Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship
Robert Reich: Georgia runoffs—How you can help flip the Senate
Vox: The 126-year fight to change Mississippi’s Confederate flag
President Elect Joe Biden and VP Elect Kamala Harris:
- Seth Meyers: Rudy Giuliani’s insane press conference; Трамп tries to steal Michigan
- Trevor: Faithless electors & Трамп—If you don’t know, now you know
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп & Giuliani’s vomitous attack on democracy
- WaPo: What Трамп allies said about election results in 2016
- Robert Reich: Debunking The Dotard’s post-election lies
- Maestro Ziikos: The Dotard sings “happy birthday” to Joe Biden
- Bruce W. Nelson: C’mon man!
- Randy Rainbow: Don’t tell Dotard he’s NOT RE-ELECTED TODAY!
- The Daily Show: How to cope with election loss
- Seth Meyers: Rudy Giuliani and Lindsey Graham lead Трамп’s coup attempt
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп concedes! Just kidding, this will never end
- Now This: Grandpa sings “Bye Bye, Трамп” parody
- Trevor: Трамп bullies election officials & Giuliani’s hair has a meltdown
- Bruce W. Nelson: Not everyone can be a winner (a song to console The Dotard Трамп)
- Stephen: Kamala Harris congratulated by GOP colleagues in victorious return to Capitol Hill
- Parody Project: 50 ways to leave the White House:
- Samantha Bee: It was rigged all along!
- Trevor: Трамп un-concedes & his supporters take to the streets
- Stephen: GOP takes baby steps towards admitting the reality that Joe Biden is our President-elect
- Really American: Kayleigh McEnany STORMS OUT of combative press conference
- Robert Reich: The real reason The Dotard wont concede
- John Oliver: Трамп and election results
- Roy Zimmermann: Four Seasons Total Landscaping (Highway 95 revisited):
- Seth Meyers: Трамп tweets that Biden “won,” then tweets “I concede nothing”
- Stephen: Michigan Republicans disgrace the GOP with failed attempt to block certification of election results
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard Трамп refuses to wish Joe Biden “happy birthday”
- Bruce W. Nelson: Donald lost in a landslide!
- Stephen: Rudy’s elite strike force continues to fail spectacularly on behalf of their client, the president
- Trevor: Трамп legal losses keep piling up in Pennsylvania and Michigan
- Desi Lydic’s voter fraud-obsessed cousins Tucker Carlson & Sean Hannity
- The Late Show: Kamala Harris isn’t the only fashion icon in the second family-elect
Stephen: Better know a runoff—Georgia!
Jimmy Kimmel does Barack Obama
The Dotard Трамп and Other Sore Losers, Bad Liars, and SAD Fascists:
- The Daily Show: It’s official, Трамп is a…
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard speaks at the March for Трамп
- Bruce W. Nelson: Stop the squeal
- Jordan Klepper takes on the Million
IncelMAGA March - Mark Fiore: Let’s give The Dotard a little help
- Jimmy Kimmel: America’s “all-time favorite president” Dotard Трамп has white hair now
- The Late Show: Get rid of your pesky one-term presidents with F-U-Haul!
- Bruce W. Nelson: Niagara Falls (so when will Dotard?)
- Trevor: Трамп is stripping America for parts now that he’s lost
- Keith Olbermann: Biden must not shy away from prosecuting Трамп and his henchmen
- Founders Sing: You give gov a bad name:
- The Late Show: Трамп’s motorcade tells the truth about the coup
- john Di Domenico: Трамп demands credit for vaccines, starts pyramid scheme to pay legal bills!
- Now This: Election official says Sen. Graham pressured him to toss mail-in ballots
- Bruce W. Nelson: A Mangy Fetlocks poem
- Amber Ruffin: What did Amber forget so she could learn all of Трамп’s cabinet members?
- Trevor and Lewis Black: The Dotard Трамп’s future
- Jonathan Mann: The melting hair of America’s Mayor
- Jimmy Dore: Pompeo reveals what Трамп is doing after the election!
- Now This: Rudy Giuliani’s hair dye (or brains?) leaks at one-of-a-kind press conference
- Meidas Touch: Sign the papers—Emily Murphy has blood on her hands
- John Di Domenico: Dotard and Melanie—Lying with Трамп
- Bruce W. Nelson: The failed President
- Keith Olbermann: Ban Трамп from Twitter. For life. Stop the coup d’tweet
Wired: Is the YouTube algorithm controlling us? I try to find out
Bruce W. Nelson: Welcome back America!
John Oliver tells 2020 to “get fucked!”
The Week in ТрампPlague:
- Stephen: Herd immunity isn’t the only thing Sweden got horribly wrong
- The Late Show: New York has a clear message for the lame duck
- Trevor: Bill Gates—COVID vaccines and climate change
- Bruce W. Nelson: Trump has got a lust for death
- Keith Olbermann: “The hair dye coup” means Трамп’s covid-19 will kill 100,000 more Americans
- Rachel Maddow: We feared Susan’s covid would kill her. Your risks could hurt those you love most
- Samantha Bee: A very COVID Thanksgiving Pt. 1
- Samantha Bee: A very COVID Thanksgiving Pt. 2
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп demands vaccine credit for virus he spent almost a year denying
- Trevor: How are Americans avoiding COVID this Thanksgiving?
- Lauren Mayer: Vaccine!
- Stephen: America’s leadership vacuum is the reason our covid situation is so dire
- The Late Show: Happy super-spreader Thanksgiving from the COVIDs!
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week
Robert Reich: The real story behind skyrocketing student debt
Jonathan Mann: Socialism or barbarism
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
How Rudy came up with more votes than voters in numerous Detroit precincts:
“Giuliani’s epic rant in his latest wild news conference about suspicious voting in Michigan was based on a glaring mistake: [He] was complaining about vote counts in Minnesota districts, not in Michigan. That obliterated Giuliani’s claims Thursday of discrepancies in district populations and suspiciously large voter turnouts. The figures mangled overvote percentages by comparing the number of expected district votes in one state to the populations of completely unrelated districts in another state.”
Because the fucking idiot who scribbled the affidavit doesn’t know the difference between “MN” and “MI.”
As frosting on the cake, Giuliani “scolded the news media Thursday for not carefully reading and reporting on affidavits submitted as part of the Trump campaign lawsuits, claiming they present evidence of fraud. ‘It’s your job to read these things and not falsely report that there’s no evidence,’ Giuliani said.”
I had some fun with it here:
YLB’s kid was laid off, while I had the House, Senate, and Trump step up to support share prices in my brokerage account.
Yeah, pretty massive wealth transfer.
Spending bills start in the House. Thanks, Nancy! Oh, and to YLB’s kid, I hope you are able to keep your job. I’ll be collecting Social Security in just a handful of years from now, and I’m counting on you to keep the money flowing, ya rube.
@ 1
Anyone can mix up the states. There’s only one letter separating MI from MS.
@3 Rudy’s press conferences are a TV sitcom, too. Just not as well written or acted. Hey, did you see that video of Rudy blowing his nose into a handkerchief and then wiping his face with it?
@ 4
Newsroom was not a sitcom.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, a sitcom means jokes. In the same way that handbill.us has become one.
Fewer than nine hours ago Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit claimed that my contention that Democrats spent four years calling Trump’s presidency illegitimate was “bullshit”.
Two hours ago Goldy proved me correct:
“Overturning elections sounds like the stuff of secret deals in smoke-filled rooms, but President Donald Trump’s not even trying to hide his effort to subvert the results of the election as President-elect Joe Biden’s margin widens to more than 6 million votes. ,..
“To succeed, Trump would need to bulldoze the Electoral College system. But for all the angst he’s sparked about a coup, the President doesn’t seem to have a plan so much as a shameless sense of entitlement to the White House.
“What he’s doing is exploiting loopholes and prying at technicalities to see if any of them will give … casting about for an unexpected opening, as he’s done so many times before.”
Looks like he’s playing General Samsonov in the “Tannenberg” game.
@5 Rudy’s a joke and you’re a joke; 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.
The movie “Rudy” isn’t about Giuliani, and in real life, Giuliani isn’t the player who gets the sack, he’s the player who gets sacked.
7)It’s all about the spectacle, including summoning the Michigan GOP legislative leaders to the White House.
At least Georgia is certified, for now.
Trump’s 2016 opponent conceded his victory on election night. The President of the United States called that same night to congratulate Trump.
On November 10th of 2016 the President of the United States greeted the President Elect, his family, and his close staff at the White House, held a brief,cordial meeting to congratulate Trump on his victory, and offered the assistance of his Chief of Staff in preparing the presidential transition.
Cat Lady, you’re a fucking coward, and a shitty loser.
@ RR @ #7
That’s a lot of fancy talk for “throwing shit at the walls to see what sticks.”
Fortunately, Fat Donny is an absolute dumbfuck who cannot see anything beyond his own greed.
At first I thought you were talking about Doctor Dumbfuck. But, yeah, his orange moron, too. That greed of theirs will take them all the way to the gallows.
Both of those dumbfucks will soon pay for their sins.
@ 11
Trump’s 2016 opponent conceded his victory on election night. The President of the United States called that same night to congratulate Trump.
On November 10th of 2016 the President of the United States greeted the President Elect, his family, and his close staff at the White House, held a brief,cordial meeting to congratulate Trump on his victory, and offered the assistance of his Chief of Staff in preparing the presidential transition.
Trump’s 2016 opponent then spent the next four years delegitimizing his presidency, ultimately calling him an illegitimate president.
After greeting the president-elect at the White House, Team Obama then spent its final 10 weeks in office undermining Trump and members of Trump’s transition team. With 15 minutes to go before Trump became president, Susan Rice wrote herself an email memorializing her sanitized version of an Oval Office meeting that had occurred some two weeks previously.
What is done for show and what is done when people are not able to view the proceedings are very often very different. You know that, QoS McHillbilly. Cut the clown show.
It’s important to realize that Obama was at the end of his presidency. Staying on was not an option, and there was no funny business Hillary could point to in the vote counting in order to save herself. I didn’t see Bill Clinton promptly stepping in to congratulate GWB43. He let the process play out.
Sometimes the process has to play out.
Kenyan. Birth certificate. Illegitimate.
Payback sucks for you and your orange moron, huh? Patience, Doctor. You’ll soon find that payback for your treason will suck considerably more than that.
The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck
Swinging from a tree
Look at him d-y-i-n-g
Poor Doctor Dumbfuck. He’ll die without ever having been laid. Sad!
Speaking to CNBC, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin assured Americans that “We’re working on mass distribution of the virus.”
True, that.
When you lose Geraldo…
“The Clinton Foundation? George Soros? Hugo Chavez?”
“An international conspiracy? Why not Elvis?”
@6 Can’t expect a medical mechanic with no liberal arts training or reading comprehension skills to figure out he’s advocating structural reform of our electoral system, not calling ***Trump*** “illegitimate.”
Nor can you expect someone with so little general education or knowledge of the world to make the fine distinction between “Democratic Party” and Goldy.
This is what happens when you don’t require a freshman-level grounding in basic knowledge or simple thinking skills as a requirement for a premed degree.
My car mechanic can do better than that, which may help explain why they put him out to pasture in his early 50s. He couldn’t have been much better at reading xrays, after all.
@12 I like the General Samsonov analogy better, especially the ending (encirclement, defeat, surrender, rounding up prisoners, etc.).
@14 Trump
‘s 2016 opponentthen spent the next four years delegitimizing his presidency, ultimatelycalling[making] him[self] an illegitimate president.ftfy
@15 At least the horse got laid.
@17 Losing Geraldo is not dissimilar from crapping. You’ll definitely feel better afterward.
I saw a show where somebody was laughing at me for spending $100 million to try to get Florida’s electoral votes in Biden’s column. What this rube didn’t realize is that I don’t use my own money for anything I want – I use other people’s money! That’s what people like me do.
@23 Our Sarah Cooper wannabe trolls have the same look as the hair dye running down Rudy’s face.
You pathetic fucked up losers are not pursuing any kind of process, legal, democratic or otherwise.
The process is you lose you concede. Admit the truth that you got your ass kicked in a fair fight. Then do as you please. Say the same idiotic shit you delusional fuckwits have been saying for more than a decade. Lizard people, baby cannibalism, Hawaii isn’t in the United States, cock rings, Cadillac welfare queens, cutting taxes raises revenues, long form birth certificate, whatever. Nobody outside Teh Orange Event Horizon cares anymore.
But going on as you are right now fundamentally, manifestly, unequivocally makes you all pathetic fucked up crybaby losers who can’t admit that you failed because you’re cowards and you aren’t good enough.
Go away and get better and come back next time and win. That’s your only solution. And next time choose a better candidate. Or consider taking it when we offer you Pence/Haley on a silver platter. You all fucked up. And you’re still fucking up. Dragging this out is only good for Trump. Backing him on this tells the world you are not capable of anything better.
And in case you didn’t notice, Trump was not good enough. Not by a long shot. As an incumbent with the full unwavering support of his party, all the advantages of incumbency, and running unopposed campaigning for four straight years he got his ass handed to him by a 78 year old man with a stutter who campaigned from his basement and who waited until the last minute to jump in. Stop and think about that.
Walk away. Or don’t. But don’t say it was someone else’s fault. Nobody is “delegitimizing” Republicans except Republicans. You did all this shit to yourselves by yourselves. All of it. And you know it. If you choose right now to permanently stamp the enduring imprimatur of Trump’s utter failure on your party it will be your choice and your fault. Stop trying to blame this failure on someone else. Grow up for a change, accept your shortcomings, and commit to doing better next time, instead of endlessly re-litigating your losses.
@ 23
I don’t use my own money for anything I want – I use other people’s money! That’s what people like me do.
That’s what people like YLB do, too. YLB’s a cheerleader for any tax that doesn’t target YLB.
Consider what’s at risk for the GOP to continue to be driven by fuckwits like The Q Clearance Cat Lady.
Trump lost. But knowing where and how is crucial to understanding how the future may unfold for them and for us.
In dozens of House races and state and local races, especially in crucial battleground states the numbers tell the story. College educated, moderates who had previously supported Republicans voted for Biden. But in district after district, county after county Biden over-performed in comparison to his down ballot fellow Democrats. That is the Trump effect in all it’s glory.
These “Republican-light” voters already are demonstrating that they are reachable by the right kind of GOP messaging. They turned on Trump. And more than enough of them turned on Trumpalos down ballot, both in 2018 and in 2020. They’ve had enough.
And all The Cat Lady and the rest of the cowards can offer them is more of the same, bigger, louder, and “oranger” than ever before. If they continue as they are they risk these very suburbs around Atlanta, Augusta, Columbus, and Savannah in two months. And they risk doing it all again in 2022 in places like PA.
And if they are dumb enough to do it (and it sure looks like they are) they will blame that on somebody else too.
Heh. My kids look forward to meeting Mary Kay to thank her for contributions to liberal causes
and…. heh. we all know what..
Until that day.. Keep up the good work Mary Kay!
Oh that rapey dimfuk – does it ever stink from its sins.
If you choose right now to permanently stamp the enduring imprimatur of Trump’s utter failure on your party it will be your choice and your fault.
drumpf and its silly kult conned 10 million more dumbasses to throw the lever for it in 2020 over 2016 and we complained back then about 70k dumbasses in 3 states.
That’s fucking scary.. And a huge opportunity for drumpf to run with for the rest of its miserable life.. and an albatross around repuke necks.
Let’s cheer for many plates of Big Macs and Wendy’s fries to come its way.. No, its idiot sons and daughters don’t have it in them to keep this grift going.
Thank the stars the orange freak scared enough halfway sane people to come out, brave many hours in long lines and in bad weather during a fucking plague to beat this moron wave back. We can’t thank them enough. They defeated ONCE AGAIN the repuke vote suppression regime.
@25 It’s not complicated. To them, black people voting is “fraud,” black votes are “fraudulent,” and the votes they want thrown out are black votes (Detroit, Philly, Atlanta, Milwaukee). They want to bring back apartheid and Jim Crow, too.
#white supremacy 4ever!
@26 Seems fair to me, given that you’re a cheerleader for any tax cut that targets people like you, even if we have to borrow the money from China.
Trump’s 2016 opponent then spent the next four years delegitimizing his presidency, ultimately calling him an illegitimate president.
teh goopers never regarded Clinton’s 1992 win as legitimate.. they hounded him towards impeachment – he still served two terms. And the stock market did fantastic during those 8 years. Doncha love it?
they never regarded Obama as legitimate either – they said he wasn’t born in this country.. The orange freak on its way out was the biggest cheerleader for that racist klownspiracy theory. Journalists asked repuke congress critters if they believed Obama was born in this country. Very few said yes.
And the stock market did great during Obama’s 8 years.. Second only to Clinton.. Doncha love it?
What ever goes around comes around.
Btw, does anything “legitimize” a presidency more than stock market performance?
mmmmmm.. the way herr dicktor boob mcdimfuk babbles, few if any other things do more..
well taks kuts.. yeah that does the “most”…
Republican judge throws out Trump’s Pennsylvania lawsuit and chews out his lawyers.
“The emperor has no clothes” doesn’t quite fit. More like, “The emperior is full of shit.” The judge, of course, expressed it with the usual decorum but everybody in the courtroom knows what he meant.
The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron needed more judges. Sad!
Trump receives ‘total shellacking’ in Pennsylvania court — judge tosses out his ‘shoddy legal arguments’
Lin Wood, attorney representing Kyle Rittenhouse and President Donald Trump
The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck best start trying to help save the Georgia run-off elections. If he doesn’t, he’ll have lost everything, and they’re slipping away. Geez, how humiliating that would be after all that pre-mature ball-spiking.
That’s not that bad – not as bad as what Bob does with his handkerchief after a session with the horse.
The Fuckhump didn’t win the 2016 election…..there was widespread, and I mean real widespread, so widespread you would believe it, believe me it was huge widespread fraud in 2016 election. 2016 election was rigged.
Well, the horse cock sucker is also a cock sucker, what is to be expected!?
This probably won’t help much.
COVID knocks Kelly Loeffler off the campaign trail after Mike Pence events — 45 days before Georgia runoff
Honestly, I get the idea with lawyers like Powell, or Rudy, or Lin Wood, or Jenna Ellis. There’s lots of reasons to burn a legal career to the ground. I swear at least half the graduates of even the best law schools go into it for all the wrong reasons. And sleazy grift hustlers like these at least have ambition and clearly a willingness to do whatever it takes.. They see a guy like Joe Rogan who can’t read without moving his lips making $30 million for a podcast and it’s like a lightbulb exploding in their brains.
But that does not remotely describe the motivation of Senate Republicans backing the crybaby loser or any other “loyal party foot soldier”. Nor certainly the rank and file Trumpalo idiots like The Q Clearance Cat Lady. There’s no shot at stardom and no payday in this for them. They get nothing from this except humiliation and perhaps brief alleviation of the constant, morbid fear that Trump presses down on them all.
They swim in that fear the way a fish swims in water. And it’s not really a fear of Trump himself as much as it is a fear of each other. It’s the fear of being cast out and left alone. Because if they are not Republican then what are they? And now, to be Republican is to be Trumpalo.
Trump judged them all well. He saw their loneliness, and their emptiness. And he filled it all up with a collective, unified sense of dread and hatred for that dread. Together they can hold it at bay. But only if he says so. And only if they stick together on his terms.
It’s not that Trolls4Trump are afraid of losing.
It’s much more pathetic than that.
It’s that they are afraid of losing Trump.
Which is priceless.
Gosh. I’m truly shocked and stunned. /s
All that naked hip thrusting. And they still don’t get to fuck.
I suppose The Q Clearance Cat Lady has a “hedging strategy” for that too. Must come in handy for a Trumpalo.
“We’re not taking it no more, we’re going to have Thanksgiving with our families and you’re not telling us otherwise,” said State Rep. Robert Sutherland, (R-Granite Falls), who spoke to the group gathered in a Bellingham parking lot.
Fine with me, but I’m not paying for their medical expenses or funerals — that’s on them.
@41 “It’s the fear of being cast out and left alone.”
Exactly. A USA Today article a couple days ago explained that Republicans defy Covid-19 restrictions and refuse to wear masks because it’s a tribal requirement, and they don’t want to be kicked out of the tribe.
Again, if they want to kill themselves and each other that’s okay with me, but stay the hell away from me.
@41 Speaking of Lin Wood, this is how Teen Killer managed to post $2 million bail.
“While Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani embarks on a quixotic and potentially destructive effort to reverse the results of the 2020 election, much of the president’s official campaign apparatus wants to disown it.
“Several officials in leadership positions on Trump’s re-election team, including campaign manager Bill Stepien, have recently told associates they have zero faith in Giuliani, and are currently waiting for what they view as a doomed, haphazard legal fight to burn out ….
“One Trump adviser called the current strategy a ‘dead end,’ and said Giuliani’s high-profile attempts at drumming up legal obstacles to the certification of Biden’s election amounted to a ‘hostile takeover of the campaign.’
“’The obvious thing is, this is a shitshow,’ the adviser said. ‘When the Rudy show started, that was a sidelining of everyone else. At that point, it became an issue of going through the motions ….'”
Nice to see some rationality over there, not that it does much good:
“As of Friday night, two sources close to the president said he remained intensely invested and personally supportive of Giuliani’s legal challenges.”
“While Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani embarks on a quixotic and potentially destructive effort to reverse the results of the 2020 election, much of the president’s official campaign apparatus wants to disown it.
“Several officials in leadership positions on Trump’s re-election team, including campaign manager Bill Stepien, have recently told associates they have zero faith in Giuliani, and are currently waiting for what they view as a doomed, haphazard legal fight to burn out ….
“One Trump adviser called the current strategy a ‘dead end,’ and said Giuliani’s high-profile attempts at drumming up legal obstacles to the certification of Biden’s election amounted to a ‘hostile takeover of the campaign.’
“’The obvious thing is, this is a shitshow,’ the adviser said. ‘When the Rudy show started, that was a sidelining of everyone else. At that point, it became an issue of going through the motions ….'”
Nice to see some rationality over there, not that it does much good:
“As of Friday night, two sources close to the president said he remained intensely invested and personally supportive of Giuliani’s legal challenges.”
I think we all can agree that Rudy is a shitshow. Except maybe you, doc. And you, Fake Thomas Jefferson. And you, Pars. You guys are still trapped in the Trump outhouse.
Not to even mention radiologists. It’s obvious that Doctor Dumbfuck has spent his career having a minimum wage radiologist in India do his work for him while the dumbfuck was holed out in a windowless office trading options and posting dumbfuck comments on political blogs. He probably didn’t even check the Indian radiologist’s work. He just added the usual weasel words absolving himself of any responsibility for his fuckups and passed it on to the attending physicians.
One has to have their eye on the ball when trading options. As they say, options trading compared to day-trading is like racing a Ferrari race car at 180 mph versus driving a Ford sedan to the local supermarket. It’s nothing one should be doing if your day job requires your full attention.
And he was busy sucking off the horse!
Just hang them all and be done with it. Leave it to God to sort out who goes to Heaven or Hell.
Loren Culp, refusing to concede Washington gubernatorial race, turns on top Republicans
Eh, maybe let this one live.
Okay, maybe let this one live, too.
Republican governor drops the hammer on Trump’s ‘banana republic’ attempt to steal the election
This one, however, should swing from a rope until dead.
Michigan lawmaker who met with Trump pushes ‘constitutional crisis’ to overturn election on Fox News
Maybe Loren Culp would be happier in the Iron Range region of Minnesota.
It will be awhile before anyone will know whether MN is really becoming more conservative. Maybe they just really, really, really did not like Hillary Clinton.
Tamir Rice is trending on Twitter today.
Actually, he lost his life because of the color of the muzzle of the replica firearm he was holding and pointing at people.
His friend’s dad had purchased the gun, a replica of a Colt M1911 semi-automatic, from Walmart. The Airsoft pellet gun typically has an orange tip on the barrel, but Rice’s friend took the toy gun apart to fix it at some point when it wasn’t working, and was unable to get the the orange piece back on.
A pellet gun isn’t a toy, even with the orange tip. And without the orange tip, a pellet gun and a firearm are indistinguishable, even at very close range.
He was shot and killed six years ago, today.
“Condoleezza holds a watermelon just over the edge of the roof of the 300-foot Federal Building, and tosses it up with a velocity of 20 feet per second.”
– a math question written by a woke Bellevue CC teacher during the GWB43 administration.
What would the NEA do? Recommend the teacher for a promotion, probably.
Dead black males of any age. You get off on that. Probably the only thing that gets your dick hard.
When you find yourself surrounded by BLM, you’ll have only yourself to blame.
Solar panels. That was really stupid of you.
Former Democrat candidate for US Senate, representing OH.
Feds charge 3rd Cincinnati councilman with corruption
Just so you don’t remain as ignorant as the BCC instructor, the Federal Building is 487′ tall. The exterior was originally intended to have a brick exterior, but GSA went with stucco to save money.
GSA knows how to protect taxpayer dollars. I worked with them on projects including the Seattle federal courthouse. In fact, something I did for them related to the courthouse as it neared completion resulted in me and my middle finger becoming “a legend” in every GSA office in the country. I just learned about the “legend” thing earlier this year from a GSA Facebook friend who worked on the project with me. I couldn’t help but to ROFL when he told me that. Apparently engineers at GSA still talk about it, and when they do, they ROLF, too.
Political rioting in Guatemala this weekend – another place where the US meddled in elections of another country. US Foreign policy has been bad for at least a century.
@48 “He probably didn’t even check the Indian radiologist’s work.”
Better for the patients that way.
@53 Actually, he lost his life because a trigger-happy cop who had recently been officially determined unsuited for police work has no respect for human life. What kind of sicko blames that on a dead kid who was playing with a toy?
@54 “What would the NEA do? Recommend the teacher for a promotion, probably.”
Typical Republican. Assertion without proof. Probably did that in the radiology lab, too, which is why he has time on his hands now.
@56 “Former Democrat candidate for US Senate” in 2016 arrested for alleged crimes committed in 2018 and 2019 — is there a point in there somewhere?
@58 “US Foreign policy has been bad for at least a century.”
Then let’s make it better, starting with a change of management.
Loren Culp, who was complaining about being unemployed a couple weeks ago, has been offered a job by the Ferry County Sheriff’s office — apparently the same job he had before, but on a different payroll — which he hasn’t accepted because he would be under a supervisor instead of self-supervised, and would have to show up for work instead of gadding about the state on the taxpayer’s dime trying to create a Trump-like movement.
Huh. Just when you thought the WSGOP couldn’t possibly get weirder or more corrosive, it gets weirder and more corrosive.
I am shocked, shocked to learn that there was more to this last election than just the presidential race.
‘A huge catastrophe’: Democrats grapple with congressional and state election losses
Naw. Dems did a great job communicating. Before the election they made clear that they’ll harm law enforcement and support socialist policies. Now that the election’s over they’re making it clear that they’ll harm the lower-earning segment of the population in order to provide giveaways to the higher-earning segment, beginning with student debt cancellation.
People heard it, loud and clear. It’s why the Senate is staying in GOP hands and why Pelosi’s majority has shrunk substantially.
Biden wants to appoint Susan Rice but knows he can’t get her through the Senate. It’s a start.
“Since Election Day, numerous false allegations of fraud have been published on social media and repeated elsewhere, most of which have been easily debunked, yet a large swath of the population still appears to believe them.
“According to a recent poll roughly three-quarters (77%) of Trump backers say former Vice President Joe Biden’s election win was due to fraud despite there being no evidence to back this up.
“So what is it about the human psyche that makes us so susceptible to disinformation?
“’The short answer is that it has less to do with the content of the information and more to do with the social identity of the person,’ Dannagal Young, political psychologist and associate professor at the University of Delaware, told ABC News. ‘What’s driving some of these inclinations is about who these people feel they are, what groups they’re associated with, who they identify as and who they identify with.'”
As I mentioned @44 above, the Retrumplican belief system is tribalism-driven. IOW, Trump is all these losers have, and if they lose him, they’ve got nuthin’.
@ 64
…gadding about the state on the taxpayer’s dime …
Less expensive than gadding about the country on the taxpayers’ dime thinking you could be president.
I’m seein’ drumpf wants to withdraw the troops from Afghanistan by Jan 15..
Wow.. I guess that the smell from this big fart scared the Taliban to the negotiating table..
Heh. And our trolls called Obama “weak” for getting the troops out of Iraq.
And rapey dimfuk, one supposes the 5 taliban has-beens can go home now.. Wow. Such a threat they were by remote from Qatar.
Before the election they made clear that they’ll harm law enforcement
Hmmm.. Policing ok..
Martial law – not so much..
We all know were teh stinky sinner stands.
and support socialist policies…
Oh yes, careful of what you wish for always wrong wing dingies..
What happened to you OK? Not a single county in your state ever supported teh black guy.. Did bringing the Supersonics to OK City infect you with sosheeleesm?
teh rapey dimfuk musta had a big sad over you caving to teh black guy’s “free stuff”..
@70 Yes, I know paying workers for their labor is “soshulizm” to fuckwads who still can’t get over passage of the 13th Amendment.
Oh look. drumpf’s reign of terror over the CDC must be waning:
“COVID-19 Outbreak Associated with a 10-Day Motorcycle Rally in a Neighboring State — Minnesota, August–September 2020”
It’s my understanding that teh dimfuk has a passion for crotch rockets or crotch hummers, whatevs… Was it too immobilized from fear of Portland to venture out of its Whidbey safespace to mix in Sturgis?
Seems to be talking about his orange moron stiffing cities for rally expenses.
300 Americans died while the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron golfed yesterday. Shall we ask their families what price to put on their loss and then invoice Doctor Dumbfuck? After all, it’s all his fault.
I think we should pass a law that people who claim socialism given to other people is bad shouldn’t get Medicaid or Medicare and only get the Social Security money that they paid into the system. They run out tough luck
Who? Uh, we don’t know her …
“‘Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own,’ Trump campaign lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis said in the statement. ‘She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.'”
They abandon any one who doesn’t help them. Loyalty only goes one way.
Jeeezus Cat Lady, do the math.
You’re laboring like a naked galley slave covered in orange throat yogurt trying to get us to freak out over 2%.
You do this when the market moves 2%?
Sounds like you do.
Listen, we flipped back every single Trump victory and we flipped Arizona and Florida. It went better than planned. You idiots put Georgia in perpetual play and lost Arizona forever. We never saw that coming. Trump’s still full of surprises.
And he’s all yours for at least the next four years. Good luck with that.
How about we ask the families of the 260,000 dead and the tens of millions of Americans experiencing economic devastation if they’re better off today than they were four years ago?
Okay. I’ll take that as a no.
How about you, Vladimir?
How about you, Kim Jung Un?
And you, Assad?
Prince Bone Saw?
How about you Kurds?
A Dutch hacker claims he got into Trump’s Twitter account by guessing the password.
Let’s play a thought experiment here. We’ll start by assuming he’s telling the truth. Let’s also assume that Trump is a complete fucking idiot. Now, based on these premises, how hard would it be to guess the password, and what would that password be?
How about “MAGA2020!” … ?
This story remains to be verified. Maybe someone should start a betting pool.
Do you idiots actually think socialism works in Venezuela?
@80 Nobody here does. We don’t want it here. Democrats and liberals are capitalists, and want to make capitalism more compassionate and inclusive, so it has a better chance to survive.
We also support free and fair elections, so our country doesn’t turn into a banana republic like yours. Our dictator doesn’t know his first name, either.
Honestly, these trolls never fact-check anything, not even the names of the people they impersonate. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again, this blog needs better trolls.
Do you fucktard traitors really think fascism worked in Nazi Germany? This will end the same way. First there’s a lot of dead fascists and then the trials begin. Then come the hangings.
Let me know if you start feeling suicidal as the walls are closing in on you. I’ll try my best to cheer you up.
“President Trump’s attorney has suggested to voters in Georgia, where two Senate runoff elections are due to take place in January, they should hold off voting for two Republican Senators until they are seen to be doing more to help the president fight to overturn the 2020 election result.
“Lawyer Lin Wood stated in a tweet that Georgia senators, David Perdue (R-GA) and Senator Kelly Loeffler (R-GA), did not deserve the backing of voters in the forthcoming special election until they started to demand action for apparently ‘voter fraud’ in the state of Georgia.”
Thanks, Lin, we appreciate it. — Signed, the Democrats
Troll, right this very minute your party is engaged in yet another purge, while simultaneously struggling in vain to overturn a free and fair democratic election.
It isn’t us.
It’s you.
You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger”—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff.
—Lee Atwater, 1981
Eventually you get to Trumpism. You Make Republicans Great Again. And you’re right back where you started.
Let’s see.
Judge Emmet Sullivan now has before him piles of documents factually altered by DOJ lawyers presented to him as evidence, eighteen months of contradictory claims and motions from DOJ lawyers, a defense legal team arguing that dead Venezuelan dictators are running a global fraud network, and signed, witnessed, notarized, and allocuted guilty plea.
With a Flynn pardon now circling the “executive” gold toilet at Trump National, Sullivan can just wait out the holidays working on other “pressing business” and let Attorney General Garland withdraw the motion to dismiss. Then proceed to sentencing after reviewing any new recommendations.
Funny old world.
All over MAGA Twitter this week the mouth breathers are Trumpeting about “legal strateegery” and “brilliant, next level chess moves” with regard to the failures of the GOP election challenges.
My favorite is their idea that insufficiency of evidence is a clever ploy “smart lawyers” use to get to appeal.
Let me be as clear as I can about that: this is the opposite of true.
There can be many grounds for plaintiff appeal. But insufficiency of plaintiff’s evidence is not among them at all.
In a lawsuit timing can be an issue. Prolonged discovery and issues that may complicate discovery can play a role. In this case, the closest thing that comes to a legal theory in all this arble-garble might be some claim for expedited discovery. But I haven’t seen that. I’m not aware of any claim by the GOP lawyers that government documents or records pertaining to their cases are being slow rolled or withheld unlawfully.
And ultimately such claims would pivot on the statistical science of election operations, which happily works entirely against these claims. Essentially they put up websites that begged the 70 million semi-anonymous disappointed racists to conjure up some “evidence” and then attest to it by clicking a button. Sure enough it’s all been pure garbage. And because of that no responsible appeals court is going to hear it. And lacking that there’s no move forward. Shit evidence from the plaintiff is what kills lawsuits at this stage. The only things that kill a case faster are failure of standing and jurisdiction. Real lawyers always start there.
Apparently GOP lawyers end there.