley CNN Really Candy? He’s trying to make himself look good and now Congressional DUMMOCRAPTS are upset.
Where does Candy stand now when the original claim of Bush/Cheney leaked Valerie Plame which we now knows is a blatant bald face lie? It was DUMMOCRAPT Richard Armitage!
You really are joseph goebbels incarnate…..your screed is wrd or word nazi propaganda, with jews replaced by republicans.
You are a sick pathetic man and this world will be much better off when you finally kick the bucket…
Which union is it?
Hmmmm. Too bad Mrs. Puddybud “isn’t allowed to read or respond”.
Here is the RealClearPolitics take on the US Senate Races–
47 Dem/45 Repub/8 toss-ups.
Here are the toss-ups===
FL: Nelson (D)
MA: Brown (R)
MO: McCaskill (D)
MT: Tester (D)
NV: Heller (R)
ND: Open (D)
VA: Open (D)
WI: Open (D)
Have you done any analysis of these “toss-ups”?
Brown of Ma. might end up being the one to decide…this time the majority.
Here’s the co-signers. What a bunch of “libruls”.
I don’t get it. Why would a “man of integrity” have Armitage as his second-in-command?
Wow, did the smell become rancid @121, 122, 124, 125?
The Prosecution Rests. Nothing of any value written.
She isn’t interested in the leftist moronic type you represent. In some things she’s more conservative than me. Ask the “actor” who plays “god” on HA!
See ya!
Richard Armitage… sucks to be the crazed arschloch databaze deala!
Heh. I guess she doesn’t believe that Jesus makes exceptions for rape and incest.
Kind of like Sharon “make lemonade” Angle or Taliban Dan Webster.
Then why is she paying union dues?
And which union is it?
@93 Yes puddy, it’s a teachable moment — for you. If you’re man enough to post an apology, I’ll be rabbit enough to accept it. If you don’t, I’m going to hold this comment against you personally, because it crossed a line — one which you apparently have failed to comprehend. I’ll give you 24 hours.
Doesn’t have to be interested in anything..
Just answer the question.
Which union is it?
@96 “his policies stopping the pipeline from being built”
Bullshit. The pipeline not only is going to be built, but will be completed on the original schedule. The only thing changed by Obama’s refusal to cave in to the hasty and peremptory permit approval demanded by grandstanding House Republicans was the route.
“killing tens of thousands of great paying jobs”
In view of the FACT the Keystone Pipeline will be built on schedule, Obama’s refusal to cave in to the GOP’s environmentally irresponsible grandstanding designed “killed” no jobs whatsoever.
But even if Obama had killed or delayed the project, which he didn’t, such action would not have killed “tens of thousands” of jobs. Building the pipeline will directly create 5,000 to 6,000 temporary construction jobs, which would be partly offset by indirect job losses caused by the fact Keystone Pipeline will raise gasoline prices in certain Midwest markets; and when completed the pipeline will create only about 20 permanent full-time positions, as it is fully automated.
It’d surprise me.. I see only 22 instances of “I apologize” and it’s either snarky “I apologize to you for Donna” or not for anything all that significant I can see.
He stops using “I apologize” in 9/2008 and has used “Puddy apologizes” ONCE since then. Again for something trivial.
Apparently he long ago dropped any standards he set for himself in these threads.
@132 Delete word “designed” from 3rd paragraph; I couldn’t take it out before the edit function timed out.
@133 He’d better.
I’ve met Puddy in person, and I know he’s role-playing and acting in these comment threads, and is more personable and moderate in real life. In practically all instances, I take these blog comments for what they are, a saloon brawl in which we all willingly participate without much (if any) verbal restraint, behind a shield of anonymity. Nearly 100% of the time, I don’t take jibes and insults in these comment threads personally; they’re part of the game.
But this comment is different. He went to a place I allow no one to go.
I just spent a week on the east coast, asked to go there by an entire community, to help them honor their Medal of Honor hero from the Vietnam War — someone I served with. The trip exhausted me, but I had to go, and was going to show up and give that speech even if I had to be carried into the auditorium on a litter. At the end of which speech I received a standing ovation from a crowd that was 100% patriotic and nearly 100% Republican. I mention this so you understand why Puddy’s remark about throwing military medals away pushed my buttons. That guy died in the war and I would never dishonor him or any of my other Vietnam buddies by disrespecting a U.S. military medal, no matter what my political views or opinion of that or any other war might be.
I don’t know if I’ll ever meet puddy in person again. I might, because Darryl told me at last week’s Drinking Liberally (yes, I attended DL last Tuesday) that puddy has been showing up at DL occasionally.
If I do meet him again, he’s not going to have a personal interaction with me ever again, unless he posts that apology within the next 24 hours.
I’ll take a ton of shit on this blog, and dish it out too, but that comment is in a different category altogether and will be retracted or puddy’s going to have hell to pay if he ever meets me again.
@133 “Apparently he long ago dropped any standards he set for himself in these threads.”
There are no standards in these threads, and I don’t expect any, but I’m taking that comment out of this thread and making it personal between him and me, because of the nature of the comment and for the reasons I’ve indicated above.
Nobody fucks with my loyalty to, and support for, my fellow Vietnam Veterans. I won’t allow that under any circumstances, whether in this blog, or in private conversation or a public square. Think whatever you want of the war, but they were magnificent men, and Puddy’s remark dishonors not me but them. I’m not giving him a choice about retracting it; that’s not optional.
@136 (continued) If he doesn’t it changes things between us forever, and in a very personal way.
Wow… Another new low for our most obsessed and unhinged troll.
@138 No, a mistake made in the heat of rhetorical battle, one he’s obligated to correct.
These threads are raucous, which encourages uninhibited bashing, and I recognize that; but it’s been pointed out he made a mistake that has to be corrected, and now it’s up to him to do it. All he has to do is post four words and this problem goes away.
“I made a mistake.”
Now we’re going to find out whether he’s a big or little man.
I don’t answer to you.
Apology for what Roger DUMB Wabbit? I asked if you acted like John Effin Kerry… He’s the Vietnam vet y’all look up to. You voted for him so you looked up to him.
Facts, kryptonite to a libtard! Facts make Puddy into the big man!
See ya
@142 Then tell God and share that conversation with the rest of us. I’m curious about it, too.
@143 Go fuck yourself. I’m done with you. We’re enemies now.
With my own family members in the Vietnam theater you can scream and piss into the wind Roger DUMB Wabbit. They didn’t return from battle acting a fool like John Effin Kerry.
BTW I posted his own words, since your leetle mind forgets many facts these days!
Ohhhh so Roger DUMB Wabbit doesn’t like being compared to John Effin Kerry…
Facts they explode simpleton libtard minds.
Hell to pay? Don’t like being compared to John Effin Kerry?
I thought all libtards held John Effin Kerry in high esteem?
You don’t Roger DUMB Wabbit?
Spoken by the most hateful leftist moron on this blog!
And where is the link to this “wonderful missive”? Obummer postponed the decision until 2013.
146 – 148: Fuck you, asshole. I’m not John Kerry.
@150 You’re now on Permanent Ignore, so look it up yourself.
Oh then Puddy apologizes for the comparison. So why did you vote for him in 2004?
See, all you had to tell everyone is you are NOT John Effin Kerry. Now that wasn’t too hard was it?
BTW I don’t fuck animals or guys. I leave that up to libtards. I love my wife!
Yep, I thought so.
Small man indeed.
It was only just a matter of time.
Ahh the arschloch dipshit appears again @154. Lives vicariously on other peeps comments. Can’t stand alone.
Hello arschloch dipshit. Still the most hateful fool on this planet. Attack #62 falls flat!
EPIC FAYLE! The moron claimed to be a CMOH winner. Man your databaze is useless!
Attack #62 falls flat. Does clueless arschloch ylb, creator of the crazed debazed databaze; a few ingredients short of a brain have any understanding of creating a great search databaze engine? Does he understand Sequel (SQL)? Apparently not. He can’t create cross referenceable tables and indices.
A few ingredients short of a brain. More like the whole recipe!
When someone whiffs 62 times you’d think he’d crawl back into his bunker and raise the white flag. Instead he keeps plodding along hoping for one attack to stick.
62 up and Puddy retires 62 down!
Groooaaaannn.. Misses the point entirely.
Carry on diminishing yourself little man..
Good! Maybe someone there can ask him:
Which union is it? C’mon this is DL! We’re all friendly here. You can tell us!
@153 “Oh then Puddy apologizes for the comparison.”
Apology accepted. Thank you, Puddy. You’re square with me now. All is well again.
“So why did you vote for him in 2004?”
Because the only practical alternative was George W. Bush.
No there was no point at all a full recipe short of a brain. The useless link from that thread was about Xavier Alvarez claiming to be a CMOH winner. You posted another whiff! Your skillz wouldn’t get you a job where I work. DB Tables and Indices are foreign substances to you!
Golly it really sucks to be you. You are in a class all alone.
BOTTOM DWELLER at the Marianas Trench level. Whale Shit lives there along with ylb, a full recipe short of a brain!
So Roger DUMB Wabbit, you voted for someone you wouldn’t want to be compared to.
Damn, liberalism is a mental disorder.
Right wing idiocy is a brain wasting disease.
Like Alzheimers only worse.
Yawwwwwwwnnn… Nope. It was about someone else too.
And Roger DUMB Wabbit, I venture into the vulture den and crack up each time I visit.
So he admits Puddy was right. A SHOCKER!
Thanks for playing…
Gotta go. The lamb is almost done.
Heh. I might post 500 or so “attacks” this week and see if the dope keeps up.
We can start with each conversation between the dope and his sockpuppets, the insane “slut” and prostitute attacks and go on from there.
There’s a lot about Kerry I didn’t like. Spoiled rich kid, golddigger, patrician background with no concept of what life is like for ordinary folks, a bit arrogant, and while I think the Vietnam War was a FUBAR and don’t have a problem with people who opposed it, I don’t agree with some of the things he said and I vehemently disagree with the medal desecration — here’s a guy who legitimately earned combat awards and treated them contemptuously. (That doesn’t justify the Swift Boaters’ lies about his service record, though.) I get the feeling he was an attention hound. What I possibly dislike most about him is how he stabbed his party and supporters in the back by rolling over on Ohio despite solid evidence of election theft. My feeling is that he should at least have fought for what he apparently rightfully won. Would he have been a good president? No, probably not, but Dubya was so bad almost anyone would have been better.
Your question raises a larger issue — the lousy choices we voters are given. The two-party system is broken, and frankly, the choices we’re offered by the parties perenially suck. We’re force-fed candidates who are good at pandering to the lowest common denominator, but not much else. The result is second-rate governance that at best is usually not helpful and at worst is downright harmful to We The People. You don’t get a Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, or Truman in our political system anymore. The depth to which our leader-selection process has declined was ultimately manifested in Bill Clinton being caught getting his cock sucked under the Oval Office desk by an intern. That sort of thing ought to be unthinkable, even in a messy democracy. It’s impossible to visualize Eisenhower or even Nixon (whatever his other faults) doing something like that. You bash Obama daily, but he has pulled the presidency back up from Clinton’s shenanigans and Dubya’s hooliganism, incompetence, and corruption. The only debate about Obama is how effective his policies are and whether we should try something different. That’s huge, considering how low the presidency had sunk under his two immediate predecessors, and I respect him for it. But I count myself among the tens of millions of Americans who are disgusted and disaffected with our petty leaders and dysfunctional politics. I’ve sometimes wondered whether we’d be better off under a parliamentary system where you don’t have to wait four or five years to get rid of an electoral mistake.
@162 “So Roger DUMB Wabbit, you voted for someone you wouldn’t want to be compared to.”
That’s right. This is explained in more detail @169.
Obama has dropped 10 points among Jews
Obama’s popularity has dropped among virtually every demographic group, including blacks, since the 2008 election.
Bush’s what?
It was Bush’s infrastructure Obummer used to get Bin Laden!
Correct…you are a joseph goebbels wannabe.
@173 I’m a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist. Suck on it.
Mass Shooting Of The Day (TM) #1
In another of those incidents that are so rare in the gun-happy U.S. of A., three people are dead and three are wounded at an apartment complex near Auburn University. The dead include two of the college’s football players.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Some people shouldn’t be trusted with guns.
Mass Shooting Of The Day (TM) #2
In another shooting rampage, four people are dead in an apartment building in Sacramento, California.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This perp shouldn’t have had access to a gun, either.
The NRA tells us we don’t need to regulate access to guns; all we need is stiffer sentencing for violent criminals. But a lot of times the perpetrators of mass shootings kill themselves, so they don’t do any time at all.
Wall Street Handicaps Obamacare
From Barron’s, 6/11/12, p. 19:
“Conventional wisdom at both the Bar Association and on Wall Street is that the court will uphold the law.”
Wait a minute. This is coming from the country’s best lawyers. The professional investors on Wall Street don’t bet their (or other people’s) money on blind guesses. They have the best advice money can buy. The D.C. Bar Association is run by people who are minutely familiar with how each and every justice thinks on legal issues. And both the lawyers and Wall Street money men are saying SCOTUS is going to uphold Obamacare — and the latter are betting money on it. Seems to me this might mean something.
same thing…your hero joseph goebbels would be proud of you.
@179 Your ideology is closer to Nazism than mine.
What do you call electing a Republican businessman President?
Economists usually call it a “depression.”
Mass Shooting Of The Day (TM) #3
In yet another of those extremely rare mass murders that occur only 2 or 3 times a day in the gun-saturated United States, a California man shot his wife and three children today, then killed himself. He reportedly was wanted for murder in his native India.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Personally, I think it’s too easy for people like him to get guns.
There are over 350 million guns currently in America you idiot. How are you proposing to impose the controls you desire..or are you simply rambling outta yer furry ass again??
What is you plan? How much would it cost?
Is this your idea of job creation? Like Obama, hire more government employees (Obama wants more firefighters & teachers to lower unemployment and will pay for them by raising taxes on rich guys)
More costly government bureaucracy…and the bad guys would still easily be able to get guns. But hey, make it hard for law-abiding citizens cuz you never know. Right?
Mao and Stalin would love the Rabbit. They had gun control as did most dictators. I guess if you are in charge, it’s wonderful that no one can shoot yer sorry butt. A slippery slope for more government tyranny is what your idea is.
Apparently you have an idea, but no friggin’ plan idiot.
What an idiot you are.