Stephen: “How does it feel to know you changed the world?”—Anita Hill’s testimony resonates decades later
Vox: Why nuclear plants are shutting down
Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian: “Bringing integrity to Christian homemakers” awards dinner
Seth Meyers: Manchin and Sinema derail Biden’s agenda as FAUX fearmongers about it
Roy Wood Jr.: Banger breakdown—“The Star-Spangled Banner” by Francis Scott Key
Samantha Bee: New Jersey is paving the way for reproductive rights
The Terrorist Organization That Operates Under the Name “Republican Party”:
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп Lost Arizona AGAIN ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: Republican support for Трамп dwindles and financial Armageddon looms
- Mother Jones: Трамп rioters brought guns to the Capitol
- Bill Maher: ‘Til debt do us part
- Stephen: John Lithgow gives a dramatic reading of “A Confederacy of Dumptys”
- Trevor: What happens when a state bans abortions?
- The Daily Show: ♫ I’m Milley, I’m Milley, I’m Milley ♬
- Chris Hayes: MAGA Cannibalism: Gov. Kristi Noem under review by AG she urged to resign
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard reacts to R Kelly’s conviction
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ “I Don’t Think Трамп’s an Idiot” ♬
- Desi Lydic: Leaked audition for “The View”
- Seth Meyers: Трамп defended “Toadstool” penis and Manchin and Sinema block Biden’s agenda
- Lauren Mayer: ♫ It’s Too Late, Enablers ♬
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Advice for Those STILL Backing Трамп ♬:
- FAUX News’ resident liberal hands “conservative” panel their asses
- John Oliver: Attacks on voting rights
- The Daily Show: FAUX News on kneeling versus “Fuck Joe Biden”
- Jimmy Kimmel: Jimmy Kimmel tells all the Трамп colonoscopy jokes he never got to make
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп’s Latest Hissy Fit ♬
- Stephen: Breaking! Biden wins Arizona! Cyber Ninjas audit ends in crushing humiliation for GOP
- Mark Fiore: Newly frugal guy in “Armageddon Ho!”
- Seth Meyers: FAUX News bans Rudy Giuliani and Arizona “audit” humiliates Трамп and GOP
- Jordan Klepper: So are we co-parenting with the government or not?
- The Remix Bros: DJT’s Let Me Handle It REMIX Ft. MTG & Lil KC
- Stephen: McConnell risks financial armageddon
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ A Message for Трампsters about their car’s warranty ♬
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп’s phone call reaction to being called a toadstool
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп STILL won’t concede
- The Daily Show: “Calm, peaceful, and prosperous”
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп Defends The Smallest and Most Vulnerable ♬
- Stephen: Rudy Giuliani is banned from FAUX News, but not from the Late Show!
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship
Steve Hofstetter: Some credit report advice
The Daily Show: Why do missing White women get more media coverage?
Vox: The end of oil, explained
Ari Melber: America is very Blue in 2021 but the Senate isn’t—Kornacki shows why
Stephen: Let’s not reward Congress for doing the bare minimum
- Full Frontal welcomes (most of you) to NYC!
- The Daily Show: Even the experts don’t know who should get a COVID booster shot
- Samantha Bee: TikTok misinformation is spreading and it’s #Dangerous
- Rachel Maddow: YouTube cracking down on “absolute sewer” of covid vaccine misinformation
- The Daily Show: All nominees for this year’s Pandemmy Awards
- The Daily Show: The 2021 Pandemmy Award winners
- Now This: Meet Florida’s new nutburger Surgeon General
- WaPo: What you need to know about coronavirus booster shots
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп reacts to Brett Kavanaugh’s positive test
- Chris Hayes: Florida’s per capita covid death rate is 50x Australia’s. Thanks, Deathsantis
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week
Robert Reich: The real reason the economy might collapse
Seth Meyers: A political monologue
Vox: How 4 companies control the beef industry
Trevor: The scramble to fund the government—Keeping up with the Congressians
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Conservative government in the U.K. is producing the usual results of conservative governance anywhere. To wit:
“Britain faces numerous crises, from fuel shortages bringing its roads to a grinding halt to energy prices soaring due to unusually low gas supplies. There are serious concerns that the UK will experience food shortages as it approaches Christmas, while supermarket shelves are already looking bare in some areas.
” … Johnson has … delivered a version of Brexit harder than many … feared possible, been engulfed in numerous scandals for his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic and faced harsh criticism from many of his former supporters, who now question his competence.”
” … industry leaders and logistics experts are increasingly united in their belief that these problems could have been mitigated had the Prime Minister and his government heeded their warnings months, and in some cases years, before pumps ran dry and shelves emptied.”
In short, a fucking ideologue detached from reality, and incapable of adapting to the pragmatic demands of running a country.
If Climate Change is going to produce severe droughts, wonder if they will shut down Palp Verde? It uses reclaimed water from Phoenix area treatment plants for cooling? The tough part would be finding 3000MW of replacement power. The Nuclear Power industry says that they are part of the solution, but Palo Verde is a weak link.
1)When Major privatized British Rail, his Tories ironically hid behind an EU Mandate. No EU nation went as far as he did when complying with the mandate to separate operations from the track ownership. Now most of the franchises have been revoked, while the current Tories are trying to salvage something so it won’t look like the re-nationalization the Labor guy was pushing at the last election.
Love this. F-35Bs of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 121, the Green Nights will be flying from the JS Izumo. That’s right, USMC Lightnings will be flying from a Japanese Carrier. Although the Izumo is officially called a DDH, or Helicopter Destroyer, or Multipurpose operation destroyer according to the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force, in keeping with the Japanese Constitution prohibition on acquisition of offensive weapons.
Good thing Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 211 is busy deployed elsewhere, with it’s name it might be ackward. VMFA-211 is known as the Wake Island Avengers in honor of the original VMF-211 deployed on Wake Island at the outbreak of WWII. VMFA-211 is currently serving alongside 617 Squadron, Dambusters, of the RAF, posted aboard HMS Queen Elizabeth. An irony in that,the RN had to push to get Fleet Air Arm back from the RAF in the 1930s, but now as part of reforms enacted by Tony Blair, first with Harriers, and now with Lightnings, the units are pooled. The first RNAS with F-35s hasn’t stood up yet.
Also, the Izumo’s sister ship, is the JS Kaga, name might be familiar to many.
In a couple of hours, ST LINK will be running the first trains of the day over the extension to Northgate, calling at U-District, Roosevelt, and Northgate Stations. At least Sound Transit and Metro have learned the lessons of 2009, and are opening the extension at the same time as the bus restructure. I remember Route 32 still running alongside LINK dot months. Route 41, LAKE CITY-Northgate-Downtown Seattle was originally one of Seattle Transit’s Blue Streak routes, taking advantage of the I-5 Express lanes, and the first Park and Ride lot. The 41 has already made it’s last run, as it was not a Night Owl route.
5)Meant Route 42, which ran on MLK Jr Way for decades. The 32 still runs, I use it every day. Route 42 went back decades, operated by Seattle Transit over the same corridor. Once saw a MEHVA bus in 1960s Seattle Transit colors being run on MLK Jr Way, with the Rollsigns showing Route 42-Empire Way. Just like the 42s Downtown leg being redundant with LINK, same with the 41. It made no stops between Northgate and Downtown, but even with stops at Roosevelt, U-District, Husky Stadium, and Capitol Hill, LINK will be faster.
People do not respond well when they have been lied to by the Speaker of the House:
This from the woman who was scathing in the conference call after the House Democrat losses in November:
Another “bipartisan” Democrat who can’t get McCarthy to return any of his calls.
It isn’t leverage if you can’t deliver votes. All you, McCarthy, McConnell, and your Red State Media Machine have done is prove to the world that Republican “bipartisanship” is a political weapon, not a political tool.
This will echo into the midterms and beyond.
While Pelosi was trying to convince Jayapal’s faction to vote for the BIF, Biden’s COS Klain was placing calls telling them to hold firm while the First Vegetable worked on Manchinema.
The president undermined the Speaker’s efforts to persuade members of her own party.
Judge compares Capitol Hill protest rioter to George Floyd protest rioter.
Judge questions if Capitol rioters are being treated fairly
What? No community service requirement?
The take-home message today’s Women’s Marches will send is reinforcement of just how many women look better if the lower half of their face is covered.
Which reminds me: Have a great time at the march, Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit!
I suppose the president undermining the Speaker @ 10 for a day isn’t so bad, when one considers that the Speaker just finished spending four years undermining the president.
Conservative Democrats in the House are being forced to learn some difficult lessons. Learning is change. And change can be hard.
They don’t have to stop being conservatives. But they do have to learn to be conservatives without being Republicans. And as part of that, now they are being forced against their will to take up and vote on an incredibly popular Democratic bill that they never wanted to address other than with vague statements. It’s going to hurt a bit. But that pain is part of the lesson they need to learn.
There are no Republicrats or Demopublicans. Not anymore. They can’t form political alliances with people who they can’t rely on, and who will not support them when it counts. And it is fundamentally unsound politics to form political alliances with people who are sworn to destroy you politically if they get the chance. Give them that chance and this is what they do.
Not every House conservative Democrat will learn this lesson. But most will. They’ll see how Republicans left them hanging when they needed them. And they’ll see those same Republicans use that against them in next year’s midterm campaigns. They won’t adjust their politics. They don’t have to. But they will adjust their political alliances and their messaging around that. If they want a long political future in Congress they can either be Democratic members, or they can be lobbyists.
The FBI’s annual crime statistics are out.
You should read about the murder rates of, and by, other racial groups. But you won’t. You don’t want your ideology interfered with by the truth.
How bad is First Vegetable Joe Biden’s cognitive decline and dementia, if he’s not allowed to speak in private with Congressional members of his own party?
You’re wrong again.
The Speaker was whipping Republicans.
Entirely for show, of course. She knew she wouldn’t get one single Republicans to break ranks with McCarthy.
It’s Republicans who undermined the conservative Democrats.
Republicans will stab Democrats in the back the first chance they get. That’s why “bipartisanship” is a pointless scam. Somebody had to demonstrate that to the House conservative Democrats. This is what a good leader does.
@ 14
There are no conservative Democrats in the House.
They were driven out by other Democrats.
The shift of the Democrat party to the left in the last 30 years has been well documented.
I expect to see the statement of condolence from the BIA no later than Monday.
Y’all caught this, amirite?
Key inflation gauge watched by the Federal Reserve hits another 30-year high
YLB’s kids are earning less than the inflation rate and spending more than the inflation rate.
It’s no wonder YLB bases her entire existence on the continued supply of free money. Her ideology requires it because her ideology is responsible for the gap between earnings and inflation.
That, and she’s too stupid to produce intelligent offspring.
Plenty o’ GOP candidates for AZ Senate. Here’s one more:
Looks great to me to see the GOP side of the U.S. Senate race in Arizona loaded up with plenty of competition.
Makes it more like a reality television program with contestants stabbing each other in the back and doing unpopular, skeevy shit vying for the big boss’s attention and approval.
Which is perfect for me.
22 cont.
If all goes according to plan, a few of them will even have to sign on to this shit:
@11 Trumper judge. Probably disappointed he wasn’t there.
@12 “women look better if the lower half of their face is covered”
Imagine how much better you’d look with your pants pulled up in the barn.
@21 Positions:
America First!
Build the Wall!
Right to Life!
Second Amendment!
States Rights!
Federal Gov’t is Evil!
All that should play well (!) in purple Maricopa County, which has two-thirds of the state’s voters. I suspect either of Arizona’s current U.S. senators would be delighted to run against him.
@23 So now they even hate Dubya …
@ 22
Makes it more like a reality television program with contestants stabbing each other in the back and doing unpopular, skeevy shit vying for the big boss’s attention and approval.
“Joe, you’re not a racist, you just do a lot of racist shit. I know, ’cause that little girl was me and does this make me any more likable?”
@ 25
When he was able to achieve erection the feature of Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit liked the most was her mouth.
That was in the last millenium, of course. Now Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit’s mouth is damaged by the stretch marks cause by her BBC friend. It’s a constant reminder to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit that the money she spends in order to buy time with a BBC is money the family needs for other things, like deodorant. And douche.
That can’t make it past the audition panel.
Not when it’s being staffed by Laura Loomer, MTG, Lewandoski’s right hook, and headed up by Matt Gaetz’s Seeking Arrangement account. To get your foot in the door with Duncan Hunter’s GOP, you gotta bring your YACHT/COCAINE/HOOKER game. And it can’t hurt wear a ball gag. OfDumbfuck knows.
@29 “the feature of Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit liked the most was her mouth”
You don’t know much about being married, do you?
Hey Railfan!
Dig Burka Bob at 29.
Remember five minutes ago when he was pissing and moaning about “civility”, hoping to recruit you as a “neutral buddy”?
This too is why House conservative Democrats have to realign.
The old ways do not work with Team “KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN!!!!!”
Kamala’s middle name is Damage Control.
Not long ago:
Every shitty president deserves an even shittier Veep.
Manchinema have all the best messaging:
The optics are awesome too. “Populist Man-O’-the-People” shouts down from atop his Super-yacht at all the little people telling them why he’s blocking their child tax credits and Medicare.
Here ya go:
Damage, meet damage control.
Yes, Railfan, skip right past 10 years of bestiality accusations and focus on my retort. Because I’m the one who is uncivil.
@ 35
Speaking of focusing @ 36 on the retort, let’s take a clip out of context so that it seems as if Israel is planning a first strike rather than discussing a much more violent response to the next Palestinian terrorist attack.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I give you the Republican Party nominee for United States Senator from Arizona:
@33 The difference between Democrats and Republicans is the latter don’t bother with damage control.
700,000 dead and still counting …
But still hiring people like this guy to run their pandemic response …
@36 No, we’re uncivil, because you enjoy being abused. That’s why you’re here. And ask for it, and deserve it. And keep coming back for more. But, most important of all, that’s why you voted for Trump. Twice. Because he abuses everyone, his supporters and loyal handmaidens most of all.
He didn’t pardon a single one of those who laid their lives, freedom, and futures on the line for him at the Capitol, did he? Guiliani sacrificed his good name, law license, and livelihood for him, and he didn’t even pay him. He won’t do anything for you, either. Not a thing.
He doesn’t have to. You’ll always keep coming back for more. You’ve spent 10 years proving it.
You are.
Like any Republican you are civil when it suits you. And you are a bigoted, racist, misogynist, authoritarian, who praises Nazis whenever that suits you.
The question is not so much whether anyone is “civil” or “uncivil”.
Nobody so far as I can see is above the fray here.
The real question is how YOU ALONE deploy this sort of plea for “civility”, and how you use it to whimper and plead like a sad, weak bitch for either accommodation or forgiveness.
You’ll get neither. The days when American liberals and moderates offered accommodation and concessions to “conservatives” hoping to peel a few off are over now. They are all in your past. Speaker Pelosi spent twelve hours on Thursday demonstrating to the world what a pointless exercise that is. It needed to be done. So she did it. Not for votes. But to prove the principle.
I saw what you did there, even if you did not.
The last four polls included in the RCP average have First Vegetable Joe Biden’s disapproval at 50% or greater.
Not coincidentally, Moobs McScrote has more or less stopped posting these poll results.
@ 41
When the hell did I ask for civility? Politics is a full-contact sport, played without pads. Except for YLB, who is padded by the Goldy behind whom she hides.
too stupid to produce intelligent offspring.
Dimfuk would be PROUD to be kreepee korey’s daddy:
Lewandowski, she tells me, insisted on being called “the hammer,” despite the fact that this was already a common nickname for Tom DeLay. He didn’t make any advances, though she recalls once being inside his apartment, where the decor consisted of “two lawn chairs, and stacks of porn magazines.” She left (the apartment and then the campaign) soon after that
And it committed the unpardonable sin:
This raises the obvious question: Why is Lewandowski finally being held accountable, now? The answer is also obvious. As Maggie Haberman explained in the New York Times, “Aides to Mr. Trump insist this latest incident is different, particularly because it involves a donor to the former president.”
Greedee, kreepee, racist and incel. Is the kid REALLY yours dimfuk?
Read dimfuk’s hateful, misogynist shit here at HA.. Kreepee korey and dimfuk are prime examples of “hi! iq” repuke offspring.
And you are a bigoted, racist, misogynist, authoritarian, who praises Nazis
whenever that suits your[dimfuk’s] very core.Much better.
It’s not just national Democrats in disarray. Look at what has happened at the Florida state level:
This can only mean two things:
1. DeSantis’ re-election.
2. President DeSantis.
OK, I suppose maybe one of them also had the bright idea to back Andrew Gillum.
padded by the Goldy
There it goes. Dreaming of Goldy’s “pillows”…
a mama’s boy through and through…
2. President DeathSantis.
Makes as much sense as Preznit Robot Rubio and veep Susana “I lost the manual” Martinez.
The latter being an example of repuke “hi! IQ” govenance.
October 31 is the new September 27. Pelosi, today.
What a fuckin’ clown show is the Democrat party.
October 31 is the new September 27. Pelosi, today.
Heh. And she got the black guy’s program passed through the nudist guy from MA’s roadblock (that every troll had an “O” over).
So the program could be affirmed by teh SCOTUS – twice is it now?
dimfuk is a klownfuk.. and boring..
Speaking of sugar daddies…
kreepee matt gaetz hired pedo eppy’s lawyer…
Ken Starr I’m sure will join the team at a future date. A new “Starr Chamber” is in the works.
“Disarray” is 262 lawmakers, their leadership team, President Biden, Vice President Harris, 23 state Governors and 86 percent of Democratic voters with 63% of all likely voters eager to move forward with final negotiations and passage alongside eight “bipartisan” conservatives who are afraid to do anything except criticize and point fingers.
I think “disarray” must be one of those magical words like “collusion”. It means whatever Don Jr. says it means.
@47 “2. President DeSantis.”
Of all the posters here, only you are stupid enough to wish for this. Again, you deserve to be abused. You don’t deserve to be treated civilly. Not when you post shit like this.
@50 “What a fuckin’ clown show is the Democrat party.”
If you think they’re bad, you should see the Trumpistas.
“I really give Joe Biden a lot of credit. He is really trying to kind of fight against all of these trends to come up with legislation that will make a difference in the country, show people that our government can actually work again, instead of being in a constant state of paralysis and absolutely nothing to show for it. And he’s also trying to model a different kind of leadership, a grown-up kind of leadership. ”
Spoken by someone who’s a lot smarter than the dumbfuck doctor.
I don’t think there’s any hope of pushing back against the lazy media frames surrounding these negotiations. If they get both bills done, it’ll be as if none of this even happened. And if they don’t, the media need a simple binary narrative to explain it.
But the reality is there is no big “showdown” between warring factions of the party. The party is very unified behind negotiating and passing both bills. It still just remains two conservative Senate Democrats standing in the way of what everyone in the party wants.
But at least the covers have been pulled off and the identity posturing is finally being seen for what it is. The “bipartisan” label is meaningless to Democrats if there are no Republicans willing to line up and vote when it counts. Manchinema are left standing alone on an island, with President Biden trying to build them a bridge.
Took the Northgate Extension, nobody was riding it, too crowded.
Actually, a lot of people were aboard, especially as I went to U-District, Roosevelt, and Northgate Stations. Saw a few waiting at the Northgate TC for buses that will never arrive. They moved to the new station next door,
@58 It was packed with Mariners fans going to the big game.
Parking structure was filled with ‘burb dwellers.
Couldn’t have started off better.
59)One of the reasons I adapted a Yogi-ism. I’m on my way back from Everett, and the train I’m on is packed with late arriving Mariners fans. Got to get back before my EWU Game. We’re playing a tough Big Sky opponent, the guys that beat the UW.
Haniger – clutch.. Go M’s..
My EWU Eagles are holding their own against Montana. 31-21 with about 10:00 left in the 4th. Need another Defensive stop.
Love seeing the EWU Campus on ESPN, not just the Inferno, but also Pearce and Dressler Halls, or as some called them, the Salt and Pepper Shakers.
The Grizzlies that beat the Huskies are going to have a quiet bus ride back to Missoula from Cheney. My Eagles have Protected the RED, Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@57 Today, Republicans are nothing but arsonists. If protesters against police murders of black people break windows and set dumpster fires, they scream like holy hell, but these fuckers are more than willing to burn the whole country down — and take Doctor Dumbfuck’s stock portfolio with it. He’ll vote for them anyway, because he’s a dumbfuck.
3rd Alaskan Hospital now rationing care due to COVID surge….almost as if the Repukes fears of Obamacare rationing coming true. And I bet them COVID 19 patients aren’t getting much of a choice of their doctor – because of that big Obamacare lie.
Geeee Stupid they are!
Wake up people – breeding will not save you. You better get smart, because we aint gonna survive another 20-50 years. You won’t be able to fuck fast enough.
If you think this litte story reflects just a local disaster then sadly mistaken in the comforts of your little home. This story reflects on the stupidity of people on how to deal with issues collectively.
Too many dumb people. Too many I, I, I, me, me people thinking. Mass migration will not be fun and will probably end shortly, relatively.
Ratiion brains.
Bneghazi! Benghazi!
went to yesterday’s yankees shit show. Going again to today’s game, right after Church. Good luck Mariners.
New challenge going viral…#slapteacher.
Really just close the schools down already and have the breeders teach their own spoiled fucking brats.
$3.5 trillion = $3,500,000,000,000
“zero” = $0
Cuomosexual G-clown, Ted Lieu says your lifestyle should cost you a shitload more for health care than everyone else.
As the stink slowly drifts inland choking weekend family soccer games with toxic fumes, as the dead marine life begin to pile up and rot in great festering piles overseen by massive clouds of flies, and as the great globs of sticky oily tar now bury the sands of Southern California beaches, let us now recall that Republicans under Trump sought to reopen these waters for new oil drilling and more spills only a few years ago.
71)Same with the candidate in the Recall.
So it was a Pipeline leak? Too big to be what I originally thought, possibly a WWII Wreck. I believe a certain Pennsylvania-class Battleship sunk at Pearl Harbor still leaks a little fuel oil.
It continues to be unbearably triggering to “conservatives” that other Americans lead lives that are different from their own.
@ 71
Mother Jones, 2014:
How Obama Became the Oil President
I await your condemnation of the Obama administration the next time there’s a Gulf Coast spill, QoS McHillbilly. Of course, the affected states would be red states, so we’ll more likely hear from you that they deserved it. It’s what you’d be saying about California if it was a red state.
@ 73
Not at all. I just think that risky behavior should come at a monetary cost.
On energy policy, you have it.
He took a lot of Pritzker family money early on and he owed them.
I’m equally condemning of Biden’s relationship with the banking and finance industry and the resulting leniency toward financial industry regulations. If we suffer another credit collapse in the next few years it will not be entirely his fault. But he will have contributed to it significantly.
Never mind that self-identified heterosexuals engage in unprotected sexual intercouse in general more frequently, and unprotected anal intercourse in particular more frequently than any other group.
The comment stands. Your response proves the point.
In this case you clearly do not believe that the “riskiest” population should be burdened with the costs of their own “risks”.
Now do the comparative risks/costs of pregnancy/childbirth/childcare in comparison to STDs.
Then go fuck yourself. You’re the only person who will.
The cry more about “civility”.
It’s the “New Conservatism”:
I think questioning special interest tax breaks, carve-outs, exemptions, etc. is a really great thing. And honestly I want to welcome FOX to the party. Before this they must have been held up trying to find parking.
But maybe before we go after tax breaks for disabled veterans who get both of their legs blown off serving in Dick Cheney’s pointless adventure in Iraq, maybe we could start with televangelist mega-church preachers who use their pulpits to preach politics and bigotry?
Republicans now are an extrapolation of the people from the 50s and 60s who filled in the public pools so nobody could use it, rather than share it with people they looked down on.
Next year!
but first there’s still a bottom of the ninth to play. One out, one on..
Class acts.
@69 You sure that isn’t the Republican budget for killing foreigners in their villages?
Your party won’t spend a dime on anything that helps American citizens. Unless, of course, they already have more money than anyone could possibly need. But when it comes to helping people whose labor creates this country’s wealth, your party’s attitude is fuck ’em. You don’t want them to have health care, you don’t even want their kids to have school lunches. You’d rather spend the money on bombs, or more tax breaks for billionaires. Well, fuck your party. If we want to spend $3.5 trillion to help the people who deserve help, and tax billionaires to pay for it, we will. That’s what our party was elected to do. Nobody cares about your whining.
@73 Also, they can’t stand anyone else being prosperous.
@75 Obviously you don’t understand conservatives, even though you are one.
@78 Washington isn’t as generous. To get a disabled veteran exemption in King County, your income can’t be above $40,000. Duckworth would have to pay property taxes here, no matter how many arms and legs she donated to Shrub’s recreational war in Iraq.
@79 “Republicans now are an extrapolation of the people from the 50s and 60s who filled in the public pools so
nobodyblacks could[n’t] use it, rather than share it withpeople they looked down onblack people.No need to pussyfoot around, ftfy.
@80 Poof.
@81 That’s not what I had in mind when I said Democrats should behave more like Republicans. It needs to be more selective.
If that applies to all people’s riskier actions then great.
What is more of a risk, having sex or eating a steak and McDonalds and junk food.
Sure Bob if you believe in it, you don’t have to be a bigot to make a point. Go for it. Feedumb!
Breeding will not save you. Having a baby is not risk free. Tax having babies, you idiot.
Drinking alcohol risky?
Heroin doesn’t kill people, people kill people.
Bob has got to be one of the dumbest doctors alive.
having a baby and it comes out requirng more than normal delivery. Screw you – you pay for it too.
Sorry the Mariners lost.
What a game the Yankees vs the Rays. Watching in Section 115 was great!
Do you really? Are we to believe that? Are we to believe that you didn’t vote for a Pussy Grabber?
Please tell us about risky behavior without being a bigot?
Go ahead, try you fake, fraud and phoney.
It does. So unbearable that they are willing to trade in Freedom for Freedumb! And democracy for Nazism. And exploit and twist and spin reality. They can’t handle it anymore. They’ve swung upside down and inside out they don’t know their skull from their rectum.
So funny to come across this after reading Bob’s horse shit.
People who fly or drive a car, or even take Amtrak – risky behavior.
Which is in…
…Arizona. The state she “represents” in the Senate.
Meanwhile across town Senator Spaceman, who is fully trained and certified, can enjoy a peaceful relaxing poop in zero G without any assistance.
Just one of the many perks that come with loyalty, teamwork, and knowing how to choose the right friends. She’s young. She’s still got some learning to do.
@70 My feelings exactly about anti-vaxxers. Make ’em pay their hospital bills, not foist it off on taxpayers or the insurance we all pay for.
@90 “Bob has got to be one of the dumbest doctors alive.”
No doubt that helps explain why he’s not a practicing doctor anymore, and spends all his time here.
After doing a station crawl on the Northgate extension, I hopped a 512 to Everett and rode a few SWIFT buses and 1 ET bus. Heading back to Everett Station, saw a SKAT bus headed back to Mount Vernon. Gave me an idea, any Seahawks, Mariners, Sounders FC, or Kraken Fans in Skagit ounty? If so, perhaps have a special run of the 90X run to Northgate Station where they can transfer.
Sinema Locks Herself in Bathroom to Avoid Young Activists on ASU Campus
I guess they didn’t pay enough to have access to her.
You got to wonder what she thought was going to happen when she sold herself out to the highest bidder over her constituents.
She’s just going to tank the legislative branch, Biden’s agenda, and every advantage Democrats have for a limited amount of time.. ..and think people aren’t going to criticize her in public spaces?
I guess in greedy racist incel world, liberals should just shut up but a violent attempt to overthrow the democratically elected government is perfectly fine, so long as it’s done by republicans
Q: What do you call an ICU full of anti-vaxxers?
A: Inevitable.
Middle Age Riot
Conservatives know he’s right.
Middle Age Riot
He’s got a good point. Republicans no longer listen to reason.
This is one of my favorite traits of our idiot troll. He spends his empty days pouring over the “research” available from his fake “FB friends in CO” to discover some new alleged hypocrisy or vulnerability among Democrats.
And in the end all he manages to do is prove Democrats’ points.