Ann Telnaes: SuperPAC influence.
Thom with The Good, the Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Darcy Burner and Gen. Paul Eaton (ret): Responsible plan to end the war in Afghanistan:
Ann Telnaes: Memorial Day, 2012.
Illinois Rep. has a hissy fit over something or another.
Thom: Anti-Obama ad written and produced by FAUX “GOP TV” News?
Mr. Romney’s Run:
- Liberal Viewer: Should Romney’s irrational religion be a campaign issue?
- Mitt Romney: Little to like.
- Jen’s Roundtable: Talking Mitt
- Two Republican nominees.
- Actual Audio: Romney’s first day in office.
- Young Turks: Romney surrogate Donald Trump’s crazy birfer rant
- Romney’s economic record.
- Sam Seder: Amercia’s sinking ship.
- Buzz60: Mitt Romney’s app typo
- Bain Capital: We’re not so bad.
- Thom: Is Romney a unicorn?
- Steny Hoyer: Romney’s business record is fair game in campaign.
- Romney’s Massachusetts “record”.
Obama celebrates Pride Month.
Maddow: Boehner playing politics instead of working on jobs.
WA State Republicans: “We’ve been Pfluged!
Stephanie Miller with Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA): Checking in on the Affordable Health Care Act:
Baby Congress.
- Maddow: Will stars align for Wisconsin unions?
- Newsy: Clinton heads to Wisconsin.
- Stephanie Miller: WI Recall political litmus test.
- Young Turks: Win or lose, good chance Gov. Walker will be indicted in the next couple of months.
- Maddow: Republicans see success in War on Unions.
Jon does First Lady Michelle Obama.
President Obama honors Robert Allen Zimmerman (a.k.a. Bob Dylan) and some other folks.
Pulling out of Iraq.
Liberal Viewer: Sheriff scams Sacramento out of jail money.
Mark Fiore: Too big to fail.
Alyona’s Tool Time Award: MO Rep. Todd Akkin says voters shouldn’t pick Senators.
Sam Seder: Rush’s clueless food rant.
- Stephanie Miller: Boston DOMA ruling’s future impact
- Thom: Pastor Knapp, get your bedroom and virginity police.
- Newsy: Court strikes down key parts of DOMA
- Young Turks: Pastor Curtis Knapp wants to kill gays.
- Thom: DOMA is unconstitutional II.
- Sam Seder: DOMA ruled unconstitutional.
- Young Turks: Pastor wants to kill teh gays!
Alyona’s Tool Time Award: Will GOP let NC Sink?
Ann Telnaes: Protecting U.S. babies.
Music Video: Obama was Foreign Born:
White House: West Wing Week.
Young Turks: Bizarre Republican violence.
Thom: Something rotten in Michigan.
Jon on NY soda ban.
Newsy: George Zimmerman’s bond revoked.
Florida is Up to Its Tricks Again:
- Alyona: Florida could keep thousands from voting.
- Sam Seder: The voter suppression begins in Florida.
- Ed and Pap: Eric Holder should prosecute Rick Scott over voter purge.
- Thom: The Florida election fix is happening.
- Sam Seder: Rick Scott slapped by DOJ and federal courts.
- Ed and Pap: DOJ stops FL
- Alyona’s Fireside Chat: Flordia’s war on voters.
Maddow: Montana is the best chance of saving US democracy from ‘Citizens United’.
Young Turks: Teabagger Rep. Joe Walsh says crazy, racist things.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The GOP’s screeching monkey blames Obama for the lousy May jobs report. Wrong! It was his own party that shoved the same idiotic austerity scheme that’s driving Europe into the toilet down America’s throat.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Mittster is so shrill dogs come running every time he opens his mouth.
But there’s an even bigger bloviater than Mittster:
“Donald Trump on Friday warned that the media are the biggest threat to Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign, but added that the press he has garnered for the Republican nominee has caused his poll numbers to rise ‘very substantially.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Oh my! What would The Mittster do without The Donald? And if he loses, it’ll be the fault of the “liberal-biased media.” Never mind that 105.7% of our nation’s media companies are owned by rich rightwing white guys.
George Zimmerman’s bail has been revoked because he lied to the court.
Could The Donald be Mittster’s Palin? Not as veep, but as insane screecher to the Teahaddists – one that frightens normal people?
Hmmm… I remember some steaming screaming piles on HA regarding Wisconsin from the Friday Night Funnies Purveyor.
Scott Walker liberated Wisconsin public employees from being forced into unions. From Bob’s post the other day…
When you give the little people, the real union membership, the choice to be in a union where their dues are sucked out of their paychecks and used for nefarious union thuggery activities or they can use those dues to pay for high gas or food prices, what did many choose? What happened…? Union membership drops. Of course Rachel Maddow can’t call it straight. To her, you have to force people to be members. My cousins in Illinois and Pennsylvania will attest to that; forced union membership!
And the DUMMOCRAPT response? Property destruction. This is why DUMMOCRAPTS were terrified and the real motive behind their faked outrages that occurred with all the public property destruction by union thuggery. I posted the pictures on this blog. Y’all know who you can contact. The union thugs who saw their power base and their money dwindle decided to bus in out of state agitators and occupy the State Capitol. Posts on this blog from newspapers like the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel practiced its standard leftist bias saying the budgets went too far, and the national media lied about everything going on in Wisconsin.
Then a miracle happened. The same Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel decided to endorse Scott Walker. Was this fact put forth on the Friday Night Funny Pages? Nope. But when you read deeper into their Mid May endorsement it’s really over the recall.
Somehow real truth seems to be missing from the Friday Night Funny Pages.
Now this can all change if conservatives sit on their ASS and don’t get out and vote next week. BTW, did you see Ed Sergeant Schultz was trying to create a get out the vote ad. Butt here is Ed on his radio smear show…
Somehow I remember Ed smiling over the prospects of Hillary Clinton as VP . Oh my bad Ed was paid how much again by a union?
Roger @3, I agree. Zimmerman lied about finances. You don’t lie to the court.
re 5: You’re a traitor.
Where was the Young Turks post on Willy Clinton thinking Romney at Bain Capital was a good thing? Then you see the YT morons spend the rest of the time delivering their worthless drivel and conjecture.
You see Bain Capital used private funds betting on companies. Obummer used tax payer $$$$ on Solyndra and other places.
headless the racist#7… ad hominem attack Puddy… right on time! Can’t stand the truth eh?
Hey racist headless… This is A-OK to you!
Hey racist headless… This is A-OK to you!
Hey racist headless… This is A-OK to you!
Hey racist headless… This is A-OK to you!
Yeah I thought so!
Wow nothing about Elizabeth Warren on the Friday Night Funny Pages.
Seems she’s drops the biggest stories herself…
Link previously provided! Y’all know who to contact!
National Journal, today:;20120601
They predict Obama has no chance unless he goes negative. It’s what happens when the incumbent is incompetent. All he’s got to work with is to try to make people fear the alternative.
Hopenchange, baybee. It’s what’s on the menu this fall. By the time Obama’s done campaigning, every Mormon household in the country will have a security system either installed or upgraded.
Romney 48
Obama 44
Maybe it’s the economy, stupid.
For the first time in five-and-a-half years of regular tracking, half of voters now trust Republicans more than Democrats when it comes to the economy. The GOP now has a 50% to 39% advantage on the economy. And, of course, that’s the issue voters rate by far as most important this election season.
Why, yes, it IS the economy.
Each and every time you read a poll, look somewhere for the crosstabs.
When you see Republicans being sampled well under 30%, or Republicans sampled several points below Democrats in the same poll, keep this in mind:
The number of Democrats and Republicans in the United States increased slightly in May, with voters in President Obama’s party now at their highest level this year. During May, 35.7% of Americans considered themselves Republicans. That’s up from 35.1% in April, the lowest level measured since November of last year.
and ask yourself whether it’s a poll you should trust.
In 2010, Republicans and Democrats each made up about 35% of the electorate. In 2012, Republicans are just as hell-bent on replacing Obama as they were on replacing their Democrat congressperson in 2010. Don’t fool yourself into thinking otherwise.
Recall when Obama told the unions he would march with them?
Here’s reality:
Yesterday, in the middle of his SIX fundraisers, Obama FLEW OVER Wisconsin while going from MN to IL.
All you union supporters who believed Obama was one of you, maybe consider revising your opinion. Obama supports Obama. You’re just a pawn in the Big Game.
re 12: “They predict Obama has no chance unless he goes negative. It’s what happens when the incumbent is incompetent. All he’s got to work with is to try to make people fear the alternative.”
Orange alert?
“This nation was founded on the proposition that we, the people are best able to chart our own destiny. We, the people are the ones who ought to have the right to make decisions about what happens to us and to our families and to our communities. And when we vote and when the majority votes to have a particular set of policies and ideas and individuals to be controlling the course of our future, then nobody ought to overturn the say of the people. The people ought to govern themselves and have a right to make the decisions … The people who want to see this recall take place are disrespecting the majority… who voted in the election last year, disrespecting the right of the majority to engage in self-governance.”
Former Vice President Al Gore, Jr.
@ 16
You misunderstand the meaning of the word ‘traitor’.
re 9, 10, and 11: You’re still a traitor.
re @7, @16, @19
American traitor? Black traitor? Nope you Dope!
DUMMOCRAPT traitor? Progressive traitor? Stopped drinking da kook-aid!
and you’re still a racist!
Looks like puddles has been parroting Rep Joe Walsh (R-Deadbeat-IL):
More Hunter:
@ 21
I’ve never been comfortable with Walsh as a GOP representative. My preference would be that the GOP withhold RCCC and RNC funds from him and fund someone else.
Similarly, it would be helpful to everyone if the CBC would have policed its own when it had opportunities. Dollar Bill Jefferson is the best example I can come up with although McKinney and Rangel are others.
While you parrot Sheila Jackson Lee…
No proof just empty words. Similar to just about every Lib da schmuck post on HA. Hate-filled vile bile!
And since you brought up Jesse Jackson… where was he when Shawn Tyson killed the two British tourists in cold blood?
Where is Jesse Jackson when the Chicago murder rate is up 60%, mostly blacks killing blacks?
Where is Jesse Jackson on black babies born out of wedlock? Oops… he got that covered! Remember he said “Stay out of the Bushes”. Well he entered one not married to!
Lib da schmuck… still a schmuck!
Our racist asshat Bob has got the Klown car firing on all cylinders this morning.
Anyways, Bob’s insane rant about Rachel Maddow’s mole the other day obviously crossed the line into hate speech. Problem is, he was so “out there” with his hatred that it was difficult to determine whether he was hating on just moles, Rachel, women, lesbians or all of the above. But I’ve somehow got a hunch that the cute little Girl Scout who sold me a box of cookies in front of Safeway few weeks ago is somewhere very high on Bob’s hate list.
Seems there’s another election on Tuesday, with potentially broad implications for California and possibly other public unions:
Don’t miss the analogy by a Democrat politician that union pension costs are a cancer on the public:
“The best metaphor is cancer,” said Reed, a Democrat known as more of a technocrat than a firebrand, who is now cast as public enemy No. 1 by public employee unions. “It started a long time ago, it goes for a long time, and then it becomes life-threatening.”
That’s one of your party’s own elected officials, speaking truth. He won’t be the last. Seems Andrew Cuomo’s got some company.
@ 24
Yes, Doctor Steve, I’m a mole-hater. Moles have a tendency to transform into @25 cancer, after all.
Lemme get this straight.
It’s raaaaaaaaaaacist to require photo ID in order to vote.
But if you’re a MA Dem, you need to show your photo ID to select your candidate?
You guys are all about consistency, aren’t you? Or maybe it’s hypocrisy. It’s so easy to confuse the two when dealing with Democrat positions.
Well, to be fair, Bob, you probably hate unions as much as you do blacks and women.
Your whine about the funding of union pensions is a poor disquise of your contempt for worker’s rights. We already saw your vision for America a century ago when women were leaping to their deaths from the windows of New York’s burning Triangle Building.
@ 28
I clearly remember people leaping to their deaths from burning tall buildings in New York. Your memory is not my memory, Doctor Steve.
I guess we each focus on what matters to us. When you watched what I watched, you probably viewed it as the 1% getting its just desserts.
@ 28
A whole post without profanity. See how easy that was, Doctor Steve?
“It’s raaaaaaaaaaacist to require photo ID in order to vote.”
Um, the other day you were sharing your dream of white militias patroling the dark streets of a Detroit ruled by a council of white men appointed by a white Republican Caesar. I’m not sure why others you know might conclude that you’re a racist, Bob, but that one pretty much did it for me. But I’m certain that they, like myself, have more to go on than some shallow, superficial rant of yours about suppressing the votes of people of color by means of voter ID laws.
@ 31
Wrong. I said militias. I never said ‘white’ militias.
Detroit is 82.7% black (2010 Census) and if there is citizen v. government conflict, I expect the militias – which I define as citizens organizing themselves to defend against an outside incursion – to be black.
I let it slide when you suggested falsely once before but let’s straighten out the record right now. I said militias. YOU added the skin color, Doctor Steve.
I accept that your false characterization is merely incorrect. Do it again and you are a liar.
Pud: You are an anti-democratic, traitorous loon. The line in the sand is drawn — and you are on the wrong side of it.
Far easier, Bob, than you posting something that isn’t some thin veneer, yet another failed attempt to conceal your hatred of blacks, unions and women. Damn, Bob, you fascist dickheads are all alike.
Bob’s a traitorous loon as well.
When these ‘militias’ of his dreams appear on the streets of America, they will be the SS troops of Xe — and Bob will be one of the targets.
I stand fucking corrected. Bob’s dream is of militias, possibly even black militias, roaming the streets of a Detroit ruled by a council of white males appointed by a white Republican Caesar.
You fascists are such dickheads, Bob.
@ 36
You still did not read correctly, Doctor Steve. Militia vs. government violence in Detroit is my very real fear. It’s a nightmare scenario, not a dream.
@5 “Scott Walker liberated Wisconsin public employees from being forced into unions.”
In the same sense that Stalin liberated peasants from aristocrats’ estates by shipping them to labor camps.
Florida GOPers Defy Feds, Illegally Purge Voters
Florida’s GOP governor and SoS have turned a deaf ear to DOJ warnings — and complaints from civil rights groups and even the state’s own elections supervisors — that their voter-roll purging activities violate federal law. Next step: Federal court.
@ 38
20 million dead under Stalin.
Scott Walker about to be re-confirmed as governor in an openly democratic election, likely with a higher victory margin than in 2010.
You’re a clown.
@32 “I never said ‘white’ militias.”
Leaving open the possibility of membership to George Zimmerman, I see …
I wonder what the militias roaming the streets of Seattle in Bob’s dreams look like? Are they representative of a fascist’s distorted view of the city or does Bob turn to the 2010 census? OMG! I bet know! Bob dreams that Seattle’s militias are dressed in chains and leather!
@40 “You’re a clown.”
Big words from a little boy.
@40 Republicans have something in common with Stalin. He didn’t let people vote, either.
“my very real fear”
You are too funny.
@ 44
If ONLY your facts matched your rhetoric.
They don’t:
Black voter turnout increased in Georgia and Indiana after voter ID laws passed. Georgia began implementing its law requiring one of six forms of voter ID in 2007. According to data from Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp, the black vote increased by 42%, or 366,000 votes, in 2008 over 2004. The Latino vote grew by 140% or 25,000 votes in 2008, while the white vote increased by only 8% from four years earlier.
No doubt Mr. Obama’s presence on the ballot helped drive that turnout surge in 2008, but then the black vote in Georgia also increased by 44.2% during the midterm Congressional races of 2010 from 2006. The Hispanic vote grew by 66.5% in 2010 from four years earlier. Those vote totals certainly don’t suggest that requiring an ID is a barrier to the ballot box.
Voting While Black
Published: August 20, 2004
[Excessively copied material Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Same old bullshit; it never stops. Time to put some of these Florida Republicans in Leavenworth.
The Economist, all but calling Obama stupid:
The Republican National Committee has a special offer for African-American soldiers: Go to Baghdad, lose your vote.
[Excessively copied material deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
[Quoted under Fair Use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
[Note: Copying 500 words of an 800 word article is NOT fair use!]
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What kind of slime suckers would take advantage of soldiers’ deployment to a combat zone to deprive them of their vote? Troop-hating Republican traitors, that’s who. We should put these meatballs on trial and lock them up in federal prisons for violating the Civil Rights Act.
Heh.. Relations that distant huh?
Puddy can join the militia. He just can’t be on the ruling Council. That’s white folk only.
“the militias – which I define as citizens organizing themselves to defend against an outside incursion”
Just to be clear, those outsiders are any citizens of Detroit who don’t take kindly to the rule of a Council appointed by a Republican Caesar.
Two-thirds of NC black voters support Voter ID law:
America is a free country, and I don’t think anyone should be forced to belong to a union, nor should anyone be forced to accept union pay, benefits, and working conditions. So here’s how we solve that problem. In every workplace where there’s a union contract, anyone who doesn’t want to join the union should be allowed to work for the minimum wage and no benefits. That’ll save him the monthly cost of union dues.
Wrong again. Your reading comprehension skills are middle-school level, apparently.
Actually, no one in America is “forced to join a union,” and anyone who says otherwise is a bullshitter. Even in non-“right to work” (for low wages) states, workers can opt out of union membership in any workplace. They may, however, be required to pay “shop fees” to cover the costs of negotiating for the pay and benefits they co-enjoy with union members. Why should they get those benefits at the expense of their co-workers, without contributing a dime of their own? That’s free-riding.
Clown. As you watch the union model fail in the face of reality you become ever more idiotic in your proposals.
Reality is that union concessions, substantial ones, will be necessary. Unions are weakening for a reason. There is no reason that municipalities need to act as the dues collector for a union. As more municipalities reject that, union coffers will quickly become depleted.
Look at the Marquette poll results. Public wants unions to kick in to their own retirement and health care. Good luck pushing back against that.
Damn straight – I’ll stand with Sheila Jackson Lee, and you can have Joe Walsh.
“Militia vs. government violence in Detroit is my very real fear.”
And yet you’ve admitted to having never been anywhere near Detroit in your lifetime, Bob. You have expressed fears as to how blacks of the city would react to non-elected white rule. You talk of needing militias and calling in the National Guard. These are not reality-based fears you express here, Bob. This is a deep-deated paranoia sprung from a core racist belief system.
You mean the Triangle Shirtwaist fire? Man you must be old.
If only OSHA and ILGWU had existed back then, all those young women who burned or leaped to their deaths wouldn’t haunt your dreams. See – unions and government work place regulations – good, evil greedy exploitative capitalists – BAD.
@56 “Reality is that union concessions, substantial ones, will be necessary.”
Really? Why must workers make concessions, when all of America’s income gains since 1970 have gone to the top 1%, CEO pay is soaring while wages stagnate, and corporations are raking in an ever-larger share of GDP? Wouldn’t logic suggest it’s time for CEOs, bankers, and corporate profits to make some concessions to workers?
Did you say something about a clown? Here, try this on …
The real problem with fascists and racists like Bob is how damned ashamed they are of what they are. Why can’t someone like Bob just ever say, “I’m a damned racist and proud of it!” Or maybe, “Yeah, I’m a fascist! What’s it to you?” But no, Bob has to act like a weasel about it.
@ 60
You are confusing private sector unions with public sector unions, clown. Need I explain the difference?
@57 Joe Walsh? Isn’t he the GOP congress critter who owed over $100k of unpaid child support? What kind of cretin stiffs his own kids? A Republican blowhard, that’s who.
Only in the neofeudal dystopia that you clearly long for.
It’s rather elementary – the labor movement undergirded the middle class. Widened prosperity, limited work week, overtime and safety rules, weekends, health and medical benefits, upward mobility through access to college – brought to you by the labor movement. Republicans HATE this – their all about wage theft and free labor – serfdom, if possible. Active destruction of labor movement paralleled wage stagnation and concentration of wealth at top. Middle Class on life-support, and the ventillator – public sector unions – is having plug pulled by ALEC/Kochs/Walker/Teahaddists.
Somalia, here we come.
@ 60
You DO realize that Act 10 in Wisconsin has nothing to do with the UAW and the Boeing Machinists union, don’t you?
64 – He caught up last I heard. Had to attend to that politics thing first before he could solve problems on the home front.
@62 Why should public workers have less right to bargain for pay, benefits, and working conditions than their private sector counterparts? Work is work … and we all want to make enough to support our families.
(Some, like bankers, want a lot more; but we’re not all that greedy. Some of us think what our work contributes to society matters more than whether we get rich doing it.)
Just saw this on KOS:
The wingnuts don’t think Mitt’s wing-y enough. What sort of contortions do you suppose he’ll need to perform? And what’s that going to do to his standing with sane people?
@59 Bob isn’t so entirely clueless. The last thing a fascist wingnut wants to talk about is the Triangle Shirtwaist fire. An ideal workplace that was, one without the all burdens of cumbersome liberal regulations that stifle a Job Creator’s bottom line. Hell, when employees leap to their deaths you just hire more.
Hey kids,
What are they going to recommend next?
A Chevy Volt? Oh heavens forbid!
They’ve already decimated private sector unions. Now they’re just playing workers off each other – essentially, “Now that you’re impoverished and working three jobs with no overtime and horrific safety conditions, why should those pampered teachers and fire fighters and environmental inspectors have it so cushy??!”
@ 68
You’re an idiot. You had an opportunity to acknowledge a clear unintentional error, and instead you dug your hole deeper.
You want a public sector union to be treated like a private sector union.
Would you be OK with, say, the leadership of a municipality, the employer of public sector union workers, being treated the same way as a CEO, then?
Because in Benton Harbor the town leadership was stripped of its ability to govern by the state, the same way a CEO might be stripped of his/her responsiblities by a Board of Directors.
Ergo, you are OK with what happened to the town leadership i Benton Harbor, right?
You. are. a. clown.
OH – you mean the WTC!
No, I didn’t see it that way. I saw a lot of people tragically dying because of George W. Bush’s incompetence and he and his cabal’s adolescent fixation on picking a fight in Iraq – and the usefulness politically of making him a “War President ™”
Now there is a nasty mix of stupidity and perfidy and treason.
Gee I thought that was supposed to be done by a vote of the people instead of oh one of those “captured boards”.
Silly me.
I’m sure glad we have conservative politicians imposing austerity policies on Europe, because the stocks I want to buy are getting a lot cheaper thanks to them.
For example, McDonald’s was $102 not long ago but is now less than $87.
While I wouldn’t choose these policies for my own country, the idiot Republicans would, and I’m willing to profit from their stupidity.
I love buying stock from rich Republicans for $87 and selling it back to them for $102. Rinse, repeat, until I’m living like a Republican too! They must like me.
@ 74
Jamie Gorelick
Sandy Berger
There was PLENTY of blame to go around.
Ask yourself what Sandy Berger had hidden in his pants when he walked out of that secure documents room, and what he did not want others to see.
Nice try. One nagging thing about us ‘trolls’: We’re not all stupid.
@73 ” You’re an idiot.”
Bleating “bah bah bah” over and over doesn’t make a sheep more intelligent; and it doesn’t make you more intelligent, either.
@ 75
Benton Harbor is a municipality incorporated in the State of Michigan and is therefore subject to Michigan law.
Michigan legislators, in turn, are subject to election by the voters.
It’s a representative democracy, YLB. Voters elected the state legislators who pass laws which govern municipalities incorporated in that state.
Deal with it.
@ 79
Still no acknowledgement that your idiocy about the 1% and workers has nothing to do with the public sector.
You are a dishonest blowhard. Smarter than Rujax, certainly, but apparently not by as much as you think.
China experiences a hard landing early next year..
Europe will still be a basket case, a poster child for the failure of austerity policies which were only adopted in Krugman’s words “to use the crisis, not to solve it”..
No one of sufficient means will be left to prop up the U.S.
Romney, if he bamboozles enough desperate people in November, of course will quadruple, quintuple, octuple down on the hallucination that making fat cats fatter will remedy the pickle we’re in.
@80 I wouldn’t have a problem with a partisan faction of state government stripping my town of its public parks and other publicly-owned assets and turning them into private profit if they had paid the taxes that bought those assets. But if town property is bought with my tax money, and legislators from another part of the state seize those assets for their cronies, I’d consider that stealing.
As for how to deal with it, the answer is simple: Two can play this game. When Democrats get back in power, they should seize the assets of the municipalities where Republicans live and turn them over to their buddies. What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
My biggest complaint about Democrats is they don’t act like Republicans enough. The Golden Rule, Variant 7.13, should apply:
Do unto them what they do to us.
@ 82
You need to take your third prediction further.
What happens to interest rates when the US can’t sell its debt cheaply, YLB?
Take it further. Then tell me how Krugman’s encouragement to spend even more as stimulus will affect the US deficit, when we have to pay significantly greater interest rates on all of that increased spending.
Take it further. It’s important.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
@ 83
First logical thing you have said. You don’t like what’s happened? Vote them out.
Don’t refer to them in Caesarian terms. You’ve seen how useful recalls are when you try to justify them by keeping all of those public sector union bennies.
Just vote them out.
But when you and your fellow Dems take over, maybe try to do it other than the way Obama/Nancy/Harry did it.
’cause the pendulum is about to swing back to the GOP because of their missteps.
@84 “What happens to interest rates when the US can’t sell its debt cheaply, YLB?”
If your argument is that government debt will push interest rates up despite government manipulation of markets to keep them down, that’s a good thing, not a bad thing.
There’s tremendous moral and practical hazard in low-interest policies. These policies reward borrow-and-spenders and punish savers and investors. So, what behavior is being encouraged, and what is discouraged?
Off the top of my head, that’s forced austerity even if Bernanke runs the printing presses again.
Will we cut defense/homeland security boondoggles, tax expenditures??
Not a freaking chance with your beloved Mitt and his stamp of approval on the Ryan Plan v2.0 which be v2.5 (even more outrageous punishment of the poor) if too many buy Mitt’s sell job this fall.
If debt is a bad thing, think about this:
Many corporations are taking advantage of artificially low interest rates to borrow billions of dollars for the purpose of buying back their own stock.
How can that be a good thing?
@ 87
Er, it won’t be a small increase in the interest rate, RR. Not after QE1 and QE2 and not after ARRA.
High interest rates and high unemployment.
How well did that work out for Jimmy Carter?
Word of the day:
I went to the Gig Harbor Parade this morning and saw me a blue-eye politician, now that’s something you don’t see every day!
Let me guess: you don’t see many blue-eye politician’s because most politician’s are so full of shit their eyes are brown. Did I get that right?
Ding, ding. We have a winner!
@ 89
It’s relatively good when the alternative is:
1. Using it to buy other companies because they have money to burn.
2. Holding it and being accused of not stimulating the economy by hiring workers that they don’t want/need to hire (seems to me I recall something from you about that).
You brought up McDonald’s. Let’s say McDonald’s recognizes that its stock is underpriced, and that it can sell 5 year notes at 1.25%
and use the money to buy back stock on which it otherwise would pay a 3.2% dividend.
McDonald’s knows it will always, ALWAYS, be able to service that debt.
Would you not do the same thing?
This is common sense, RR.
Let’s not forget there’s good debt and bad debt.
In principle, borrowing to buy a house to raise a family or a car needed for a job is good for society because these debts support activities that are productive.
On the other hand, a credit-card shopping binge is counterproductive because it impairs the consumer’s future income and buying power.
The one is investment; the other is consumption.
We need to make the same distinction between government borrowing for capital spending on infrastructure that boosts the economy, and borrowing to pay for wars and other consumptive activities, as the Republicans did under Reagan and Bush.
Let’s not forget that much of the national debt was run up under Republican borrow-and-spend administrations, and there’s not much to show for it.
One of the things that makes eminent sense in a faltering economy struggling with joblessness is to put people to work on our massive infrastructure needs. This is the best possible time for government to borrow money to do that — interest rates are a bargain and people need work. America is still benefitting from the dams and other public works built with borrowed money in the depths of the Depression. We have a massive amount of infrastructure that needs replacement or updating. This is the best possible use of the government’s ability to borrow.
As for the deficits in the operating budget, cut back on things we don’t really need (such as a bloated defense budget larger than the rest of the world’s combined military spending) and raise taxes on those who can afford to pay to cover the rest.
Did I mention George Zimmerman’s bail was revoked and he’s back in custody because he lied to the judge about his finances? You’ve gotta wonder what else he has lied about, too.
@96 Correction, he’s not in custody yet, but has to turn himself in by Sunday.
@ 96, 97
See @ 3.
Jesus, it’s only been 12 hours. Alzheimer’s much?
“Will we cut defense/homeland security boondoggles, tax expenditures??”
I certainly hope so. We could start by a total withdrawal from the Middle East followed by a slower withdrawal from all foreign lands. South Korea can take care of itself, and Israel can, too. Europe will be on their own for the first time in 70 years. Taiwan will have to keep the mainland Chinese at bay on their own.
Get rid of the Partiot Act and the Dept. of Homeland Security. Turn those TSA jobs back over to private employers and lay-off the TSA workers.
Fix the tax code by enacting a simple flat rate personal income tax based on how many people are supported by the income of people filing the income tax returns. Make the corporate income tax a simple percentage of sales/revenues caotial gains, and interest-received.
In short, shrink the empire to a manageablle single country, just the USA, and let the rest of the world handle their own problems.
I remember a time when right wingers were all about economic growth..
This country had debt way in excess of GDP after WWII but robust year-upon-year economic growth made this a non-issue.
But the turtle head ghoul in the U.S. Senate’s #1 priority is to make Obama a one-termer. Economic growth is the enemy of his and his fellow travelers’ degenerate agenda.
The Bush administration was determined to attack Iraq from the get-go.
They manufactured a pretext, lied, and got their little war.
Along the way, actually probably the real reason for the war, they used the “Wartime President” label as a cudgel to beat their political enemies and to silence dissent.
It was and is deplorable, and in terms of immense wasted opportunities and the costs in lives that they cavalierly threw away, treasonous – they grievously harmed the country.
Well isn’t this interesting:
Original reference from Joe.My.God, pointing out the…delicious…headline:
My goodness…I hope Max doesn’t consider this an attack on religion or anything.
You are saying Bush manufactured 9/11, then?
Because we were talking 9/11 and you said he manufactured a pretext for war.
Confirm or clarify, plz.
Most of the TSA jobs can just go away period.
What did a Saddam Hussein bottled up by economic sanctions and brit/u.s. jets patrolling Iraq southern/northern skies have to do with 9/11?
Remember the “second front” on the war on terror?
Oh and where’s the WMD??
Iraq was totally cooked up you numbskull. That territory has been mined thoroughly here.
Do your fucking homework.
@103 Your comment is just plain stupid.
Okay, I want to rant about the Federal Reserve’s low-interest-rate policies some more; but this time I’ll let someone else do the ranting (because it’s easier than doing it myself):
“The U.S. has so far succeeded in going slowly to allow an orderly deleveraging of financial assets. But the policy measures — essentialy zero interest rates — are like antibiotics. The effectiveness wears off over time, you need to take more and more to achieve less and less, and eventually they stop working.” — Simon Mikahailovich, money manager, quoted in Barron’s, 6/4/12, p. 41.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is basically what economists say, too, i.e. that quantitative easing becomes less effective as time goes on. Consistent with what I posted yesterday, I think it’s time to let markets take over, or at least shoulder more of the lifting. We’re not in recession; we’re in a growing economy. Our banking system isn’t collapsing; it’s stronger than in 2008 and capitalized for 13% unemployment, so there’s enough safety margin in the financial system to put more trust in markets. In the end, market forces are going to push policymakers out of the way, anyway. So I would say to the Fed, back off, and let the market take over from here. QE3 is not the thing to do at this time.
108 – Yes, we don’t need monetary stimulus. We need more fiscal stimulus. We need an expanding middle class and we’re not going to get it by making those who have it made richer and richer through government policies like they’ve been getting for last 30-40 years.
Keynes was right when he said the time for government austerity is when times are good. Those were the Bill Clinton days.
@ 106
After the spanking you got yesterday I figured you would be smart enough to STFU.
Seems giving you credit for ANY intelligence is unwarranted.
My question was whether Lib Sci thinks that Bush allowed 9/11 to happen as a pretext. Not whether the reasons for going into Iraq were ‘cooked up’. There’s a difference.
I think when Bush was reading “My Little Pony”, he was reading it to you, Rujax. Jesus, dude, pull your head out and breathe once in awhile.
@ 109
Tell us what your solution is, then, Robin Hood. You want the middle class to be stimulated. How?
By increasing taxes on the wealthy? Sorry, that just makes the wealthy less willing to invest and take risk. It certainly doesn’t stimulate job creation. They’re already sitting on their wallets because they don’t know what tax, fee, regulation, or other executive fiat they’ll be hit with next.
By handing out another series of $250 checks to those making under $80K or whatever it was the last time? If people think their job is at risk and they’re handed $250, you think they’ll go out and spend it? Or will they set it aside for the rainy day, which does nothing but increase the deficit?
Maybe let’s have another Cash for Clunkers? Yeah, that’s it. We’ll hand Toyota and Honda some more money, and make used cars more expensive for those who can’t afford new.
Let’s give another $8K credit for homebuyers! Yes, let’s give people $8K and raise the deficit so they can buy a $150K home that will be worth $135K a year from now. Good idea.
What are you going to do to provide fiscal-not-monetary stimulus, Wordsmith?
You did nothing of the sort you egomaniacal motherfucker.
All you did was cement yourself on the hierarchy of right-wing wack-job dopes that inflict their bullshit on the rest of us.
Eye opening information Roger DUMB Wabbit And then in Wisconsin this happens…
Kind of explodes your argument eh DUMB Wabbit? Let me know when you decide to attend a DL and I’ll bring a friend who will look you in the eye and discuss how his union told him he still had to pay union dues while he was laid off.
I’d rather be a M1A2 commander!
Great place 20 years ago! College roommate lives off of 8 mile and retired sister lives north of Detroit!
Be sure to post the coat hanger moron!
A few ingredients short of a working brain but even he can tell the truth!
Wow, Mittens sure is a popular guy.
Yeah Krugman, Nobel nutz
Because Axelrod has his minions showing up and heckling. no details worked perfectly at Solyndra.
Figgers off the top of that pointed head you didn’t get what Roger wrote in the 5/31 Open thread dumbASS pointy headed clueless deranged databaze moron ylb.
Yeah, I know that numb-nuts. The interesting part is the part you did copy.
So, what we have here is the Republican candidate for president who the local Republican big wigs don’t give a shit about. Same sort of thing happened in NV. All I’m saying is that it’s interesting times.
@111 “By increasing taxes on the wealthy?”
Nobody’s suggesting taxing the wealthy to stimulate the economy, blockhead. But every competent economist in the country says it’ll take both tax increases and spending cuts to get deficits under control, and when deciding who’s going to pay higher taxes, it’s reasonable to argue the rich should pay at least the same rates as working stiffs.
“Sorry, that just makes the wealthy less willing to invest and take risk. It certainly doesn’t stimulate job creation.”
Right … today the rich get a larger share of GDP than at any time in history, pay the lowest tax rates in 60 years, and where are the jobs? Sorry, that argument doesn’t wash anymore; been there, done that.
“They’re already sitting on their wallets because they don’t know what tax, fee, regulation, or other executive fiat they’ll be hit with next.”
Bullshit. First of all, they’re not sitting on their wallets; Tiffany’s and high-end real estate are doing fine. Second, it’s lack of consumer demand that’s holding back hiring, not lack of investment capital. The world is awash in capital. The rich have so much capital there’s trillions of dollars sitting in idle cash because there’s no place to invest it. Companies are boosting dividends and buying back stock because they can’t invest in their businesses because there’s no demand.
Let me spell it out for you, numbskull, since you can’t comprehend it any other way. After 30 years of Republican economic policies that drove down wages, drove up unemployment, and drove jobs offshore, consumers aren’t spending because they have no money!! By following these policies, American businesses killed their own customer base. And now idiots like you come along and blame it on taxing the rich! Never mind there are 39,000 millionaires in this country who pay no taxes at all! But the bright side of that is after millionaires’ taxes have been cut to nothing, people like you won’t be able to give them any more tax cuts.
In another of those extremely rare Mass Shootings Of The Day (TM), 1 person is dead and 7 injured (2 critically) after a madman opened fire in a Toronto shopping mall — wonder if he got the gun at an American gun show?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Actually, these incidents are rare in Canada, where they have strict gun control and it’s almost impossible for civilians to get handguns.
“A 19-year-old Arizona mother who police say left her 5-week-old baby strapped in a car seat atop her car roof and drove off is under arrest on child abuse and aggravated DUI charges, Phoenix-area media reported Saturday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Is there anyone in Arizona who isn’t a Republican? This sounds like something a stupid Republican would do. I’m not saying she was a Republican. All I’m saying is it’s easier to vote Republican if you get drunk and smoke some grass before voting. Especially in Arizona, where Republicans are running amok. Well the good news is Republicans reproduce at very low rates, if at all, so the political demographics of this country are going to be very different only one generation from now.
CNN has Romney and Obama in a statistical tie:
Obama’s dropped 6 points in a month. Oh, and the poll was taken Tu-Th, before the Friday economic news.
Romney takes independents, 51 – 39.
Oh, and it’s a poll of registered voters. If it were a poll of likely voters the tally would skew a couple of points to the GOP side.
No wonder Obama’s whining about how he wishes he had McCain as an opponent and not Romney.
He probably also wishes he didn’t have a three-year record voters could use in deciding for whom to vote.
And it’s only June.
People who live in Phoenix. McCain took the rest of the county!
Michael, why waste time in a state that moronically votes blue tout le temps?
How Dumb Is George Zimmerman?
Reeeeeal dumb. As he’s the only eyewitness to the shooting of Trayvon Martin, the jury’s determination of guilt or innocence will depend to a large degree on Zimmerman’s credibility. In a case like this, getting his bail revoked for lying to the court wasn’t a good idea.
@ 129
I seem to recall a trial of public opinion regarding some fraternity members at Duke University not so far back. I clearly recall a ‘Gang of 88’ professors who jumped on the bandwagon, a little prematurely as it turned out.
It ended with the disbarment of the prosecutor, elimination of all charges against those initially accused, and the accuser, if I recall correctly, subsequently killed her boyfriend.
All Zimmerman has to prove is reasonable doubt. Having a witness state to the police that Zimmerman was being pounded ‘MMA style’ by a guy on top of him sounds reasonable enough.
Zimmerman doesn’t have to prove he’s an altar boy. Just introduce sufficient reasonable doubt.
Guess What, Liquor Prices Went Up!
“Shelf prices were noticeably lower than the prices at state stores but at the check-out stand, the cost climbed as the state tax of $3.77 per liter and a 20.5 percent spirits sales tax got tacked on. Those aren’t new taxes. They did get charged before at state liquor stores though most customers probably didn’t think about it. …
“The ballot measure written by Costco lawyers was designed to ensure the state and local governments do not lose any money in the transformation. It didn’t touch the state’s existing spirits sales tax and liter tax. It erased the state’s 51.9 percent mark-up, then sought to replace those dollars by imposing fees of 10 percent on distributors and 17 percent on retailers. Of course, those distributors and retailers need to make money to stay in business. No surprise, they’ve added in an amount for their profit and the result is the price for most bottles of booze are going to be above what the state charged in its stores.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So here’s what you pay for liquor. A 10% tax on distributors. A 17% tax on retailers. A $3.77 per liter tax on the liquor itself. A 20.5% sales tax on the shelf price. Back of the envelope, it looks like 60% to 70% of what you pay at checkout goes to taxes.
Bottom line: “Backers of Initiative 1183, which passed with 59 percent of the vote in November, never claimed privatizing liquor sales would mean lower prices.”
Guess what, it doesn’t.
Well, one thing you probably can count on is, with liquor available in grocery stores, people are going to drink a lot more and that will boost the state’s income from liquor taxes. Probably also gonna mean more dead pedestrians, bicyclists, and kids in our streets, too.
@130 You missed the point. Let me explain it again, maybe it’ll sink in. If Zimmerman’s defense is going to depend in part of his testimony, his credibility has now been impaired by the fact he lied to the court in the bail-setting hearing.
Hey, a good comment for once, congrats. But, it’s not just WA, he’s had the same sort of problems, for example, in NV. And it’s not about Romney so much as the WSRP’s response to him.
But yeah, now that I you bring it up I can see why Romney’s folks wouldn’t want to spend a lot of time here.
So you couldn’t agree on #5 eh Michael? Too many facts and too much over your head?
Michael, I reviewed the Nevada polling data. It was taken before the lousy jobs reports for May and the April jobs report revised downward! Let’s see what next week brings. Romney knows Harry Reid is from Nevada and Oscar Goodman is a REAL DUMMOCRAPT!
117 – Yawwwn.. More babbling from an moronic idiot.
121 – And hiding behind a lefty’s knees again… Shades of the “remember what Lee said” bullshit.. zzzzZZZZZZ.. Where’s his argument?
Maybe buried in links to right wing bullshit no one bothers to click on. Poor moron… Posts link after link and no one cares..
What’s the last thing you do Bob when running a business? The VERY LAST THING you resort to when operating a business? The one thing you’ll put off as long as possible.
Everyone should notice when the arschloch of 137 & 138 appears, nothing of significance appears with him.
Roger made a great comment for a change and you naturally didn’t comprehend it. You post above proved it to everyone. Your typical response
Anything new? Nope cuz yous a dope! T H E N . . . . . .
What would this leftist out-of-work, never created a job fool know about bidness? Everyone knows your MO. Sit on your ASS 24×7 and cruise left wrong puke sites and regurgitate this pablum and drivel. Lee? Why don’t you remind all of us from the deranged crazed debazed arschloch databaze!
Now back to real news… Maureen Dowd has questions!!!!!
Sterling… Yes, the perfect word for Romney at Bain!
No hope so we need a change!
Looks on the surface like a compliment but to those in the know it’s just a moronic idiot hiding, lying, babbling, hating..
Boring us all to tears with his right wing bullshit..
Notice this babbling buffoon spewing ignorance.. He can’t answer the question.
Just as well. It’s not directed at him..
@113 Are you that fucking stupid? Or are you just a baldface liar? If you don’t want to belong to a union shop, you have two choices: Pay shop fees in lieu of union dues and don’t belong to the union, or get a job in a non-union shop. NOBODY is forced to join a union in this country — NOBODY. Asswipe.
@141 Change to what? A two-faced flip-flopper who blows a whistle at every headline? Please. Romney behaves like a six-year-old. We need a grownup for this job.
Like I said earlier, went right over your head, being a few ingredients short of a working brain.
More BULLSHITTIUM about the real world vs a law that is ignored.
Why does the words of a libtardo from Wisconsin cause Roger DUMB Wabbit’s head to EXPLODE?
Cause it destroys his puny argument. Sure you can point to the NLRB federal. Just try to bring it up at the union job. BTY when you meet the gentleman, he’ll explain what his WA state based union told him about his union dues while being laid off. Give Puddy some dates you’ll be at DL and I’ll talk to him and bring him in to set you straight!
Well then you can’t vote for Obummer can you?
Notice Roger DUMB Wabbit skips over the super high union boss salaries, the perks they claim, and nepotism events. Oh wait, Roger forgot this UNION THUGGERY!
As all can see Roger DUMB Wabbit plays dumb and lose with facts when it benefits his arguments.
And you wonder why being a liberal is a mental disorder? Proof positive below!
More repugnant activities of leftist pinheads from Wisconsin. These douchebags spent $4.8 million on recalling Scott Walker. Well that’s 4.8 million less to spend on Obummer!
Watch the moronic make stupid comments… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…
Upon Inauguration: – – -$10,626,877,048,913
As of May 31, 2012:- – -$15,770,685,085,364
In 3.4 yrs Increased:- – -$5,143,808,036,451
George Bush (8yrs):- – – $4,899,100,310,609
Great job Obummer.
Barack Obama: Drone Warrior
Of course you can compare the bragging styles of the last two presidents…
GW Bush – Saddam Hussein captured speech:
Obummer Speech on Bin Laden’s death:
Wait for the stupid comments to abound… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…
Manifest stupidity, on parade, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153.
The shotgun approach – fling poo, every bit of Fox, Althouse, whatever, you can find in the right-tard fever swamp – see what sticks. Likely none, around here, blessedly.
You reinforce the perception of you, despite your recurrent protestations of relevance in your professional life, as a twisted, angry little man, seething with uncontrollable Dominionist rage and Right-wing id.
Don’t you have better things to do? Likely not – my guess is you need to have people pay attention to you – hence the relentless postings above – you’d do better getting a therapist, though they tend to enforce limits on pathologic behavior.
I’m outta here – this place smelled better when puddles wasn’t dropping turds every 15 seconds in the middle of the living room.
Not right now. Garden weeded, house clean, wife talking to her relatives on phone, so time to SMACK the useless moron Lib da schmuck!
A-OK when you use it eh Lib da schmuck?
A word from your clueless archloch bud ylb “zzzZZZZZZzzz”
Whatanidiot! Facts – KAAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAMMO to Lib da schmuck’s mind!
Desperation shows it’s ugly face in many ways…..
What if he does not testify?
If reasonable doubt is established by the injuries to Zimmerman or by the changing stories of all the witnesses, why put him on the stand? If I had unreliable witness testimony to work with and I was the attorney, I wouldn’t have Zimmerman testify.
No gloves to try on here, RR.
re 156: ‘Desperation shows it’s ugly face in many ways…..’
You have a pleasant way of self-deprecation (that’s deprecation, not defecation).
@ 154
Actually, @150 is a pretty important point. An awful lot of blue dollars were wasted and I suspect the end result is that blue WI now is in play for the Fall.
It’s a tremendously damaging own-goal for the Dems if Walker wins in a blowout. Michael (seems I like to quote that guy) thinks 10 point win will be damaging.
Pleasant and defecation in the same sentence.
Nice work, Scat. You should meet YLB. Don’t forget the enema can and the DSS. You two will have a slippery good time together.
Hmmm.. Did a moronic babbling hate-filled idiot say anything worth anyone’s time of day??
It’s the right wingers I quote evacuating their bowels here Bob. I report, you decide. As a right winger yourself, you decide to take the low road – frame it as me being the author of disgusting right wing comments.. Nice work.
Wisconsin just is not that far from states like NJ, LA, SC, VA. States with likable governors who have and will campaign for Romney. If Romney is concentrating on OH, PA, and MI, Wisconsin is very close and it is easy for him to stop there for a brief appearance. Romney does not need CO or NV if he wins WI.
Meanwhile, Obama desperately needs to hold NV, CO, NM, and WI just is not close if he is doing a western swing. Obama is under 50% in CA right now and he needs the Seattle dollars so he will be out west far more than Romney.
And if Obama needs to play serious defense in WI, too…
@82 and @88 are two references to a Romney win. You feelin’ it already? Kinda blasphemous, isn’t it, with Darryl giving Romney only a 0.1% chance at a win?
I am rather surprised that you guys didn’t flaunt that dKos piece about Walker’s alleged bastard child. Hail Mary time, after all, isn’t it?
We leave the religious dogma to the right wingers Bob..
I see nothing but data in Darryl’s analysis.
And yet you see some aspect of the lower alimentary tract @161 in everything else, YLB. Your favorite part of the Bible is that Sodom story, right?
U worry too much about what the crazed moron@165 thinks. He’s a few ingredients short of a brain so why bother. You can see when confronted with facts he left the blog for a while!
There isn’t anything worthwhile inside the pink haired idiot’s mind besides hatred 24x7x365.25.
166 – Whatever you say Bob..
No my favorite part of the Bible is the Sermon on the Mount..
It’d be nice if right wingers heeded the warnings against false prophets.
Pathetic moron @ 167 can’t even do a ctrl-f search for responses to his twaddle..
Not that anyone should respond to it in the first place.
Bob, did you notice his attempt at calling names is a face plant! Well at least you admit you are a few ingredients short of a brain. You responded.
So let’s review the facts about a few ingredients short of a brain twaddle:
Original post was 1:00 PM.
A few ingredients short of a brain’s next post was 5:45 PM. Didn’t answer the 1:00 PM post. Must have been too hard.
A few ingredients short of a brain was re-asked about his non response at 9:46 PM.
Still no answer Bob! It’s too hard for pink haired idiot’s mind besides hatred 24×7×365.25!
zzzZZZzzzzz.. Wrong.. Keep looking. It’s even in the original thread.. Shouldn’t be too hard for anyone save for a braindead fool.
Checked and reverified. See ya…
Wait for it…
One day I’ll find your most frenzied 24 hour period and post it on my blog..
It’ll be a PRICELESS reminder of the idiot we’re all dealing with here.
Nice project for the next couple of hours..
Awwww.. Poor dumbass is blind.. Oh I forget he can’t comprehend written language to save his sorry butt.
More few ingredients short of a brain twaddle:
Instead of performing something constructive to society and his “family”
Off to my little project now! Fun!
Friday in Milwaukee, President Clinton headlines Barrett’s rally and the crowd is fewer than 1,000.
Saturday in Caledonia, 4,000 Tea Party supporters show up to rally for Lt. Gov. Kleefisch.
The Democrat Party’s second-biggest draw, in WI’s largest city, at a rally for its candidate for the governorship, brings in 1/4 the number of attendees that a Tea Party gathering attracts to a rally for the Lt. Gov.
I predict a double-digit margin of victory for Walker on Tuesday. This one won’t be close.
Mandate, anyone?
From ‘Push back twice as hard.’ to ‘Whine twice as much.’
A billion here, a billion there………..
To Lib Sci regarding:
Apparently the IG’s mention of all of that green jobs money going to ‘friends and family’ wasn’t in the report.
It was out of the IG’s mouth during testimony:
The Department of Energy’s inspector general, Gregory Friedman, who was not a political appointee, chastised the alternative-energy loan and grant programs for their absence of “sufficient transparency and accountability.” He has testified that contracts have been steered to “friends and family.”
80% of the programs went to Obama donors. And Romney’s a liar for bringing it up when it came out of DOE’s own IG’s mouth?
Nice try.
@ 180
Hey, Lib Sci:
You must not have looked very far before branding Romney a liar. The IG’s account was published in Newsweek.
Although Newsweek, like a lot of liberal rags, is hemorrhaging subscribers and now is a subsidiary of Tina Brown’s online presence, so you could be forgiven for not doing the most basic of research before calling someone on the other side a liar.
I mean, it’s not like scientists receive formal training in researching prior to spewing, or anything.
Don’t you hate it when people don’t just take you for your word and actually dig a little to determine whether you’re accurate, Lib Sci?
How desperate?
This desperate:
Although Rujax must be thrilled, absolutely orgasmic, that his tally of A-list celebrities supporting The One just grew by two names: The skank ho on Sex in the City and the inspiration for The Devil Wears Prada.
I hear Rujax is working up a special cheer for the occasion. Yay!
Off for the rest of the day.
I’ll leave you libs with this:
The turnout operations will serve as a test run for November’s presidential contest.
As you sadly tune in to Rachel and Chris’ spin on Tuesday night (polls in WI close 6PM PST), do not neglect to note that Wisconsin is now in play, and that you have your precious unions to thank for it.
Enjoy your Sunday, all!
Ya, installing a new starter motor on the Taurus..
or maybe throwing on some 22″ rims on the lowered family mini-van….
ououououou, I’ll wait for attack #56 from the useless mind a few ingredients short of a brain!
Lib da schmuck ended with
Yes, it sucks to be a DUMMOCRAPT!
Isn’t that cute…puddy and booby sittin’ in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g.
Speaking of Solyndra…booby was too busy mackin’ on the puddypussy to catch this one:
Lot’s of goodies here about the serial
flip-flopperliar…rujax leaves an underwear racetrack
No ya useless twit… trading facts, something that explodes your pebbles upstairs.
And as I called in an early thread last week, does rujax deliver useful material?
Noooooooooooooo, he runs to media morons.
Steve, remember I called this about rujax early last week. Simpleton, plain and simple.
So rujax, Romney used private capital betting on companies making it… Obummer used American tax dollars betting on companies making it. I realize your pebble brain won’t understand the difference in a million years!
Regarding that $1.5 million state loan defaulted… hmmm $535 million/1.5 Million – golly rujax Romney is still ahead. And those green companies media morons screams about… They were approved by a DUMMOCRAPTIC Massachusetts legislature and overseen by an independent agency. Where is that TIDBIT of information in the media morons story rujax? NOWHERE! The IG in Obummers Solyndra fiasco said
Keep using media morons… it’s for morons like rujax. Stay stupid… you are what you read!
Wait for rujax’s pithy comeback attack… it won’t be factual it will be ad hominem!
The puddypussy can’t keep his puddypussy off the booby’s tongue long enuf to get the fucking FACTS as usual.
Add @191…
Facts PLUS Ad Hominum…my recipe for success.
Add Add @191…
Media Matters just fact checks right-wing bullshit and calls it bullshit.
That’s EXACTLY what bothers puddypussy ’cause the little preener can’t be BOTHERED with those dumb old FACTS as we all know.
Here’s something the little puddypussy WON’T do…mostly because he can’t…but mainly because again, as we all know…the all-mighty puddypussy is never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever wrong:
Show us here where Media Matters was wrong in a post. Just one, asshole. ought to be easy for a smartguy like you. C’mon…BIGGGGG BOIIIIII.
Throw down.
(and the predictable respnse wiil be…the miserable cretin won’t do it…again, ’cause it can’t be done.)
Add @193…
Maybe ‘Ol Rushbo can help ya…or WingNutDaily…or KlownHall…or (Wet)PajamasMedia…or News(less)Max.
Had to get my tagging ducks in a row first.. Heh.. Accomplished. So here’s the data we’ll be looking at:
$ ob cs -t puddymoron -c
| count |
| 32873 |
1 row in set
Through the end of May.. But dinner comes first before amusement at the insanity of the troll.
Coming soon: PuddyIdiot’s most frenzied 24 hours at HA!
I can’t wait…he is my favorite favorite idiot!!
Thx YLB…yer the best.
It will be good to see Darryl whack down those multiple paragraph posts.
Oh look ylb/rujax fisting action.
Sorry crazed databaze deranged debazed clueless ylb moron… No one here with that moniker.
Dont forget the reach-around….
Did the moron@191 actually read comment #190>?Nope cuz he’s a dope.
Let’s review:
1) $535 Million/$1.5 Million = Solyndra 356.67 times more expensive.
2) The DoE IG
3) Massachusetts Legislature – Donkey Dominated and approved the $1.5 Million loan
4) No one in either US congressional house approved the Solyndra loan.
5) A Massachusetts independent group monitored the state loan.
6) No independence in the Obummer Sadministration DoE taxpayer loan.
See rujax, facts, facts, facts. Where are yours? Just another pantyload of horseshit!
06/03/2012 at 10:45 am
06/03/2012 at 4:37 pm
You are not much of a programmer eh crazed databaze deranged debazed clueless ylb moron?
Dayam, took forever!
Ohhh please I scared!
Always has been, that puddypussy.
Mother. Fucking. Liar.
It’s been probably seven years of the same fucking bullshit from the liar puddypussy.
He’ll be in hell for his fucking lying.
@203 PROVE IT! Where did Puddy lie? Your postulation, show us the facts!
Let’s see those vaulted skills.
Watch and learn everyone about the dumb cinder block and his fact checking skillz!
LMAO! You’re so stupid! Read my comment @196 one more time..
Oh I keep forgetting.. Reading comprehension is beyond your pathetic reach!
Dinner is simmering.. Work on the report commences!
Found the ylbmobile
No one here with that moniker.
There is a crazed databaze deranged debazed clueless ylb moron sighted.
209 – So desperate! It’s too funny!
You reap what you sow dumbass!
Desperation? It’s you who desperately attacks Puddybud with feckless crazed databaze clueless entries. Each time it’s been EPIC FAYLE!
I called you re-run some time ago. Well being a few ingredients short of a brain, you are still a re-run.
Please re-run my great comments again!!!! That latest attempt failed yesterday.
Oh BTW you still haven’t answered the 5/31 open thread post#99.
Still stupid… Using those God given talents to their utmost!
Oh my Paul Krugman on Solyndra
Send it my way pal!
@212 Wow! A business loan went bad! That never happens in the private sector, does it?
Two points I’d like to make about Solyndra. First, the bill authorizing the federal program under which this loan was guaranteed was passed by a Republican Congress and signed by President George W. Bush. Second, Solyndra lost money because of massive dumping by the Chinese of below-cost solar panels subsidized by that country’s government — the same Chinese that President George W. Bush borrowed a trillion dollars from to give tax breaks to billionaires. When are Republicans going to figure out China is our enemy? I’ve known that for years.
Private-funded venture goes bankrupt = good
(Entrepreneurship, risk-taking, and all that)
Government-backed venture goes bankrupt = bad
(Because, well, because people who say this HATE government)
@212 A billion isn’t what it used to be. You can’t even build a bridge across Lake Washington for that.
Bush signed the law in 2005. Bush’s DoE declines to make the loan January 2009. Let’s get the truth out on Solyndra because Roger DUMB Wabbit thinks everyone is a fool
That Roger DUMB Wabbit post gets 3 BULLSHITTIUMS.
I’ll use Politifact because Lib da Schmuck hates it…
@217 Like the Bushies never blew any taxpayer money, eh, pudwacker?
@218 Why would they bother with loans when they could just shovel money into duffel bags for their cronies?
If I understand RR correctly, his defense of Obama on the green jobs waste seems to boil down to:
1. Businesses lose money because of bad decision-making, too, and they don’t break a sweat.
2. It wasn’t that much money that was wasted.
3. Bush wasted money, too.
Fair enough.
What RR fails to point out, though, is that these are reasons that HA-types HATED Bush and HATE big business.
And yet RR and those he supports will be figuring out a way to turn this into a pro-Obama bumper sticker this Fall.
Roger DUMB Wabbit,
As in most of your posts you threw up a bunch of leftist wrongsite pinhead BULLSHITTIUM. Unfortunately for you Puddy knew the truth because I don’t live on left wrong wing sites. So your first point was a glass house that exploded from within. So this was your opening crapola…
So much crap comes from you every day. So easily dissected and swept aside!
See ya dummy!
Well there is some semblance in the world.
Tiger Woods won the Memorial!
Seriously, this is worse than when Rujax’ parents, who were first cousins, realized the condom broke.
Look how dense the colors are in WI and OH:
Someone’s in a shitload of trouble this year.
We’re laughing at you now.
Who will you blame, come Wednesday morning? Not for the $18 million in state funds wasted on the recall election, because that’s taxpayer money and according to RR and Krugman it’s only a drop in the bucket. Liberals never care about other peoples’ money.
But your own money. All those liberal dollars spent on weak Democrat candidates during the primary, then against Walker during the recall. All those liberal dollars that won’t go to helping Tammy Baldwin defeat Tommy Thompson or to helping The One defeat Romney.
Who will you blame for your own idiocy?
Oh my more news on Obummer…
Well… in college who can disagree…
Where is rujax?
Called it… Disappeared… Crickets chirping…
@227 May I offer a timely reminder that not only is Walker on Tuesday’s ballot, but so are four GOP state senators, and if Democrats win even one of those races Walker is effectively out of business.
Are GOPers Caving On Taxes?
It’s hard to understand what House Republicans were thinking when they passed a budget that exempted the Pentagon from budget cuts while slashing domestic programs, in violation of last year’s debt ceiling agreement. How could they possibly have believed that would survive a Senate vote, or if it did, a White House veto? One must conclude they were merely engaging in crass partisan grandstanding.
Behind the scenes, some Republicans are getting visibly nervous about the corner they painted themselves into last year when they agreed to that deal. Any GOPer with a scintilla of rationality can clearly see they’re gonna have to agree to revenue increases if they want to avoid defense cuts.
This is pretty simple. If they want to keep their bloated military spending, they’ll have to help pay for it. Borrowing from China gets them only so far.
Increasingly, it looks like they’re going to cave on taxes. As one GOP senator put it, “Asked about the ‘no new taxes’ pledge almost all Republicans have signed, he shrugged: ‘I’ve crossed the Rubicon on that.'” So have others, and there will be more.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I have a suggestion. Let sequestration proceed, with $600 billion of cuts falling on defense and $600 billion on domestic programs. Then let the Republicans buy back the defense cuts with dollar-for-dollar tax increases. I would even accept a stipulation that these tax increases be spread evenly across all income brackets, although it would be fairer to impose them first on the 39,000 millionaires who are paying no taxes at all.
The Dems are already conceding defeat and trying to minimize the National impact of the Wisconsin recall election. What a waste of money! Folks are angry…at the Dems. They have zero sympathy for the overpaid, coddled Government pondscum suckers.
“It’s a Wisconsin-specific moment, not a national referendum,” said Democratic strategist John Lapp, a veteran senior strategist for several election campaigns in Wisconsin.
Yeah, right
@ 193
Rujax proving himself ever-more stupid as the days go by.
Memo to Rujax: No one is perfect. No one. Post like an idiot, get treated like one.
How many President’s have been re-elected with an approval rating of under 50% consistently?
Today’s poll of polls-
I understand come election time, it will come down to a handful of specific states like:
Arizona (11)
Colorado (9)
Florida (29)
Iowa (6)
Missouri (10)
Nevada (6)
New Hampshire (4)
North Carolina (15)
Ohio (18)
Virginia (13)
Wisconsin (10)
Here is the RealClear Electoral College Map-
Obama will likely need 33 out of the above 131 toss-up Electoral Votes to win….unless his popularity continues to dwindle at the current rate. Then he is screwed.
It would be quite an accomplishment to win re-election with less than 50% popularity and the economy in such a poor state. I guess the only way to win is to promise folks lots of free stuff. Tell those college kids AGAIN that Obama will cancel their student loans. Promise free HDTV’s to jobless people. More handouts to desperate people. Obama’s skilled at that. His community organizer experience shows. Promise free stuff!
How many ex-governors have won the Presidency without carrying their home state?
Hard to know which one Mitt calls home – Massachusetts? New Hampshire? Michigan?
He’ll certainly not carry the one he governed, and I think that alone will be unprecedented. I think it’s a good bet he won’t carry any of them.
@ 235
Good question.
NH is in play each year but it’s only 4 EV. No one is seriously considering MA or MI as a possible red state but they almost never are (except in 1984 – heh) and GOP candidates seem to win without them.
So it’s a nice trivia question – BTW I have no idea what the answer might be – but with the exception of NH, rather irrelevant.
Double digits in WI:
And on Wednesday, all of those local Walker offices get turned over to Romney, who then has a turnkey ground game up and running in WI at no cost to his campaign.
Thanks, unions!!!
@237 I’m sure you’ll be ecstatic if the guy whose cronies embezzled money intended for veterans wins.
@ 238
I’ll be ecstatic if, on the first Wednesday in November, all the pundits reflect back on Romney’s victory and attribute it to the momentum begun in June, when Wisconsin flipped Red because of the unions.
Your ilk has scored more own-goals in the past three years than we GOP-types deserve. Recall that if Teddy Kennedy had resigned when he became ill, rather than dying while holding office, an election for his replacement almost certainly would have resulted in a Democrat victory. But NOPE, he had to delay it until the Obamacare boondoggle looked like it was going to be a reality and Scott Brown was elected by claiming he would be the 41st vote against Obamacare.
Once the Democrats truly understand what the unions are costing them, that special relationship of quid pro quo between them might not be so rock-solid in the future.
Meanwhile, despite his party having absolute control of Wisconsin government, Scott Walker has compiled the WORST jobs record of any governor in America.
Walker is spending $30+ million to fight recall, over $25 million of which came from secretive big out-of-state donors. We’ll see tomorrow if Wisconsinites are willing to let outsiders buy their state and milk it (pun intended) for their own profit.
Voters can be fooled by lies, distortions, and massive spending on slick ad campaigns.
Exhibit A: Washington voters who thought privatizing retail liquor sales would lower prices.
@239 “than we GOP-types deserve”
Hmmm … GOP types gave us:
The 9/11 attacks
Two wars
Torture, kidnapping, and murder
Massive deficits
Rampant fraud and corruption
Worst economy since 1930s
Soaring unemployment
Falling standard of living
Government gridlock
That’s quite a record of accomplishment. So, what do you GOP-types deserve? Thoughts?
Possible suggestions:
Firing squad
Slow strangulation
The rack
Burning at stake
Killer wasps
Crocodile pit
Life without parole in a cell with Bubba
Heh — just kidding! — this post is a GOP-type joke. (See, e.g., Ann Coulter, Jonathan Gardner, etc.)
Walker is using state law to his advantage the same way those who initiated the recall used it to theirs. The recall law was written by a Democrat.
Obama out-spent McCain 3 to 1 in 2008 and was that a problem for you, hypocrite? Where’s the DNC money? Where’s the DGA money? Where are George Soros, Barbra Streisand, and Bill Maher?
The goal of politics is not parity. The goal is to prevail.
No whining allowed. Your ilk started it. Your ilk can suffer the consequences.
@ 241
Yes, they can.
They also can be fooled by soaring, empty rhetoric, as we have seen.
Recall that Osama bin Laden wanted Joe Biden to be president.
Now look who wants Obama to be president:
Obama/Biden 2012: The choice of mass-murdering terrorists and communists.
Annals of the One Percent
David Bernstein • May 31, 2012 9:50 am
I understand that Elizabeth Warren claims to have inspired the Occupy movement.
In that spirit, it’s worth noting that when the 99% living in the Boston area claim minority status for employment purposes based on family lore, an old photograph, and other dubious bases, they get fired. When the 1% do it, they get a bit of bad publicity.
Obama down 5 points in only four days.
Wonder where he’ll be Wednesday morning?
Although Walker’s down 4 points in the past 24 hours.
Most likely that’s a dead-cat bounce for Barrett. Or people who bet on Walker closing out their position and driving down the shares.
It’s hard to check the crap that the puddypussy pulls out of his ass…
…stinky too.
Buh-bye Scotty.
Wow… My date analysis of Puddybud’s intensity of activity on this blog leads to one not so surprising conclusion..
Take all his 32,800+ comments sorted by date/time and slide a time window of increasing size across this dataset. At what place in time do the most comments from Puddybud fit within x-sized window??
Any window size greater than 47 hours places the most intense comment activity at times AFTER the election of Barack Obama.
Puddybud’s most obsessive year? Between 12/9/2008 and 12/9/2009 – 8,370 comments. Over 22 comments a day.
However it will be even more interesting to analyze Puddybud’s intensity of activity in tandem with other right wing trolls – tag team partners like PacMan and Mr. Cynical and the always interesting hit squad trolls.. This is when trolls form gangs. And I believe when you look at the data in the best light you can almost see the coordination between them as they attack the comment threads.
bob. What did a public union do to hurt you emotionally so badly? You need help.
Shorter rujax, “Damn… I really am a leftist moronic jackASS!”
Awww it seems ylb has Puddy on the mind 24×7. Hahaha!
Fuck, your getting as paranoid as RHPee – and that is some serious paranoia.
Awww it seems puddydope loves us lefties… He’s f’ing OBSESSED with us.. Especially since we helped elect Barack Obama.
Poor dumbass.. Barack Obama is President. More comments here from you won’t change that.
LMAO! I have evidence of this asswipe. More evidence (none) than you’ve shown of “well documented remarks about Southern Blacks”…
I know.. You’re proud of being a liar..
257 – Better wording..
“More evidence that you’ve shown (that is, none)…”