John Oliver: Boeing
Electile Dysfunction 2024:
- Stella Magz: Casual reading of a Трамп speech, part II
- The Late Show: A less-than-super Tuesday
- Alex Wagner: Why Democrats are cheering for Lara Трамп as Biden kicks campaign into gear
- Darrin Bell: Animation of a political cartoon about Biden & Трамп winning the primaries
- Rachel Maddow: U.S. voters face stark contrast in 2024 choices, with no “magic wand” coming to help
- Ari Melber: Трамп’s Nixon nightmare? Biden surges as indicted Трамп faces damning history
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard reacts to Nikki Haley quitting the 2024 race
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ I don’t dislike Трамп just ‘cuz he’s creepy ♬
- Ronnie Chieng: Meet Mark Robinson—The GOP’s next top lunatic:
- Liberal Redneck: Трамп stays on ballot, Nikki drops off, and Mitch hangs it up
- Tommy Campbell: Трамп-backed JR Majewski quits after Special Olympics insult & Трамп rally fails
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The second most important thing for democracy and Democrats is winning the Senate
- Ronny Chieng: Трамп’s AI attempt to lure Black voters & Kyrsten Sinema’s surprise announcement
- Stephen: SCOTUS keeps Трамп on the ballot & Трамп’s brain is broken & speed & Xanax abuse in Трамп’s WH
- Mark Fiore: Friends in high places
- Jordan Klepper presses Haley supporters–Biden or Трамп in 2024?
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ What Will the Children Learn From Трамп ♬
- Jimmy Fallon: Biden trolls Трамп in State of the Union Address & Biden’s reaction to Marjorie Taylor Greene
- Stephen: Taylor Swift urges fans to vote & Michelle Obama isn’t running
- David Shuster: Трамп explodes as #DementiaDon goes viral
- Stell Magz: Super Tuesday was not so super for Nikki Haley
- Jen Psaki: “Is this the guy you want with nuclear codes?”, Psaki shows extent of Трамп’s verbal blunders
- Jabari Jones: AI Трамп—The first campaign ad
- Jabari Jones: AI Трамп—The second campaign ad:
- Seth Meyers: Трамп praises Jan. 6 criminals as SCOTUS overrules Colorado ballot ban
- J-L Cauvin: Mitch McConnell endorses The Dotard
- Alex Wagner: Supreme Court sends alarming message beneath the surface of unanimous Трамп ballot ruling
- Stephen: Super Tuesday in space & Biden’s biggest competition & McConnell’s final act
- Ari Melber: Трамп’s Super Tuesday shows cracks for November
- Lincoln Project: Super Tuesday sniff
- Vox: Why US elections only give you two choices
- Jon Stewart unpacks the GOP’s (election year) “migrant crime” narrative
- Hitler Rants Parodies: Hitler is informed Трамп wins Super Tuesday and Nikki Haley drops out
- Ronny Chieng: Nikki Haley drops out as race between Biden and Трамп takes shape
- Lawrence O’Donnell: History will remember SCOTUS calling Трамп an “oathbreaking insurrectionist”
- Seth Meyers: Трамп-Biden rematch set after Haley drops out and Greene humiliated in interview
Michael Kosta: Eagle Pass, TX residents sound off on the real “invasion”
- Stephen: Biden delivers a feisty, fiery, heated State Of The Union Speech
- MSNBC: We saw tonight what Biden “really thinks of Трамп” at the SOTU
- Seth Meyers: Tucker Carlson reacts to Biden’s SOTU and The Dotard reveals extreme second term agenda
- Jabari Jones: AI Biden—The REAL State Of The Union
- Ari Melber: Biden quiets “haters,” shreds Трамп & confronts GOP’s “do-nothing” Congress in speech
- ScaredKetchup: Katie Britt’s disastrous Republican response to Biden’s State of the Union (AI) Трамп Show 39 teaser:
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard reacts to Biden’s SOTU speech
- Stella Magz: Katie Britt’s State of The Union rebuttal outtakes
- Joy Reid calls out “silly and performative” GOP reactions at State of the Union
- MSNBC: Maddow calls out glaring contradiction in Katie Britt’s GOP SOTU response
Lauren Mayer: Let’s be like France
Cult of the Oath-Breaking Insurrectionist:
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп—Burning America down ♬
- MonoNeon: ♫ The White Ones, The Black Ones ♬
- Ari Melber and friends: Трамп keeps losing “magic” immunity claim, but SCOTUS may prevent his Jan. 6 trial anyway
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп is Getting DUMBER! ♬
- Joy Reid: Inside the extremist Republicans’ reproductive agenda
- Tommy Campbell: Lauren Boebert’s son wore her bar’s hoodie during Colorado crime spree
- The Other Brother: ♫ They’re Going to Take the Case ♬
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard reacts to unanimous Supreme Court decision in his favor
- Patrick Fitzgerald: Melania:
- Rachel Maddow: “The Republican Party is going through some things.” Maddow marvels at GOP veering into extremism
- Alex Wagner: Prospect of classified briefings for Трамп adds to urgency of documents trial
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The “Dementia Don” Song ♬
- The Daily Show: Jon & Desi brainstorm how Dems might keep Трамп out of the White House
- Stella Magz: Marjorie Taylor Greene stays classy during an interview with Emily Maitlis
- LegalEagle: Alabama Supreme Court says embryos are children
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Like Трамп, but WAY Better ♬
- ScaredKetchup: Трамп Show 39—Trump Bobblehead, AI Boebert Bond girl, Marge Bounty Hunter, Speaker Mike, SCOTUS
- Alex Wagner: Orban visit puts Трамп soft spot for dictators on display
- The Late Show: Drugs in Трамп’s White House
- J-L Cauvin: Mitch McConnell’s emotional reaction to Kyrsten Sinema retiring
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Wonder how long until Haley endorses Trump?
@1 She may be thinking there should be a decent interval.
The GOP’s star witness in their year of Biden show trials who now sits in federal detention in LA awaiting trial, turns out to be part of a psychotic Ukrainian Israeli extended family crime ring of grifters with fake diamond mines, fake businesses, fake patents, fake penny stocks, fake home and business addresses and outstanding civil judgements to rival Trump The Rapist.
And it was apparently this long history of fraud and criminality that led Republicans to him when Trump first ordered that a Biden smear be produced.
We’ve allowed the Bible Thumpers to go unchecked for far too long in this country. Katie Britt’s weird, unhinged performance shows that it is time to reign that shit in.
Let me be very clear. I don’t care that these people believe in woo. I don’t care that they’re all a bunch of giant hypocrites surfing diaper porn, filming swing parties for Jesus and lying to each other about it. And I don’t care if they manage to transform the New Testament into a giant Cargo Cult.
The problem is that because they see their cult is incompatible with liberty and democracy they are now trying to take those things away from everyone. And our polite reluctance to mock and criticize them has empowered them too much.
It has now become routine in this country for these people to gather under a First Amendment protected umbrella of tax exemption to promote for-profit schemes, preach partisan and candidate politics, raise and spend political funds, promote gun policy, healthcare policy, tax policy, foreign policy, immigration policy and police policy. And increasingly Xtian mega churches are the focal points of organizing efforts to shut down voting rights, ballot access, produce bogus mass voter challenge campaigns, and otherwise limit everyone else’s rights to take part in a free and transparent democratic society.
Increasingly Christianity is aligning itself with fascism. And our politeness empowers so-called “Christian Nationalists” to use their religious affiliation and identify as a cudgel to silence all criticism of them.
My point here is not to mock Katie Britt for actually believing that the earth is 6,000 years old and that Jesus buried dinosaur fossils as a way to fight boredom, or that silently repeating incantations of magic words to be heard by an omnipotent invisible sky genie can get her a new G wagon. I don’t really care about any of that. My point is to emphasize that despite our mockery the emotion, intensity and purpose she displayed, however awkward and unhinged, was very real. She believes her own bullshit. And so do millions of Xtian dipshits who watched her performance.
She and they all need to be reminded that in our system, within a democracy, their fever, and their faith may be tolerated, (should be tolerated) but it has no authority. These people substitute their feelings and their faith for tangible objective reality all the time. That’s what they are taught to do from a very young age. And they seek to use the depth of emotion they attach to their faith as a form of authority over everyone else. And that’s what can’t be tolerated. That’s what should be mocked.
Senator Britt isn’t just an emotionally hysterical religious fanatic. Predictably, as a representative of the Republican Party, she’s also a flagrant liar.
In a key moment of her address Senator Britt described how she learned about our Republican border crisis by traveling to Del Rio Texas where she said she met a woman who had been “sex trafficked” by cartels since the age of twelve. Senator Britt then proceeded to place that victim at President Joe Biden’s feet and in tearful, emotional testimony hold President Biden accountable for that poor, unnamed woman’s suffering.
The woman she described meeting is named Carla Jacinto Romero. Senator Britt met Ms. Romero during a show tour staged in Texas by Senator Marsha Blackburn in 2023 shortly after Britt became a US Senator. And Carla Jacinto Romero was pressed into child prostitution in brothels affiliated with a Mexican cartel in Guadalajara Mexico from 2004 to 2008.
When Republican President George W. Bush was overseeing border protection in Texas more than 1,000 km from where those crimes against Ms. Romero took place.
So she lied. She lied about who. She lied about what. She lied about where.
And none of that emotional story she told has much of anything to do with drowning toddlers in tangled masses of razor wire either.
Elijah Dominic. I agree with the idea so What are you doing to enact a reframing of fascist religions?
So she lied. She lied about who. She lied about what. She lied about where.
The other shoe always drops with these “high level” magats like Britt and Blackburn..
But it’s a schtick that got them where they are and keeps them there. Sickening..
@4 I thought you were going to say it’s time to revoke their religious tax exemptions because it’s not religion anymore.
Liberals need to refocus on the signal and ignore the noise.
Take for example the religious right’s fueling of anti-trans hysteria. They speak about the issue in terms of “promotion” and “agenda”. And their careful and targeted use of that kind of language helps them to leverage our religious tolerance to gain traction for their ideas beyond the church walls.
But it’s noise.
It starts with a fundamentally dishonest bit of jiu jitsu. Becasue simple efforts to provide inclusion and to suppress harassment and bullying of trans children are not “promotion” of any “agenda” or “lifestyle”. Whenever liberals accept these dishonest frames by agreeing to engage with them, debating book bans, etc. we empower those fundamentally dishonest frames. Moms for Liberty is not fighting against “promotion”. Moms for Liberty is fighting to preserve hatred and to protect bullying and harassment. They are fighting against inclusiveness by calling it “exclusive”.
Their fundamental signal that they are trying so hard to disguise with all that noise is that modern, socially healthy, progressive ideas like inclusivity, and tolerance, and DEI are offensive to them as Xtians. That “offense”, born entirely out of their own narrow orthodoxies, produces discomfort for them. And that discomfort makes it impossible for them to play a dominant role in public processes and conversations where these ideas like inclusivity must be present and must be represented. And these are all people who are quite certain that their own identity, especially their identity as “good Xtians” entitles them to those dominant roles.
So, to extend the Moms example, these are putative PTA moms. Suburban PTA moms with educations and incomes and accustomed to a certain degree of influence and voice. Some in fact are really grandmothers. But in a suburban public school setting, when it comes to student policy and curriculum they find themselves sidelined because their individual specific orthodoxy prevents them from grappling comfortably with the idea of developing inclusivity policies and curricula for trans or gender non-conforming children. Other voices wind up being the dominant ones. And that more than anything else triggers their outrage.
And this idea goes way beyond the grifters at Moms, extending all the way into the Supreme Court and lots of other places as well. These are all people not accustomed to being marginalized or silenced. And while nobody is shutting them down or excluding them from the conversation, to them it feels that way. Because the very terms defining these conversations about tolerance and inclusivity drive them out.
So what are they to do?
Change the defining terms of course!
And in that regard they’ve been very successful. They have very often managed to take policy debates about how to develop spaces and opportunities for kids who are different to fully participate, and turn those into debates about incredibly private, intimate family struggles that public schools never wanted to involve themselves in. They’ve been so successful that in lots of cases now the kids are being entirely left out of the conversations. And that should be our first clue that by allowing these people to redefine these debates on their religiously based terms, mostly I think out of nodding respect for their religious rights, we’ve lost the plot entirely.
These guys move fast. They have a great command for media and communication. And the instant any one of us even grudgingly concedes to any of their prefered chosen terms they very quickly move to establish those as dominant paradigms. So it calls on all of us to be careful and pay attention and act swiftly to oppose these efforts to substitute noise for signal.
These people are hateful bigots. Obviously. We get that now. But by now it’s almost too late. They’ve already managed to so completely define the debate on their own chosen terms that pointing out that their are just simply bigots is almost of no use. Yes. What these people oppose are efforts at inclusivity for children. But that plain fact is now almost lost. We have to get better at recognizing the noise in their arguments right away and cutting through to the signal.
And then, to prevent ourselves from lapsing into our own intollerance, we limit our counter attack to the noise and nothing else. We do not under any circumstances allow ourselves to get into a broad public debate about religion. They’d really like that, actually. We just point out that noise is noise – inclusivity is not “promotion”. Force them back onto the signal and then leave them to decide whether or not they want to declare their bigotry or shut the fuck up.
@5 “So she lied. She lied about who. She lied about what. She lied about where.”
And when. Most crucially, she lied about when.
@7 They hope low-information voters will fall for the emotional appeal of the moment and overlook the follow-up fact-checking. They usually do, and that’s why we have to be constantly correcting those voters.
Doctor Dumbfuck @20 of preceding thread: “Joe Biden’s air drop kills at least five in Gaza today. Nice shootin’, ace.”
Hey dumbfuck, nice shootin’, ace.
Today we learned how the Biden administration “prepared rigorously” for Russia using a nuclear weapon in Ukraine.
You don’t have to wonder what Trump’s preparation would have been. There wouldn’t have been any.
Journalists had to pry it out of her, but Katie Britt’s communications director finally admitted that she peddled a Bush-era sex trafficking case in her SOTU rebuttal.
This should destroy her credibility. Democrats should broadcast her deception far and wide. No voter in America should fail to hear that Britt falsely blamed Biden for a horror story that occurred in Mexico over 15 years ago, i.e., had nothing to do with the border or Biden, in an attempt to smear Biden’s border policies.
This kind of dishonesty cannot go unanswered. The fact Republicans are dishonest must be blared from the rooftops. And if Trump is dumb enough to pick Britt as his v.p. nominee, Democrats should hammer on her dishonesty at every campaign rally and campaign stop.
Are you arguing that the profoundly stupid trust fund troll claiming that USCENTCOM is an arm of HAMAS is problematic?
@14 Finnish? Swedish? Danish? I don’t know who all was involved in the air drops, or whose parachute didn’t open, but CENTCOM says it wasn’t ours.
As usual, the dumbfuck troll shot from the lip; and as always, he looks like an ass (as in ASS U ME).
Some of our Seattle-area friends may be offline, because a windstorm just blew through here, and there are scattered power outages. It appears at this time the major outages are on Capitol Hill and in the north end west of the freeway.
PSE has a lot of outages, too, but they’re concentrated in the Bellevue-Redmond area and it appears Whidbey Island was spared.
In his silly screed @ 4 QoS McHillbilly mentions democracy twice, and I’m not counting his mention of democratic.
He used he word democracy twice more than the United States Constitution does.
This is not a democracy. Never has been. Won’t be close to one until the NPV Compact is activated.
Wishing things were different doesn’t change the Constitution.
I’m not the only one calling Katie Britt a liar:
Liar, liar, pants on fire! Shame on you, Katie.
@ 11
A US defense official told AFP that “the US did not cause the fatalities during our airdrop in Gaza…
Indeed the military did deny it. The military also insisted that it took out an ISIS dude a couple of years ago in Kabul during the Biden abandonment disaster, before finally admitting that in reality it killed a civilian family of 10 when it targeted the wrong vehicle.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, if you view the older Jordanian air drop videos, and the video of the failed parachute air drop, it’s clear that the drops were conducted by vastly different means. The drop in question was by a plane that dropped dozens of pallets in one brief period during a single pass, while the Jordanians dropped a few, much more widely temporally separated.
It’s no surprise that the US denies doing it. Biden can’t very well slam Israel for killing Gazans after killing a few of ’em himself, can he?
Britt’s weeping over the financial struggles of working families is fake, too. Except for a couple years in private law practice, she’s never had an adult job outside politics; her husband is a lobbyist and retired NFL player, so they’re not exactly struggling. And as many people have remarked on social media, her kitchen looks like it’s just for show and is never used — and even Republicans are saying her overwrought acting and fake tears sucked.
@19 “It’s no surprise that the US denies doing it.”
Which is all the proof you need that the U.S. did it and is lying about it.
Not you. You don’t need no frickin’ investigation. As far as you’re concerned, Joe Biden was aboard the plane and personally failed to hook up the ripcord. Or he improperly packed the parachute in a warehouse somewhere in the Mediterranean. Because that’s the story you want to tell.
Bullshit. You’re not human, you’re a bull; and you don’t poop, you shit. And so we get bullshit every time you waggle your ass.
16)May have to baptize my new emergency electric lantern. I always keep power banks charged. I have only had two prolonged outages that I remember. Seattle City Light usually is quick. Since I have been paying electric bills, only had two outages, both it was back on in about an hour or two. First was the 2021 Heat Wave, the second was 2-3 weeks ago, and was back within an hour.
I stopped being polite moons ago. I realized this moons ago. But I wouldn’t expect mainstream people to have realized it moons ago, but it is late thinking about it now.
I know it’s a conflict of interest for you guys, but I know if you were to realize and speak the truth of the hetero virus, a lot of this would go away and negate what they are doing. They needs social war and to tell them that they are Neanderthals, hypocrites and costing the taxpayers money, aside from a good cause of combating domestic violence and standing up for women, would work wonders.
You can make a difference. Don’t let HA’s Maoists get in the way
@17 “This is not a democracy. Never has been. Won’t be close to one until the NPV Compact is activated.”
You said “until,” not “if.” Interesting. Yes, people in states that haven’t yet signed up for NPV may get tired of farmboy states forcing their tent revivals on the rest of us. I’m not holding my breath on this, but they may push their luck too far someday.
Conservatives like to say the U.S. is a republic, not a democracy. Let’s examine what that means. It means protecting minority rights from the majority. It does not mean the minority gets to take rights away from the majority, nor does it contemplate minority rule.
Our republican form of government is based on majoritarian principles; the candidate with the most votes wins, bills pass in Congress by majority vote, and Supreme Court decisions are by majority vote of the justices. Nothing in the Constitution empowers religious fanatics to impose their religion on others, dictate what books we can read, invade bedrooms, or condemn children to forced biology.
America’s unpopular minority has gotten too big for their britches, and the 2018, 2020, and 2022 elections revealed the majority will not be bossed around by these freaks.
@22 Yeah, SCL customers don’t really need full-house generators, because the power usually is back on after a few hours. Mine is an obscene luxury I can easily afford. Doctor Dumbfuck can bleat all he likes that I’m not a millionaire; but facts are facts, and believing something doesn’t make it true, nor does disbelieving something make it untrue. All that does is make him a bullshitter.
A statistical analysis that calls bullshit on the Palestinian claims of dead in Gaza:
How the Gaza Ministry of Health Fakes Casualty Numbers
Take your time, Bibi. Work the problem. Eliminate Hamas completely.
Irrelevant bad faith bullshit almost as dumb as looking for misspelling.
As we might expect. Just more noise hoping to distract from the signal.
LPT: I may have misplaced one or two commas
@26 In your world of mental derangement they’re probably faking the photos of dead children, too.
@27 He absolutely wants to remind us every chance he gets that the Electoral College system created to preserve slavery is undemocratic. And though he rarely mentions it, the Senate is too. What’s more he revels in it, because he hates democracy as much as he hates truth, perhaps even more.
@ 28
In your world of mental derangement they’re probably faking the photos of dead children, too.
The Palestinians are doing that in the real world, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, and they have been doing it for decades.
Some more recent examples:
That’s a shit-ton of results from a Google search of “palestinian fake children”, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
There’s a reason for the existence of the term “Pallywood”.
It was fake when Palestinians claimed that a hospital had been hit by IDF rockets and had collapsed, killing 500. Within two days, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you were reduced to rambling about damage to a parking lot brick layout and claiming that there was a crater, because a couple of feet of bricks were disturbed.
You know that much of what comes out of the Palestinian Information Ministry is bullshit. To suggest that it isn’t makes you nothing more than an uninformed, gullible shill. Which is not true, of course.
You are merely a shameless liar, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
And while you’re shouting that, learn to pronounce it.
You’d think this one would be worn out by now:
Roger Rabbit Observation From Afar: Women wouldn’t be so promiscuous if men weren’t so promiscuous. I mean, like, it takes two.
DoJ corruption unmasked!
@13 and all
Our Dumbfuck is still taking about planes taking fire but unwilling to acknowledge this fucking ‘lying who’re’. Or wait. That’s Fani Willis he keeps talking about.
He just wants to change the fucking subject.
The last thing any of these assholes can deal with is confronting their bigotry. It’s why Katie Britt needs to weep and lie. It’s why the profoundly stupid trust fund troll needs to dissect John Locke and the Federalist Papers.
@30 No children have been harmed making this movie. The dead bodies are actors. Whew. Good to know.
HA’s union-hating troll desperately wants to blame the door plug blowout on Boeing’s union employees, but things aren’t going well for him:
Roger Rabbit Comment: It’s not plausible that the Boeing’s employees failed to comply with Boeing’s record-keeping protocols unless they didn’t do the work. We don’t know who failed to reinstall the bolts, but the Spirit AeroSystems workers who did the rivet repairs are more likely suspects. You know, the low-wage nonunion workers who messed up the rivets.
So as it turns out our systems are complicated. They are state of the art and rely almost exclusively on all the touch technology RFID. We really build some NEXT LEVEL technological shit. So the only way to open the doors once water damage has cut all power is to find the unmarked release lever.
A normal person who has read the manual cover to cover a few times would know this and not need to call her friends in a panic to get out.
I do hope a billionare and their family who include arguably the most powerful U.S. Senator of the current crop doesn’t have access to very well educated and pricey attorneys. It would really be a problem if anyone testified in open court about a panicked friend dying while on the phone with them. I’m probably fine. No liability, right? Why are you all so quiet. Tell me I’m fine.
Now do,
The pedestrian was on her earbuds and couldn’t hear the sirens our officer had on we can prove they were on as he responded to a priority one call for a person who was not alert and responsive while talking to a 9-11 officer they were nearly dead which is why it was a priority one and she never made any attempt to get out of the way and our officer was driving at a responsible and in policy rate of speed for the downtown core.
Funny how often you’re willing to swallow the load of SOME official accounts long after they’ve been PROVEN false and not others. What could possibly lead to the cognitive dissidence in that kind of formulation of opinions?
Fox News playing to the stupid racists again.
GOP effort to stop illegal immigrants being counted for House districts, Electoral College shot down in Senate
That would take a constitutional ammendment you nitwits. This has been decided and as of yet the illigitimate court you’ve packed hasn’t decided that the word ‘enumeration’ in the description of the Census required therein only applies to white natural born citizens who hold property. So the old, fairly easy to understand original laguage is still valid.
This was affirmed most recently in Commerce v. New York, 2019 an opinion written by the current Chief Justice
It’s here! SNL’s takedown of Katie Britt!
Another Republican on a quest to restore 18th century labor practices. Did I say 18th century? I meant 17th century.
Wait, wait, wait! This can’t be right! Doctor Dumbfuck insists the photos of dead children are fake. They’re probably stuffing straw into body bags, too. This is a sanitary war! No civilians are getting killed! Oh, and by the way, he also says … FINISH THEM
As the story unfolds, turns out the only way to get the windows down in an electrically dead Tesla is to remove a door panel and release an unlabeled wire.
I wonder if a family worth billions and by marriage related to one of the most powerful senators of the era has access to quality attorneys?
BlueDream on Xitter
Mike Johnson says that after President Biden’s State of the Union there is almost nothing that Republicans can agree to.
Biden called for:
Securing the border
Lowering the national debt
Lowering crime
Ending cancer
Defending democracy
What does the republican party stand for?
>> Racism, greed and dictatorship
Jim Wright from Facebook
Katie Britt was right there calling me a whore when I walked into a Tuscaloosa Planned Parenthood clinic in 2000 seeking emergency contraception and STD testing after I was raped at a fraternity party. Her husband-to-be Wesley was there the night before giving a high-five to my attacker.
Women Voters in November spews:
Dick Dickly in March bulges:
‘Non-binary’ Alaska teacher Fletch Fletcher is suspended from Diamond High School ‘after Libs of Tiktok exposed them for wearing tight dresses to school that displayed outline of male genitals and made students uncomfortable’
Explaining “No Labels” is really very simple:
They are furious about Biden’s Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax of no less than 15% included in the Inflation Reduction Act.
All but two of the billionaire funders of “No Labels” are CEOs of large corporations that previously paid little or no tax on huge profits.
They are sending a message with this campaign. Especially to other elected Democrats and those who might aspire to higher office.
They may not actually support Trump, per se – although clearly more than a few do. But they play a long game (as they see it). And they can tolerate a few years of Trump’s chaos and insanity for the sake of sending this message to Democrats. And they would all gladly destroy democracy for the sake of a tax cut.
Exactly four years ago on this very day Trump The Rapist had this to say about the COVID pandemic he was still ignoring:
At a promotion ceremony being held in a church for a senior officer in the NY Fire Department a friend of the officer being promoted was Attorney General Letitia James, and she was asked to speak about her friend’s career.
Some of the Firefighters who attended the event booed the AG and broke into a chant of “Trump! Trump! Trump!” attempting to drown out her comments.
Deputy Chiefs will today begin visiting the fire companies who were in attendance at the event to remind them of policies regulating their conduct while on duty (they were attending on duty at the time – it was an official promotion event). They will be given an opportunity to come forward and identify themselves. And they will be reminded that the fire department has video of the event that they have not yet reviewed.
If they’re shouting, “Trump! Trump! Trump!” It means they don’t like the DA and her campaign to “get Trump.”
The Democrats are making Trump into a sympathetic character who is being perceived as a victim of a bunch of hardcore liberal progressive zealots.
Don’t be surprised if the Democrats lose the White House in November.
Congress’s biggest hypocrite finds her only option for defending her endorsement of Trump The Rapist is to…
…change the subject. Of course.
She can’t give a simple answer about her endorsement of Trump The Rapist because doing so would expose her hypocrisy.
If they’re shouting, “Trump! Trump! Trump!” It means they don’t like the DA and her campaign to “get Trump.”
Now do Harvard faculty protesting genocide.
The Democrats are making Trump into a sympathetic character who is being perceived as a victim of a bunch of hardcore liberal progressive zealots.
That is YOUR crippling disability as a Republican.
It is not ours.
You must live in fear of him. We do not.
He’s a failure and a loser. He’s incompetent, corrupt, and weak.
He’s forced by his own uncontrollable urges and rage to lash out at his own party and his own supporters, cowing you all into submission to him. He’s not a rapist because he’s “dominant”. He’s a rapist because he’s a sociopathic child with impulse control issues.
And you’re afraid of that.
God help you. We can not.
@ 49
I see somebody’s worried about No Labels.
What this really means is someone’s worried about how awful his party’s own candidate will look about seven months from now.
He should be.
More on the @ 49 No Labels idiocy from QoS McHillbilly:
They are furious about Biden’s Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax of no less than 15% included in the Inflation Reduction Act.
They’re only furious about this if they’re not part of the 84% of the S&P 500 that won’t be affected by it:
Moreover, a company subject to the tax can use it to offset income in a future year, thereby rendering the effect of the tax somewhat meaningless:
Even if the full bite of the tax is felt by corporations it isn’t much of a tax, collectively:
This is one reason why my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president wants to raise corporate income taxes, as he shouted to nobody in particular during the SOTU. His people (he doesn’t, but they do) understand that the corporate AMT is out there merely to fool gullible self-important types like QoS McHillbilly into running with it as a real accomplishment.
I see somebody’s worried about No Labels.
They haven’t qualified for a ballot in enough battleground states to make a difference.
And where they have qualified they may not exclude other candidates from their ballot. So as long as
Joe Manchin,Larry Hogan,Dean Phillips… meh, don’t mind sharing a ballot with Carrot Top all’s well, I guess.Biden is again the Democrat’s “normal, conventional” compromise nominee most likely to alienate the far left. So unless No Labels is secretly preparing to nominate Bernie or Taylor Swift I think we’re good.
The corporate AMT is such a nothingburger that a search for it on turns up zero hits in 2024.
But to gullible types like QoS McHillbilly it’s the entire reason for the existence of No Labels.
They’re only furious about this if they’re not part of the 84% of the S&P 500 that won’t be affected by it:
They’re not. And that’s the point.
And yes, the fact that President Biden wants to pay for extending the expanded Child Tax Credit by raising corporate income taxes is also a reason why billionaires are trying to run their very own candidate. Thanks for pointing that out.
He should be.
Hey, Libbies! Get ready for The Pain.
Hey, Libbies! Get ready for The Pain.
It’s increasingly clear that if anything like that’s going to happen it will be self inflicted “Pain”.
Democrats, progressives, and young voters staying home (or voting for Carrot Top) is what is most likely to produce wins for Trump The Rapist and Republicans. Waking everyone up to what the stakes and risks are and reminding them that Democrats are always the better choice is what will produce the turnout to defeat Trump and Republicans.
Biden campaign raised $10 million in just 24 hours following his inspiring SOTU.
Trump and RNC moved $10 million into funding future rape defenses and criminal appeals.
Scarlett Johansson is a threat to America’s democracy, er, democratic republic, um, constitutional republic, yes, and soon to be an autocracy under our glorious Orange Jesus!
Get ready for The Pain.
The convicted rapist who called him a “stone cold loser” gets Mitch McConnell’s endorsement.
@44 Elon Musk is one of those engineers who’s too smart for his own good and not so smart after all. His idea of an emergency window opener is don’t drive into the pond in the first place.
Following posting of $91 million surety by Russian organized crime boss Semion Mogilevich (via Chubb Group) Judge Kaplan has granted lawyers for E. Jean Carroll time to investigate the surety and subpoena Chubb to produce documentation attesting to its authenticity and to the sources of financial backing for the surety bond.
This is who will own Trump now. And he who owns Trump owns the Republican Party.
@53 Her own staff can’t stand her, so why would anyone listen to her? All she’s good for is filler in the empty commercial spots on weekend talk shows.
@57 “rendering the effect of the tax somewhat meaningless ….”
Then nobody should object to it.
@59 “But to
gullible types like QoS McHillbillythe billionaires funding it, it’s the entire reason for the existence of No Labels.” ftfyWho the f*** believes they’re spending all that money to fight off a “nothingburger”? Besides you, I mean.
@62 Oh, we’ll wring our hands with anxiety as we did in 2018, 2020, and 2022, but there’s always the chance we’ll feel okay after the 2024 elections, as we did after the 2018, 2020, and 2022 elections.
By the way, electing a “businessman” to turn things around doesn’t look so good when the economy is booming and the “businessman” turns out to be a fraud and a failure at everything he touches.
Well, you don’t expect her to admit she dishonestly used a 20-year-old story to smear Biden’s border policies, do you?
Until her lie was exposed the number of viewers who thought the story wasn’t about Biden’s border policies was effectively zero. Now even her fellow Republicans think she comes across as a liar.
…it’s the entire reason for the existence of No Labels.
Consider the massive groundswell of popular support:
…. (crickets) …. …. (crickets) …. …. (crickets) …. …. (crickets) ….
Consider the nationally prominent leaders and statesmen gathering to vie for the nomination:
…. (crickets) …. …. (crickets) …. …. (crickets) …. …. (crickets) ….
Consider the impactful and consistent messaging they’ve produced to really “change the conversation”:
…. (crickets) …. …. (crickets) …. …. (crickets) …. …. (crickets) ….
Consider just how fucking humiliated the profoundly stupid trust fund troll will be (once again, I know) when the billionaires announce Matthew McConaughey as their candidate.
Remember when this piece of shit troll used to try to lecture HA commenters about “seriousness”?
🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡
To rebutt President Biden’s State of the Union address the Republican Party, led by a convicted rapist, pretended for a hot minute to care about rape victims, lied in the process, and then immediately got caught in that lie.
And that is now the narrative that accompanies that moment going forward for the rest of the campaign.
In order to drive that point home, within 24 hours of that disgracefully humiliating deceit, the leader of the party accepted $93 million dollars from a Russian organized crime figure convicted of international sex trafficking and then proceeded to defame his own rape victim before an arena full of his Republican supporters.
Trump supporters are now crowd funding for North Korean made artillery shells to supply to Russians to bombard Ukrainian schools and churches.
Wherein Chip Roy (R-TX) admits, in his own special style, that Republicans are incompetent.
Katie Britt’s Biden smear is only the latest in a long history of rightwing border lies. For example,
Another “good guy with a gun”:
An armed society is a
politevery dangerous society.Katie Britt is still in denial, now trying to pretend she didn’t intend to link her 20-year-old sex trafficking story to Biden’s border policies, which is another lie on top of her original lie.
Her antics bring to mind ex-Rep. Jean Schmidt calling twice-wounded Vietnam Marine veteran John Murtha a “coward.”
I’ll be the first to admit some Democrats aren’t the greatest thing since sliced bread, but there’s no alternative because Republicans are the rotten moldy bread even rats won’t eat.
25) During the last outage, saw LINK still running, but I believe they are on a separate grid. Although they better remove the manufacturers logo from the substations. Would have been great for an American manufacturer, but we didn’t have one. Although Sound Transit should have asked Metro for advice on how to hide Traction Power Substations. Some of the Trolleybus substations are hidden pretty well, a Sewer substation (made sense when Rt7 was rewired, with Metro also running sewers), underneath freeways and freeway ramps, a former Seattle City Light building in Columbia City, and at least one case, behind a bakery. The two handling Atlantic Base operations are on top of the Bus Wash. THE equipment is housed in structures the size of Shipping Containers.
Sometimes I wonder if the construction related de-energizing of the Trolley grid on non-holiday weekends, if the $1000 deposit is making the construction company pay for the line-crew overtime.
20 Days in Mariupol won the Oscar for best feature documentary..
A difficult film to watch but a brilliant “document”.. unforgettable..
I’m grateful the film got recognized this way. Anyone can see it on youtube.
@75. Link please.
@ 82
Anyone can see it on youtube.
This from the unserious twat who has Barbie on continuous loop autoplay.
@ 82
I’m grateful the film got recognized this way.
I’m grateful the film about a pioneering use of ionizing radiation was recognized with 7 Academy awards.
Better than the Nobel Oppenheimer was never awarded.
Israel’s fuck you to Biden’s red line.
Bibi treats Biden like the weakling he is. After all, Obama had a red line, too, and when Syria crossed it nothing happened.
“The President Blinked”: Why Obama Changed Course on the “Red Line” in Syria
Weakness begets weakness. This being Obama’s third term, no one should have expected anything else from Biden.
@84 This from the troll who has a horse on continuous loop.
@ 87
…has a horse on continuous loop.
Airport Video has Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit and an assortment of BBCs on continuous loop, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Where did you think the saying “hung like a horse” came from? It came from Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@88 That grassy strip behind your barn isn’t an airport, and that shadowy figure sneaking around with a phone camera ain’t a rabbit, it’s your wife.
Let’s meet Gene Dornink, a GOP state senator from southeastern Minnesota. His C.V. goes like this: 61 years old, raised on a farm, has a carpentry certificate from a vocational school, is self-employed, and fathered 12 children, and has a very tired wife.
Now let’s meet Laura Haynor. She’s a first officer for Delta Airlines, and is testifying on behalf of the Airline Pilots Association International Union at a legislative committee hearing on employee sick leave.
After Haynor identified herself as an airline pilot, Dornink’s first question was, “Can you tell me what a typical workweek looks like for you as a stewardess?” And then laughs as he apologizes.
Watch this in video below:
… so you know what a patronizing asshole looks and sounds like.
Interesting battle warships vs drones in the Red Sea. With so many threats, should make the weapons load out Modular. Some of these drones, cheaper to use the gun. With a Burke, it’s the Mk45 or the Phalanx. Italy’s navy is using the Leonardo 76mm Super Rapid in the CIWS role, with Frigates having 1-2, Destroyers 2-3. and assault ships and aircraft carriers 3 each. May not have the rate of fire as the Phalanx. but makes up with specialized rounds. The latest version being deployed on Italian ships has a variant with little deck penetration, on the Thalia di Rival class, it’s mounted above the hanger.
Besides cost, USN vessels using Standard SM-6 missiles in this situation, also run into the issue that the MK41 missile launcher an be hard to reload at sea.
90)There are Father/Daughter and Mother/Daughter flight crews now.
Reminds me of a story about Horizon’s Metro IIIs, which along with F-27s were the workhorse of their early fleet. Read in an airline magazine about it’s retirement, Horizon management told a story about a complaint received about an inattentive flight attendant that ignored the passenger, went into the cockpit and talked to the pilot the whole flight. When learning the flight was a Metro III, which did not require or have a stewardess/flight attendant, the passenger complaint basically described the co-pilot.
Tokyo Rose is back on the air.
Senator Britt’s victim speaks out:
Britt’s a lying shit bag.
That’s why the GOP chose her.
Trump co-conspirator Peter Navarro received his orders today.
He has until one week from tomorrow to report to BOP’s FDC Miami.
“Don’t worry about anything, Frankie Five Angels.”