Thom with the Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Young Turks: Right-wing elementary school cuisine bizarre freak-out.
The War on Christmas:
- Jon and Bill-O in a War on Christmas.
- Jon launches another salvo in the War on Christmas (via HuffPo).
Alyona: Mind blowing inequality figures.
Jon on the new go-to-jail-with-no-trial bill.
Corporate Personhood, Corporate Speech:
- Thom: Corporate personhood for dummies.
- Thom with Rep. Ellison: Amendment that corporations aren’t people
- Alyona: LA votes against personhood.
- Thom: Corporate personhood and talking money?
- Thom with Rep. Ted Deutch on the outlawing corporate cash amendment
Young Turks: Blackwater asks for Sharia law?!?
White House: West Wing Week.
Greenman: It isn’t about the “hockey stick”:
Thom with some more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Obama speaks on the economy.
Rockbottomcookie: The gay homophobes.
The Republican Primary Asylum:
- Ed and Pap: Donald Trump and The Republican Freak Show.
- Alyona’s Tool Time: GOP wants to rip apart families.
- Young Turks with Al Gore on the GOP primary.
- Ed and Pap: The dimwit Republican circus freaks march again.
- Thom: Crazy alert for the New Hampshire ballot.
- Suzie Sampson sits down with Pastor Jim Miller and talks candidates.
- Stephen on The Trump debate.
- Ann Telnaes: Herman Cain drops out.
- Young Turks: Rick Perry’s “Hot Gas” moment.
- The Rick Perry ad that is universally disliked.
- Jesus responds to Perry’s disliked ad.
- A response to Rick Perry’s ad:
- Another response to Rick Perry’s disliked ad.
- Sam Seder: Rick Perry’s Strong Save the Christians Ad.
- Young Turks: Newt’s “food stamp credit card used for Hawaii vacation” bullshit.
- Actual Audio: Newt on child labor.
- Sam Seder: Newt is running for Asshole-in-chief.
- Romney’s $100,000 taxpayer funded destruction of records.
- Mark Fiore: Suzie Newsykins, the Antimitter.
- Romney: A career politician.
- What’s younger than Mitt’s political career?
- Romney’s accidentally released anti-Gingrich ad. (via Slog).
- What was Mitt Romney hiding?
- Maddow: Newt’s gay half-sister supports Obama.
- Mitt Romney through the ages.
- Ed and Pap: Gingrich tries his hand at race bating.
- Newt Gingrich credits Mitt Romney’s wealth to…Newt Gingrich (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Flashback: Politically Incorrect (ca. 1999) Newt and The Godfather.
- The 3 minute hip-hopish evangelical attack on Newt Gingrich (via Slog):
- Ann Telnaes: Newt Gingrich as frontrunner.
- You’re a mean one Newt Gingrich:
- Aloyna’s tool time: Rick Santorum suggests people die because of “bad decisions”.
- Alyona’s tool time: Rick Santorum war on food stamps.
Sam Seder: Republicans to the unemployed, “Go pee in a cup”.
Thom with The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very ugly.
“Behind the scenes” at
Sam Seder: George W. Bush cancels trip to Switzerland over fears of being arrested for torture charges.
Sharpton: Rep. Dennis Baxley, sponsor of strict FL voting law, admits no widespread fraud (via HuffPo).
Bill-O’s umbrella attack (via Slog).
Obama speaks on the economy.
America Occupied:
- Young Turks: Tea Party meets Occupy.
- Alyona: Occupy San Francisco evicted.
- Garfunkel and Oats with Weird Al Yankovic: Save the Rich:
- Thom: 99 percenters occupy jail
- Olbermann: Occupy protester assaulted by Bill-O’s umbrella.
- Young Turks: Bill-O’s umbrella attack.
- Olbermann: Occupy a Newt fundraiser.
Hanukkah at the White House.
Thom with some Good, Bad, and some Very, Very Ugly.
Stephen on corporate personhood and the S.C. referendum.
Rick Santorum oozes his way to West Wing Week.
ref=’’>Worst Person in the World.
Young Turks: No abortions for raped military women.
Roy Zimmerman’s buy war toys for Christmas:
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
What a dumbfuck asshole.
Obama Compares Himself To Sea Captain
In a “60 Minutes” interview taped for tomorrow night, President Obama says reviving the economy is a “long-term project” that will take longer than one presidential term and maybe more than one president.
He also “likened himself to a sea captain guiding a ship through a bad storm. So long as the boat is rocking and people are getting sick, he said, people will blame the captain.”
People are going say, “You know what? A good captain would have had us in some smooth waters and sunny skies, at this point. … And I don’t control the weather. What I can control are the policies we’re putting in place ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I think that’s a pretty good analogy. Obama didn’t sail us into the teeth of the storm; the captains of conservative dogma did. Obama came on board at the height of the storm, kept the economic ship from foundering, and it’s still afloat. No matter how hard rightwing bullshitters try to portray him as a “failure” and a “disaster,” the fact is, the economic ship is still afloat. He deserves credit for that.
Whenever some wingnut blowhard tries to blame the still-struggling economy on Obama just show him the “Bikini Graph” again:
Oh, and one more thing: My stock portfolio gained 90% in 2009, Obama’s first year in office, and is higher now than it was before the 2007 crash.
Wow, this is seriously fucked up.
@2: If Obama really were the antidote to conservative dogma, things would have changed in a hurry during his first term.
If over a weekend in 2008 the whole government can come together and devote full attention and more than all of its resources to saving the big banks, surely a real progressive president could have managed more than half-assed, incremental .1s percent change in four years.
At a minimum we could have restored the rule of law to the financial markets and held more than just the most egregious and grandiose law breakers accountable for their actions.
In This Weekend in Gun Violence, there was a domestic violence triple murder in MA Friday night, where an ex-cop mowed down his family. He was later found dead of a self inflicted gun shot wound.
Yeah right Roger DOPEY Rabbit… The economy was a humming along and then DUMMOCRAPTS took over congress and the rest is shitty history. We’re dealing with their 4 years of failure, Jan 2007 – Jan 2011. Historical revisionism can’t change facts.
First act of Nancy Pelosi… scream about oil amd gas! What happened to the price of gas between Jan 2007 and March 2007? Ask the HA crazed databaze deala (is that 300 times yet) ylb! I documented it for GBS the total cost of a gallon of gas! After the price of gas went skyrocketing the economy nose dived. Remember this from the AJC? No? It wasn’t on Kos-aid?
Seeing as this is Darryl’s thread, maybe he’ll amuse us and use his de-coder ring to tell us WTF the self-loathing loon is babbling about now.
Spuddy, Jesus. Take your fucking meds! You know you’re not supposed to smoke crack when you’ve been taking the yellow ones! You’ve been told this over and over.
Oh well. MhPs will be along later.
@9 He’s blaming the 2008 financial collapse on Obama.
Actually Puddy (#8), Nancy and her ilk blessed us with a double whammy. And it was in play for longer than just starting in 2007/2008.
First, the “affordable housing act” (starting with Clinton) created an environment where banks were forced to loan to people who couldn’t afford those mortgages (Democratics genius economists in congress assumed that house prices were always going up). When Bush and others lamented and warned about the collapse of Fannie and Freddie and the danger we were in, Bwaney Ffank and others ignored it and actually increased the pressure). This lead to the CODs and other malfeasens in the mortgage industry (does friends of Angelo mean anything :-) ).
Then came Nancy and her cry against big bad oil, no drilling her, no drilling there etc. Oil and gas prices sky rocketed just by political crap she spouted.
All of a sudden it became more profitable to invest in oil futures and oil assests than in mortgage assests. So people pulled their money out of mortgages and real estage investment and the already hyper inflated prices dropped more than banks and mortgage holders could handle.
So Nancy and her ilk caused the mortgage bubble to inflate and then collapse. But of course, cause and effect is not something most people on HA have any clue about. Just blame
Bush is all they can do.
No one was ever forced to make a single loan and the banks lobbied for those changes. Were they stupid? Yes. But, let’s not go inventing history.
Yeah, it was magical, it just happened, just like that. It had nothing to do with global oil supplies peaking, it had nothing to do with increased demand from India and China. It had nothing to do with oil production in Mexico starting to plummet.
@12 First, this assertion,
“the ‘affordable housing act’ (starting with Clinton) created an environment where banks were forced to loan to people who couldn’t afford those mortgages (Democratics genius economists in congress assumed that house prices were always going up)”
is false. There is no law called the “affordable housing act” passed under Clinton or any other president. Nor did the federal government force banks to loan to people who couldn’t afford to pay their mortgages.
In 1977, while Carter was president, Congress passed a “Community Reinvestment Act” that outlawed the practice of redlining. This was an anti-discrimination law that did not require banks to write loans to specific individuals, nor did it change lending standards. It simply prohibited geography-based discrimination.
Clinton had an “affordable housing” policy that may have contributed to loosey-goosey lending, but it was not implemented through an act of Congress, nor did it force lenders to make specific loans to specific borrowers.
In fact, the mortgage crisis was caused by greedy PRIVATE SECTOR mortgage brokers and banks VOLUNTARILY writing loans to people who couldn’t afford them in order to collect loan generation fees. It was PRIVATE SECTOR “quants” on Wall Street who invented ingenious securities that concealed the riskiness of these loans. These PRIVATE SECTOR financiers misrepresented the quality of these loans to the financial institutions that purchased them. And PRIVATE SECTOR ratings agencies took hundreds of millions of dollars in virtual bribes to confer AAA ratings on dangerously risky securities that made them look risk-free in order to encourage unwitting purchasers to buy them.
Government is not innocent in this mess. But government’s sins are mostly sins of omission: Regulators simply failed to stop irresponsible and dangerous PRIVATE SECTOR lending practices. We needed more government, no less government, while this was going on.
Next, this assertion:
“Oil and gas prices sky rocketed just by political crap she spouted.”
This is complete nonsense. Anything Pelosi said or did had zero impact on oil prices. Oil prices are volatile (and I’ve been successfully playing that volatility in the stock market for 20 years), but the volatility stems from supply and demand. The less restrictive domestic drilling policies espoused by Republicans, if implemented, wouldn’t have much effect on oil prices because the U.S. has only 5% of the world’s oil. Oh, and by the way, gas prices have not skyrocketed. They have dropped like a stone without a parachute.
#15 continued:
And finally this absurdity:
“So Nancy and her ilk caused the mortgage bubble to inflate and then collapse.”
Blaming everything on Pelosi is what you do if you’re a wingnut who knows nothing about the subject and has no arguments.
We need better trolls on this blog. The ones we have are stupid.
@11 “@9 He’s blaming the 2008 financial collapse on Obama.”
I’m sure it’s only coincidental, but prior to Obama wrapping up the nomination in 2008, everything wingnuts fucked up was Bill Clinton’s fault.
Roger, you are an idiot.
but then, what’s new.
maybe I need to speak british to you.
Oil and petrol…
The GOP debate in Iowa wrapped up a few minutes ago, and Gingrich appears to be the big winner. He did it by not withering under biting criticism from the moderators and the other candidates about his history of immoral behavior. Romney not only failed to hurt Gingrich, but tripped over his own dick by offering to bet Perry $10,000 that he didn’t change a line about health care in later editions of his book. He would have been all right if he’d said $10, but what he did instead was demonstrate that he doesn’t understand what $10,000 means to most people. I think the likelihood has increased that Romney will not win Iowa and that we may be looking at an Obama-Gingrich race next year.
@17 To be a wingnut is to be really fucking stupid, so I think we’ll always be stuck with really stupid fucking trolls. But that’s not really the problem. Our trolls are boring. Combine boring with the stupid, and we have a troll problem.
“we may be looking at an Obama-Gingrich race next year”
Speaking of really stupid people, I read somewhere recently that Gingrich is a really stupid person’s idea of someone who is smart.
@19 Not a novice mudslinger myself, I expected you to toss a water balloon after getting your ass handed to you. All I can say is, Oooh I’m all wet!
Now let’s get serious. You can’t speak American let alone British. You don’t know a fucking thing about oil or gas. HA readers don’t have to take my word for this; let’s test it with a little quiz.
What event between 2003 and 2010 permanently reduced world oil output by 1.65 million bpd?
@23 I’ll let the rest of you decide for yourselves whether a rabbit who knows the answer to this question (how could I ask it, if I didn’t?) is an idiot.
How much time do y’all think I should give him before posting the answer?
Where DOPEY One?
As dutch wrote above, you R an idiot!
As always I deliver a factual link from a leftwing source and the HA loons start barking at the moon!
@25 “Where …?”
@25 “As always I deliver a factual link from a leftwing source …!”
What link? So far you’ve posted two comments in this thread and there isn’t a link in either one of them.
Oh DOPEY one, there are many EVENTS!
Name the four major events?
Shiiiiiiit… Puddy waiting for the pseudo-black men rujax and Stupid Solution Steve to enunciate the historical black events of 1968.
Obama in congress with Pelosi? Who knew?
What a DOPEY Rabbit!
@28 I asked dutch to name the event that fits the parameters of the question. Is your name dutch? Nor did I invite you to change the question. I’m not looking for “many” events, I’m looking for one specific event to find out if he knows anything about the oil market.
@29 Sorry, I don’t get into arguments with insentient vegetables. I have better things to do.
You R the vegetable. You better go to the hospital cuz your memory slippin! I never said Obama the cause. You are DELUSIONAL!
@ 31
Being a semi-sentient vegitarian Lagomorph, it would seem that talking to ones food is an early sign of dementia caused by the particular vegitable of the moment attempting to imitate rational conversation in the first place.
As for spuddypud here, I used to think of him as a sort of potatoe. Now, I realize he’s one of those nasty, atavistic cabbages.
“enunciate the historical black events of 1968”
I reckon that one of those would be me, but I promised the loon’s mama that I’d never tell anybody about what happened that night back in 1968. But I can say that the thing she does with two cantaloupe and a banana would blow your fucking mind.
@32 So you admit Obama didn’t cause the shitty economy after 2007?
@ 34
She made you Daiquiris?
Here’s a fun little game that separates the rabbits from the idiots. I got a perfect score of 4200. (My initials appear on the “leaderboard” as “RR”.) Hey spuddyidiot show us what you can do:
Can’t admit to something I never wrote idiot DOPEY Rabbit. And you call yourself a lawyer?
Little Rachel’s campaign goal of raising $9,000 toward the purchase of a water drilling truck has been exceeded. With 19 days left, this campaign has raised @28,777 from 269 donors — an average of more than $100 per donation!
And Little Rachel’s mother, Samantha, has her own fundraising campaign for clean and safe drinking water with a goal of $320. So far, $788 has been raised from 39 donors, with 80 days left.
Out of how many attempts Roger DOPEY Rabbit?
@28 So you admit you didn’t say one way or the other whether Obama caused the shitty economy after 2007?
@41 They give you an unlimited number of tries, but because they start a new “leaderboard” at 12 a.m. EST every day, which is 9 p.m. our time, I needed no more tries than a rabbit can do in 16 minutes. (I posted #37 at 9:16 p.m.) But I’m willing to be more specific: I did it on my first try. Of course, tonight isn’t the first time I’ve ever played this game, so I’ve had a little prior practice.
Feel free to give it a whirl, pussybutt. I’ll look for your initials on the “leaderboard.” There’s no way to cheat at this, or if there is, I don’t know what it is. Getting a perfect score isn’t impossible; I’m not the only one, somebody else did it tonight, too.
Of course, it helps a lot to have a very quick mind and very quick paws, not to mention a fabulous vocabulary.
@ RR
3200 pts. Missed two.
@44 Above average, but you could improve with practice. If you get 1 wrong answer, the highest possible score is 3900, so to get 4000 points or above, you have to get all 10 questions right. When you have that down, work on choosing the answers faster. To get a perfect score of 4200, you have to correctly answer every question in 1 second or less. You lose 20 points for every extra 1 second you take. I found this game about two weeks ago, and it took me several days to get it down. There are 2 people and 1 rabbit who consistently post perfect scores every day.
Sorry tricks of useless lawyers don’t work on Puddy. Go back to my original post.
@ RR
Yeah, took me about 2-3 seconds each. I just did it again. Got a 3320 out of it. Missed “enervate”, which I always took to meaning frustrate or annoy. “Weakness” was the match. Odd.
I knew that one from an old Slim Pickens movie: “there ain’t one thing more enervatin’ in this world than a recalcitrant horse!”
@46 It’s not a trick. Merriam-Webster runs that website, and I have no control over how the quiz is constructed or the scoring. You and I have to play it on an equal footing. That’s why I invited you to give it a try. You want to call me an idiot, then show me you can match my 4200 score. If you can’t then maybe you should back off the “idiot” language and find something else to call me — I’m sure you could think of something … commie or socialist or leftie or “Dummocrat” or whatever …
@47 Yeah, “enervate” means weaken. An example is “enervating heat that saps your energy.” I know the answer instantly because I’ve seen the word many times before, and that’s because I do a lot of reading.
See there you go again Roger DOPEY Rabbit… what was post #42 referring to?
Something wrong with you today (just like other days). Did Mrs Rabbit cuff yo side yo head with the iron skillet again? How many times is that now 3500 or so?
“Contumely” Yeah, I missed that one.
@50 Okay, so now that we’ve established that you didn’t say that Obama caused the shitty economy after 2007, and you didn’t say that Obama didn’t cause the shitty economy after 2007, and you also didn’t not say one way or the other whether Obama caused the shitty economy after 2007, what exactly did you say? It doesn’t appear to me there are any other possibilities, so the only possible conclusion is that you didn’t say anything at all. So do you admit now that you didn’t say anything at all?
@51 When I don’t know the answer, I can guess the correct answer most of the time by eliminating the other three choices.
What I originally wrote above Roger. Funny though, Stupid Solution Steve couldn’t figger it out! That’s why he needs to lay off his Stupid Solution.
DeadToad, well there’s no hope for that moron! All he dreams about are drugs and projects them on others. A Psych 101 melodrama!
@50 Yeah, my score on the vocabulary quiz always goes up after she brains me with the skillet. I’m not sure why. It must jiggle some more neurons awake, or something.
You aren’t chickening out of the vocabulary quiz, are you, puddy?
@54 “What I originally wrote above Roger.”
Oh, that’s just great. When somebody asks you wtf you said, your response is, “what I originally wrote above.” I’ll give you one thing, puddy, you’d make a great witness in a federal corruption trial. If I were a defense attorney for the bad guys, I’d love to have a witness like you.
Yes just did it 3020!
missed 2 hard ones!
Crepuscular – WTF
Lagniappe – WTF
@ 57
Yeah, a lot of the mob trials in the 50s and 60s had witnesses like that. Most of those guys were so dumb they couldn’t answer the same question twice in a row.
Spuddy, please. Get help.
On this blog I have to repeat myself cuz the really dopey ones just don’t get it the first time. Witness Stupid Solution Steve and Deadtoad above. So I wrote what I wrote and it stands on it’s own. See the Toad still can’t understand it. Maybe you are smarter that the average roadkill toad!
BTW I got two tough words!
@58 I’m impressed. You not only took the quiz but were honest about your score.
Crepuscular relates to twilight, so the matching word is “dim” or something similar.
A lagniappe is a gift, so the matching word is “gift,” “benefit,” or similar.
@59 Or they were smart enough to answer it with a non-answer. There’s more than one way to take the fifth. We saw an example this week when Corzine testified in a congressional hearing that he had no idea $1.2 billion went missing and has no idea where it went.
@60 You’re not as dumb as you look, spud. But there’s only three possible ways to interpret what you posted, and I got you to deny all three, so I’ve now proved you said absolutely nothing. In fact, all of your posts say absolutely nothing, and everyone knows it. I simply enjoy the challenge of getting a slippery character like you to acknowledge that there’s no content in your posts.
Yes I got their meanings when I said WTF? I will use crepuscular (dim) to describe rujax, ylb, deadtoad and stupid solution steve and many other HA leftists!
@64 Well, at least I will know what you’re talking about, so let’s let that be our little secret, hey?
For what it’s worth, I usually can’t get 4200 on the vocabulary quiz when I’m drunk, although I’ve done it a couple times (just to prove to myself I can.) I’m not the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit; there are limits to what I can do, intellectually or otherwise. I can’t, for example, time the stock market. Nobody can, so I don’t feel bad about that.
Roger, you received nothing at all about ObamAA+ with my response. It was about Nancy Pelosi and gas prices. You by extension always try to frame an issue to “your liking”. Puddy don’t play dat!
Being a moron suits you well.
@67 So you admit the excerpt from #2 you cut-and-pasted @8 has nothing to do the text of #8 and is only there for decoration? You just threw it in there for the hell of it?
How, exactly, do you think Pelosi affected gas prices? Are you talking about gasoline or natural gas?
Deer are Crepuscular, an animal most active at twilight. Learned that one in hunters ed in 6th grade.
Lagniappe? Never heard of it, either.
Man you are as dense as ever.
ObamAA+ coming on board at the height of an economic storm mostly caused by Pelosi’s big mouth and her abject hatred of big oil. The AJC article backs this up. The economy nosedived when gas prices escalated above $3 then to $3.50.
Gas and oil prices. Natural gas goes up as a corollary event due to substitute energy demands. Remember the big thing was to convert houses from oil to natural gas? My sister went through that on the east coast one spring.
Sometimes you can’t put 2+2 together. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Bambi and friends (we have had 5 at a time) visit our house during all hours of the day. So the herd in our neighborhood isn’t crepuscular. They tend to like apples and pears.
Things go all to hell when you get wild animals in cities and burbs. We have a 4×6 buck deer that hangs out in our back yard. That sucker should be bedded down in heavy cover, but he’s out wandering around in the wide open in the middle of the day. He’s consumed more than his share of our raspberries and green beans.
Re #23: Looks like dutch has bailed, so here’s the answer to #23. The event that caused a permanent decline of 1.65 million bpd in world oil output between 2003 and 2010 was depletion of Mexico’s Cantarell field. Cantarell’s production fell from 2.1 million bpd in 2003 to 464K bpd by 2010.
Cantarell is the world’s third largest producing oilfield, and at its peak had the second highest daily production. But it is depleting at a much faster rate than other supergiant oilfields because of its extremely compact size — it occupies an ancient asteroid impact crater.
Because Cantarell is so large, its rapid decline impacts global oil supplies and therefore oil prices.
@71 I don’t know how to deal with this level of economic ignorance. I don’t know if anybody can.
Gasoline prices did not cause the Great Recession! Excessive borrowing and illiquidity in the credit system did. In fact, the recession has kept gasoline prices lower than they’d otherwise be by dampening demand. Ten percent unemployment took millions of commuter vehicles off America’s roads.
Domestic natural gas prices have plunged because of huge new supplies released to the market by shale fracking technology. This is simple supply and demand. Oil is a global commodity with a more or less uniform price, but natural gas markets are regional with pricing variations, because natural gas is less transportable than oil. Thus, America’s natural gas surplus can’t easily be sold in European or Asian markets.
For most transportation, residential, and industrial uses, natural gas can’t be substituted for oil without equipment conversions that require time and money. In the short run, the two fuels are not readily interchangeable.
Oh my Roger… apparently you didn’t read the AJC article. They mentioned it exacerbated the problem at the local level. Stop being so macro all the time.
Regarding natural gas and other fuels, Roger Roger Roger. What have you been reading? The newer vehicles are being purchased as NG vehicles.
I thought you so lovingly read everything coming from this sadministration?
How about the pipeline closures, the boycotts, and the internal strife taking reducing oil capacity.
@71 “an economic storm mostly caused by Pelosi’s big mouth and her abject hatred of big oil”
So puddy thinks Pelosi caused most of our economic troubles by shooting off her mouth and hating on Big Oil — and if you disagree with that you’re “dense.” Whew.
Hard to know whether he’s a moron, stoned, or insane.
The Democrats won control of the House in 2006 and Pelosi became Speaker in January of 2007. Because it takes at least 10 years to put a new oilfield into production, that means she’s to blame for the high gasoline prices that have existed since 2017.
It also means the housing collapse, credit collapse, banking collapse, and subsequent deleveraging had nothing to do with the economy’s contraction.
Personally, I don’t think he’ll get a Nobel Prize in Economics for that insight.
@77 Wtf are you prattling about now?
I have to go. Mrs. Rabbit wants to use the computer.
There he goes again jumping to the wrong conclusion. He’s still fixated on #71 he can’t process anything further while I’m past #77.
I guess when you get old you process facts ever so slowly!
@79, Notice he’s forgotten his own comments @74 on oil supply capacity reduction. You need help DOPEY Rabbit. Maybe some of DeadToads drugs will help your “mind”.
Oh Roger Roger Roger, your Mexico oil math is way off… I remember reading about some funny named Mexican oil field. You forgot to add in KMZ oil production which went from 329K barrels to 857K barrels during the same time, so the Mexican drop is only 1.1 MM not 1.6 MM barrels.
But for an old senile DOPEY Rabbit you are doing ok!
Ed Schultz, where America comes to laugh – AT HIM
Say it ain’t so! He comes in at #3!
And then there is Sam Seder… He was dropped on Scare America, so you know this guy is a loser!
Says a lot about this leftist MSM used by this blog when you scrape the barrel with Sgt (He really knows nothing) Schultz, Sam Scare America Loser Seder, and What is that Stenk in Here Uygur
“Hard to know whether he’s a moron, stoned, or insane.”
He’s just an extremely stupid, self-loathing asswipe.
Too funny. He brags about cracking 3000 on the word test like he bragged about barely cracking 100 on an IQ test. One thing for sure, he doesn’t know when to keep his stupid fucking mouth shut.
@82 You have a problem with staying on topic. Are you taking your ADD pills when you’re supposed to?
Poll: Gingrich Opens Big Leads
A new Marist Poll shows Gingrich leading Romney by 42% – 23% in South Carolina and 48% – 29% in Florida. South Carolina winners have won every GOP nomination since 1980. Sure looks like GOP voters are sticking a fork in Mittster, and he didn’t help himself last night.
When are we going to get the surge of the “Paul” and teh “Paulites”?
There are certainly some dumbfuck trolls here who buy into that garbage.
PS…Whatever happened to “Partied too Hard”? Little twerp didn’t last very long did he?
Why izzznn’t puddywuddyduddypussy jumping up and down on us “libtardoes” for mocking the gay Rick Perry for acting well…gay?
We’ve discussed many times the inverse relationship between the value of the dollar and oil prices..
What does this chart indicate I wonder?
I’d say something that contradicts the loon’s stupidity.
Oh and this Bushie econogeek blames the Federal Reserve for the crash, but what would he know when you have geniuses like dutch and the loon spewing the same old right wing horseshit from places like Free Republic.
He Has Seen The Future, And Its Name Is Newt, Which Is A Misspelling Of Nuts
According to The Economist, a U.K.-based conservative opinion magazine, Newt “has called for ‘a massive new program to build a permanent lunar colony to exploit the Moon’s resources’ [and] suggested that ‘a mirror system in space could provide the light equivalent of many full moons so that there would be no need for nighttime lighting of the highways.’ Practical solutions to America’s problems these are not. But heck, they’re a lot more interesting than, say, putting LED bulbs in street lights.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You’ve just glimpsed what’s inside the skull of the GOP frontrunner. It looks like a massive government spending program to me. Maybe I should buy more shares of Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and General Dynamics.
@89 What we saw last night was classic puddy — cherry-picking facts and changing the subject when he’s losing an argument.
@84 Oh c’mon, give poor puddy a break, after all 3020 is 10% above the average score. Is there something wrong with an IQ of 110? We can’t all be Roger Rabbit.
Mexican oil production.
Dang, I hadn’t seen that one before.
@93 What’s even scarier is this. The world’s largest oilfield is Saudi Arabia’s Ghawar, which produces 5 million bpd. The Saudis inject seawater into peripheral wells to force the oil out of production wells. Naturally, the water comes up, too. From the wellhead, the oil-water mix goes to giant separators, where the water is removed. At the beginning, almost pure oil came up, but now the liquid coming out of Ghawar’s wells is three-fourths water and one-fourth oil. What this tells you is that most of the oil has been taken out of Ghawar, and the world’s largest oilfield is dying. What will happen when that 5 million bpd is only 50,000 bpd — or 5000 bpd?
This is what passes for humor in today’s financial blogosphere:
A Greek, an Italian, and a Spaniard walk into a bar. Who picks up the tab?
Answer: The Americans.
Newt Gingrich and Jon Huntsman to debate! Is Newt trying to give Huntsman a bump in the polls? I still think Newt doesn’t really want to be president.
There he goes again making shit up! Stupid Solution Steve has a projection problem, a Psych 101 thing.
Stupid Solution Steve… still ignorant in all things black.
Roger DOPEY Rabbit… your topic, your rant.
For you, multitasking has left the building.
So sad. From now on I will warn you with “Roger DOPEY Rabbit – Topic Change“
Doesn’t rujax, the prime moron of HA remember anything? I don’t like or care for Rick Perry!
SJ – remember our previous conversation about “people” like rujax? He plays the fool part exceptionally well. It comes naturally!
Still stupid, even on Sundays!
Another miserable memory failure of rujax.
And you all scream about my multiple posts? Well when more than half of the miserable cretinous HA leftists forget previous facts, one MUST repost.
Fact checking the Republican debate: there were no facts!
Thanks Michael @93. You just proved Roger DOPEY Rabbit is more wrong than ever about his Mexican Oil facts. The drop is about 600K barrels not 1.6 MM barrels.
Of course the rest of miserable cretinous HA leftist moonbats missed your point.
“Still stupid, even on Sundays!”
He gets more stupid with each passing day. Now he’s so stupid, he’s boring.
Only like “Everybody’s bitch” could possibly believe that “Democrats for Paul” is nothing more than a put-up Paul Campaign “movement”.
A dumb fucking cluck-cluck is the puddywuddyduddypussy.
@98 Do you deny cracking 3000?
@99 Don’t bother. I don’t need you to tell me when you’re changing the topic. I can figure that out on my own. You change the topic whenever you’re losing an argument.
Go kids!
@100 It’s Sunday morning. Aren’t you supposed to be in church getting your soul saved?
Well you R DOPEY as ever! Think Rabbit! Think!
@103 I wasn’t talking about Mexico’s aggregate oil production, I was talking about Cantarell’s oil production, jackass. Cantarell’s drop isn’t any fucking 600K, it’s 1.65 MM. If you don’t believe me, look it up.
@110 My mistake. Having thought about it, I now realize wingnuts have no souls worth saving.
rujax is as ignorant as ever…
the scream started rujax. Puddy covered this before. This wasn’t on your favorite kook-aid site TPM rujax?
Still stupid, even more so on Sundays.
That was what you wrote Roger DOPEY Rabbit. Except it didn’t permanently reduce anything because other Mexican oil fields came on line during that time. As old oil fields become depleted, countries that still explore for oil find new ones and they come online.
Seems only the US isn’t exploring right now ObamAA+ wants us more dependent on foreign oil!
Where did I say that Roger DOPEY Rabbit?
Projection is a sad thing. Stupid Solution Steve taught you well in his Psych 101 course!
This is where the scream started. Looks like the ctrl+C didn’t work!
The HuffPo rujax. The very leftist HuffPo.
Roger was talking about the Cantrell field. The link I provided was total Mexican production, not just the Cantrell field.
The real takeaway in all this is that you can repeat that graph in oil field after oil field. Here’s the North Sea.
The character revered on HA as “Everybody’s Bitch” is a sabbatarian and a member of the Seventh Day Adventist cult.
So the perpetrator of “moral turpitude” (as interpreted by the batshit crazy founder, Ellen White) defiles his Sabbath by lying and using profanity on HIS Sabbath and everybody elses.
poor poor puddywuddyduddypussy. He maybe engaging in the “secret vice”!!! Look out puddywuddyduddypussy.
Ummmm Michael, go back and reread what he claimed. It PERMANENTLY reduced world oil output? He framed the sentence like he always does yet the facts are here. Seems it went up between 2003 and 2008.
That was his choice of words! Maybe he did it under duress with Mrs Rabbit’s iron frying pan side his head!
@113 Lots of Republicans call themselves Democrats, but you never see Democrats calling themselves Republicans — why is that, puddy?
Dopey fool. Where? Right now it’s Monday morning where I am. Do you comprehend time zones?
Wait for it… ylb will start searching the crazed HA databaze. He’ll have to prove I was home during that time.
Wait for it… Pavlov calls it. He is my beta stalker.
@115 So you deny that you denied cracking 3000?
Cantarell’s 1.65M bpd production decline is a permanent loss to world oil output. Even if you count new production from other fields, global production is still 1.65M bpd less than it would have been if Cantarell’s production hadn’t declined; and that decline is permanent, there’s no way to get it back, because it’s caused by depletion.
I don’t have to explain this to anyone else, only to puddydope.
Yeah. Ron Paul is going to be the Democratic Nominee for president because the puddywuddyduddypussy says so and because these little morons discover that Paul-pulsion DOMINATES TWITTER!!!!
All can see the spastic ruminations of Roger DOPEY Rabbit
What was the title of the article Roger DOPEY Rabbit? And this is the DUMMOCRAPT from the HuffPo article…
You see Roger DOPEY Rabbit needs Alzheimer’s meds. In 15 minutes he forgot the content of the HuffPo article, written by a DUMMOCRAPT for DUMMOCRAPTS.
Sad, so sad to see Roger DOPEY Rabbit slide down the mental hill.
If there ever is a candidate for moron on the world stage it’s rujax and post #124. Where did Puddy mention Twitter? Can anyone help out the chief moron of HA?
Hands down.
I was pointing out that Roger had said:
While my post was of total Mexican oil production. Mexico has more than just Cantarell in production.
Which I brought up in post #82.
Where did I say that Roger DOPEY Rabbit?
Keep looking…
PS to @124…
I found ZERO polling regading Paul favorability with Democratic voters.
Like Paul’s chances in the Republican Primary…
Like the chance Ron Paul or ANY OTHER Republican has against Obama in the General Election…
The worlds biggest moron farts…
Well when you live on kook-aid puke sites your skillz set is very limited, like his mind! Puddy found this in 3 seconds…
NBC moronic twit rujax. Libtards trust NBC. It must really suck being as stupid as rujax is. Well ylb is in the same mental category. But he recognized it and created the crazed HA databaze. Sadly rujax has nothing!
Nice try by “Everybody’s Bitch“…but NO Ceeegar!
The info I was looking for was Ron Paul numbers vis-a-vis DEMOCRATIC VOTERS!
Stay away from that “secret vice”, buddy…it’s gettin’ to ya.
…and here I thought puddywuddyduddypussy could read.
Silly me.
Still a moron!
Still a moron!
Liar, bitch.
Did I see a 12/11 Open Thread flash before my eyes?
What happened to it?
Too stupid as always.
Looks like people were saving their ammo for Sunday. The gun violence has picked up after all.
@63 it’s easier to ignore puddy
Just for shits and giggles I took a look at how Washington State’s “spend crazy” Democrats stacked up against some of out Republican friends favorite states.
You can see the results here:
CNN Hero 2011, Rachel Beckwith
@125 I’m a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist. Deal with it.
@128 “Which I brought up in post #82.”
Which didn’t have a fucking thing to do with my comments about Cantarell’s production decline due to depletion.
@129 You didn’t say that or anything else anywhere, which is my point: Your comments say absolutely nothing.
Looks like I missed one. Or six if you’re counting the wounded.
It’s straw purchases at gun shops that allow us to have the high firearms death rate that we do (30,896 firearms related deaths in ’06). We can probably never get rid of all straw all purchases, but we can put a big dent in them. Making waiting periods federal law and the same across the country, limiting the number of guns you buy in a month (some states do this, most don’t It needs to be federal and the same everywhere) would help. Also the ATF is a joke and poorly funded. Ditch the ATF, put everything gun related under the FBI and fund it adequately, so that they can prosecute the handful of gun shops that are responsible for the overwhelming number of straw purchases.
@146 Who needs terrorists? We have our own homegrown crazies with guns.
It’s time for the nightly vocabulary contest! I’ve already posted my 4200 score on the “leaderboard” under “RR.” Anybody else wanna try? Puddy scored 3020 last night, that’s above average, but not too hard to beat.
3440 Points! New score
-1 Cynosure
Dealing with your slide down the mental hill?
Its so sad! As you said… liberalism is a mental disease. It affects some faster than others!
More ObamAA+nation going wild.
@150 “As you said… liberalism is a mental disease.”
Where did I say that?
Let’s deal with this whole “liberalism is a mental disease” meme right now.
Liberals gave us the Constitution, Bill of Rights, free speech, a free press, freedom of religion, the rule of law, and due process of law.
Right wingers arrest people without charges, imprison them without trial, deny them access to lawyers, and beat, raped, sodomized, tortured, and murdered people they kidnapped and “rendered” to filthy jails in foreign lands operated by complicated governments.
Right wingers also arrested American citizens attending open townhalls in public buildings for wearing the wrong campaign buttons or having the wrong bumper stickers on their cars; and, if right wingers could get their way, they would jail critics and dissenters –they don’t give a damn what the Constitution says. Right wingers also blame their own malfeasances and failures on the media that reports them — they don’t believe in a free press, either.
Right wingers demonize Muslims, Mormons, and other people of other religions; and want to force-feed their religion to our children in public schools — they don’t believe in freedom of religion, either.
Right wingers support government spying on your medical, financial, employment, school, and library records — they don’t respect your right of privacy.
Right wingers don’t bother with evidence and don’t care if the wrong person is arrested by mistake — they don’t believe in due process of law.
But there is one constitutional “right” that right wingers defend at all costs — the “right” of white supremacists, neo-Nazis, bank robbers, and psychos to own military assault weapons designed to kill human beings en masse.
Right wingers scream that abortion is “murder” but want to bomb every village and kill women and children for the crime of being foreigners and different from us.
Liberals gave us the 40-hour work week, overtime pay, minimum wage, child labor laws, workplace safety laws, injured workers benefits, unemployment insurance, collective bargaining rights, the G.I. Bill and veterans benefits, and Social Security and Medicare.
Right wingers oppose minimum wage laws, overtime pay, unemployment benefits, safety regulation, and benefits for injured workers.
Right wingers support anti-union “right to work” laws and union-busting so they can profit from exploiting underpaid labor.
Right wingers pay lip service to supporting the troops, but tried to eliminate combat pay for our soldiers serving in Iraq, and refuse to pay taxes for veterans benefits.
Right wingers posture about supporting “welfare queens,” but don’t pay their own court-ordered child support for their own children (see, e.g., Rep. Joe Walsh).
Right wingers also want to eliminate Social Security and Medicare, and turn your retirement funds over to Wall Street.
Liberals gave us free public education, the cornerstone of our democracy and economic prosperity.
Right wingers want to give our tax money to private schools with no accountability for how the funds are spent, what the children are taught, or whether they learn.
Liberals gave us consumer protection laws, public health programs, and environmental laws that cleaned up the air we breathe and the water we drink.
Right wingers think the laws that protect our health and quality of life are “socialism,” and laugh at global warming as a “myth” fostered by “tree huggers.”
And despite all this, right wingers think it’s the liberals who are “mentally diseased.” That speaks for itself, and needs no reply.
On the contrary, I would be interested in reading what puddy feels is wrong with liberalism. I know he cannot, but what can he logically find wrong with liberal ideas? what’s so Right about conservatives?
Liberals gave us the Constitution? Then why are liberals complaining about it?
Apparently this DOPEY Rabbit has forgotten these facts
So why do y’all claim the constitution is outdated? Why do you stand with Time Magazine’s Alex Altman who complained about Republicans reading US Constitution “the fetishizing of the Constitution is unsettling.”
Vanity Fair complained they were blowing hot air.
Dahlia Lithwick at Slate is always making fun of it.
As you said all I need is one example to nuke your argument. Well I just delivered three about liberals who aren’t too kool over it.
Rest of your rant just fell apart. Liberals hate it because it’s the law of the US!
blue john is a typical Boston liberal moron! He probably kept sending serial philanderer Kennedy back to the senate.
you forgot crook and tax cheat.
@155. That’s it? That’s all you got? That liberals see the constitution as living document?
Rabbit listed many accomplishments done by liberals.
You cannot list a single positive national accomplishment that can be attributed to conservatives.
very sad.
fitting, but sad.
Nope you dope, liberals hate the Constitution. Read it again and weep headless. All I need to do is provide one rebuttal to an argument per Roger DOPEY Rabbit. I provided three.
Butt there is more… The US Constitution has made the USA the greatest nation ever. People come from all over the world to reside in the USA. The Constitution provides freedoms. You all hate the US being a superpower. Part of that superpower comes from our constitution. YOU libtardos want it destroyed…
Now why it that headless? Because the US Constitution enumerates powers of each section of government. Unfortunately we see some peeps in both parties claim there are things in the constitution that are not there.
The big one liberals hate is gun ownership. Gun owners, tend to be more conservative and are more likely to vote Republican. Then you have people who “appear” to like guns. So let’s take that a step further. You see gun control seems to always happen in the big cities. Who runs big cities…? DUMMOCRAPTS. So it seems DUMMOCRAPTS are afraid of blacks owning guns. SCOTUS on June 28, 2010 told the lower court to review it’s earlier decision over US citizenry owning guns. SCOTUS said the Second Amendment gives all Americans an individual right to bear arms. This shocked libtardos big time. Well y’all are condescending clowns. You all are against that individual right, but you’ll scream to high heaven claiming the abortion right is “buried in penumbra of the constitution“.
Because the constitution protects the individual American, y’all hate it. Your condescending attitude is always you DUMMOCRAPTS always claim to know what is good for us? Really?
U lose!
poor puddy.
That’s it? that’s all you got?
rabbit still has you beat. the question was what positive national accomplishments can be attributed to conservatives.
and all you can come up with is gun ownership?
Yup, that last pud dropping was classic – a miasma of logical fallacies.
Maybe that’s the issue. Nothing that rabbit listed actually matters to conservatives, or at least our trolls.
They have simple wants and so long as they have their guns, god and someone they can beat up on to make themselves feel better, they are content.
Don’t need to until you discuss why Libtards hate the US Constitution. That’s your question, not Roger DOPEY Rabbit’s! Per the DOPEY RABBIT. ALL ONE NEEDS IS ONE FACT TO DESTROY AN ARGUMENT. I delivered three. Hence the rest of his rant is mute. Basically his words long ago. He owns up to his words. Apparently you and the Lib Headcase didn’t get his memo.
We’re still on the Constitution and why Libtards hate it. You haven’t answered why y’all hate it. So why do you need all these HNMMT names on HA? Sixty three and counting. Just admit to whom you really are and drop the charade dorkface.
You tried to change the subject. Good try. You can’t describe why libtards in the MSM and libtard leaders got upset over the Republicans reading it.
Naturally Lib Headcase doesn’t get it. Chronological order. Something always missing by a libtard.
I must not be a liberal. Either that or that .30-30 that I just got a new scope for is really a toy.
Gut a news flash for the puddywuddyduddypussy…
…klownservatives like you are out to DESTROY the Constitution and the protections it guarantees.
So just shut the fuck up.
Butt since you are a lazy morons headless and Headcase,
You both seem to forget the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, delivered by Republicans. Replay who voted for what!
13th – Banned Slavery in the US.
14th – Guaranteed equal protection and due process to all Americans
15th – Gave every American the right to vote.
NASA started by Eisenhower – which gave us the computer chip, the microwave, scratch resistant lenses, ear thermometer, invisible braces, memory foam to sleep on, and many other things.
The Interstate Highway System was conceived by Dwight Eisenhower. Wasn’t he a Republican?
Republicans helped Booker T. Washington create Tuskegee Institute.
Republicans helped create Hampton University.
Republicans defeated the Soviets in the Cold War remember the howls of DUMMOCRAPTS over Reagan’s “Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall” comment?
Public Education per the DOPEY Rabbit? You old historical revisionist. Department of Education – Created by Republican President Grant so all Americans could get an education. Once the Republican developed 15th Amendment was finally ratified, blacks could vote. Blacks supported the Republican party. Great try DOPEY Rabbit.
No Child Left Behind – Republican GW Bush. Guess who voted against it? John Conyers, Bwaney Fwank and Maxine Waters. Yeah those three DUMMOCRAPT losers.
Who led the charge to desegregate schools? President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Wasn’t he a Republican?
Forced busing for desegregation. White flight from DUMMOCRAPT led cities followed… BIG TIME in northern DUMMOCRAPT controlled cities such as Boston, NYC, Philadelphia to suburbs
Somehow Roger DOPEY Rabbit and his DOPEY crew of slave followers forgot these DUMMOCRAPT un-achievements
Civil Rights Act – Hated by these DUMMOCRAPTS: Richard Russell, Sam Ervin of Watergate, Robert Byrd the Grand Kleagle, J. William Fulbright Bill Clinton’s political mentor, Albert Gore Sr. father and political mentor of Al Gore Jr. Gore Jr. lied about his father’s opposition to the Civil Rights Act all filibustered it.
Voting Rights Act – 24-day filibuster by DUMMOCRAPTS. Approved by Republicans
Lifelong DUMMOCRATS against school desegregation
George Wallace Democrat Governor of Alabama, Lester Maddox Democrat Governor of Georgia, and another Bill Clinton political hero, Orval Faubus Democrat Governor of Arkansas
Japanese Internment Camps during World War II – An FDR classic.
Hugo Black a member of SCOTUS. He was a Ku Klux Klan member. Nominated by FDR.
Robert Byrd – Remember he died a DUMMOCRAPT once said “I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds”
Ernest Hollings – Remember he is a lifelong DUMMOCRAPT said “South Carolina would not permit ‘explosive’ manifestations in connection with Negro demands for lunch-counter services.”
Richard Gephardt – Remember he’s a lifelong DUMMOCRAPT – Never wanted to discuss his involvement with a supremacist org, Metro South Citizens Council asking for their endorsement.
I already discussed what northern libtardos did to H Carl McCall. Remember life long northern DUMMOCRAPT Andrew Cuomo, now NYS guvnur? Back in 2001 Cuomo denied saying that voting for Carl McCall would create “Carl would be the second installment in that contract, that racial contract, and that can’t happen.” Then the tape appeared. DUMMOCRAPTS will lie and lie and lie about their racism.
12/13/2011 at 10:34 am
Every last example is typical puddywuddyduddypussy twisting.
The lying p.o.s. puddywuddyduddypussy couldn’t make an honest argument if he tried…and of course, why should he try? The puddywuddyduddypussycan trot out ALL of his really embarrassing idiotic clownspiracy theories and throw them in the faces of the supposed “godless heathens” here at HA.
This post of the puddywuddyduddypussy is a fine example of the loony-toons shit the puddywuddyduddypussy pulls out of his fevered imagination.
Really classic. I am going to print it out and frame it.
This is what the rank and file republican has been reduced to. Believing shit like this about other Americans.
Fucking LIAR puddywuddyduddypussy. Mother fucking liar puddywuddyduddypussy.
This is the kind of shit that the Puddybuddy follows.
puddy, rabbit was talking about liberal and conservative accomplishments. Not party affiliation, liberal vs conservative.
You are listing republicans and democrats. Not the same thing.
Back then, republicans WERE the liberals. It wasn’t till the 1960s when republicans became conservative.
What I ask was, what accomplishments have conservatives brought us? You can only bring us guns.
In America Today, Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower Would Be Bernie Sanders in the U.S. Senate
“Workers have a right to organize into unions and to bargain collectively with their employers. And a strong, free labor movement is an invigorating and necessary part of our industrial society.”
“Only a fool would try to deprive working men and women of their right to join the union of their choice.”
“Should any political party attempt to abolish Social Security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things, but their number is negligible and they are stupid.”
—Republican President Dwight Eisenhower
Can you see Ginrich saying that?
Republican President Dwight Eisenhower, president when the top tax bracket for the richest people in this country was 92 percent. President Eisenhower defended that tax bracket. He said we cannot afford to reduce taxes until, quote, “the factors of income and outgo will be balanced.” Eisenhower insisting there must be a balanced budget and that taxes on the rich are the way to balance it.
The Republican Party platform of Eisenhower’s 1956 called for expansion of Social Security, broadened unemployment insurance, better health protection for all of our people. It called for voting rights–full voting civil rights for D.C. It called for expanding the minimum wage to cover more workers. It called for improved job safety for workers, equal pay for workers regardless of sex.
Eisenhower was a republican who did a lot of liberal things.
What have conservatives brought us?
To explain how stupid in history rujax is…
Your hero Margaret Sanger was also against masturbation. From the WikiPedia article you so happily copied…
This is why rujax is an idiot. He dodsn’t even read and comprehend what he places on this board.
Eisenhower was actually recruited by both the Democrats and the Republicans to run on their ticket. Could you see them both going after the same guy today? Could you see someone getting to be the top general in the USA and no one knowing about his personal politics?
Things change over time.
And Puddy, that internment camp that my grandma Doris was in came at the end of 30 years of race baiting and was done at the behest of locals. Mostly Republicans, but not all.
Fast forward and we had Republicans calling for internment camps for AIDS patients in the 1980’s, calling internment camps for middle eastern folks after 9/11, and trying to make the claim (see Michelle Malkin) that the WWII internments weren’t a mistake. The left only made that mistake once.
Mike Lowry (D) as a congressman introduced the first bill in congress calling for reparations.
In the end reparations passed with help from both parties. Doing the right, moral, and good thing, doesn’t depend on political party. But, lately the Democrats seem to be more able to learn from our mistakes.
All sorts of people were against masturbation way back in the day. But, we learn from our mistakes and things change over time. We now know that’s it’s stupid to be against masturbation. Except for the handful of righties that are still singing that old song.
To headless oligarchy,
Liberals in 1964 were DUMMOCRAPTS. The VRA and CRA were NOT passed by liberals.
No Child Left Behind wasn’t by liberals.
FDR was against desegregation. Papers at the time called him a socialist and a communist. That’s a fact. He’s held up as a hero by Hillary Clinton. She’s a liberal.
All those comments I placed up there are from liberals.
Each of those items were Republican rujax. Facts are facts.
Regarding Eisenhower being a liberal, wrong. He was a conservative. Nixon his VP was the conservative running in 1960. Kennedy was the liberal.
WikiPedia considers FDR a liberal as do other historical sites.
Good try.
HAHAHAHA…fucking nothing. The jack-off puddywuddyduddypussy doesn’t get it.
I don’t give a flying fuck about Margaret Sanger or her views on the “Secret Vice” as the bat-shit crazy Ellen White called it…I don’t even give a flying fuck about the bat-shit crazy Ellen White and her goofy-ass “Seventh Day Adventist” cult of loony-toons like the puddywuddyduddypussy here.
If truth be known…I don’t give a rat’s ass about the puddywuddyduddypussy except to point out what an absolute moron he is…with his dumbass little myopic twisted view of history and morality and religion and his virulent hatred for anybody other than his litle tribe of brainwashed, braindead crazies.
Not all Democrats are good, not all Republicans are bad. But it has been my DIRECT experience that the worst uses and abuses of government have come at the hands of Republican Presidents, Legislators, Think-Tanks, PACS and political operatives. From the lying weasel Reagan to the dumb-as-a-brick Geo. W. Bush…from the genuinely evil Lee Atwater to the really dangerous Karl Rove and the unelected Czar of .
The puddywuddyduddypussy can brainlessly prattle all he wants about this and that…
…the more the puddywuddyduddypussy prattles the stupider he looks, IF such a thing is possible.
r“The VRA and CRA were NOT passed by liberals.”
Wow. Nice alternate history world you live in.
Puddy, southern democrats in the early 1960s were conservative. Try to not get tripped up by the titles.
Please explain to me how the Civil Rights Act and the The Voting Rights Act of 1965 were passed by conservatives.
This is going to be good.
Where did anyone claim he was a liberal? I saw a claim that by todays standards he’d be a liberal and I posted that neither party knew his party affiliation prior to him running as a Republican.
I claimed Eisenhower acted liberal and enacted many liberal policies.
Just like I would claim Obama acts like a moderate conservative republican and has put in place, many, many moderate conservative policies.
But Puddy is not capable of nuance and may have misunderstood me.
Well you surely ran to her earlier in the week using her as an attack! So which is it rujax
1) You R a moron
2) You R an idiot
3) You R stupid
4) All of the above.
Puddy chooses #4 to describe rujax!
Wait for it…
Have you noticed headless oligarchy will not touch how liberals are trying to decimate the US Constitution… He’s totally derailed that train with this liberal / conservative argument.
Nuanced? You skipped right over the continuing constitution discussion. It was a loser for you so you had to change tack. And now he wants me to discuss the liberal / conservative conundrum. He can’t discuss the Constitution because he HAS NO ARGUMENT! Liberals want to destroy the US Constitution.
This Pew Study PROVES the Left tend to favor a reinterpretation of the Constitution. 65% percent of DUMMOCRAPTS think the Constitution should be read according to what it means today. That figure jumps to 80% for self-described “solid liberals.”
So headless oligarchy, Y R U running away from the original discussion? Admit liberals are trying to destroy the greatest document on the earth and we’ll go back to your arguments above.
See ya!
Rabbit posted about liberals and conservatives. You went off on a tangent, and tried to change the subject about some made up controversy about the constitution. That wasn’t what the discussion was about.
But since you asked…
The Constitution has been changed for the better by liberals for years. Which version of the unchanging Constitution do you cleave to? The version where women couldn’t vote? The version with or without the bill of rights? The version were slaves were only a fraction of a person?
Are you going to defend THAT Constitution?
Claiming that conservatives brought us the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act because some of them voted for the bills,
is like
your wife thinking up a meal,
your wife shopping for the meal,
your wife prepping the meal,
your wife cooking the meal,
your wife putting the meal into serving dishes,
and you taking a dish to the dinner table,
and then you claiming you were responsible for the meal.