Seth Meyers: Sen. Elizabeth Warren calls out billionaires shooting themselves into space
Trevor: Why you should pray for the droughts to end
Vice News: What it’s like to document the death of ecosystems
The Parody Project: ♫ The Problem With Manchin ♬
The Трамп Cultists And Other Miscreant, Quislings, and Treasonist:
- Seth Meyers: Scalise embraces Трамп’s big lie and Lindell’s 850-year-old voter claim
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Patron Saint of The Lost Cause ♬
- The Daily Show: When a senator can’t stop talking about coke and quail sex
- Ari Melber: Why GOP Sen. McConnell lost the debt clash and could lose the filibuster
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The Only Трампers Left ♬:
- Robert Reich: Fire Postmaster DeJoy
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard REJECTS golden showers
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The Dotard’s Deposition Position ♬
- Now This: Tucker Carlson’s latest radical conspiracy
- Rachel Maddow: Republicans eyeing upcoming votes stack local elections boards with Трамп loyalists
- Seth Meyers: Трамп tells Republicans not to vote
- Mother Jones: ♫ You Better Not Fuck in Texas” (a song by Jill Sobule) ♬:
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп tells Republicans not to vote
- John Di Domenico: Трамп furious over woke NFL & 2022 Super Bowl halftime show
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Republicans Line Up to Kiss Donald’s Massive “Shrine” ♬
- Lauren Mayer: ♫ “What The Hell Is Wrong With You People?” ♬
- Amber Ruffin: ♫ Трамп Rally ♬
- The Late Show: Трамп’s bizarre Capitol riot message
- Seth Meyers: ♫ Amber Ruffin shares what Трамп has done for religion ♬:
- The Late Show: FAUX News thinks bisexual Superman crosses the line
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп’s Constitutional Wrongs ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп cares about size so much, it’s almost like he’s insecure about something
- Seth Meyers: Bannon could face criminal charges and Трамп tells Republicans not to vote
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ A Prayer for Heidi Cruz ♬
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week
John Oliver: Misinformation
Trevor: How to ACTUALLY reduce abortions
This Week In The ТрампPlague:
- Jimmy Kimmel: Texas Governor Greg Abbott bans vaccine mandates and Ted Cruz helps launch imaginary crisis
- The Daily Show: Laughing off the vaccine mandate with Tucker Carlson
- Vice News: The vaccine mandate wars are here
- Samantha Bee: Full Frontal Rewind—America and vaccinations
- Bloomberg Law: Biden’s vaccine “mandate” and the likely legal challenge
- Rachel Maddow: Look past conspiracy nonsense and weirdos to appreciate modern medical science
- Wired: How online conspiracy groups compare to cults
- Seth Meyers: Southwest contradicts FAUX News, says chaos was not caused by vaccine mandate
- The Daily Show: Band of bullshitters—Freedom is contagious
- Chris Hayes: Texas Republicans spar over who is more pro-covid
Mark Fiore: AT&T and OAN, your conspiracies delivered!
Amber Ruffin: Why rich people are the reason America is broke
The Daily Show: Is profanity protected by freedom of speech?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
With the resistance to the Vaccine mandates, surprised they haven’t mentioned, Audie Murphy had a reaction to being vaccinated during basic training.Went on to be one of the most decorated soldiers.
Middle Age Riot
Middle Age Riot
I posted this one for the greedy racist incel. Thought he’d appreciate it.
Never thought I would be worried about whether a visiting team is vaccinated. EWU is requiring the vaccine, and Coach Aaron Best put it simply, it’s an edict from the administration, it will be followed. He’s vaccinated, and without healthy players, you forfeit. Today we are playing a bunch of Vandals from down the road in Moscow. Idaho’s coach is vaccinated, it’s encouraged, but not policy. Thankfully the game’s in Cheney, no protruding scoreboard blocking Field Goals, Go Eags.
From where I see it, McAuliffe is running a bad campaign.
It appears very formulaic, built entirely around constant fundraising from hired contractors to fund expensive media buys that push a bland message detached from people’s real concerns.
However I’m sure this kind of shit helps:
Touring the sacred relics of the Trump Coup is #winning
@ 3
Imagine being The Even Bigger Fucking Moron,
And still having no idea why Tulsi Gabbard criticized Kamala Harris during that primary debate.
If you wish to buy a Democrat with some pull, one rule of thumb is the going rate for a Democrat with the pull #CrookedHillary formerly had is the $225,000 per speech paid to her by Goldman Sachs.
What a good idea, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, to bring up the topic of buying a Democrat politician.
(And yes, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, I’m telling the truth about the speeches and about the payoff:
I’m sure QoS McHillbilly will have an interest in this development. In the preceding thread QoS McHillbilly took pains to explain why a Loudoun school district superintendent might not have been informed about a forcible sodomy felony perpetrated by a dude in a skirt in a girl’s bathroom at a high school, with the victim being a ninth-grade girl.
QoS McHillbilly defended the super despite the sheriff’s department investigation and the existence of a rape kit used as part of it.
Because a couple of weeks after the sex crime occurred (in late May), the super denied having heard about it. While being recorded because it was during a school board meeting he denied it.
Yesterday the superintendent was forced to apologize for “misleading” people. You see, when the question was asked whether assaults had occurred in restrooms at schools in the district, the super claims not to have understood that the question also referred to sex crimes perpetrated by dudes wearing skirts.
Woke Loudoun County schools $275K-a-year superintendent APOLOGIZES for ‘failing to protect’ female student, 15, from rape by ‘boy in a skirt’ in the girls’ bathroom: He refuses to quit but board member resigns
Recall that last month QoS McHillbilly was assuring us that a guy shot in Olympia had accidentally shot himself. Which he maintained until the clear video of an Antifa coward shooting him emerged.
QoS McHillbilly: He doesn’t do what you think he does.
The real purpose of Title IX is the creation of an obstacle for POS like QoS McHillbilly to hide behind while lobbing false accusations.
This planned coordinated denial of the sex crime perpetrated by a dude wearing a skirt so that he could enter a girl’s bathroom is here:
This clearly coordinated dishonest denial cost the board member her seat – she resigned yesterday.
Oh. The girl’s family is preparing to sue the Loudoun school district.
QoS McHillbilly covered himself in glory on this one.
Who would have believed that the term “gender-fluid” really means the stuff one collects with a rape kit swab when a dude wearing a skirt forcibly sodomizes a ninth-grade girl in a school bathroom?
This might make a lawsuit a bit easier to win:
I wonder if the superintendent ran this statement by the school district counsel.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 2 confirms for us that there’s simply no version of The Sound Of Music on the planet that won’t attract a homosexual audience.
@ 5
…that push a bland message detached from people’s real concerns.
And then there are those direct messages that are a complete dismissal ofv people’s real concerns:
I lost track of the number of times post-2016 that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit told me that “Hillary Clinton’s not running in this election”.
I wonder if he’ll respond similarly about McAuliffe’s attempt to make his election about Trump rather than about McAuliffe vs. Youngkin:
Actually, I don’t wonder. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is an unsuccessful shill for the left, just as he was an unsuccessful attorney prior to his forced retirement.
While McAuliffe’s screaming about Trump:
CNN has noticed:
Not @ 17 to be outdone, here’s Terry McAuliffe connecting with average American voters.
Nothing says rich white guy like a lake house, a new American flag shirt, and a never-before-touched bbq grill loaded up with so much burger meat that there’s no room for oxygen to reach the propane.
“Bartender, a round of beers for everybody! And I’ll have a Cognac!”
Biggest loser: Sheldon Whitehouse.
Patriots owner Robert Kraft lends team plane to undefeated University of Rhode Island football team
Whitehouse offered his own private plane, but it was for whites only.
Kraft is a former Trump supporter.
The greedy racist incel is on tear today. I skimmed them so you don’t have to.
6. Don’t care.
7. Don’t care. It’s your rule of “It’s only wrong when a Democratic does it.”
8. Fake Trans Outrage. Fake trans boy outrage to own the libs.
He could care less raped 11 year old girls being forced to give birth in Texas.
9. Sexist slur
10. More fake Trans Outrage. See 8.
11. More fake Trans Outrage. See 8.
12. More fake Trans Outrage. See 8.
13. Homobobic slur.
14. Some blah blah blah bullshit about a democrat.
15. Some blah blah blah bullshit about a democrat.
16. Failed attempt a zinger.
17. Some blah blah blah bullshit about a democrat.
18. Some blah blah blah bullshit about a democrat.
19. Racist slur.
How #CrookedHillary lost, and why it was such a surprise to the left.
Hillary lost because democrats did not believe that many conservatives would rather burn the country down than share it.
If McAuliffe looses, it’s because he was coasting, still not believing that the republicans would destroy the state and the nation, rather than share.
8! 9! 10! 11! 12!
And still completely full of shit. After all, Poor Bobby already admitted that his Louden County outrage is faked and is only intended to serve the purpose of moving VA Governor’s race political poll numbers. But at least fake pearl-clutching is slightly less humiliating than the forest of rake handles he walked into when he tried to do some middle school math last night.
Poor Bobby just missed a simple trick on his skateboard. So he’s smashing it in half and throwing it into traffic.
It doesn’t get much better than this.
Bob, if you kept your cool and didn’t get so emotional about fucking up and losing, you might not have to make shit up and then “sell it” by becoming even more emotional.
Nobody here really cares about your feels.
And if being mocked for your fuckups really does hurt your poor sensitive feels then you should stop calling attention to them by making such a spectacle of yourself. You’re letting yourself become more and more like Puddy. And that really didn’t end well.
Okay. That’s it. My only piece of helpful, well intentioned advice.
Please resume entertaining us all.
And thanks!
@ 23
Poor Bobby just missed a simple trick on his skateboard. So he’s smashing it in half and throwing it into traffic.
I find this to be less risky than to try to bludgeon a guy with an AR-15 laying on his back in the middle of the street using my skateboard, yes.
If McAuliffe loses it will be because he’s running a fairly bad campaign.
Campaigns matter. Sometimes they matter even more than candidates. But they always matter. We’ve all seen some amazingly talented, charismatic leaders with fantastic personal stories and messages lose big races. And while I’m certainly not saying McAuliffe is any of that, the point is that campaigns matter even when the candidate is perfect. And McAuliffe really isn’t.
But he still has enormous advantages over his opponent. And if he squanders those and loses by running a poorly executed, bloated campaign with weak messaging and a bad strategy his loss will make an impression. Even if he underperforms Biden, as it appears he will, and still manages to win it will make and impression.
Third Way is dead. These campaigns need to stop courting voters who don’t exist. They can’t afford it.
What is the third way anymore? What’s the middle ground between Democratic government and authoritarian fascism?
Did dimfuk go on a bleat-o-rama? I’ve had a good day so far. Don’t want to spoil it reading garbage so…
nother!, nother!, till that certain day, will be good for my kids, amirite?,
In other news..
Odd thing popped into my youtube feed.. An interview with Andrew Cockburn, a brit journalist whose stuff I read from time to time back in the day..
Pretty strong lefty slant, wrote about national security, US foreign policy, US politics.. A brit who worked in the US – kind of like the old Chris Hitchens.
The interview was on CSPAN and was about a book he co-wrote with his wife Leslie about the covert relationship between the US and Israel – CIA/Mossad type stuff. Hmmm. Interesting. Didn’t know anything about Cockburn’s personal life, who he was married to etc,,
Damn, lovely lady, striking.. Lucky man Andrew Cockburn.. And she’s sharp, obviously very educated.
What’s her story? Born to a wealthy California shipping family. Yale educated. Studied in London. Probably where she and Andrew met, I’m guessing. Andrew married well.
Turns out Andrew and Leslie Cockburn are the parents of actress Olivia Wilde.. Learn something every day. You now know where Olivia Wilde gets her star quality looks.
It hasn’t changed at all in practice.
It means going overboard on entirely performative “woke” and Greenpeace messaging to compensate for the plain fact that you’re giving a continuous loving hand job to the 1%. It means selling out 80% of your domestic agenda in exchange for some temporary protection for a few hundred acres of high desert and a new postage stamp honoring lesbian pioneers in the space program.
In short, I give you Senator Kyrsten Lea Sinema who as I write this is busy attending a “working” wine making apprenticeship, fundraising from “Greens” in the EU, or training for the Boston Marathon instead of drafting legislation.
Conservatives take to social media to blame Biden for the supply chain crisis with #BareShelvesBiden, while others hit back with images of fully stocked stores
“Almost all the pictures I have seen of empty shelves are either from the UK or from the toilet paper panic of 2020.”
“If they were honest, they wouldn’t be conservatives”
Great game in Cheney, sent the Vandals packing and Protected the Red 71-21.
Coming back from a trip to Mt. Vernon, saw one version of what ORCA 2.0 could have been. Don’t need the card if you have the smart phone app. Sound Transit went with TriMets vendor instead of what Skagit Transit and WTA use. The technology behind the HOP FastPass is still light years ahead of the current ORCA system. BothTriMet and Skagit Transit use a mechanism called Fare Capping.
I am uncontrollably delirious with rage and crippled with loss because the Morton brand coarse kosher salt that I am accustomed to purchasing by the box was only available in a shaker cylinder.
I died a little inside.
Christmas is ruined!
Everything is ruined!
@7 Doc resenting Hillary because she makes more than he does. Funny. A woman yet! Hilarious. But she’s smarter than he is.
@15 Just a friendly reminder that this “unsuccessful shill for the left” is more popular and respected than you are, writes and edits a blog while you mooch on Goldy’s blog, and doesn’t have to knock back a sixpack and then go out in the weather to a barn to get his rocks off.
@21, 22 Hillary lost because of a screwy electoral system originally designed to preserve slavery that let her win by 3 million popular votes but still lose to an unpopular kleptomanic psychopath.
Needless to say, the horse-fucking radiologist put out to pasture voted for the psychopath.
@25 I agree. The guy should’ve used his handgun instead of his skateboard to defend himself. That’s what pistols are for. Skateboards are for riding. Splattering the serial killer’s brains in the street would’ve saved the taxpayers an expensive trial, too.
@27 “What’s the middle ground between democratic government and authoritarian fascism?”
Back then, Omaha Beach. Today judges, including Republican ones.
@28 “Did dimfuk go on a bleat-o-rama?”
Yeah, but I was busy with other things, and didn’t have to listen to it.
@31 Anytime anything Idaho gets a butt-kicking, nobody here minds, no matter what their local allegiances may be.
Meanwhile, I see Nick Rolovich just barely managed to win what might be his last WSU game. I mean, I don’t know. I have no idea how that little drama will play out. If he gets his exemption, he’ll still have to comply with a lot of stuff he doesn’t seem to believe in very much.
“The leader of the Seattle Police Officers Guild (SPOG), which represents over 1,300 officers of the Seattle Police Department (SPD), is calling the COVID-19 vaccine mandate the latest in a long list of betrayals by the city of Seattle.
SPOG President Mike Solan said city leaders could accommodate officers who don’t want the shot and keep the city safe, but they are choosing not to do that. With just days until the mandate takes effect, Solan said now is not the time to force a vaccine on officers as the police department already faces a staffing crisis.”
You know, I’m not going to miss those guys as much as he will. And it gives the city a chance to revamp SPD on a clean slate.
“Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz’s Big Fundraising PAC is Nearly Broke”
“In the first three months of the year …her campaign spent about 43 percent of what it fundraised. In the next three months, that number increased to 59 percent. And for the past three months, the figure jumped again to 70 percent. She spent more than $1 million to haul in $1.5 million.”
“The Gaetz campaign’s latest filing shows that his fundraising has all but dried up. He raised just $527,000 from July 1 to September 30. He spent far more—$627,000—trying to raise that money.”
Coldplay provided the musical entertainment at the reception following the wedding of Bill and Melinda Gates’ daughter.
Joe Satriani could not be reached for comment.
@ 42
“Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz’s Big Fundraising PAC is Nearly Broke”
Wouldn’t be the first grift to fail. Would it?
Clinton Global Initiative lays off 22 as donations dry up, will shut down in April
Grift too shamelessly and there could be unexpected consequences.
Coney Barrett.
@ 26
But he still has enormous advantages over his opponent. And if he squanders those and loses by running a poorly executed, bloated campaign with weak messaging and a bad strategy his loss will make an impression.
I can recall a recent, fairly high-profile campaign that fits this description. Can anybody else?
They both rely on list rentals that charge 80%+. Greene uses four or five lists. It’s a bit of a scam. These are low dollar donors. Mostly older retirees reached via snail mail averaging less than $100. Once you pay the list owner 80 cents for every dollar you raise, account for the cost of producing the mailing, postage, direct mail processing, payment processing, and fees to the fundraising firm managing it all there isn’t much left to show for it.
But it makes them look like players. Other newbies have used this strategy to bring themselves to the attention of the big dollar donors and elbow their way into those networks. But the big money guys have grown wiser and more sophisticated and they tend not to fall for this much these days. So Neanderthal Barbie and Child-Fucker are probably hoping to emulate Trump by using the mail campaigns to build audience for gigs like their rally tours and then perhaps drive digital.
Looks like it didn’t work out. The tour appears to have been a flop. And direct mail to digital crossover is bad strategy. People who really rely on their smartphones tend to walk their snail mail directly to the recycling bin without looking at it. And the people who wait longingly each day for the sound of the mail flap to interrupt their lonely existence so they can painstakingly slice open every single piece of junk mail and flip through every catalog do not respond to digital fundraising campaigns.
Hmmm. dimfuk lacks “natural immunity”.. that widbee librul…
When the moderna booster is approved, yours truly will make an appointment.
Haven’t been sick a day since this whole mess started.
I can already hear the popping sounds of the heads of raging right-wing pundits as they learn about this change.
Superman’s motto gets a modern update: ‘Truth, Justice and a Better Tomorrow’
Superman’s son is bi sexual, and now the American Way. DC comics is doing good stuff to evolve to a new cultural norm.
!?Oh! You mean Democrats.
Harley Rouda?
Max Rose?
Anthony Brindisi?
Excellent examples. Definitely made an impression. Democrats who run as “Diet Republicans” tend to lose close races.
Joe Satriani could not be reached for comment.
On Jan 6th, as a violent Republican Rally mob of several thousand pro-Trump authoritarian terrorists attacked an entrance to Congress in an effort to prevent the final count of the presidential election, Officer Michael Fanone was part of a team of Capitol Police assigned to prevent that by non-lethal means. To do so the helmeted and armored officers took turns in front of their fellow officers engaging in direct, hand-to-hand combat with the domestic terrorists, while their fellow officers backed them up and resisted the terror mob’s coordinated efforts to pull the police away from the entrance and down the steps where the mob could assault them individually.
As screams of “HEAVE HO!” and “KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN!” rang out, suddenly Fanone’s exhausted and confused fellow officers lost their grip on him and he was pulled away from their protective grasp. As his helmet and goggles were torn violently from his face, and as dozens of armed terrorist fanatics dragged him crouching defensively down the Capitol steps, one ardent Trump supporter stepped forward ready to act.
Fontana California Proud Boy Danny Rodriguez fought his way through the enraged terrorist mob, stepped up to Officer Fanone, pressed his illegally modified taser device into the meat of Officer Fanone’s unprotected throat, and shocked him into submission leaving him momentarily unconscious and unable to breathe with second degree burns.
Rodriguez, who by this time was a highly recognizable celebrity presence at Trump/GOP events throughout Southern California went into hiding from law enforcement after Jan 6th and sought to evade capture until he was finally caught in April with the help of yet another Proud Boy informant.
At his interview with FBI agents Mr. Rodriguez wept uncontrollably at times, and frequently blamed Trump, Trump officials, and GOP officials both for his participation in the terror attack on Congress and for his attack on Officer Fanone. Filings before the court indicate that Mr. Rodriguez intends to offer as his defense that he was acting entirely under orders from The President that day. And he further demands that his multiple confessions to FBI agents subsequent to his capture be suppressed because he claims he was never properly given a Miranda warning, despite both his signed attestation of warning, transcripts of that warning, and audio tapes of his warning. And then of course, there are the video tapes from multiple angles showing Mr. Rodriguez doing exactly what he confessed to having done. As part of his confession interview Mr. Rodriguez, fighting through tears, pointed out that Officer Fanone had neck tattoos, so perhaps it was okay to tase him in the neck after all.
“I’m so stupid.”
“I’m an asshole.”
“I’m a fucking piece of shit.”
Somewhere today a crowd of Glenn Youngkin supporters is paying $100 each for a photo op with the taser.
40)Still mad over our missed Field Goal in Moscow in the Spring season. It appeared to split the goal post but bounced off a protruding scoreboard. The referee, adjusting his mask, only saw the latter part. The FCS, only a few stadiums have enough cameras for effective review. Roos Field, with home games often on SWX, Root Sports, and now with the Big Sky’s deal with ESPN, more coverage. Sure our opponents probably get mesmerized by the Inferno as we call the Red Turf.
Tough opponent next week even though they are having trouble lately with Weber State. A few years ago, they used an old school offense against us, literally three yards and a cloud of dust. Wears down the defense.
48)Wasn’t the American Way only added in the 50s because of the Red-baiters?
From the article.
“Even though fans may associate the “American way” catchphrase with comics, the phrase actually goes back to Superman’s transition to radio in the 1940s and TV in the 1950s.
As Erik Lundegaard wrote in the New York Times, when the radio show made its debut during World War II, “We were all fighting for the American way. Why shouldn’t Superman?”
@ 54
“We were all fighting for the American way. Why shouldn’t Superman?”
’cause he’s a limpwrist, it turns out.
The January 6 riot was re-enacted in Knoxville yesterday.
Desperately Poor Bobby, upon reading details of how a prominent Southern California Republican used an illegally modified electrical stun gun to try to murder a police officer as part of a coup attempt, then decides to compare it to a beer riot at a football game between slave state fans.
Res ipsa loquitur.
@55. Nobody thinks your gay slurs are amusing or insightful. I expect your gay brother did not, and that’s one reason he killed himself.
Superman is straight, it’s his son that is attracted to both women and men.
It’s telling that the homophobic wing of the fandom goes nuts when an existing Hero character is retconned to be gay. I can kind of see their point. Making Earth 1 Green Lantern or Ice man gay seemed contrived. So the power that be at DC create a new high profile hero character, Superman’s son, to be bi and the homophobic wing of the fandom still goes nut. The homophobic wing of the fandom don’t have a problem with gay people, so long they don’t have have read about any, or interact with any, or think about any, As long as all gay characters stay in the closet, they can be tolerated. Yeesh.
@ 57
…to compare it to a beer riot at a football game between slave state fans.
This from the self-designated representative of individuals who choose instead to compare it to Pearl Harbor.
My analogy is closer than yours, QoS McHillbilly.
@55. The greedy racist incel will hate the latest story arc with Conner Kent. The young Superman is helping brown immigrants and making bigots and racists back down.
If he wants a republican apartheid Superman, should look up the Earthman storyline. Spoiler, Earthman loses in the end to the forces of good.
Train commuters are just the bestest kinds of people.
Philadelphia man, 35, is arrested after ‘raping’ a woman on a SEPTA train while riders ‘just watched and did not call 911’: Staff had to intervene and take man into custody
Joe Biden’s people, those types.
On Aug. 5th Darrell Anthony Adell Jr. was convicted by a Brazoria County Texas jury of murder and sentenced by the court to life in prison. His attorney has filed a motion for a new trial, arguing that his client’s right to due process was violated by the jury selection system employed in Brazoria County. For ten years the clerk of Brazoria County courts sorted citizens called for jury duty by race (whites only vs non-whites) and by address (urban “moderates” vs rural “conservatives”) and then assigned them to jury pools based upon those criteria.
On Friday the clerk was called to the motion hearing to testify about her jury pre-selection procedures. She plead the Fifth to every question. The judge will issue a decision tomorrow granting or denying the motion. The County Prosecutor has referred the jury selection system to the state criminal division (Texas Rangers). And the clerk has resigned.
Ten years worth of criminal trials in a county of 300,000 people in the Houston metro area were conducted with these juries. Thousands of of citizens have had their freedom taken away from them and sentenced to be raped and beaten in deplorable Texas prisons in a legal system specifically designed to do so on account of their race. And yet Republicans argue that onerous and restrictive ID requirements would NEVER be used to take away a person’s right to vote on account of race.
Meanwhile, a federal judge just granted a Jan 6 terrorist a furlough from home confinement so he could attend a Steelers game.
@59. No, you are wrong. Elijah was much more accurate.
The greedy racist incel doesn’t have a good track record of accuracy. He has argued
…. That Child Labor justified Japanese Interment camps. That the deaths of a tornado would be more than COVID 19. That everything in the Steele Dossier was false. That everything in the mythical Biden laptop was true. That a tornado that killed 27, was going to kill more people than COVID. That a boy in a dress is worse than raped 11 year old girls being forced to birth in Texas.
@61. Probably a train full of republicans.
See what I did there? I make a joke like a republican!
Your analogies (plural) stand alone.
I don’t rely on analogies to confuse, misinform, or misconstrue.
I don’t have to.
You talk about football games and Pearl Harbor because you must. The things Republican Trump supporters did that day, in the days leading up to it, and in the days that followed all speak for themselves. That’s what that latin phrase means, dipshit. And that’s why you and every other Trump Republican have now decided to stop talking about specifically what happened. At this point we’ve learned too much.
Months ago you were only too happy to speculate about “normal tourists” who “lost their heads”. You falsely denied there were any weapons. You falsely denied there were any guns. You falsely denied there were any explosives. You falsely denied there were any injuries. You falsely denied there was any planning. You falsely denied there was any coordination. You falsely denied there was any objective. You falsely denied there were any links between GOP planners and the rioters. By now those kinds of gaslight claims only invite ridicule. So you attempt to draw analogies instead, hoping to enrobe domestic terrorism in a protective snuggly wrap of innocent Americana. Frank Capra you are not. And Danny Rodriguez is no Mr. Smith. He’s “a fucking piece of shit”
And so are you.
64)No excuse for not calling the cops. I bet a lot of New Yorkers have forgotten about Kitty Genovese, although that story has been misconstrued many times. Saw one documentary, that said even if the neighbors had called the cops, the desk seargent answering the phone that late at night probably would have said don’t worry and hang up, not sending any cops. After that crime, they came up with an easier way of calling the police and fire departments. The killer tried to use that at his parole hearing. Learned an interesting fact about Genovese and her roommate, the NYPD went after her briefly after something the date Genovese had the night before said to get the NYPD off his back. Turned out, the date was a cover, they were Lesbians in pre-Stonewall NYC. The Documentary, an episode of “A Crime to Remember “ titled “38 Witnesses” said it was not the NYPD’s finest hour. The killer was caught later during a robbery, with a poor choice of a getaway car, a Corvair. Especially pre-Model Year 1965, not enough trunk space.(My dad used to restore and show them, his pride and joy was a 1965 Chevrolet Corvair Monza Convertible. Pretty good for it’s 110hp non-turbocharged engine).
@ 66
Saw one documentary, that said even if the neighbors had called the cops, the desk seargent answering the phone that late at night probably would have said don’t worry and hang up, not sending any cops.
You need to learn the correct definition of documentary.
The Let’s Go Brandon release is nothing compared with Cake’s Comfort Eagle played to an Obama video.
First Vegetable Joe Biden is nothing compared with a competent president.
@50 So a Capitol rioter finally gets something right: He’s a stupid piece of shit.
GOP county commissioners in Spokane create a cushy job for Cathy McMorris-Rodgers’ brother, and then say they didn’t create the job for him, after one of them confidentially admitted to an associate they did, but do admit they didn’t advertise the position or consider anyone else for it.
Idaho plans to audit elections in all 50 states.
@59 “My analogy is closer than yours, QoS McHillbilly.”
No. It’s not. The Capitol Insurrection is closer to Pearl Harbor than what happened at the Tennessee vs. Ole Miss game.
@59 “My analogy is closer than yours, QoS McHillbilly.”
No. It’s not. The Capitol Insurrection is closer to Pearl Harbor than what happened at the Tennessee vs. Ole Miss game. This is not comparable to this. Always the fucking idiot. That’s why we call you “Doctor Dumbfuck.”
The Jan 6 terrorist attack on the Capitol is what it is. No analogy is needed.
A group of uber-wealthy Trump backers raised tens of millions of dollars, organized three front groups to spend the money, who in turn employed a half dozen felons, con artists, and violent extremists in close coordination with White House staff, campaign staff, and and party leaders to produce the events and arrange coordination with disparate violent paramilitary groups and nationalist gangs.
Five different front groups obtained “protest area” permits from Capitol police in order to provide staging areas immediately adjacent to the Capitol complex for the armed tactical teams. All five of those permits tie back to the same person who also ties directly to the White House and the White House event. Leading prominent Republicans spent the morning outside the White House inflaming the mob of thousands and urging them to violence. Then at the coordinated time they ordered them to march on The Capitol in order to prevent Congress from completing the count. When they began to arrive the tactical teams deployed from the staging areas and began organizing the crowd and moving them into assigned positions. Once the most vulnerable areas were identified radios were used to redeploy forces. Members of assigned groups used megaphones to move masses of rioters into position. And individuals from other assigned groups took over to directly lead the rioting mobs toward the entry objectives.
The “fucking piece of shit” Rodriguez is a good example. A Proud Boy and 3%er who was eager for violence, he was assigned to lead the mobs in directly attacking police at strong points. He was in the tunnel and observed the tactics being used to prevent entry. He left the tunnel to one of the tactical staging areas where he was armed with the modified taser. He returned to the tunnel for the purpose of using the taser to defeat the defensive tactics being employed by the police to prevent passage through the tunnel. He communicated this intent via radio. It was among an array of tactics and options that were pre-planned.
Other teams from other assigned groups were present to work in unison in order to breach barricades and locked or secured entry points and provide entry access for the mob of rioters.
It was a coordinated attack. Even to the point of arranging for a long-term siege and a need to resupply and rearm if necessary using boats crossing the river to get around anticipated police roadblocks. It was a planned attack.
And the purpose is undeniable. They stupidly documented that part out in the open. Interrupting the EV count would provide Pence the opportunity planned by Eastman for rejecting the “dual slates” and sending the election to the House. They even made phone calls that morning to prepare selected leading Republican lawmakers for that hoped-for outcome.
They didn’t need a “good” or “sound” legal theory. The just needed a theory. With Trump in charge of the government who was going to stop them? Given the lack of support from Barr, McConnell, and ultimately from Pence it wasn’t realistic. But it was still a terrorist attack. And it was still a terrorist attack carried out by Republicans in support of an attempted coup.
Could it be!? Could it be a sane Repuke!?
Seahawks game is live-streaming here.
Maybe Bob can save me the time of having to do any research by telling me what Brandon says about the police or George Floyd?
Fuck Joe Biden!
Fuck Joe Biden!
“Let’s go Trump! Make America Great Again, Fuck the Music!
@67 Within a few days, that desk won’t even be manned, because of cops who’d rather walk off the job than get a shot that protects them, their families, their coworkers, and the communities they swore to serve and protect.
Even if we don’t need fewer cops, we need different cops. This may be an opportunity. Do a Reagan PATCO on them. Replace them all.
“First Vegetable Joe Biden is nothing compared with a competent president.”
I don’t trust the judgement of anyone who voted twice for the impotent, bankrupted, twice impeached, failed reality television actor who hires prostitutes to jerk him off with rubber gloves. The first time could have been a mistake, but you knew what he was the second time.
You obviously do not know what competent means.
67)I don’t. You do. A Crime to Remember was a show on Investigation Discovery. Another episode involved the actual crime involved in In Cold Blood. Another one was the story of the downing of United 629.
78)He probably couldn’t find the show, I get it as part of Discovery plus. Saw one episode that explained why Stanley Kubrick wouldn’t have directed Helter Skelter if he had been offered. Bugliosi put his cousin away, for murder.
A description of fare capping that Skagit Transit and TriMet uses.
If Metro used it, basically once a passenger tapped the ORCA for two rides(after transfer expired), they would hit a cap, and remaining rides for the day would effectively be a day pass. Same if they hit the monthly cap.
So, the WNBA championship was decided tonite.
Anybody watch?
Didn’t think so. Me neither.
Here’s the ESPN headline: Candace Parker emotional as Sky win first WNBA title
Anybody know which city the Sky play in?
Didn’t think so. Me neither.
Here’s an article about the commish of the WNBC bemoaning the inequity between the NBA and the WNBA.
Maybe AOC can gin up a carve-out in the reconcilation bill for the WNBA, so the women can feel better about being “professionals” even if they would lose – badly – to a high school boys team.
Surprise! Commuters in the DC area get about 8 hours notice that tomorrow morning they are fucked.
Metro Pulling 60% of Train Cars from Service After Defect Found Following Blue Line Derailment
Why is this?
About 200 people were headed away from Washington, D.C., toward Franconia-Springfield Tuesday evening when a 7000-series train derailed about 1,800 feet from the Arlington Cemetery station platform, Metro officials said. That meant passengers had to walk about six football fields in a dark tunnel to the station’s exit.
Imagine if Railfan got paid to write about his fascination with trains. He’d have the job that this guy has:
People who can’t get to work in DC by train will crowd other resources – buses, freeways, whatever. Everyone will be affected.
Just think of all of those northern Virginia Democrats who commute into DC, and will be fucked for weeks because of the Metro clusterfuck. They’ll be pissed off at government and in absolutely no mood to vote to reinstall Big Government shill Terry McAuliffe. Early turnout sucks already and this will make liberal participation in the November election even worse.
Hey Railfan, how will you feel knowing that a train clusterfuck got a GOP governor elected in Virginia?
To be a modern “conservative” is to never stop discovering new ways to be wrong.
In a couple of weeks when Youngkin is hosting a press event in a truck yard to announce recount lawsuits perhaps we’ll have forgotten about the day Desperately Poor Bobby called the race for him and blamed it on public transit.
More on tomorrow’s DC clusterfuckery:
Re @70 … Oh, I forgot to mention, the job they created for Cathy McMorris-Rodgers’ brother puts him in charge of deciding how Spokane County will spend its federal Covid relief funds.
Mississippi is spending a quarter of theirs on building prisons.
I’ll bet Spokane County won’t spend a quarter of theirs on helping the homeless.
There’s an axle problem on a derailed train car of the 7000 series, and Metro is already aware that other cars of that series currently in use also have the same axle problem.
OK, that was sarcasm, but was it really?
Seahawks – Steelers tied 20-20, go into overtime.
85)Nothing. GET A LIFE. All you care about the bad side and think you can order me around. By the way, have you had a relative in the have.
Geno Smith was distracted tonite because earlier today he took a quick trip to DC in order to cut a well-paid PSA for DC Metro.
Barely made it back in time to suit up.
89)I would ride that train rather than be here responding to a wannabe dictator. Yes, I am talking about you, Vicious Troll. Where in my screen name does it say expert.
As for TriMet,s Type 4 and 5s involved in a derailment this weekend, I’ll be riding Sound Transit’s version tomorrow. They’ve been tested pretty well, before even carrying a passenger.
Nobody will lose their job and nobody will be laid off. In fact, they may decide to strike for higher pay.
Ah, the life of a government employee. In the private sector Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit could never have earned enough to feed his family.
@ 93
I’ll be riding Sound Transit’s version tomorrow.
The lessons of DC and Portland are to avoid any line with the word “Blue”. To be safe, Railfan, maybe avoid anything with that color, too.
90)I like the college overtime better, in the second round, you have to go for two. Maybe that’s why EWU went for two on the first touchdown yesterday, and succeeded. We needed the practice. A little worried, at this rate, we could be in trouble on strength of schedule. One of the reasons I am hoping for the conference’s automatic berth. I love the FCS title better than the BCS. It’s a grueling multi-round affair.
Also, love following the CFL, where some of my EAGS end up. Good thing none of them are playing for Edmonton, Bo Levi Mitchell plays for the Stampeders, can’t be both an Elks and Stampeders fan. The two other EWU QBs are playing in Ottawa and Montreal.
95)I hate using color names, prefer to use numbers and letters, like what MUNI does. The streetcar/MuniMetro lines are F/J/K/L/M/N, and the bus/trolley bus lines use numbers. Love the F-Market and Wharves line rolling stock, vintage PCCs. Hard to believe they run so well, for a design that came too late. MUNI at first rejected them, a city charter provision forbidding paying of royalties. They got some older streetcars that date back to 1912 or older. The 1912 one is MUNI’s first. So far, it hasn’t run since the pandemic, but not because it can’t, got a major rebuild for it’s 100th.
With the modern rolling stock, at least overseas, it’s evolving fast. Too many Metro’s in the U.S. are custom designed. Whether it was aesthetics, tunnel clearances, or in the case of BART, track gauges. Even New York has it’s internal differences, as it was once three separate entities. A-Division is formerly the Interborough Rapid Transit, and B-Division formerly Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Co, and Independent. Then their is the Metro-North and Long Island Rail Road, the NYC-PRR Rivalry going strong even though they are both part of the MTA. Well, at least the M-7EMU having some commonality is a start, still haven’t fixed the Third Rail collector issue.
Also, surprised the Elks have a following, being victims of Cancel Culture. When Warren Moon played for them, they were the Eskimos. Seems most fans have gone a long with the change. They seem to care more about Grey Cups, which they won’t be in the running for this year. Unlike the Washington Football Club, the Elks didn’t play under their interim name of Edmonton Football Club, as the 2020 season was canceled. The CFL wanted an interest free loan from the Feds, but we’re turned down.
@ 98
Next month Florida’s Brightline will resume. Love this privately-financed passenger train, set to expand to Orlando next year. It’s been fought almost as hard as a publicly financed operation by NIMBYs and anti-raiders. Problem is, except for Cocoa Beach to Orlando, it’s within the right of way of the Florida East Coast Railroad, which it’s owners also owned for awhile, but kept a perpetual easement in the sale. It’s rolling stock will be gracing the Cascade Corridor in a few years, as Amtrak has purchased virtually the same model. Would have preferred a competition, but there are no other FRA compliant rolling stock available.
@85 “People who can’t get to work in DC by …”
What people are you talking about? I thought you read Barron’s? Then surely you read this at least two days before I did:
“Mobility trends … show traffic is rising across all categories — except places of work. If it’s the fear of Covid preventing a broader return to work, why is public transportation traffic up in states where workplace traffic is down? It stands to reason that a person avoiding work to avoid infection would probably avoid mass transit. Traffic is down across all categories in many states, but often with much more pronounced declines in workplace traffic compared with transit, retail, and other places.”
— Barron’s, October 18, 2021, p. 29
Wherever those people are going, it’s not “to work.” The whole fucking country is on strike. They’ve had it with Reaganism and Republican economics, and they’re not going to take it anymore.
It doesn’t matter whether those people can “get to work.” They’re not going to work, until the terms and conditions change.
101)He was trying to push my buttons, and succeeded. I usually ignore him, and again came close to swearing.
@ 100
Non-trollish question for Railfan:
The Empire Builder derailment may have occurred as a result of the effects of sun on the tracks.
Why is that not a potential problem in Florida? Less temperature variation so less fluctuation in the metal? Different metallurgy? Trains don’t reach the same speeds in populous Florida as they do in sparsely populated Montana?
@ 101
They’re not going to work, until the terms and conditions change.
Fine. Then there’s no reason to fund stupid transportation projects, either. Starting with California’s boondoggle.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit saved his pennies and scored big on an eBay auction today.
He bought an authentic urinary catheter actually inserted into Bill Clinton’s urethral and urinary bladder lumen.
His family will go hungry this TG and Xmas, but Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is beside himself with joy.
@94 The private sector pays me quite well, and I don’t even have to work for it. You should know. You’re a capitalist, too.
@99 And where did that spelling come from? Easy, you must be reading the same books I’ve been reading. Like this one, for example. Maybe you pick them up at Goodwill after I donate them.
@102 Never let him succeed at that. That’s what he lives for. He has nothing else in his pathetic life. Fucking a horse isn’t success.
Been following for years the effects of Precision Scheduled Railroading, and prior to the pandemic, getting the operating ratio low was all the Class Is that had shareholders cared about. BNSF still leads the others in actually investing in their infrastructure. Then again, can’t run 10,000-15,000ft long freight trains on the Northern Transcon if you don’t have long enough sidings at Scenic or Bern. Ever since Great Northern abandoned the Wenatchee to Skykomish electrification when they added ventilation fans to the Cascade Tunnel, they have had to hold trains for up to 30 minutes after each train passed through so the tunnel can ventilate. GN should have went with the other option, electrify the entire Scenic Subdivision.
PSR had some merits, such as better asset utilization. Railroads that implemented it often found they had too many locomotives, as the fewer but longer trains, even with Distributed Power Unit-equipped locomotives, didn’t require as many as before. Freight trains used to be in-scheduled so they would have too many locomotives in one yard, and not enough in another.
Also, I think the West Coast ports may not have prepared enough for the 20,000 TEU Megaships. They were probably thinking traffic would decline with NEOPANAMAX. Although those are only 14,000 TEUs. Guess the expanded canal didn’t take the traffic away like they were saying. The Port of Seattle has been expanding Terminal 5 to handle bigger ships, unlike the terminals on the East Side of Harbor Island, T5 has on-dock rail access, but the bridge over the Duwamish could use an upgrade(It looks older than the road bridge that was hit on June 11, 1978) Matson, (Used to see the Kauai and Manoa pulling in when catching a weekend ferry ride, they were in and out in only a few hours). had been using Terminal 5, but the bigger cranes weren’t suited to the size of most Jones Act vessels, so they moved to Tacoma to be closer to their Alaskan lane vessels.
While waiting for a bus at Everett Station yesterday, I was looking for freight trains, only saw the Trash Train headed south(deceptively north because of the way the track is).. Used to count on a few freights.
@104 It takes either a very myopic person or a very stupid one to assume that going to work is the only thing transit is good for, the only thing it’s used for, and the only justification for building it.
@105 I bought it to send to you. I don’t need it, but thought you might. In case your pipe gets plugged with horse feces.
@103 I was in a welding shop last week and asked the guy how continuously welded rails deal with heat expansion, since they don’t have expansion joints. I forget exactly what he said, but it seems obvious that if they can’t expand longitudinally, then they either have to buckle upward, sideways, or not at all. If they’re spiked down firmly enough, they won’t move no matter how hot they get. Kind of like a tightly wound up spring, there’s a lot of stress within the steel, but no movement until you release it. That might be part of the reason for preferring concrete over wood ties on heavy-haul routes and light-rail projects. No give. I guess you’d have to ask a track engineer to get a definitive answer to your question.
110)Washington State Ferries is transit in some aspects, and prior to the Pandemic, tourists was a big source of riders. Game day crowds is another. Especially on days the Mariners and Sounders both had home games. When I first got hired on where I work, we also had some production and distribution besides being the corporate hq. They had just added a new product line and process and were working 7 days a week. The trains on Sunday were full, lot’s of Seahawks fans. Going to be a tough one next Monday avoiding MNF crowds after work. Since I get on southbound at U-District, I’ll have a seat.
112)They used HSR Technology on the portion under the UW, to avoid vibrations. Plus, they had to traverse the campus, best not cut corners to anger the UW management. I believe they were concerned about effects on research labs.
With the school bus route shortage, some Roughriders have a new option, LINK Roosevelt station is next door.
The portion of the MAX Network where the derailment happened was undergoing maintenance, which is why nobody was aboard. They ve been running a bus bridge along most of the Banfield portion.
110)Plus, the WMATA Board is made up of appointees from D.C, Maryland, Virginia, and the Feds. The Virginia directors are appointed through the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission, an independent agency. Usually the Governor doesn’t pick the Virginia WMATA directors.
83 – The greedy racist incel complains bitterly that women think they are equal to men.
84. The greedy racist incel is still made about the WA ferry system making his life miserable so he’s taking his impotent rage out on the DC transit system.
85. The greedy racist incel argues to make trains run on time, voters will vote for the fascists.
94. The greedy racist incel argues voters will vote for any Apartheid republicans who promise to make the trains less safe.
95. What passes for republican humor.
103. Keyword is “may” “May” also have been caused by the totally human unit Cancun Cruz eating the railroad spikes.
105. – The greedy racist incel self sooths his butthurt feelings by once fantasizing again about Rabbit’s penis.
Members of Donald Trump’s mailing list have been asked to contribute $45 each to “solve the election fraud of 2020,” despite no evidence of mass voter fraud.
Trumpers, Keep shovelling him your social security checks to him And not the GQP
Colin Powell took one for the team at the UN and his reputation never recovered.
After trillions pissed away and the collapse of the Afghanistan experiment in nation building, 84 year old Colin Powell succumbs to Covid-19..
Decent guy overall but the profound embarrassment that became the repuke party of orange musta been little comfort to the disaster of his own performance at the UN.