Vox: What facial recognition steals from us.
John Oliver: SantaCon.
Full Frontal: The Sammies—Awards for government workers.
The Atlantic: Too many people want to travel.
The Dotard Трамп and Other Impeachable Characters:
- Stephen: Trump’s weekend Tweet-A-Thon covered a lot of ground, from MMA to North Korea
- Trevor: Look at these assholes—Трамп family edition
- Seth Meyers: Трамп blasts “impeachment light” at deranged rally
- Stephen: Трамп pays $2 million to charity (by court order)
- Late Show: The Dotard Трамп may become the 4th member of the Impeachment Club
- Roll Call: Democrats charge Trump with abuse of power, obstruction of Congress
- Stephen: Трамп, Barr And Lou Dobbs are all-in on deep state conspiracy
- Seth Meyers: Ari Melber thinks Democrats introducing only two articles of impeachment is a gamble
- Samantha Bee: The White House hates food stamps
- Stephen: Greta claps back after The Dotard’s lame attempt to troll her on Twitter
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп’s new toilet initiative
- Stephen: The Dotard wants to call his own witnesses in Senate impeachment trial
- Bruce Nelson: Let’s impeach Трамп for Christmas
- Seth Meyers: House Democrats unveil articles of impeachment against Трамп
- Trevor: Dems bring two articles of impeachment against Трамп
- Stephen: House Democrats find evidence of Трамп’s misconduct is overwhelming and uncontested
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп is definitely getting impeached
- Seth Meyers: The Dotard is “surprised” he’s being impeached for Ukraine scandal
- Stephen: Rep. Adam Schiff—Трамп risked national security for his political gain
- Stephen: Rep. Adam Schiff—Republican Congresspeople need to vote their conscience
- Stephen: Rep. Adam Schiff—Evidence of the President’s wrongdoing is overwhelming
- Samantha Bee: The Dotard Трамп and the articles of impeachment
- Trevor: Trump’s dramatic toilet talk
- Stephen: As impeachment closes in, Трамп holds angry rally in Hershey, PA
- Mark Fiore: Spygate!
- WaPo: Impeachment inquiry enters endgame in the House
- Seth Meyers: House Judiciary holds impeachment hearing as GOP lies about Ukraine
- The Late Show: Dotard Трамп, destroyer of films
- Jimmy Kimmel knows who the whistleblower is
- Seth Meyers: Ari Melber thinks Rudy Giuliani’s done more to impeach Трамп than Pelosi or Mueller
- SNL: Them Трампs:
- Stephen: Трамп’s allies in Congress don’t care how history will remember them
- The Daily Show: Watch Rep. Jerrold Nadler fend off Republican interruptions
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard’s insane outburst against 16-year-old Greta Thunberg
- Samantha Bee: Marriage story—The hateful edition
- Stephen: The Dotard Трамп is a 15-flush kind of guy
Roll Call: Drug prices are too high. What is Congress trying to do about it?
Trevor: America’s Afghanistan fiasco.
The New York Times: How to fight fake news on vaccines.
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Vox: Why German spies blew up this US island.
Twenty-Twenty Vision:
- Hassan Minhaj puts #YangGang to the test
- Robert Reich: Why Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren will win the presidency.
- Trevor: World War D—Damage control edition
- Hassan Minhaj: Don’t ignore the Asian vote in 2020
- Jimmy Dore: Bernie has “Had it up to here!” with Jimmy
Trevor: Finland’s super young new Prime Minister.
Jim Jefferies: America needs a new national bird.
New York Times: Is your plastic actually being recycled?
The Late Show: The Late Show’s 2019 reel-in-review.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Interesting on how now it’s the low flow toilets that are the distraction. Should be preparing for the trial.
@ 1
The low-flow toilet distraction is being perpetuated by leftists like you, Railfan. You’re usually better than this. Please go back to usual.
UK leftists are not taking their electoral beatdown well at all.
Y’all libbies should learn how to lose an election with some class. You’re gonna need the practice.
California’s new employment law has boomeranged and is starting to crush freelancers
“I don’t believe legislators realized the impact this had,” says Gene Zaino, founder and executive chairman of MBO Partners, which studies the freelance economy and provides back-office services to freelancers. “This was really designed to create a safety net for people that needed it. Legislators didn’t realize at the same time, they impacted millions of people in thousands of businesses that are using freelancers, even though that was not their intent. A lot of businesses are paralyzed, in terms of ‘everyone needs to be on payroll.'”
Some industries, such as media and tech, could especially be hard-hit. “There’s a lot of nervousness in Hollywood about how this gets interpreted — there are so many freelance creatives,” says King. “We won’t really know until a few court cases get settled.”
I would imagine that if Goldy lived in California, didn’t have money-bags Hanauer to bankroll him, and had to survive on submissions to local media rags, this might be a bit of a challenge to him.
Good thing everyone in California has their own billionaire to bankroll them.
Looks like TALGO may have found a customer for the Wisconsin TALGO sets. WashDoT. The two sets are back in Milwaukee for retrofit work, and then possibly to Seattle to replace the older Type 6 cars. I’ll believe it when I see photos of them running west from Milwaukee as Amtrak 2nd 7/27, following the Empire Bulder. It’s how the two Oregon Talgo 8s were delivered.
Railfan @ 5
Did you read the comments in that article? Like this one:
While its true that, “the project was canceled soon after Walker won election in 2010.” According to the Nov. 26, 2019 WPR podcast article, “There’s a key detail in the high-speed rail saga that sometimes gets overlooked: It wasn’t technically former Gov. Scott Walker who halted this project. It was former Gov. Jim Doyle.” Indeed, the money was gone before Walker took office as Governor.
Or this one:
Amtrak was reported to have consulted with the FRA before the release of the report on the over-speed derailment in Washigton state that recommended withdrawal of Talgo equipment from Cascade service without reason. Amtrak seems to have settled on an equipment policy of acquiring conventional single-level high-floor equipment compatible with NEC operation and ADA requirements, but does not address the capacity need, and ill-suited for the rest of the country, particularly with Metra in Hiawatha service.
Rail systems are like ferries: Those who do not benefit from them see little reason to pay for them.
If Trump is impeached and he’s re-elected, pundits will blame Democrats.
If Trump isn’t impeached and he’s re-elected, pundits will blame Democrats.
If Dems are going to be blamed, either way, the best thing to do is always doing the right thing: defend the Constitution.
Yeah, people sort of lost their fuckin’ minds with all of that free stimulus money, Railfan.
At this point the state was asking for enough money to upgrade the Milwaukee to Chicago rail line, and start building out toward Madison.
But over the next several months the state’s request grew from around $100 million to more than $800 million. And in January of 2010, Doyle held a press conference to announce that Wisconsin was getting all of it.
“This is a 100 percent funded project,” Doyle said. “It is just a phenomenal moment. I mean every single dime that we asked for, we have been granted.”
Every. single. dime.
Isn’t this @ 5, 6, 8 better than talking about @ 1, 2 low-flow toilets, Railfan?
Red, when you begin discussion of impeachment before a president takes office, you’re not defending the Constitution.
You’re throwing a temper tantrum, asshole.
I see the troll is still struggling with its #flushcount.
Maybe someone will give it a CSA membership for Christmas.
Hillary Clinton the main reason Democrats didn’t retain 2012 voters, common sense shows.
Corbyn the main reason Labour didn’t retain 2017 voters, poll shows
She’s running again, libbies.
Think on your sins.
More Kentucky
Bevin pardoned a teacher convicted on child pornography charges.
Fair to say there’s some soul searching going on among the 700K Kentuckians who wanted to give him another four years?
@2 Uh, no.
Now the dumbfuck is projecting Trump’s dumbfuckery onto “leftists.”
@3 “Y’all libbies should learn how to lose an election with some class.”
Thanks for the laugh. You really are trolling this morning.
@6 “Rail systems are like ferries: Those who do not benefit from them see little reason to pay for them.”
You’re right, I don’t see why I should pay for your roads, police and fire protection, or the portion of our national defense that protects you. Or for even the tiniest fraction of Trump’s salary. Let’s institute an opt-out system of taxation under which I can reduce my taxes by checking a box that says “Fuck you.”
Doctor Dumbfuck is awfully giddy this morning. Russia must be winning.
@11 You might want to review this before you go off half-cocked:
@13 Follow the money.
@17 Giddy, check; awful, check. But being awful is what giddy trolls have to do to get the attention they crave.
@1 yeah Railfan, don’t upset the Troll. We should learn from Bob’s exemplary character performance.
That’s precious. You Bob are a low flow toilet.
Railfan – don’t fall for it – he needs a friend. Refer to @2 for him to turn on you the minute you see things different from his fascist rule. See @10.
Railfan – I know you have a keen interest in trains. Not sure what your feelings are about Climate Change. I wonder if Bob cares what they may be. Ask him? I think he wants to talk about that too then talking about low flush toilets or trains.
Really weird that he comes here to Troll, but then likes to make dialogue about trains, when he has a horse to ride.
When did the WaPo let Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit write columns?
Analysis: If Britain had Germany’s electoral system, Boris Johnson may have lost the election
https://www.washingtonpost.com › world › 2019/12/13 › if-britain-had-ger…
Every bit as moronic as a discussion of the Hillary Clinton popular vote thing in 2016. Wholly irrelevant.
Davos Tax Cut the main reason Ryan didn’t retain 2018 House, poll shows.
GangRape the main reason Yertle didn’t expand 2018 Senate, poll shows.
Trump the main reason Dumbfuck didn’t retain #FlushCount, poll shows
Bloomberg News has published a
Bloomberg Billionaires Index
and left Bloomberg off of it.
Geez, Doctor, it looks like orange moron’s Art of the Deal has given us a North Korea with intercontinental missiles.
“North Korean missile and Kim Jong-un’s ‘Christmas gift’ decision”
A win for both Putin and Kim Jung-un. No wonder you’re giddy today.
“a discussion of the Hillary Clinton popular vote thing in 2016”
I prefer to discuss how Putin saw you and your orange moron as a couple of dumbfuck Godsends and how you two fucktards have been coming through for that bastard ever since, just as you have for every other two-bit dictator on the planet, betraying both our country and our allies.
But you don’t like to talk about that, do you?
Savannah Police just booked the Groyper who sexually assaulted a reporter covering a fun run there about a week ago.
Thomas Callaway, 43, is charged with a single count of misdemeanor sexual battery for the incident that was captured live on a local television broadcast and later viewed by millions of people worldwide.
This is in Georgia, “y’all”. Slowly losing the old Confederacy to “snowflakes”, “pussies”, “commies”, “fags”, and “dykes” is the GOP nightmare that only Trump makes possible.
Using Google’s Chrome browser most often. IE browser seems to have issues with posting comments, sometimes.
When I go to various sites, I get popup adds in the lower left hand corner. When I come to HA’s site I always get a few adds, but only upon the initial opening of the Home Page of the site.
In addition, on HA’s website on the left and ride side margins there are ads.
All the ads I get are anti-Democratic and pro-Republican kind of adds. What is this a function of? The site or my computer? I assume it is the cookies of my computer. But I never go to any Republican type sites. Or I am being targeted with anti-Democratic ads because it knows that I am a Democrat? Is this Google doing it? Or is it the ads themselves?
I fucking hate Google.
Instead of preventing mass murderers from amassing arsenals of semi-automatic military weapons, let’s just hire thousands of PTSD roid-raging opioid addicts fresh back from the sand box to patrol middle schools SWAT style.
Too damn many cops. More cops = more danger.
@26 Upper class reserve.
@29 I suspect he wanted to get on TV and then brag about it to his drinking buddies, but it’s not working out quite as he expected.
@30 If Republicans are paying Goldy to advertise on his site, more power to ’em.
A Tale of Two Stories
Rightwing website:
“NBC News is under fire after the news agency described a crime where a man forced a woman at gun point to take an abortion pill as ‘a miscarriage.’ The article was written by reporter Doha Madani and details the criminal charges against Jagmeet Sandhu of Bakersfield, California, who is said to have held his girlfriend at gunpoint until she took abortion pills to terminate a pregnancy. In the story’s lede, Madani described the outcome of the forced abortion as a ‘miscarriage.'”
NBC News story:
“By Doha Madani
“A 23-year-old California man is facing a murder charge for allegedly forcing his pregnant girlfriend to ingest pills that would induce a miscarriage.
“Jagmeet Sandhu was arrested on multiple felony charges after allegedly holding his girlfriend at gunpoint until she took unknown pills, according to the Bakersfield Police Department.
“Authorities began investigating after someone who claimed to be the unidentified woman’s family member reported the incident.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Last I checked, “unknown pills” aren’t “abortion pills,” and an assault that causes a miscarriage is a crime, whereas abortion is not a crime.
Also, one of the many differences between a legitimate news organization and a cheesy wingnut propaganda sit is the former doesn’t pull stuff out of police reports that isn’t there or language out of thin air in order to make an in-your-face political statement on a disputed public policy issue and the latter does.
Bad cops don’t make citizens safer, they only make taxpayers poorer.
Paying dividends already.
N.J. Democrat who opposes Trump impeachment flips to Republican party
I guess QoS McHillbilly is right. There aren’t any conservative Democrats. They’ve all been forced out of the Democrat party.
@ 36
Nowhere does it say police officers were responsible, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Officers for the city’s social services agency were the first to respond to Headley, the New York Police Department said shortly after the incident. NYPD officers acted in support.
Civilian pukes paid by the government did this. Probably the same people that accompany child protective services to visit a home.
Pull your head out of your ass next time you try to smear police.
Hillary is so well-rested that she no longer has bags under her eyes.
Or the ability to blink.
Democrat from Tump +1 district resigns from Congress, indirectly.
“N.J. Democrat who opposes Trump impeachment flips to Republican party”
If he wants to become a #dumbfuckforPutin traitor like you, fine, then he should become a fucking Republican.
@37 Now he gets to run for re-election in a swing district on a platform that it’s okay for a U.S. president to use taxpayer money to bribe a foreign leader to smear his political opponent.
@38 “Nowhere does it say police officers were responsible, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
Uh yeah, it does:
“Officers for the city’s social services agency were the first to respond to Headley, the New York Police Department said shortly after the incident. NYPD officers acted in support.” [Emphasis added]
You need to brush up on your reading skills. Also, a bit of research might have kept you from stepping on your dick:
“A group of NYPD officers were seen in the video forcibly trying to pry her Headley’s son from her arms as he dragged her on the floor.”
Or how about:
“A video posted to Facebook showed police officers forcefully removing Jazmine Headley’s 1-year-old son from her arms at a Brooklyn food stamp office.” [Emphasis added]
Yeah, you’ve stepped on your dick.
Contrary to popular suspicion, I did not set up Doctor Dumbfuck or entrap him into stepping on his dick. He did that all by himself, of his own free will and volition.
Here’s Norman Ornstein, a respected scholar at a prominent conservative think tank, talking about Mitch McConnell:
And here’s a member of the House Judiciary Committee calling on McConnell to recuse himself:
Of course, he won’t, because this is what Republicans are now. But many real conservatives like Ornstein are aghast and appalled.
For the record, here’s the oath every senator participating in Trump’s Senate trial will be required to take:
“”I solemnly swear (or affirm) that in all things appertaining to the trial of Donald J. Trump, now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws, so help me God.”
McConnell has already violated it. So has Lindsey Graham. Both are lawyers, so maybe their respective bars should take an interest in this. After all, violating an oath is a serious matter; these guys impeached Bill Clinton for that.
Only intelligent thing it has ever posted.
A pimply Moldovan teen just got dragged out into the alley and beaten to death with a chair leg.
He was never a Dem. He just used the label for a time.
NJ-2 has been red for decades.
24)They use it in Scotland, Wales, and the London Assembly. Except for no Overhng Seats. Mixed Member Proportional would work well in 49 out of 50 State Houses.
23)If our railroads were interested in looking for new revenue streams, and the Brotherhoods willing to accept one person crews in limited circumstances, railroads could alleviate some trucking issues. Turns out, American railroads have been funding climate deniers, and could see why. Coal is still a big part of what railroads haul, and the CSX Clinchfield, and Norfolk Southern Pocahontas Divisions, it was even more so.
Whatever else you might say, at least my boss turned things around in Afghanistan. Right?
@51 are you sure he’s your boss and not the other way around?
Failing to read the tea leaves Dec. 2019 Award goes to……
Jeff Van Drew.
Fox News Poll (new)
Support impeachment and removal 50%
Oppose: 41%
And he won’t make it out of a GOP primary with a ‘real’ Republican.
He wanted to spend more time with his family.
@ 53
And he won’t make it out of a GOP primary with a ‘real’ Republican.
Cz-252, you think his flip wasn’t coordinated with a promise of GOP support in his coming re-election campaigns?
This’ll play well in the general.
Ryan Saavedra
Verified account
Joe Biden says that the man who stopped the Texas church shooter should not have been armed.
1:12 AM – 14 Nov 2017
Won’t matter. There are already three declared Rs in the primary and every one of them will point at him and say, ‘He’s not really one of us.”
So how does he get enough party first more ideological primary voters into his column?
And if somehow he gets through, how does he get through a general that went where the breakdown has been
2014- 61% R
2016 – 59% R
2018 – 52% D
And went
Gore 54%
Bush the Dumber 50%
Obama 53%
Obama 54%
Trump 50.6%
What’s been the trend in close districts since 2016? Away from CheetoMcMessiah who is at the top of the ticket in 2020 or towards?
Then factor in that he’s leaving the Democrats to buck up a deeply unpopular President and on the wrong side of the big issue of the day in the minds of over half the voters.
Yeah, this is brilliant strategy. He must have excellent consultants.
(Hint, the GOP doesn’t keep their promises AND they don’t care about him down the road, just right now on the issue of the day.)
Cool. It’s about time Democrats wake up to reality.
The kinds of voters with 2A as a breaking point and want Concealed Carry in every bar, church, university and WalMart have never voted for a Democrat in their lives. Stop pandering to them.
And again, sensible gun control is a deeply popular position even among most conservatives. Want to highlight something where, “Both Parties are the same?”
Democrats are against random people getting shot during their daily activities.
Republicans are fine with someone having the ability to fire off a couple rounds whenever they see fit even if a bystander dies.
We already did that in 2018 when he was running as a “Democrat”.
You would think that Trolls, like the one @55, would take the day off out of respect of Christianity.
“House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler on Sunday criticized Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell after the Kentucky Republican said he would coordinate with White House counsel on ‘everything’ regarding the looming Senate impeachment trial.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: As well he should, piece of shit that McConnell is. McConnell is one of the Republicans who bleated about Clinton violating an oath, and impeached him for it. He’s already violating his, and he hasn’t even taken it yet.
The bottom line is, Republicans respect nothing. Not the Constitution, not our laws, not their oath of office — nothing. They don’t believe in our system of government. It’s too democratic for them. They want to install a rightwing dictatorship in our country, and Trump wants to be a dictator, so they’re all-in on Trump.
And Doctor Dumbfuck defends this, because he’s a dumbfuck.
@53 “And he won’t make it out of a GOP primary with a ‘real’ Republican.”
“B-b-b-u-t I licked Trump’s ass, what more could they want?!”
@54 Sure, there had to be a quid pro quo; you can’t get a meeting with Trump without one.
@59 They’ve never respected Christianity or Christian values and principles. They’re the most un-Christian people around. They take food stamps away from babies and put toddlers in cages. Even the Muslims are more Christian than they are.
Kentucky enjoys (?) the distinction (!) of having elected both of the two worst U.S. senators.
Here’s a question I wish Jake Tapper had asked Rand Paul: “If Trump was legitimately fighting corruption in Ukraine, why didn’t he do it in the open, and through normal diplomatic channels?”
Short answer to that question: Most people don’t believe Paul’s bullshit rationalizations. He probably doesn’t, either.
Oh look, the asshole who cheered Obama’s delivery of massive amounts of cash on pallets to Iran, over the objection of a majority of the House and Senate, now @ 64 claims to see virtue in a “normal diplomatic channel”.
Here’s a question I wish Jake Tapper had asked Rand Paul: “If Trump was legitimately fighting corruption in Ukraine, why didn’t he do it in the open, and through normal diplomatic channels?”
@ 50
…the Brotherhoods willing to accept one person crews in limited circumstances…
C’mon, slippery slope. Same as suggesting that libbies should prohibit abortion in certain circumstances or that 2A supporters should permit confiscation in certain circumstances.
Step back from the precipice, Railfan. Nothing down there except ‘froggy.
This’ll play well in the general:
Things My Father Taught Me: Joe and Hunter Biden on Family Bonds
Joe taught Hunter how to roll up a dollar bill. For g-strings.
Hunter found a second use – for cocaine.
Joe taught Hunter to go after women while they’re at their most vulnerable. For Joe, it’s when the woman is standing beside her husband while he’s being nominated (Carter’s wife) or is taking an oath (Coons’ teenage daughter). Etc.
For Hunter, it’s while his sister-in-law is grieving the death of her husband.
Family ties that bind. Nothing stronger, amirite?
Won’t be long at all until someone comes forward to tell us all that Epstein used Bill Clinton as bait in much the same way.
Prince Andrew ‘was used as bait by paedophile Jeffrey Epstein to try and lure 15-year-old sex victim Jane Doe to his Caribbean island’
Something tells me there’s evidence of this, and someone’s just waiting until Hillary announces before making it public.
@65 Is this the “pallets of cash” you’re squeaking about, tadpole?
Yah, you should fact-check. Nah, you never do. Stepped on yer dick again.
@66 Gonna share his expertise on crewing trains with us, too.
@67 “Joe taught Hunter to go after women while they’re at their most vulnerable.”
And here’s the Trump ass-kisser schooling us on misogyny.
What a day Teh Dumbfuck is having! Inspired!
“Something tells me there’s evidence of this”
I’ll take one that as evidence that betraying your country has fucked with your head.
Any teachers with 503(b)s out there? You may be getting ripped off. This article is for you:
This is what Barrons said in a sidebar: “It is how to understate how inappropriate these expensive [annuity] products are for a young teacher. Annuities offer tax deferral and some insurance against market losses. But a retirement plan is already tax-deferred, and long-term inestors don’t need loss protection. The massive fees take a huge bite out of their nest egg. … Teachers have two things that private-sector employees do not: taxpayer funded pensions and strong job security. They are not lacking for safety. Teachers’ financial challenge is low pay, so what they do need is the growth they can get with low-cost, diversified stock funds … this is why … any fiduciary doing her job, would never sell annuities to a teacher in a 403(b). And it’s why we published this story.”
Posted as a public service. (Note, if a pop-up window asks you to subscribe, just click on the “x” to make it go away and access the article.)
Meanwhile Doctor Dumbfuck, HA’s resident investing guru, has been crowing about how great the stock market is. True, it’s going up, but that’s because of multiple expansion, not earnings growth. This means stocks are getting more expensive without becoming more valuable. Any seasoned investor knows those kinds of gains are tenuous and can evaporate overnight. The truth is, Trump isn’t creating real value for investorsm because economic and profit growth are slowing, not accelerating. That’s why he’s leaning so hard on the Fed to cut interest rates, going negative-rate if necessary: he’s agitating for artificial stimulus because there’s no real stimulus. Not exactly the best economic argument for re-electing him.
And then there’s this: “Half of American voters want President Donald Trump impeached and removed from office, according to a poll released Sunday from Fox News that was taken as House Democrats unveiled two articles of impeachment against the President.” Not exactly the best political position to be running with, either.
Go ahead, Dumbfuck, bet your money on Trump’s re-election. I dare you. You keep crowing that he’s going to be re-elected, so let’s see you put your money where your mouth is.
“Dear Allison:
“We write to formally resign from the staff of Congressman Jeff Van Drew. We greatly appreciate the opportunities … [etc.]. Sadly, Congressman Van Drew’s decision to join the Republican Party led by Donald Trump does not align with the values we brought to this job when we joined his office.
” … Trump Republicans … continue to aid and abet Trump as he shreds the Constitution and tears the country apart. They have refused to grapple with how the President of the United States has jeopardized our national security for his own political advantage.
” … We greatly respect Congressman Van Drew and are deeply saddened and disappointed by his decision … we can no longer in good conscience continue our service in the Congressman’s employ.”
Signed by FIVE of his staff members.
These folks are quitting their jobs. They’ll be out of work. No paychecks. That’s no small statement.
Some folks might refer to this as a FUCK YOU letter.
” … Trump … [with] the lowest approval rating of any president these many days into his first term … now even trails Presidents Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush at the same point in their respective first terms, and both of them lost re-election.”
Still think he’ll be re-elected, dumbfuck? Assuming he’s still around next November …
Schumer has submitted his witness list to McConnell. It includes:
“White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, former national security adviser John Bolton, senior adviser to the acting White House chief of staff Robert Blair and Office of Management and Budget official Michael Duffey.”
Now, keep in mind that Senators will decide procedural matters by a simple majority, so Schumer needs only a handful of GOP Senate votes to call these witnesses. For example, senators running for re-election next year in states where maybe a majority of their constituents think Trump deserves to be fired. Think he can find any like that? I dunno. But I suspect there might be fewer GOP Senators in 2021 if he can’t.
Bob, I hear that’s going to happen tomorrow.
A better bet that you could put forward is that the election will be between Hillary and The Hump, and that The Hump wins again, but only because Hillary becomes ill, an illness that she never got over back in 2016.
Roger you may have posted this already – I went through the comments but could find it.
Hey, good news America: Investors are bailing on stocks
@80 I hadn’t seen this specific article, but what it says is common knowledge among investors, and I’m aware of the information in it. Specifically:
The $135 billion outflow from stock funds this year
The large role of buybacks in propping up stock prices
The reluctance of small investors to participate in this market
Maybe because they sense that something’s not right in the financial markets. They may be picking up bits and pieces of punditry referring to “manipulated” markets and this scares them away. Or maybe there’s a general belief that the markets are “rigged.” In a sense, they are. Federal Reserve policy since 2009 has artificially inflated financial assets, and one’s natural instinct is that they must come back to earth someday. Stocks are overvalued and are being propped up by the Fed’s low interest rates and aggressive corporate buybacks. Initially companies used cash hoarded during the financial crisis to buy back large quantities of shares, but now they’re borrowing to keep the buybacks going, and that should make investors nervous. On top of that, growth is slowing, so the most important support of all for today’s high stock prices is shaky. In light of all this, people are justifiably skeptical of the stock market. Last year’s serial selloff shocks did nothing to allay their fears. Wall Street pros are saying, though, that won’t happen in 2020. But nobody knows if they’re right. There’s just a lot of uncertainty and investors hate uncertainty. The fear of the unknown is very much in play here.
@81 what I found interesting was the write up regarding Dividends.
Bob is jealous. The psycho needs help. It all makes sense now – he’s lashing out because he never made it to the Pros, never became a real doctor, not happy with his orientation, just like the rest of them Republican freaks.
Google “Memories in Motion Hartford Courant Glastonbury Connecticut”. Or something with those words. Maybe ad Dr. Micheal Laporte. You might find this guy interesting, unlike Bob being at all interesting.
70, He’s probably shocked that I think there is some flexibility, but from where I work, I have seen remote control locomotives in action, and their limits. A few doors down from where I work, is Coastal Transportation, and some of the cargo they move to and from Western Alaska comes in Reefer Cars. They are dropped off by the BNSF Yard Job, and sometimes the crew has the beltpacks for RCL Operation. Because of a driveway and a street, it still is a two man job, they call it Pitch and Catch, I believe. Also, Amtrak operates one man locomotives already, in exchange for shorter crew districts. The tradeoff is the conductor usually has an assistant conductor for jobs like ticket collection.
@82 “not happy with his orientation”
I’d have self-doubts, too, if I found myself sexually attracted to farm animals. I mean, they’re cute and all, but sleeping with a horse?
Even one warmer than this one?
@85 I couldn’t watch the whole clip – I don’t like gory stuff.
bikini swimsuit
In addition, generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) require that costs
of direct labor, direct material costs, and factory overhead, be factored in valuing inventory and also determining the cost of goods sold.
The sum of direct labor, direct materials and manufacturing overhead must be used to determine the full cost of converting raw
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