Thom with some Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Pap: How Republicans pack the courts.
White House: West Wing Week.
That political whorehouse that is Fox News is Worst Person in the World.
- Sam Seder: Our SOPA blackout
- Alyona’s Tool Time Award: Three SOPA Power Players.
- Mark Fiore: SOPA–PIPA
- Thom: Blacked out over SOPA.
- Alyona’s Fireside Chat: SOPA blackout, future model for protest?
- Jon on the SOPA protests.
- About SOPA and PIPA.
- Rockbottomcookie: Stop SOPA.
- Sam Seder: SOPA & PIPA not the first time governments have messed with the web
- Keith and Markos: shocking victory over SOPA
- Alyona: PIPA/SOPA stopped for now.
Congressman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) is Worst Person in the World.
Sam Seder: Arizona pretends Mexicans don’t exist.
Obama: Lunar New Year Message.
Maddow: Why Gov. Mitch Daniels is an embarrassing choice for GOP response to State of The Union .
ONN: Critics slam Obama for just standing there…during photo op.
Olbermann with Nancy Pelosi: Reflections on election 2012.
Stephen does retired justice John Paul Stevens.
Thom with Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
The G.O.P. Primary Asylum:
- Sam Seder: Republican clown car just got roomier.
- SC debate redux:
- Bill Maher: Rick Perry’s secret PAC ad.
- Thom: 94 hamsters and Rick Perry’s brain.
- The Huntsman girls’ unseen anti-Romney ad.
- Alyona’s Tool Time Award: Huntsman scrubs web site of anti-Romney materials.
- Ed: Wildest day of the GOP campaign leaves Mitt ‘Cayman’ Romney reeling
- Mitt Romney dodges questions
- Mitt Romney is STILL dodging.
- Young Turks: Mr. 15%
- Pap: Public thinks Romney only cares for the wealthy
- Sharpton: Mitt Romney scrambles to hide Cayman Islands ‘loot’ .
- Mitt Romney throws Granny off a cliff.
- Mitt: Maybe.
- Mitt Romney goes to SNL
- Ad: Rich Kids for Romney:
- A taxing day for Mitt Romney.
- Mitt Romney, for laughs. (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Alyona’s Tool Time award: Mitt Romney “from the streets”
- Ed and Pap: Is Romney breaking the law with offshore bank accounts?
- Thom: Is Mitt Romney a serial killer?
- Mitt: Bain vs. Detroit
- Ann Telnaes: When $362,000 a year is “not very much”.
- Pro-Gingrich PAC imagines an Obama—Romney debate (via Political Wire).
- Actual Audio: Newt thinks he will win South Carolina.
- Stephen on Newt: He’s a Southern gentleman.
- Red State Update: Newt’s open marriage, Rick Perry drops out, Mitt’s rich….
- Newt Gingrich: Man of many wives.
- Ann Telnaes: GOP wants an open marriage with Mitt.
- Young Turks: Newt’s “Open Marriage” is worst example of family values.
- Jon mocks Newt over “open marriage” accusation.
- Thom: Crazy Alert—Rick Perry’s Tattoo
Sam Seder: A million signatures in Wisconsin.
Young Turks: Obama’s “Al Green” performance is a hit.
Alyona: Citizens United, two years later.
Jon with Fear Factory (via OneGoodMove).
Ann Telnaes: Stephen Colbert’s truthiness.
White House: David Plouffe on the State of the Union: The White House wants to hear from you:
Thom with some Good, Bad and Very, Very Ugly.
Running for President of the United States of South Carolina:
- Jon is adrift in a sea of Colbert SuperPAC money.
- Colbert SuperPAC is definitely not coordinating with Stephen Colbert.
- Colbert SuperPAC: Vote Herman Cain, not Stephen Colbert.
- Stephen Colbert is attacked by Colbert SuperPAC.
- Stephen and Herman rally in South Carolina.
Ed with some Republican Psychotalk
Newt Gingrich sneers his way to Worst Person in the World.
Brave New Foundation: President Eisenhower warned us about Military-Industrial Complex and today’s war profiteers.
Thom: The Occupy Movement is mutating.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The latest polling shows Gingrich might win South Carolina, and the Gallup organization says Romney’s support is “collapsing nationally.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not surprised. Nominating a morally deficient scumbag like Gingrich would be entirely consistent with the typical Republican’s values.
I figured the Republican party would wait until after the election to collapse inward on it’s self. Guess I was wrong on that one.
Here’s some serious hate for ya’.;theater
Bill Maher did a good job taking Mittster apart last night. He used the term “False Profit”, which I love. I saw someone else use the name Rmoney, which is also quite good. So, put the two together and you have “Rmoney, The False Profit” If you spice it up with his stylized “R” logo, it’s a good bumper sticker, imho.
@3 Michael,
It bears repeating
Willard’s solution? Give people like himself a bigger tax cut, because then, like the magic that happened for YOUR income under George Bush will happen again!
$26,364 comes out to $12.68 an hour. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. productivity in 2010 was $59.28/hour (GDP per capita per hour worked).
I hope this is a quiet room.
@4 Yeah, but without Rmoney, the False Profit, who’s left on the GOP side? Your choice is Sanitarium or Serial Philanderer.
NBC: Joe Paterno ‘Near Death’
NBC Sports reports that former Penn State coach Joe Paterno, 85, who has lung cancer, has been taken off a respirator and close family members have been summoned to the hospital to “say goodbye.”
The Future Of American Commerce
Here’s an idea — a vending machine that eliminates money by combinging recycling with bartering. Naturally, it’s called the Swap-O-Matic.
The Future Of The Nuclear Power Industry
It doesn’t have a future, here or anywhere else. Here’s why:
“The Japanese government kept secret … a … report predicting a massive release of radioactive materials … at the earthquake-crippled Fukushima Daiichi power plant, goverment sources told the Kyodo news agency.
“The report … said … residents within 105 miles of the plant would be forced to evacuate. A voluntary evacuation zone would have included Tokyo, about 140 miles away. …
“‘The content was so shocking that we decided to treat it as if it didn’t exist,’ a senior government official said. Then-Prime Minister Naoto Kan decided to quietly bury the report, the sources said.”
Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit doesn’t own any nuclear stocks. Not because nuclear companies are dirty, dangerous, and corrupt; that never stopped me from owning a stock tha made money for its shareholders. I simply don’t see how you can make money by making the planet uninhabitable — you’d think that would be bad for business.
Joe Paterno has died and Gabrielle Giffords is resigning from Congress. Looks like the rightwing shooter who wanted her out of Congress got what he wanted. Now let’s hope the criminal justice system gives him what he deserves.
Say, isn’t Rob McKenna supposed to be keeping an eye on this multimillion-dollar waste of state money?
Looks like he’s going to be spending most of the rest of his life in the mental health wing of The U.S. Medical Center for Federal Prisoners in Springfield, Missouri.
Who brings a gun to a “sweet 16” party? We are one fucked up country.
@13 Kids grow up fast nowadays. Might as well lower the marriage age to 13, like other countries. We’re rapidly catching up with the Third World economically, so we might as well move backward culturally, too.
I’ve been trying to post a “hot topic” comment, but I’m being blocked. (This has happened before.) I’ll try a brief summary without links:
Mrs. Rabbit found a CNN news story about a shadowy group calling itself “Americans Elect 2012,” which is trying to get on the ballot in all 50 states. For tax purposes, they’re a nonprofit 501(c)(4) group, but they call themselves a “political party.” They claim to be independent of either major party. They intend to hold an online nominating convention to select a presidential and vice presidential ticket.
Closer examination reveals that this group, which refuses to discloses its finances, has raised millions of dollars in large chunks from wealthy hedge fund managers. Key staffers have worked for Republican politicians in the past. And their field operations are run by the owners of a highly controversial rightwing consulting firm that has been accused of petition signature fraud in trying to get pro-slot machine and anti-same sex marriage initiatives on various states’ ballots.
Watch out for these guys; they’re not who they say they are, and they’re up to no good. Their apparent aim is to win the electoral votes of at least one state so that, if the election is close, neither major party candidate will get 270 electoral votes and the group’s leaders — who effectively control the group’s own nominating process — can then choose the next president by deciding which party’s candidate will get the group’s electoral votes.
In my opinion, “Americans Elect 2012” is a trojan horse designed to scam Democratic voters into voting for the Republican ticket.
Now let’s try posting the full comment with links.
Nope. Every time I try posting it, not only does it get blocked, but I can’t get back into HA at all. Someone doesn’t want you to read that comment.
Part 1:
Watch Out For ‘Americans Elect 2012’
This group, which bills itself as “nonpartisan” and is legally a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, is trying to get on the ballot as a political party in all 50 states. Their shtick is to back a presidential and vice-presidental ticket chosen by people voting online.
In fact, there’s strong evidence it’s a Republican front group set up to draw votes away from the Democratic ticket. The group is widely criticized for its secretive funding; it has raised millions of dollars, and virtually all of it has come from wealthy donors, many of whom are rich hedge fund managers.
Here’s their website, if you’re interested:
Part 2:
Wikipedia’s entry is a bit more informative, mainly for the links to individuals and groups known to be affiliated with the group. Some of its key staffers have previously worked for Republican politicians.