My Corona!
- Daily Show: Трамп puts his racism on full display with coronavirus
- Trevor: Quarantine Dispatch—Трамп gets serious & NYC shuts down
- The Atlantic: James Hamblin, M.D., answers your coronavirus questions
- Lauren Meyer: Can’t help touching that face of mine
- Conan’s guide to taking selfies while social distancing
- Robert Reich: What’s missing from the coronavirus bill
- The Light Show With Stephen Colb-Air: We’re all in this together
- Samantha Bee: Beeing at home—Wash your hams
- Randy Rainbow: The CORONAVIRUS Lament:
- Jimmy Kimmel: Formal Friday, testy Трамп & the killers
- Daily Show: The future of handshakes
- Now This: Top 5 most shocking coronavirus stories this week
- Mother Jones: Трамп acts like a disaster movie villain
- Trevor: China recovers & U.S. Senators profit off the pandemic
- Ari Melber: From ‘hoax’ to war—Reversing course, Трамп invokes ‘war’ powers to combat coronavirus
- Daily Show: Inspirational achievements under quarantine
- AJ+: Your most Googled COVID-19 questions answered by an expert
- Trevor: Трамп’s bullshit corona cure & sad spring breakers
- The New York Times: How coronavirus racism infected my high school
- Now This: Bill Gates warned us about pandemics multiple times
- Wired: Dr. Seema Yasmin answers 50 of the most Googled coronavirus questions
- John Oliver: Coronavirus II
- WaPo: Five ways to deal with coronavirus induced anxiety
- The Late Show: A special “social distancing” edition
- Bruce W. Nelson: The COVID 19 lullaby:
- The Atlantic: The great toilet-paper panic
- Conan: Homemade hand sanitizer
- Vox: How soap kills the coronavirus
- Lauren Mayer: We’re having a pandemic but I swear I’ve just got seasonal allergies
- Daily Show: Coronavirus thank force
- Mark Fiore: Keep your distance!
- Trevor: Extended thoughts on Трамп’s initial response to coronavirus
The Daily Show: Kosta’s stock trading tips
Misc. Dotard Трамп Crap:
- Bruce W. Nelson: Kiss that bottom (The Mike Pence theme song)
- The Daily Show: Michael Kosta and Roy Wood Jr. play the Трамп’s best words bracket
- Lars von Retriever: MetalТрамп—Sad But True
- The Daily Show: Трамп’s best word bracket round 2
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Been searching the stores for some kind of cleaner for work. Found at Bartells two bottles of Lysol the hoarders missed. Hopefully janitors are an essential job if we have to go shelter in place. I have curtailed most of my activities outside of the house.
Can I ask you all to do me a small favor?
When the big closures end, when the spread of the GOPlague has begun to lessen and hope returns, and when you finally feel ready to head back out to eat a meal, share a pint or a glass, and maybe even enjoy an incredible Seattle summer view, please take a moment to stop and ask what if anything did this business do for its employee family while it was closed?
I know this is a very tough time for nearly all of these small business owners. And a great many of them will not be able to open back up. It’s a very low margin business with remarkably high costs, especially high fixed costs. But at the end of the day, for every ambitious culinary entrepreneur whose great creative adventure has collapsed there will be dozens of employees, probably hundreds, who will have lost all their savings, their homes, their transportation, and their health insurance.
Dreams are important things. And it always seems a little petty to compare dreams. But really, if what a rising star chef or harried owner has lost is their dream of being a “star” how does that compare to someone who has lost their dream of sending their kids to college or of saving a little for retirement?
Before you make that choice to head back out, make some calls. Ask the host or bartender how things went during the closure. Did the boss keep in touch? Did they do anything to help? References or referrals? What’s the Roanoke doing right now? And when you finally are ready and you do head out, ask about tipping the kitchen.
@2 When I went grocery shopping this morning, I said to every store employee I saw, “Thank you for working through this. I know you’re putting your health at risk to keep the store open.” My small bit.
As all the employees in that store are UCFW commies, Doctor Dumbfuck probably wishes a Death Star would zap them. That’s not very far removed from the reality.
What would klownservatives say if Obama spent $2 trillion to bail out the economy?
No need to ask; we know what they said when he spent half that.
* Making America Solvent Again
Have always done all my grocery shopping at the employee owned socialist experimental cooperative chain.
Great irony is that to all outward appearances it’s just another discount grocery outlet. About as far from “Whole Paycheck” or “Consumer Coop” as you can imagine. All the low-income, EBT, TANF families and “fixed income” liver-spotted Trumpalos shop their religiously because the prices are the lowest. Little do they know it’s a commie plot to destroy FREEEEDUMB!!!
@6 Where is Joe McCarthy when they need him? Oh, that’s right, he drank himself to death.
Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA), wife of Jeffrey Sprecher, who’s chairman of the NYSE, isn’t the only person who dumped stock just before the virus hit the fan. So did her hubby. Including stock in his own company.
What did they know that other investors didn’t?
I see sleepy Ben Carson is working on Saturday.. Saw him last week at this time on the tube… Render unto Caesar..
It’s a good thing he’s just wallpaper. It they let him speak you’d hear nothing but REPENT, REPENT..
Jeebus is comin!
I bet the babblin’ butthole is so proud watching gentle Ben on the boob tube.
What would klownservatives say if Obama spent $2 trillion to bail out the economy?
Whatever happened to the pos troll who used to babble “owebama” all the time??
Oh that freak gloated about his dual-citizenship with Canada..
@10 Speaking of freaky trolls, where’s Doctor Dumbfuck this morning? Drafted for last-ditch medical duty? Already dead and buried?
When thinking of frontline health responders, and rear-echelon ones, it occurs to me that Doctor Dumbfuck is 50 times more likely to die from a forehead horseshoe implant than from C-19.
Every one of our current trolls will be more than happy to send their checks back so that they can be re-issued to hairy lesbians knitting cooperatives to make pink pussy hats for next inaugural day.
As long as you’re all gonna be asking questions @ 2 about restaurant stuff, consider asking these of the in-Seattle proprietor:
• How much harder did the requirement to pay $15/hr to people doing the most menial of tasks make it to help out the employees who have been with you the longest and deserve the most loyalty in return?
• All that expanded family leave stuff. How much harder did that make it?
• Parking tolls until 8pm. Did that cut into your customer base?
Maddow, who did nightly reports on a Russian collusion story that turned out not to exist, wants to stop carrying Trump news conferences about the Wuhan virus because it’s “misinformation”.
It’s really rich, listening to some of y’all libbies who have absolutely no memory of recent history.
With great prescience, the rulers of the DPRK foresaw the coronavirus threat decades ago and locked down their entire nation.
@13 If a pandemic infected 1/2 of the U.S. population, killed off 3%-5% of it, and an urgent call went out for any and all trained health care personnel to help with the torrent of casualties, Doctor Dumbfuck would whip out his calculator and try to compute how many empty restaurants went bankrupt because of the $15 minimum wage.*
* I can do that calculation in my head, but he can’t, because he’s a dumbfuck.
@14 I take it, then, you’re endorsing Trump’s medical and medication advice? I assume over the objections of your local medical society.
@15 They didn’t foresee anything of the kind and the lockdown had nothing to do with the coronavirus or any other virus. It was to keep their citizens from fleeing your notion of a fair wage rate.
I saw what you tried to do there.
“Russian collusion story that turned out not to exist,” You mean the one that Mueller documented? If that’s the one, erasing the prosecution of the crime doesn’t negate the crime.
Shorter racist incel. “Dammit, why did the previous generations make slavery illegal? “
What are republicans going to hang the election on now… the wall is barely built. ACA not repealed and premiums/costs still high and rising. Economy not booming. National debt hitting records. Trade is a mess and farmers needing bailouts. Pandemic response is outrageous and disastrous. Didn’t drain the swamp, only made cronyism worse. Didn’t lock up Hillary, ended up with a bunch of his own people locked up. Seriously what do they even run on? That trump is not a Democrat? or black or a woman? Is that all they have? Is that all they need?
What are republicans going to hang the election on now… the wall is barely built. ACA not repealed and premiums/costs still high and rising. Economy not booming. National debt hitting records. Trade is a mess and farmers needing bailouts. Pandemic response is outrageous and disastrous. Didn’t drain the swamp, only made cronyism worse. Didn’t lock up Hillary, ended up with a bunch of his own people locked up. Seriously what do they even run on? That trump is not a Democrat? or black or a woman? Is that all they have? Is that all they need?
Maddow, who did nightly reports on a Russian collusion story that turned out not to exist
Oh yeah that Horowitz Report really exposed that hoax..
The Fucking Moron II @ 21:
The Fucking Moron II, do you recall what Obama hung the election on last time?
Voting for the Democrat in 2016 was like passing a kidney stone, to Obama. “You know it’s going to set your dick on fire. So get out and vote for Hillary! Feel the burn!”
And one of the things you have to do right now is vote for Hillary Clinton.
Oh that was so bad to keep out an orange pos who just today said we should we should be disinfecting and reusing n95 masks and just a month ago called Inslee a “snake” for disturbing his beloved numbers..
Hillary would have been so bad..
fuck you asswipe.
The babbling butthole gave dimfuk such hope the other day..
It babbled that most wished for word of faith in these troubled times:
Hillary was so bad this happened:
i.e. nothing. Add that to the millions that were spent on
Only 31,000 to go and the DJIA’s performance under Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron will finally match that of the black Muslim usurper from Kenya.
And that’s not to even mention the thousands of pro-Putin hashtag lies that the traitor posted here.
4)UFCW and Transfers have been working with Safeway through this crisis. An emergency pay increase, and sick leave benefits.
30, meant Teamsters .
So here’s the only problem you have now.
Because of the GOPlague killing hundreds of thousands of people and destroying the greatest continuous growth economy in recorded history, restaurants EVERYWHERE will be going tits – not just the $15 min. And even worse for you, genius, the business in Seattle will come back faster because… healthy, well educated, progressive, LEFT COAST MONEY.
So not only will your shit hypothesis about min wage continue to fail, that failure is going to become even more obvious and humiliating for you. Not at all unlike the utter failure of your fervent support for RapeHero.
Grab ’em by the pussy! But wash those hands!
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
7302Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
2124473 Cases which had an outcome:
171 (36%) Recovered / Discharged
302 (64%) Deaths
SC | curbside beer and wine sales now allowed in South Carolina
IL | Loves Park to allow curbside and delivery alcohol sales
FL | Mar-a-Lago resort closes in peak of season as coronavirus spreads in US, report says
There’s No Timeline Yet for When Hospital Ship Comfort Will Deploy to New York (you mean trump lied?)
Scientology and the Coronavirus. Keeping the orgs open as “Essential Services
COVID-19’s Devastating Effects on Jobs and Businesses
@24 I know in your heart of hearts, you are wishing Hillary would have been elected instead of trump right about now. But you were so pissed that a black man was better than you , and a woman was better than you, that you voted for trump out of spite. Reap what you sow.
@21 “Seriously what do they even run on?”
They run on under-35s not voting, and it’s devastatingly effective.
It worked against Kerry, Gore, and Hillary; and it could work again.
@24 “Voting for the Democrat in 2016 was like passing a kidney stone”
Voting for Trump in 2016 was like attending a tiki torch parade.
@25 “just a month ago called Inslee a ‘snake’ for disturbing his beloved numbers”
This is what it was like to be the first patient to get C-19 in a state that was bragging about not having any cases.
A state run by a Republican coal billionaire who got his feet wet in politics by falsely calling himself a “Democrat.”
After reading this article, you won’t be able to imagine a state with a more disorganized or less effective health care system.
@27 Still searching for that unpaid parking ticket; it’s around here someplace …
@28 It would help to go in the right direction. You can be the fastest sprinter on your team, but you’re not helping your team by running with the ball toward your opponent’s goal line.
@32 “Grab ’em by the pussy! But wash those hands before you lick your fingers!”
@33 “FL | Mar-a-Lago resort closes in peak of season”
Some people who voted for Trump argued he wouldn’t be corrupt because he was rich enough to pay for his own campaign. Now he’s asking them to donate to his campaign, and they’re donating — big time.
“There’s one born every minute” or words to that effect — P.T. Barnum
And Dumbfuck probably is one of ’em.
My Evangelical convert relative:
“What does Dawkins* know. He’s just a zoologist.”
Posts constantly that Dr. Drew and Dr. Oz find Covid-19 ‘overblown’.
*Dawkins is really an ass as a person and his sexism should not be ignored but his academic work is remarkable. It’s like listening to Wagner. Even with all you know, the music is exquisite.
@43 He’s a likely spreader. Stay away from him. Not 6 feet; 600 miles.
“White supremacists discussed plans to weaponize coronavirus via ‘saliva,’ a ‘spray bottle’ or ‘laced items,’ according to a weekly intelligence brief distributed by a federal law enforcement division on Feb. 17.”
Sounds like they’re planning to spit on people they don’t like.
“Federal investigators appeared to be monitoring the white nationalists’ … conversations … [in which they] suggested targeting law enforcement agents and ‘nonwhite’ people with attacks designed to infect them with the coronavirus.”
I’m pretty sure that’s against the law — not just doing it, but also conspiring to do it. At any rate, this doesn’t sound like protected free speech to me.
It probably was inevitable that anti-abortion Republican officials would exploit this tragedy and their emergency response authority to interfere with their citizens’ constitutional right to an abortion, and would do it in a crass and heavy-handed manner.
On my YouTube feed, a video of a trainload of Abrams tanks On rail popped up. Of course theorists are saying it’s happening. In Illinois, the Illinois National Guard has had to dispel rumors.
A group that strokes Carl’s ego is whining. From an email just sent to me by the Cascade Bicycle Club:
This isn’t a charity that feeds the homeless. It feeds PowerBars and bananas to rich liberals who ride $8,000 Pinarellos, make traffic in Seattle worse, and run reds and stops.
How incredibly tone-deaf. Buncha whiny rich liberal pussies.
Hobby Lobby owner, worth over $6 billion, warns employees that if they don’t remain open and keep working through the GOPlauge the company may have to cut them all off because of “belt tightening”.
Every Republican You Know.
Heard of those mayors who are using the current emergency as an excuse to shut down gun shops? Here’s what it feels like like when the shoe’s on the other foot:
Ohio abortion clinics ordered to stop procedures due to coronavirus
Guess what, bitches. Y’all gonna get your abortions way past 20 weeks for awhile.
Gonna lay off YLB for awhile. Not the burden YLB’s kids will bear, tho.
I like it. Nice how you worked whiny rich liberal pussies into it.
Going forward could you try to blame the Chinese more?
That’s big for us right now. So if you could see about that it would be a huge help.
I noticed people buying dozens of rolls of toilet paper. I don’t recall that explosive diarrhea is one of the health issues caused by the virus, so I don’t see the reason buying up all of the toilet paper. The virus does cause a runny nose, so shouldn’t Kleenex be bought for wiping noses rather buying toilet paper for the job?
Stop buying up all the toilet paper, idiots!
No Shit!
It’s almost like telling people who are scared of dying to shut up and quit asking “nasty” questions.
Or like calling your broker to sell off all but your medical stocks right after a classified briefing warning of a global pandemic.
Or taking your stupid fat family out to a busy restaurant and smearing each other with spit and barbecue sauce while laughing at all the people dying from an out of control pandemic.
Or bitching that maybe we should just let the old people die so the DOW can recover sooner.
Or depleting two thirds of your state’s dwindling supply of test kits in order to reassure a few dozen millionaire athletes.
Or minimizing a deadly global pandemic by stupidly comparing it to a tornado.
Just wait till I invent a way to make a ventilator out of toilet paper.
Then we’ll see who the idiots are!
P.S. Republicans are the idiots.
@ 49
When Hobby Lobby has its hand out for a bailout after all of this is over, you be sure and let me know.
Here’s the actual letter in question:
Not a word about cutting employees off. In fact, if permitted by local regulations, they’re all still working.
Never let the truth stop you, QoS McHillbilly. The Germans just bombed Pearl Harbor, after all.
No one in either the Democrat Party or the Republican Party is particularly bright, chief.
As for using all that toilet paper you’re buying and hoarding, I don’t see any deus ex machina device out there that is going to change your butt-wipe paper into a ventilator.
@47 Anyone who drives south on I-5 past Joint Base Lewis-McChord probably has seen tanks on flatcars sitting on the rail siding next to the freeway. If the Army has to ship them to an overseas hotspot, they don’t drive them up I-5 to the loading docks at Port of Tacoma! I would guess maybe they’re sent by rail to Yakima Firing Range, too. It seems a reasonable assumption they go where the armored units go, i.e. with their crews, whether for training or deployment. But none of this, no matter how reasonable, will prevent stupid people from being stupid. As world-famous philosopher, Forrest Gump once said, “Stupid is, as stupid does.”
@48 Assuming that quote is accurate (and I have no reason to doubt it), they should be canceling their events, not worrying about whether people will show up for them. “Tone-deaf” is right.
From their selfish point of view, they’ll be better off in the future if their members don’t get sick and die. From Doctor Dumbfuck’s selfish point of view, he’ll be better off in the future if they do.
But I gotta wonder why he’s getting emails from Cascade Bicycle Club if he’s not one of ’em?
Irony in a time of pandemic.
At least 23 die in Colombia prison violence as inmates riot over coronavirus fears
BOGOTA, Colombia — Authorities in Colombia said Sunday that 23 prisoners died and another 83 were injured in a riot and attempted escape over poor conditions inmates argue will help spread the new coronavirus.
Colombia has confirmed 231 coronavirus cases. Authorities say none are in jails.
@49 Don’t worry, they’ll be safe:
“David Green, the billionaire CEO of Hobby Lobby, has determined that his employees – 43,000-plus people – shall continue showing up to work despite the upheaval caused by the coronavirus and social distancing orders. He asserts that they all will be fine because his wife, Barbara, received a message from God that they interpret as much.”
God is watching over them, so nothing can happen to them. But if that doesn’t work, there’s a heaven waiting for them.
@50 The Doctor Dumbfuck version of @46.
@ 58
Because CBC has to cancel events, it wants monetary donations instead. I don’t think CBC is trying to avoid cancellation. It’s trying to avoid depletion of its reserves.
I just don’t know what we’ll all do if we don’t have more road diets directly resulting from CBC advocacy to lengthen our daily commutes once we’re all back to work, Carl. I’d write more, but it’s time to go wash my hands.
Maybe Doctor Dumbfuck will now explain to us why he thinks closing gun shops is an abuse of authority by mayors who, during a major public emergency, may have to contain civil disorder.
Not that I think it’ll be effective — the guns are already out there. But I don’t see how adding more could possibly improve the situation.
Gunfights over shopping carts of toilet paper in Walmart parking lots?
“To help ensure our Company remains strong and prepared to prosper once again when this passes, we may all have to “tighten our belts” over the near future.”
Dumbfuck must be the one person who doesn’t know what “tighten our belts” means in corporate culture.
Things a multi-billionaire could have said. “I will cover the labor costs to keep my company family whole for X months if we are ordered to close by federal, state or local governments.”
“I have been blessed with so much riches in this life I will endeavor to make your lives whole during this economic downturn as Jesus fed and clothed to poor.”
Nope. Went with “Tighten our belts. Well not mine obviously. I can’t burn through $6b in three lifetimes and Amazon delivers but if you stock crappy decorations in our Pacoima store, time for a diet.”
@51 Isn’t it obvious? The Chinese are responsible for bicycles and all their associated evils. No need to mention it, goes without saying. Most bikes are made in China now. The damn things were invented there in the first place.
@ 51
Going forward could you try to blame the Chinese more?
Well, some of the rich bitches ride bikes with Shimano groupsets, and some of those components are manufactured in China.
I’m trying to come up with a Campy joke right now. Google tells me all of its stuff is manufactured in…
…wait for it…
@52 My local grocery store now has ample supplies of TP. They’re stacking them in the aisles between the coolers. In fact, when I saw all that TP, my initial reaction was to wonder if Doctor Dumbfuck had croaked. But nope, he’s still here, full of shit as always. Some other Republican must’ve died.
From a PhD faculty member at the Princeton Neuroscience Institute:
It’s an interesting thread, found here.
@54 This post also contains a statement that goes without saying.
@55 Well, I guess if I worked for that company, I’d wonder whose belts are going to be tightened, and who all is included in “our” belts. To me it says, “We’ll let you know when to come back.”
@56 “No one in either the Democrat Party or the Republican Party is particularly bright, chief.”
Still beating that dead horse, eh? Got news for you, Ace:
It wasn’t the Democrats who let the 1980s S&L crisis happen.
It wasn’t the Democrats who were asleep before 9/11/01.
It wasn’t the Democrats who started and then botched the Iraq War.
It wasn’t the Democrats who let the subprime crisis happen.
It wasn’t the Democrats who bungled the Great Recession.
It wasn’t the Democrats who gutted CDC right before Covid-19, nor was it the Democrats who ignored Covid-19 for precious weeks.
Clearly, some people are dumber than others; and, just as clearly, you’re one of ’em … Ace.
The toilet paper thing I kind of get. People don’t really know how much they use and contemplating 14 days or more doing a little back of the square math…
Suburban Mom,
“5 people, three female, Twice a day poop, 3-5 pee for the girls….” Seems like a shitload of rolls and the calculation is off.
Now if you have an unopened Costco pack and you’re getting there at nine to run in and buy another at opening you’re panicking and stop that.
Rand Paul.
If there was a single guy who might have insisted on his God Given RIGHT to go to the pub if he damn well pleases I’d have put Rand ‘Gault’ Paul high on the betting odds.
@59 “Colombia has confirmed 231 coronavirus cases. Authorities say none are in jails.”
The thing about tornadoes is that when they’re over, they’re over.
The thing about a virulent virus is that it keeps spreading into places it wasn’t before, and its human toll keeps climbing.
I believe this has been pointed out to you before.
@62 Wash your butt cheeks too, while you’re at it, so you don’t leave shit stains wherever you go. There’s no shortage of soap. Yet.
@68 You may consider it “interesting” but most other folks will find that tenor of statistical calculation, and the existence of a need for it, downright frightening.
The nice thing about epidemiology is you can do statistics inside a hermetically sealed bunker.
Get well soon
rand fucking paul.. Where would this country be without you grandstanding?
@72 I think it has more to do with, “If people don’t go to work and factories shut down and they stop making toilet paper …” Or if delivery drivers stop delivering, or stores that sells TP close, or …
Which seem not-unreasonable worries when an uncontrolled and uncontrollable pandemic is loose across the land.
@77 “He was not aware of any contact with any infected person.”
Must not hang out with Republicans then.
Here’s a list of all the speakers at the 2020 C-19 Petri Dish. It’s a long list, so I haven’t scrolled through the whole thing to see if Rand Paul was there.
The rabbit’s blood pressure dropped to 96/46 last night, but I seem to be okay this morning. Probably got dehydrated from pissing on Dumbfuck’s comments. Notified my veterinarian.
Oooooh. Sick burn comeback.
bot-farm pussy wants to remind us all that the “Hobby Lobby” wage-slave family is staying at work because the owner’s wife had “a vision form GAWAD!”.
Also that to keep the company FREEDUMB while they continue to operate as CPACvirus deniers, there may be “some belt tightening”. So get ready to STARVE peons. Your employer is promising you a free weight loss program for FREEEDUMB!
More very fine people!
No one in either the Democrat Party or the Republican Party is particularly bright, chief.
Maybe not. Democrats are just lucky we have you Shy-Republicans around to make us all look bright.
Not for nuthin it’s called the GOPlague.
Thoughts and prayers. Of course.
The GOP will just have to nominate a different Senator to place procedural road blocks to vital economic recovery bills for…
A discussion is bubbling up.
Most people can usually only afford heath care through their employees, and huge amounts of people are being fired, negating their health care when they need it most. COBRA costs are huge and often un-affordable, since people don’t have jobs and it’s impossible at the moment to get new ones.
Now what?
Richard Burr’s state has a Democratic Governor ,
Feinstein’s state governor is a Democrat.
Kelly Loeffler state Governor is a Democrat,
Inoff’s state Governor is a republican.
If all resigned or were kicked out, it would be a +2 senators to the Democrats in the senate. No way #MoscowMitch would let his majority shrink to 51.
If you want to drain the swamp, elect better humans in November.
@77 So who’s he gonna sue?
@86 “Now what?”
Socialism, of course. Trillions of dollars of it. Brought to you by a Republican Federal Reserve, Republican economists and policymakers, Republican congressmen and senators, and of course a Republican president. Because they have … No. Fucking. Choice. The country and its capitalist system goes under if they don’t. So do their Senate majority and possession of the White House.
lmao.. dimfuk seems a bit butthurt over huber.. Didn’t that utah republican read “clinton cash”?
toooo funny!
flood the zone dimfuk… it’s all comedy to us.
Saw yesterday that Tulsi Gabbard ended her campaign and endorsed Biden.
Thoughts and prayers are truly needed for this Country. But I think the problem is that no Repukes are praying now.
When Rand Paul needs treatment the nurse should hold up his admission:
“We’ll get you in as soon as we have a clean funding bill, DACA, solar incentives, postal service retirement plan, a resolution in support of Special Olympics, a proclamation of National Drinking Water cleanliness and a chocolate bunny.”
Rand – “But none of those have anything to do with what I’m dealing with here.”
“You’re absolutely right….Senator,”
@ 73
Rand Paul, osteopathic physician and ophthalmologist, suffered pulmonary injuries requiring a subsequent lung lobectomy, caused by the cowardly assault from his unhinged leftist neighbor, also a physician.
Rand Paul likely has scarring or possibly even subclinical chronic active pulmonary disease in adjacent lobes.
He’s at elevated risk for complications associated with his infection.
So yeah, go ahead and give it all you’ve got, Cz-252. If he were to succumb to it, it would be like early Xmas for you.
I’m sure many inner city folk are at a more elevated risk for complications than Rand Paul, like having asthma. You really want to play that game?
@ 95
If you mean the game of mocking people due to their exposure risk for whatever reason, I don’t. And that’s my point. Rand Paul probably did nothing special to acquire his infection. He doesn’t need to be made fun of because of it.
It wasn’t Rand Paul’s libertarian leanings that infected him. It’s likely he was infected in the course of doing his fucking job, same as the two (known) infected congressmen.
Whyncha go ahead and make a few crass jokes praying for an old woman’s illness and death now?
Timing not right all of a sudden?
YOU make it Xmas, Santa.
Speaking @ 97 of bad timing, QoS McHillbilly:
So there may be a whole lot of old women dying in NY.
Harvey Weinstein’s got it.
It’s too bad we’re not mocking anyone who contracted it.
Harvey Weinstein’s got it.
Don’t call it GOPlague for nuthin’.
Sorry I triggered you.
Rand Paul has been playing games with people’s lives his entire, genetically unearned, career. Maybe he should have attached a rider to an SCHIP reauthorization to build a moat to keep his neighbor out. He’s held up legislation for less relevant items before.
That’s all.
Yabbut is he packin’? gman wants to know.
Andrew Gillum’s attorney confirms nude picture
Now that’s some Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit-style lawyerin’.
Regarding Gillum, there’s really only one question left to answer:
Pitcher or catcher?
the orange pos called it the “chinese” virus.. for the umpteenth time.
Oh that’s not racist.. nah.. not a chance…
It’s just deflecting inaction and total lack of any informed judgement towards a convenient target.. whips up the base in the process, donchaknow.. nothing personal.. only politics..
and if a few kids get called names or some asian adults and old folks get assaulted, hey that’s life in teh big city… collateral damage. like that’s never happened before in this country
57)Just like C-17s over Tacoma all the time. The unit based at Interbay is a truck unit, probably will be needed just to move critical supplies if things get worse. One interesting move the Washington Army National Guard did was stop by the museum in Snoqualmie and pick up two streetcars being returned to Yakima. The trucks were going to Yakima anyway.
One of the regular moves through Chicago are trainload of the new JLTVs, which are made in Wisconsin.
@92 “no Repukes are praying now”
I don’t agree. I think Richard Burr and Kelly Loeffler will spend every Sunday for the next year thanking the Good Lord for putting them in position to sell their stock ahead of everyone else.
And, this being a Sunday, I suspect Rand Paul is praying to the Lord right now to save his infected ass.
Sorry I triggered you.
I dunno. I think triggering the bot-farm pussy is a nice way to break the normal routine of mocking and humiliating Republicans and Shy-Republicans (EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE).
At the rate the GOPlague is going, we may run out of Ted Cruz and Aqua Buddha before you know it.
That’s all I mean by “thoughts and prayers”.
Et tu, Pater?
Tell you what. I’ll feel bad about making fun of Rand Paul’s death watch as soon as his own father does.
@96 “It wasn’t Rand Paul’s libertarian leanings that infected him.”
Sez the troll who, in the very same sentence, trolls a dispute between neighbors over yard clippings by crowbarring the term “leftist” into the discussion.
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
7414Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
2124592 Cases which had an outcome:
178 (30%) Recovered / Discharged
414 (70%) Deaths
There are now more than 30,000 coronavirus cases in the US
US Defense Department says 111 members of the military tested positive for coronavirus
American Expert Axed From CDC Post In China Months Before Coronavirus Outbreak
ARIZONA Without government help Coconino County says it will stop testing next week
U.S. Jobless Rate May Soar to 30%, Fed’s Bullard Says
Lupus Patients Can’t Get Crucial Medication After President Trump Pushes Unproven Coronavirus Treatment
@98 Who the hell is Betsy McCaughey? Never heard of her, so I looked her up on Wikipedia and it turns out she’s a Trump adviser and conservative commentator. She wrote (from your link):
“When it comes to state budget priorities, spending half a percent of the budget on ventilators is a no brainer.”
Over half a billion dollars. On something that may never be used. And taking that money away from competing priorities like schools and highway repairs.
A “no brainer?” Remarkable. Half a percent is a big chunk of any state’s budget to spend on something that may never be used.
And if Cuomo had spent that money on ventilators instead of whatever it was spent on, you know what Republicans would have called it?
“Waste, fraud, and abuse.”
But never let a troll go to waste, eh doc?
Hey Racist Incel, You love punching down on black and gay men, Now tell us about trump’s affair with a porn star?
I think your brother would not have approved of your behavior.
@102 As a Democratic party hack, I’m pleased to see Doctor Dumbfuck expending his energy on yet another ex-politician who isn’t a candidate for office and never will be again.
Thank goodness he doesn’t have time for our active candidates.
@104 Darn right it’s racist. As I’ve said before, the difference between saying “Wuhan virus” and “Chinese virus” is like the difference between saying “African-American” or “n****r.”
@108 I’d like to know if Rand Paul is still welcome at his father’s house.
@ 101
Hillary Clinton has been playing games with peoples’ lives her entire, maritally unearned, career.
You really don’t think much before you spew, do you, Cz-252?
Marry well, ladies. Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Mezvinsky, and Melinda Gates are proof positive of the dividends it can pay.
“I’m Rand Motherfucking Paul!
Get the fuck out of my way. I’ve got to get to the Senate Gym for my workout and my swim! Fuck all of y’all!
One thing has been made perfectly clear:
He is absolutely not welcome at the Senate gym anymore.
DJIA futures are taking a big hit. Must have a sad about Rand Paul. Or maybe it was the GOP’s CEO Bailout/Trump Slush Fund Bill going down. Or was it was because Dr. Fauci has disappeared?
So what will it be? A 3,800 point DJIA loss tomorrow?
Heh. No wonder Doctor Dumbfuck is so cranky.
Good to see your maturity level has raised to the occasion of a pandemic….kind of like how The Hump is treating this….like a game show. Are you sure it’s not something that you want to know. Is that why you and you know who are buds here.
Like I said, there aren’t any Repukes praying right now.
@117 “Note the landing fishnet device for the idiot who refused to be tested.” Love it.
Not very democratic of those Chinese cops, was it?
@119 It’s merely panicky sellers accommodating rabbits who like cheap stocks. Margin calls are a bitch. I don’t own any stocks on margin. I simply own them. I haven’t lost a cent in this downturn, because I haven’t sold anything.*
* I sold my Boeing stock well before the coronavirus crash, in two tranches for $380 (50%) and $308 (50%). You may recall I suggested Dumbfuck short it last week when it was $111. It closed Friday at $95 and with the company now asking for a $60 billion bailout from the government it probably will go even lower, maybe all the way to zero, so there’s still time for Dumbfuck to short it. I would if I were him.
Republicans. Bag ’em and tag ’em.
They’re as good as dead anyway.
@116. In which the unhinged incel vents his impotent rage about women. Really he’s nothing more than the bitter drunk angry loser at the end of the bar swearing about his ex wife and that all women are bitches. Get professional help. Really.
Dow Futures Crash 1,000 Points as the Fed’s Bullard outlined his belief that coronavirus could force 30% unemployment and -50% GDP.
Think they will call in the the Trump Depression?
For reference
The highest rate of U.S. unemployment was 24.9% in 1933, during the Great Depression. During the Great Recession, unemployment reached 10% in October 2009.
@125 Meanwhile, Republicans are playing politics with this unfolding tragedy. Not one Democratic senator voted for their bill, and that tells you something. No wonder:
Corporations could use bailout money for stock buybacks while laying off workers.
Only three months of unemployment insurance.
No limits on evictions or foreclosures.
Seems to me McConnell wanted this bill to fail. So he could say Democrats “obstructed” it. Bad faith is manifest in the fact the bill was drafted without Democratic participation or input, even knowing Democratic votes would be needed to pass it.
Young Americans At Higher Risk Than In Other Countries
“Top U.S. health officials are ‘looking very closely’ at reports that a much higher percentage of younger Americans … need hospitalization …, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said Sunday. …
“Asked about the new numbers … Fauci said they highlighted ‘a very important critical issue that we’re looking very closely at … there is a big difference between that demography [compared to] China and what we’re seeing in Europe’ …”
Sorry I triggered you again Snowflake.
Did Hilary vote on anything in the Senate in the last 10 years?
Did Hillary shut down the government mostly out of spite and a pet peeve?
Is Hillary in any way relevant to Covid-19 as either a physician, Senator or person with a positive test.
Dude, with all due respect, shut the fuck up. Or at least have the less sexist sense to make a Soros comparison.
@128 Yeah, and he called me “awful, just awful” a couple days ago. No sense of proportion there. Guess he doesn’t have much self-awareness.
Dude, with all due respect, shut the fuck up.
Let’s not be too hasty.
Stuck at home. Working remotely. Need all possible entertainment options. That includes watching a capering Trumpalo’s futile attempts to break free of Teh Orange Singularity of
StooopidDeath.“Financing programs to help the U.S. economy pull out of the coronavirus crisis could be worth $4 trillion, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Sunday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Makes Owe-bama look good, doesn’t it? And he didn’t dismantle the CDC, either.
@130 Black hole. Sink drain. The similarities are striking, aren’t they? Nature’s harmony in all its glory.