James Corden: Sen. Cory Booker’s wingman is President-elect Biden
The Late Show: Mitch McConnell learns a lesson about lying
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week
We have President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris:
- Spitting Image: The Dotard loses
- The Daily Show: Pompeo ruins Dr. Destruction’s plans
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп firing everybody as election standoff continues
- Seth Meyers: Трамп and the GOP still refuse to accept Biden’s win
- Meidas Touch: America rises—The nation celebrates
- Bruce W. Nelson: Happy to see y’all disappear
- SNL Weekend Update: Rudy Giuliani on Трамп’s election lawsuits
- Stephen: Republicans are 0 For 10 in lawsuits seeking to overturn Biden’s election win
- Now This: Top cybersecurity officials reject Трамп’s “voter fraud” claims
- Trevor: What Трамп’s keeping from Biden & how he profits from donations
- Songbird: Let it go
- Trevor: The Dotard refuses to concede the election
- Parody Project: All was in compliance (Confounds the Science Version 3):
- The Late Show: Need a lawyer to destroy your democracy?
- Founders Sing: The soul of America
- Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian: The Dotard reacts to the election being called
- Seth Mayers: Ta-Nehisi Coates on Joe Biden’s 2020 victory
- Jonathan Mann: Rudy’s at the combination press conference total landscaping business
- Samantha Bee: Biden won the election! Now the fight against Трампism begins. Pt. 1
- Samantha Bee: Biden won the election! Now the fight against Трампism begins. Pt. 2
- Bruce W. Nelson: The Dotard Трамп announces his concession
- Conan: The Трамп team responds to Joe Biden’s hat
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard calls the voter fraud hotline
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп melts down over “stolen” election
- FoD: How to get The Dotard to resign
- Stephen: Stacey Abrams on how she built an infrastructure that helped flip Georgia blue
- Seth Meyers: Трамп’s voter fraud lies are a fundraising scam
- Bill Maher: From flu to coup
- Trevor: The Трамп admin prepares for their nonexistent second term
- The Late Show: Kayleigh McEnany’s evidence admits it’s full of crap
- Samantha Bee says, “Thank you, Nevada!”
- Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian: The voter fraud fraud
- The Daily Show: Republicans in 2018 post-midterm elections
- John Di Domenico: Non-concession speech! Sues everyone including himself!
- SNL: Biden victory
- Bruce W. Nelson: Трамп’s been fired:
- Seth Meyers with a story about Joe Biden
- Jonathan Pie: Трамп is a loser!
- Trevor: Presidential concessions
- Stephen: Autocrats watch our President cling to his job, beg for cash, and obstruct the transition of power
- Brian Guest reports some voter fraud.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп is “dejected” and “fuming” over election results
- The Late Show: Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So long, Donald!
- Bruce W. Nelson: Т-р-а-м-п L-o-s-e-r
- Larry Wilmore: Let’s explain how voting works to The Dotard Трамп
- The Late Show: Potusgeist just won’t leave the White House
- John Oliver: Election results 2020
- Trevor: This anonymous poll worker witnessed voter fraud
- Mark Fiore: The lamest coup in the world!
- Seth Meyers: Joe Biden elected President of the United States
- Songify This: Election meme rewind—HEY HEY, HA HA, HO HO featuring Kenneth Copeland, Paula White-Cain, et al.
- Keith Olbermann: Relax! Трамп’s “re-counts” are just another MONEY SCAM!
- Bruce W. Nelson: Poor Dotard
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard learns he lost Arizona
- Stephen: Трамп has yet to show real evidence of fraud, but getting him out of office may be a bumpy ride
- Daily Show: Kamala Harris makes history as first female, Black & Indian VP
- Samantha Bee: What a Joe Biden victory means for the future of our movement
- The Late Show: God chats with Rudy
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard still won’t concede and has no plans to
- Seth Meyers: Трамп lost the 2020 election, but Republicans are trying to steal it
- Bruce W. Nelson: We’re not just losing Трамп
- SNL Weekend Update: Biden wins 2020 election
- Trevor: Biden wins…The Dotard golfs
- Stephen: Stephen is ecstatic about the Biden-Harris win, but says we cannot be complacent
- Lauren Mayer: The nightmare’s over
- Maestro Ziikos: Hit the road Трамп
- Bruce W. Nelson: Hang our head Dotard Трамп
Keith Olbermann: Pompeo was joking? Wasn’t joking? I don’t care. Cut off red state funding.
Our Cartoon President: “America, my fucked home” & new closing song
Matt Buechele: Making liberals mad
The Dotard Трамп and Other Sore Losers, Grifters, and Reality Deniers:
- Rex Chapman: Breezing over the Four Seasons
- Seth Meyers: Трамп supporter and rapper Lil Doof raps about Трамп
- Robert Reich: The Dotard Трамп’s attempt to steal the election won’t work
- Jonathan Mann: Kenneth Copeland, Paula White and Michelle Bachman are NOT coping
- Bruce W. Nelson: Трамп loves to hold a grudge
- Amber Ruffin: Coronavirus vaccines, election results, & Total Landscaping—Week In Review
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп wishes happy veterans day
- SNL: D.C. Morning
- Jonathan Mann: I’m a loser
- Samantha Bee: Undoing the damage of Трамп’s immigration policies
- Trevor: Will The Dotard Трамп actually leave the White House?
- Amber Ruffin: I don’t wish him well:
- Vice News: Трамп’s post-presidential criminal nightmare begins now
- Seth Mayers with Sarah Cooper reveals why Трамп blocked her on Twitter in 2017
- Christine Nangle: I work at Four Seasons Total Landscaping in PA
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship
The Daily Show: The GOP needs your vote in the lawful, fraudulent, official, rigged Georgia runoff elections
Superspreading the ТрампPlague:
- Stephen:
- Trevor: Corona explodes in the U.S & CDC releases Thanksgiving guidelines
- Roll Call: Meet Joe Biden’s COVID-19 task force
- Conan: Never wear a freedom-destroying mask again
- Now This: Governors urge Americans to take coronavirus seriously
- J-L Cauvin: Ben Carson has the covid
- Trevor: Biden’s corona task Force & Pfizer’s vaccine
Vox: Weed was the real winner of the 2020 election
Conan: Miss political texts? Sign up for Andy’s list
Roy Zimmerman: Thanks for the support
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I’m so sick and tired of this crap about voter fraud is insignificant.
It was widespread and it was enough to throw an election. Now STFU about the impossibility of it happening again.
Still thought it was odd FOX called Arizona on election night. Perhaps the other networks were worried about Florida 2000. Barry Goldwater’s seat now being held by a Democrat.
Nice Veterans Day video from one of my favorite history-themed YouTube channels. Got really interested when he mentioned the carriers. My Great Uncle served aboard USS Saratoga CV-3. One of the actions he didn’t say much about.
Time travel also theoretically possible.
You are living proof.
It’s impossible!
It’s impossible to do on the scale YOU allege without there being widespread, easily discoverable evidence of it.
And by “evidence” the law is not interested in unsworn affidavits collected from Q-anon racists on 8chan alleging that a “big negro” poll worker made a frowny face.
Now suck it.
A fitting epitaph to the GOP:
“…fart infused room from hell.”
@1 STFU loser.
Trump just put Rudy in charge of his election lawsuits. The end is near.
Normally I’d write, “Best wishes, get well,” but I’m not ready to do that just yet in this case. I need some time. Above all, I need space.
@1 Dumbfuck logic: Evidence established that a state senate seat in Philadelphia was stolen by election fraud in 1994, therefore no evidence is needed to establish that a presidential election in 2020 was stolen by election fraud in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Nevada; dumbfucks will just assume that it was, because if election fraud occurred once in one place, that’s all the proof anyone needs that election fraud occurs everywhere and all the time.
What a dumbfuck.
The reason the dumbfuck radiologist retired early was because every x-ray sent to him came back with the same diagnosis: Enlarged prostate.
Broken rib? Enlarged prostate. Lung cancer: Enlarged prostate. Brain cancer: Enlarged prostate. The only medical term he knows is: Enlarged prostate.
Now he spends his time bloviating on HA and fucking horses because his wife and dog don’t want anything to do with him, either.
Lou Dobbs is a lying piece of shit.
I wrote this in March 2016:
It echoes strangely today, like a noise bouncing off walls, in relation to current personalities and events.
It’s dumber than that by far.
He’s basically saying that since almost a hundred years ago George Nelson once robbed a hayseed bank in Indiana* that PROVES that BLM and AOC are robbing the New York Federal Reserve right this minute.
*Nelson was of course hunted down and shot to death five months later.
I made no reference to present circumstances. I’m merely pointing out that it’s happened before, it’s happened in the same state as is currently under discussion, and that in close elections it’s not a small thing and it doesn’t have to be “widespread” for it to matter.
Election fraud is a problem. Full stop.
Y’all don’t seem to have a problem with applying a few rotten police officers to the entire world of law enforcement. There should be an understanding that election fraud isn’t a problem everywhere, but when it’s a problem it’s a problem.
See Illinois, 1960.
@14 I think we can assume it took Dumbfuck two weeks of diligent searching to come up with a local case of election fraud 26 years ago with which to prop up his theatrical outrage. He should get some kind of award for this act. Maybe a gold foil star or something.
@ 7
@15 Now do three states and tens of thousands of votes.
There are three possibilities here:
[ ] 1. You’re intellectually dishonest.
[ ] 2. You posted an irrelevant comment just for the hell of it.
[ ] 3. You’re as stupid as your comment makes you look.
As a fourth option, [ ] all of the above.
Number of House Republicans who lost re-election bids: 0.
From your link @12
Too funny. The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron not only wants to see statues of himself, he wants to see his visage on fucking Mount Rushmore. And he most definitely doesn’t want a “free and fair election and honest results”.
So much horseshit.
@17 I see no inconsistency. With your brains and education, you were poised, or at least had the potential, to post intelligent and thoughtful comments in these comment threads. Some potentials aren’t realized, and some things don’t come to fruition, that’s all.
You just lost the WH, you stupid fuck. And Dems still control the House of Representatives.
What a fucktard. And a loser.
Are all radiologists this fucking stupid? Recent evidence, Doctors Atlas and the Dumbfuck, points to this being true.
@19 “lost re-election”
Clever half-truth by which to dance around the fact Democrats flipped at least three GOP seats in red states — GA-07, NC-02, and NC-06.
Also, most of those the GOP took from Democrats in this election were GOP seats the Democrats flipped in 2018 that were merely recovered in districts that could normally be expected to vote Republican anyway.
What’s crystal clear is that Trump had no coattails at all. Here in Washington, Loren Culp (43.0%), a nonentity with baggage, did over 3 points better than Trump (38.7%). In your own stomping grounds, you couldn’t even get some of your FREEDUMB Riders and Three Percenters to vote for your own presidential candidate.
@ 18
I am not arguing the election’s results to date. I do think that the process needs to play itself out, the way it played itself out in 2000. Gore disputed it for five weeks. When SCOTUS told him he was out of time, only then did he “do the correct thing” and concede.
Trump should be allowed the same opportunity. And the states should be allowed the opportunity to verify that 20,000 block votes for Trump were not suddenly “switched” to Biden, or whatever is being claimed. I’m not following it, as I’m increasingly comfortable with a Biden presidency, a Senate held by the GOP, and the GOP dogs and few remaining Democrat centrists nipping at the heels of an octogenarian who played her cards very poorly in the last 12 months. Let’s see whatcha got, Joe.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, I will remind you that three states and tens of thousands of votes separated the winner from the loser the last time around, too, and you chose to whine about it for four years, nonstop. I’m just stirring the pot a little until the Electors cast votes and they are counted in joint session.
@22 “Are all radiologists this fucking stupid?”
Some of us are still alive, so, no.
One could deduce that Doctor Dumbfuck was forced to retire after only 20 years in practice because he ran out of living patients.
@ 22
You just lost the WH, you stupid fuck. And Dems still control the House of Representatives.
True, except I’ll take issue with the “stupid fuck” part, and here is why:
1. Tax increase promised by ol’ Joe gets past the Senate….. how, Steve?
2. The SCOTUS will be packed to “rebalance” the judiciary…. how, Steve?
3. Justice Breyer’s retirement and replacement nominee will be more progressive or less progressive if the nomination has to be confirmed by a GOP-held Senate led by Cocaine Mitch, Steve?
4. Chances that SCOTUS will be split by anything less than a 5-4 conservative majority are…. what, Steve?
Steve, compared with the pre-election predictions – Trump blown out, as many as 55 US senators voting the Democrat line, an increase in the size of the Democrat House majority – do you really think I don’t see the results of this election as mostly positive? I’ve never been a Trump supporter. To me Trump has had two purposes: 1) He has been a conduit for things that benefitted my interests and my preferences during his presidency. 2) He has been an excellent shiv to use on easily triggered libbies. I didn’t vote for him, either time. My vote went to Mitch Daniels.
Steve, I got the status quo for the first two years, I got a leg up on a House majority in 2022, and I’m feeling just fine about 2024. That will be my first election as a Social Security recipient, courtesy of the payroll tax dollars paid by YLB’s kids.
Good grief.
Republican Who Lost Congressional Race Shows Up For New Member Orientation Anyway
Go home.
Reading that the risk of her seat being occupied by a Republican should she join the Cabinet will keep Elizabeth Warren as Senator Fauxchahontas.
She was absolutely awesome in her takedown of Mini-Mike Bloomberg during the primaries.
I would love to see her go toe-to-toe in a debate with Ted Cruz. Any topic. Two people at opposite ends of the political spectrum who can think on their feet as quickly as those two…
And instead we got Trump and Biden. The Short Bus Candidacy, both sides.
Heh.. Some kreepy tool @1 babbles about something that happened in 1994.
My kids have NOTHING to worry about.
Convicted criminal Roger Stone is repaying Trump’s kindness of commuting his prison sentence:
“Stop the Steal’s massive disinformation campaign connected to Roger Stone”
Or maybe Stone is angling for a full pardon while the getting is still good?
Dershowitz thinks Team Trump will win the PA election challenge over segregated ballots.
This is a year in which governors have overstepped their authority and judges have overstepped their authority. In both it was the legislature that had its authority usurped.
It would be nice to see a strong SCOTUS statement that laws are laws, and it’s the legislature that makes them.
Trump will still lose PA, but we either elect legislatures to make laws or we don’t. Way too many conservative judges out there for liberals to want to see judges use authority they don’t have.
In case you haven’t noticed, you have yet to retain control of the Senate.
So your 5,000 hashtags makes you what, a Putin supporter?
If that’s the case, then you’ve paid for my benefits. Thanks for the deposit into my bank account every month, fucktard.
Um, you told us just a few weeks ago that you’re 55 years old. Of course, if you survive BLM coming for you, you might get to receive SS disability benefits.
You’re so fucking stupid.
@28 By all means, let him explore all his legal options, expending another couple million dollars of GOP resources in the process.
By the way, has a recount ever overcome a 4,604-vote deficit in a statewide contest, let alone a congressional district, at any time, anywhere? (Keeping in mind that in this race all precincts have reported and there are no votes left to be counted?)
Way too many conservative judges out there for liberals to want to see judges use authority they don’t have.
See the SCOTUS where even the “conservative” judges are looking down their noses and refusing to dirty themselves by doing what Republican politicians have failed at miserably.
i.e. strike down the ACA – how many times did they try?
70 times?
@ 30
My kids have NOTHING to worry about.
Back-alley abortions
Shot by Nazi cops for being mildly POC. Or peacefully protesting.
Losing health insurance
Wealth inequity
Income inequity
You mean to tell me, YLB, that it was all for show? All of those things you worried about aren’t really concerns to the left?
Next thing you know I’ll be told that Black Lives Matter only in years evenly divisible by four.
@28 More proof that respectable people don’t run for public office as Republicans anymore.
Now, the GOP has to scrape the bottom of the barrel of humanity to find candidates.
They also have to scrape the bottom of the barrel to get voters. See, e.g., Proud Boys and Michigan Militia.
@ 35
And yet you use the potential loss of ACA as a means of fund-raising, YLB.
I wonder what Gclown will do when he finally realizes that the only reason we have a President-elect Biden instead of a President-elect Mayor Pete is black people.
@39 Don’t forget Native Americans.
Trump did. Joe won’t.
And what do the following states have in common?
Idaho, Utah, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Missouri
Hmmm. Deep Red?? drumpf loving???
All voted by referendum to expand medicaid, i.e. the most “socialistic” aspect of OBAMACARE…
What’s next? $15/hr minimum wage? Careful of what you wish for always wrong wing dingies… It seems you don’t care much for the glibertarian economic orthodoxy of your preferred political party.
@36 Nothing to worry about from the likes of a kreepy nutjob like you.
Your lives tend to the short and brutish.
@ 28
From the CBS piece in your link, Steve:
Oberweis was invited to attend
You know. Like your family invites you to stuff. It’s to be polite. Everyone just has to make sure they don’t mention politics in your presence if you show up.
And yet you use the potential loss of ACA as a means of fund-raising, YLB.
Oh yeah I’m rollin in the dough.. Thanks for noticing! This Steve Bannon shit is the shit..
Bannon’s got the fucking wall. I’ve got 20 million’s folks insurance, kids on their parents insurance and no fear of being denied coverage due to pre-existing condition..
I sleep well at night.
@ 37
Now, the GOP has to scrape the bottom of the barrel of humanity to find candidates.
Like Andrew Gillum.
Or Corinne Brown.
Or Katie Hill.
Or Catherine Pugh.
Or Bob Menendez. (full disclosure: found not guilty. But still.)
Or Kathleen Kane.
Or Megan Barry.
Or, if you prefer local flavor, Troy Kelley.
That’s just off the top of my head, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. They’re somewhat more high-profile. And I left off Bill Richardson, who is the most decorated of anyone I could name with all of his roles in Democrat administrations past.
Op-Ed in WaPo from Boies and Olson worth a read.
So is the 2000 election book by Richard Posner, which is why I think the court contests are important. Posner made the point that Gore’s error was to waste so much time in the recount/protest phase that there was insufficient time when he began the contest phase.
You don’t want Trump to run out of time the way Gore did. You want Trump to take his case as far as he can, and get shot down.
So support the idea that Trump should be able to contest. The integrity of the election process is best maintained if he gets his full say, and is found lacking.
40)Remember when he used a ceremony honoring Code Talkers to bas Senator Warren?
I lost my family when I was a kid. And I only discuss politics on HA.
Another fail on your part. You must be used to it by now.
Fizzle. Depressed Republican voters doesn’t bode well for Republican turnout hopes for the Georgia Senate runoff election.
So you and the Orange FartBox and Lou Dobbs and Rudy go find a state where Trump lost by less than a thousand votes.
Get back to us as soon as you can, you pathetic retard. We’ll be waiting. Because all of us can always get a good laugh out of watching you fail again and again.
Personally, I don’t really think this could work out any better for me. And I almost want to thank you Rapepublican idiots for this. After all, thanks to all of you being such a bunch of drooling meatbags programmed to do whatever the fuck Don tells you to do, I get to watch you assholes re-lose this election a hundred fucking times from now until Dec 18th.
More please. I really can’t get enough of your disappointment.
In 2016 The Fuck Hump illgitimately won the Election. The 2016 election was a fraud.
Republicans are conmen (and the woman are stupid sheep)
Someeetimeees its hard to be a horrsssse!
I wonder what godwin will do when he finally realizes that the only reason we have a President-elect Biden instead of a President-reelect Trump is Trump.
He was…awful.
Looks like the D.C. demonstrations were peaceful, except for a couple of isolated instances of deplorable conduct by pro-Biden thugs:
“By the late afternoon, a few hundred anti-Trump demonstrators engaged in shouting matches with scattered groups of Trump supporters. One group of Trump supporters were hit with eggs and one person lost his red MAGA hat, which was set on fire to cheers.”
Shame on them. They should be more magnanimous about this. After all, their candidate won. [scratches cottontail with hind leg and picks rabbit teeth with straw]
Support your local police …
“Baltimore officials are set to approve a roughly $8 million settlement to two men who went to prison after drugs were planted on them a decade ago during an encounter with members of a rogue police unit that brutalized, robbed and falsely arrested residents.”
… with your tax dollars, because the guilty cops sure won’t pay for it.
@24 “Trump should be allowed the same opportunity.”
He will be, he is, and that’s never been in question or doubt.
“And the states should be allowed the opportunity to verify that 20,000 block votes for Trump were not suddenly ‘switched’ to Biden, or whatever is being claimed.”
This has already been explained. Not to your satisfaction, I’m afraid, but facts are facts.
@29 “I would love to see her go toe-to-toe in a debate with Ted Cruz. Any topic. Two people at opposite ends of the political spectrum who can think on their feet as quickly as those two…”
Already been done. Trump accused his father of being a terrorist, and Cruz sat there panting with his pink tongue hanging out and big round eyes that said, “Yes, master.”
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 54
I wonder what godwin will do when he finally realizes that the only reason we have a President-elect Biden instead of a President-reelect Trump is Trump.
Something very different than HA libbies did when they realized – to the extent that they have done so – that the only reason they have a President Trump instead of a President Hillary Clinton is Hillary Clinton.
I conceded the race before the polls closed. I think the contest should be played out because that’s what is most likely to convince persuadable Trump supporters that margins of 10,000 votes are real margins, even if 5% of it is fraudulent.
So I’ll do something different than whine for four years that “he’s not my president”. YLB’s got the pussy act locked down on HA. No reason for me to try to duplicate it.
I’ll grant you President Biden and make it clear, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, that Biden had zero coattails and that Pelosi emerged from the election weaker, and Cocaine Mitch emerged from the election stronger.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, you’ll eventually realize that you lost more than you gained. It won’t be until after the 2022 election or possibly until after the 2024 election, but you’ll realize it.
When Breyer retires and Biden has to get his replacement past a GOP-controlled US Senate, you’ll begin to realize it when you see who Biden’s nominee will be, and why. SCOTUS will be more conservative after Biden’s nominee is confirmed than it is now, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. Because with six conservatives on the bench, Cocaine Mitch has no reason to fear an 8-member Court.
I’m gonna go rear-end whatever Sawant is driving with my newly installed push bars. And then just keep going.
@32 Can’t tell you how much it gives me a warm feeling to see a Trump shill bleating about rule of law. Better late than never, I guess. I just wish he wasn’t so selective about it.
Godwin, since you need to be reminded of what words means, since all you do is misunderstand them.
– (of a person) composed, dignified, and self-assured.
– being in balance or equilibrium:
– hovering or suspended in or as in midair:
– readied or prepared to do something or for something to happen:
None of those meaning means something IS going happen, She used it to means they are read if they do.
Godwin, keep hiding in your basement and think about how the republicans could have chosen a winner but instead your side renominated the impeached danger yam.
@33 “Um, you told us just a few weeks ago that you’re 55 years old.”
He probably was telling the truth that time. Which means he’ll be receiving Social Security by age 59, when the minimum age is 62, so obviously he’s planning to lie about his age. Probably give them a phony birth certificate, too. From Kenya.
@45 That’s eight. How many QAnon nutjobs did your party nominate for Congress in this cycle? 28? Something like that.
@46 “So support the idea that Trump should be able to contest.”
Who said he can’t? Nobody’s stopping him.
@61 The late Doctor Schwartz couldn’t stand her. If he’s up there watching, he’ll laugh his ass off. I wanna see that, too.
Warnock’s a fool and a clown, but this probably isn’t gonna age well:
So I’ll do something different than whine for four years that “he’s not my president”.
Heh. A serial sex assaulter, con man, bullshit artist, narcissicist, thief and just all around not qualified for the job is no.. no President of mine.
A former Sec State and U.S. Senator is… someone I voted for, even though she was far from my first choice and..
someone of your ilk to vent your mental illness at..
Yawwwn.. Seek help or.. sux to be you.
@61 Where a mentally ill, deranged idiot reads about Los Angeles and vents its derangement at a Seattle politician.
One of 9 on the city council..
Deranged idiot warming up to do the crazy uncle act on Thanksgiving over Zoom.
Hit mute.
@ 69
A serial sex assaulter, con man, bullshit artist, narcissicist, thief and just all around not qualified for the job is no.. no President of mine.
A serial rapist and perjurer was a president of mine in the 1990s, YLB. Happens sometime. Denying it wouldn’t make it less real.
Girlfriend, denying reality is gonna make you smear your mascara before you know it.
A serial rapist and perjurer was a president of mine in the 1990s
Heh.. I remember fondly remember the “impeach Hillary” bumper stickers in 1993.
I’m sure you were dittoheading with the best of them and splitting your sides over “the dog in the white house”..
Fine. Back then I couldn’t care less. Clinton ended up serving two terms and…
Look who made #1 on this list:
I take it you were in cash then.. After all he rose taxes on the rich. The sky had to fall.
Biden: #notmypedophile
…believe that Iraq attacked the Twin Towers,
that Jimmy Carter saved Three Mile Island from melting down,
that “angels” live inside statues,
that President Obama was born in Kenya,
that Ted Cruz killed Kennedy,
that Nazis and white supremacists are “very fine people”,
that a secret “DERP STATE” of shadow bureaucrats controls the government,
and that an anonymous “Q” clearance “insider” is slowly revealing to them in coded messages the details of a global plot by Jews and Democrats to harvest the adrenal glands of infants and feed them to alien lizard people.
And BTW, The Cast Lady is most certainly among them.
So why the fuck should any rational, patriotic, real American give a fuck about persuading any of them. That can’t even be “persuaded” to save their own lives by wearing a mask and avoiding crowds.
Better that we all just stand back and howl with laughter as they abuse themselves and burn their party to ashes.
@73. We point and laugh at how desperate godwin is. I can smell the flop sweat all the way to Missouri.
Trump trade envoy Peter Navarro has been known to send insults towards our Canadian neighbors. Including questioning their involvement in Afghanistan. Could have hurt potential arms deal for equiping the new Canadian Surface Combattant. It looks like it will be an impressive ship, and a giant leap over the Halifax-class frigates and Tribal class destroyers they will replace. They will probabably have to go to Europe for the cruise missile. We have only ever sold Tomahawks to the UK, even turned down Israel.
One mission for the CSC, control ofvthe Northwest Passage. Canada claims it as their territorial waters, we think of it as International Waters.
Here come some “persuadable Trump supporters now.
2016 Pres. election was rigged. Not only was/is The Fuck Hump an awful holder he was illegitimate.
Under Pennsylvania law, the GoFundMe postal whore and Admiral O’Keefe of the Rapepublican Dildo Navy might have been in the clear.
Might have.
Under PA law perjury and subornation can be exempted if an affiant is able to recant or correct falsehoods before they substantially affect a legal proceeding. But unfortunately for both of them, the TrumpForeverOrElse campaign filed the falsely sworn affidavit in a federal lawsuit on Monday.
Chicago’s Democrat mayor channels her inner Clayton Williams.
Just lie back and enjoy it, sweetie.
@ 78
2016 election was rigged, according to the uber-sane Gclown.
2020 election totes was not rigged.
When you derive pleasure from taking it in the ass no matter how big the object penetrating you, I guess it doesn’t matter whether anything comes up heads or tails.
Congratulations the Chinese Communist Party. They won the 2020 US election.
Republican politicians keep getting nastier and more irresponsible:
“Observers were stunned this week when Minnesota GOP legislative officials urgently warned only Republicans about a serious COVID-19 outbreak in the state Senate. No one said a word to Democratic politicians or staff who shared the same spaces.”
There is, of course, no law that says elected officials and the voters who elect them have to be decent human beings, or even human beings at all.
@80 In which both Doctor Dumbfuck and a rightwing blogger nobody’s ever heard of express disappointment and take offense because the mayor didn’t break up the street celebration of Biden’s win with armored vehicles, SWAT teams, water cannon, police dogs, billy clubs, and tear gas.
Q: How do you tell Biden celebrants from Trump protesters?
A: The Biden supporters are brandishing masks, not guns.
@82 I’m sure that will be news to them, especially when they try to invade Taiwan.
I don’t see what the big outcry over “defunding” is. The police are already defunding themselves. See, e.g., #57.
They’ve clearly achieved an overwhelming victory over you.
@88 Keep in mind that only half of us can have above-average IQs. Given that somebody’s gotta be stupid, it might as well be him.
Personal note to godwinha:
godwinha, I was like you. Back in the heyday of SoundPolitics.com I was on that blog, and subsequently this one, daily, often more than daily. That was back when Goldstein posted actual original thought, albeit thoughts and opinions with which I mostly disagreed.
After the death of Jim, who succeeded Stefan Sharkansky at SoundPolitics.com, I was left with this. I fully admit I made the choice.
I found myself arguing with thin air. But, worse, while I enjoyed the arguing, the poking, the mocking, I found myself always angry, an anger that spilled over into real life, into my family, into the way I viewed the world.
Finally I had enough and I quit. I do come around every so often to lurk.
Nothing has changed here. In fact, it has gotten exponentially worse.
If I could shake you and advise you, I would tell you to walk away from this unoriginal, toxic site. The five or so “commenters” left are purveyors of what is essentially hate and anger porn. They get off on it as easily and regularly as a pervert indulging on child porn. It appears this site and their hatred is all they have as evidences by the amount the post (“spew”) their contempt.
Like you, I love to argue. But, you will never change a single mind of the few left here. In fact, it fuels them to be more: more entrenched in their narrow mindedness, more hateful and worse, more enjoying both.
You deserve better; you should desire to seek better. I sincerely hope you do. Let them slowly wither away in their hatred and don’t let them take you with them. In turn, don’t take them with you in your life. You absolutely will be happier to have turned your back.
The former HowCanYouBeProudToBeAnAss
You don’t see it because it doesn’t really exist.
Shifting city public safety expenditures away from police and toward more effective strategies in large cities is fairly uncontroversial among the voters who live in in some of those cities where that option is being considered.
Are there objections? Of course there are. Setting aside at first the obviously self-serving objections of police themselves (who seldom live in the cities they patrol), we see this mostly from wealthy commercial property owners (also non-residents) and nearby suburban communities.
But there too exists a significant distorting self-interest. Owing to shifts in demographics, the growing population of homeless priced out of regions by development, and premise liability risks, big commercial property developers have come to rely overwhelmingly on city police to solve property related behavioral issues and disputes among public users of quasi public and adjacent spaces. Police calls to commercial property dominate call logs. “Suspicious person” reports, “disturbance” reports, and “trespass” complaints are the most common. And until recently city governments tended to encourage this. At least until, predictably, police were drawn increasingly into civil rights violations (or worse) on behalf of these wealthy property owners, their agents, and their leaseholders.
Adjacent suburban citizens who rely on convenient access to nearby cities for work, entertainment, commerce, and business in general, also tend to view the same populations of mostly younger, poorer, and disadvantaged neighbors living in cities as a “danger”. The convenient access they rely upon also presents risk as they perceive it. They see massive city investments in hyper-militarized aggressive policing as integral to their choice of lifestyle.
Both groups are parasites in a sense. They demand city taxpayers fund these services they see as critical to the choices they make about where they work, play, shop, or invest their capital. And growing cities look to those choices to drive growth. But when residents of cities (and even some in the nearby suburbs) tire of the growth a tipping point is reached. And additional or even sustained investments in hyper-militarized aggressive policing no longer delivers value equal to the investments.
You’ll see the common theme in cities undergoing this transformation, where aggressive police work and over reliance on police has been called into question. As the same communities of people who are most heavily impacted by growth and development also happen to be the same communities of people most heavily impacted by hyper-aggressive policing. But the fact that in a growing number of fast growing cities, the voices of those communities are being heard and responded to is a powerful indication that urban growth and investment, at least as they are traditionally pursued, are no longer serving the majority of citizens in those cities.
That “anger” you say you felt is a consequence of cognitive dissonance. Your mind seemingly at war with itself.
It’s a very well understood psychological effect that follows upon the failure of a cult.
It’s good that you paid attention to it and responded. It’s a shame, however, that you fell short in terms of analyzing the source beliefs, and their entirely predictable ultimate failure.
In the wake of most cult failures, a majority of cult adherents will do as you have done, and train themselves to set the failed cult belief system aside. But it often leaves them adrift and uncertain in a semi state of limbo, unable to reconcile the previously defended cult belief system with their perception of new ideas presented by the world beyond the cult. This prolonged cognitive dissonance may often lead to depression and in some cases substance abuse and suicide.
So I urge you for your own sake to continue on your journey. It’s all too easy for you to fall back into these cult habits, as you have done here today. Letting go of “conservatism” will not be easy. But unless you want to end up a degraded shell like The Q Clearance Cat Lady, spouting inane nonsense about baby cannibalism conspiracies, and endlessly speculating about anal sex and Christmas Tree cock-rings, it’s what you must do to be truly free.
I have done my part, trying to halt COVID. Limiting non-essential trips, curtailing my usual post-Thanksgiving trip to Portland. Guess I will be ordering online from Powells again. Also, being a janitor, it’s my job at work to keep things as sanitary as possible, and there have been challenges getting supplies.
While on a shopping trip tp Bremerton, wearing a mask, saw the Kitsap Transit ferry Enatai. It’s going to be awhile before its in service, tge Pandemic slowed KT’s plans to start the service.
Uhhh.. ASS @ 90
They get off on it as easily and regularly as a pervert indulging on child porn.
The always wrong-wing moron you’re addressing your ignorant missive to is on the record here posting rape fantasy and links to porn sites.
The freak is an unrepentant misogynist and garden variety greedhead – a lesser version of the orange freak you voted for twice.
Sure we’re angry – the state is going into lockdown again due in no small part to those of your ilk. You voted for a disaster that assured you this would all just “go away”.. “turning the corner”…
Thanks a lot!
What’s your evidence that it wasn’t? I mean Republicans said there was fraudulent voting in 2016 – I mean dead Republicans were voting in 2016 too, it’s not something new – is it Doctor Dumbfuck? So I am going on what they said, that’s all.
I know questions that you don’t like to answer.
2016 was rigged big time!
Lockdown. You dont’t have to lockdown completely, you just need people to wear a mask and socially distance. You want to end this then wear a mask, and stay away from people unnecessairly – that the fuck it.
You want to support your local restaurant do take out. Then take it home and eat. In Bob’s case he then gets to suck the horses cock after eating dinner instead of spreading his germs to people.
It’s your civic duty to wear a mask! And stop being spoiled brats and think you have to socialize with groups of your freinds. I mean all you married folk out there, is not being with your horse enough company?
They get off on it as easily and regularly as a pervert indulging on child porn.
kreepy boob mcdimfuk gets off to its sins and stinks from them as well..
It’s a “life”.. of sorts.
96)I think where I work, in the corporate office of a fish company, is essential. Still had to go in during the Lockdown, havent called about these latest restrictions.
The Fuck Hump – he’s not my President, because……He was and is a fake, how the fuck can he be a President. The 2016 election was rigged and the dude never intended to even try to be presidential. Therefore he wasn’t even a fucking President.
Look up the definition of Presidential….it wasn’t the Fuck Hump.
I don’t recall you congratulating Putin and the GRU for winning in 2016. Was it because, like the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck, you love Putin and fascism?
I take it you know a lot about that.
Are you kidding the dude (Bob( is a Troll, looking for and driving what you say others are giving him. And he gives it just as much as he takes.
Why don’t you stick around and try to clean things up around here, starting with getting he to be a better person himself…..bet you can’t.
Good question for Bob. I mean he can’t even have a thought of his own, he has to copy opinionated tweets from others.
The Chinese Communist Party has launched a successful biological attack on the World to make sure Trump was defeated in the election. Also, they are managing to attack the white nations very well because the Chinese are racists, too. Just like veryone else.
The Chinese Communist Party has launched a successful biological attack on the World to make sure Trump was defeated in the election. Also, they are managing to attack the white nations very well because the Chinese are racists, too. Just like veryone else.
I suggest you go back to jacking off while watching kiddie porn. It’s no doubt what you do best.
Doctor Z
You also might consider allowing me to zap you with some high voltage current. It wouldn’t get your mind right, that’s asking too much, but I’d certainly have some fun with it. You might recall from my commentary on (u)SP that the voltage device I use on right-wing nutjobs like you has a dial that goes to 11.
Doctor Z
Sppedy….If the Fuck Hump was smart, which we know he’s not smart, just a brainwasher, he wouldn’t have pretended that it was nothing and dealt with it. It was his own demise….the Chinese, so smart to know that The Fuck Hump would have chosen to ignore it! No conspiracy theory there.
After the death of Jim, who succeeded Stefan Sharkansky at SoundPolitics.com, I was left with this.
Jim Miller is dead? Heh. I remember fondly his theory of “distributed voter fraud”, one of the pillars of which was “democrats do it more”..
He said it would only cost 100 large to “prove” this “theory”.. A clear solicit for a funded job at the Evergreen Fraudulent Foundation now know as the Freedumb Foundation.
Dedicated body and soul to annoying always wrong wing krap..
Amazing Launch today.
And yes Jim Miller’s obnoxious website is no more.. Has been out of commission since 2018..
If you look at SoundPolitics’ front page through the wayback, you can find a link and soak up his annoying obsessions like “Strange Obama” and “The Gang of Four”..
I hope the always wrong wingers out there find it edifying. If I need to laugh and shake my head, I’ll take it in myself from time to time if only to remember, “yes this too will pass.”
It will pass.
But remember also that something will replace it. Something always replaces it.
Because in this new era being “conservative” means a constant recruitment of new reasons for “fear”. They have nothing else to live for.
Even now durty Meskins are army crawling through a darkened desert, screaming Chi-Coms are gathering at the frontiers, and angry Mao-Maos are gathering torches and sharpening pitch forks. Two hundred years of shame and regret has left them with no other “feels” but fear.
The Hump ignoring his virus.
@104 The Chinese communists also planted worms in your brain. How did you overlook that one?
Here’s a tweet for you Bob.
The Fake President vivtory in 2016 was rigged. Stolen.
The American people had a right to vote Trump out of office. To say the election was “stolen” because they did goes against the principles this nation was founded on and generations of veterans fought and died to defend. Such talk is un-American and disloyal.
Nah, I did that one.
With eleven million cases reported so far, 100,000 new cases every day and growing, 250,000 dead, and about 25% of the most severe cases not receiving the best available life saving treatments, the GOP FailPresident has not attended one single public health emergency briefing in over five months.
And 70 million of our fellow citizens voted for “more please”.
It’s absolutely essential for Democrats to keep these unalterable facts in mind moving forward. They oppose democratic free elections and they oppose life itself. The reasons don’t matter. The risk they pose to the rest of us is what matters.
Republicans are the single greatest threat to America.
And just as important is to remember that all 70 million of those nihilistic meat bags who are openly supporting the death of democracy and the spread of deadly virus while their elected leader descends into capering lunacy will eventually, in a few weeks or a few months, come to us demanding that Democrats respect “norms” and “balance” and refrain from “overreach”.
106, 107, 108 & 118
We’ll see.
What a dumbfuck. Even more stupid now than you were before.
Doctor Z
@121 What’s there to see? We’ve already seen all there is to see. For a 360-degree view, see @119-120.