Robert Reich: Who’s really looting America?
- Courtney Jaye: Babygate
- Bruce W. Nelson: Cows, Fences and The Dotard Трамп
- The Late Show: Ghosts of Confederate soldiers have new military base name ideas for Трамп
- Bill Maher: New Rule—Democracy’s safe word
- Bruce W. Nelson: Put your mask on!
- Trevor: Coronavirus is on the upswing
- Lars von Retriever: MetalTrump–Dig (Mudvayne)
- Bruce W. Nelson: Bunker Room
- Lauren Mayer: Ivanka is the new Karen:
- Courtney Jaye: STFU, Ivanka
- The Late Show: Platitudes generator can’t handle Ivanka Trump’s commencement speech
- Bruce W. Nelson: Babygate!
- Seth Meyers: Трамп defends the Confederacy, complains about polls
- Robert Reich: The deadly FAUX News-Трамп syndicate
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп’s back out, COVID sex guidelines & NASCAR flag ban
- Courtney Jaye: Fuck this fucking president
- Bruce W. Nelson: Bunker fevor
Courtney Jaye: FAUX News is the devil
The Night the Lights Went Out on Georgia’s Voters:
- Stephen: Voter suppression plagues Georgia’s primary
- Trevor: Georgia’s disastrous primary
- The Late Show: Think you can get past Georgia’s voter suppression boss?
Trevor: Joe Biden on healing the country and acknowledging weaknesses
Black Lives Matter:
- Stephen: Jon Batiste on leading a musical march for justice
- Trevor: Confederate symbols are coming down
- Jonathan Mann: Jackboot
- Samantha Bee: America’s long-standing tradition of police brutality
- Daily Show: FAUX News is suddenly anti-protest
- The Late Show: A special message from Antifa
- Randy Rainbow: The Bunker Boy:
- Seth Meyers: Trump sinks in polls as protesters call to defund the police
- Trevor: Трамп doubles down and Democrats respond to protests
- Stephen: Megan Rapinoe’s parents taught her that you need to help people, period.
- Courtney Jaye: Bunker Boy
- Seth Meyers: Трамп and the police lash out at the Black Lives Matter protests
- Trevor: Joe Biden on reforming the police
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп’s “Army,” Mitt Romney marches & Americans come together
- Stephen: Emmanuel Acho—Being anti-racist means calling out racism wherever you see it
- Jonathan Mann: The Capitol Hill autonomous zone
- John Oliver: Police
- Sarah Cooper: How to bunker
- Trevor: Cops meet police brutality protests with more police brutality
- Stephen: Trump openly insults Black Americans by scheduling MAGA rally on Juneteenth in Tulsa, OK
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп tweets conspiracy theory & cousin Micki’s words of hope
- The USA Singers: The Ballad of George Floyd:
- Samantha Bee: It’s time to defund the Police
- Trevor: America protests police brutality and systemic racism
- The Late Show: Beware…The elderly Antifa!
- Mark Fiore: Defunding everything but the police
- Stephen: Calls to defund the police intensify while Трамп attacks Buffalo man assaulted by the cops
- Trevor: What should we do about police unions?
Hasan Minhaj: The news industry is being destroyed
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I never thought NASCAR would ban the Confederate Flag. Well, they still get to wave the final Confederate Flag on the last lap.
Voter turnout soared in Georgia despite massive primary day problems
Democrats cast close to a million votes in the Senate primary, more than triple the number in the 2016 primary.
“5 hours and 37 minutes after polls should’ve closed, the last voter cast a ballot in Georgia and the police were called on us. Seven police cars were called because black voters refused to let their voices be silenced.”
>> But go ahead and lie that republicans do not practice voter suppression.
I check my voter registration regularly to make sure the republicans have not purged me since I’m a Democrat. In a just timeline, I shouldn’t have to be that paranoid the trumpers will cheat to steal the elections.
Seattle coronavirus survivor gets a $1.1 million, 181-page hospital bill | The Seattle Times
That is an absurd amount of billing.
YLB, ya shouldn’t have gotten so many Harry Potter tattoos.
That’s gonna hurt, ya know.
Stunning numbers from GA. Tons of work remaining between now and November. But there is absolutely a clear path forward to flip that state and a Senate seat. Turning Georgia into a battleground state has been a major goal of the party for two decades. Forcing Stupid Hitler to defend Georgia weakens Insider Trading Barbie. With Collins likely to go full Trumpalo and Stupid Hitler forced to increase his schedule of Triumph of the Will Rallies, pulling Loeffler farther to the right than she can afford to be, a lane opens up for a Democrat to perhaps make it onto a runoff in Jan.
These are very, very good numbers for Democrats in Georgia and speaks volumes for the organizing, registration, and field work that has been carried out there by excellent people like Stacy Abrams. But it also tells us about the power of mail ballots in increasing voter participation. We need to push hard for mail ballots in all 50 states.
I got an unsolicited political call yesterday fromsomebody’s campaign. I listened to the young woman’s spiel about how great her candidacte was and “enthusiastically” said I’d vote for her candidate. I learned from one of my grandfathers to just let these people rant, tell them what they want to hear and then, on Election Day, vote for the candidate you want.
It’s a good strategy to use when you get political calls. Just them whomever calls what they want to hear, and they will go away happy.
When things look their darkest and most bleak for fascism, white supremacy, and treason, The Q Clearance Pussy can always turn to personal bigotry to lift his spirits and face another day of #
winning.@ 1
Same flag The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 was too drunk to wave on Election Night 2016, Railfan.
The Chardonnay Lady 2.0’s hotel room, morning after the 2016 election.
Good luck finessing this one, libbies.
“What she really meant was…” won’t fly.
You clearly don’t understand how modern data driven campaign field work is conducted.
By indicating to the campaign that you support the candidate and intend to vote for them, your information has been placed on a prioritized list for follow up in the weeks after your state’s mail ballots go out. Campaigns run on turnout, not much on persuasion. Of course having gotten you to inexplicably answer a phone call from a strange or blocked number (which is itself an important data point), they are willing and prepared to try and persuade you if possible. But telephone canvassing operations are mostly built around identifying leaning and supporting likely voters and then, having identified them, following up to make sure they vote.
Moreover, having voiced you support and intention to vote, you will also be targeted for fund raising on a separate data base. Voter data and fund raising data are separated because they are shared differently. Your declared intention to vote for a particular candidate will be held by the campaign until after the primary. But your identity as a potential donor will be shared widely. That’s because your Congressional primaries are still months away and lots of turnout work remains to be done in those elections. Individual campaigns do not share their turnout work results until after the primaries, and then only with their own parties.
So being a super smart Trailerbilly, you’ve created for yourself a perfect storm. You will certainly receive lots of follow up calls in late July and August, and then again in October and early November on behalf of this candidate to get you to lick a stamp. But you will also continue to receive turnout calls from other campaigns (unaware of your declared intention) as well as a considerable increase in fund raising calls, as you will now be considered a potential donor.
Very well played. Now go lick a stripper pole and your day will be complete.
Enough “finesse” for you?
And Goldy’s radio show was cancelled.
If you’re gonna set up an autonomous zone, you need more than pallets and 32 gallon garbage cans.
You also need a mayor who is a squish.
I dunno. IIRC in 2016, the year you first voted for Stupid Hitler, a group of only 26 heavily armed white supremacists seized a public facility and the surrounding area and held it successfully for 40 days.
Maybe those guys just need more guns.
And more dildos.
It’s shot from behind, but now we all know what YLB looks like.
roberto pedone
From last night in the #Chaz ,, a tax on white people was enforced. #CHOP #Seattlechaz
Kalen From Scriberr
6:56 AM · Jun 13, 2020
Nice fantasy, but it does not apply to me.
The interesting thing about this CHAZ clip is how few masks are being worn.
Somebody make the argument that all the SPD needs to do is wait for the next Wuhan wave, after which no CHAZ invasion to restore order will be necessary.
You can’t claim “I can’t breathe.” if you’re being ventilated.
(Confidential to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit: those are catheters, not ET tubes. ET tubes are bigger and aren’t interchangeable from one orifice between your legs to the other.)
Serious protesting in the CHAZ.
Now, lemme get this straight:
Y’all HA libbies hate this guy, amirite?
Rand Paul introduces Justice for Breonna Taylor Act to ban “no-knock” warrants
QoS McHillbilly @ 11 is correct.
I don’t even swear at them before I hang up. Not worth the effort.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is perfectly willing to speak with anyone who calls him at his home. It’s the only time he can find someone willing to talk with him voice-to-voice while within his own dwelling.
There’s one unqualified woman having a bad weekend.
Joe Biden’s vice presidential list narrows to six, includes Warren, Harris, Susan Rice
Yup. It’s her.
BTW, QoS McHillbilly, it’s @ 5 spelled S-t-a-c-e-y.
Well, this doesn’t fit the narrative.
Sorry ’bout that.
Next time I’ll use the smaller words.
Better get that call. It might be Publisher’s Clearinghouse. Yup.
Is dimfuk hallucinating creep shots now?
Classic always wrong wing repukelican behavior. Thanks for playing.
You prefer keeping Stacey Abrams in Georgia kicking Rapeublican butt up and down the country.
Me too. Certainly beats the shit out of putting her at The Naval Observatory to fill out a daily schedule of meetings with Girl Scouts, Micronesian trade missions, and climate warming study groups.
And keeps her available to run in 2022 when Loeffler will be awaiting sentencing.
Everybody hates him. Remember?
Between him and Ted Cruz you have the two most universally disliked members of either chamber. And neither one of them is going anywhere.
In many respects, this is the future of the Senate GOP. As Trumpism, DERP STATE!, and Qanon continues to take hold and dominate the conservative political culture you can look forward to more and more media hungry “lone wolf” demagogues who cannot obtain the consent of their colleagues.
When BART was being planned, Santa Clara County opted out, citing concerns about losing shoppers to San Francisco among others. Well, today the latest phase of the Silicon Valley extension opened, bringing BART to the North San Jose/Berryessa station. Getting to San Jose is the next phase. Out of curiosity, I was wondering what the fare was, so I used the fare calculated on their website to see one of the longest journeys, SFO to Berryessa, $14.10 for adults.
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority will own, but BART will operate it, as Santa Clara County still has not joined BART.
Who do you call on the police?
Fox is caught photoshopping the “news” again:
“Fox News published digitally altered and misleading images on its website’s homepage Friday that made a demonstration in Seattle, in which a group of largely peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters have occupied six city blocks, appear violent and dangerous. The deceitful tactic was called out by The Seattle Times. The local newspaper reported that when it asked Fox News about the images, the network removed them.”
@2 “I check my voter registration regularly to make sure the republicans have not purged me since I’m a Democrat. ”
I don’t respond to “surveys” because I assume they’ll be followed up by a “caging” letter or an attempt to remove me from the voting rolls.
I wouldn’t trust a Republican even if he was wearing a halo; I’d assume he murdered the angel and stole the halo.
@4 “That’s gonna hurt, ya know.”
Not as much as your weekly penicillin shots. (snicker)
@5 Here’s another stunning number:
“Biden is leading among female registered voters by 59% to 35%, a 25-point margin when the numbers aren’t rounded. That’s a significant increase from his 19-point advantage earlier this year and the 14-point lead Hillary Clinton had in the final 2016 preelection polls of registered voters. Clinton had a 13-point edge with likely female voters.”
The gender divide is even wider than the partisan divide. Might explain why Republicans aren’t getting laid, too.
@6 We don’t have to guess why you’re still a registered voter. “Her candidate” means “Republican candidate.” For that matter, so does “the candidate” you “want.” See #32 for further explanation.
@9 So now Dumbfuck alleges that Clinton’s campaign staff snorted cocaine with hundred-dollar-bills the morning after. Right election, wrong hotel room. That was your people.
@10 “Good luck finessing this one, libbies.”
Easy. Without this
you wouldn’t get this
“Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police”
so stop this
already. And while you’re at it, stop this
so you don’t get this
I mean, it’s not like your side’s hands are clean, dumbfuck.
Warning. The 2016 polls were particularly inaccurate in this regard. A surprisingly high percentage of white women who had previously indicated support for Clinton apparently did as they were told and voted for the rapist. Stupid Hitler won white women by 3%. Between that and some incredibly poor turnout among younger college educated women and women of color helped give Rape the win in the key states.
Btw, when “Edgar Maddison Welch, a 28-year-old man from Salisbury, North Carolina, arrived at Comet Ping Pong and fired three shots from an AR-15-style rifle that struck the restaurant’s walls, a desk, and a door,” why didn’t the police shoot him 30 times?
Same reason they didn’t shoot these people:
So, getting back to your spew @10, dumbfuck, the police have a major, major, major credibility problem when it comes to policing and some people have gotten so frustrated with cops they call for abolishing police because they’ve run out of other ideas. You got any?
That puts the ball @10 back in your court. Your move.
This just in:
“A white man stabbed a Black man multiple times outside a Texas bar after making several racist comments, police said.”
Can anybody identify that symbol hanging from the suspect’s neck chain?
@ 32
CNN, whose own Oliver Darcy disputed that armed militants were in the CHAZ, gets its panties in a twist because Fox misappropriated the location of an armed militant Darcy had denied even existed.
Got it.
@ 40
Probably because
• Police weren’t on the scene when he fired those rounds, and
• The suspect exited Comet Ping Pong with his hands up after 4:15 PM, and was handcuffed and arrested, according to a police report.
Oh, and Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, the police did shoot one of the people you listed in your linked article. You would actually have to read it to know that.
@ 40, cont.
Here’s one:
How about not reaching into a patrol car to grab a cop’s gun, then not bull-rushing him after you’ve already been shot once while trying to grab a cop’s gun?
Here’s another:
Don’t resist. Follow the orders police give you. When they tell you to put your hands up or behind your back, do it. That’s what I did when I was arrested 12 years ago.
Won’t solve all of the problems. Will solve a great many of them, and you asked for ideas, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Broken Windows Policing 1990:
Ron Sims is stopped and questioned by SPD 8 times while serving on King County Council.
Broken Windows Policing 2020:
Andy Ngo and Tucker Carlson are stopped and questioned 8 times while searching for broken windows in the CHAZ.
Is that when you decided to stop drinking, embrace your true sexuality, don the leather zipper mask and enter into “the lifestyle”?
@43 Fox didn’t “misappropriate the location,” they “digitally altered images,” e.g., “In other photos that showed the scene in Seattle, Fox News digitally added an image of a man armed with an assault rifle,” but I suppose that’s too subtle a distinction for a dumbfuck to make.
@45 “Will solve a great many of them”
No, it won’t, and that’s the problem — there are, borrowing your words, “a great many” police abuses of black people, some of whom are completely innocent, some of which are lethal, that “hands up” won’t solve (see #46 for a couple of local examples); and that’s why all those people, white and black, are in the streets peacefully protesting. You’re not out there protesting with them, needless to say, because you don’t give a shit about the racial injustices in our society.
@45 “Don’t resist. Follow the orders police give you. When they tell you to put your hands up or behind your back, do it. That’s what I did when I was arrested 12 years ago.”
What were you in for, and when did you get out? Was it PETA who turned you in? Was there an informer in the barn? I’ll bet it was one of the chickens; they’re always clucking.
This doesn’t explain Puddy’s 2-year disappearance, though. Personally, I think he was in a different kind of institution. Also for public safety, though.
Doc, in case you need more help with figuring out what the row over police treatment of black people is all about …
“A sheriff in Virginia has apologized to a Black pastor who was mistakenly arrested after he called authorities for help during an alleged attack by a white family earlier this month.
“Pastor Leon McCray was at his home on June 1 when he saw two people trying to dump a refrigerator on his property …. When McCray told them to stop, one person proceeded to verbally attack him and the other one went to get three other people.
“McCray said that all five people started attacking him verbally and physically. They were ‘threatening to kill me… telling me that my Black life didn’t matter,’ he said. That’s when he felt the need to pull his concealed firearm to save his life, he said. The group of people then left and McCray proceeded to call 9-1-1 for help.
“But when authorities arrived, they didn’t ask McCray what happened, he said. They spoke to the white family of five who had just attacked him, he said.
“‘I was not given an opportunity to speak,’ said McCray, adding that officers told him they had to arrest him for brandishing a gun. ‘And I said, what about the trespassing and the assault?’
“Instead, McCray ‘was handcuffed in front of my assaulters’ by an officer who has known him from the community for over 20 years, he said, adding ‘they waved at me as I go down the road …. Do you know how disturbing that is?'”
Yeah, I see why some black people feel they’d be safer with no police than this kind of police … do you?
“The city council in Buffalo, New York, voted this week to call on State Attorney General Letitia James to investigate the 2008 firing of Black officer Cariol Horne, who stopped a white colleague from choking a suspect while making an arrest. The incident occurred in 2006, and Horne was fired two years later because the Buffalo Police Department claimed Horne had put her fellow officers at risk, including the white officer, Gregory Kwiatkowski, whom she stopped after he put the suspect in a chokehold.”
This is the kind of policing the protesters are complaining about, dumbfuck.
I think the City of Buffalo owes her 12 years of back pay, benefits, and pension credits. And an apology. And legally enforceable promises to never do it again to any other officer.
The protests really are making a difference:
“Atlanta’s police chief resigned Saturday, the day after an officer fatally shot a man in a Wendy’s parking lot, prompting … protests.”
Another miserable failure by the impeached miserable failure:
“North Korea officially declared an end Friday to its diplomatic dalliance with the U.S. But experts say it’s been clear for some time that President Donald Trump’s bold but risky effort to sweet talk Kim Jong Un into relinquishing his nuclear weapons never really went anywhere.”
Outcomes is why, until the dumbest voters in American history elected Trump, we didn’t turn over management of our foreign policy to amateurs who don’t know what the hell they’re doing.
They said they didn’t until video proved they did:
“The United States Secret Service said Saturday that one of their agents had used pepper spray to clear protesters from Lafayette Square ahead of President Donald Trump’s photo op, reversing an earlier statement claiming that no one from the agency had done so.”
Isn’t it nice that police agencies can’t get away with these baldfaced lies anymore thanks to technology?
Even cops are marching to protest police brutality against minorities. Rightwingers aren’t taking it well. Especially when the blue marchers are minority cops.
@50 Doctor Dumbfuck tells us, “Don’t resist. Follow the orders police give you. When they tell you to put your hands up or behind your back, do it” and everything will be fine.
That didn’t help her:
Doesn’t help the toddlers dying in Trump’s rape cages, either.
Where’s your humanity, doc?
What goes around, comes back to haunt you:
“Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) gushes in a new Republican ad that former Vice President Joe Biden is ‘as good a man as God ever created’ — while President Donald Trump is a ‘xenophobic, race-baiting, religious bigot.’
“What a difference an administration makes. The comments were pulled from Graham’s past, ‘before he lost his conscience’ and became one of the president’s staunchest defenders, noted a statement from the Republican Voters Against Trump.
“‘You want to know how to make America great again?’ Graham asked in 2015. ‘Tell Donald Trump to go to hell.’
“The ad … will run on Fox News in the Charlotte and Greenville markets, reaching both South Carolina and the swing state of North Carolina. It will also air on Fox News in Washington, D.C.:
Watch the ad here:
@ 58
It takes a back seat to my common sense, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Unless the agent was issued and authorized to use a chemical weapon then the agent did “get away with it”.
And since the Attorney General and the “Method Acting” Sec of Homeland Security have avowed that no such authorization existed, someone should be at least fired.
But no IG. So still “getting away with it”.
Police decoder ring input: “The person in the Instagram post was detained as a possible suspect of a crime. It was determined to be the wrong suspect and he was let go.”
Police decoder ring output: “The suspect is black, so our officer thought it must be him. It’s true his age, height, weight, build, facial hair, tattoos, and clothing didn’t match. But his presence in a white neighborhood matched, which gave our officers probable cause.”
@60 You don’t have any of either.
Even cops are marching to protest police brutality against minorities.
They’re scared to death they might have to give back the grenade launchers:
Now, some of you might have asked yourselves: “What on earth does a public school district police department need with dozens of automatic assault rifles, grenade launchers, and an MRAP?
With these toys they are enabled to engage in joint training exercises with other law enforcement teams in the region and the state. Thus enabling officers to gain valuable experience they can use to gain positions and promotions in other agencies, as well as lots, and lots, and lots of overtime pay, maxing out their income and retirement.
So really, just thinking of the children.
Having agreed to give back the grenade launchers they will still be able to go on weekend outings to the desert for play dates with other police. That’s why they won’t give up the MRAP or the assault rifles. But without the grenade launchers it isn’t going to be nearly as much fun.
Our educational funding at work. Better not defund the PoPo.
Even cops are marching to protest police brutality against minorities.
Cops know how to get promoted.
They also know how to call out a fucking asshole in no uncertain terms:
Hundreds of NYPD cops turn backs to de Blasio in protest as he speaks at funeral for slain Officer Miosotis Familia
It’s good to see that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit appreciates the organized efforts of our men and women in blue.
65. Concern troll.
Which common sense has led him to abandon every shred of self-respect to abase himself at the feet of a profoundly stupid, morbidly obese reality television star who pays 13-year-old girls to jerk him off wearing latex gloves. The same common sense that prods him to regularly regale us with his growing evidence of a global Zionist/Democrat conspiracy to sexually enslave pre-adolescent children and feast on their flesh in cannibalistic obedience to Satan.
Bob, in relative terms, you are undoubtedly and by far the stupidest troll to visit these pages now, having surpassed both Puddy and Shortbus long ago. I don’t doubt you could probably outperform either of them in terms of reading comprehension, retention, or on a standardized test. But at this point you couldn’t summon the wit or wisdom to navigate a Dim Sum brunch service without getting your ass kicked.
@ 67
Figure out a way for Biden to bow out before the election and his VP nominee Kamala Harris to be substituted, with either Klobuchar or even that fucking lib-Nazi Warren as the new VP, and you’ve got my vote.
If you run Biden in the #1 slot you have nothing to criticize me for, since I won’t vote for him or for Trump.
Oh, and GFYS.
Let’s have a talk about candidates being way too old, senile and frail….
“Our Great General Ulisius Grant. Also a big fan of Douglas MagArthur. Some water will do the trick.”
Maybe they’re looking for someone a little more…. virile and manly.
@64 ” … maxing out their income and retirement.”
Well yeah. Just yesterday, I read that Derek Chauvin stands to collect over $1.5 million in pension pay, even if he’s convicted of murder, because Minnesota has no law requiring felons to forfeit their public pensions.
Not infrequently, in perusing financial blogs, I come across rightwing rants about “pensions.” How they’re lavish, unsustainable, and bankrupting the states.
They must be talking about police pensions, because most of the retired state employees I know get $20,000 a year or less.
@65 “Rabbit appreciates the organized efforts of our men and women in blue.”
The good ones, yeah, of course I do. We all should. Thing is, I know something you don’t: The difference between good cops and bad cops and people who never should’ve been cops.
Don’t want your vote.
Would not figure out a bus schedule for it.
Now would be a very good time to quit begging us to forgive you for what you’ve done. It ain’t ever happening.
You and all the other Trumpalo white dude-bros are just going to have to stay out there on that greezy, slipery, porn-rapey tree limb you’ve created for yourselves. Stupid Hitler flies away on Marine One while you hunker down and hang on in the rotor wash.
Who the fuck knows? Between Putin’s election hacking, closing polling places, The Rona, broken voting machines, “lost in the mail” ballots, and canceled registrations maybe you and your pals can pull this thing out for one more degenerate white boy-band lip-syncing tour. But it won’t be long before all of America will be pulling down your statues and pissing on your grave markers while your Boogaloo Boyz drive cautiously around in Plymouth Novas looking for a safe space to tag.
@66 And a lot of other things besides. Humanity and common sense not included. Batteries not included, either. He runs on a hand-cranked magneto.
@68 Figure out a way for
BidenTrump to bow out before the election and his VPnominee Kamala HarrisMike Pence to be substituted, witheither Klobuchar or even that fucking lib-Nazi Warrenany functioning adult as the new VP, andyou’ve got my votemight start to have a shred of credibility. Until then, you’re a fucking joke.@ 70
PERS 1, baby. Highest salary x # years employed X 0.02.
It’s a sweet ride. Thank you, Washington!
@68 “If you run Biden in the #1 slot you have nothing to criticize me for, since I won’t vote for him or for Trump.”
Trust us, voting for Jo Jorgensen won’t get you off the hook for your many other insults against the social and biological orders.
Say, that reminds me. Did they ever solve this Capitol Hill hate crime?
Silly fuck.
@75 Yes, we know you’re living on your wife’s income — she knows what your investment income is — while cheating on her with a horse. She even pays for the horsefeed. It’s in her interest to do so.
@ 76
Good timing. Michael Volz @ 77 is an insult against the social and biological orders.
So is Aerosmith.
I hear Ivanka is got this one. Catfight!
I see the horse caught a bit of a break today. Bob spent more time here today than at the barn.
Here’s the video angle of the Atlanta police-involved shooting you haven’t seen yet.
They didn’t want The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 to run their lives, either.
@75 Btw, that’s her money, not taxpayer money. They took 6% from her salary and put it in PERS. She’s now getting it back with interest. The only taxpayer money in her retirement check is the 1% cola she got a couple years ago — the first PERS cola in over 20 years, and probably the last in her lifetime. And it’s not highest salary x years employed x .02, it’s average of highest 24 consecutive months x years employed (up to 30) x .02 x 1.01, so if she made $60,000 in her last year and $54,000 the year before that, she gets $2,878.50/mo. if she paid into PERS for at least 30 years, unless she served in the military, in which case her time on active duty military service counts as years of PERS service. Cops aren’t in PERS; they have their own pension system. Same with firefighters and teachers.
@82 Yes, we know the dead black guy resisted arrest, struggled with the cops, grabbed a taser, ran away with it, then turned and pointed it at a cop.*
That’s not a capital offense in the law books. When a white guy does it, he gets a fine and probation, or at most a few months in jail if he’s especially obnoxious.
When a black guy does it, he’s subjected to summary execution without trial.
Do you see a disparity here?
* If cops want to argue a taser is a deadly weapon, then they should stop saying it’s not when they use it.
Since you know @ 84 so much about my wife, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, certainly you know as well that she would never go online and claim, repeatedly, to be a millionaire. At least a couple of reasons for that:
• She doesn’t share your inferiority complex.
• Real millionaires don’t have a reason to publicly claim to be one. To the contrary, it’s in their best interests to keep it rather quiet. You know, for when the pitchforks come out.
You’re a pathetic fuck, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
That’s not helpful to your cause vis-à-vis Cops see themselves as an army to conquer the citizenry.
Another way this could go down in training, he’s asleep at the wheel in a drive through, you get him out of the car he starts running….You have his keys, his registration, his car….let him run.
You can arrest him on charges at any point. Officers have a ton of physical and identifying evidence at the scene. But you can’t take back shooting him dead.
“Oh no’s a drunk is running. We must give chase or our manhoods will be questioned! Stars and Garters we can’t be disrespected!” De-Escalation training includes knowing when continued action is increasing the likelihood of violence.
Dude here could have run until tomorrow but at some point he’s going to go home and you can go have a ‘chat’.
@83 “Do you think Suburban Women want to Defund the Police? I don’t think so.”
Now explain how this might affect Biden’s overwhelming support among women, given that Biden has said, “No, I don’t support defunding the police.”
Of course, Trump will try to pry some of those voters loose with tactics like this: “A Trump … ad deceptively suggests that … Biden supports a campaign to ‘defund the police.'” But the only people who watch Trump’s ads are the dupes who’ll vote for him anyway.
@86 I don’t know anything about your wife, least of all why she puts up with you. I do know how PERS pensions are calculated. And I know you’re not good for a $500 bet — you’ve already show us that. We understand. How could you go to her and say, “I need $500 to pay a gambling debt or they’re going to kill me?” She’d just give you a knowing look and smile to herself.
Next time don’t be such a burden to society Bob.
I wonder if the Police force was predominately a black force run by a predominately black society, and they were stopping white people as a racial profiling tactic, whether Bob would have still be so kind to obey the orders or would he have just decided, at that time, not to burden society with his arrest.
For a guy who fucks a horse….I’d say no, he doesn’t see the difference.
@87 You don’t expect a dumbfuck to comprehend that, do you?
She might even eat some of that horsefeed herself.
“The officers also said they were displeased after the command staff took a knee with activists and others during a demonstration on Monday, according to the letter.”
Ooo, the snowflakes’ feelings hurtz!
Neanderthals. There really is something wrong with heterosexual beings.
Sure. Torch the Wendy’s. ’cause why the fuck not?
Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks was shot, killed by police is now on fire
George Floyd’s cousin told a crowd “his life didn’t matter.”
To which I respond: It does now.
@ 95
There really is something wrong with heterosexual beings.
Why is it OK to say a guy runs like a hetero but it’s not OK to say a guy runs like a
faggentleman who prefers the company of other gentlemen?@ 97
Of course you do, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Your life won’t matter to your family until it ends, either. And that’s only if you’ve kept up with your life insurance premiums.
Choose another nominee.
@98 What should we say about a guy who prefers the company of horses? Is there a slur for that?
@100 “Choose another nominee.”
You first. Until then, any functioning adult will do.
@99 In the end, your chief value will lie in providing employment via a perpetual care annuity to a groundskeeper pushing a lawn mower.
Like this one?
“The ramp that I descended after my West Point Commencement speech was very long & steep, had no handrail and, most importantly, was very slippery. The last thing I was going to do is “fall” for the Fake News to have fun with. Final ten feet I ran down to level ground. Momentum!”
Live with that, Pussy. He’s all yours.
So between the ramp and the water glass, the consensus is that Bob’s nominee, Stupid Hitler, has some fairly serious neuro damage.
But hair sniffing, I guess.
I love ramp!
New information about the harassment of a family on a camping trip to the Olympic Peninsula by rightwing thugs indicates that after fleeing from Forks they were followed all the way to Olympia.
@105 I would describe him as “unbalanced.”
How bad is Fox News at this…
Someone posts something on Reddit.
Fox News airs it as “The political organization of CHAZ.” First, Reddit comments as news? Y’all sitting around the newsroom on Reddit? Second…All the editors or producers are either suffering dementia and severe memory loss or ate so young they shouldn’t have jobs?
“Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! HELP! HELP! I’m being repressed!”
@96 “Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks was shot, killed by police is now on fire”
From your link: “Protest organizers encouraged people to go home,” so it’s safe to say the protest organizers didn’t want or encourage this.
CNN reported that “larger crowds began to gather in the area surrounding the Wendy’s and some individuals began breaking the store’s glass.” The Atlanta Journal- Constitution reported that “angry protesters set a fire at the Wendy’s … after windows were smashed and fireworks were hurled inside.”
We know the “crowds” are mixed groups of rioters, looters, and provocateurs mingling with peaceful protesters. In Seattle, a single person from out of town (Tacoma) was responsible for torching five police vehicles in what appears to have been a planned crime. In Minneapolis, Seattle, and other places, organized gangs of looters took advantage of the confusion to break into businesses and cart off goods. And rightwing terrorists of the Boogaloo movement have seen the protests as an opportunity to try to start a race war. At this point, there’s no telling who set the Wendy’s on fire, or what their motive was.
Anyway, CHAZ is now CHOP (Capitol Hill Organized Protest).
This implies the protesters are ceding their territorial claims, but they now say they never had any, the “CHAZ” moniker wasn’t their idea, and “what’s happening on Capitol Hill was never about seceding from the United States [and] Facebook pages popping up under the name ‘CHAZ’ had been done without protesters knowing” and they’re changing the name to CHOP to get the protests “back on track.”
@96, you know what would also have kept the Wendy’s from being burned? The cops not murdering the black man.
A minimum of one arsonist in a crowd of 1,000 protesters is all it takes for you to blame all the protesters of wrongdoing,
A minimum of one murderer in a police force is all it takes to society to blame all the cops of wrongdoing.
See what I did there?
I’m afraid that some Wendy’s will have to burn.
It’s not great. But it isn’t anything like what the mewling and whinging from Trumpalos would have it. Tucker Carlson notwithstanding, this isn’t the demise of civilization. But maybe if we’re lucky it’s the demise of at least part of “whiteness”.
What you see in the video of Mr. Brooks being shot is the result of modern police training. It’s bad training. But it is what it is and it isn’t going away because of any announcement or memo. This kind of thing has been going on in police departments in the US for a couple of decades now. Army Rangers and military combat experts training our civilian police to instinctively escalate to deadly force. Training we as taxpayer are paying for. Training that continues to take place, even in the midst of all this protest against police violence and abuse.
But of course, it’s also the result of Mr. Brooks’ race. Because once we train our police to react to a “threat” with an accelerated escalation to deadly violence, then the question of what constitutes a “threat” becomes critical. White Americans (and perhaps all Americans) are culturally conditioned to regard most African Americans, and especially African American males as subjectively more “threatening”. So almost any encounter between law enforcement and a black man has built into it the potential to go to deadly violence very, very quickly. And that isn’t going to change for a while.
So maybe the question we need to be asking is “what is that worth”? Why is this man dead over a suspected DUI? Why is another man dead over a suspected fake $20? How can we shift the balance of these kinds of calculations to at least reduce the frequency of these encounters escalating to deadly violence? Is all this suffering really worth it?
Maybe burning a few Wendy’s is what it takes.
Holding VA-05 in 2018 was I thought something of an achievement for Rapepublicans. It’s a highly gerrymandered district that has been steadily trending toward Democrats since the last census. And the shift in suburban support in 2018 bode ill for the party. But Riggleman was a rare bright spot for them, holding an open district.
And Riggleman is a conservative politically as you could want. He backs Trump down the line. But his refusal to conform to the culture wars tropes and expectations of the powerful evangelical Rapepublicans who preside over his district has cost him. And yesterday VA-05 kicked him to the curb for officiating at a gay wedding of close friends, choosing instead to nominate a Bible Belt activist from Liberty University, Bob Good.
Big help came from The Commonwealth which allows the parties to choose their nominee by convention of delegates if they choose to. So yesterday about 3000 strident Bible Belt activists drove to the Tree of Life Ministries parking lot in Lynchburg for a “drive through” convention and chose to replace Riggleman with a divisive, culture warrior sure to put the seat in play in November.
Again, this is the future of the GOP now.
@ 113
You confirmed that your highest grade completed was the fifth, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
Re the ramp.
I have not previously noticed if Trump looks down while he is walking on stable ground.
I’m told that one of the things that contributes to the stooped posture one sees with frequency in older people is their need to look down to see the ground ahead of them, because they subconsciously know that they are unsteady on their feet.
I had forgotten Trump’s age. He’s 74. Today. Happy Birthday, Mr. President.
Pelosi couldn’t get up after kneeling with that silly-ass scarf she misappropriated earlier this month. She’s 80.
Biden is typically led by the hand when walking with his wife. He’s 77.
Jerry Nadler is 73.
This is who we have elected, and who we may continue to elect. Get used to it. You had the chance to elect a surfer, and passed.
A “surfer”. Riiiight.
This is the troll paragon of “common sense” and “seriousness”.
116 a 5th grader can understand cops murdering black men is wrong. Why do Republicans keep siding with the murderers?
He’s at least 84 in cheeseburger years.
And thus, yet another one of your desperately cherished attack tropes is rendered utterly impotent and useless.
He’s old. He’s corrupt. He’s a white supremacist.
And he’s a rapist.
And he’s all you’ve got.
Totally a Dumbfuck.
Oh, really?
If you have to lie….Make it a big one. Play it all the way through, I double dog dare you.
@116 More proof that stupid people don’t know they’re stupid. Some even think they’re smart. Go by what the horse says; if he’s laughing at you, you’re stupid. Horses aren’t very smart, but if even a horse sees you’re stupid, you’re stupid.
We finally found that slippery slope conservatives have been screaming about since the 40s.
On a sunny day. In New York on a Saturday. Where it hasn’t rained since Wednesday. And was 81 on Friday. 84 on the day it got slippery.
Maybe someone spilled a glass of water.
@120 Yes, but don’t overlook that while Trump may be old in body, he’s young of mind. Specifically, he has the mind of a 2-year-old. Hence the constant barrage of “Terrible Twos” tantrums.
APD released the body cam footage. One of the officers deployed the taser. If this was the taser he “Reached for” and the object in his hand, the officers shot him for running with a used useless device.
And pointing a useless device.
They had established during the sobriety check he was unarmed so he’s running with only what he might have grabbed from an officer. Unless it’s a gun APD will have to argue in civil court that a “Does no permanent damage” device fits the description of “Feared for my life and safety in the moment.” from a device that the officers knew had been rendered useless already.
Sorry Dumbfuck.
The Rapepublican nominee riding a bike is not something America deserves to see.
@ 125
It was Rolfe who deployed the taser, Cz-252. The wires were probably still connected to Brooks, I think, which is why the taser was still being held out by the Rolfe while the two were running. I think.
The taser Brooks absconded with was not deployed earlier, and was taken from the other officer’s belt. You can hear it being deployed by Brooks just before he was shot. So it wasn’t useless.
I guess it comes down to whether these requirements for use of deadly force were satisfied:
Based on this it seems to me that the officer’s firing will be sustained and that any charge against him probably won’t result in a conviction.
I watched the whole video from Rolfe’s body cam. The entire exchange was civil on all sides until they tried to arrest Brooks. I wonder if things might have been different if Rolfe had told Brooks that he blew a 0.108 blood alcohol level and that he was legally drunk by definition, prior to attempting to arrest him.
The body cam you can see the officer Fire the taser and fire. The wires extend from his hands into the suspect. Maybe he shot his partner and that’s how the suspect got free?
Stop lying.
Own goal.
“serious bodily injury“
law Enforcement repeatedly described taser as non-lethal cause no permanent damage.
“Serious bodily injury, fear for life”
Good luck.
Dumbfuck here would have you believe a suspect can run with a spent taser in an officer and neither have the leads pull from the body or the device pulled from the hand by resistance.
Apparently he’s hinder the impression that one can drag a twitching body around by a taser in use.
As the kids say, “Take the L”
The entire exchange was civil on all sides until they tried to arrest Brooks. I wonder if things might have been different if Rolfe had told Brooks that he blew a 0.108 blood alcohol level and that he was legally drunk by definition, prior to attempting to arrest him.
A poor and remarkably incomplete analysis.
At this point in a DUI investigation a police officer has the suspect’s driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance in his cruiser. He has established that the subject is not armed, and the officer has no evidence of violent or deadly intent.
Why the fight? Why the foot chase? And finally why the decision to draw his service weapon and fire it? Many of these actions and decisions are in keeping with policies widely in use in American law enforcement. But why?
Why does someone who is suspected of having too much to drink and pulled into a closed drive through to park and fall asleep warrant the Super Cop response? What is it about our unique approach to law and order that demands these kinds of violent confrontations that put everyone at greater risk?
There’s much more to Black Lives Matter than the answers to these questions can ever satisfy. But people with direct experience with the criminal justice system and law enforcement training and policy in America are asking these questions now because they are relevant. And a thorough rethinking of public attitudes and perceptions of law enforcement is long overdue.
Our culture of celebrating and thus emphasizing “confrontation”, “excitement”, “danger”, and “drama” in law enforcement is not healthy for any of us. But it is most unhealthy for those of us we choose to marginalize.
@ 131
Why the fight? Brooks resisted arrest. Did you not watch the video?
Why the foot chase? Brooks resisted arrest. Did you not watch the video?
And finally why the decision to draw his service weapon and fire it? Good question. Maybe someone might think to ask Officer Rolfe.
An arrest for a non-violent offense that is plead to misdemeanor* in over 85% of cases involving a first offense, where the officer has all of the suspects identifying and locating information.
The knee jerk response that any resistance shall be met with violent force is precisely where the training and policy go wrong. Examples of alternative response matrices that are just as successful, and that are far less dangerous for officers, suspects, and the public in general, are widely available and implemented all over the world.
The Dumbfuck doesn’t even take a moment to think about this. The elements of the investigation leading up to the decision to make an arrest are irrelevant to his conclusion that violent response is appropriate. The suspect resisted. The suspect must be attacked and controlled. This thinking and pattern of response is coded into our culture. And it is incredibly dangerous. And yet, we clearly make exceptions all the time.
The house always wins here. Always. Knowing that is what allows us to respond differently when we choose to do so, in cases involving different kinds of people and different investigations. This guy isn’t getting away. Not in the long run. Everything the police need to obtain a warrant is present. Assume that he complies with the arrest, goes to arraignment, is released, and then never appears for trial. So a warrant is issued. Now assume that the officers engage in a careful, restrained pursuit, using their radios, vehicles, and backup. And then lets assume that by shear luck the suspect escapes capture. So a warrant is issued.
What’s the difference? What changes in terms of outcome for society? There is a difference. But is it worth the risk over a misdemeanor*?
*Probably the best they could hope to convict on, since at the time of his arrest he was not operating.
Dumbfuck’s new silence on his assertion that Joe Biden needs assistance to walk is notable.
By assertion I mean
bullshit he made up on the spot because his hero President is a dottering fool that the grandkids don’t want to visit because he’s mean and he can’t even walk to the parklie.@132
He’s still not getting it, defund.
With license, registration, keys,and vehicle in police custody under what circumstances are officers trained to pursue on foot and open fire?
When killing is acceptable police policy under a wide range of scenarios….de fund.
Who would vote for such a man baby Neanderthal?
Trump aides scrambling to hide his ‘dumpster fire’ poll numbers to keep him from ‘flying into a rage’: report – Raw Story
Did the Indus resist arrest?
Good Cops being fucked by Bad Cops
I see that gman @ 138 is going as Good Cop to this year’s Hallowe’en Party.
139. When you know you are wrong. Be homophobic and hope to distract.
I remember in high school watching the Parade AA captain of the elite, all-white, xtian academy watching the final seconds tick off the clock as his team lost state to my mostly all black inner city power house losing his shit bench side surrounded by cameras, in front of thousands, screaming “Fucking ni**ers!” at the top of his lungs.
Lost all his offers. Went to a small Div. III Baptist school. Never heard from again. I heard he coached in Japan for a while.
Trump’s plan to get America through its current crises explained.
@125 APD fired the cop who shot him. Any tort lawyer should have a field day with that. If that’s not an admission of fault, it sure bears a strong resemblance to one.
@133 Has it occurred to anyone that maybe the reason black men guilty of minor offenses resist arrest and try to run is because they’re deathly afraid of the process of arrest and what might happen to them in police custody? I can’t speak for them, but it seems to me they have plenty of reason to think they’re fleeing for their lives.
@136 The best thing that could happen to the GOP right now is a massive coronary. I’m not wishing for that, just thinking practically.
There were not one, but two, young black men found hanging from trees in California since Memorial Day, not far apart in time or place. and both after George Floyd’s death.
The very best thing you can say about the small group of vigilantes who terrorized a Spokane family in Forks last week is they’re stupid, ignorant, racist, and paranoid dumbfucks. I’d like to see them labeled by the P.A. or U.S.A.O. as something else: Defendants.
I have had a membership since 1993. $13/mo out of my checking account.
7 gyms in western WA.
Shot in the back twice, ruled a homicide.
The Michael Brown “bullrushed a cop” defense won’t work this time, doc.
Transparency? We didn’t promise no stinkin’ transparency.
It occurs to me that all of the vigorous physical activities Stupid Hitler partakes of are 100% compatible with adult undergarments.
Convenient that.
“Libel laws” Trump wishes he had at his disposal.
He must be jealous.
25,000 new Covid cases today, 3 weeks after Memorial Day. Some of those folks you saw laughing and splashing at pool parties that weekend in videos won’t see July 4.
P.S., You can’t reopen your barbershop or nail salon if you’re dead.
@ 153
According to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, no new cases of the Wuhan occurred after all of the Antifa riots.
Fat lives Matter!
@154 I didn’t see that, dumbfuck. Of course some of those protesters will get sick, and even die. They’re aware of that. They also know a police bullet to the back is quicker. But that doesn’t make it right.
Covid-19 is all you’ve got? Out of other excuses for our racist policing system? No “bullrushing a cop” argument this time? Didn’t think so.
@155 All lives should matter, but that’s only an ideal, and still needs work.
“Don’t be fooled into thinking Republicans are split over Trump”
Of course they aren’t. They’re all lemmings, and they’ll follow him over the cliff. Click on link below for video of mass migration of Republicans.
Here ya go, King County’s finest.
“Sheriff Reichert’s supervision questioned in bizarre arson
“Dave Reichert knew for weeks in 1996 that a sergeant under his command was meddling in a felony arson investigation, but kept him on the job despite a policy that would have allowed Reichert to remove him, according to interviews and court documents. It was a bizarre case. The sergeant, Matt Bachmeier, had burned down his own Renton home to collect insurance, then a month later implicated an innocent man before killing him. Details of the alleged supervisory failure, discovered by the P-I in a search of court records, echo the findings of a blue ribbon panel’s own recent examination of ‘long-standing’ supervision problems in the Sheriff’s Office that today remain pervasive. The panel’s final report, issued Sept. 11, found such problems exist because of ‘inadequate attention to individual employee performance by leaders and managers.'”
Reichert probably was too busy catching the GRK. Anyway,
” … The former King County sergeant convicted of one murder and accused of another … doing life without parole … is collecting $2,500 a month from the state as a disabled retired law enforcement officer. … Bachmeier successfully claimed he couldn’t return to duty due to depression and post-trauma stress disorder resulting from his murder conviction.” [Also because he’s, well, not available for duty.] “In a remarkable catch-22, the state board says Bachmeier is qualified and can legally receive the $30,000 annual pension while doing time.”
“After Bachmeier was found guilty of Wren’s murder, Olmstead and co-counsel Mark Muenster set about getting financial compensation for the victim’s family. They presented persuasive evidence of Bachmeier’s unchecked volatility. According to a legal advisor to then-King County Sheriff Jim Montgomery, Bachmeier in 1996 threatened to kill one of his department captains shortly before killing Wren, but wasn’t disciplined. … Montgomery was advised of the threat, but took no apparent action. … [When] Bachmeier was charged with the 1996 Wren murder, Montgomery [learned] of two earlier legal settlements against Bachmeier: $125,000 for the 1989 beating of a Renton man with a nightstick, and $40,000 for the 1986 illegal arrest and assault of an Issaquah man. … Bachmeier’s record also includes two dozen complaints by citizens, six of them sustained by internal probes, including one that Montgomery reversed. An African-American teen claimed Bachmeier told him ‘I could kill your black ass,’ but Montgomery ruled it no contest—the kid’s word against the officer’s. … Eight years before Wren’s murder, Bachmeier shot and killed Guadalupe Rios, 32, whom Bachmeier claimed had tried to kill him. A 1988 coroner’s inquest jury found that shooting justified—self defense—though witnesses unheard by the jury have since claimed Bachmeier planted Rios’ gun (see ‘License to kill,’ SW, 11/4/99). ‘I called him a murderer at the inquest,’ says Olmstead, who represented Rios’ family back then as well. ‘He was an executioner, and the county swept it under the rug.’ … Attorney Olmstead says his persistence in getting justice for Wren and Rios soured his relationship with the sheriff’s office. When he ran for a county judgeship a few years back, Olmstead not only didn’t get the deputies’ union endorsement, he recalls an officer in the back of the union meeting room prominently laughing at him. ‘It was Bachmeier, ‘Olmstead says, ‘smirking. Mocking me. I thank him now. That kept me going all these years.'”
Dramatization of the arson and Wren murder:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Uh, yeah. The traditional model of recruiting, supervising, and disciplining cops right here in King County worked … that way. Needs work. That was several sheriffs ago, but it probably could still use some work. Oh, and — yes, it’s believable. Based on everything we know about what kind of people can get hired to be cops, it’s believable. It’s certainly not every cop you know, it’s not even 0.1% of the cops you know, but it was one of our cops, right here in King County.
Remember the “angry protesters” (Atlanta Journal Constitution) who torched the Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks was killed by police?
They say “it wasn’t us. A white girl. Look at the white girl trying to burn down the Wendy’s.”
If you google this, you’ll get hits on “suspected antifa ‘girl in pink’.” If nobody knows who she is, how do they know she’s antifa? Simple. Somebody said so, e.g. “NOQ Report,”
which describes itself as having a
“worldview is driven by a conservative, Christian ideology.”
But how do they know? Well, they don’t claim to know she’s antifa. She’s suspected antifa. She’s wearing a black hat, not a red hat. Remember the old cowboy movies? Black hats and white hats? Yup.
@160 In the interest of “fair and balanced,” here’s what Russia Today says about it:
If anybody knows what she is, the Russians would, ya think?
And lest we forget, it was a white girl who torched 5 police cars during the Seattle protests, although not the same one (ours is in jail). Geez, if you go to a protest, watch out for wicked white girls!
147)It’s a shame, last time I that way, seemed quiet, but it was outside of tourist season, and I didn’t have much time before the next bus to Port Angeles. Clallam Transit 14, one of the longest bus routes in the state. Miss taking the Clallam 123, Port Angeles to Bainbridge Island, but until the Coho is running again, not worth running.
“Weeks after lifting stay-at-home orders, some states are seeing record numbers of hospitalizations from Covid-19 as thousands more Americans get infected every day.”
It’s tempting to say, “We told you so,” but it’s probably more practical to ask, “Where should we send the flowers?”
Lindsey Graham is such a scumbag……people that vote for such shit should have a lobotomy (Intelligence Neanderthal Conversion Therapy) .
Working from home today. Listening to MSNBC Morning Joe on my Echo Dot Alexa App feature, while working.
They are talking about Trans Rights and the BLM movement.
Yeah, Reverend Al doesn’t come without controversy, and I don’t always agree with his approach, but I typically can understand where he is coming from.
I think he said it best – while speaking as part of the discussion – that if you violate someone’s civil rights then you violate everyone’s civil rights. Not sure that is an exact quote. I wish I had the exact quote. But just like I’ve been saying.
Sincere congratulations going out this morning to Bob.
Trading it all away for the court pick really did the trick. There’s just no telling which way Merick Garland might have gone on this.
Really, really well done.
Binding precedent. Oh my GAWAD!
Bob can be very proud of the fact that in dissent, Alito steers well clear of the actual text to go daisy picking through 52 pages of extraneous sources in his appendix for support, including Random House Websters Unabridged Dictionary and some United States Postal forms. I’m told he even might have referenced an episode of The Dick Van Dyke show.
Highlight from Gorsuch’s decis
“When the express terms of a statute give us one answer and extratextual considerations* suggest another, it’s no contest. Only the written word is the law, and all persons are entitled to its benefit.”
Versus pretext.
*Why, I do believe he’s aiming that one directly at Alito.
Nothing is safe anymore!
Look on the bright side: Hillary Clinton will never be president.
‘Bout time for a new thread, Carl.
Tender snowflake needs safe space.
“One of the cases the court refused to take up came from Idaho, where Shaniz West gave police the keys to her house when they were looking for her ex-boyfriend, who was a fugitive. But instead of going in, they bombarded the house for hours with tear gas, destroying everything inside. It turned out he wasn’t there, but when West sued, she lost. Lower courts sided with the police, saying no court had ever explicitly ruled that giving police authority to enter your home did not constitute permission to bomb it with tear gas.”
Another reason why you shouldn’t cooperate with police: If you give them permission to enter your house, you’re giving them a blank check to destroy your house and everything in it. Literally.
@169 What??! Republican asswipes in robes don’t get along?!! Will wonders ever cease.
@172 No need to talk to him. He doesn’t exist. He’s only a figment of his imagination; or, at most, virtual pixels created by a loose connection somewhere deep inside a server farm.
They’re always sorry after they mind somebody else’s business.
And in nearly all cases, they would’ve been better off if they’d kept their racism out of it.
Here ya go, another “busload of antifa”:
Be sure to scroll down to see the “Boogaloo for Floyd” and “All Cops Are Bastards” signs.
They should sell tickets.
Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and behold with your very own eyes the incredible, Eighth Wonder of the World! Not only does the incredible, amazing, OBAMA hold a beverage to his mouth and drink WITH ONLY ONE HAND. But you will also see him do it WHILE WALKING AT THE SAME TIME – with normal, adult sized strides requiring no special assistance.
Trying to shoot the cops* with his hands handcuffed behind his back. What was he thinking?
* Police version of what happened
“The Supreme Court on Monday refused to hear the Trump administration’s challenge to a California ‘sanctuary’ law …. Only Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr. voted to hear the administration’s appeal. The court’s action is a major victory for California in its long-running battle with President Trump. At issue was a clash between federal power and states’ rights.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Maybe he shouldn’t appoint states’ rights zealots to SCOTUS? Just askin’.
This is the enduring problem for Clownsurvaturds and their worshipful FedSoc obesience. The “principles” espoused by the pseudo-scholars at the FedSoc inevitably produce judges who lack the “flexibility” required to “get behind Satan” (or sexual assault, or tax fraud, or a little casual extortion among heads of state) whenever it suits.
Principles don’t work for Rapepublicans any more.
“A bagel chain in New York City has apologized after a customer was recorded not wearing a mask inside its store on June 6 and coughing on a patron who brought it to an employee’s attention. … The maskless woman in the viral video has been identified by a former employer as Lauren Balsamo. Weill Cornell Medicine Graduate School of Medical Sciences said Balsamo has not worked there since January 2020. … The maskless woman is banned from all of its locations, the store said.”
She’s not going to work there again, either. Also, no more bagels for her. Bad behavior has consequences.
So here you have someone who believes she’s had Covid-19 intentionally coughing on a stranger. Assault charges, anyone? People in other places have been arrested and charged for that.
But can he run like me?
“Trump administration expected to attempt to block John Bolton’s book”
More evidence that The Art of the Deal is mostly a full employment program for lawyers.
Seeking an injunction will:
– get the publication date moved up
– increase sales
– cause the imminent release of advance/review copies
– increase media attention on whatever parts of the book the White House finds embarrassing
– open door for discovery
– produce a mountain of billable hours
– may distract from #BLM
– may distract from #RampManBaby
– may distract from #attemptedcoup
– may distract from #plummetingpolls
– may distract from #TrumPlagueBodyPile
– may distract from #50millionunemployed
Two employees, same job, same title, same office.
One is a male sex. The other is a female sex.
Both named Pat (why not?).
Both get married. Same day. Let’s even make it a joint ceremony.
Each one marries a male. What the hell. Let’s give the two guys the same name. Steve.
So Pat married to a Steve. And other Pat married to a Steve.
Employer fires the male employee named Pat.
Employer does not fire the female employee named Pat.
Says the firing is based upon conduct, not sex.
How so? Their conduct is identical. Each employee did the exact same thing. And the employer can only admit that this is true. So how does the employee conduct differ between Pat and Pat?
(Here is where The Q Clearance Pussy descends into his now very familiar pattern of lurid fantasies about sexual conduct between same sex partners. Which conduct we must assume, since neither the court nor the employer can say. And which conduct, if we are to assume based upon data is also essentially identical except for omission.)
Identical conduct. The only difference between the two employees is their sex. One employee is male sex. The other is female sex.
Hobby Lobby, etc. fires the male employee not because of
the employee’s conduct but because of the employee’s sex.
A firing that is specifically forbidden in the text of Title VII.
The Trump administration wants to end enhanced unemployment benefits and replace them with … a cash bonus … for returning to work.”
It’s nice they’re willing to pay people to die, recognizing that it’s hard to recruit unpaid volunteers for that, but what does this do for a person who doesn’t have a job to go back to?
But I suspect it might do quite a lot for Joe Biden in swing states with a lot of failed small businesses that were crowded out of PPP loans and resulting lingering high unemployment.
@186 “The Q Clearance Pussy descends into his now very familiar pattern of lurid fantasies about sexual conduct between same sex partners. Which conduct we must assume, since neither the court nor the employer can say.”
Well, why not? We descend into lurid fantasies about his sexual conduct, which conduct we must assume, since horses can’t talk.
Too poor? Too bad.
“There are about 12 million low-income people who are at risk of missing out on the federal government’s stimulus payment program because they don’t have to file taxes, according to an estimate from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.”
What do you call cops shooting a suspect or detainee for having the temerity to be black? “Punishment.”
Yes, we do.
But lucky for all of us, and for The Court as well, the Church Ladies were forced to abandon all of these kinds of explorations in the legal arena decades ago. The private consensual conduct of adults is no longer a concern of the government, even if it remains a curious and enduring obsession of The Q Clearance Pussy.
Hobby Lobby, Liberty University, and yes even The Little Sisters of the Poor will just have to find some other pretext for discrimination in employment.
I will also say that I have not enjoyed the rending of shirts this much since the Kavanaugh Kongressional Kollapse of 2018.
Makes me almost wish I watched television just to see the weeping of bigots. It never ceases to be a marvel to me how American conservatives react with such emotional pain at being required to treat their neighbors and fellow citizens with the barest shreds of decency and respect.
Tell these bigots that they are forbidden to burn crosses on the lawns of Jews, and you’d think they were watching their own children put to the lash. Which is even more amazing when you consider how many of them have LGBTQ children and end up treating them like garbage.
It’s a shame the law can’t protect their children at the Thanksgiving table. But at least we can protect them in the workplace.
Better call Putin.
I have absolute confidence he is calling in every marker he can. The only question remains, who will respond?
The looming global economic collapse, combined with his worsening polling numbers might tend to discourage all but the most despicable foreign despots from falling in behind the GOP. Payback for Putin could be devastating. How many other dictators wish to share in that potential fate may be a short list growing shorter. Even Putin himself may be looking to hedge.
I guess he’ll always have Rapepublican Governors, AGs, and Secretaries of State.
Then there’s “The New Federalism”. Could work out for Republican battleground states, including Texas, Florida, Arizona, and Georgia. But it could be a lonely road ahead for states like Kentucky or South Carolina. Damn shame Moscow Mitch and Lady G voters didn’t think of that sooner.
@191 Yes, but we can’t let our guard down, because they still feel Griswold v. Connecticut was a tragic mistake* and want the Court to revisit it.
* They don’t actually give a damn about people using contraceptives; they just want to give the police an excuse to kick down bedroom doors.**
** See, e.g., the late Breonna Taylor.