Stephen: Lindsey Graham is on the ropes in South Carolina as Republicans struggle in several red state races.
John Oliver: The Supreme Court
Now This: What you need to know about the Proud Boys
Samantha Bee: How the school choice debate is failing our public schools
Americans for Decency: Good shenanigans vs. GOP purges and Трамп distractions
Biden—Harris 2020:
- Trevor reacts to the first Biden-Трамп debate
- The Late Show: Who’s ready for an old man slap fight?
- Jimmy Kimmel on the worst debate ever
- J-L-Cauvin: Трамп reacts to The Rock endorsing Joe Biden
- Really American: Lindsey for Biden
- The Daily Show: Трамп wants mail-in voting to fail
- Seth Meyers: Трамп called for Biden to get drug tested before debate
- Trevor: Трамп demands pre-debate drug tests & The Rock endorses Biden
- Jonathan Mann: If we get ghe votes, he’s gonna go:
- Eleven Films: 95 minutes in Трамп’s America
- The Late Show: Biden attempts to shut up The Dotard
- Seth Meyers: Трамп lashes out after unhinged debate performance
- J-L-Cauvin: The Dotard defends his debate debacle
- Jimmy Kimmel: Sen. Bernie Sanders on the debate
- The Daily Show: What were Трамп and Biden listening to in their debate earpieces?
- Samantha Bee: The first (and God, not the last??) 2020 presidential “debate”
- Mark Fiore: Nailed it!
- Kamala Harris on Трамп’s refusal to condemn White supremacists
- Desi Lydic Foxsplains Biden’s earpiece
- Now This: Fact checking the first debate
- The Late Show: The Dotard Трамп, the constant interrupter
- Stephen: Sen. Cory Booker’s live reaction to Трамп’s frightening message to White supremacists
- Songify The News: WE’RE ALL DOOMED—Трамп vs. Biden featuring “Weird Al” Yankovic
- Jonathan Mann: Would you shut up mn? (2020 debate remix)
- Seth Meyers: Трамп’s debate performance was an embarrassing debacle
- Robert Reich: The 6 most revealing moments from the presidential debate
- Lauren Mayer: “Will you shut up, man?”
- Trevor: Трамп “stands by” White supremacists in off-the-rails debate
- Our Cartoon President: The first debate goes off the rails
- Stephen: GOP worries they backed the wrong horse as Biden’s lead grows following “embarrassing” debate
- Americans for Decency: Donald and debate—Welcome to clown town
Songbird: A tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Vice News: Inside Portland’s turf war between proud boys and local antifascists
John Oliver: Census update.
Trevor: Wildfires.
AJ+: How Republicans pulled off a massive voter purge
Trainwreck Трамп and His Toy Storm Troopers:
- Stephen: Sen. Booker says The Dotard’s SCOTUS nominee should recuse herself from any ruling involving the election
- Really American: Proud Boy Трамп
- Meidas Touch: Bye Lindsey—Lindsey Graham vs. The Dotard Трамп
- Seth Meyers: Getting to know Amy Coney Barrett
- Robert Reich: Трамп’s tax returns—10 things you need to know
- Trevor: Трамп’s tax avoidance and massive debt revealed
- J-L-Cauvin: Трамп attacks failing New York Times tax story!!!
- Stephen: Трамп fails to walk back his troubling endorsement of a violent hate group during first debate
- Don Winslow Films: #TrumpIsNotABillionaire
- The Daily Show: Meet the man who played Трамп during 2016 presidential debate prep
- Meidas Touch: End Трамп’s hate
- Stephen: Трамп’s tax returns reveal massive personal debts, tax liabilities and staggering business losses
- The Daily Show: Excuse! That! Crime!
- Meidas Touch and Bette Midler: You’re moving out today:
- Bruce W. Nelson: I don’t want no Donald Трамп
- Really American: Racist Трамп
- Seth Meyers: Трамп tax bombshell reveals how the system is rigged
- Americans for Decency: Donald and debts—Трамп’s taxes bombshell
- Jimmy Kimmel:
- J-L-Cauvin: Трамп is bribing Black people with the Platinum Plan!
- Meidas Touch: Bye Rudy
- The Late Show: What if Трамп’s lies created a magnetic force?
- Trevor: Трамп nominates Amy Coney Barrett to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Meidas Touch: Fire Susan—Susan Collins betrayed us
The Late Show: Great moments in debate history—Nuclear missile worries about Reagan’s age
The Daily Show: The GOP makes it harder for ex-felons to vote in Florida
Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian: Unpatriotic history
Typhoid Donnie and Other Vectors of Disease, Death, and Decay:
- Trevor: On Трамп getting COVID
- J-L-Cauvin: Трамп gives a covid update from Walter Reed Hospital
- Now This: Supercut of The Dotard mocking masks
- Americans for Decency: Donald and karma—Трамп tests positive
- Bruce W. Nelson: Трамп tests positive
- Jonathan Mann: Who gives a guck about Christmas stuff?
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп’s COVID-19 diagnosis
- The Foundation Singers: VACCINE:
- Full Frontal: This women’s roller derby league made a better COVID-19 plan than Трамп
- Really American: COVID caught Трамп
- J-L-Cauvin: Трамп reveals Hope Hicks has the covid!!!
- Meidas Touch: Трамп’s lies have consequences
- New York Times: How America bungled the plague
- Trevor: Dr. Anthony Fauci—When to wear a mask
- J-L-Cauvin: Трамп addresses the nation after testing positive for covid
Robert Reich: GOP takeover of the Supreme Court—What you need to know
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Trevor: Rev. Al Sharpton—How to protest based on tangible goals
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
This is the original article about cheap labor conservatives. Been around for years. Good read.
Very sad that the President got Covid. Don’t wish it on anybody.
Good article defining cheap labor conservatives
Interesting video from the History Guy about President Wilson’s Stroke.
Also WaPo
Remember all those stories about how badly a former First Lady treated her service detail and how hated she was?
Everyone agrees the Secret Service “loves” Melania.
Nudge-nude. Wink-wink.
Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, Tom Tillis…
“Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences.”
The trick is the timing.
Out of an abundance of caution, in the unlikely even that he should have to assume the duties, Vice President Mike Pence awoke this morning to a breakfast of Quarter Pounders and Sprite. Later he is scheduled to spend four hours yelling at the television before heading to golf at Trump National.
All is well.
Hounddog1971 @houndinater
Please don’t lose sight of the fact that the man who is now getting the best healthcare in America has lawyers in court trying to take yours away.
And he only paid $750 a year for it. Bet your new premiums are going to be more than $62.50 a month.
The modern day most terrifying words in the English language are: “I am from the Republicans and I am here to make sure the government hurts you.” – Every Trump Voter
“I brought back football. You’re welcome. Me. I started it up. No bread but circus. That was me! I play football. My Pop Warner coach said best he’d ever seen. You all love football. Thank me for football.”
Speaking of good timing, Cal Cunningham waited until Tom Tillis was on a ventilator to reveal that he had been sexting with one of his campaign strategists.
They can “recover” together. Maybe share a big jigsaw puzzle.
If Moscow Mitch is unable to assemble a quorum to ram through his final SCOTUS judge-for-life it will be because of Trumpubican/GOP incompetence and soaring hubris.
Even if the all survive, looks like Ginsberg gets the last laugh.
Everyday I go to work (daily), or the gym, which I suppose applies to other forms or conveyance, I have have my temperature taken and fill out a form (work) or answer the question whether I have been present with someone who has tested positive in the last ten days. If I answer yes…..everyone knows what happens.
I guess the Hump and the Humpsters don’t like to live by rules, go figure. Rules only apply to others, and they are rules that you can die for in their eyes.
Just imagine if this was an infliction, such as HIV, and a gay person did that and infected another person with HIV what they would….oh wait, they’ve already spoken about that.
Bunch of SCUM with gay relatives
That family don’t like anyone….not even each other. Bunch of fucks like Bob.
The Neanderthal Race. What would you expect. Hope Hicks – Woof!
And then he probably stuck the Bible up his ass, right after pulling out the little mini vibrator that Jim Jordan gave him for Christmas.
“Even if the all survive, looks like Ginsberg gets the last laugh.”
Dead people get to laugh? Who knew?!
@ 11 Patriots Cam Newton also tested positive.
Stop the Sports Industrial Complex. It is bigoted and hate filled.
We no longer hear about paying the NCAA students for the athletic prowess, do we? The straight ones, I mean.
@19 in heaven dude….we all know we get to see each other up there….except you, you’ll be in hell with the rest.
@12 a message (even one with a x rated picture) between two consenting adults is ok. Not like he texted with a goat or a horse.
First COVID case amongst whales.
Chris Christie positive.
@21 – There is no Heaven or Hell.
So the timeline shifted. Donald knew HE not just Hope Hicks was positive for 72 hours according to his own doctor.
72 hours from when it was made public is is debate day. So did he know while on stage and STILL made fun of Joe wearing a mask?
Inquiring minds want to know.
But it’s safe to say Donald had private fundraisers in MN and NJ and a rally in MN, was photographed without a mask near others all while knowing he was positive.
@ 22
a message (even one with a x rated picture) between two consenting adults is ok.
This is the morality of a guy whose interpersonal relationships are anonymous, are conducted bareback over a garbage can behind a bar in a greasy alley, and last 5-10 minutes at the most.
They might be consenting adults, gman, but unless each of their spouses also consent it is not OK.
Nice example of a Salem Media piece ripping into Team Trump over the Wuhan debacle currently unfolding.
@26 I chuckled Bob.
But you never said anything bad about grabbing pussy, so why bother now?
So now he’s trying to walk it back saying he meant “Day three of Treatment.”
Which would be a weird way for a doctor to describe treatment as generally late Thursday night tonLate Friday night would be a day, sometime tonight would complete day 2, day three of treatment would commence about 72 hours after the first administration of treatment so….tonight into tomorrow?
Doctor in Saturday early in the morning, How long have you been on the meds?
“Since Thursday night”
Doctor writes 36hrs or maybe two days in chart.
@ 30
The number of times what is said in conversation between medical personnel doesn’t match what’s written in the medical record is staggering.
It’s why there’s a medical record – somewhere there’s an accurate account.
If a physician is in front of a microphone, without a medical record, that physician’s recollection is all that’s available at the time, and memory is not perfect.
Stick with show biz, Cz-252. Meanwhile, have your congressional representatives subpoena the physicians, and tell them to bring along their medical records.
Cam Newton’s got The Wuhan.
NFL is a superspreader.
Remember what happened when John Ashcroft lost to a dead guy?
He didn’t contest the election.
@2 “Very sad that the President got Covid. Don’t wish it on anybody.”
Agreed. And it’s not time yet to nominate him for a Darwin Award. But not too soon to compare him to a sexual assault victim.
@3 It’s been around for a long term, and I think that’s the guy who originated the concept and term. He used to have his own blog, but has gone quite, which makes me wonder if he’s still around.
@9 “Out of an abundance of caution, … ”
At first I thought you wrote, “Out of an ambulance of caution, …”
@12 “North Carolina Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Cal Cunningham, a married father of two, sent text messages of a sexual nature to a woman who is not his wife, his campaign confirmed Friday night.”
Does this fall in the category of concern trolling? I mean what Republican doesn’t do this? The less guilty ones are less guilty only because they’re between marriages.
@15 “I guess the Hump and the Humpsters don’t like to live by rules, go figure.”
That’s the very essence of Trumpism. It’s the heart of his platform. And who his hardest core supporters are.
I heard Chris Christie was seen by a vet instead of a doctor.
I heard Chris Christie was seen by a vet instead of a doctor.
NFL is a bigoted Industrial Complex.
@19 “Dead people get to laugh? Who knew?!”
We don’t expect you to know that. After all, you don’t know anything else.
@26 And here we have Doctor Dumbfuck preaching morality …
@27 You’re sadly out of date. He blames the military and LEOs now.
(At 8:20)
@30 In other words, what a doctor says and what’s in the record are two different things.
Yeah, we’re familiar with that.
@32 Who’s contesting an election? What election?
@42 preaching morality and expressing a bit of jealousy, speaking of his dreams and fantasies.
But I’m still trying to figure out how he gets the horse over a garbage can behind the bar in a greasy alley.
I don’t want to upset the apple cart with this suggestion, but I think the Ave Blog would be more appealing if the font size was upped by 1px or 2px.
Hey Bob, I just made a small donation to the Police Athletic League.
How about you? Did you donate some sperm to the Horse today? Did you donate to OPEC and waste some gas in that speedboat?
@47 Agree, but I don’t know how. It might be possible; I’ve been learning new website tricks as I go along. The problem is I have limited access and don’t have Steve’s site administrator password, so I don’t have access to the settings.
@47 Check this and tell me if you think the bottom font works better. That’s boldface in the same font.
@49 I was a “webmaster” Administrator (I was no master) for a non-profit organization which I may have mentioned here before. I created the website using one of the Website Builders, such as GoDaddy; it’s been 6-7 years so I forgot which company it was.
Who is the company that you are using? Who is paying the annual fee? The person paying the annual fee for hosting should be able to get access to or reset the password, I would think.
@50 that’s just bold. And not font size. But it is better than not bold.
Are you using Tags or <Strong? to do that? Or are you using a canned program as an editor (for lack of better description of the hosting company software).
But if you are using tags…..just change the heading size. “, or , or , ….etc., Having trouble showing you because, is it WordPress? is not letting me show the “<". (Restricted)
but use h1, h2, h3, h4, etc. as one way or option
But depending the way you are doing it, you may want to be careful, so that you aren't changing the heading or font size to full page versus the paragraph intended.
I just looked at The Ave Blog Website, I see now that it is WordPress and free. But there should be a way to contact them and let them know of the situation. But there may not be nothing that can be done to get admin access in light of the passing of the Steve, and it being “personal property”
@31 @46
‘I didn’t mean to say 72 hours I meant three days and 2 days is not 48 hours”
The nonsensical walk back still puts Donald knowingly going to events while positive.
How many of these are his high dollar donors
Meanwhile none of this matches the narrative of rigorous testing of POTUS and close staff. The medical consensus is 2-3 days from you will see a positive result before any physical symptoms Though it’s possible there will be no symptoms at all. So how did Hope Hicks get sick on AF1 and no one knew she was positive? How Did McDonald become symptomatic, according to the official account, in less than 12 hours.
And now we find out not only did the family refuse masks but Don showed up late to the debate and there was not time to test, as was agreed upon for the venue use and debate commission.
I’m pretty out of sympathy. This MFer at every opportunity took every possible gamble. And then when he lost gambled that he would be 100% asymptomatic and put a whole lot of people at mortal risk AND gave all those people false assurances of his health so they had a sense of safety so attendees left and exposed more people….
I assume Dumbfuck is saying he can hide behind HIPAA. See how saying no one has a right to know about his health info goes after the tax returns just blew up.
One month left.
@52 There’s a bold button similar to MS Word.
@53 “but use h1, h2, h3, h4, etc. as one way or option”
That’s what all those “test” words are. There’s 6 of them, and except for Headline 2, they all come out smaller.
I just added a headline so you can open the test post and look.
@54 It is indeed WordPress. If I log in and go to the dashboard, and click on “settings,” I get “Jetpack is powering your site, but to access all of its features you’ll need to create an account.” And there’s a “Create Account” button. I haven’t tried that yet. There’s also an option to create a WordPress account, but I don’t know if that would give me access to this specific site. I messed with setting up accounts because I’m nervous about screwing up the access I have now.
@58 should say “I haven’t messed with setting up accounts … “
Ron Johnson, R-WI Asshole, has it too. The Judiciary Committee is depleting fast.
“In God We Trust.” Remember that? Can somebody convince me that God is still on the GOP’s side? It looks to me like the True Believers now have only two choices about what to believe:
[ ] God is not on their side, or
[ ] God doesn’t exist,
because they’re sure not getting much divine help right now.
What puny humans like you and other girly-men wimpy liberals just don’t understand is that it is virtually impossible for medical science to pin down when a titan of health and vigor like the Great and Powerful God-Emperor Trump becomes ill with a deadly virus. His is not a regular human mortal immune system.
It is a Trump immune system.
The Trump immune system routinely swats away Ebola and Small Pox as if they are mere nuisance.
And the Trump physique and physical constitution far surpasses anything normal people are familiar with. Crippling maladies to you weaklings are only capable of producing mild discomfort in a Trump. How can we know if he’s ill? Because he shifts in his seat or momentarily winces?
Your “questions” are irrelevant and meaningless. Can you know the mind of a God? Can you “diagnose” a Deity?
@57 yeah I saw that – I thought that the “test” were the different headings. Unfortunately they don’t appear any bigger or smaller relatively, as you indicate.
I did a Domain name search. I can provide a link if you wish – I elect not to because it has Steves’ personal information, but anyone here can do what I did. so I can provide you with the link if you wish.
But the hosting company is…..maybe if you call them they can help you gain access.
@57 the link has some pertinent information. the Domain name will expire on 2026-01-05 (I believe that is January 5th). Typically there is an annual charge or every 2 or 3 year renewal. It might be paid up to 2026, but not necessarily, but probably. You should call them.
@57 maybe not, but the access you have now may allow you to change the font size. If you can specify headings, but they don’t seem to be changing, or they are over ridden (not like Bob rides the horse) by other script, so maybe not.
There is a WordPress for (you know what)..I’m too nice of a guy to use that word, especially towards someone who is a dummy.
But Bob!? Now he’s a Dumbfuck!
This might help….just be careful where you make any changes, it could change more of the site (area) than you want it to change.
See if there is someway you can apply the information in the link to that test page you were linked to .
In the link provided. The “Body” is what you are authoring…..the “Style” area is where the commands are that dictate what you web page will look like. Colors, Font Size, etc. is jetpack wordpress&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS915US915&oq=what is jetpack wor&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l2.9445j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
This might help too. I’ve never used WordPress., so unfamiliar with it. I downloaded it tonight but still not sure how to install, but haven’t spent any additional time other than downloading it, for now.
last comment – for now – so others don’t get burdened. But, after thinking about my comment @63 – I hate to say this with 100% certainty but it’s probably paid up to 2026, then will have to be renewed, or the site will “go dark”.
And link @66 doesn’t work – just google “what is Jetpack WordPress”
G-man: Contact Daryl at and ask him to forward an email to me. Let’s take this conversation private. I might want to let you borrow my password.
@67 Makes sense. He left 100 posts scheduled for future posting. The last ones are in 2026.
In case nobody noticed, Trump is getting socialized medical care right now.
@70 and he hardly paid any taxes to contribute towards it. Grifter and dirt bag.
In the 48 hours (officially) since the President first became symptomatic the White House Chief of Staff’s office still has not made any official communication to the 377 White House Office agency staff, hundreds of Secret Service agents (exact numbers classified), or the more than 2000 United States Marines detailed in support of the President, alerting them to the risk of deadly pandemic infection or offering them guidance and next steps to ensure their own safety and that of their families.
All of these folks who daily serve the president anonymously have learned whatever they know by watching the news, and nothing more. There is no effort underway by the White House Office to assist any of them with testing or contact tracing. Calls continue to go unreturned.
I’m sorry so many Republicans are sick. And I’m sorry that some of them may die. But that is no excuse for these people to be abandoning their responsibilities to the people who serve them.
This is absolutely disgraceful and shameful conduct.
These a pigs. These are pig people. Their only concern is for their own safety and their jobs and power. Every other human being is nothing more than furniture to them.
No one need feel a moment’s regret or remorse over their suffering. Ever.
Looking at the string was wondering when one of you would get to W3S.
Probably not helpful.
Texas AG R-Paxton, already under indictment for Securities Fraud is now accused of bribery.
One of the Whistleblowers is Paxton chief Deputy and Trump federal court Appointee (Withdrawn) Mateer.
Watch this space.
I can’t get real excited about polls when GOP legislatures are coiled to override government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but fwiw …
Florida – Biden +5
Pennsylvania – Biden +7
Missouri – Trump only +5
Arizona – Biden +4
Arizona Senate – Kelly +9
Georgia – Biden +2
Iowa Senate – Joni Ernst down -13 points
Most recent polls in key contests:
Ohio – Biden +3.3
Iowa – Biden +0.5
Nevada – Biden +5.3
Georgia – Biden +0.3
Colorado – Biden +10
NC Senate – Tillis down by -6 points
Maine Senate – Collins down by 6.5 points
Ed Rollins, minutes ago.
@76 a pre existing condition.
I find it very unusual or weird that we have a President that is in the hospital and we are getting very little in the form of updates on the situation. Possibly because print media isn’t covering it and it’s the weekend? I don’t watch TV – I haven’t watched TV in 4 years.
If there was anything positive in its health you think they would be bragging about it.
They can save him. And I think they will.
But he’s going to require weeks if not months to recover.
And the good news is he’ll finally lose the extra forty pounds he’s been battling for the last two decades.
About Tom Tillis, he wore a mask and still got Covid. Looks like one of those N-95 masks. So much for the power of masking.
Another person who wore a mask and got covid. Unfortunately she died.
So what does that say about masks again assesHorse dummocretins?
Seems Dianne Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi only wear them when it’s politically expedient
Masking is not much use when Rapepublicans routinely rub their vaginas together and lick doorknobs, is it?
Doctors and nurses get colds too. Amazing news, isn’t it? DOH!
When the dust finally settles on this monumentally incompetent failure of yours, nobody in all of human history will have been more deserving of the immense suffering and defeat in store for you.
They will build a monument. They will build it out of fetal tissue, broken mobility scooters, spent condom wrappers, and broken chunks of Stephen Bannon’s fake wall. They will hire all-foreign workers to build it and they will pay them prevailing wage. It will be paid for by huge new taxes on coal rollers and boat parades. The opening day ceremony will be accompanied by the swearing in of six new Supreme Court Associate Justices.
And on that day as the cheers of joyous celebration rise up into the heavens the name “Trump” will not be heard.
#youbuiltthat little guy. You really did.
The imminent unfolding of “Satan’s Reign” you are about to witness is entirely the result of foolish, irrational, vainglorious decisions you made over and over again. We offered you President Pence. We offered it to you in time to avert the pandemic disaster.
You did what you did. And you will live with the consequences in this life and in the next.
24 hrs after Trump is publicly diagnosed with the fatal pandemic virus, there are still no protocols in place at the White House. Credentialed media visitors continue to report that masks are voluntary, temperatures are not taken, visitors are not screened for recent illness or symptoms, distancing is voluntary, sanitation supplies are entirely absent, hand shaking and even hugging remain routine.
Nor are any protocols in place to provide response and testing for the thousands of employees who work in and visit the White House daily. No follow up screening. No contact tracing. No isolation. Nothing.
These include the National Security Council and the NSC liaisons to the Joint Chiefs.
Thanks to Rapepublicans the United States is right now more vulnerable than it has ever been.
It’s only the beginning of the week, and that has to be the best quote of the week. Aside from funny, hopefully they can learn from it.
And make that the #1 comment of the week.
Let’s watch Bob put on the cheerleaders skirt.
Eat Tu Mike DeWine?
On what kind of notification he got that Donald and his staff brought Covid-19 to the debate hall and potentially infected Ohioans who worked at the venue
But it’s OK. Mike declares a State Day if Prayer for the President’s health. What about the guys who had to break down the stage?
Where Piddles doesn’t understand what the mask use does.
It to protect others from you. If literally everyone did it there would be fewer transmissions.
But if Tillis was breathed on by a not mask wearer, touched a door handle shortly after it was breathed on or worse coughed on by a non mask wearer, took a buffet spoon that was also handled by a non mask wearer….
Sweet Jeebus, we’re six months into recommended mask wearing and you still don’t know a thing about why? Really, honest question, how stupid are you? How intellectually void?
Your care for others and compassion is noted. Others are watching too if you’re right about the general meaning of life.
Aw shucks, thanks.
The Pudiot really deserves all the credit. He brings out my best work. Long may he rage.
Trump now on massive doses of steroids suddenly grows silent about drug testing.
But hasn’t stopped babbling about ears.
Following Trump’s most recent ‘Rona Rally in Duluth, three Rapepublican House members from Minnesota who had traveled round trip aboard the AF-1 plague plane then forced their way onto a commercial Delta flight back to Minneapolis despite having been exposed and being possible carriers.
Stay away from Rapepublicans. They are a manifest danger.
They violently grab genitals, they steal everything in sight, and they are all dripping with deadly germs.
@89 – Steal everything in sight? They have that in common with Black Looters Matter.
Alternatively, or possibly better than no mask, if you don’t want to wear a mask just keep the your mouth closed and don’t breathe on people. You don’t want to wear a mask then at least shut the trap
One massive of SWING of the reality bat and the trolls are too FUCKED UP!
It’s not just drumpf and its miserable family who is going down.. Look at all those miserable sicko-phants at those ‘rona rallies and those whitey house suck-up fests.. Maskless, brainwashed into believing they’re so privileged, entitled, above it all – gloating about their miserable “victories”..
The Biden-Drumpf debate was too funny.. One side of the audience was Dem – masked up, clued into reality. The other half the repukes walked in with masks (mostly) but almost all of them took the masks off once they seated. They didn’t want to offend orange dear leader..
SMACK DOWN! How’s that for an October surprise? REALITY!
Trump is not the victim,
Trump is the drunk driver.
48 hours.
That’s how long it took Trump Pence 2020 to give New Jersey Health officials the attendance list of the potential superspreader fundraiser so they could begin contact tracing.
Utter failure on every level.
@78 More likely because there’s an information blackout of sorts while they try to get their stories straight.
@83 The place will need thorough fumigating in January before the new occupants can move in.
@80 & @81 Puddy has finally attained pork sauce’s level of incoherence, i.e., too stupid to be worth the effort of a reply. See @86 for details.
Here’s another view of the Rose Garden fiasco.
The only safe person in that crowd was Amy Comey Barrett, because she’s already had it.
Special note to Pudiot: Check out the social distancing of the two mask-wearing senators in the second row on the left.
@90 I’ve addressed this repeatedly on SJ’s blog, not as a vain effort to educate people like you with their heads up their asses, but so that people with their heads up their asses like you don’t get away with such statements.
So if I see a Republican and shoot him dead I have to do is say, “I was protecting my property” or “I felt my life was in danger” and you will pump millions into my GoFundMe legal defense page?
@94 They’re so disorganized they probably couldn’t have done it faster if they wanted to, but they probably didn’t want to, either.
I’m beginning to think they intend to kill off as many Americans as possible so they can have his country to themselves, then they’ll bring in 100 million Mexicans to do the work 200 million dead Americans are no longer doing.
There’s a rumor that at the event they were serving GOP hopes for Winning Wisconsin on little cocktail forks.
Breaking News — Proud Boys hashtag hijacked by gay gang.
Over at Cook Political Report they’ve taken notice of a trend in the WSJ/NBC polling
Biden’s fav/unfav:
1/20 = -10
8/20= -6
9/20 = -2
10/20 = +2
They had a strategy of painting Joe Biden as an extremist who is also corrupt and a feeble old man.
Now Trump the candidate is unmasked as a tax evader and could drop dead soon.*
*Not wishing for this. Most of us want him to live through the humiliation of losing but if you don’t accept this as a possibility (probability?) you are lying to yourself. At his age, even if he pulls through this immediate illness the odds of him dying from some other complication related to Covid Infection in the next two years is what the insurance industry calls ‘unacceptable risk’.
Are you sure there are 200 million Americans who actually work for a living?
Ah sonny boy, you should hold yourself to a higher standard.
Your fellow Rapepublicans certainly do.
Duncan Hunter stole hundreds of thousands. Defense Industry share holders lost millions to him. Brad PubeBeard McWifeBeater stole more than $24 million from Trump2020. Kolfage and Bannon stole tens of millions from credulous mouth breathing dupes like you.
When it comes to stealing, nobody surpasses Rapepublicans.
And whenever your ready, Shortbus, we can get into what Rapepublicans have burned to the ground in the last few years. The $17 trillion in household equity you destroyed as “W” was slipping out the White House back door is pretty hard to surpass. But Trump is giving him a run for his money.
You’re a fucking disgrace.
You really are.
@106 The pre-Covid workforce was 164.6 million. I left some room for future economic growth in my capacity planning, as any competent CEO would do.
@107 Plus he doesn’t know a looter from a peaceful BLM protester any more than he knows his head from his anus.
This is a looter:
The Rose Garden Casualty List is now 8, up from 6, and in other news:
“Saying their fight for justice is not over, attorneys for Breonna Taylor’s family asked the governor of Kentucky to appoint a new special prosecutor to reopen the case and slammed state Attorney General Daniel Cameron for ‘intentionally’ not presenting homicide charges against three white officers who fatally shot the 26-year-old Black woman in her own apartment. …
“‘Unfortunately, Cameron did not serve as an unbiased prosecutor in this case and intentionally did not present charges to the grand jury that would have pursued justice for Ms. Taylor,’ reads the letter addressed to Beshear and posted online by attorneys for Taylor’s family.”
Hell, Cameron didn’t present any charges against the officers for Taylor’s death, not even reckless endangerment; he sided with the cops from the beginning and pretended to go through the motions. And then tried to lay it at the feet of the grand jury, which pissed off a juror enough to go to an attorney and blow his cover story for him.
They’re still radio silent to the DC health authorities.
White House Office employs, schedules, and/or oversees thousands of folks who all live in the DC metro area.
They just don’t give a shit.
Latest poll shows Biden’s nationwide lead doubled after debate to 14 with Trump now down around 39% and that’s before his lordship’s immunity to Covid-19 was divinely revoked.
Trump will get his Supreme Court nominee on the Court. That’s sounds for sure.
But look on the bright side – there’s a good chance Biden will win in November.
Yeah. It’s the double.
Dude. It was never a question of “if”.
The only question ever was “at what cost”.
Cha-ching, motherfuckers!
GOP is like that father of the bride having just now heard the expression “Destination Wedding” for the first time. Do not plan your retirement any time soon, fool.
Donald released his twitter video today.
Holy shit. You haven’t been learning as much as you can about Covid since fucking JANUARY?!
And you admitted it?
You know that 3/4 of Americans have been googling about Covid constantly and you with your staff and briefing books and super genius intellect are just now realizing it’s bad?
If he survives this, in another year or two he’ll be learning about rape the same way.