Good morning, and happy vaccine not quite a mandate. Seriously, it’s past time. I’m sure there are legal reasons, but I wish it applied to smaller business too. Oh, you only have 80 people, I guess it’s fine to put a bunch of unvaccinated people together.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
Call it the Bowe Bergdahl lesson. And a bit less of a clown show on 9/11.
What’s more, Larry Elder had confessed the truth like it was no big deal, as if intellectually selling out your own people when convenient was simply the price Black Americans paid for success.
Vote appropriately.
@2 The election hasn’t even been held yet, and Repukies are already claiming it was “stolen.”
Honestly, at some point you simply stop listening to people, because they’re so silly. Like the idiots claiming Covid-19 shots implant tracking microchips.
@1 As the 20th anniversary of America’s second Pearl Harbor even approaches, it might be well to remember how and why this horrific tragedy was allowed to happen:
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations to avoid his father’s mistakes and to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in international affairs: in his first nine months he reversed Clinton’s policy toward China, proclaiming it no longer a ‘strategic partner’ but a ‘strategic competitor’; in the Middle East, by withdrawing U.S. involvement in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians; toward Korea, by abandoning the negotiated accord that had frozen the North’s nuclear program and by humiliating President Kim of South Korea, who was promoting North-South reconciliation, during his March 2001 visit to the White House, contributing to a wave of anti-Americanism in a country that was among the staunchest American allies; by withdrawing U.S. support from the Kyoto treaty on global warming; and by forsaking Clinton’s efforts to address the dangers of international terrorism.
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
Yes, the second-last Republican president was warned. No, he didn’t listen. For the usual reason: mean-spirited, thick-headed, partisanship.
But it could have been worse. The 9/11 hijackers could only slam their planes into three buildings. They were only able to kill 3,000 innocent Americans. It’s not like they were virus-spreaders who took over 600,000 U.S. lives. Yes, it could’ve been much, much worse back then.
Under the last Republican president, it was. That’s part of why so many of us hope there will never again be another Republican president. But there probably will be, and another avoidable deadly disaster.
Prolly better than inviting terrorists to Camp David for a private celebration.
Even Poor Bobby has to agree.
CNN changed its polling methodology to give First Vegetable Joe Biden a boost.
Kali Cook was 4 years old. She hated bows and liked to play with worms.
She lived in Bacliff with her mother, father and older siblings. She attended pre-kindergarten classes in the Dickinson Independent School District.
Harwood and most of the rest of her family were quarantined because of their own COVID infections. She said she and her fiancé were out of work because of the pandemic.
Harwood said she wasn’t vaccinated.
“I was one of the people that was anti, I was against it,” she said. “Now, I wish I never was.”
We all know how the low IQ stupe traitor feels about the needless death of four year old Kali Cook.
@6 I don’t understand your weird obsession with these polls. Biden would still be president until Jan. 20, 2025, even if his approval rating was zero. I guess it’s because that’s all you have left after losing the White House, Senate, and House.
It’s common for U.S. presidents to be unpopular. For whatever reason, Americans elect people they don’t like to our country’s highest office. And then reelect them, despite shitty job performance.
So, popularity ratings really don’t mean very much.
Ashli Babbitt, The Martyr of 1/6, gave her last ounce or courage to protect and defend young Kali Cook’s Gawad Givun FREEDUMB to have terrible white parents.
And defending that FREEDUMB is what keeps bringing Poor Bobby back to HA day after humiliating day to share stories about his made-up FB friends or fabricated headlines about pizza dungeons.
You know Bob is in agreement with you when he is in silence. He knows better not to embarrass himself completely.
just another Rawstory story/link.
God Bless Steve.
I wonder if Business will take note Bob? Why locate your business in a location that loves death and destruction.
How is America (the South) going to survive without a functioning economy. Not where I would want to own a company!
He votes for Biden every day by refusing to live in a Trump county or Trump state.
More Loveland Colorado police in action:
Officer Grashorn’s supervisor is Sgt Metzler who recently oversaw the brutal beating of 73 year old Karen Garner, a 92 lb dementia patient who accidentally walked out of a Walmart with $13 worth of items without paying, resulting in a broken and dislocated shoulder. FOIA lawsuits resulted in the release of security cam footage of Sgt Metzler laughing uproariously while reviewing the BWC footage at the moment when Ms. Garner’s shoulder bones broke.
Here Sgt Metzler, upon learning that the dog owners were considering going to the media, instructed officer Gashorn to charge the owners with “harboring a dangerous animal” and “criminal trespass”. And he oversaw the changing of the written reports to describe the puppy as “dangerous” and “vicious” and engaged in attacking officer Gashorn when it was shot. The county prosecutor refused to move forward with any of the charges having concluded that they “were not based in fact”.
More police = less public safety
A public service message:
Referring to safe, effective, and lawful public health measures applied equally to everyone as “the Holocaust” is a form of Holocaust denial.
Republican pedo judge kills himself.
Republican judge took his own life when agents came to arrest him for illicit child pictures: report
We need more of this. Both Republican judges killing themselves and, of course, more Raw Story links.
God bless Gman!
We didn’t drone an ISIS terrorist. We droned a long-time NGO worker – one of the good guys. He was a colleague of Steve’s, an electrical engineer.
He wasn’t fueling tanks with explosives. He was filling water containers to take home to his family.
There was no secondary explosion. There was no bomb. At all.
Times Investigation: In U.S. Drone Strike, Evidence Suggests No ISIS Bomb.
This is GWB43 administration Iraq shit.
First Vegetable Joe Biden has had nearly 20 years to learn from the mistakes of the GWB43 administration. First Vegetable Joe Biden instead is repeating those mistakes.
Once again, HA libbies, supporting the Biden drone strike approach to anti-terrorism means getting really, really comfy with all of the innocent people we’re gonna kill. This used to matter to y’all. Does it still?
Yeah, didn’t think so.
We all know how you feel.
@11 “How is America (the South) going to survive without a functioning economy.”
They could ask Cuba for doctors and China for foreign aid.
@13 I wrote on Handbill that Loveland doesn’t have America’s worst police department, Aurora does, but it looks like Loveland is determined to compete for the title.
Sex trafficking is obviously a Republican thing.
Judge Allows Sex Trafficking Suit Against Ex-Fox Anchor Ed Henry
Ed Henry tried unsuccessfully to get the case against him dismissed, but apparently handcuffing the victim and threatening her did not sit well with the judge.
So how does the low IQ stupe traitor feel about all these Republicans being busted for sex trafficking?
@15 Now that’s the kind of summary execution Doctor Dumbfuck relishes, even if the perp had to pull the trigger himself.
@16 The only time you care about Afghans is when they provide an excuse to hate our military.
8 Tennessee School Employees Now Dead From COVID
Two more teachers died this week in the first month of school.
So how does the low IQ stupe traitor feel about the incompetence of Republican governors causing so much needless pain, suffering and loss of life?
@ 14
Referring to safe, effective, and lawful public health measures applied equally to everyone as “the Holocaust” is a form of Holocaust denial.
So is referring to someone merely for holding a conservative belief or to as a Nazi.
Over the weekend QoS McHillbilly breathlessly alleged that Proud Boy “Tiny” accidentally shot himself during that protest in Olympia that was crashed by Antifa.
Here is video of the cowardly Antifa POS pulling the trigger numerous times. The Twitter feed is that of the Olympia PD.
QoS McHillbilly is wrong a lot more than his smarmy online persona might suggest. Although, really, when it comes to making allegations like this, QoS McHillbilly isn’t stupid. He’s wrong on purpose, because the poorly educated types such as YLB and The Even Bigger Fucking Moron don’t know any differently than to take him at his word.
@ 23
Um, Steve?
How many of those eight dead Tennessee school employees chose not to be vaccinated?
How many of them were infected at school, rather than while doing something that had nothing to do with their school job, Steve?
Steve, how many of those eight dead Tennessee school employees were members of the dreaded Rethuglican Party?
SeattleJew wasn’t vaccinated, either. And now his blog has turned to shit.
Called it.
What Covid vaccine was available for SeattleJew?
Because a low IQ stupe traitor says so.
What does the low IQ stupe traitor feel in response to these toddlers being murdered?
QAnon surfer dad could face death penalty in speargun killings of toddler children
The 40-year-old Coleman, who allegedly told FBI agents he had been motivated by QAnon conspiracies, is accused of driving his 2-year-old son Kaleo and 10-month-old daughter Roxy to Mexico before killing them two days later with a spear gun.
What does the low IQ stupe traitor feel about the murder of this lovely woman?
Texas Man Killed Prominent Lawyer Because She Voted for Joe Biden: Police
The next day a guy the same age, size, and build in similar dress operating from the same neighborhood used an identical car to launch a rocket attack on the airport.
DIA intel would still have been just as wrong and that guy and his family would still be just as dead if we had sent in a Yellow Elephant SEAL Team of Fighting Jim Jordans.
Boots on the ground in all likelihood would only have led to more collateral casualties.
We were right to leave. That doesn’t mean the U.S. will never be wrong.
But it does mean Republicans will never be right. Because Dumbfuck always gonna Dumbfuck.
Latest Biden ratings (for Dumbfuck’s eyes; he’s the only one here who thinks these numbers have any significance):
CNN (today): Approve 50%, disapprove 50%
Rasmussen (today): Approve 46%, disapprove 52%
Reuters/Ipsos (yesterday): Approve 47%, disapprove 46%
Economist/YouGov (Wednesday): Approve 42%, disapprove 52%
IBD/TIPP (Tuesday): Approve 47%, disapprove 45%
Might have a lot to do with all the swastikas, arm bands, salutes, and SS tattoos.
Calling Neo-Nazis “Nazis” is not even remotely a form of Holocaust denial.
But actually Poor Bobby’s post is! Claiming his own victimhood, and then equating his victimization to that of the seven million Jews slain by Nazi Germany during WWII is Holocaust denialism. The fact that Poor Bobby did not even realize this as he composed his post is it’s own proof. He doesn’t really see the Holocaust.
He feels nothing.
I think you’re lying again Bobby. Haven’t you already humiliated yourself enough for one drunk Friday night?
I’m quite sure I said I thought the odds favored the functionally retarded Proud Boy local Capo di Crew having shot himself.
It’s what these idiots do.
While you were making that shit up the big National Proud Boy Capo di Capo was putting himself right into a felony witness tampering jamb on tape that he made himself! Tarrio got caught phoning up the wife of a cooperating witness to issue threats. Then bragged about it on a conference call while a “loyal” lieutenant was recording him. Then the recording of Tarrio bragging was sold to Reuters. Then Tarrio sends them all a threatening voice memo complaining about being sold out for having engaged in felony witness tampering. Ouch!
Right straight through the old nutsack!
Also, would that be the same Oly PD that hosted a Boog rally last year? Why yes! Yes it would.