Stephen: Tim Meadows calls for the expansion of Black History Month
John Oliver: Meatpacking
Dulcé Sloan: The history of the “strong Black woman”
President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris:
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп’s the Infection, Biden’s the Cure ♬
- Seth Meyers: Sec. Pete Buttigieg reveals how Трамп left the Department of Transportation
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Biden’s Dog ♬
- Samantha Bee: The best of Kamala Harris
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Jill and Melania, compare and contrast ♬
LegalEagle: Weird federal criminal laws
Trevor: America’s failing power grid
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week
Amber Ruffin and James T. Lane: Lift Every Voice and Sing—The Black National Anthem
The Grand Old Party of Incompetence, Sedition, Conspiracies, and Lies:
- SNL Weekend Update: Ted Cruz goes to Cancun
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ “The Dotard J”, a modern sea shanty by Mangy Fetlocks ♬
- Trevor: The GOP is actively working to restrict voting in key states
- Seth Meyers: GOP backs Трамп ahead of his first post-presidency speech at CPAC
- LegalEagle: Трамп election suits dismissed by the Supreme Court
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard returns to tighten his tiny grip on the Republican party
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ T. E. D. Versus A. O. C. ♬
- Daily Show: The GOP is horny for another insurrection
- Lauren Mayer: ♫ There’s crazy and then there’s Texas crazy ♬
- Stephen: Ted Cruz’s favorite President could face jail time for tax fraud
- Bill Maher: Welcome reality deniers
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ What Does It Say About Republicans? ♬
- Robert Reich: Unrigging the GOP’s minority rule
- Trevor: Ted Cruz’s photo op & Texans’ extreme electric bills
- Jimmy Kimmel: Ted Cruz’s desperate damage control, Трамп boys point fingers & daddy Dotard’s tax returns
- The Late Show: Ted Cruz already made it to his next vacation spot
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ How Трамп compares to other past Presidents ♬
- LegalEagleMike Lindell sued for $1,300,000,000
- Seth Meyers: Seth Meyers on His 12-hour Cancun vacation with Ted Cruz
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard proofreads his letter to New York
- Stephen: The seditionist roundup continues as more fucking idiots are charged for roles in Capitol riot
- Michael Spicer: On a Zoom with Dotard Jr…again
- Parody Project: ♫ The Snake ♬:
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Low Approval Ratings Among Dogs ♬
- The Daily Show: Republicans release attack ad against voting
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard Трамп at CPAC 2021
- Keith Olbermann: McConnell caves
- Bill Maher: 24 things you don’t know about Mike Lindell
- LegalEagle: Supreme Court says DA can get Трамп taxes
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Sen. Ron Johnson’s Secret Past Revealed ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: Marjorie Taylor Greene frontrunner for worst person of 2021
- Trevor: The FBI tried to warn Capitol police & Pence still talks to The Dotard
- Glenn Kirschner: A good day for Justice in America
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The Dotard Трамп is like a lobster ♬
- Seth Meyers: Fox News Lies About the Texas Blackouts as GOP Lies About the Election
Mark Fiore: “It’s the windmill’s fault
The Late Show: Uninformed correspondent, Bootsie, talks race relations with Rep. Jamaal Bowman
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship
Robert Reich: The only way Democrats will get anything done
- Seth Meyers shames people cheating their way into a COVID-19 vaccine
- Trevor: US hits 500K COVID deaths & people will do anything for a vaccine
- The Late Show: Gramps gone wild!
- Amber Ruffin: ♫ One Year In, I’m Still Scared of COVID ♬:
- Stephen: Bill Gates on vaccines and a chance to return to normal life
- New York Times: Inside a Covid I.C.U., through a nurse’s eyes
- Seth Meyers: Great vaccine news has everyone asking when life will return to normal
- Trevor: Black vaccine inequality
Wired: U.S.—China relations, explained
Jimmy Dore: Mitt Romney’s alter ego lashes out!
Stephen: Bill Gates points out that we’re going to have more crazy weather events
Roy Wood, Jr.: The history of Black journalists
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Would love to see the GOP take their party back. It’s not supposed to be a cult,
Impossible. They are determined to being a Nazi dictatorship so that they can save their riches.
They see the writing on the wall. They see the survival of everyone in peril due to climate change and capitalism being unable to sustain the masses. They don’t want to invest in the future because it is costly and they ain’t paying.
The red herring is that they are the ones that do everything for the economy, but they don’t care. It’s about protecting what they have, and scaring people about what they don’t have.
They are cop assaulters and killers. How do you blow up a Capitol Building without killing a cop? You don’t. You don’t care about the cop getting killed. The plot to blow up The Capitol includes killing more cops.
They pretend to care about human life, they don’t. Oklahoma bomber killed kids that he pretended to care about. And conservatives applauded. You can even pretend that such an event never even happened (Sandy Hook) and get away with it.
The Turtle, when asked if he would support The Fuckhumpster in 2024, he responded “Absolutely”.
They were never a party. You give them too much credit. They’ve always been a cult. When you play fear mongering politics, then you attract the cult following, not a following with ideas of governance.
They are the Wizards of Oz.
It’s best to make plans now to fight or flea.
One other thing. If you want a cult following then just call yourself “Alliance Defending Freedom”! That will surly attract you some people in no time.
Wrote a couple of checks out this morning to charitable organizations.
United Negro College Fund
My 2 nephews private Catholic School
Mercy Ships
And The Fresh Air Fund
with a $10.00 donation (or more) to UNCF you get a free Tote bag. There wasn’t an option to opt out, so I wrote on the remitance slip to not send me the bag and to save money.
The company I work for matches all donations! Hahahah – I’m bankrupting them!
How about you Bob? Did you fuck the Horse this morning?
flee not flea – oppsy – there goes that dislexia!
my donations $300.00 in Total…..Oh well, guess I gots to do me some more moonlighting or go back to a 5 day work week with the real job.
I donate once in a while to the Troops, but I also feel like I am donating to some Insurrectionists or bigots that don’t allow gay or Transgender to serve…, when I don’t, I let them know that and I send back the remittance slip with $0.00.
Especially The Fuckhump’s Wounded Warrior organization.
I call this action “The Alliance of Freedom Defendership”
FBI identifies suspect in death of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick
“you can’t prove that the bear spray to the face killed him. he had 2.5 comorbidities. he didn’t die of bear spray to the face; he died with bear spray to the face.” – the greedy racist incel probably.
“I don’t understand it. I only follow the anti-American right-wing propaganda/hate machine. According to them Brian Sicknick didn’t even die. It was all faked by ANTIFi crisis actors.”
“I’ll assume the suspect isn’t a person of color because they didn’t release his name, address, age, photo, religious background, or prior arrest records for stealing a candy bar in 1996.”
2)Seems they are headed the way of the Whigs and Federalists. I think we have hit the limit of the two party system, but I don’t want a one party system.
As an accidental fan of The Handmaids Tale, I have been waiting for anything on Season 4. Hulu released the trailer teaser this week. The trolls that think Chicago is a war zone will love Season 4, because that is where the front is. The teaser ends with a boat at a dock, and a Maple Leaf flag on the flagpole with a voice saying”I am June Osborne, and I am a Citizen of the United States.” I hope that is true. About time there is a little more hope in the dystopian drama. Didn’t read the first book, but read the sequel.
In Season 3, Chicago did fall, but they didn’t say resistance was crushed. I assumed that as Gillead sent a troop surge, the government in Anchorage probably pulled the regular troops and remnants of the Illinois Guard out before being surrounded , and have the irregulars(probably former street gang members) fight a rear guard action. The city in the teaser looks deserted, but the Guardians did seize the women in Season 3, to be Handmaids, Martha’s, or sent to the Colonies.
I love who is the Voice of the Resistance on the radio.
8)They never thought they would get caught. They probably expected a pardon because they were making sure Trump stayed in office.
@8 The suspect’s lawyer probably will argue he died of actuarial probability of morbidity. Republicans have creative lawyers.
Don’t ever let them forget that they are cop killers and assaulters.
You can’t blow up the Capitol Building without killing the cops.
Repukes have no respect for LEO. Bob doesn’t care, he pretends he cares. Traitors don’t care.
Don’t let them forget – they are cop killers!!!!!!
I think the Republican party will survive, but grow gradually smaller over the next decade or so. As has happened so often over the last fifty years, many will resume calling themselves independent. And as we’ve seen, a significant number of declared Republicans will proclaim they have become “independent”. Of these, some will drift away from politics. And some will drift toward the Democratic party.
But many will just grow old and die.
In their safe spaces Republicans will continue to hold sway and a form of legitimacy. But those safe spaces themselves will grow fewer, smaller, and less influential over national policy. Still the party will probably remain the “conservative” alternative to the Democratic party for the foreseeable future. With time, the generations raised in superstition and racial fear will go away one way or another. And the resurgent, southern strategy influence of bigotry and intolerance over the party ideology will pass, and eventually they can return to their government reform roots and begin to grow again.
Twenty years or so before their next St. Ronald, only without Neshoba and the jokes about “monkeys” and “shoes”.
Here’s one of the cop killers.
GOP Rep. Appears at White Nationalist Event Where Organizer Calls Capitol Riot ‘Awesome’
Here’s one of the cop killers.
GOP Rep. Appears at White Nationalist Event Where Organizer Calls Capitol Riot ‘Awesome’
@13 They don’t respect our troops, either. And on Jan. 6 they used American flags not as a form of patriotic expression but as spears.
Resisting arrest after shooting the cop is probably the smartest thing this guy ever did. It’s no fun being a cop killer in Virginia. Saved everybody else a lot of trouble, too.
Otoh, maybe he didn’t resist arrest. Maybe they just say he did.
It’s always the accountant you gotta watch out for.
My EWU Eagles are about to start a rare spring football season. The coach describing in the pre-game show challenges they faced, the school and the Big Sky Conference gave them, and have come through. Said taking no chances and nothing for granted. I believe Coach Best, it’s the Idaho Vandals not following COVID Precautions I’m worried about. That and our home opener next week, the Northern Arizona Lumberjacks are coming to Cheney. As we say in Cheney, Go Eags. I’ve been waiting 15 months to say that.
Those crazy kids at CPAC were all out of their chairs and dancing in the aisles with excitement today over some Salt-‘O-the-Earth, regular people stuff like…
… “the Tenth Amendment”.
Wait’ll they get to my favorite: The Third Amendment!
No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
Molon Lounge, Motherfuckers!
No Justice? NO SOFAS!
21)Wonder if The 3rd Amendment applied to eminent domain and the Border Wall.
Also, with my Eagles, there are only 3,000 fans at the Kibbiedome in Moscow, and many wearing Red, which is also EWU colors. Next week on the Inferno, no fans.
“I did it out of the love of my country”
No. You didn’t. Don’t slander genuine patriotism by hijacking that language to justify domestic terrorism. You’re a terrorist, lady. And you’re going to prison.
@18 Dakota sounds like a white country boy to me….probably one of the guys that participated in the Insurrection on January 6th….them people like to kill cops.
Let us not forget! Bob wants, desperately, to forget!
@20 Go Eags!
@21 I bet that’s why Bob hasn’t been here today, he’s been very busy in the Bible Study group… ran very long today.
They aren’t a party, they’ve never been a party….they are a bunch of swindlers. I hope God gets them good!
“This is actually a real economic concept called the velocity of money. Let’s say you get paid $10, you use that $10 to buy lunch from a street vendor, then the street vendor uses that $10 to take a taxi home, then the taxi driver used that $10 to pay his babysitter, next the babysitter uses that $10 to buy groceries, etc. That one $10 bill produced $50 of economic value. This is really good for the economy and why it’s bad to give rich people more and more money because all rich people do is horde it. They don’t stimulate the economy multiple times over with it. ”
“The buck stops with the 1% Literally. “
@28 It’s not my responsibility to stimulate the economy. If I use money to make more money, that’s my business. I agree that capitalism, financializing the economy, MMT, QE, negative real interest rates, artificially inflating asset prices, and cutting taxes for millionaires have their unsocial, and arguably even antisocial, aspects. But hey, I didn’t create this system. I don’t even vote for it. I just ride the wave.
It’s not my fault policies that concentrate wealth in the paws of forest creatures who already have more than they need results in VT = 0. That’s just how it works.
@ 29
If I use money to make more money, that’s my business.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit used to only be able to afford a Big Mac. After 30 years in the market, trading actively and bragging about it on HA, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is pleased that he can now order a Big Mac and fries, and supersize it willya?
To Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, this is capitalism.
Does Jill Biden really need Joe with her when she’s interviewed about her presidency? I think she’s ready to go it alone.
From the National Park Service:
@ 20
As we say in Cheney, Go Eags. I’ve been waiting 15 months to say that.
All that excitement AND mass transit. What a life!
Careful, Railfan. Too much fun in one day and you might rupture something.
@ 28
… why it’s bad to give rich people more and more money because all rich people do is horde it.
This is objectively false. Because sometimes we have been known to hoard it.
Democrat governors of New York are pieces of shit. Spitzer. Paterson. Cuomo.
This last accuser seems to have done her work correctly. Meetings with two Cuomo staffers, memorialized statements, and told a lot of people about it right away. Not a bimbo eruption.
Believe all women, bitches.
I really miss all those joint interviews conducted with Trump while Melania sat by his side, finishing his sentences and correcting his numerous misstatements and misunderstandings.
Jill Biden green-lit the military attack in Syria.
@33 anyone have any Bear spray? I think Bob would like to sniff some of it.
GOP cop assaulters have no respect for cops. They’d rather see them dead and blow up a building in which they protect.
Y’know who’s uber-respectful @ 39 of law enforcement?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
He’d like to see every last one of them be given a full-honors burial.
It’s completely understandable why Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit hates cops.
I mean, why would you want to pay for police protection when your family has no assets?
@31 Salad bunnies don’t live on the Trump diet.
@33 Depends on who uses it, and for what. A knee isn’t lethal when Colin Kaepernick takes one, but is when Derek Chauvin does.
@36 I addressed that issue here.
@40 & 41 Your brain farts are getting stale in your old age. You were better at this 5 years ago.
Well, ta-ta, I’m heading downstairs to work off that dinner salad in my private gym.
Trump is rolling out his initial target list at CPAC.
First up is OH-16.
Let the carnage begin!
26)Thanks, unfortunately the Vandals had our number, 28-21, but thanks to the COVID schedule, a rematch in 6 weeks, in Cheney. Moscow is the closest Big Sky venue to EWU, with the U of M, and PSU. Our scoreboard doesn’t protrude into the goalpost, so it will be easier for the referee to see the ball split the uprights. We also got new Red Turf for the Inferno. Also can’t wait to see the CFL, EWU QB’s end up there.
We are good at coming from behind. 10 years ago, we were down 19-0 against Delaware, We came back for 20, to win the FCS National Title. The trolls would have loved it. Then-VP Biden was there.
@ 48
We are good at coming from behind.
So are all of G-clowns bestest buddies.
Well, I finished my 2-hour workout, and weigh the same as before I started. The scale must be stuck.
They’re shooting people in Myanmar. CPAC attendees must be salivating.
This probably means the generals won’t get visas to visit Disneyland any time soon.
@ 46
Well, ta-ta, I’m heading downstairs to work off that dinner salad in my private gym.
The world’s most fetid ThighMaster.
Hardly. A fully equipped, commercial-grade gym, paid for with cash on the barrelhead. I’m a capitalist like you, remember? I get the same free money and special tax privileges you do.
@ 53
You’ve made it clear that you get a small fraction of what successful investors receive, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Looking at the shortened Big Sky/FCS Schedule, we drew Idaho State, Cal Poly(John Madden’s alma matter), Northern Arizona, and UC Davis. NAU, if you play them on the road, you have two opponents, the Lumberjacks, and the elevation of Flagstaff.
UC Davis, I admire there bus system, Unitrans. Last time the system in Davis needed a funding boost, the measure passed with over 90%, partly because only undergraduate students could vote on it, as it was the student transportation fee being raised. Unitrans is operated by the Associated Students of UC Davis, and except for a few full time employees, everybody else at Unitrans is a student. The STA plans on using Double Deckers on the 6 Cheney High Performance Transit line, but Unitrans, besides using modern North American spec dd’s has a couple authentic London Double Deckers.
@54 I don’t have any trouble paying cash for half a dozen pieces of gym equipment costing thousands of dollars each. You have your horse trailer, I have a health club in my burrow. To each his own. I don’t have a riding horse to feed. Maybe next year I’ll put in a lap pool.
It really bothers Bob that his people be labeled as the Cop killers that they are. He continues to rebuttal me and not once denounced the assault and attacks on the police by that mob of deplorables. Nor has denounced the plot to bomb the Capitol Build which gives little concern for the Cops that PROTECT that building and Democracy.
He is a a Cop killer enabler. He wants to try to pretend it never happen and wasn’t his people.
Don’t let him forget. They tossed fire extinguishers, spears an pushed and shoved and sprayed cops which lead to their deaths. But who gives a fuck, not Bob!
Repukes kill cops and boo American soldiers, they are a disgrace to the world.
A bunch of fascist pigs.
The greedy racist incel seem terrified that roger rabbit has more money than he has.
@ 59
Funniest line of the weekend.
Actually, I’m terrified of how ripped Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit must be, what with all @ 46, 50, 53 of those two-hour workouts in his commercial-grade private gym.
He’s got washboard
absprostate.@ 56
Maybe next year I’ll put in a lap pool.
Actually, in 2022 the GOP will retake the House due to redistricting alone.
The downside to winning AZ because of all the Democrats who moved there is that they moved from CA. CA will lose a seat because of it.
Frey estimates that Texas will gain three representatives in the House, Florida wil gain two, and Arizona, Montana, Colorado, North Carolina and Oregon will gain one.
White evangelicals are the rotten core of the bad apple.
@61 You’re actually funny once every 10 months or so.
@62 AZ’s electoral votes for a House seat in Berkeley is a better trade for us than you. Some posters suspect here you don’t do much better in your options day trading. (See #59 for more details.)
I can attest to RR having the exercise equipment that he speaks of. Roger and I have coresponded in the past regarding the maintenance and upkeep of websites, so we have means of corresponding withe each other via (email). Roger sent me a picture of the exercise equipment that he has. He has 4 peices of cardio equipment and 1 piece of a weight training rack (its shown on the side of the picture and so I can’t make it fully out in detail, but it looks like you can do lat pull downs.
Roger, I would suggest getting some weights, even if they are light in weight (10, 12, 15 lbs). I even use 5 lb weights (at the moment) to get my strenght back up and physical therapy regiment after breaking my left colar bone this past June. It is fully healed as of a couple months ago, but the pain hasn’t completely disappeared yet, but is getting there. Once in a while after waking in the morning it will intially bother me, after sleeping on my side….but that too is almost a thing of the past.
I suggest weights because aside from the muscle growth, toninng and strengthening, it is very erobic, almost more beneficial than running on a treadmill.
Of course diet is key to, to losing the weight and getting in shape.
Also you can do some body weight exercise – squats, or pushups (even if from the knees or just leaning on an incline against the wall or door opening.
Growing up I always wanted to be in great shape, but not until recently (4 years ago) have I made it more of a reality. When I was around 30 years old I joined a gym but went like 3 times the whole year contract. That was it. My favorite lunch was a meatball grinder, so much that coworkers and friends very close to me affectionately called me meatball. I peaked at 250 lbs and only 5′-7″ tall.
4 years ago, with the discipline of a trainer, I got down to 158 and gotten more muscular. Aside from some short stoppages from March to April 2020 and November 2020 to about last week, I’ve been in the gym or training via zoom. Up until the pandemic I was in the gym 5-6 days a week and up to 2 hours each time on occassion. I’d work out with the trainer for an hour and then stick around and continue more.
Don’t forget core exercises either. I can suggest a bunch of things. AND STRETCH!
If I continue to keep it up, at 56, I’ll have a flat stomach and abs within no time.
The physical and mental transformation is unbelievable even at 56 years old. No mater how old you are push yourself to do as much as you can.
Because of all my weight (4 year ago) I use to have problems with my knees, daily. Almost non existent now, unless it’s because I am doing something in the gym itslef.
Speaking of the gym – I’ll probably head there later this evening! My favorite are shrugging 70 lbs, or Farmer walks with 70 lb dumbells. Lat pulldowns are fun too!
Remember kids, the very same pathological liar with a sore vagina told you for more than a decade that it was “conservatives” “going Galt” who were fleeing California to Arizona and Texas.
Sure Jan.
The very same people promised you that based on their extensive research conducted in roadside diners in Missouri interviewing the same six secret Teapublicans that Trump’s rise was built on “working class anxiety” and would last a hundred years.
This was of course when they weren’t busy telling you that George Soros and Tom Hanks were warehousing blond toddlers in shipping containers and drinking their blood.
News flash: the voter files are all in. AZ and GA flipped on turnout, especially among younger voters. AZ was particularly vulnerable, and particularly ripe owing to legal weed being on the ballot. Which passed btw. In the places where it counts, their numbers are dwindling while our numbers are rising. And it’s because our ideas are better.
Turns out not too many people are attracted to “Grab ’em by the pussy” and “KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN!!!”
Oh, I had to stopp in June to about September (gyms were closed) due to my collar bone break… was a pretty bad break.
I’m almost back to my regular routine.
@66 We have some dumbbells. I bought some weight equipment, but had to send it back, because it didn’t break down enough to come through my doorways.
The “weight training rack” is called a “functional trainer” and you can do a ton of weight exercises with it by adjusting the pulleys and weights. It’ll make it through any hallway and doors a bed box spring will, but it needs at least 7 feet of ceiling clearance, and a floor that will support the weights.
So, what I have is mostly cardio, but at my age I’m not trying to get “ripped.” My aim is to burn calories and carbs, and keep weight off.
Yeah, I figured that, but its off to the side and only not a straight on view or picture so I can see it that well, other than the name on it. I can’t see all the pulleys. I can see what looks to be a lat pull down bar.
yeah.. you could even do some core exercises with it, I think, if I could see it better. But if you can pull the cable out from mid height on a horizontal (parallel with the ground and ceiling) you could do some rotational twists with it working you core area. Also some Halo Presses.
67)Wonder if Oregon picking one up will see the GOP getting a second seat there.
All core exercises
Training with wieghts (or the rack) will help with that and it’s actually prbobably better. But do a combination of it.
Muscle tissue burns more calories.
“When you exercise, you use muscle. This helps build muscle mass, and muscle tissue burns more calories — even when you’re at rest — than body fat. According to Wharton, 10 pounds of muscle would burn 50 calories in a day spent at rest, while 10 pounds of fat would burn 20 calories.”
Not sure this is from the article linked….it was just partly stated in a google search.
When I was watching The Handmaids Tale teaser on YouTube, there were a few partisan comments by trolls that only like the abandoned city, saying brought to you by Democrats. Of course they missed the part about the United States government being massacred and overthrown by religious militias imposing a theocratic/theonomy, with 48 states in some degree of occupation. As the civil war continues, the effect of removing half the population from the economy, combined with ever tightening sanctions on Gillead, is mounting. The problem with Liberating the United States, in the show, is where do you start.? Although the Guardians do both police and military duty, and they are stationed on every street corner, they may not be able to respond to an invasion. It is implied that Britain and Canada have been holding military drills near the border in the show.
Gotta love it when they confess their crimes on the internet.
The cops love it, too. Saves them a lot of work.
74)I get plenty of exercise at work, being a janitor. Also, walking to the train station, and from Husky Stadium station to catch a 31/32. Hopefully the Northgate extension opens this year.
@76 that’s somehting Bob would like. Bob would probably like to spray the cop himself too, trying to overthrow AOC himself.
That works. But a light pair of dumbells would be good too.
@75 You don’t need a TV show to figure out the impact of GOP groupthink. Alabama threw out their immigrant farmworkers, and their farm economy collapsed. Who would’ve guessed? Well, I would have.
The AG’s pick is Hillary Clinton. She’s spent decades covering up sexual harassment and is the most experienced individual possible to investigate similar behavior by others.
Cuomo team backs away from sexual harassment investigation pick, allows AG to choose independent lawyer
And, she’s a New Yawker!
My gym is acreage. And the 60+ pounds of manure produced per day by two horses. There are no sedentary days.
I must admit it’s been fun reading a conversation about exercise by two of HA’s fattest fucks. Like hearing Chris Farley talk marathoning with John Candy.
Gotta love it when they confess their crimes on the internet.
Not the half of it.
Parler promised the idiots anonymity and FREEDUMB to say whatever they liked.
But to be “verified” on Parler they demanded that you send them a photograph of your driver’s license.
Okay. Not great. But so long as Parler doesn’t disclose…
Being Trumpers, Parler was incompetent and cheap.
So instead of purchasing and implementing proper admin security they loaded a “trial” version of the software for validating credentials. And the “trial” version had most of the security features turned off. You can guess how this turns out.
By the morning of Jan 7th the FBI had the driver’s license info for every single one of these shit stains, dropped into their mailbox by anonymous white hats. All they had to do was match up the images in the videos with the DOL photos. Easy-peasey. Done. All digital with modern image comparison tech.
Now compare that with trying to get a judge to issue a search warrant to Parler for the account data for “every weird-beard 53-year-old fencing salesman from Ohio”. Roger knows. That kind of warrant gets you nowhere. If it weren’t for the Parler breach they’d have none of these fuckers.*
And the better part is the fucktards are still using Parler even after the data breach. If Tara doesn’t have an account yet she will soon enough. No other choice.
This is how dumb you must be to be a Republican in the 21st century. Breathtaking stupidity is not enough.
*I think part of the reason the FBI and DC USA are moving methodically on these indictments is that they are also doing parallel construction on the IDs of the assailants. It’s not a slam dunk using the data breach. While most rank and file federal public defenders are not going to know enough to successfully challenge the IDs, it might work against the Feds on appeal. An air tight case includes an alternate means of IDing the shit heads. But that’s always easier when you have the road map ahead of time.
Jill Biden has a sad. She’ll be out of office in 2 years and she’ll never be as popular an ex-president as Trump.
Jill Biden will never be as popular as First Vegetable Joe Biden.
@82 “The AG’s pick is Hillary Clinton.”
You’re crawling out on a thin twig with that one. Let me guess. You’re not worried about the distance to the ground ‘cuz you’ve got a fat ass to land on.
If it weren’t for the Parler breach they’d have none of these fuckers.
And if it weren’t for the Podesta breach…
Two top Dems and a guy who might as well be.
And the better part is the fucktards are still using Parler even after the data breach.
But the bestest part is Huma still used Weiner’s laptop even after the DM stupidity.
Laugh all you want, QoS McHillbilly. You might even get three SCOTUS justices to crack a smile along with you.
@83 “My gym is acreage. And the 60 pounds of manure … ”
You don’t need to tell us you spend your days shoveling horse shit.
We already know.
@88 Looks like our resident armchair lawyer is planning to use Weiner’s laptop as his sedition defense strategy to keep his friends out of ADX Florence.
@ 90
The laptop didn’t keep the husband of the personal assistant to the failed Democrat nominee for president out of prison.
No reason it should work for anyone else.
Hillary Clinton’s personal assistant’s husband served 15 months in a federal prison for a sexual crime with a minor child victim.
Man, she surrounded herself with the very best people, didn’t she?
From the Department of Very Poor Choices:
Huma Abedin is still married to Anthony Weiner.
Apparently Hillary Clinton told her that Bill only strayed that one time, two-plus decades ago, and the power couple has been tight ever since.
Hillary and Bill share a fairytale marriage.
“OK, I creeped her out. But at least I didn’t finger-bang her in a corridor.”
‘I Am Truly Sorry’: Read Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Apology Here
In a statement released Sunday, Cuomo apologies for any behavior interpreted as “unwanted flirtation,” but denies inappropriate touching
Well, somebody’s gonna be wrong.
John Durham’s endgame: Don’t expect criminal charges
WBAP NewsTalk
Navarro Predicts 3 Indictments From Durham Investigation
Pity, isn’t it, that Obama chose not to treat Trump the way GWB43 treated Obama.
@91 “Hillary Clinton’s personal assistant’s husband served 15 months in a federal prison for a sexual crime with a minor child victim.”
Which makes Hillary Clinton guilty of exactly nothing. And makes her personal assistant guilty of nothing.
But keep on hoping she’ll be the Democratic nominee in 2024. We know who your party’s nominee will be, if diabetes hasn’t killed him.
@95 “Former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro on Sunday predicted” [stopped reading]. But Doctor Dumbfuck swallows Navarro whole hog, because he’s a dumbfuck.
@96 Why should Obama suck up to Putin’s stooge?
@ 97
Which makes Hillary Clinton guilty of exactly nothing. And makes her personal assistant guilty of nothing.
And all those people surrounding Hillary who took the Fifth are also guilty of nothing.
And her two attorneys, who were granted immunity, are also guilty of nothing.
Other than doing the bidding of an obscenely corrupt woman.
OTOH, Democrats who then proceeded to hand this obscenely corrupt woman the nomination in 2016 are guilty of manifest stupidity and voter malpractice.
Trump is “still wildly popular among Republican grassroots voters, who see him as the guardian of a traditional, conservative America run by White people.”
The GOP in a nutshell; the key phrase, of course, being “run by White people.” This includes kneeling on random black people’s necks whenever they feel like it.
Bob loves him some cop killers and assaulters, he can’t wait untill it happens again.
G-clown, ever think you’d be less psychotic if you put the weight back on?
All those pizzas. So little time.
Ravnsborg right now wishing he’d taken the Fifth. The only thing saves him from a long felony stretch is the fact that he’s got a deeply corrupt GQP governor covering his ass. She’s wishing he’d take the Fifth as well.
Any attorney with half a brain (leaves him and Avenatti out, I guess) would do so. Has absolutely nothing to do with guilt or innocence.
President Jill Biden leads a nation of grifters, not teachers.
After Leading School Closures, Berkeley Teachers’ Union President Spotted Dropping Daughter Off at In-Person Preschool
Joe Biden only cares what flavor Jell-O he gets for dessert.
Murican “Conservatism”:
“Gender is a biological fact that cannot be altered or mediated by society or culture.”
Simultaneously also Murican “Conservatism”:
Ravnsborg deserves what he gets.
Hillary Clinton deserved to lose in 2016.
Fair is fair sometimes.
And the Oak Harbor Chamber of Commerce Large Business of the Year Award goes to…..
The Oak Harbor Police Department.
Back the Blue, motherfuckers.
“Try to be less homosexual.”
New ad campaign at the Black Rifle Coffee Co.
Bob has peaked to elitist Troll. Insurrectionist Cop Killer.
With his presence there’s 300 lbs of horse manure on his little farm
98)A Navarro quote was mentioned in this web series about the battle for the Northwest Passage. Russia wants it, and the F-35 and CF-18 come up short against the Blackjack, but not the fabled CF-105 Arrow. Latest episode of this comic book series has seen the 60 year old airframe get a series of upgrades so it can take on the MiG-31. The creators definitely not fans of Trump, or Diefenbaker. He’s the reason they only have one, and real life, none.
Ravnsborg drove drunk while surfing Q-porn on his iPhone and killed a dude. Then he destroyed evidence and committed obstruction. But because he enjoys the protection of a thoroughly corrupt GQP political system in his state, overseen by a deeply corrupt governor Noem, he only has to face three minor misdemeanors for what he’s done: Driving while using a phone; illegal lane change; and careless driving.
Yeah. Careless.
Care. Less. South Dakota Republicans cannot.
And because of that the family of Joe Boever get a life sentence.
And Ravnsborg will get a small fine and a few weekends of traffic school.
112)20 years ago, might have been different. Remember Rep. Janklow?
At least he was charged with felonies.
But of course the Republican fix was in for him too. Did only a few months for killing a guy. Because that’s how the GQP has always rolled. Since then things have only gotten worse.
Remember when Laura “Welch” killed a guy?
No charges ever filed.
@100 Taking the Fifth is not a guilty plea or admission of guilt, it’s merely an exercise of a Constitutional right, like brandishing guns in a state capitol or claiming the election was “stolen,” except more respectable, and as a Trump voter you’re in no position to call anyone else “stupid” concerning their choice of candidate.
@104 Unfornately for Ravnsborg, inanimate objects e.g. the deceased’s glasses in the front seat of his car aren’t allowed to take the Fifth.
@107 Ravnsborg hasn’t gotten what he deserves.
@108 “Back the Blue, motherfuckers.”
Now do the dead and injured Capitol Police officers.
@110 You forgot to count the manure from the horses.
114)The seat flipped and the Democrats held it until 2010.
A couple more like that and the Republicans are going to install him on the Supreme Court
According to the greedy racist incel if anybody in Hillary’s orbit does anything bad it shows that Hillary is corrupt. However if anybody in Trump’s orbit did anything bad Trump is not corrupt but is in fact blameless. Funny how that works isn’t it. It’s like facts and logic don’t matter to the greedy racist incel
Voters in South Dakota can elect whoever they like. I don’t think that has anything at all to do with criminal justice. Ravnsborg is under some pressure to resign. But that isn’t criminal justice.
That’s CYA.
South Dakota Republicans like Kristi Noem who have participated in this sham for decades don’t want to suffer any political blowback because of it. Asking Ravnsborg to slink away quietly helps them. But it does absolutely nothing for the guy he killed, his family, or for the safety of the rest of the state.
They’ve built themselves a sweet little system in which a well connected, irresponsible asshole can disregard public safety and kill random folks and walk away without a scratch. Where the local law bow down to the political authority of Republican officials to help cover up homicide. And then refuse to investigate the cover up.
They want Ravnsborg to disappear so assholes like Noem don’t risk losing their good thing.