Stephen: Climate Changed—Is the sun god angry at us?
Keith Olbermann: THE NYC wildfire smoke and acrid smell. It’s from the NORTHWEST fires!
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week
The Idiots, Con-artists, Liars and Thieves That Constitute the Modern G.O.P.:
- The Late Show: Woman condemns Jan. 6 investigation and muffler kissing
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ I Alone Can Fix It, a Dotard Трамп Song ♬
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard reacts to news that he is running in 2024
- Chris Hayes: The truth behind the alleged Michigan kidnapping case
- Seth Meyers: Yet another Трамп ally, Tom Barrack, arrested on foreign agent charges
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ You Effing Did This, The Liz Cheney Song ♬
- The Daily Show: The worst of Tucker Carlson
- Lauren Mayer: ♫ You’re So Indicted ♬:
- Vice News: How the US is battling domestic extremism post-Capitol riot
- The Late Show: No evidence Giuliani Golf exists
- Seth Meyers: Трамп and Bill-O-The-Clown struggle to sell tickets for their arena tour
- Rachel Maddow: Missouri Supreme Court rebukes GOP for ignoring election result on Medicaid expansion
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп REACTS to the Cleveland Guardians baseball team
- The Daily Show: A special shoutout to the pundits
- Legal Eagle: Трамп class action makes ridiculous claims
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Kevin McCarthy Picks Five ♬
- Ari Melber: MAGA crime spree—See 12 indictments caught on tape
- Tom Brady, The Dotard’s favorite athlete, mock the big lie along with Biden!
- John Di Domenico: Трамп & Melania holiday dinner Part 2 flashback hamberders delivered & delicious!
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп announces his new cryptocurrency—Трампcoin
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп At the End of the Trail ♬:
- Stephen with Joy Reid: The GOP’s aim with voter restriction laws
- Legal Eagle: Rudy Giuliani suspended in DC
- Rachel Maddow: “Big Lie” audits result in decertification of voting equipment
- The Daily Show: Stephen Miller, Mitch McConnell & Joe Arpaio—Who’s who on the far right
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Jim Jordan Met With Трамп to Make Plans for January 6th ♬
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard reacts to Bezos in space and the Biden–Brady bromance
Robert Reich: Imagine a world where workers have power
The Daily Show: Why is Arizona so fucking weird?
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship
Jonathan Mann: ♫ That’s a penis not a spaceship ♬
This Week in ТрампPlague:
- The Late Show: If only Facebook had existed during the polio vaccine rollout
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ It’s Too Late Now ♬
- Stephen with Joy Reid: On FAUX News telling viewers not to get vaccinated
- The Late Show: Sean Hannity revives Tinker Bell
- Chris Hayes: Why some Republicans changed their tune on vaccines
- Lewis Black Rantcast: Covid Delta variant?
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ A Mangy Fetlocks Vaccine Reminder Song ♬
- The Daily Show: Death Wish—Coming to an unventilated theater near you
- Mark Fiore: Freedumb isn’t free
- Ari Melber: FAUX News backtracks as covid-19 surges
- Stephen: FAUX News tries to pass off anti-vax segments as being about freedom
- The Late Show: Michael Myers corrects Biden
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ “You Don’t Know What You’re Talkin’ About”, The Tony Fauci Song ♬:
- Ari Melber: The most dangerous thing you put in your body is vaccine propaganda
- Sean Hannity showing his true colors per usual. Too little, too late, guy.
- The Daily Show: The government doesn’t need the vaccine to spy on you
- Chris Hayes: First it was seat belts…Now it’s vaccines
- Stephen: Will the delta variant send Americans back into lockdown?
- The Late Show: Brian Kilmeade’s vaccine freedom defense
- Stephen: The only thing spreading faster than covid variants is covid misinformation
Legal Eagle: How to remember the prohibition amendments
Now This: Panic over critical race theory explained by Judd Legum
The Late Show: And now for your weather update… Everything’s on fire or underwater
Ali Velshi: Now is the time to protect the right to vote
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
It’s a shame with all the vaccine propaganda, all the progress towards re-opening is now at risk.
@1 the Freedom to be FuckUps!
Breeding will not save them.
You ever see anyone with a tee-shirt with an American flag on it and the words “God and Country” beneath.
Yeah. Says alot.
Here’s one better for them
Put the American flag on a tee-shirt and beneath the flag add the words “God Bless the Vaccinated”……Oh the FuckHumps will go out of their mind. They’ll probably insist that you take it off.
Heres another
American flag tee-shirt with the words
“American built not to collapse and kill you!”
Them snowflakes would get so hurt….they’d continue to try to own you.
Death-sewer states like Florida notwithstanding, I think there may be a whole metric shit-ton of companies and institutions that just aren’t going to put up with it.
Yet with Delta burning through the population like a prairie fire they only have one other option: vaccine mandates.
It won’t be “the government”, forcing it on them. It’ll be private companies, events, and institutions. There’s just too much money at stake.
@5 business must be skyrocketing there(sarcasm). I bet the business’ are counting thier future profits.
They dig out dead bodies beneath collapsing buildings. As well as digging up to bury dead bodies.
Corporations will be running for the hills.
Own them libs!
Here is what owning the Libs gets you.
Breeding will not save them!
The more breeding the more stupid they get and the quicker they’ll all die.
Dumbfucks breeding is like a Virus. The FuckHump II Virus. It spreads and they die.
Some tasty multimedia for the weekend:
I thouhgt that the Conservative mantra was the sexuality was all about breedng and thus Heterosexuals are so far superior and just?
Breeding dumbfucks will cause them to go extint.
But the cheap building will go on! Forward march!
GQP Republicans. If they’re not dying of Covid, they’re devouring each other.
Goes to explain why the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck insists on sharing his bizarre dream-world election outcomes with us, spiking the ball in victory as though his delusions are reality for the rest of us. Sad!
Marjorie Taylor Greene angrily accuses Mitch McConnell of ‘dirty politics’ after Trump pal accused of death threats
God bless America, our beloved president, VP Kamala, Raw Story and Gman!
5)Even after the mask mandate on transit is relaxed, I’ll probably still wear one. Especially now that Metro and ST have opened up all seats and riders are returning, even on LINK.
11)McConnell only cares about running the show, whether he is minority or majority leader.
@12 I’m not sure if it is still required, but 90% of people are wearing their masks on NYC Subway system.
DeSanSatan always looks drunk to me.
Did Lucifer drink?
14)Read on Facebook, Trinity Metro in Fort Worth is relaxing it, for facilities. Buses and Trains still required.
Three polls released this week, including Gallup’s, had Biden’s approval rating no higher than 50%.
Biden Approval Drops to 50%, Lowest for Him to Date
He’s below 50% with independents. I guess they don’t like Biden’s ice cream flavor choices.
Isn’t that right. Moobs McScrote.
The weekend has started off well for renowned cop-hating racist Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Clark County sheriff’s deputy killed in Vancouver
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you POS, this is what happens when liberals arm. How proud you must be.
Awww dimfuk @ 18..
You’re such a proud defender..
of “LE”…
And your “ilk” are that way as well?
blue lives matter.. amirite?
Three polls released this week, including Gallup’s, had Biden’s approval rating no higher than 50%.
And the black guy was going to lose to the man “who understands [vulture] capitalism”…
Instead it was no contest between a black guy and a used car salesman who apologized for picking on a “gay” kid..
HE APOLOGIZED and the “patriots” stayed home.
Pennsylvania state legislator got caught with her fat fingers in the taxpayers’ cookie jar.
Or course she’s a Democrat. From her Twitter bio:
Which makes her 1st woman, 1st African-American & 1st Democrat to loot the seat. I hope.
One would think her office would have thought to do something about access to her Twitter page by now.
@ 20
Once an Obama fangirl, always an Obama fangirl.
@22 I got pictures of you…
This guy got it from G-clown.
G-clown always discloses his positive HIV status to the strangers who do him bareback in that greasy alley behind the bar. So don’t blame im.
@21 No shortage of politicians you’d vote for doing similar..
Shall we fill up the thread with those?
Musta been really bad for a repuke leg to expel one of its own.
Pretty Cool
@24 where would you like me to send my last, I don’t know, 5 years of testing status?
By the way, What’s my AGI?
You shouldn’t let people trigger you like that….is it due to your drinking?
@24 Like redreformed said, you’re obsessed with gay sex..
So obsessed you’ll put straight guys with gays guys.. two gay guys don’t provide the jolt for you that it used to.
Like Mayor Pete with whoever..
Yeah.. sad..
@19 Bob is stocking up on Fire Extinquishers.
@24 who is im?
@24 and just because I have many years of testing doesn’t mean I am having as much sex as you and…..well whomever. It’s a rquirement to test every 3 months if you are on PrEP, regardless if you had any sex or not. Responsible people do the right thing, unlike treasonous traitors that toss flag pole spears and Fire Exitnquishers at LEO and bust down the US Capital and vandalize it. A doctor will not or should not prescribe the medicine without following that protocol. Matter of fact, the pharmacy will not ship any medication without the blood test. See responsible people do responsible things.
Now do the white guy with the beer belly in a wife beater shirt – you cousins. Vaccine please.
God Bless those that have the Vaccine.
@29 and bear spray and ZAP Hike N Strike 950,000 Volt Stun Gun Walking Stick.
He won’t carry a handgun.. Too afraid this might happen:
@32 I suspect the girlfriend did it…..he pretty much didn’t have any testicles to begin with.
The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck cried bitter tears when he realized that America’s very best absolutely love and adore First Lady Dr. Jill Biden.
U.S. Olympians Chant Jill Biden’s Name As First Lady Cheers On Swimmers In Tokyo
The athletes chanted “Dr. Biden, Dr. Biden” at the Tokyo Aquatics Center.
Was just looking at the September 2021 edition of TRAINS Magazine and the cover story is the latest in the saga of the TALGOs. WSDoT used the reduced schedule due to the Pandemic as the pretext to pull and scrap the Talgo 6s. Regular Horizon coaches are filling in as the schedule is restored until the new Siemens Venture trains enter service.
The proposal to use the Wisconsin TALGOs fell through when WSDoT wouldn’t accept any of the deals TALGO offered. Turns out, in 1999, WSDoT and TALGO signed a 20 year maintenance contract, that has now expired, The current proposals TALGO offered were outside of WSDoTs budgetary resources. Personally, I think WSDoT should have reached a deal, as the Siemens sets, Amtrak promised WSDoT would get the first of this order, and so far they are keeping the previous CEOs alleged promise, but plans by Amtrak CEOs tend not to survive a change in CEOs.
Enjoy this one-minute video of Hunter Biden having a conversation with his dead brother’s wife, whom he had been fucking, and smoking crack in the middle of it.
OK, maybe it was meth and not crack. But it wasn’t Marlboro Light.
We’re gonna see stuff like this leaked out piecemeal for the next three years.
I especially liked the pause when Hallie finally asked, “Hello?” while Hunter was holding it in his lungs and couldn’t speak.
I think they’ll withhold the video of Hunter Biden fucking Beau and Hallie Biden’s little boy until right before the 2024 DNC convention is held.
Whatever Hunter Biden was smoking in that video @ 36 is probably stuff that does this to your teeth.
Joe Biden’s America, y’all. First Family.
Gallery patrons who spend $500,000 or more for a Hunter Biden-created piece will be given as part of the sales transaction a 30-minute audience with the artist, during which either
1) the patron can smoke crack or meth with Hunter, sharing the artist’s personal pipe.
2) Hunter will have penetrative anal sex with the patron’s minor boy or girl while patron observes. (Sorry, no transgender children can be substituted. The artist has standards, after all.)
Thank you! Thank you for that display and cirque of heterosexual shenanigans. The breeding race has its issues, doesn’t it Bob. What a shame. Truly a shame that breeding will not save you and is only to your detriment.
Thank You!
Everyone knows to put that Post-It note over their laptop camera, right?
@37, 39 that was needlessly nasty. You delight in punching down. I pity you. Fantasies like that will scar your soul. Get professional for your pedophile fantasies.
Hunter Clearly Has Problems. As much as you try, hunter clearly is not the President. The sins of the son to not transfer to the father.
Nobody gets to pick ’em. All you can do is love them the best you can in spite of their problems and encourage them to be better.
He needs help for more than just pedophile fantasies. Add in misogyny, lgbtqia+, and anyone of color. His hate on gay sex is so telling, you know he is a closeted gay man: even his horse knows that.
Bob is clearly a Republican, just an old and angry white man that has zero tolerance for anyone not just like him. The only real solution is time. Instead of changing his world view, he wants the world to change to his view. You can’t help those that don’t want to be helped.
The only real solution is time.
That “certain day” will come in time.. and the world..
will be.. a better.. place..
44 the pitiful greedy racist incel only sees Liberal failings. He will never apply his vemon to his tribe. Ever.
45 truth.
He’s contemplating opening a pizza shop in a basement oneday.
Kinzinger is now on the J6 investigation.
New and improved with ZERO Trump and Double the bipartisanship.
@21 “Or course she’s a Democrat.”
That’s why she’s in trouble. Republicans circle the wagons when their members do it.
I’m against gun control and look what it got me @18. Make up your friggin’ mind what you want.
And she’s a black woman.
White people don’t do that!
He’s trying to forget about Jan 6th, and the Bundy Klan. He’s stocking up on Fire Extinguishers.
A member of the Clark County Sheriff’s drug task force on a stakeout was killed by the guy he was watching, who was armed with a stolen gun.
Based on who owns most of the guns in this country, statistical probably suggests the murder weapon wasn’t stolen from a liberal.
Personally, I think it’s doc’s friends who are arming drug dealers and gang bangers.
@32 Doc’s gonna defend this guy by saying he didn’t plan to use the stun gun on cops, he was gonna use it on Mike Pence.
Saw Mount Rainier yesterday, from Federal Way, something missing from Timberline to about 12,000ft.
Republicans like Cheney and Kinzinger should stop trying to save their party. Their party doesn’t want to be saved. Maybe they should shop for another party to join instead.
“Higgins has not told CNN whether he has been vaccinated,” and I’m betting he hasn’t.
It’s one thing for a GOP congressman to get Covid. It’s something else when his entire family gets it. Unless he can show a vaccination card, he should be prosecuted for assault. One felony count for each person he infects.
57)Unfortunately our system doesn’t allow third parties and the D and R still have too much pull.
It’s becoming a more common story. Somebody with access to rapid antigen testing gets a false positive, never experiences symptoms, refuses to adequately quarantine, and never obtains a follow up NAAT test in a healthcare setting to confirm. They conclude that they are “immune” and that the virus is “not a big deal”. They decline vaccination on that basis (and perhaps influenced by misinformation about vaccines).
Then they resume normal life, return to in-person work/school/social and they become actually infected. Again they don’t adequately quarantine, because “why bother”? Of course the risk for such people of suffering a real infection and spreading it throughout their family and community now is much, much greater in certain states and communities.
Let’s see now. Where is the Congressman from? Hmmmm…..
Common sense prevails eventually.