Stephen answers your kids’ most pressing election questions!
Jonathan Mann: The bad time line
Stephen with Larry Wilmore: Inspired by the political actions of young people
Election 2020:
- The Late Show: Great moments in election history—Трамп’s 2016 victory speech
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard Трамп versus numbers
- The Daily Show: Трамп cries fraud and calls dibs on the presidency
- Seth Meyers on the undecided presidential election
- Keith Olbermann: Trump’s plan—Coup by television
- Really American: Count every vote! We’re winning!
- Stephen reacts to Трамп’s heartbreaking Thursday night lie fest
- Now This: Stacey Abrams helped make Georgia a critical swing state
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп is losing, lying & tearing democracy down with him
- Bill Maher: Down for the count
- Vox: How it felt to vote in 2020
- Robert Reich: A last word on the 2020 election
- Michael Kosta: What’s the real deadline to finish counting votes?
- The Late Show: Try not to freak out during this moment of calm
- The Parody Project: When you go away!
- Comedy Central: What voting is like in a nudist colony
- Amber Ruffin: The two shows we had to prepare
- SNL:
Former VPPresident Elect Joe Biden Halloween message - J-L Cauvin: The Dotard is FURIOUS with Georgia
- Josh Meyers: Gov. Gavin Newsom’s message for California voters
- Keith Olbermann: Трамп loses mind, begins 2024 campaign
- Seth Meyers: Трамп is losing the election, so he’s trying to destroy Democracy
- Mark Fiore: The Трамп formula
- Jimmy Kimmel: Losing isn’t easy, especially for The Dotard
- The Late Show: The Electoral College—None of this makes any sense
- Jonathan Mann: Raccoons are trying to steal this election
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard reacts to losing Wisconsin
- Vox: How the U.S. counts votes
- Trevor: LGBTQ candidates take home wins & four states legalize marijuana
- Our Cartoon President: Election knight rises:
- Seth Meyers: As Biden nears victory, The Dotard tries to steal the election
- Stephen: Biden urges patience as all votes are counted
- Now This: Philadelphia Mayor tells Трамп to “put big boy pants on”
- SNL: Democracy PSA
- Our Cartoon President: Washington melts down on election night
- Keith Olbermann: Exorcism or dictatorship
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard calle Joe Biden to concede the 2020 election
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп falsely claims victory after crazy election night
- Stephen: 2020 ballot initiatives
- Amber Ruffin: The election has Amber feeling catatonic
- LSSC Street: One of these things is not the the otheres
- Trevor: Biden & Трамп make drastically different final pitches to voters
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп versus Philadelphia
- Roy Zimmerman and friends: “Vote him away #4 (The liar tweets tonight)”:
- Seth Meyers: On election eve, The Dotard threatens to steal the election
- Trevor: Трамп wants to stop counting votes & Republicans hold the Senate
- The Late Show: Election Claus tells the story of Election Day Eve!
- SNL Weekend Update: Trump’s final 2020 election message
- Desi Lydic Foxsplains the vote count
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard Трамп wants to kick Michigan out of the country
- Our Cartoon President: Cable news hosts sing election day anthem
- Americans for Decency: Philly—Let’s get this done!
- The Late Show: Eric Трамп’s babysitter tries to stop his whining
- Keith Olbermann: I hereby claim Трамп, the lame duck, BLEW IT!
- J-L Cauvin: Mike Pence celebrates winning Indiana
- The Daily Show: How do the polls just keep getting worse?
The Daily Show: The most scandal-plagued Presidency ever—A look back
Bill Maher: Tristan Harris on social media’s influence on U.S. elections
Roll Calls: Election week Congressional hits and misses of the week
The Dotard Трамп and Other Whiners, Losers, Thieves, and Liars:
- Trevor: Трамп’s attempts at commander-in-chiefing
- Bruce W. Nelson: Running out of bad things to say
- The Late Show: Play the game that’s making family game night great again!
- Michael Kosta: Why do White suburban women still support Трамп?
- Taina Asili: No Es Mi Presidente
- John Oliver: Bill Barr
- Jonathan Mann: Трамп’s Pastor (Paula White) chill remix:
- Keith Olbermann: Трамп’s damaged brain
- Americans for Decency: MAGA meltdown—The Dotard and melting
- Bill Maher and friends discuss the stalker in the White House
- Thinking Atheist: The Paula White Samba
- Jaboukie Young-White: How do senior citizens feel about Трамп and Biden?
- Roy Wood Jr. Counting down The Dotard’s 100 most tremendous scandals—25-1
Taína Asili: Here we come.
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship
ТрампPlague Superspreading:
- Stephen with John Oliver: Compares the UK’s handling of the coronavirus with America’s pandemic response
- Trevor: Coronavirus spikes in the U.S. & The U.K. shuts down
- Founders Sing: COVID! COVID! COVID!:
- John Oliver: Трамп & the coronavirus
Lauren Mayer: : It could be worse!
Bruce W. Nelson: The Radical Right.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Dogs returning to the White House is a cool thing.
@1 yeah goats weren’t too desirable.
By the way is Bob still fucking with the horse?
@ #2 G:
The horse asked for an open relationship, then stopped answering the phone.
Speaking of Paula White.
The hits just keep coming.
@4 The cat should be in Biden’s cabinet.
My initial list of top ten fleeing felons:
Donald Trump
Ivanka Trump
Donald Trump Jr.
Eric Trump
Chad Wolf
Louis DeJoy
Brad Parscale
Rudy Giuliani
Mike Pompeo
Kirstjen Nielsen
The provisional ballots in PA have me worried.
It’s going to be tight, but if its a win, a win is a win.
NBC News has called Pennsylvania for Biden. 273.
@ #9 ER:
Official now. Biden – 284 EV, 74,915,998 popular votes = 50.56% ,
Fat Donny 214 EV, 70,780,508 popular votes = 47.77%
Bye, Don! Don’t let the door hit ya where the Great Noodle split ya.
10)My EWU Esgles may have inspired him. His University of Delaware Fighting Blue Hens were leadig 19-0 going into the 4th Quarter of the FCS championship game 10 years ago. We came back with 20 to win.
Democratic filed ops teams leveraging real time digital gained vote share in every battleground state, flipping the rust belt and several larger “red” states, further solidifying the Western US, and gained at least one seat in the Senate, while at least two more appear to hang in the balance. And of course won back the White House.
Meanwhile a handful of moderate freshmen Democrats in the House who were showered with party and donor cash but who ran lackluster campaigns with weak messaging and refused to invest in digital voter outreach and GOTV during a pandemic declare that “everything is terrible” and “everybody is a great big loser” and “it’s all AOC’s fault”.
The earliest filing deadlines for these seats will be in November of next year.
Love that it was the birthplace of our Constitution that put a resident of the First State into the White House.
Ground Floor Opportunities Will Not Last!!!!
Don’t miss your chance to build TREMENDOUS wealth and CASH FLOW in the rapidly growing industry of selling FAKE BALLOT/VOTER FRAUD to GOP meatheads. Whether it’s “ballot forgery” stories or “sneaky Mexican voter” stories, or “Magical Mysterious Mail Ballot” stories, right now at this very moment 70 million GOP voters are poised with credit cards in hand shaking with pent up rage and fury. And the only thing that will soothe them could be YOUR FAKE STORIES about ELECTION FRAUD!
Get in on the GROUND FLOOR before it’s too late!!!!!!!
CBS News reports that while former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris were being declared the winners of the 2020 Presidential election, Donald J. Trump was “out of the office” on his 209th golf outing since becoming President four years ago.
The 2020 presidential election was won by the Chinese Communist Party. The totalitarians won.
And still you fail, after dozens of opportunities, to address in any way the fact that not only does your GOP FailPresident hold an account in a bank controlled by the PRC Communist Party, and not only has he received payment to that account from the PRC, but his Sec. of Commerce is currently on the active payroll of the PRC Communist Party.
These are just facts. These are not allegations of any crime or wrongdoing on the part of Trump, the Trump Org. or Sec. Ross. But they are true statements that clearly indicate a much closer and more extant financial relationship between Trump and his administration than whatever foolish claims you have made up about President-elect Biden.
You are a clown.
Enjoy the scintillating live coverage of the Trump 2020 press conference called in reaction to the election outcome held at the Philadelphia Four Seasons…. Landscaping*:
*Really. That’s where the campaign called the press conference. In the truck yard of a landscape company.
Absolutely true fact:
A very large majority of self-described “conservatives’ regard media reports of information that is negative with respect to conservatives or conservative views to be a sign of media bias, even when that reported information is agreed to be 100% true.
@ 10
‘froggy, where ya been? In hiding from the shame of permanent unemployment, no doubt.
It’s Fat Donny Two Scoops. Don’t sell it short.
@ 12
Meanwhile a handful of moderate freshmen Democrats in the House…
I was unaware that there was a handful of moderate Democrats still remaining in the House, freshmen or otherwise. Y’all shamed or primaried half of them out of existence, and the GOP took out the other half.
That will likely be a problem for y’all in 2022.
@ #20 The Trumpanzee:
As far as I know, they don’t serve ice cream in Leavenworth or Sing Sing. They’re going to have to keep that entire family on 24 hour suicide watch. Probably have to keep them sedated too, just to make sure of their own safety.
There are far too many people out there that would love a few “suicides” to occur. Bear in mind that Biden was running to do the job as President. Fat Donny was running to keep from being fitted with a pair of cement shoes.
“But for 79,646 votes cast in those three states, she’d be the next president of the United States.”
I’ve been reading variations of this sentence for the last four years.
How will that sentence read for the next four years?
It’s a Biden victory. It’s far from a mandate.
That having been said, I again offer congratulations.
Think through the implication:
A freshman House Democrat in a “Trump” district complains that because they chose to adopt an electioneering strategy of validation and appeasement of Trump and Trump voters, too many Trump voters showed up on Tuesday.
I get that you have everything riding on this bullshit. So you have no choice but to pretend that it makes any sense at all.
But the rest of us haven’t made your terrible choices and we aren’t forced to live with them.
Sucking up to Trump and his voters is why those folks lost.
After 2000 Florida a victory is a mandate.
Your rules, after all. Don’t hate the player. Hate the game.
The schmuck at 16 is a communist no less than they didn’t like terrorists until they themselves became The American Taliban.
And ironically, a nutty old lady I saw in the park today (she is a Trump fan), just as the announcement was made and the cheering and honking began, asked me who I was…a liberal? I told her no….that I’m a communist!!! To scare the living Jesus out of her. Don’t let them label you….they want to call you a communist, tell them that you are
It shut her up immediately.
@ 26
Somewhere right now in NYC there is an elderly woman telling her friends about the guy she saw while walking in the park, who was getting fucked bareback in the bushes, and then came out, pulled up his boxers and zipped up, noticed her, and then subjected her to a verbal blast of absolutely incomprehensible bullshit word-for-word identical to what he spews here.
I understand folks are dancing in the streets in Philly..
Somewhere in a lily white safespace a freak is desperately seeking antifa..
or a laptop hard drive.. or blaming its miserable life on a…
bitch… Sux to be that freak.
Yesterday on NPR two talking heads contrasted Trump’s response to an unfavorable election result with the “gracious” responses of Hillary Clinton and Al Gore when they lost their national elections.
WTF. No issue with Hillary’s belated statement to the country, but Al Gore fought the Florida result for five weeks before finally running out of time. There was nothing gracious about it until the Supreme Court, which was forced to involve itself two separate times during the contest phase, made it clear that Gore’s time had run out. At which point Gore became “gracious”.
The lesson from 2000 is to not waste time in the recount phase, and instead go directly to contest phase, because time is of the essence. It’s an emergency as soon as a problem pops up.
Trump will, and should, be the loser in this election. However, there is much to be learned from how the election was conducted, so that the mistakes that occurred won’t be repeated. For that reason, some of what is being contested is worthwhile.
We’re guaranteed free and fair elections, not perfect elections. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive to come as close to perfection as possible.
We should recall that Al Gore did the right thing by ending his efforts to change the Florida result. We should also recall that he did not end his efforts until all contest avenues were eliminated by the courts.
That having been said, I again offer congratulations…
Words to the wise: ignore what they say – look at what they DO..
Get off to your sins freak..
That one term orange repukelican freak is just awful..
just awful..
Look at what they do:
Now they babble about “grace” and “civility”… one inmate in the asylum.
I read the hardcore wingnut sites and they babble about:
@ 28
Compared with what polls were telling us on November 3 – check out Darryl’s two threads that day – do you think I am happier today, or sadder today, about the election results, YLB?
As late as 8:42 Tuesday evening Darryl was telling me that the Democrats would pick up additional House seats.
1. Trump almost pulled it off.
2. The Senate will remain in GOP hands.
3. The House Democrat majority has shrunk significantly and the potential for a flip to GOP control in 2022 has considerably grown.
YLB, you unserious pussy, you have distilled the election down to control of the presidency. Yes, it may gain you a SCOTUS seat, but it will be a SCOTUS seat subject to Senate confirmation. It’s just as likely that you’ll replace Breyer as Thomas, with a Democrat approved by Mitch McConnell. That Democrat will be 60, not 49. And (s)he’ll be more like Joe Manchin than Elizabeth Warren.
On the subject of Manchin, there’s talk, yet again, of a party switch. I’d put the chances below 50/50, but the argument is pretty compelling. Democrats just spent the last four years beating the hell out of his constituency for being uneducated, poor, and relatively conservative.
YLB, consider:
• Gone is Biden’s taxation.
• Gone is packing the court.
• Gone is the New Green Deal, or anything close to it.
It’s all gone, YLB. What you’re left with is a president barely elected despite the massive advantages of funding, media support, and social media suppression of the opposition he enjoyed during his basement campaign. The future First! Woman! President! will not have been directly elected to that seat.
Enjoy your victory, YLB. Realize, however, that I gained much more this week than you did, Precious.
So drumpf is playing golf right now… its beloved safespace…
but a black guy shouldn’t have “time” for that.
get off to your sins troll freaks..
Here’s the Manchin party switch screed I referred to above.
Manchin is popular in his state and I doubt would have trouble being re-elected. But he’s got more to gain by being part of the Senate majority in the next four year than he has being frustrated as part of the Senate minority. Cocaine Mitch no longer has to worry about protecting Trump.
Still true: #CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.
In about 10 weeks we can start referring to COVID-19 as The Chinese Virus without fear of blowback from the Democrats.
HAHAHAHAHAHA… Let’s take this shit apart..
Compared with what polls were telling us on November 3 – check out Darryl’s two threads that day – do you think I am happier today, or sadder today, about the election results, YLB?
After the way you’ve behaved here, like we should all give a flying fuck how you “feel”.
As late as 8:42 Tuesday evening Darryl was telling me that the Democrats would pick up additional House seats.
1. Trump almost pulled it off.
So did Hillary but she was just “awful”… Orange Dear Leader is “Trump” and the “leader” is playing golf as I write.
2. The Senate will remain in GOP hands.
Runoffs in GA.. 2022.
3. The House Democrat majority has shrunk significantly and the potential for a flip to GOP control in 2022 has considerably grown.
It’s still a majority freak..
YLB, you unserious pussy, you have distilled the election down to control of the presidency.
Heh. Look at what you DO freak.. You lie.. Nothing has changed from you. Fuck your “grace”.
Yes, it may gain you a SCOTUS seat, but it will be a SCOTUS seat subject to Senate confirmation. It’s just as likely that you’ll replace Breyer as Thomas, with a Democrat approved by Mitch McConnell. That Democrat will be 60, not 49. And (s)he’ll be more like Joe Manchin than Elizabeth Warren.
Joe Manchin is your great white hope now huh?
On the subject of Manchin, there’s talk, yet again, of a party switch. I’d put the chances below 50/50, but the argument is pretty compelling. Democrats just spent the last four years beating the hell out of his constituency for being uneducated, poor, and relatively conservative.
Yep, thought so.
YLB, consider:
• Gone is Biden’s taxation.
• Gone is packing the court.
• Gone is the New Green Deal, or anything close to it.
And 2022 is just two years away. Hope springs eternal. Especially after surviving the last disaster and living with your nauseous shit.
It’s all gone, YLB.
What you’re left with is a president barely elected
And orange dear leader was nothing close to “awful” ONE TERM ONE TERM.. Can you say
Jimmy Cawwwter…
despite the massive advantages of funding,
What? I thought your ilk had the money.
media support,
Yep, high iq educated folks find it hard to be “objective” about a piece of shit.
and social media suppression of the opposition
Someone finally monitored and started to clean that russian fouled, fascist sewer. A little anyway.
he enjoyed during his basement campaign.
No thanks to orange dear leader’s plague.
The future First! Woman! President! will not have been directly elected to that seat.
Another first.. NOT FROM REPUKES..
Enjoy your victory, YLB.
Not really a Biden fan.
Realize, however, that I gained much more this week than you did,
Stock market’s up? Congrats. My stuff gains too.
Projector as always.. Get off to your sins, Gollum.. Heh.
See-sawing results in UT-4 House race.
Looks like it will barely stay D. My guess is 300 or fewer votes. One of the few House bright spots for Democrats.
@16 Wingnut rage on display.
Bookmarking 33 as this year’s anguished cri de coeur.
TIL my party’s big plans to round up all the guns and impose mandatory weed are on hold. Ouch.
Awww that impeached, orange washed, lying, cheating, swindling, serial sex assaulting, con-man ONE TERM REPUKE occupier of the white house was
just awful.. just awful…
But take comfort trolls. Get off to your sins.. You have lots to choose from.
@21 “I was unaware that there was a handful of moderate Democrats still remaining in the House” etc. etc.
Too much self-awareness can lead to unawareness.
I guess that explains the millions of people spontaneously pouring into the streets to dance and sing and celebrate.
That one teeeny tiny “bright spot”.
@23 “It’s a Biden victory. It’s far from a mandate.”
I would remind you that Biden won both the electoral vote and popular vote, not just the electoral vote alone, which is much more mandate than Trump ever had to do the things he did.
Biggest loser: North Korea.
Comrade Kim just lost a friend. But they can still be golfing buddies.
Seen the press interviewing the Vice President-elect’s uncle. During the debate, he felt sorry for VP Pence.
From JOE BIDEN’s basement:
A blue wall was rebuilt.
Right in front of a HORDE of “hi iq” repuke militia
GUUUUNNSSSS! Hey dimfuk, why hold out? Buy a fucking gun! Kidnap a female dem governor and party down (you illustrated that here at HA) with dreams of Manchin dancin’ in your skull.
Get off to your sins, rapey freak.
Second biggest loser: John Paul Mac Isaac.
He’s unfamous again.
All across America today and into tonight Real American Democrats and Liberals are partying and fucking.
While Ben Shapiro stares into a camera shaking with rage at the “hypocrisy” and “impracticality” of “progressives”, Trump runs up legal bills he will never pay, and The Q Clearance Cat Lady dials up the police from the wrong side of Teh Orange Event Horizon to submit a noise complaint.
@48 I wonder how many of those kids in that kindergarten class photo actually served in the military? This is what real G.I.s look like:
Comrade Kim just lost a friend.
Kim is an obese chain smoker.. Not long for this world.
The Q Clearance Cat Lady dials up the police from the wrong side of Teh Orange Event Horizon to submit a noise complaint.
noun, verb, ANTIFA!!!
In practical, real terms this is undoubtedly true.
But it’s entirely because Trump had reduced The Q Clearance Cat Lady’s circumstances so much in four years and therefor he started out with so much more to gain.
Trump’s accomplishments were always nearly all in terms of symbolism. There is no WALL and there never will be. No KOAL JERBS, no “American Greatness”, no “Trade War Victory”, no “Herd Immunity”. Just Trump Trains and Boat Parades. Superspreader Rallies and press podium fantasies.
It’s been a reality television scam from the start and that’s all Trolls4Trump really had to look forward to. Four more of the same. None of it real. Now the phony white supremacist fantasies are gone. And he can look forward to spending the next four years relentlessly criticizing real accomplishments for being “too limited” or “too incremental”. It was always going to work out this way.
Think maybe he’ll head out to man a checkpoint or a road block?
Nah. Too skeered for that.
Wonder if SAM28000 and SAM29000 being prepped for a flight to a non-extradition treaty country.
teh batshit always wrong sites have deflated, run out of gas..
regrouping for the next assault on the future..
awful.. just awful.. I’m grateful for the small respite.
Not sure Bob knows how to not spin shit or put things in true context.
What was said about Fuck Hump……by the way why you still defending this traitor to American values and Democracy?….was that he only won by the 76,000 votes in three states is because he lost by approximately 2,500,000 votes…… but by the way Biden beat the Fuck Hump Neanderthal by approximately 5,000,000 votes.
And some of The Fuck Hump voters voted with a close pin on thier nose….because they are traitors just like you. That’s the difference.
Bob still is fucking the horse!
Reference one of America’s Taliban @27.
Bob always has some Silver lining….almost like he’s looking at the ring around the horses asshole.
Jimmy Carter lived long to see this. Survived brain cancer even..
Did kooky Ben Karsen pray for Jimmy Carter?
You mean the Hump virus? It’s a flu don’t overstate it. It was never here after Easter. And we only had like 8 cases. What virus?
Mitch McConnell: Freshly re-elected. In 6 years he’ll be 84 and probably (maybe?) won’t run again. He has nothing to fear. He delivered everything except Trump’s second term, and that’s on Trump, not him. “President Trump’s nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate.” And so she did.
Susan Collins: Freshly re-elected, lifelong Mainer. This is her last term. She owes much to the GOP for helping her through and finding enough votes to confirm ACB without her. Dems attacked her with a fund established in 2018 in response to her vote on Kavanaugh – a threat, in essence. She has no reason to listen to Democrats now.
Lindsey Graham: Freshly elected. His sexuality very much a question mark, but presence of a spine is no longer in doubt.
DiFi: Badly weakened by what she did with Blasey Ford’s letter and by how she handled ACB’s hearings. Anyone looking forward to how she handles Biden’s nominee for Breyer’s seat?
Schumer: Badly weakened by the collection of only one seat despite oodles of dough and the GOP’s need to defend far more seats.
Peters: “Who?” Weakened by a poor showing in a year that should have been a strong one for Democrats in MI.
Manchin: Kingmaker if he wants to be. Which committee chair would you like, Senator? Mitch has several he can offer for your consideration.
All roads lead through the Senate Majority Leader’s office.
Correcting @ 64 to read
Anyone looking forward to how she handles Biden’s first nominee for Breyer’s seat?
@64 Not sure of my math here, but if Ds lost 1 and picked up 2, that reduces McConnell’s caucus from 53 to 52, and if Ds win both of the Georgia runoffs, that gives Rs 50 and Ds 50, which is enough for the Ds to confirm judges, cabinet secretaries, appointees, and pass legislation.
But let’s say it’s Rs 51, Ds 49. Then, the Ds could still confirm cabinet members, and pass some legislation, where Romney is willing to break with McConnell.
But let’s say it stays Rs 52, Ds 48. Then, McConnell has a choice: He can sign off on confirming necessary appointments, and the other things necessary to govern, or he can go scorched earth.
If he goes scorched earth, this is the game of defense your side has to play in 2022:
Of 34 senate seats up for election, 12 are held by Democrats in blue states; and of the 22 currently held by Republicans, 2 are retiring, and 5 more are in states Trump lost in 2020.
In short, if Ds still need 1 or 2 seats for a majority in 2022, that’s not an impossible hill to climb. Especially if Republicans fuck over the entire country in the intervening 2 years.
His sexuality very much a question mark..
Oh? A “pansy” who excoriated “religious bigot” drumpf only to embrace or turn sicko-phantic to very the religious and every other sort of bigotry and criminal behavior he once condemned. He made the “always wrong” call and clung to power..
How flattering..
Mitch McConnell: Freshly re-elected. In 6 years he’ll be 84 and probably (maybe?) won’t run again.
See Strom Thurmond.. Till death do it part.
He delivered everything except Trump’s second term
And Faux Snooze is calling Biden “president-elect” infuriating the insane drumpf “base”.. Sweet justice if it goes the fate of Randroid Ryan because of just this.. Go “base”!
This is her last term.
Maine can’t have its own Strom Thurmond? A misogynist never changes its spots.
She has no reason to listen to Democrats now.
Did she ever?
DiFi: Badly weakened by what she did
She’s definitely outworn her welcome.
Schumer: Badly weakened by the collection of only one seat
I’m almost tempted to say ditto. But then there’s 2022…
and the GOP’s need to defend far more seats.
Again see 2022.. Good luck with that.
Peters: “Who?”
Only a guy who prevailed against a challenge by a forced birth jerk (rape, incest?, life of the mother?) – all the more galling given Peters’ own wife barely survived a bad pregnancy made more difficult by a forced birth hospital administration. Same jerk touted by a misogynist, rape fantasist moron in the HA comment threads.
weakened by a poor showing
And serving another 6 years – a long fucking time. May his obnoxious challenger serve on the backbench in the House with Louie Gohmert, jungle gym Jordan, Devin dumbshit Nunez and the like.
a year that should have been a strong one for Democrats in MI.
The state made a much better call this time around.
Manchin: Kingmaker if he wants to be. Which committee chair would you like, Senator? Mitch has several he can offer for your consideration.
Heh.. Oh Mitch lurves it some Manchin while Mitt the turncoat is in the doghouse..
Or maybe not so much..
Heh. Just stirring the pot.
All roads lead through the Senate Majority Leader’s office.
Heh. Indeed…
“Hundreds of additional ballots were uncovered during a second sweep of U.S. Postal Services (USPS) facilities on Thursday. That’s according to a progress report filed with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Saturday. According to the report, nearly 600 ballots were found in five USPS districts throughout North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Those districts are: Greensboro, Mid-Carolinas, Central Pennsylvania, Western Pennsylvania, and Philadelphia Metropolitan.”
The plot thickens…
Babblin’ butthole come out and plaaaayyy! It’s sat night after sunset…
Put HA HEROES first!
Of course they will. And “all roads will lead directly” to Toomey in PA and Johnson in WI. Democrats just demonstrated exactly what it takes to win large majorities in those states. But gerrymandering will be on the menu and national level support will be needed to keep Rapepublican state legislators in those states from fucking with the votes.
For now Biden and The Speaker can focus on setting the table for Moscow Mitch to hang swing state Trumpalos out to dry. And he will. He really has no control over assholes like Cruz and Paul.
Trump supporters like to label Republicans that are critical of the Fuck Hump as RHINOs. But those people are the real true conservatives. The real RHINOs are the Fuck Hump supporters, like Bob. Bob isn’t a true Republican he’s a RHINO that fucks horses.
Ironic among world leaders congratulqting America and Biden/Harris, was the President of the Swiss Confederation. Women only got the vote Federally in Switzerland in 1971, but in less than 30 years, they were on the Federal Council. Nearly a century, and we just elected our first woman VP.
Trumpalo strategy to overturn Arizona results: “At the state capitol building Saturday afternoon, speakers exhorted the crowd not to accept the results of the election, calling on paralegals and law students to come the president’s defense.”
From the Trumpalo war room: “’We all know President Trump won this election!’ one shouted. Another told the crowd to look in the mirror and ask themselves what they were willing to do. Chants of ‘liberty or death!’ rang out.”
“Death,” said the little ball with protruding stickers.
Oh my gosh!
Just look at all those ANTIFA riots:
It’s exactly like The Q Clearance Cat Lady predicted.
Oh, the humanity.
@75. From that video, Seattle was very quite.
Come on Seattle, wake up!
It’s so befitting that The Fuck Hump supporters have to dress their RHINO in a super hero custom, how else do you prop up a fake fucking President. A fake fucking failure.
That was a great speech President-Elect Biden gave yesterday, almost or even better than Obama’s speech.
call them for what they are – American Taliban.
There is some talk that The Fuck Hump is all pouty face and don’t want to invite Biden to the White House.
This is not a blessing in disuguie, it is a blessing witouth disguise. Before I ever stepped foot in the Whitey house I’d have to have it sanitized for COVID. One step in there without it being cleaned is probably a sure bet to catch COVID.
If any invitation is given, I would disrespectfull say not until the fucking place is vacated and sanitized.
Senator Ted Cruz: “What we’re seeing tonight, what we’ve been seeing the last three days, is outrageous. It is partisan, it is political and it is lawless. We’re seeing this pattern in Democratic city after Democratic city, with the worst in the country right now is Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.”
Arguably the closest also-ran to Donald Trump in the 2016 Republican primary, this is a guy setting the tone for another campaign for President. He’s on the right track, too. Republican voters have already internalized this garbage and, after absorbing the butt hurtz and the humiliation, will seize upon this latest Republican lie as the remedy. It will become the brand.
And this is a brand that The Q Clearance Cat Lady tells us Joe Manchin is poised to get tattooed onto his neck. The Cat Lady even claims this will make Manchin a “king maker” in TrumpLand and that Moscow Mitch is standing by to roll out the red carpet extending the party’s support and offering him key committees.
Setting aside the fairly obvious motivational weaknesses surrounding this fantasy, an important question would remain:
Why does Ted Cruz, or any other far-right TrumpLand conservative Senator support this? What’s in it for Ted (or even for Mitt)? Think Ted’s gonna shut the fuck up and play along? Think Ted’s gonna sign on for extending ACA and expanding it to include reproductive health care, including abortion?
Sure Jan! Forget George Glass. It’s Scotty P for you!
And if you don’t use protection, don’t cry to Ted or the rest of TrumpLand, you durty slut!
TIL: the vast majority of Obama/Trump counties went for…
wait for it…
… Trump.
I’m not going to devote much energy contemplating how Biden/Harris policy or identity may or may not have failed to “win back” these voters. In a whole lot of these counties Trump didn’t just hold he grew his share.
The important point is for Democrats to recognize that we can win without them. Democrats don’t have to abandon or betray core constituencies and cherished ideals to scratch away at the margins in these places. We can build strong movements that bring out enough voters who support Democratic ideas without having to play to GOP fears and hatreds.
I’ll look forward to digging in to the turnout numbers in these counties compared to surrounding counties. And I’ll be interested in what the voter file data has to say later on about the demographics of the voters in these counties and others like them. I think Democrats can learn a lot by studying what mattered and what worked at least as much as what didn’t matter and what didn’t work.
But let’s not kid ourselves, these voters were offered a very clear and obvious choice. Stripped of the bullshit, noise, and disinformation they were offered a choice between a reasonable, clearly decent candidate who promised a responsible public health driven approach to a pandemic driven by scientific consensus and an angry blow-hard who promised to do what he felt like doing. These are voters unconcerned about the economy who turned their backs on those who are being ruined by it.
We should not want to win them over. We should want to leave them behind and continue to build on what we’ve started.
They are driven by hate. They truly are the fascist mother fuckers that they are.
I think you have to win over the ones they drag with them. They do drag some with them because they are a bunch of fucks. Concentrate on the con artists. Don’t let them get away with lies and fears. Kick Bob out.
Any talk of Texas succession – help them out to be their own fucking Country as fast as you can.
A.R. Moxon @JuliusGoat
2020: look guys this is a time for unity not finger-pointing
Just wondering, are they even going to bother with Christmas decorations this year at the white house?
For the first time ever I will be sending out Christmas Cards to family and friends. Inspired by Melania, I will tell everyone how she inspired me to send holiday wishes out this year, and that I too worked my ass off to do so. And that aside from her inspiration, I had to get rid of all the cards that the non profits keep sending me. I have so many cards I could probably set up a little shop on the corner and sell them – I really have to get rid of them, and what better way.
And then I will sign it with Happy Holidays.
That should be a lot of fun….I don’t plan to wait to long, hopefully by Thanksgiving the cards will be mailed.
I have a full schedule today, including two on-line meetings, so let me just throw this out there for discussion and as food for thought.
It’s the only thing I’ve had time to write and post on Handbill.US today, and I won’t have free time to read or post HA comments until this evening.
Chairman Xi must have ratted us out.
Trump supporters claim Democrats are ‘trying to get Biden in’ with ballots ‘from China’
Future President!
Where’s Bob….did he find a new position with the horse?
A freshly re-elected Lindsey Graham doubles down on being an unpatriotic, un-American, lying piece of shit.
may God strike them with lightning – all three of them at different times
Comment posted on Seattle Times:
“Imagine being the party that engaged in various forms of voter suppression for years–purging voter rolls, closing polling sites, restricting early voting, even sabotaging the US mail– but then still losing and having the nerve to complain that the *other* party somehow cheated”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans have a lot of nerve, yes. They make up in nerve what they lack in brains.
Trump lawsuits: Not meant to succeed in court; designed as a means of raising money from the sucker base. Let the grift begin!
A very upset crown-prince-in-waiting suddenly realizes he won’t get to ascend his father’s throne, because his father doesn’t have a throne. That was tough to take back in the Middle Ages, too.
The loathesome Darrell Issa is back in Congress.
But with a difference: The only thing he will chair this time is a stall in the men’s room.
Campa-Najjar’s campaign is a perfect example for Democrats.
He pivoted hard right, apologized for being a Democrat, praised and complimented the GOP, and offered endless support and validation to Trumpalos. So what happened?
More Trumpalos came out and voted. And they voted for the biggest Trumpalo in the race, Issa.
It was not for a lack of good advice on offer. Campa-Najjar was given every opportunity and encouragement to shift his electoral strategy and had plenty of financial resources available. It was entirely his choice to run his campaign the way he did. And this is the predictable result.
Right leaning campaigns turnout right leaning voters.
The fundraising appeals for the Trump2020/GOP “legal” fund to challenge state election counts includes the disclaimer that at least half the money goes to retire campaign debt to Trump Org properties and repair/replacement of Kimberly Guilfoyle’s stripper poles.
Along with all the “missing” Trump ballots, the search will continue today for any examples of a liberal, “leftist”, Biden supporting police officer who vows to exterminate all 70 million Trump supporters.
How about that Stock Market. It was just waiting for that fat fuck to get the fuck out of the e. The Biden economy Is awesome. A real leader in charge for once.
Repuke RHINO Fuck Hump fans need to go kill themselves.
100 the stock market is not the economy but wow that’s a lot of people voting with their wallet that they are glad that Trump is getting out of office.
More people voted for the guy who stutters then the bully.