LegalEagle: Who has the war power?
Texas Becomes the Western Hemisphere’s North Korea:
- Bill Maher and Friends: Will the Texas abortion ban backfire?
- Rachel Maddow: Passage of new voting restrictions in Texas prompts immediate voting rights lawsuit
- Amber Ruffin’s minute of fury: Texas’ abortion ban
- Mark Fiore: Lawsuit vigilantes not just for Texas anymore
- Samantha Bee: What Texas’s new abortion ban means for reproductive rights across the country
- Bill Maher: Riches for snitches
- Rachel Maddow: How one bar’s liquor license case could bring down the new Texas abortion ban
- Seth Meyers: AOC explains Biology 101 to Greg Abbott after SCOTUS guts Roe v. Wade in Texas
The Late Show: This week on Animal Earth—Animals are having to adapt to climate change
Liars, Cheaters, Traitors and Other Brown-nosers of The Dotard Трамп:
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ What a Drag It Must Be to Be Republican ♬
- The Late Show: Трамп’s inspiring California recall pump up speech
- Jonathan Mann: ♫ The GOP Elephant Pooped It’s Poopy Pants [BEWARE] ♬
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ We Never Thought They’d Be That Dumb ♬
- The Daily Show: Eye on Texas—Ted Cruz, immigration, and blaming AOC
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп, Robert E. Lee, and the history that wasn’t ♬:
- Seth Meyers: Трамп claims Robert E. Lee would have won the war in Afghanistan
- Now This: Jim Jordan leaks that Трамп will run again
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The Short Ballad of Gov. Kristi Noem’s Long Desk ♬
- The Late Show: Evil Squad shocked by Lara Трамп’s Beau Biden comment
- Rachel Maddow: New Grand Jury activity in Трамп organization case is reminder that investigations are ongoing
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Coulter and Fetlocks Agree (Трамп’s a Wuss) ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп does his own makeup and Biden boots Conway & Spicer
- Roy Wood, Jr.: The best of unsolved MAGA mysteries
- The Daily Show: When was America great? Трамп supporters face the ultimate test.
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ To Those Waiting For Трамп To Get What’s Coming to Him ♬
Robert Reich: Why the filibuster is unconstitutional
Bill Maher: America’s pipe dream
The Week in ТрампPlague:
- Stephen: Mu becomes a concern and the delta spread continues
- Andre Antunes: Kenneth Copeland Unplugged [Wind Of God Acoustic Remix]
- WaPo: How coronavirus variants like delta form and spread
- Samantha Bee: Dr. Charity Dean predicted the pandemic. Here’s what she thinks is next.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Hypocrisy reigns as Republican lawmakers lash out over their “right to choose”
- The Remix Bros: ♫ AJ’s Nobel Prize Winning For Humans REMIX ♬
- Stephen: Biden’s plan to defeat covid before a monster variant emerges
- WaPo: How ivermectin became the latest false cure for the coronavirus
- The Late Show: Consult doctor Ed for all your medical needs
- Jimmy Kimmel: Jimmy Kimmel is BACK and very much ALIVE
- Stephen: Hurricanes, reproductive rights, ivermectin—Did anything happen during our break?
- Samantha Bee salutes petty TikTok teens
Lauren Mayer: ♫ Crazy Weather ♬
Legal Eagle: The origin of the law
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Suing over the House Proxy Voting Rule. Theoretically, it should be thrown out as the Constitution allows Congress to set its own rules. That’s why the filibuster would survive a court challenge.
Salesforce announced Friday night it will provide relocation assistance to any of its 2,000 employees and their families in Texas who want to leave the state.
@2 just like I was saying. And just like Bob fears, and wouldn’t acknowledge. Although that’s because of the abortion bill I suppose, but probably both.
Repukes – breeding will kill them.
I feel nothing!
At the 9/11 memorial, about to have a minute of silence. Many people.
One Pussy Grabber fan walking around with a sign that says “Biden Afghanistan Disgrace”.
Way to exploit a situation.
If them dumbfucks don’t think The FuckHump timed it such that his deadline would be post election, to avoid the chaos himself, then they will not be saved by breeding. And if he won or managed to steal the election, they would have loved and justified the chaos.
@ 2
Salesforce announced Friday night it will provide relocation assistance to any of its 2,000 employees and their families in Texas who want to leave the state.
The Seattle Mariners announced Friday night it will provide relocation assistance to any of its 25 players and their families who desire to be sent down to the minors.
It’s a silly PR announcement, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, and with your gullibility and lack of editorial experience you bought it hook, line, and sinker.
Today, the 20th anniversary of the largest attack on the US since Pearl Harbor, First Vegetable Joe Biden is relieved not to be trotted out in front of a microphone to embarrass himself yet again.
His team could not figure out a way to spin this event to advantage after the incompetence, cowardice, and coldness Biden displayed while completely botching the Afghanistan withdrawal.
Barack would have stood tall on a day like today, delivered an authoritative public address at Ground Zero, and in doing so would have made the nation stronger. Biden continues to weaken it, almost as if by intent.
Out: The NRA is bankrupt and dead.
In: NRA victory over Biden’s ATF pick its biggest in a decade
Chipman was an incredibly controversial pick by an incredibly weak president.
Chipman’s nomination didn’t fail because of Republicans. His nomination failed because he was awful, performed horribly at his confirmation hearing, and there are some Senate Democrats who still care about their constituency.
Chipman’s nomination failed because Biden deserved to fail for having selected him.
On this 20th anniversary of 9/11, an especially prescient warning:
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.”
If you see something, say something.
Anyone remember who was mayor of NYC on 9/11?
You asked for Afghanistan.
SEPTEMBER 24, 2001
Bush Job Approval Highest in Gallup History
Widespread public support for war on terrorism
September 24th is 13 days away. I wonder what First Vegetable Joe Biden’s approval will be on that day?
Steve, what do you think?
I think your low IQ “make shit up to own a lib” fantasies expressed @5 – 12 are fucking pathetic.
God Bless Steve!
5-12 Given that he never tells the full truth about anything I tend to skip him when he goes off on a Jag like that
There’s a Senate race in PA next year for an open seat being vacated by a Rapepublican coward.
Biden is with Obama at Ground Zero. Harris is in Shanksville. So’s the Lt. Governor of PA.
Is Trump in Shanksville?
Where’s Kevin?
Laura Loomer?
All somewhere in Florida with Roger Stone sucking horse paste and fucking pre-teen hookers.
September 18th is next Saturday.
Payback time for a whole bunch of Capitol Police.
Should compete well against college football coverage that day.
God Bless Elijah @16!
@17. My God, what brainwaahing.
That shot always reads as if they are trying to brain wash others into believing that they are a group much larger than they are.
They instigate, and propagate fear. They’ve been doing it well before the FuckHumpster, but doing it much more now.
Breeding will not save civilization. I guess you can say that the ultimate failure in life – for civilization to die out. That’s the only reason why we are going to Mars, what else would be the reason.
God bless you and Steve too, G-man!
Two fine patriotic Americans who love democracy!
Calling it brainwashing suggests they have brains.
It’s operant conditioning. And the Republican Party is a Skinner Box.
17)Hopefully the D.C. National Guard will be on alert this time.
Also, 20 years ago, if the passengers on Flight 93 didn’t rise up, would have at the very least 3 more killed as the D.C. Air National Guard’s F-16s slammed into the 757. Also, the nearest fighter jets to the Capitol and they weren’t tasked for NORAD Duty. Many people who have read too much Tom Clancy and other novelists think they just arm up and scramble. If they weren’t on alert, no live rounds in the gun, or missiles. The latter were stored disassembled.
Saw the pilots in interviews saying they would have had one hand on the ejection handle but they also said they could not miss.
Also, Tom Clancy fan myself, loved how the First Lady in Executive Orders still going to her job at Johns Hopkins saved millions of lives.
If the domestic terrorist shoe fits.
Alt-right conspiracy theorist melts down after George Bush calls out domestic terrorists
Former president George Bush appears to have struck a nerve on Saturday after he called out domestic terrorists during his 9/11 remembrance speech, saying there is little difference between them and the religious extremists who killed nearly 3,000 people during the attack in 2001.
@22 Live long enough and you see it all:
Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸
Disgraced fmr president George W Bush is using the 9/11 memorial to say Trump voters are the same as the radical jihadists who attacked 20 years ago
This is who he is
Yours truly has been here at HA since 12/2004.
Disgraced.. It was too funny when drumpf declared Iraq was a mistake and the adoring nascent drumpfers didn’t blink an eye.. There was a time when they all worshiped that empty suit for puttin’ down the swarthy evil guy who thumbed its nose at ‘murica..
Didn’t they say the swarthy diktator of Iraq was behind 9/11? Yours truly remembers within the same week after 9/11 Limbaugh blathered exactly that.
teh babblin’ butthole worshipped the empty suit.. teh greedee kreepin’ racist incel of widbee groveled before it intoxicated by the empty suit’s tax cuts.. All HA trolls voted for it twice..
It’s just too damned funny.
Not a peep about “Americans left behind” in Afghanistan?
Any chopped heads? Bound hostage with masked bearded gunmen in front of a banner with funny writing?
teh widbee kreepah is runnin’ out of gas.
Its Afghanistan blather will die with a whimper. And the volume will turn up on Kamala and the Cali black guy and his junk.
62 million Americans voted for Bush in 2004.
12 million more than voted for him in 2000.
Rather than marveling at the humiliating spectacle of “conservatives” trashing a living former Republican President, we should instead be asking why it’s worth it to them?
After all, a pretty significant number of the people Trump needs to vote for him in three years are the same people who worshiped Bush. Like our sad racist incel troll. Trump needs every single one of them to have a chance. What’s so important about this freak that makes it worth alienating any of those tens of millions of Bush voters?
It’s because they also know that to have any real chance the GOP also needs to normalize what that freak did on Jan. 6th as a permissible form of support. Expect more. Count on it. This is their plan. They are doing it all right out in the open.
The Whidbey Island residents who thought they observed a plane flying into a building this morning misidentified the object they saw. It was actually Doctor Dumbfuck throwing himself against a barn door barricaded from the inside.
@9 At least he didn’t bomb and invade the wrong country. I prefer his mistakes to your gang’s mistakes.
@10 I heard he survived with severe brain injuries and is now a babbling fool.
@24 The only interest Republicans have in Afghanistan now is not resettling them in their towns and neighborhoods.
@25 “After all, a pretty significant number of the people Trump needs to vote for him in three years are the same people who worshiped Bush.”
Golden idols change over time. Today’s gold-painted wooden goat isn’t necessarily yesterday’s gold-painted wooden goat. All wooden goat idols eventually get replaced and retired.
Question: What’s the difference between Nairobi and Atlanta?
Answer: The length of the vaccination lines.
His way of saying they’re not the party of Lincoln anymore.
California Dreamin’ …
Newsom vs. “The ideal minimum wage is $0.00” … climate change is “a crock,” slave owners should receive reparations, no mask or vaccine mandates, women “know less than men” and “exaggerate the problem of sexism.”
I put my money on Newsom.
The family of an armed Patriot Prayer thug killed by an armed antifa thug is suing the City of Portland. Apparently they feel he should’ve been killed by police instead of a vigilante.
34)Thought police stayed out of gangland fights. Then again, Patriot Prayer would have been joining the cops going after Antifa.
Love Yakima’s connection to Antifa class of 1974 bringing down the Portuguese Fascist Dictatorship. Actually, the coup almost wrecked Yakima’s plan to acquire 2 vintage streetcars from Oporto ,Portugal.
Love YVT, keeping the legacy of the Interutban Era alive, despite many setbacks.
@36 Do you remember the fight over Yakima’s train museum? A financial predator from California seized control of the group, appointed himself CEO, sold off the historical rolling stock, and tried to turn it into a commercial shortline railroad for his own profit. He eventually lost a lawsuit and left the area to search for some other nonprofit train group to prey on. He’d pulled this stunt before down in California. This happened in the early 2000s, as I recall.
37)Yeah, they barely survived. It’s been a lot of ups and downs even in recent years. Yakima Valley Trolleys is what was formed to rebuild after the downfall of the Yakima Interurban Lines Association. They have to use a generator car on runs to Selah because of copper wire thief’s. I also remember one of the cars was sent to Issaquah while the mess was sorted out. The Issaquah Valley Trolley wasn’t going to last, didn’t have Yakima’s history with traction.
YVT recently got another donation of a single-truck car, and it’s in Snoqualmie about to be restored. They seem to be partners. Only recently learned Master Unit #20 was repatriated, and thought it would never leave Snoqualmie, unlike the two other last original Yakima cars, 20 had a tree growing in it.It’s going to be a parts source and cosmetically restored for static display. 20, 21, and 22 are lucky, that all 3 have survived. Doubt they would have been used by MUNI, the backbone of the F-Market and Wharves line are the various groups of PCCs, which are around 48’. The Master Units are about the size of a standard non-articulated bus.
Yet another repuke found kreepin’…
The 50-year-old Republican had been on leave for nearly two months after the parents of an underage teen told police that their son found a hidden camera in the judge’s bathroom.
To the repuke tribe, the worst crime a repuke can commit is getting caught.. So in this case, this Maryland kreepah chose passing summary judgement on itself rather than compromise the repuke tribe. Found guilty. Sentenced to execution by self-inflicted gunshot.
Of course they are.
Because for cop unions, police work isn’t about public safety.
40)Some fire unions oppose vaccine mandates. They should be for it. Especially sine the platoon on duty for each company is in close quarters, even closer when the call comes in.
When’s family man Teablow gonna have kids? When is he going to marry (a wife I presume)..
When is he going to get a real job, and one not gifted to him. Worlds biggest leach.
Yesterday they wouldn’t let First Vegetable Joe Biden speak.
Can anyone imagine Barack Obama NOT taking center stage at the commemoration of an event like this?
Ron Klain wouldn’t let Biden speak.
@ 42
Third-biggest, perhaps. It has been scientifically proven that the world’s (not worlds) biggest leech (not leach) is YLB. Second place goes to Deathfrogg.
In private comments yesterday First Vegetable Joe Biden reiterated his firm and unwavering commitment to continue droning innocent NGO aid workers and their children, as his measured and carefully calculated response, until ISIS stops attacking US troops.
Joe Manchin is making First Vegetable Joe Biden appear weak.
In this case appearances are not deceiving.
Soon to break out in House Democrat caucus meetings as well.
‘F**K Joe Biden’ Chants Break Out at College Football Games
Desperate for pussy after two decades of rejection by every cis-female and drag queen in King County, Steve offers to fly to New York to volunteer to deliver babies.
They think it makes sense for us to be in this kind of thing, where you ride down the street and someone has a sign saying “F so and so”? Or — it’s not who we are.
Not “F so and so.” It’s specific.
It’s “Fuck Joe Biden“, now. And it no different from what was done when Trump was in office. When Trump was in office it was exactly who you were. Your ilk reveled in it, for four years.
I’m actually more interested in hearing what moves Bill Clinton pulled on Rose McGowan when they were in that hotel room together.
Larry Elder stealing publicity techniques from Gloria Allred is not a good look.
I suppose it must feel very freeing for Poor Bobby now that he is no longer bound by real actual events to compose his shit posts.
I just wish he could show more imagination. Or any.
Why must it be something so prosaic and dull as “First Vegetable not allowed to speak”? Why not “First Vampire not allowed to dine on human flesh”? Or “First Mongoloid not allowed to use the White House bathrooms”?
I’ll remind you all that he did much better than this when it was a black guy he was focused on smearing. “Face Fucking aboard AF-1” was at least pornographic.
@ 51
“Face Fucking aboard AF-1” was at least pornographic.
Maybe it’s because Face Fucking aboard AF-1 was done privately.
Joe Biden’s senility, OTOH, is on public display. It’s worsening and accordingly much more difficult to hide.
I just wish he could show more imagination.
No imagination necessary to call Joe Biden senile. Mere observation is sufficient.
If you insist on waiting until 2023 and nominee selection for the genereal before dealing with it, that’s fine, QoS McHillbilly.
I can wait. There’s just no reason for me to wait in silence.
Why Democrats hate Asians:
Tales from the YLB wing of the Democrat party:
I tell ya, if only dumb twats could vote, the Democrats would never lose another election.
Good news!
Taliban Minister of Higher Education announced that women will be allowed to attend universities, but classrooms will be segregated by gender and women must dress conservatively. So basically the “liberalized” system that existed in Saudi Arabia when W was preznit.
Oddly, Murican “conservatives” remain unmoved and still insist that “something” needs rescuing and want to re-invade.
Joe Walsh issues a sincere apology to Rep. Ihan Omar:
Poor Bobby and the Minnesota GQP remain committed to their claims backed by 8chan rumors that Rep. Omar is a moooslim prostitute-terrorist. And Joe Walsh will never hold elected office as a Republican ever again.
Never forget the day the GOP led by Speaker Hastert took its bravest stand and would not yield:
I don’t see why not. He beat the shit out of “conservatives” the first time, when they had every possible advantage, including an armed mob of unemployed muffler mechanics on speed dial to shut down the electoral count and assassinate their own Vice President.
I try not to think too much what Biden will do to “conservatives” like Poor Bobby when he’s an incumbent running on curing the Trump Plague, restoring the economy, ending the Cheney Forever War, creating 20 million jobs, and releasing $5 trillion in spending to the states.
“Conservative” sobbing is more fun when it’s spontaneous.
Heh.. widbee kreepah “seriously” triggered by its kreepee comrade in Maryland.. A judge no less..
getting caught… ‘nother!
Looks like Canadian Pacific’s delayed acquisition of Kansas City Southern is a go. Canadian National tried to wreck it with a higher bid, and the board accepted it, forgetting that our regulators take a close look at such applications, and it’s not just the money. Route overlaps, stifle competition. Then there was the disaster of Penn Central, and I doubt today’s media climate would allow the way Penn Central was bailed out to be tried again. Southern Pacific thought their acquisition of Santa Fe was a done deal that both railroads were starting to repaint locomotives in a new scheme for the merged railroad, then some idiot at one of the two railroads admitted that with both major Southwest Transcontinental routes under the same ownership, that it would stifle competition, the ICC rejected the merger. SPSF became to be known as Shouldn’t Paint So Fast. It was the Mexican Traffic that CP and CN were after, as KCS is halfway through a 50 year concession operating one of Mexico’s railroads.
@43 hey Bob, maybe Obama’s speech had something to do with the Greek Orthodox Catholic Church that was built across from the South Pool Memorial. Was there a dedication of its opening.
Not to steal your thunder. Maybe a guess of mine
Google Greek Orthodox Church ground Zero. Shrine of St. Nicholas..
it was all lite up in blue last nigh. I thought it was still under construction, it’s been taking a long time. I bet they wish it was finished on the 20th anniversary of 9/11, maybe they thought the best way to honor that would be yo have a President make some reference to it.
But you do you, if it makes you happy and clueless.
Matter of fact the stage was set just in front of the Church. A street that rises up as you go further away from the front of it. I don’t think the location of that stage was overlooked and coordinated with the shrine and the speech.
Just me speculating and you twist or shaping a narrative to meet your slant.
Sure it is. Different in lots of important ways.
First is the fact that Joe Biden doesn’t spend every morning, sitting on a toilet in the West Wing, ShitLording from a Twitter account on every lesser being unwilling to suck his dick. So the get-give thing is a big one. From a time long before he ever entered politics Donald J. Trump established a persona very deliberately and with purpose. He set out to define himself as profane, pugilistic, disrespectful, and difficult to deal with. These may or may not be positive character traits for a New York real estate developer. But however well they translate to the political arena, they do not generate polite respect among political opponents. There has been no great shortage of prominent Republicans willing to step out of line to join the opposition in saying “Fuck Trump”. Harder to find similar examples among prominent Democrats willing to say “Fuck Biden”. And that’s for obvious reasons that mostly speak for themselves. Biden may not pull punches in a political fight. But he is never deliberately disrespectful, even of his fiercest opponents. And for that reason among many, he continues to enjoy their grudging respect. Trump has no one’s respect.
Another thing that makes a big, big difference is once again Trump himself. No matter what it was or where it was, and no matter who was grieving, of suffering, or hurting, Trump never gives a shit and everyone knows it, you included. He finds a way to make it about himself and to make himself the hero of that moment, usually employing a disgraceful lie to do so. Like you, he feels nothing beyond the constant drive to promote himself. More than half a million of his own citizens died, often cut-off and alone, isolated and suffering on ventilators. He never said a single sympathetic word. The single most obvious political move available to him and he could not bring himself to do it. Empathizing with all the dead and all their grieving loved ones would have been the easiest thing in the world for Trump to have done. But he would not do it. Does not have it in him.
But mostly it’s entirely different because in that quote Biden is calling out all of us. He’s calling out Democrats like me as well as “conservative” ShitLords like you or Trump or Alex Jones. That’s a huge difference. Because Trump commenting on somebody saying “Fuck Trump” is going to be nothing but his outrage and his wounded dignity. President Biden doesn’t even give a shit about how “Fuck Biden” wounds or offends his dignity. Instead he’s commenting about how it wounds the nation’s dignity.
And quite frankly… it’s not even close.
kreepah babbles (not much these days) about 12 who tragically gave their lives in Afghanistan (a warzone) when so many of its own ilk won and continue to win the Herman Cain Award in worship of the orange shitlord.
656k total (many repukes in that) vs less than 3k on 9/11.
I tell ya, if only kreepee pos’s from widbee (and Maryland) could vote, the repukes would never lose another election.
@43 “Yesterday they wouldn’t let First Vegetable Joe Biden speak.”
Republicans let Trump speak.
That’s the difference between us and you. The parties aren’t the same.
@44 Where does that put you on the scale? Nowhere near the top, I’d say. It’s more the reverse. You paid for an expensive medical education you hardly used. If the med school was the leech, you were the blood.
@45 Better than Bush’s approach of ignoring terrorists until they topple buildings on our own soil, and then invading the country that didn’t have anything to do with it.
You’re whining about collateral casualties in Afghanistan. How many innocent Iraq civilians died in Bush’s recreational war? Hmm?
And then there’s the Republicans (basically, all of them) who cheered when U.S. helicopter pilots blew away Reuters journalists. Because they were journalists. Republicans don’t like journalists.
Without fail, every time you try to seize the moral high ground, your feet whip out from under you on slippery Republican doo-doo and you land face down in another stinking pile of Republican shit, don’t you?
@46 Trump makes every Republican appear racist, corrupt, vile, violent, and above all stupid.
I’ll take our guy over your guy.
@47 Texas A&M Aggies, bunch of farm boys, played in Texas. What do you expect? Probably were wearing Covid-logo t-shirts in the stands, too.
@49 Yes, “Fuck Joe Biden” is exactly the incivility we expect from the people who chanted “Hang Mike Pence!” and have made threatening phone calls to the homes of election workers all over the country.
You expect us to be surprised?
@50 You mean this?
“Rose McGowan slammed Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey … after her account was suspended for tweeting about Bill Clinton. The outspoken Scream actress — one of the most vocal Harvey Weinstein accusers — was recently banned for the post, showing a lookalike of the Democratic ex-president being massaged by a woman ….”
Voyeurism extending to inflatable dolls, how cute.
Larry Elder is his own worst enemy. The humiliating election loss he’s about to experience against an incredibly weak and unpopular opponent is self-inflicted, and entirely attributable to things like this:
“Elder for example, has said, ‘The ideal minimum wage is $0.00.’ He once called climate change ‘a crock,’ argued slave owners should receive reparations and opposed mandating masks or vaccines during the Covid-19 pandemic. He has also written women ‘know less than men’ about the issues voters face and said they ‘exaggerate the problem of sexism.'”
Remarks like that will cost him more than just the votes of Gloria Allred’s fan base.
@52 “Maybe it’s because Face Fucking aboard AF-1 was done privately.” Good. Now reply to @50. I want to see how you handle that.
By the way, as I recall, that hasn’t been your song-and-dance about face fucking under the Resolute Desk.
@54 You think Republicans will win elections by referring to half the electorate as “dumb twats”?
@55 “Taliban Minister of Higher Education announced that women will be allowed to attend universities, but classrooms will be segregated by gender and women must dress conservatively.”
Meaning face coverings at all times.
I’ll bet Kabul University’s delta infection rate will be lower than, say, Texas A&M’s, at least on the co-ed side.
@56 Didn’t he realize that’ll get him banned for life from MAGA rallies?
@65 “656k”
You’re behind the times. That was several days ago. At last report, it’s 659,929, and it will surely pass 660k today. With most of them (kids excluded) from the GOP voting base.
No one should take joy in that, of course. And we don’t. We did our best to save them. The doctors and nurses did their best to save them. But you can do only so much for people who stand directly behind horses.
And to think that the low IQ stupe traitor wonders why he’s never been fucked by a woman, er, “dumb twat”.
75)Don’t give them any ideas. Although the TxGOP oppose mask mandates.
Lesser known Holiday from the State of Maryland honoring the Battle of North Point during the War of 1812, Defenders Day. Also during that action, the RN tried to lay waste to a fortification guarding the harbor, Fort McHenry. For awhile, the day had been forgotten, but celebrations were seeing a resurgence around 9/11.
Interesting that one of the F-16s scrambled to intercept UAL 93 became a Gate Guard, but at a NORAD post far away from D.C. The Western Air Defense Sector at McChord Field.