Cenk: Anti-gay pastor caught maturating near a playground.
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Maddow: Anti-gay marriage language slipped into Ohio “budget” bill.
Pres. Obama toasts Gov. Gregoire and the whole pack of Gubernators:
Defense of Marriage Act: That’s gay.
Revolution in the MiddleEast:
- Ann Telnaes: Gaddafi says Libyans will die to protect him.
- Cenk and Anna: Sheen or Gaddafi
- AC: Gaddafi guns down unarmed protesters in the streets
Young Turks: Anti-Muslim bill in TN.
Drug Czar Kerlikowske on pot legalization and the Seattle Times (via Slog).
Jon: The Pardon of the Christ (via TalkingPointsMemo).
Thom: “How far will you birthers go to keep a black person from being president?”
FAUX News “facts”:
- Liberal Viewer: FAUX News wants examples of bias?!?
- Cenk: FAUX News lies.
- FAUX News survives a tour of duty in Wisconsin (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Tina DupeyFAUX News bias on WI protests.
- Young Turks: Rep. Weiner pwns FAUX News actress Megyn Kelly.
- FAUX News’ 32 second segment on Republican voter fraud (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Tweety: “You know who’s un-American! Huckabee & Newt & the rest of yhe (FAUX) goon squad.”
Young Turks: Huckabee’s anti-Obama quasi-Birfer comment.
Sam Seder: George Will takes the Crazy Train to Glenn Becksville.
Revolution in the Middle West:
- GritTV: Rep. Cory Mason: Beating Walker’s Budget.
- Thom: What Republicans have learned from Wisconsin.
- Prank call to Walker pisses off Hitler (via TalkingPointsMemo):
- Pap: Koch brothers’ fascism on the move.
- Sam Seder: The Koch brothers, Scott Walker and garlic covered freedom dildos.
- Thom: Latest from the trenches in Madison.
- Jon on The Crisis in Dairyland (via Slog).
- GritTV: Budgeting badly in Wisconsin.
- Young Turks: Bill-O, Beck, Rush love their union.
- Ed is fired up about Walker’s budget.
- Thom: Wisconsin Democrats are fighting back.
- Sam Seder: The plutocracy and what Scott Walker really wants from Wisconsin State workers
- Thom: New ad campaign for Wisconsin.
- Tina Dupey interviews Ian Murphy, AKA ‘David Koch’.
- Maddow: WI Representative Nick Milroy wrestled to ground by police trying to enter his office
- WI Dem: G.O.P. are creating a Police state in WI (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH): “Hitler didn’t want unions! Stalin didn’t want unions!”
- Democracy Now: The Indiana 35.
Stephen: New Country for Old Men (via OneGoodMove).
Young Turks: Sen. Hatch and the “Federal Government Dumbass Program”.
Rep: Jay Inslee (D-WA-01) on Boeing tanker deal:
White House: Behind the Scenes at “The Motown Sound”.
Federal Budget Battle:
- Maddow: G.O.P. votes for $40B in tax breaks for Big Oil.
- Newsy: Lawmakers kick the can 2 weeks down the road.
- GritTV: Fighting over crumbs left from military spending.
- Maddow: G.O.P. votes to cut IRS Collections from Rich .
- Cenk with Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA-07) on G.O.P. cut, cut, cut agenda.
Lawrence O’Donnell: How Mike Huckabee smears Mitt Romney.
Mark Fiore: Little Suzie Newsykins with “Cut and Run”.
Maddow: Newt’s fundraising scam.
EMILY’s List Senators fighting the G.O.P. war on women.
Young Turks: New Polls show U.S. liberal on taxes, budget cuts, bargaining rights.
Lawrence O’Donnell dismisses Huckabee’s ‘Boy Scout’ talk as culturally detached ‘lying’.
Ann Telnaes: Republican Trojan horse.
Young Turks: Strictest abortion law in U.S. coming to South “Coat Hanger” Dakota.
White House: West Wing Week.
Haters Have Free Speech Too:
- BBC: Supreme Court rules in favor of Westboro Baptist “Church.”
- Newsy: Hate speech is still free speech.
- Young Turks: Westboro Baptist “Church” Supreme Court decision.
Young Turks: 9-week year old fetus to testify.
Thom: Is there a civil war coming in the GOP?
The story of Citizens United v. FEC:
Maddow: Obama to G.O.P. governors, “Put-up or shut-up!
Cenk fires back at Rush.
Newsy’s hat trick in crazy: Teabagger compares Boehner to Charlie Sheen.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Anti gay pastor maturating?
Let’s see, I think this was about kids playing in a park and some annoying xtrianist prig whacking off while watching them.
Basically, just another pervert religious wackjob projecting and compensating like crazy.
Nothing mature about it.
Yeah right Rachel… Has he been arrested? Don’t like Newt but this is a real fund raising scam Rachel. Arrested and convicted. Yet you never covered it Rachel.
Then Rachel, this one was missed by your “cracked” staph!
Yep, if Rachel sez it Darryl is quick to post it.
Watch now… this entry will be called a semi-incoherent rant by Darryl. Somehow Darryl doesn’t like to see DUMMOCRAPTIC facts posted here.
Where is the missing headline “Obama’s Administration fails to call attack on US Airman terrorism”?
Enough with the distractions, Puddles. Is anything Rachel said about Newtie incorrect?
Since you’re retorting with tales of corrupt political fundraisers, can we take it to mean that you agree that Newt Gingrich is dishonest and corrupt?
I think puddles would be more at home over at SoundPolitics – and they could use your help – little Timmeh Eyman left a post almost 48 hours ago, and the only comment so far has been deleted by Timmeh for not agreeing with him.
HAHAHAHAHA! Priceless!
Puddles, you’d be a star over in their echo chamber.
Rather redundant, especially when you take into account that he was parked in front of a park full of school kids.
Ugh. Puddles was not missed.
No distractions foolish Lib Unscientist, has Newt been arrested for this “scam”? Real scams get people arrested. What I posted was a real scam. Was anything in the ABC News entry false Lib Unscientist? Does factual evidence of a real scam worry your half a brain cell?
Spuddy again comes in to demonstrate exactly how obtuse and unintelligent he really is.
Please don’t feed the troll.
Oh you mean this “poll“? Then when you read the demographics further into the article, you see how the results are BIASED lefty!
Union members 12% of America. Public employees are 17% of America. So they almost doubled the union representation and 50% increased the public employee representation! Yeah that’s a real poll! Looks like the Times poll y’all are drinking the kook-aid over is skewed lefty. Where’s Darryl’s Monte Carlo analysis?
Now why would the NY Times do dat?
And sheet metal workers like DeadToad can’t get their facts straight on Enron either. Tell me where I got the Hsu Fits real fund raising scam wrong? On the Tony Rezko one?
This will be a real hoot!
Yes, indeed – the pipeline from Beckkk and Citizens for Properity/Koch Pets and FoxNoise seems to have been turned back on.
We need a plumber.
PS It would be interesting to have a discussion with an honest and thoughtful conservative – alas, they never seem to show up here.
@ 12
Thats because, there aren’t any. I have yet to meet any self-indentified “conservative” who has actually read the US Constitution, or the relevant Supreme Court rulings based on it. I have yet to meet one who understands the nature, and functionality of Law.
I have yet to meet one who is not: reactionary, jingoistic, racist, willfully ignorant or anti-corporate.
It has occurred to me, that the same people who scream themselves into a raging purple froth about President Obama’s birth certificate, are the same people who want to change the US Constitution to allow Schwartzeneggar to run for President. It is the same people calling themselves “tea partiers” who support Corporate ownership of the electoral process. It is the same people supporting the rights of citizens to own firearms, who are always the first to rage about brown people also being allowed to own them.
I have yet to meet any “conservative” with any real depth of intellect at all. Its all superficial, its all black and white.
Goddammit, that second paragraph should have read “Pro-corporate”. Crossing thoughts and re-editing.
This place needs a preview and edit function. It used to but now it doesn’t and I’ve tried several different browsers.
The Hitler scene is from “Downfall,” which btw is an excellent movie with great acting by Bruno Ganz, who did perhaps the most realistic portrayal of Hitler ever captured on film.
And the spoof dubbing accurately captures the idiocy of Governor Walker …
Putz is back, shitting all over this thread. Do we have enough TP on hand? Cripes …
GOP Ramps Up Lie Machine
Republicans are trying to blame rising health insurance premiums on Obama’s health reform, but, “Economists and state regulators say health insurance is expensive primarily because health care is expensive.”
Read the whole story here.
And, in other news, showing rare spine for a Democrat, President Obama called out Republicans for their “political spending cuts.”
The GOP Propaganda Machine is tooting at full whistle about the need to reduce deficits they created by cutting spending they don’t like. As I’ve been pointing out in these comment threads since early January, Republicans are playing politics with the deficit issue by exploiting it to attack programs they don’t like. For example, Republicans want big cuts in heating and food assistance for the poor, food safety and clean air enforcement, mass transit, and so on — while blocking cuts in the millions of dollars the Pentagon lavishes on NASCAR. In short, Republican spending cut proposals reek of hypocrisy and partisanship, which is reason enough for Democrats to refuse to go along with a Republican budget unless the GOPers make significant compromises.
We see the same cynical game being played in Wisconsin, where Gov. Walker claims public workers have to give up $137 million in pay and benefits because of a “budget crisis” — and then turns around and hands out $117 million of tax breaks to businesses.
If a Republican said it, it’s a lie.
“Please don’t feed the troll.”
No problem. I’d sooner engage a raging street corner loon in conversation. And that ain’t happening anytime soon either.
There’s no sport in it for him. The fool lives for being obnoxious. He’d eventually be such a pill bragging how “conservative” he is compared to others he’d be banned for purity trolling.
Here he’s guaranteed the instant gratification he craves. And he has next to zero chance of being banned.
@2…so you endorse Newtie’s sham ‘pretend to run for president’ scam? Nice to know, shitheel.
Carbuncle (NIH):
Zotz comment: PTBAA pretty much nails the diagnosis for what’s ailin’ Pudpuller. I’d just add that he’s an insane, highly contagious, oozing, crusty, puss filled sore. Hence, the brain abcess stage mentioned above appears to be operative in his case.
Ooops: that would be “pus” vice “puss” filled sore.
Though Pudpuller is basically a sack o’ cats, it’s a completely separate issue.
What’s up today: 12:50 p.m. on Saturday, and no Bing photo contest?
@24, rhp: Isn’t that tomorrow after bible study?
Wow, a bigger extravaganza than you can shake a stick at.
Chris Hedges suggests that AOL-Huffington is emblematic of the New Journalism:
Reminds me of a question posed to me as an intern once: what is the adjectival form of ‘pus’?
I don’t think Newtie Gingrich has a chance of getting the nom for prez from the Reps. He’s a pompous ass who should just go back to Georgia and write books to support himself. His holier-than-thou bullshit was total hypocrisy when it came to marital fidelity. Hell, he was and is just as much a snake in the grass in the marriage department as Bill Clinton.
Isn’t it the noun “pussy?”
This is why I call him FARTASS. It’s just farts and his ASS is his mouth. Let’s review #2. Here is what I wrote this morning…
So what did FARTASS write?
ABSOLUTELY Nothing Important!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor… This one is more of a fool than ylb and he’s the gutter dweller of fooldom!
Such a bunch of Cass Sunstein’s useful Homer Simpson malleable manipulable idiots.
Carry on fools.
This coming from the fool who created a databaze of someone elses brainchild, while sitting on his fatASS at home 24×7.
Meanwhile those air miles add up for first class travel around the world.
Sucks to be you ylb!
Yawn. Nothing posted here in the last 3 1/2 hours. Think I’ll mosey over to Sucky Politics to see what’s doing there.
Utah’s bringing back gold and silver as currency.
How come our conservative here are not upset that Republicans Have Yet to Offer a Single Piece of Job-Creating Legislation?
Why aren’t you upset that your guys are dropping the ball on this?
Where is your outrage?
No. Purulent.
Because they have no interest in creating jobs. They are interested in policing uteri, in destroying collective bargaining and other means for working people to improve their lot, in affirmatively destroying the environment, in exacerbating the obscene asymmetric distribution of wealth and privilege in this country.
Yay, they’re brewing beer in the White House. Go local/home grown/brewed food, go!
Which brings us to The Obama Dilemma, which is that the man is spot on on all the little stuff all over the map, but wrong and sometimes hugely wrong on the big stuff. So, do you, as a good liberal, do?
Apparently we have another in the long line of non-reading morons. Didn’t you read Obama created created the jobs summit with bidness Blue John?
So why should Republicans do anything at all while Obama is “taking care of it”?
While you all are interesting in killing in uteri…
Has the resident moron of these comment threads (Puddybud) ever heard that the legislative shares power with the executive and judicial?? Co-equal branches of government??
His moronic heroes in the House aren’t doing anything because they don’t know how do anything but cut taxes on the rich, screw the middle class and pine to control women’s bodies.
It was an entertaining project. Remains so to this day. To see right wing tools like you squirm in consternation over thousands of comments about it made it well worth the effort.
Great! Means your silly ass isn’t here or if you’re posting your stupid blather from up in the sky that can only mean you’re a bigger dumbass than anyone could have possibly imagined.
Carry on fool!
The republicans ran on making jobs, but instead they have spent their time re fighting the culture wars. Apparently the republicans are content to sit back and let the black man do all the work, so long as they get the credit. Typical.
Does the gutter scraping douche bag ylb read the newspapers or does this moron just scream and shout hoping someone cares? For the first two years under Obama the Congressional DUMMOCRAPTS played second fiddle to Obama. When Obama did health care he told Republicans he had it under control.
So now, Obama called a meeting with bidness. As he always does he excludes Republicans from his “rants”. Republicans, rightly so are waiting for his “job pronouncements”.
Of course this is lost on the foolish moron ylb.
Ummmm… foolish moron, you’ve tried eight times to attack me with the database. Each time you FAILED.
Of course this is lost on the foolish moron ylb.
What a Douchebag ylb is… Puddy will post from where ever he pleases.
Of course this is lost on the foolish moron ylb.
What a racist comment blue john!
So according to Puddybud, the House Republicans are busy making America a better place for all Americans then.
LMAO!! Anyone who’d buy that needs at least a year of recovery at Western State.
LOL! And you’ve cried and whined about the database many, many, many more times than that.
The entertainment has been too rich.. Keep it up fool. I’m lovin’ it!
the resident moron of these comment threads is ylb!
Nuff Said Sucka
Whined and cried?
What a tool ylb is! It’s ridicule of your sorry ASS ylb!
52 – Sorry silly it’s fear and you know it and you know I’ve presented just a taste of your insanity so far.
Or maybe you don’t know it seeing how blind you are to your own insanity.
In that case stay tuned.
Oh my I can’t wait!
Apparently, it’s his highness’ pleasure to be a silly dumbass.
Anyone remember that “Plague on America”?
Yeah I almost forgot it too…
At my next destination. Got some great questions for these peeps. And everyone knows there is only two really silly dumbasses… you and rujax!
Did rujax finally figger out wall street likes the donkey?
Stay tuned to your lunacy…
Make my day fool!
LMAO! Like anyone in the know has any fathomable reason to care about your spew!
As I said before, carry on idiot! It’s all just entertainment to anyone halfway rational.
Wait a sec. Didn’t the resident moron of these threads and Beck-worshipper in chiefs (Puddybud) say the Congress makes the laws? Oh no! Not his favorite moron in chief that he voted for twice had anything to do with the TARP. No sir!
Or were those second fiddle Dems just drinking coffee and telling stories during those long committee meetings and legislative markups? And his favorite DINO Lieberman played second fiddle killing the public option.
What a hopeless dip!
@60: Again, we’re talking about someone who believes that Nancy Pelosi directs the Republicans on the Senate Ways and Means committee . . . so don’t try to find logical consistency or rationality. They’re no where to be found.