Amy Hoggart: America’s paid parental leave vs. the rest of the world
The Late Show: President Biden’s call with Vladimir Putin barely got off the ground
Vice News: This loophole makes most Americans susceptible to government surveillance
Have a Very Merry FAUX News War on Christmas:
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ FAUX Christmas tree torched, FAUX snowflakes melt! ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: FAUX News’ War on Christmas rages on as Omicron spreads
- Full Frontal: The FAUX News Christmas tree—Our fallen hero
- The Late Show: ♫ Santa Is Packing Heat ♬
- Stephen: FAUX News Christmas tree fire wasn’t politically motivated
- Jonathan Mann: ♫ Tis The Season For Some Treason ♬:
- The Daily Show: FAUX News thinks its Christmas tree burning is 9/11
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard reacts to Barron being left off of the Трамп Christmas card
- Red State Update: ♫ Hark! The Herald Seagulls Sing ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: ♫ Karens sing Christmas carols ♬
- Maestro Ziikos: ♫ The Dotard Трамп Sings Merry Christmas To Joe Biden ♬
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Thomas Massie and An NRA Christmas ♬
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп reacts to the FAUX News Christmas tree fire
- The Daily Show: Remembering Pine-Eleven—The attack on the FAUX News Christmas tree
Jimmy Kimmel: The Week in Unnecessary Censorship
Samantha Bee: Reproductive justice escape “womb”
The Party of Трамп Deplorables:
- Ari Melber: MAGA ally known for “bizarre charades” bolts Congress to Work for Трамп startup
- Really American: Madison Cawthorn Claims women are “earthen vessels”
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The ‘E Pluribus Unum’ Song for REAL Americans ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: Tucker Carlson’s Christmas meltdown, Newsmax requires COVID vaccines & Трамп’s legal woes
- Ronny Chieng breaks down the year in Fuckin’ Texas
- Steve Hofstetter: Pro-choice comedian in Texas:
- Chris Hayes: Republicans tout funding that passed with zero GOP votes
- Trevor: Fringe-watching—Lauren Boebert
- Ari Melber: “Grifters”—Трампism slammed by top Republican
- John Di Domenico: Leaked Zoom call between Трамп & Bill-O The Clown for The History Tour, part 1
- Seth Meyers: Трамп’s secret positive COVID test and the looney GOP’s Omicron conspiracy theories
- Zerlina: Insurrection investigation takes a turn
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Mark Meadows worries his lying skills are not up to the task ♬:
- Chris Hayes: Right wing declares war on “woke” climate policy
- Vice News: White supremacy, 4 years after Charlottesville
- Really American: Republicans COWER in fear of The Dotard
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard reacts to the NY AG fraud subpoena
- Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian: Life is precious unless it’s not
- Lauren Mayer: ♫ “Nutjobs!” (the Lauren Boebert/Marjorie Taylor Greene show) ♬:
- Stephen: Senate vaccine vote proves our Democracy is troubled and a holiday hate crime against FAUX News?
- Rachel Maddow: Fifth Amendment pleas, White House metadata redraw picture of 1/6 investigation
- Mark Fiore: The truth about Трамп’s Truth social network
- Really American: Nunes RESIGNS to run Трамп’s “media empire”
- Seth Meyers: Republicans want to make Трамп Speaker of the House if they win in 2022
Trevor: The housing market
Samantha Bee: SCOTUS—Where reproductive rights go to die
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week
This Week in ТрампPlague:
- Chris Hayes: The Dotard was impressed Meadows carried covid briefcase, book says
- Stephen: “We’re going to keep having variants”—Dr. David Agus on the surveillance system tracking covid
- The Remix Bros: ♫ JOE.I.AM’s Omicron REMIX ♬
- Seth Meyers: Ron Johnson says mouthwash kills COVID and FAUX News lies about omicron
- Vox: Big questions about the covid booster shot, answered
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп came in contact with 500 people between positive COVID test & hospitalization
- Steve Hofstetter: Comedian vs. anti-vax nurse
- Rachel Maddow: Covid shows ominous signs as winter sets in
- Ari Melber: Pfizer says booster can handle new Omicron variant
- Jordan Klepper: Anti-vaxxers in SoCal
Ari Melber: The greatest American protest songs
Samantha Bee: The dangers of the Supreme Court shadow docket
Trevor: Nikole Hannah-Jones on why reparations are necessary and what CRT actually is
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Surprised Nunez isn’t running. He would probably be in a charge of a committee after the mid-terms. No guarantee Trump’s social media site will work.
Middle Age Riot
He’s not wrong. Racists are like “Damned Straight!”
This is for the greedy racist incel who is never funny.
Someone is killing Republicans and Trump voters
Oh my! This is a scandal.. Who could be perp? Let’s put babblin’ boob teh “hi iq” greedee racist incel on the case..
It will crack the case…
But yours truly will take a wild guess at the “someone”?
Could the “someone” be “stupidity”?? Heh.. the “perp” that should be “painful” turns out to be deadly..
And morever, all those old republicans getting SS checks? Those dying old repukes? According to the “serious” deranged babblings of the greedee racist incel, this is
GOOD for my kids…
Breeding will not save them. It will only kill them.
Missouri Is Quick to Criminalize Infectious Disease — Except for COVID-19
A) They are hypocrites. B) They are not going to criminalize a disease that effects republicans.
Here’s a challenge for the “hi iq” greedee racist incel:
Calculate the future savings in dollars for my kids per dead orange covid klownspiracy “did my own research” gqp repuke.
extra credit.. Calculate the “ass-pounding” repuke spawn will endure over the black-hole of Pentagon procurement:
Hint: begin with the “failed” F-35 program.
Maybe if Fox News had racked the ground around the Christmas tree, it wouldn’t have caught fire.
Forget it. I’ve tried. Bob and his ilk literally believe the electoral college will somehow save them… in counties… where they are dying in great piles.
And when they aren’t whistling through their own graveyards they are smugly reassuring themselves that death rates are climbing not just in deep red states like Kentucky and Kansas, but especially in states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
Which is the whole point.
Nothing much really changes if thousands of older, sicker, angrier white men die in Arkansas or Idaho. But when they die in Wisconsin it can flip seats and move the state into the blue for good.
Which is why I absolutely make a point of being smug as fuck, and always, always lecturing down to old people about vaccination. I never misinform. I’m always truthful and very positive about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. I just always try my best to make sure to belittle vaccine superstitions on the right as much as possible. As the author points out “(l)iberal urban elites can be arrogant and rural Americans aren’t prone to listening to those who look down on them as uneducated bumpkins”.
I’m counting on it. One dead Republican voter at a time.
How antivaxxers sound to the rest of us. – Gordon Scott
“I once almost choked to death while eating food. I did my own research and discovered that I am not alone. Thousands of people choke every year while eating, and hundreds of those people die. Thats why I don’t feed my kids. Its dangerous. Now plenty of people will point out that food supposedly “prevents starvation,” and that might be true, but Its not fair to completely ignore all the dangers food poses, like choking, allergies, gingivitis, and garlic breath. I’m just saying, do your own research and decide what you think is best for your kids. If you choose to give your kids potentially deadly food, thats your problem, but as a parent, I don’t think the government has any right to tell me that need to”
Watching the Army Navy Game. Got conflicted loyalties. I’ve had family serve in almost all of the services, majority in the Army and the Navy. I guess Go Navy. Although I wouldn’t say that in Tacoma, just like probably not a good idea to say Beat Navy in Bremerton.
@ 3
Seen elsewhere:
Congratulations, as well, to the Kellogg company, for making a wise decision.
Kellogg’s says it will permanently replace striking workers after offer is rejected
And now Kellogg has spoken.
Plenty of jobs out there. The union members are free to go find one that is better than the one they have.
Look at it this way, libbies: By jettisoning union members rather than agree to unacceptable wage demands, Kellogg is keeping its costs under control, which helps it keep its selling prices under control, which helps keep inflation under control, which is what Democrats are demanding of companies nowadays.
What is good for Kellogg is good for America.
Great idea for Germany and France to work together. The joint Franco-German Army Brigade is a great idea. The helicopters transporting them into battle, not so much. Australia has found the NH-90 to be more trouble than it’s worth, and will replace them in favor of the Black Hawk, which it was supposed to replace.
Another contract were winning from the French. Although the frigates for the Greek Navy, the Hellenic Navy was better off buying from the French. What they are getting from us, is based on the Freedom class Littoral Combat Ship. Navy’s had problems with it.
13 Don’t want threaten the CEOs ability to get another yacht.
@1 He was redistricted.
@4 DeSantis thinks he can get around that by purging the death statistics.
@13 I’m curious to know where Kellogg is going to find strikebreakers after their union workers rejected an effective 3.8%-a-year pay cut at a time when other employers are raising wages because they can’t fill jobs and there are millions of better and more permanent job openings to choose from.
meanwhile Starbucks workers in Buffalo voted to unionize
I’ve read that kellog is having a devil of time getting their site to work for scabs to apply online.
Person 1: Hon, I don’t ever remember the country being this bad, this crazy!
Person 2: It was never been so good for the people that conservatives hate before now. They didn’t feel their unchallenged privilege was threatened by strong women, minorities, gays, atheists. Cops and white people are going to jail for murdering black men. #BLM. Strong women won’t put up with asshole men. #MeToo Gays are getting married. Voter demographics are making white people a minority soon. On the other side, their wealth and security has been eroded by the very people they though were on their side. So they are desperate for a scapegoat rather than admit they were fooled by the lies.
16)Forgot, GOP Couldn’t game California’s commission.
@12 Don’t know what we’d do without your humor. We’d probably manage.
Fight fire with fire!
“Birds Aren’t Real”
Breeding will not save them. Only fire has a chance.
It’s about time Democrats acted like Republicans.
The Conspiracy Network loses its last journalist.
26)For most of the time, he didn’t even work for FNC, but Fox Broadcasting. Same with the now-departed from FNC Shepherd Smith.
25)Will be interesting to see how the stacked Federal Courts handle it. Probably a few judges will be telling conservative colleagues, told you this would happen.
No climate change here folks. Just your average December tornados flattening Kentucky and killing scores with many more missing. Kind of unusual though that here we have Rand Paul, of all people, suddenly seeing the beauty of federal aid.
@29 Of course those are Democrat tornadoes. We’ve been plotting this for years. It took tremendous planning and logistics. And when the dumbfuck read, “Liberals must arm!”, he thought I was referring to guns! ha ha ha ha ha
@29 Which country was Rand Paul vacationing in when his state was flattened?
29)He’s up for re-election next year.
Sadly, the only really good thing that comes out of Kentucky (or is it Kintuckee) was damaged as a result of the tornados:
I say no federal aid for those folks since it is just a handout and wealth redistribution and the always seem to vote against it.
@33 It’s socialism is what it is! Also, federal paternalism, which always comes with strings attached. (You have to be poor to get food stamps, etc.) And an infringement on states’ rights to be a disaster zone! I think Democrats should filibuster it. I’m sure we can find a Democratic senator willing to do it. We only need one. (I’ll bet Sinema would volunteer!) Maybe throw in a clenched-fist salute, too. Long live Kentucky! Long live the filibuster! Long live Senate gridlock!
Netted another one! This is like catching Asian carp in the Chicago River. A brilliantly creative use of the internet to remove stupid people from the community and put them in supervised settings where they’re less of a danger to others and themselves.
“‘I thought nobody can be that stupid, and boy have I been proven wrong,’ says Innes, 54. ‘These people … whoever they are, they see HIPAA, they think privacy. So they feel compelled to leave their real information — names, address, where the intended target is…'”
And I’d bet all of them are Trump Republicans … because who else is that stupid, gullible, and criminally minded?
34)They are already calling the BiPartisan Infrastructure Bill tyranny. Although it was only a few hours after signing that the first person who voted against it, was taking credit for bringing the money to his district.
Boebert should have voted for it. The rail, unless our mills can’t produce what’s needed, has to be made here. One of three mills which makes rails in the US, is in her district. The best rail for streetcars isn’t made in mills in the US. Legacy systems didn’t provide enough business.
35)Still get a chuckle on that one. Lehto’s Law on YouTube did a good one on that case.
Kamala Harris now has lower favorability and higher unfavorability than Donald Trump.
Some pretty awful numbers for Kamala The Incompetent.
Peggy Noonan thinks Kamala is unserious.
Kamala Harris Needs to Get Serious
Hence the appeal of Kamala to fellow Unserious Twat YLB.
@ 35
You run a parody web site. Unintentionally so.
You embarrass the family of SeattleJew because of it.
Team Biden wants SCOTUS to reject the Harvard discrimination case.
Biden administration asks U.S. Supreme Court to reject Harvard affirmative action case
Probably so that Harvard can keep reserving slots in order to pump more Joy Reids into the world.
Just think of all the influential liberals y’all libbies have to accuse of racism, so that y’all can continue to prop up y’all’s Joy Reids.
@35: “…because who else is that stupid, gullible, and criminally minded?”
Well, me, for instance…
These days the average moviegoer possesses the intelligence of YLB. The result:
YLB wears her superHA Hero cape every Friday night. Oh, and her thigh-high boots!
YLB thinks a Merchant Ivory film must be a documentary about selling poached elephant tusks.
The collision between the SEPTA streetcar and a CSX freight in Darby, PA was on one of the few crossings of it’s kind allowed in the U.S. In Tacoma, for example, the former connection between the Lakeview and Seattle Subdivisions was abandoned 20 years ago because of Tacoma LINK using Commerce Street. Necessitating the new connector that opened in 2012. Judging from the Gate Arm in the photo, the operator may have been speeding and/or a failure of the signal system used by either SEPTA or CSX.(Possibly Conrail, Philadelphia/Southern NJ is one of three shared assets territories on the former conrail now owned by NS/CSX). We’ll see what the NTSB finds.
The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission had been studying the crossings in Darby for years.
In Portland, the Orange Line has a similar crossing, only the freight traffic of Oregon Pacific is infrequent, although for the next few weeks the Daylight will be using it twice a day getting too and from Oakes Park for Holiday Express excursions. If Doyle is still running it, doubt they will be doing too much high speed running,
Also, SEPTA has been planning to modernize the Subway-Surface Trolleys, which Route 11 is one of. Too much antiquated operation, as Routes 10, 11,, 13,, 34, and 36 are survivors of the once-mighty Philadelphia Transportation Company’s massive network, single-ended streetcars, no ADA access, surface stops. Rolling stock wise, these 5 routes alone, would produce one big contract that many manufacturers around the world would bid on. I get from the artwork in the design guide, the Siemens S700 would be their favorite, as it’s adaptable.
Possibly speeding, as I said the gate arm came down on the streetcar. The operator saw the crossing lights, but didn’t stop in time to avoid the collision. Didn’t know the line went that fast. If he wanted to speed, should have taken a job with SEPTA’s Suburban Division, the former Red Arrow Division, Routes 100, 101, and 102 are former Interurbans, but I doubt that a city operator can transfer. Different bargaining unit, different Union.
Route 101/102 are also up for rolling stock renewal, although they are double ended. Again, looks like the Siemens S700 is best suited, but their is a Pennsylvania Option, Brookville Liberty, built by a PA mining supply company looking for a diversified market. Siemens has the ability to do large orders though.
The news article I meant to post at 46)
@40 “You run a parody web site.”
And you don’t. All you have is trolling on an obscure Seattle website nobody reads that bills itself as a “cesspool.” I post articles with photos, videos, and links. You post stupid and repetitive one-liners.
@41 A dumbfuck who reads Gateway Pundit disses Joy Reid’s journalism credentials. Precious.
SNL reached peak equality last night, when Michael Che told a Kamala joke.
Was watching the Grey Cup, exciting OT win for Winnipeg over Hamilton. Don’t see much kneeling, but anti-woke people might not like the CFL acknowledging they were on the land of the Six Nations of the Grand River. It’s becoming a new Canadian tradition, acknowledging such claims, especially the unceded lands where no treaty has been signed. Would be better if their governments, and both Federal parties have been guilty of it, coming clean on the abuse at Residential Schools. The Edmonton CFL team dropping the Eskimo name seems superficial compared to the discoveries of the bodies at former Residential school sites.
Hope my injured Eagle with the Montreal Allouttes recovers from his injury. Anyway, EWU has another QB about to graduate, looking for a team. Just if an NFL team takes Berrierre, please not the Rams.
@50 That’s nothing, the stock market reaches new peaks every day, and futures are up tonight again. I’m sure glad I bought during the now-vanished Omicron dip instead of foolishly waiting for the 10%-15% pullback that never came. Chances are it will eventually, perhaps after stocks have gone up another 20%-25%.
33, 34,
The rules of the New Federalism say that since the Gov is the same party as The President they should get some help.
But the two Republican Senators must bend the knee. Cocaine Mitch and his sidekick The Lunger can either side with Trump, or they can side with Kentucky. They get to choose.
Don’t forget about me.
And my brother. We ain’t nearly done yet!
Seems kinda weird to me that all these desperate employers out there complaining about people not willing to take their shitty jobs just don’t unpack the robots and plug them in.
This is probably AOC and the Vice President’s fault too.
53)We’ll see.McConnell will find a way to spin it his way.
Hey, how come MSNBC wasn’t very interested in learning the identities of the jurors in the Jussie Smollett trial?
If Jussie Smollett would only look at the bright side, he would realize that everyone in America now knows who he is.
Fame is fame, amirite?
@ 52
I’m sure glad I bought…
Maybe he can distract by reminding Kentucky Republicans how many of them died this week because they refused a wildly safe and effective life saving vaccine.
Who needs killer tornadoes when you’ve got “FB friends in CO”?
The 20th of September is NOT a good day for Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit to be talking about investing.
On 9/20/17 Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit extolled the virtues of picking up GE shares. Not long after, GE cut its dividend by 95% and the stock price plummeted somewhere around 70%, and it’s still nowhere near the price on that date.
And then there’s the Dumbfuck Rabbit on 9/20/21:
Today’s 2% drop isn’t much, but dip buyers are already moving in, so I picked up 100 shares of Citigroup this morning. If the market keeps going down, I’ll buy more bank shares, among other things.
That was at around $67/share.
In fewer than three months since that purchase, Citigroup has declined roughly 10%, to its current share price of $60.71.
When Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit brags about buying on the dip @ 52, keep in mind that the last tangible evidence of his purchases demonstrates that he gets his ass handed to him when he does it.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is a fucking, bloviating clown. Especially on September 20th.
What Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit had to say about GE on 9/20/17:
Important quick reminder: the Kentucky candle factory got a 30 min warning that the tornado was on its way but workers were not allowed to leave their work stations.
They didn’t have any choice.
Republican dumbfucks gasping out their last breaths on a vent did.
Future of the GOP.
Rand Paul has voted in opposition to every federal disaster aid appropriation for the last ten years.
@ 65
He’ll also oppose bailing out Illinois.
@52 While you reach back over 4 years looking for straws to grasp, I’ll happily take your snark to the bank. I’m doing well. Thanks for asking.
@ 67
You happily bought on the “dip” in mid-2008. You’ll never recover from that mistake, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Sadly, neither will your loved ones. Darwin’s Law extends to those who invest, too.
Looking out at the gathering mob of armed and violent rioters, The Nominee said:
“If these people say you had the power, wouldn’t you want to?”
“I wouldn’t want any one person to have that authority,” Pence said.
“But wouldn’t it almost be cool to have that power?” Trump asked.
“No,” Pence said.
He’s 18 months out from announcing and 30 months from clinching the Republican nomination.
And if Democrats don’t get out and vote he will win.
The exact words “power point” appear nowhere in the Constitution:
They are out of control, attacking school boards, attacking Congress, attacking elections, attacking neighborhoods everywhere. And they are coming.
@68 Let’s skip over the fact you’re a dumbfuck who can’t tell the difference between a 50% crash that lasted over 5 years and a 5% dip that lasted 2 weeks* and get to some hard numbers.
* The DJIA was at 14,164 on 10/9/07, bottomed at 6,547 on 3/9/09, and reached 14,259 on 3/5/13
The only stock I bought in 2008 is 125 shares of AT&T for $2,462 on 10/13/08, which I still own. I could have sold those shares Friday for $2,284, so we’ll assume that’s what they’re worth. I’ve collected $3,100 of dividends from those shares. (I’ve added them up.) $2,284 plus $3,100 = $5,384. Subtract my purchase price ($5,384 – $2,462 = $1,922) and that’s my net profit. I’ve owned owned those shares 10 years and 2 months, so let’s divide that by 122 months and multiply by 12. We get ($1,922/122) x 12 = $189 per year. Now divide that by $2,462 and my return is 7.68% a year. That’s nearly 77 times what you’re making on your cash sitting in a money market account. And this, of course, doesn’t even count the money I made by reinvesting those dividends. That’s impossible to calculate, but my return on the stock I bought in 2008 is probably 100 times what you’re making on your cash. And you call me a dumbfuck!
I suppose, if you really want to press the matter, we could take a vote on who the other citizens of this cesspool think has more credibility, me or you. That one won’t be close, either.
@68 “Sadly, neither will your loved ones.”
Well, that’s something you’ll never have to worry about, because you have no loved ones. You don’t love anybody, and nobody loves you.
@69 Even if he survives morbid obesity and diabetes, Trump still has to get through 3 more years of Covid-19, and I’ve heard people can get it twice, which is especially likely when they’re frequently mingling with densely-packed crowds of unvaccinated and unmasked people who take no precautions.
@69. repubicans have broken the election system and will throw out any results where Trump does not win. I’m going to vote, but it wont’ matter if Democrats don’t pass the Voting Rights Bills.
Vote. Vote because that’s the best thing we can do to stop them from going any further.
The Voting Rights Act won’t stop a newly elected Governor like David Perdue from refusing to certify the election. It won’t stop all white canvassing boards from rejecting ballots from “bad areas”. And it won’t change the history of younger, more progressive voters not turning out in midterm elections. To win we have to turn out. And to prevent Republican fraud that turnout has to be overwhelming.
First official confirmed climate tornado death toll is released: 64
Average daily death toll from “FB friends in CO” in Kentucky: 64
@74 You should vote because the Republicans won’t vote. They’ve convinced themselves the election system is broken and their votes won’t count, so they’re going to make sure they don’t.