Ann Telnaes: Gov. Huckabee lays an egg.
ONN: Small town throws pride parade for openly gay resident.
The Republican War on Workers:
- Young Turks: Gov. Walker in a panic!
- Thom: Democrats fight back in Wisconsin.
- Newsy: WI Republicans threatened with recalls.
- Ed: Recalls go forward.
- GritTV: Sen. Sherrod Brown on workers fighting back.
- Tina Dupuy: Florida Governor brutal budget cuts.
- Maddow: Wisconsin can repeal Walker’s anti-union bill (via Crooks and Liars).
- Thom: Latest from the trenches from the Republican War on Workers.
- Ed: An affront to Democracy.
- Young Turks: WI GOP Rep admits goal is union busting.
- GritTV: Laura Flanders on when is it time for a general strike:
- Thom: The G.O.P. War on Workers goes to Michigan.
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Mark Fiore: How to be a political pundit.
Disaster in Japan:
- Disaster in Japan (via OneGoodMove).
- Young Turks: Earthquake and Tsunami.
- Newsy: 8.9 magnitude earthquake.
- Cenk: Earthquake sped up earth’s rotation by 1.6 microseconds.
- Tsunami warnings: If Republican budget cutters have their way, we won’t get them (via Crooks and Liars).
- Maddow: Nuclear power plant emergency in Japan.
- Cenk: Nuclear disaster looming.
Newsy: NASA study finds ice caps melting at a much faster rate.
Lawrence O’Donnell: What Newt mean to say.
Maddow: Republican fake family values.
UBC Comedy: Fuckin Tea.
Newsy: Illinois executes the death penalty.
Obama announces Gary Locke for Ambassador to China:
Sam Seder: Republicans to America: Poor kids don’t have enough pain.
The Republican War on Muslims:
- Ann Telnaes: Rep. King holds hearings on U.S. Muslims.
- Young Turks: Report destroys Bill-O’s Muslim hearings defense.
- Cenk: The truth about King’s hearings.
- King doubles down on Muslim radicalization hearing.
- Jon on Rep. King (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf on Muslim Jihad hearings.
- GritTV: Maya Wiley on what’s missing at the King hearings.
- Young Turks: Rep. King busted on Muslims & Mosques comments.
- Cenk: Rep. Peter King’s ties to terrorists.
Stephen: Angry at Huckabee (via Crooks and Liars).
Newsy: Republicans vote to kill net neutrality.
Young Turks: Newt had affair because he loves America.
Obama welcomes The Chicago Black Hawks.
ONN: Oklahoma doctors can legally pretend to give abortions.
Jon: Indecision 2012–weak Republican contenders (via OneGoodMove).
The Great NPR Controversy:
- Young Turks: NPR under attack by Wingnuts.
- Newsy: The NPR flap.
- Tina Dupuy: Tea Party racists.
- Young Turks: Juan Williams charges of racism.
- Newsy: NPR CEO ousted.
- Tina Dupuy: NPR Under Attack, a conversation with Dave Saldana of Free Press.
Whodathunk: Evangelicals denounce Glenn Beck as a “New Age” Mormon because of new feel-good book (via Crooks and Liars).
Young Turks: Why Republicans cut education.
Newsy: College student’s voting rights at risk.
White House: West Wing Week.
Ann Telnaes: Obama signs executive order to close for indefinite detention at Gitmo.
Cenk: Newt just loved America too much:
GritTV: Paris Hatcher on keeping an eye on anti-abortion antics.
Newsy: The Dalai Lama retires from political role.
Young Turks: Will Glenn Beck be fired?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
What a crock… Darryl, you are becoming more idiotic every day… Peter King held hearings on homegrown radical Muslim terrorism. The hearings didn’t investigate US Muslims as a whole, the hearings investigated the Radicalization of Muslims in America. A BIG DIFF unless of course you are a loony liberal with the standard liberalism disease. If they aren’t being radicalized then why are there a significant amount of attacks attributed to radical Muslims Darryl? You mean you can’t enumerate the recent attacks?
Congressman Peter King is responding to something said by the US Attorney General in Obama’s sadministration. Apparently you FORGOT what Eric Holder said last year… Well when you hang with liberals the synaptic mental processes tend to DROP!
and then later…
But don’t let this Eric Holder fact get in the way of another useless leftist “Friday Night Extravaganza” argument.
While Roger Dumb Rabbit and others are right in placing skinhead links on this blog, Roger Dumb Rabbit and others run away from the Radicalization of Muslims in America. If Roger Dumb Rabbit and others looked at all terrorism through the same lens, both political sides could work together. But since it seems conservatives are looking at the Radicalization of Muslims in America, liberals want to play the race card AGAIN.
This whole anti-Muslim hysterical rant by leftists like you Darryl reminds me that you and most of the HA loony crowd are still in the Richard Hofstadter 1964 mindset. Fast forward to now and I read similar crapola from The Daily Beast this week. I’ll let you loony leftists search for the article. Seems the article author wants to attack Peter King instead of wondering why Eric Holder stays up at night over homegrown terrorism. It’s the Daily Beast playing the race card, direct from the DNC!
Then of course there is this GREAT SMACKDOWNby Congressman Allen West of Congressman Al Green playing the race card.
And using Cenk to tell me “The truth about King’s hearings” is as hilarious as last week when you posted “Young Turks: 9-week year old fetus to testify.” Wow Darryl, I didn’t know Cenk was a pregnancy expert. Thanks for that hot tip. What is his MSNBC viewership lately Darryl?
Wait for it… Every time I place a leftist’s own words and the facts to back it up on this blog, Darryl will call it a semi-incoherent rant. It’s Pavlovian!
Now onto
Somehow this NPR commentary missed the “Friday Night Extravaganza”.
Finally someone tells the truth about white liberal elite thought at NPR.
Now we know the truth about NPR from an insider. Facts are excellent tools against liberal thought!
Looks like James O’Keefe was right again!
A nuclear reactor building in Japan has exploded and is releasing radiation, MSNBC reports. Authorities have evacuated 58,000 people from the surrounding area.
If this happened in the U.S., the power company’s liability would be limited to $500 million. The plant, of course, would be sited in a poor area and the inhabitants would have to ask Republicans in Congress to spend public funds to compensate them for loss of their homes and livelihoods.
@2 Gee Pud, NPR doesn’t buy the Wingnut Bullshit Culture, will wonders never cease!!
Well Roger Dumb Rabbit, where is an American nuclear power plant in a poor area? Name one!
My recollection has NPR saying they had no reportage political bias. So Roger Dumb Rabbit you know something they aren’t admitting? Are you typing this on your couch nude smacking on some cheeze wiz?
I dun figgered out how ta get me one a dos LifeTime Guvment Pensions.
Jus hav ta work fur a year an I gits ta draw one a dos unamploymnt chicks $2400 every month fur 2 yaers.
Hot Danm
I jus becume a Laberal
So if a Democrat and a Republican both say the same thing then it must be true? Couldn’t they both be wrong.
So fur 10 yrs work I gits 30 yrs $24000 pension. betta din a pers 1 an i dun cun borro nutter 14 Trillion for grits
Cun i pul the handle fu Omama now
Too funny..
Darwhyle lists almost every lefty nutbag and “news entertainer” up top….
How typical of many of our university educators: only focus on the one side of an issue that they agree with.
you really should stop commenting on subjects you know nothing about.
It just makes you look more the fool.
Typical asshole lawyer that roger is – during one of the worst natural disasters to hit japan, roger starts thinking about lawsuits.
fucking asshole.
In honor of cynical..
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Puddy, I think this poll proves your point and King’s about treatment of muslims in america.
the fools from the left are once again in the vast minority, screaming racism when facts & logic fail.
Depends on the topic and the facts to back them up.
Somehow Darryl can’t figger out how to include this site in his weekly “Friday Night Extravaganza”.
oopsie… Congressman Al Green will accuse me of being a KKK sympathizer, being the pathetic man he is!
With the earthquake somehow Jesus’ words were missed in the “Friday Night Extravaganza”
Recent large earthquakes, hmmm…?
So this is all Jesus’s fault?
I knew it. That fucker.
@15: The beauty part is Pudpuller will soon rapture the fuck outahere — leaving only a pool of spent spooge on the keyboard from pudpulling to the jesus-disaster porn and shit tracks on the empty chair.
Good riddance.
@14: I’ve got jesus’ words right here motherfucker [grabs crotch]!
And the vast majority are fellow Muslims who don’t agree with their radical interpretation of the Koran.
i.e. – the radicals are doomed to failure like religious whackos in this country!
The fuckhead says the jeebus has something to do with the earthquakes.
I was waiting for some dipshit to go that way…and it had to be our very own puddybitch.
@1…and yes asshole there is a “war” on muslims and ANYONE else who is not a white male christian republican.
(looked in a mirror lately asshole?)
Looks like James O’Keefe was right again!
LMAO!!! Don’t he look great in orange?
Jeebus. Why didn’t he start with So Cal? It’s Sodom and Gomorrah down there.
Why not Seattle? Right wing degenerates can’t say enough about Seattle.
Oh yeah. He works in mysterious ways but the silly one (Puddybud) has the inside dope.
tehchickenshit right wing degenerate is living out his fantasies yet again: ordering around progressive-leaning folks on a progressive comment board.
LMAO! That’s entertainment!
…ne’s a dope all right.
@23 correction:
Let’s all celebrate the rethuglican version of the “rule of law”.
(…and the puddybitch…AAAND the republifuck trolls…wonder why it’s impossible to take any of them seriously)
Is 24 off the air now? Losing that torture porn meant that fool Puddybud lost a ticking time bomb in his shorts.
I.e. assume your audience has a brain and if they’re lacking just a little expect they’ll rise to the challenge.
No wonder they’re going downhill – now the floodgates will be open to “fair and balanced” right wing degnerates.
The fool’s been duped from the gitgo. If the “Christ” for him isn’t the greedhead mentality than take your pick not the least of which of the head Moonie himself whose crap newspaper the fool (Puddybud) has quoted dozens of times.
That Korean Moon thinks he’s the frickin’ Almighty Himself!
What a turdball that Zitz is. Must be the vibrating dildo stuck up his
brainerrr… ASS! Please demonstrate to all where the Rapture is in the Bible.What a reject!
Where you stupid idiot rujax?
Time and Date Stamp
Dumber than a truck full of gravel!
And ylb@20, what was O’Keefe charged with.
Oh BTW ylb moron, #1 son was accepted into an IVY LEAGUE LAW SCHOOL last week! And it wasn’t a low tier one either. We’ll see what your man? child aspires to with garbage such as yourself AND THE HORSE MANURE YOU SPEW each day as his parent.
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Now I gots to find the money to pay that almost $100K a year bill!
At least there’s something in my shorts. What’s in yours besides a large piss stain and racetracks in the seat?
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. There’s ABSOLUTELY nuthin in ylb shorts!
There is no greedhead mentality idiot. Butt, we’re still waiting for you to place your charitable contributions for all to see at an upcoming HA meeting ylbmoron! Demonstrate to all you are not a greedhead progressive waiting for the guvmint to give and not yourself first!
Wow no one will dare to comment on Eric Holder’s home grown terrorism words in #1. Must be an indisputable fact.
Somehow these Obama supporters missed the Darryl’s “Friday Night Extravaganza”.
If found guilty they should be sent to rujax’s house!
All the world needs is another lawyer..
And if your mental sickness has anything to do with it – a DEGENERATE RIGHT WING lawyer!
That’s going to be hard. YOU SOLD YOUR DAMN SOUL AGES AGO!
Wow, that’s the best you can do ylbummer? It’s you who sold his soul to the dark side! There is no mental sickness on my side.
Remember God provides!
Oh my bad fool. I wasn’t specific enough.
I meant the back end – you know, the orifice that leaves the shit-tracks on your desk chair, the hole you use to whistle Dixie and pontificate the latest right wing bulloney…
About that other thing, carry on talking about it to whoever passes for MWS these days.
Like DF said – when in doubt deny it.
You are a bought and paid for tool. That seals it.
Heh. You mean demonstrate to YOU!
I don’t take orders from a right wing degenerate.
Heh. Mammon is a harsh mistress fool. But a natural sycophant like you just might just pull it off.
But cutting “it” off and making an offering!
Good lucky dummy!
Was anything said by ylbummer from 39-43?
Regarding #39 reread #32 fool.
Gotta go. Things to do places to see. Oh yeah… tomorrow I post the answers to the questions from my latest out of state visitation!
Later fool!
Biggest crowd yet in Madison — over 100,000 protesters. And the first lawsuit has been filed to block implementation of Walker’s union-busting bill.
@1 Right now, the government is concerning itself with the rightwing, anti-government, militia-group terrorists up in Alaska who plotted to kill a federal judge and two Alaska state troopers and were arrested with an arsenal of military weapons including some that are illegal (grenades, machineguns, etc.).
Spooky stuff.
Oops, auto-fill strikes again.
Are Capitalists The New Communists?
The Economist, a U.K.-based conservative-leaning magazine, in its review of a new book about why Western cultures triumped economically, says:
“Mr Ferguson is almost gleeful when he argues that the consumer society, butt of the bien pensant left, was the cog in the industrial machine that communism overlooked. “Capitalists”, he writes, “understood what Marx missed: that workers were also consumers. It therefore made no sense to try to grind their wages down to subsistence levels.””
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Er, but wait, isn’t that exactly what the capitalist class is doing to workers? See, e.g., Gov. Walker. So, now that the Bolsheviks have been pitched into the dustbin of history, doesn’t that make the Trotsky-inspired conservatives the noveau Marxists?
Best news.
Is POG (Plain Old Greed), Um, Inadequate?
Also from The Economist, in an article about the world’s most influential business guru’s latest brainstorm:
“He claims to have found nothing less than a formula for reinventing capitalism: “shared value”. Old-fashioned capitalists focus too narrowly on profits, he argues. Newfangled corporate social responsibility (CSR) types are bewitched by the idea that there is a tension between business and society. But shared value offers companies a way to pursue their self-interest while also acting in the common good. It will unleash a cascade of innovation and productivity gains. And provide capitalism with the popular legitimacy it clearly needs.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Gee, what a concept: Greed-based capitalism has a “legitimacy” problem and the solution is “corporate social responsibility”!!! Sounds like something straight out of the progressive playbook, doesn’t it?
I would argue that any economic system, no matter what you label it, that concentrates nearly all of a nation’s wealth in the hands of a tiny few and grinds everyone else to dust with sweatshop conditions and Arkansas chicken-farm wages has a legitimacy problem.
Arguments against businesses shouldering social responsibilities are, of course, arguments in favor of assigning these responsibilities to another type of entity, i.e. government.
I can hardly wait!!
To ignore them. This time I’ll let someone else comment on such vapid drivel.
Odds that they will be ignored is better than even. Till tomorrow..
Ahhh yes the religion of peace at it again!!!
It must really suck to be the son of ylb!
56 – Christian Palestinians live on the West Bank Puddybud.
Why do you assume the motives are even religious in nature?
Because you’re a knee jerk bigot dumbass, that’s why.
Sure sucks to be you and anyone related to you fool.
Fuck you assclown.