BuzzFeed: The 2020 census explained by puppies and kittens.
Winlar: GFOAD:
The Dotard Трамп And Other Agents Of Death:
- The Daily Show: Трамп’s best word bracket—Round 3
- Bruce W. Nelson: Social distance has weakened my resistance
- Minute Physics: How to tell if we’re beating COVID-19
- Trevor: Dr. Fauci answers questions about coronavirus
- Now This: Arizona man dies after trying Трамп-suggested coronavirus “cure”
- Seth Meyers: White House and Senate reach deal on coronavirus stimulus package
- Rachel Maddow: Fighting COVID-19
- Chris Hayes: If there are not sufficient ventilators, people will needlessly die
- Lauren Mayer: Teaching at home
- Daily Show: PSA for the unwanted groceries
- Jonathan Mann: Let all the old people die:
- Wired: ER doctor explains how they’re handling COVID-19
- Trevor: States enforce quarantines to discourage travel
- Now This: Survivor recalls 1918 flu pandemic that killed 50 million people globally
- Mark Fiore: Grand Ol’ Death Cult.
- The Daily Show: The gift that keeps on giving—Love toilet paper
- PSA: Stay the fuck at home!
- Bruce W. Nelson: The COVID dance, opus 19
- Seth Meyers: Трамп lashes out as Americans remain under lockdown
- Trevor: Трамп & the “cure worse than the problem” debate
- Now This: Viral poem describes living through the coronavirus pandemic
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard Трамп vs God on Easter
- Samantha Bee: COVID-19 is the world’s worst coworker
- Daily Show: Remembering when coronavirus was contained
- Vice News: Трамп spent months saying everything is fine as U.S. coronavirus cases skyrocketed
- Randy Rainbow: social distance
- The Daily Show: Bleeping The Dotard’s lies
- Mother Jones: Трамп vs actual world leaders during a global pandemic
- Seth Meyers: Трамп fights with governors & reporters over coronavirus response
- Jordan Klepper versus Трамп supporters
- The New Yorker: How the coronavirus pandemic compares to the Spanish flu
- Samantha Bee: The episode of ER no one asked to be a part of
- Vox: Why paid sick leave is essential to beating coronavirus
- Trevor: Faster tests, postponed Olympics & states on lockdown
- Vice News: Трамп’s dangerous and racist coronavirus name game
- Jonathan Mann: Gimme shelter in place
- Seth Meyers: Трамп wants to reopen America as coronavirus pandemic accelerates
- The Daily Show: Coronavirus briefings are the new Трамп rally
- J-L Cauvin: Mike Pence and The Dotard Трамп press conference
- Trevor: Трамп’s big plan to “pack churches” on Easter
Full Frontal: Shocking—Democrats negotiate with Mitch McConnell using his favorite move.
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week.
Twenty-Twenty Vision:
- Jimmy Kimmel: An interview with Vice President Joe Biden
- Full Frontal: Furry politics
- The Daily Show: FAUX News is very concerned about this presidential candidate’s brain
Full Frontal: Women of Congress dunking highlights
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
This fuck of a President – what’s he doing about a vaccine? Fucking nothing. Fucking a football like a fucking monkey. Fuck You!
Let me wonder – I’m thinking long term (years and many years) – what happens to Southern States and other Red States when a bunch of liberals are forced to move to them because The Fuck and people like him, if they should prevail in their March (without giving consideration of them implementing any mass genocide), starve off those states to fend for themselves with less help than the other States are getting. Do those Red States then become Blue?
What happens when no more condoms are available, even if for a short period of time? No Bob, gay people aren’t the majority of people that those condoms are being manufactured for?
I didn’t know they made blue condoms or is the water dyed for testing/inspection reasons?
Bring back manufacturing to this country and pay the people a decent wage of $15 or more or continue more 2 T stimulus packages. What don’t fucking people get?
1) Trying to make it exclusive only to the US.
We finally got us some Death Panels™!
We you need something hateful and ghoulish, turn to a Republican.
My boss has a plan for that to be implemented during the 1st term of the Mnuchin/DeVos administration. It’s the “next wave in immigration reform”, where internal movement is controlled.
Only whites of a certain income “who are nice to us” will be allowed free movement to relocate in search of lifesaving treatments. Future Attorney General Stephen Miller calls it “the new Red-Lining”.
In the last thread Steve posted that a Fox News poll has Biden over Trump, 49-40.
Steve really should know better than to do that.
Fox News Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 10 points, both seen as flawed
Why would a guy who spends his average Saturday night bending over for a half-dozen bareback strangers in some grimy alley behind a bar wonder @ 1 at all about condom manufacturing?
gman, you’re HA’s own Gaetan Dugas. Those dudes don’t even have to buy you a drink first.
Pew poll, March 19-24:
Suppose Trump’s black vote doubles.
Suppose Trump’s Hispanic vote jumps 8-10 points.
Suppose Biden’s advantage with women is half what Hillary’s was.
First one of these I have seen. Email from a Dutch used medical equipment company, received today:
In the Pew @ 8 poll, 94% of those who identify as or lean Democrat replied that restricting international travel to the US has been necessary to address the coronavirus outbreak.
The GOP respondent figure was 96%.
It’s almost as if secure borders are necessary to keep us safe.
@7 can you be anymore irrelevant in this world?
@5 split the Nation in half….we’ll kick your fucking asses!
You can have the Mexican side!!
Confidential to YLB:
Standard no-knead bread dough recipe. I brushed extra-virgin olive oil onto the top surface just before baking. Good idea or bad, and if bad idea, why? Thanks.
Braised greens sourced from Whole Foods don’t taste any better than those sourced from the local Piggly Wiggly, y’all.
Suppose he gets caught letting Michiganders die because a woman had the audacity to be governor.
@ 14
Suppose the Michigan governor gets caught letting Michiganders die because she restricted the use of chloroquine by physicians in that state?
C’mon, Cz-252. Show us some more unsourced snark.
@1 Don’t worry, by the time you have to move to a Red State, it will have been depopulated of its native inhabitants.
@6 That’s quite a chance you’re taking, because if Biden beats Trump 49-40 in the only poll that counts, we’re going to spend the rest of your miserable life rubbing your face in it.
@ 6, 18
It’s not a fucking national election. It’s 50 state elections, aggregated.
62 million votes, less than a plurality, didn’t win it for Trump. A substantial majority of electoral votes won it for Trump.
There is no amount of historical revisionism that will change that, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Just like there is no amount of historical revisionism that will put the bullet holes in Michael Brown’s back instead of in his chest and in the top of his head.
@19 Let’s print a bunch of newspapers in Michigan with headlines saying Trump denied medical supplies to that state because he doesn’t like its governor (i.e., the governor they elected). Now reconfigure your electoral vote map without Michigan and see how much wiggle room you’ve got left for more Trumpian screwups like that one.
Btw, I saw a CNN piece this morning that analyzed that poll bounce you’re bragging about by comparing it to the poll bounces previous president got in crises. As I recall it said Jimmy Carter’s approval rating jumped to 90% when the hostages were taken.
Trump touted hydroxychloroquine as a cure for Covid-19. Don’t believe the hype
The anti-malaria drug could be ‘one of the biggest game-changers in the history of medicine’, Trump claimed, but there is no magic cure
It reads like the Governor was using science and facts to avoid meds that didn’t work as hyped by the impeached miserable failure.
@21 Well, one Trump remedy that might work is quarantining the entire state of New York, although he wouldn’t do it to slow down the contagion there. He’d do it “because they’re having problems down in Florida, a lot of New Yorkers going down. We don’t want that,” he said.
Suppose he gets 40% fewer Asian American votes?
“Chinese Virus”
Suppose people actually died using chloroquine, that as has been pointed out, hasn’t shown to be effective against Coronavirus and lupus patients who actually need it are having a hard time finding it. (C’mon Dumbfuck. Display your alleged medical background.)
“…because if Biden beats Trump 49-40 in
the only poll that countsMichigan…”Geezus. This idiotic end-zone hip thrusting can only be seen as the final proof that Q Clearnace Pussy has given over entirely to the Invisible Pizza Cannibal Dungeon delusion.
Trump colluded with Russian spies for help with his 2016 election.
Trump attempted to extort similar help out of another foreign nation.
Trump is a permanently impeached disgrace.
Trump took a decade of economic growth and destroyed it in just a few weeks.
Trump cratered the longest stretch of full employment.
Trump stripped 10,000 out of the DOW.
Trump is now building a body pile that will surpass that from the Vietnam War.
And now Trump is threatening voters in places like Michigan and Pennsylvania with DEATH PANEL if they don’t suck up to him?
He may win every single telephone/internet popularity poll for the rest of all time.
He’ll never win another Electoral College poll.
When 25% unemployment sets in surrounded by soccer fields re-purposed as open air morgues voters are going to look for someone to blame. This is where the “Cult of Personality” shit turns ugly. No person and no political party in the US is more prominently positioned to take the blame for all this. And that is entirely by design.
Very bad design.
‘This is insane!’ Many scientists lament Trump’s embrace of risky malaria drugs for coronavirus
But if you or your family is dying, I can imagine you would want to risk what ever unproven drug (that is the medical equivalent to trump university) the impeached miserable failure promises will make everything magically better.
@25 From the end of the article.
Buy Doctor Trump’s Magic Elixir here:
Y’all should really look into the concept of off-label drug prescriptions.
It’s really quite common. And necessary.
I know it’s fiction, but the impeached miserable failure hyping hydroxychloroquine reminds me of the plot element “widely distributed and marketed placebo vaccine, Phalanx”, from the book World War Z. Life imitates art.
In the Time of Trump Body Piles, when manufacturing capacity is limited, and the logistics and supply chain capacity is reduced, the Q Conspiracy Pussy offers an appeal for dick pills and male pattern hair loss cures.
Republicans got to have their priorities.
Classic Pussy!
By all means. but if what you prescribe outside FDA approval kills a man and sends his wife to the hospital a Physician can lose their license and be subject to civil and criminal penalty.
Donald killed a man by telling people, outside the advice of medical experts to load up on an unproven ‘cure.’
Just add ’em to the rapidly growing Trump Body Pile.
@16 Well, self-medicating with it didn’t work very well for one Arizona couple. If you insist on swallowing placebos, I suppose doing it under medical supervision is better than no supervision at all.
Still, a governor trying to deter citizens from being their own worst enemies doesn’t strike me as a good reason to deny any entire state legitimately needed medical supplies.
Washing your hands is good, but there’s more. Don’t binge on comfort food. That’s the message of a Seattle Times article today that cites nutrition coaches who say their clients are coming home from grocery stores with no broccoli and a dozen boxes of Cheez-Its. Wrong move. Avoid sugar, it weakens your immune system, they say. “Make a big pot of vegetable soup with beans. You’ll have the protein, fiber, and vegetables that your body needs to stay healthy.” Doctor Dumbfuck knows about this. Probably thinks about it, too, when he’s not dumping refined sugar into his bread dough mixer.
@31 Now be fair. Donald didn’t tell that man to eat aquarium purifier tablets. He was referring to the malaria drug.
It did work, though. That guy isn’t going to die from Covid-19. Ever. He has permanent immunity.
@29 Probably wouldn’t do any good to report him to the Medical Board because he’s retired anyway, and already may have let his license lapse.
Moscow Mitch is getting his coronavirus response advice from … a Democrat. The Democratic governor of his home state, to be precise.
@ 31
Cz-252, if a physician prescribes fish tank cleaner, I guess that’s what should happen, asswipe.
Not surprisingly, the 2020 GOP Deficit and Bailout Bill contains massive tax breaks for the uber-wealthy, who can now go back to paying no taxes.
The principal beneficiaries? Real estate moguls like Donald Trump.
One more thing: Your stimulus check will be signed by … guess who?
I’ll give you three guesses, and if you miss on the first one, you forfeit the other two.
Which reminds me of a joke.
Two Republican congressmen, a freshman and a veteran, were flying home together. As the plane entered airspace over their state, the young congressman pulled out his wallet, took out a $10 bill, showed it to the old congressman and said, “I have an idea. What if I write my name on this $10 bill, throw it out the window over my district, and make one of my constituents happy?”
The old congressmen nodded and replied, “You have the right basic idea, but I suggest you ask the stewardess to break that $10 into ten $1 bills, write your name on them, throw them out the window and make 10 of your constituents happy.”
“Oh yeah, I get it,” the young congressman said.
At that point a passenger seated behind them tapped on the seat back, leaned forward, and said, “Can I make a suggestion? My buddy and I live in your districts. Why don’t both of you throw yourselves out the window and make all of your constituents happy?”
When the Doctors realize that their medical degree is useless because they could have gone the route The Hump did and not have to spend all that money and time, then maybe they’ll realize the biggest mistake of their lives……voting for the Hump.
My niece’s husband is an Ortho surgeon (a real doctor unlike ones that have become Trolls)…..maybe next time I see him I’ll brag to him the medical knowledge that The Hump has.
For the record though he isn’t a big fan of The Humps.
@37 Meanwhile, Trump is getting his coronavirus response advice from … a retired baseball player?
“Trump spoke with former New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez on the phone this week from the Oval Office, according to ABC News’ John Santucci. Trump was seeking Rodriguez’s thoughts on his response to the coronavirus ….”
I would understand if Trump asked Rodriguez how to hit a low hanging inside curve ball, but coronavirus? Uh …
@40 good thing I’m not getting one…because I’d rip it up or send it back.
@42 HA’s battalion surgeon is a step up from the fish tank cleaner quacks. He prescribes malaria pills for patients with incurable diseases who are going to die anyway. See #38 for details. This is for when the liquor store is sold out of vodka, which is equally effective for that prognosis.
I guess if the label says, “Not for human consumption,” it’s not for human consumption.
This is why we need to make advanced education free for everyone. So that when a health emergency comes, our citizens have the necessary training to figure that out.
@44 I’m mercenary enough to cash mine, but I’m going to draw a smiley face on it.
@40 Even if you don’t get a check, you can still cash in from the stimulus if you own several hundred million dollars of real estate. See #39 for details and information about how to claim it.
Rog – What do you think of Waste Management for a stock, I’d ask you know who but they have a dividend.
Sorry I triggered you.
@47.. if I got one. Maybe I’d do what I did to Pence’s request for a donation, and put a bunch of rainbow flag ribbon on it
@48 I won’t waste my time, so long as the hillbillies are getting fucked too, that’s all that matters.
This is for the racist incel. A fun Fox Poll.
All version poll better than the impeached miserable failure but Biden-Warren beats him the most.
But if a RapePublican president does it, he’ll vote for him… again!
Classic Pussy! He’s unstoppable!
@49 I’m familiar with it, as I owned it from 2012 until 2017; bought at $34 and sold for $74, not a bad gain over 5 years.
The main rap against WM is that it’s expensive. Like everything else, it’s down lately, but it’s probably is about as safe a stock as you can own in these turbulent times. Garbage pickup will go on, until all the drivers drop dead.
However, in a prolonged shutdown, some customers (especially commercial ones) may be unable to pay their bills, which is a business risk. So it’s not risk-free. Nothing is, these days.
About 65% of capital is debt, and about 48% of net profits go to dividend payments. As debt and payout ratios go, these are considered modcrate — not great, not bad; okay. No red flag there.
Until 2018, earnings and dividend growth were fairly rapid, but began slowing then, along with most other companies. WM didn’t do anything wrong; it’s the result of a slowing economy.
An industry factor contributing to the slowdown is weakness in recycling end markets; China stopped accepting a lot of U.S. recycles in 2017. Waste Management found alternative markets, but this isn’t the cash cow it once was, and the company today depends more heavily on price increases for revenue and profit growth. There are competitive risks, because Waste Management has to bid against other haulers for municipal contracts, and there also are business risks associated with landfill and disposal costs not entirely under its control.
Dividend yield is a bit low — 2.2% at today’s beaten-down stock price. Before, it was 1.6%. I usually want more than that from an income stock, if that’s to be its purpose.
Stock price has risen steadily since 2012. It dipped in 2011 and remained stagnant through 2012 because of a lull in earnings growth that occurred then.
WM’s 52-week high of $126.79 was on Feb. 19 and its 52-week low of $85.34 was on March 25, three days ago. It closed yesterday at $95.30, up $10 in two days.
WM has a recent history of fairly vigorous stock buybacks, which helped fuel vigorous EPS (earnings per share) growth, but buybacks slowed to a crawl in 2018 in tandem with the slower earnings growth that began then. Pretending for a moment that coronavirus doesn’t exist, it probably would have continued growing sluggishly for a while, as the economy had been slowing. Factoring in coronavirus impacts, who knows?
Summary: I think WM is a stock to consider if safety is your top priority and you don’t mind the below-average dividend yield, but I’d wait for another market drop to buy it. It may not get to $85 again, but I’d hold out for $90. I don’t see a need to pay $95, or to be hasty. Take your time and wait for a better entry point. If you buy it, don’t hold your breath waiting for it to bounce back up to $126 or higher. It probably won’t. Stocks in general are going to flatline for at least a year or two, and there’s no special reason for this one to be different.
@54 Dart. Target. Bullseye.
Nice throw. You’ve got a sweet arm. Put the next one in his derrier.
“A 21-year-old Tennessee woman who bragged on social media about not taking the coronavirus outbreak seriously” _____________. (Fill in blank)
@tt nice synopsis. Thanks. Too bad the doctor has to stick his thumb up his ass to gauge The direction the wind is blowing.
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
72,211Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
2124Coronavirus kills 10, infects 712 on Diamond Princess: Purdue University professor says ship’s AC could be responsible.
>> Apartment and office buildings with shared air are problematic too.
@58 As Elijah repeatedly has pointed out, becoming a doctor wasn’t such a smart move, so you have to assume that Dumbfuck has been a dumbfuck all along, and all the time, not just on weekends or every other day.
Couple of additional points:
1. Take a long view. Look past the present crisis. The stocks you buy now should be ones you want to own 5 or 10 years from now;
2. Assume dividends will be cut or eliminated in the short term. Paying dividends is mostly a function of cash flow, and shutting down the economy hammers cash flow. Some companies are better positioned to sustain their dividends than others. Low debt helps.
Even at $90, WM isn’t a bargain. At projected 2020 earnings per share, that’s a price-earnings ratio of about 19.5, which isn’t cheap. And expect earnings estimates to be revised downward, although a garbage company probably is better-positioned in that respect due to the nature of its business. Still, some or many of its municipal and commercial customers may face cash crunches that trickle down to Waste Management.
Another point I forgot to mention: Even though garbage haulers contract with municipalities, cities don’t pay them for residential pickup, households do; and widespread unemployment could (and likely will) impact timely payment of residential customer bills.
But things would have to get pretty desperate before people stop paying their garbage bills, and unemployment benefits will help stave off that level of desperation for several months.
A government mandate to keep picking up garbage from customers who can’t pay also is a possibility, for sanitation and public health reasons. But in that case, the government might pay to keep the service going, again for those reasons.
Just thinking out loud about what might go wrong. Can’t assume anything will run smoothly in these circumstances. The short-term path is rocky wherever you look. That’s why I say look ahead 5 to 10 years, try to visualize what the economy will look like then, and from that determine what parts of it you’ll want to own shares of. Trash disposal obviously is a long-term business. It won’t go away, but it’ll change.
I have a feeling this guy is one of HA’s.
@60 you’re spot on. I was reading Kiplinger’s Magazine, and they said the same thing pretty much what you’ve said. Not a cheap stock
The article was about stocks, and other ways to invest in sustainable companies and funds. They spoke about WM for their renewable energy division along with trash
6 Stocks, 3 Bond Funds That Are Good for the Environment and Your Portfolio
Here’s one for the horse sitter.
It’s irresponsible, immoral and murderous to be having kids today.
@62 He certainly captures the spirit of this blog, doesn’t he? And also its scientific acumen. Definitely fits the profile of HA intelligentsia.
@63 I sold it in 2017 because it got to be expensive and China’s change of policy was going to impinge on future growth. Now, 3 years later, WM is still about 21% higher, so I would’ve done all right by keeping it.
@64 I would avoid anything having to do with bonds. All this deficit spending is going to bring higher inflation and interest rates after the pandemic is over, and that means bonds will get killed. Plus bond yields are next to nothing. Stick to stocks, but choose wisely; or, if you don’t feel you can, go with an S&P 500 index fund such as SPY. This isn’t me talking; this is what Barrons says.
Doctor Dumbfuck will reply that he knew about this 3 days ago, and I would have, too, if I wasn’t too cheap to pay for a subscription. To which I will reply, if he knew this 3 days ago, why didn’t he post it? But in any case, you don’t need to do anything about it right now. You have time.
The market’s probably going to tank again when investors realize how bad the coronavirus is going to be in the United States. It’s going to be a slaughter, because this country was ill-prepared to deal with it, and a lot of people still aren’t taking it seriously (see, e.g., @57).
Wash your hands (or paws, whichever applies) before picking your nose (or, in Doctor Dumbfuck’s case, picking his ass). And stay the fuck at home. That’s what I’m doing.
@66 This Yahoo Finance article (worth reading, especially if you’re an investor or thinking of investing) says the same thing.
To wit:
” … And maybe, just maybe Kahn says, we’ll learn to take science more seriously. ‘If we find something to kill the virus, it will help people realize we need science and scientists,’ he says. ‘What I’m hoping is people will fill in the dots and say, you know, maybe global warming is the same kind of thing.’
“In a way we were living on borrowed time, weren’t we? Whether it’s global warming or pandemics, we simply must prepare better. Leaving aside the tragic and incalculable human cost, if we had spent $200 billion preparing for an epidemic like this, we might not be spending $2 trillion on a stimulus package.
“Here’s what Dr. Oz told me recently: ‘It’s hard to imagine not having another virus like this that’s more dangerous. That’s why this is a dry run. We gotta get it right, now. So next time it happens, everyone does the same thing. We’d have the same hymnal, the same notes.’ Amen, doctor. Amen.
“We can’t go back to a world before coronavirus. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we ended up in an even better place?”
Global warming. Yeah. But don’t hold your breath. Trump and the Trumplicans won’t learn anything from this. They won’t take the prospect of another pandemic, much less global warming, seriously. When the dust settles, they’ll go back to business as usual — same old bullshit.
Imagine a virus that spreads much faster, can’t be stopped, and is 100% fatal. A virus that replicates like nuclear fission, sticks to everything it touches, lives for years, and is invulnerable against heat, cold, and disinfectants. A virus superbomb that wipes out humanity. Does it even matter where it originates?
No reason why it couldn’t happen. This one might be just the scout.
Donald Trump is about to become the biggest deficit spender in American history. He was saying something about Obama? But it’s for a good cause — except the trillions spent on billionaire tax cuts, including the huge tax break he just gave himself.*
* For details, see
An innovative idea that’s gaining traction: Setting up “hospital rooms” in coronavirus patients’ own homes, with remote monitoring, for patients who don’t need ICU care. It’s being done here in Washington state. Frees up hospital beds for the most seriously sick, reduces need for scarce personal protective gear, and allows doctors and nurse to treat more patients.
NPR ‘On the Media’ might be a good listen this week as Judge Janine missed the A Block of her own Fox show tonight but appeared after the break. And appeared to be quite drunk.
Cool. I’m invested in a local start up that provides telehealth.
Not to be goulish but this kind of trial by fire from resistant traditional medical delivery systems could work out pretty well for me.
Bob’s fuck buddy.
73)Drunker than usual.
Sunday Morning News:
1. Global deaths now 30,000+
2. U.S. fatalities doubled in 2 days
3. Covid-19 now spreading in rural counties
4. Trump’s poll bump concentrated among non-voters
Well, think about this: if MDs, MHOs and hospital groups are ready to “work remotely” then how much future would you give the leasing group at Kidder Mathews?
Then take a moment to consider how much global finance is bound up in commercial real estate, especially after all the “smart money” fled the home mortgage market a decade ago.
Obviously moronic adventure-scandals like WeWork are doomed. Shared office space is dead. And “open office concept” is dead. But lets all just hope the rest of it unravels in a nice, slow, predictable fashion. Which it probably will. But if more and more people are finally allowed to work from home, it’s going to leave a mark on the entire commercial office sector.
“Twitter removed a false tweet by Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani touting one of the president’s favorite, untested drugs to battle COVID-19. Giuliani quoted parts of another tweet from a right-wing conspiracy theorist falsely claiming that the drug hydroxychloroquine proved to have a ‘100% effective rate treating COVID-19,’ according to a screenshot of the deleted tweet in Mediaite.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Really, it’s time to pack Rudi off to an old folks’ home where he can be properly supervised — one that locks up its fish tank supplies.
I think Bob should offer to take him in and let him take refuge in one of the stalls in the Stable.
Back in 1847, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweiss said, “Wash your hands.” They laughed at him, sent him to an insane asylum, and he was beaten to death by the guards.
Such is human nature. You humans are worse than stupid, you’re homicidally stupid. Wash your hands.
The 2020 election will be decided by who washes their hands the most.
Read ’em and weep. Literally.
Even with continued and increasing restrictions, and assuming we begin to bend the curve downward by the beginning of April, the Trump Body Pile grows to 80,000 by June 1st.
And to think that at least 20,000 of those belong to Susan Collins.
Same organization as @ 83, on March 26:
President Trump, same date:
As long as we’re gonna tap a source, QoS McHillbilly, let’s look at more of what that source has to share.
NYT on March 18:
Hospitals in the United States have roughly 160,000 ventilators. There are a further 12,700 in the National Strategic Stockpile, a cache of medical supplies maintained by the federal government to respond to national emergencies.
So we have four times as many ventilators, already, as QoS McHillbilly’s precious source calculates that we will need even at the top of the CI range.
@84 Old Forest Saying: “Better too many acorns than not enough.”
So the doctors in the hospitals that are complaining that they don’t have enough medical supplies and equipment, including ventilators, are lying?
Assuming that each person that is dying is in need of a ventilator, and they are on the ventilator for a week or more at at time. And given that thousands could be dying per day in the near future, seems to me that 20,000 is too low.
These are your choices. They always were and they always will be.
Prepare when no one else is preparing.
Panic when everyone else is panicking.
Got food? Ammo? Meds? It’s too late now to prepare adequately for the pandemic much less the impending derailment of civilization itself. Preppers were calmly topping off their stashes in early January, at regular prices, in any quantity with lots-o’-choices. They saw the foreshadow of this emergency and acted appropriately. Prepping always looks crazy until the rug gets pulled. Paranoia is a survival tool, panic is not.
And if the figure of 100,000 – 200,000 is more accurate compared to the 82,000 figure, then more than 20,000 ventilators would be needed, I would think.
Not clear to me if Q Clearance Patriot is disputing IHME, or agreeing, or even if the poor bastard knows itself any more. It is clear, however, that it is still very bad at the math.
Overall, the US might conceivably have up to ten times more invasive ventilators than required. All depends on bending the curve. Says right at the outset that the projections are based on strong social distancing restrictions being in place and continuing in place. They are not. And they will not be.
Numbers for response resources for areas with BEACH WEEK!!! are not even inside the shaded bounds. And almost as much as bending the curve will matter, will be the location of the ventilators when the body piles begin to grow. Having extra ventilators in California wont do Branson a whole helluva lot of good.
Look at it this way, if Q Clearance Patriot were put in charge, Seattle would have no more than three fire engines. Because when has there ever been more than three fires at one time? And if all the schizophrenic homeless guys with carving knives and high school teachers with cell phones would only cooperate by scheduling appointments for their beatings and shootings at convenient times and locations, you could could probably get away with half as many Seattle cops.
Oddly similar reasoning was employed by Sen. Susan Collins each of the three times she fought successfully to kill funding for pandemic response resources. Be sure to remember that often as you watch the Trump Body Piles grow in the weeks ahead.
BTW: Does this really mean Q Clearance Patriot is ready to get on board with fewer cops?
I bet he’d have some horses.
@87 “Paranoia is a survival tool,” but mostly a damned bad way of thinking, especially when it becomes vigilantism.
There’s going to be a lot of abandoned ammo caches in rotting backpacks buried in backyards in red country if they don’t start holding their militia weekends by teleconference.
@84. Doesn’t matter if we have enough equipment if the impeached miserable failure won’t send it because the Governors have not stroked his ego enough.
Vote for better humans in November. Those of you who live.
“If they don’t treat you right, I don’t call,” Trump said of refusing to speak to the governors of two American states during a global pandemic.
@93/94 – the guy is a monster. A fascist fucking monster. Pussy grabbing fascist fucking monster rapist. Best friend of the Evangelicals. There’s a reason why they aren’t or don’t refer to being Christians.
Gonna be a whole lotta cabin fever in this country. Probbly gonna be shooten each other in red country before long.
On the plus side….no school shootings.
Life in America 21st century edition.
Evangelicals killing each other to prove the new Messiah is right.
More than a dozen students who have returned, with Jerry Falwell Jr’s encouragement, to Liberty University Dormitories are exhibiting symptoms and presumed to have Covid-19.
@99 Well, there goes a future Republican cabinet and Supreme Court.
89, bad enough we have so much shoreline, and only 2-3 fireboats.
More #TooManyFireEngines! News:
On Feb 5, HHS Secretary Azar requested $2 billion to buy respirator masks & other supplies for the national stockpile
Trump cut that request by 75%
Read it. It makes it abundantly clear why president RapeHero is demanding that Governors “be nice”.
It is because, beyond crippling our nation’s capacity to respond effectively to this fatal disaster by refusing to order supplies, the administration is continuing to fuck the dog daily. GOP FEMA is doing a heckuva job, Brownie once again. And your friends, relatives, neighbors, and co-workers are going to die because of it. Trump, as always whenever he fucks up, is trying to work the refs. He knows as the Trump Body Piles grow and the states continue to beg for supplies they have been promised but still haven’t seen, the Governors will talk.
All except DeSantis. For no particular reason at all, Florida has already received all the supplies they’ve asked for, down to the last band aid – double prompt even!
winningkillingIf you get really, really sick from Covid-19, or die, it’s because you didn’t pray hard enough.
89) Bad enough so much shoreline, only a few fireboats.
Q Clearance Patriot and Susan Collins would tell you that fireboats are unnecessary because boats are already in the water.
I think, in addition to read, that one of the ways many of NYC people got infected was due the Subway. Even before this pandemic New Yorkers blamed the subway system for getting sick.
Aside from Staten Island, Manhattan has less confirmed cases than the Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn, and in some cases considerable less, with queens having almost double Manhattan.
Now if you live in NYC, you know that the subway is used mostly be people from the outer Burroughs. A lot of the Manhattanites use Uber and Citibike to get around or even get to work or just walk. Not that Citibike and Uber are germ free. But the difference being germs on your hands for the most part than floating in suspended air on a subway and on handled seats and hand posts by more individuals.
I think that explains a lot of it.
One would think that Manhattan would have the most cases but it has the least aside from Staten Island.
And Manhattan has only about 3x as Many as isolated Staten Island.
Queens, the hardest hit also has Laquardia Airport and JFK Airport
Of the 33800 confirmed cases in NYC, only 5438 are in Manhattan
I wonder in which borough most of the testing has been done.
We may not have too many fire engines, despite whatever flavor-of-the-month 8chan conspiracy the Q Clearance Pussy is spouting, but it turns out, we really may have too many cops:
LE agencies have cut OT, and ordered reductions in call response, jails have released low level offenders back out onto the streets, schools are closed and kids are out on the loose, people everywhere are out of work, drinking and getting high more than ever, and…
… rates of reported crime are down.
At least they are in the areas with TrumpDeathPlague and who update their numbers daily.
Sure. It’s too early to tell. And who knows? Maybe “thugs” and “bangers” are too scared of TrumpDeathPlague to go out and do their usual criming. But it just might be useful information to note if throughout the period when “Blue Lives” are asked to please back the fuck off and take a short break from shooting family pets and frightened toddlers, that crime falls or stays more or less the same. If more frightened cops shooting more unarmed civilians and beagles doesn’t make us safer, then why the fuck pay for it?
Greater population in Brooklyn and Queens than Manhattan. But the Bronx has a little less than Manhattan.
Not sure all the partiers in Manhattan were the bigger problem. Probably didn’t help, but…
Country Western singer Joe Diffie dead of Covid-19.
Hobby Lobby Good Xtians stayed open, ordering employees to keep working and infecting themselves and others, because the owner’s wife received a message from GAWAD.
Now, having just closed their Oklahoma retail locations because of massive plague, they just cut every remaining employee’s pay and fired an entire division, leaving them to fend for themselves as they and their families whither and die from the disease their employer forced them to get.
@112 damn Chinese!
John Prine, 73, intubated and in critical condition with Covid-19.
It’s been a maudlin afternoon of LP listening around here.
“Jesus don’t like killing
No matter what the reason’s for
And your flag decal won’t get you into heaven anymore.”
@112 Fired ’em so fast they apparently didn’t have time to grab their coats or turn in their badges:
“The letter also states that the layoff is permanent, encouraged employees to file for unemployment and stated that a Hobby Lobby representative would come by the employees’ homes to drop off any personal belongings and pick up any Hobby Lobby-issued equipment and badges.”
Thank you for working for us. Security will see you to the door. Keep your hands out of your pockets where we can see them.
I guess Jesus came to her in a dream and said
“Kill ’em! Kill ’em all!”
Doesn’t that sound just like Jesus?
Donald talks about his TV ratings, demands everybody respect his great job on response and finally gets around to offering condolence to families who’ve had a loved one die…
@117 Usually is. At least a virus doesn’t shred the bodies like shrapnel does, or burn them like napalm does. But he doesn’t know anything about that. He wasn’t there. Too unpleasant for him.
“In an interview with SonntagsZeitung, Novartis (NYSE:NVS) CEO Vas Narasimhan says pre-clinical studies in animals as well as the first data from clinical studies show that its hydroxychloroquine malaria drug kills the coronavirus.
“Vas Narasimhan says the company is working with Swiss hospitals on possible treatment protocols for the clinical use of the drug, ‘but it’s too early to say anything definitively.’
“The CEO says Novartis is recruiting patients for hydroxychloroquine in Europe and the U.S. for clinical studies and is in talks with regulatory authorities in the U.S. and Switzerland on whether the company will be granted rapid approval.
“Novartis has pledged to donate 130M doses and is supporting clinical trials needed before the medicine, which Pres. Trump also has been promoting, can be approved for use against COVID-19.”
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
72,484Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
BEACH WEEK!!! has been canceled.
Who’s going to break the news to P.J., Squee and Timmy?
@121 Probably has nothing to do with the fact Florida is getting all the medical supplies it wants, although it’s gonna need ’em. More likely that’s because Trump wants to win that state. He’s apparently written off Michigan, and New York was considered enemy territory from the beginning.
121, best way to clear. ALKI? Rain.
Trump berated a Black journalist, telling her to ‘be nice’ and not ‘threatening’ at a coronavirus briefing, but she refused to take the bait
The impeached miserable failure uses “nasty” for women in general, “threatening” is specifically for blacks.
Organize. Vote. Elect better humans.
Trump acted faster against the imaginary threat of caravans than the actual threat of coronavirus
Just say’n
@125 Experts in public health and emergency response agree there’s a leadership vacuum at the top level of federal leadership that has forced states to take the leading role.
Some governors have stepped up, others haven’t. Inslee is among the best. The worst are “governors who placed their partisan allegiances and or anti-intellectualism above the safety and welfare of their constituents.” Four are specifically called out: DeSantis of Florida, Reeves of Mississippi, Abbott of Texas, and Ivey of Alabama.
Best case: 100k-200k U.S. deaths “if we do things almost perfectly.” Worst case: 10 times that if we do nothing.
Seems likely the end result will be someone in-between. The worst outcomes, of course, will be in states with the biggest leadership vacuums, worst health care, and lowest compliance. With their greatly reduced populations, they’ll have fewer electoral votes in future elections, and maybe some of them will merge to pool their remaining tax bases and resources, which would save space in the Senate, too.