Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Bernie Sanders on a folding chair ♬
The Daily Show: Legendary Black leaders
Stephen: Harriet Tubman will finally become the face of America’s $20 bill
Amber Ruffin: Why we need a White history month
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week
President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris:
- Maestro Ziikos: ♫ Joe Biden sings The Pokemon theme song ♬
- Lauren Mayer: ♫ Circle Back, Jen Psaki ♬
- Mark Fiore: So much for unity
- New York Times: How Joe Biden defeated The Dotard
- Stephen: Biden plays hard ball with his big package
Now This: All the bonkers news that happened in January 2021
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship
Trevor: Rep. Cori Bush—Standing up for her constituents in Congress
Founders Sing: ♫ ARE YOU WITH ME? (The Climate Song) ♬
Samantha Bee: Whose PPP loan is it, anyway?
The Dotard Трамп and Other Liars, Conspiracy Theorists & Seditionists:
- Stephen: Kevin McCarthy is playing both sides of the GOP’s civil war
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ “It’s Time to Move On”, from the Republican Glee Club Chorus song book ♬
- SNL Weekend Update: Cathy Anne on the Capitol insurrection
- Trevor: AOC reveals what happened to her during the Capitol invasion
- Amber Ruffin: ♫ Трамп Is a Bad Boy Who Wants To Be Impeached ♬
- Meidas Touch: Congressman’s harrowing experience trapped in Capitol during insurrection
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Brian Sicknick Lies in State ♬
- WTFBrahh: ♫ Alex Jones’ Q-Shaman (remix) ♬
- Stephen: My Pillow guy spouts the same election fraud bullshit the The Dotard plans to use at impeachment Tr
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Matt Gaetz is Pretty Greasy ♬
- John Di Domenico: Трамп & Melania’s Mar-a-lago rally
- Legal Eagle: Трамп’s lawyers quit, part 1
- Legal Eagle: Трамп’s lawyers quit, part 2
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп Requests Impeachment Trial be Moved to Judge Judy ♬
- SNL Weekend Update: My Pillow CEO, Mike Lindell, on getting banned from Twitter
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Poor Marjorie Has Lost Her Mind ♬
- Trevor: Nutburger Marjorie Taylor Greene gets punished by House & disavows QAnon
- Seth Meyers: House votes to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from committees
- Rocky Mountain Mike: ♫ Greene, Greene (She’s Marjorie Greene) ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: Nutso Marjorie Taylor Greene booted from committees after years of lies & conspiracies
- Lewis Black: Marjorie Taylor Greene
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ It Ain’t Easy Bein’ Marjorie Taylor Greene ♬
- Randy Rainbow: ♫ MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE ♬:
- The Late Show: ♫ Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Conspiracy Theories ♬
- Keith Olbermann: Defending Greene, the GOP died by suicide. It’s the Q-Party Now.
- Trevor: Everything you need to know about Marjorie Taylor Greene
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Space Jews with Lasers ♬
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard’s phone call to Marjorie Taylor Greene leaked!!
- Seth Meyers: GOP stands by Marjorie Taylor Greene & My Pillow guy’s Newsmax meltdown
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Matt Gaetz Went to Wyoming ♬
- Stephen: The GOP is consumed by its own conspiracy theories as establishment Republicans jump ship
- Jonathan Mann: ♫ Jim Jordan trapped in the digital thunderdome ♬
- Legal Eagle: Трамп’s new lawyers
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The Ballad of Zip-Tie Guy ♬
- the Daily Show: The very sad tale of Republicans (on national TV) being SILENCED
It’s Not Easy Being Greene
SNL: What still works in America?
Andres Antunes: ♫ “How Dare You” pastor goes heavy metal! [Mark Driscoll remix] ♬
Bill Maher: America’s mass delusion
Samantha Bee: Environmental racism—How it started vs. how it’s going
Trevor: House Dems crack down on guns & Newsmax cracks down on Mr. Pillow
Now This: GOP hypocrisy on debt and deficit
- Seth Meyers: Republicans demand “bipartisanship” from Biden on COVID-19 relief bill
- The Late Show: Coronavirus Kenny may decide when you get your covid vaccine
- Vox: mRNA vaccines, explained
- Parody Project: ♫ Give It To Me ♬:
- Trevor: What will the new coronavirus relief package look like?
- Now This: Fauci warns of new, more contagious COVID-19 variants
- WaPo: What we know about the latest coronavirus variants
- The Daily Show: The week in coronavirus
Bill Maher: Political monologue for the week
Trevor: America’s child care crisis
Robert Reich: Wall Street kingpin admits the game is rigged
SNL: Blue Georgia
Trevor: Ibram X. Kendi on honoring Black America’s diverse history
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Very interesting seeing the Newsmax hosts shut down the My Pillow CEO. The hosts were probably trying to avoid being in the lawsuit,
Any Repukes harpoon a cop with a Fuckhump flagpole yesterday?
Got Fire Extinguisher?
It’s disgusting how Repukes mob attacked LEO. Amirite Bob?
At what precise point in time did modern “conservatives” make the switch from “9/11 is the WORST thing that ever happened”, to ““I also want to tell you that 9/11 absolutely, probably did happen”?
Congress Member Greene has now released a formal statement in response to her censure in the House.
And it is remarkably even tempered without a single threat of violence issued or any resort to naked bigotry, racism, or dangerously unhinged conspiracy. She is of course Big Mad that she will no longer be serving on any committees alongside the people she sought to have assassinated. And she also makes it very clear that she “feels” this is “no fair”. But other than that, it’s mostly an appeal for more small donations (the sum of fifty cents was even mentioned).
All in all I see this as a great triumph for orderly democracy. She has obviously taken heed of her colleagues and their perfectly justified fears about Republican Pipe Bomb Mobs. And she has responded by curbing her impulsive expressions of racism and threats of violence. I would note, however, that she is particularly butt hurtz about something she calls “Cancel Culture”, and warns her supporters that “they may be next”.
But that is about the strongest and most threatening language she mustered. Whether or not that is sufficient to motivate the mob of reclining capillary farms she and the Trumpian majority in the GOP depend upon only time will tell. I have my doubts. I believe, and I think recent events have confirmed, that this GOP base has become addicted to the nihilistic messaging. And as is often the case with addiction and dependencies, some systemic desensitization has occurred.
In the vacuum left by the departure of Trump, I have grave doubts that mere mortal “conservatives” can motivate their “aggrieved” base of government check cashers with vague threats about “Socialism” and concern trolling about “Cancel Culture mobs”. And so far I don’t see any among them demonstrating Trump’s unique talent for going full-tilt violent, racist, nihilism while managing to suffer no lasting consequence.
Either way, it is going to be fascinating finding out.
It’s disgusting how a Republicans mob tried to violently overthrow the Democratic government. Amirite Bob?
Here’s the thing: polling since the GOPipeBomb Revolution have shown pretty consistently that self-described “conservatives”, while they are troubled by the idea of overturning a lawful democratic election without any evidence or legal process, are totes cool with killing and/or imprisoning their political opponents. The zip-ties, tasers, and scaffolds get them hard.
I really don’t think any of them are ever going to develop enough remorse to ever reconsider all that, no matter how much it harms them. I don’t know if they are that desensitized to violence, or if they really feel that much fear and hatred toward the rest of America. But I really don’t think it matters any more. They are not going to be shamed into backing away from all that. Because they really do see themselves as “superior”.
Check the historical record, consider not just recent events, but the arc of historical development of “conservative” extremism. They have already begun the regular and routine use of violent imagery and dehumanizing language of varying degrees when referring either to targeted “outgroups” or political opponents. So far the most dehumanizing rhetoric is reserved for targeted outgroups. But all of it is being escalated very consistently. Democrat becomes “Libbie” becomes “Leftist” becomes “socialist” becomes “communist” becomes “cockroach” and it’s off to the ovens we go.
And I’m not talking about the rhetoric used online for “triggering” effect. I’m talking about the rhetoric used in floor speeches in Congress and in office mailings to constituents and at district town halls. Our best hope for the survival of ourselves and democracy is to simply outnumber them, and to stop granting them the tools to use their numerically inferior numbers to try and kill us.
“An estimated $2.8 million in contributions to Donald Trump’s reelection campaign ended up in the coffers of his heavily indebted Trump Organization, Forbes reported Friday.
“Additionally, $4.3 million raised by his campaign’s joint-fundraising committee, which collected money with the Republican Party, was spent on Trump’s businesses from Jan. 20, 2017, to Dec. 31, 2020, according to Forbes’ examination of campaign filings to the Federal Election Commission.”
Isn’t this illegal? Didn’t Duncan Hunter go to jail for something similar? Of course, Trump pardoned Hunter.
But Hunter can’t pardon Trump.
@5 ” … warns her supporters that ‘they may be next’ … ”
Actually, some of them probably already are in FBI custody.
1. Large checks to everyone, even people wealthy enough that they don’t need it and won’t use it to aid the economy? Check.
2. $50,000 student loan debt forgiveness that disproportionately benefits people who already have jobs and are paying debt without a problem, and sticks a finger in the eye to 30-something adults who have already paid off their debt? Check.
3. $15/hr minimum wage that targets the lowest-paid and neediest quintile of our society? Not so much.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden laid out his case Friday for moving fast to pass $1.9 trillion in coronavirus relief, but even as he opened the door to proceeding without Republicans, he conceded that a key element of his plan — hiking the minimum wage to $15 per hour — was unlikely to become law.
Election’s over, rubes. Siddown and shut the fuck up. We’re funneling the dough preferentially to our rich donors. When the bill comes due, it will be paid by YLB’s kids.
I notice there’s a lot of typos of “GOPQ” in today’s thread. One of the letters is missing.
@10(1) Nobody’s stopping you from donating yours to the needy. Bet you won’t, though.
@10(2) “sticks a finger in the eye to 30-something adults who have already paid off their debt”
This must be a new GOPQ talking point, because Mark Adams (aka “Shortbus”) used it yesterday on Handbill, beating you by approximately 18 hours, to wit:
“There is also a fairness issue toward those who have paid back their student loans.”
and nothing he posts is an original thought of his own; to which I responded,
“Yes, there is. But the fact not everyone gets relief is a thin argument for saying no one should get relief.”
And my answer to you here is the same.
@10(3) I don’t think Democrats should bust their nuts or sacrifice political capital to get a $15/hr wage for people who left their chicken processing plant jobs to attack the U.S. Capitol. The ones who got fired after being arrested don’t have jobs anyway.
@ 8
Isn’t this illegal? Didn’t Duncan Hunter go to jail for something similar? Of course, Trump pardoned Hunter.
But Hunter can’t pardon Trump.
No, but the SCOTUS dismissed the emoluments suit. In addition, had Trump not owned hotels, that money would have been spent elsewhere.
Calculate the percent of total campaign contributions to Trump spent with the Trump organization. Next, calculate the percent of total campaign contributions to Ilhan Oman spent with her husband’s company.
You’re a fucking clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. OTOH I have seen no evidence that you were once an attorney.
Why can’t Biden pass the $15 minimum wage?
His own party doesn’t support it 100%. In the Senate, he needs 100% support.
He won’t get it.
@ 13
“Yes, there is. But the fact not everyone gets relief is a thin argument for saying no one should get relief.”
Actually, that was precisely the argument made when Northshore School District suspended remote teaching last Spring.
But after initially moving its classrooms to the cloud, the district suddenly hit pause on digital learning less than a week after the closure. In a March 12 letter to families, Superintendent Michelle Reid cited “issues of equity,” including special education, as her reason for halting their distance learning program.
Amy Amirault, with four kids in the district, immediately noticed a shift in the tone of parents on social media. The burst of mutual support turned to finger-pointing at the students seen by some to be holding the rest of the kids back.
Apparently a few lower-income households didn’t have computers and/or broadband access, so could not participate in remote classroom learning.
Due to the lawsuit threat, the school district pulled the plug on every fucking student.
Imagine having your kid prevented from learning because YLB won’t spend money on her kids.
Want another example? Seattle Children’s Hospital just cancelled 1,300 vaccine appointments. Because of “inequity”.
So healthy people who would have shown up for an appointment had their appointments cancelled in order to favor some crack whore who won’t show up for her appointment.
Cybil is worried about bills now……..oh dear.
It’s clear at this point that the Senate parliamentarian, encouraged by Joe Manchin, is not currently convinced that a change in FLSA requirements falls within the rules for the reconciliation process.
I think Tara may be dumb enough not to know that. I know most “conservatives” are indeed that dumb.
Attaching $15 to pandemic relief would undoubtedly cause excessive delays as that issue over parliamentary rules is fought out in the Senate.
Tara and other violent radical extremists are just disappointed that Democrats aren’t as dumb as they are. Filibuster will go down. Not if, but when. The timing should be considered carefully to take maximum advantage of the entirely predictable routine of GOP death threats, blood libels, obstructionism, lube-smeared scandals, and Klan robes. Trump may be gone. But the stupidity he engendered remains. We won’t have long to wait.
One option being discussed, if GQP obstructionism in the Senate to Fight 4 $15 can’t be overcome with reconciliation is to use the tax code. GQP have already done this in the past in order to carve out huge giveaways to billionaires who didn’t need it.
So employers could qualify for tax credits equal to the difference between their own state’s min wage and the new proposed rate.
Remember, neither Biden/Harris, nor Schumer, nor Pelosi could be sure they’d have this opportunity back in November. But hoping that Georgia might flip they began planning for a 50/50 Senate split. And they’ve tried to prepare as many pathways as possible to be in a position to get as much done as possible, knowing that Team Pipe-Bomb would try to stop every effort at economic recovery and relief in order to damage Biden/Harris.
But it also means that some things will have to be done methodically and using processes that are less suited to the kind of “politics of domination” practiced by Trump. So we’re still talking about touchdowns, and putting big numbers up on the board. It’s just doing it without the shirtless, hip-thrusting end zone dances. I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m relieved by that.
@15 “Moot” isn’t the same thing as “meritless,” just as lacking authority to indict isn’t the same thing as exoneration.
@15 “I have seen no evidence that you were once an attorney.”
And you won’t, because I’m not going to reveal my identity to satisfy you; and even if that weren’t a factor, I wouldn’t lift a paw to satisfy you anyway, because I don’t give a flying fuck whether you believe I’m an attorney or not. That’s your personal choice, and I don’t interfere in your personal choices, beyond reporting you to SPCA, SPLC, NAACP, BLM, TSA, DHS, FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS, Secret Service, New York Times, Washington Post, and Whidbey Weekly Shopper.
Imagine silly and “serious” dimfuk putting anal intercourse and kids fantasies in an HA spew..
After “ass pounding” and the bit more sanitized “bowel hemorraghing” – it was inevitable..
Now look at moscow mitch and crew – “weakened”… Heh. Gary Peters is chairman of the Homeland Security committee..
Thank you dimfuk for representing klownservaticism as you do.
@17 “Imagine having your kid prevented from learning because YLB won’t spend money on her kids.”
First time I’ve seen a liberal accused of not wanting to pay for public education. That’s more a Republican thing. And where’s the money to reopen schools? Republicans sat on it, and are still objecting to it.
@19 It’s not like they never used riders themselves to pad spending bills with their pet projects and causes. They just don’t want to pay workers living wages, that’s all. But they’re not against printing money to bail out business owners like themselves.
Imagine having your kid prevented from learning because YLB won’t spend money on her kids.
Imagine a coffin made of bricks of 100 dollar bills, the mouldering remains of a bitter greedhead within., gasoline poured, lit match thrown in the pit.. three people laughing and chatting about worthy liberal causes.
Have had broadband in the house since 1998.. My youngest did his last quarter for his B.S. degree via zoom here at home..
dimfuk.. you’re such a fucking, know-nothing asssshoooole. Heh.
@20 “So employers could qualify for tax credits equal to the difference between their own state’s min wage and the new proposed rate.”
Employers? Why not cut out the middlemen and give the tax credit directly to workers?
But the problem I have with this, however it’s implementing, is that it continues and makes permanent the taxpayer subsidy of employers’ labor costs.
When someone earns less than a living wage, taxpayers have to make up the difference with housing subsidies, food stamps, Medicaid, and other subsidies. What a low minimum wage really does is transfer labor costs from employers to taxpayers. For employers, it’s pure profit, from your pocket to theirs.
I think of “living wage” minimum wage laws as Taxpayer Protection Acts.
beyond reporting you to SPCA, SPLC, NAACP, BLM, TSA, DHS, FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS, Secret Service, New York Times, Washington Post, and Whidbey Weekly Shopper.
There should be a full page ad in that shopper..
Beware of teh widbee kreeper…
It “open carries”..
23) Bernie Sanders in charge of the Budget Committee is interesting.
Maybe there’s something to the QAnon conspiracy theory:
“Former Trump and GOP aide, 27, is arrested for his role in child-porn distribution ring after he allegedly sent message that read ‘babies are some of my biggest turn-ons'”
…it continues and makes permanent the taxpayer subsidy of employers’ labor costs.”
I agree. That’s why they propose sunsetting it in an election year.
We implement the pay increase via the tax code as part of “TrumPandemic Recovery” this year with a hard sunset at the end of 2022. We put $15 on the floor in 2022 and let them vote it down in a cloture vote. Then we tie renewing the tax credits into an omnibus spending bill in October. We get to watch Moscow Mitch squirm while Ted Cruz and Gym do the SHITDOWN four weeks before the election in order to cut Texas and Ohio voters’ pay in half.
@ 20
So employers could qualify for tax credits equal to the difference between their own state’s min wage and the new proposed rate.
That’s gotta be a socialist’s wet dream come true. The government pays the employer to raise the employee’s wages. In doing so, the employer doesn’t have to raise prices, because the government pays for his labor increase.
In other words, you would be endorsing the government making up the difference between what is being paid now and the so-called “living wage”.
Which is pretty much what you criticize Wal-mart for doing when its employees are on the government dole in addition to getting their nine bucks an hour for working at Wal-mart.
Well done, QoS McHillbilly. You’ve just endorsed Wal-mart’s business model by planning to have the government perpetuate it without need for legislation.
Hey Red, get a hold of this.
I was speaking with my cousin Mary today….she and I speak quite often, partly because we see eye to eye in politics. She’s a smart person, she’s an underwritter for life inusrance policies and because of her work experience she knows a bunch of medical stuff…..she’s not a doctor by any means, but after reading a bunch of peoples health records she knows quite a bit of the medical terminology and medical ailments and medicines and what have you.
Anyways – shes not a Fuckhump fan and she gets more aggrivated by him than I. She tells me about the discussions she has with her friends and alwasy wants to run things by me of what they discuss.
So anyways the subjtect of the Nutjob in Georgia comes up and my cousin Mary tells me about her friends (and family) question the whole thing about free speach.
So I stop her and I say Mary, don’t let them distract you…in that they want to box you (her) into a corner and make this an arguument of what an attrocity it is against free speach. So I tell her it has nothing to do with speach, I tell her it has to do with having an unfit an unqualified person be on a committe, that is also disrespectful to the governing process….that the Nutjob is free to speak where ever she wants just not in a committee position that she’s unqualified for.
But the real reason for me writing this comment is because of as follows:
Somehow our conversation turns to freedom and discrimination, specifically with baking a “Gay” cake. And my cousin (because she’s not the brightest when it comes to reasoning) strugles with the idea of having someone go against their beliefs and doing something that conflicts with that belief.
So my cousin says, so if a religious cake baker had a request to make a cake in the the shape of a penis that he would have to do it? I shake my head (even though were on the phone).
So I have to explain, no, that he doesn’t have to make a cake shaped like a penis…….whether it is for a wedding of two men……OR WHETHER IT IS FOR A GIRLS NIGHT OUT!
The classic mistake to think that a cake that says Congratulations to Bill and Tom on a wedding cake, is the equivalent of having to bake it in the shape of a penis…..because that’s what happens when two gay men marry. Only gay men want penis shaped cakes! I had to point out that maybe a heterosexual woman would want a penis shaped cake too.
@32 “so-called”? What do you think a “living wage” is? Never mind, don’t answer that. Sorry I asked, I shouldn’t have.
@33 While this isn’t quite the same as a cake, if I owned a gun store, I wouldn’t sell to a Proud Boy.
Largest player in the sixth largest US sector. More than twice the size of Amazon, their closest competitor.
So a very successful model.
Yup. Using tax credits to move the minimum wage is a scam business model. Just like Walmart is a scam business model.
But also as Walmart and Trump would point out, very legal and very cool. And temporary just long enough to put Senate Republicans in an impossible squeeze.
If Rapepublicans don’t like it I have an idea how they can stop it: raise the minimum wage.
Actually no. The socialist’s wet dream would involve creating a bunch of labor boards who establish and enforce pay scales at every level for every employer in every private business category. And then, because desperately greedy and unscrupulous employers often trade workplace conditions and employee safety for pay, also establish and enforce compulsory workplace conditions resulting in month-long summer holidays, mandatory child bonding paternity leave, and twice daily Pilsner breaks.
Welcome to Norway. What a shit hole.
Until further notice, US passport holders must report for secondary invasive screening, weapons checks, and 14 day quarantine.
Any insurrectionists kill a cop yesterday? Or did they toss a fire extinquisher at a cop yeserday, maybe?
These are very high production costs for network content that can only be described as mediocre at best:
Keep this up much longer and OAN will have to withdraw from their cable and sat distribution agreements and return to Mother Russia to become online-only.
37)Definitely a weapons check. They don’t want another massacre.
The Qpublican talking point on student debt reminds me of in school we had a perfectly awful teacher and some of the students were arguing the administration should keep the perfectly awful teacher so the next grades would have that same awful experience we had. They argued we shouldn’t make it better we should just make sure that everyone else suffers as much as we did. How stupid is that?
The Mascot naming controversy bill made me remember the fiasco in the Nineties when the Seattle School District changed the Mascot of Franklin High School. Then, and once again, their mascot honored the namesake, Benjamin Franklin, but at the time it was considered honoring a religion. Franklin High’s mascot, Quakers.
My EWU Eagles used to be the Savages, they changed it to the Eagles before I was born. It’s interesting, because before the change, the trustees at then Eastern Washington State College asked local tribes if it was offensive, some said yes, others didn’t care. Occasionally, some references to the old era pop up, and are dealt with.
I was there for the Black Panther sit-in. I’m still in touch with a few of the Black Panthers and BSU students who led and/or participated. Funny to call it a “sit-in”, though, as things got damned wild that second day.
The afternoon of the first day it was obvious something was up, what with all the black kids skipping classes and gathering at a corner grocery store we called “The Beanery”. Later, a friend who was both BP and BSU warned me and other white friends, “Don’t come to school tomorrow.”
Good advise, of course many of us went anyway and hung around outside the school. Things went crazy inside the school that day after a hundred or so BP and BSU students stormed into the building to take over the admin offices. But the real trouble seemed to be caused by a bunch of outsiders, bad actors who were neither BP nor BSU.
I saw a few of the black participants at a reunion a couple years ago. We’re all still quite proud to be Quakers.
“If your plan is for one year, plant rice. If your plan is for ten years, plant tree. If your plan is for one hundred years, educate children.”
And if you belong to a teachers’ union, plan to avoid doing your fucking job for as long as you can get away with it. After all, the Biden Crime Family’s got your back.
Hillary Clinton won the DNC’s Woman of the Year Award for 2016.
C’mon, Nancy. You can use YLB’s kids’ money to pay it.
Fellow HA Heroes:
teh widbee kreeper….
at teh annual widbee always wrong wing gathering.. poor kreep can’t keep its tongue in its mouth while pursuing the “targets”..
and don’t miss the freak stalking the byways of widbee after buying out the store at the affirm clinic..
Heh. open-carrying… You all know it’s rooting for TB..
@47 you know if Don Jr. was there he’d probably take some shots at it to stuff and hang on the wall, giving new meaning to hang a traitor.
Bob really hit the mail on its head by calling himself a crack pipe.
Since Hillary retired and Biden halted the torturing of toddlers at our southern border, Tara has been pushing rope.
@48 excellent observation.. Don Jr. would claim it felt threatened from the “open-carrying” kreepee freek from widbee. Stand your ground idiot son!
Rand Paul is a jerk.
@44 “And if you belong to a teachers’ union, plan to avoid doing your fucking job for as long as you can get away with it. After all, the Biden Crime Family’s got your back.”
So this is how you talk to teachers afraid for their lives. Of course, we don’t expect better from you. Nor do we expect you to give up your place in the vaccination line to a teacher.
Biden crime family? Sez a guy who voted for Trump twice.
@46 She wasn’t packing, nor does she belong to the party that advocates murdering the opposition.
I bet I know one: Nick Hanauer’s erect penis.
Goldy, we’ve all witnessed you doing it, more times than we can count.
@ 53
So this is how you talk to teachers
afraid for their liveswho choose to disbelieve the CDC when it suits their purpose and when they’re cashing a paycheck anyway.ftfy, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
54)I wonder if Rep. Leo Ryan’s aide, who now represents his former district, has to go through the metal detector? Sometimes they aren’t able to remove bullets and shrapnel.
@ 57
Good question. 1) They’re small 2) they’re buried in the body 2) they aren’t ferromagnetic.
Any alarm set off by a bullet fragment would also be set off by a watch, keys, and Jayapal’s Ben Wa balls.
Speaking of detectors…
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit would be surprised to learn that Varian doesn’t just manufacture radiation oncology equipment. It manufactures the Xray devices used to spot fatigue in airplane metal. It manufactures the very large Xray machines used to scan ship and truck cargo for hidden contraband, etc.
Varian also kicked Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s ass when compared with GE. No dividend and all.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is surprised to learn a great many facts. Usually said surprise comes after he has made a fool of himself in one digital arena or another.
@56 Now do the teachers who believe the CDC.
@58 You can’t take bullet fragments off your wrist and put them in a tray.
How do people like Gohmert and Clyde get home to their districts? Walk? Hitchhike? You can’t fly without going through metal detectors. TSA doesn’t make exceptions. So if they don’t object to airport metal detectors, why do they object to Capitol metal detcctors?
If I can’t walk into the Capitol with a gun, they shouldn’t be allowed to, either. They’re more unhinged than I am.
@59 What really surprises me is that two ARK funds I bought at Christmas are up 12% in 45 days. Varian hasn’t moved at all since July. If you had any brains, you sold it back then. You haven’t regaled us with another miracle stock since then, so I assume you don’t have one.
Nor does she belong to a Party (group of individuals by the mass) that don’t care about tossing fire extinguishers at LEOs. That is the American Taliban
@57 and @58
Strip search them if you have to, they’d do it to others.