Trevor: Jodi Kantor & Megan Twohey on “She Said” and breaking the Harvey Weinstein story.
Stephens: Sen. Bernie Sanders details his climate change legislation.
The Atlantic: Tree poaching.
Now This: Student fights back at McDonald when a customer told her to “Speak English”.
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Today I Found Out: What’s up with the all seeing eye on the dollar bill?.
The Dotard Трамп and Other Impeachable Assholes:
- Bill Maher: America’s traitor
- Chris Hayes: The Dotard Трамп gets mocked by the dictionary
- Stephen: Трамп set to speak at U.N. General Assembly
- WaPo: Unraveling the story about Трамп, Biden and Ukraine
- Mark Fiore: Exclusive audio the Трамп—Zelensky phone call
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Трамп comments to Russians prompted White House officials to limit access
- The Daily Show: Трамп’s Ukraine whistleblower scandal—How will it all end?:
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп faces impeachment proceedings
- Seth Meyers: Hasan Minhaj was barred from an Indian political rally that Трамп attended
- Ari Melber: Eugene Robinson discusses the Трамп-Ukraine scandal and Republicans’ response
- Liberal Viewer: FAUX News edits out Rudy Giuliani contradicting himself within 30 seconds
- The Late Show: Трамп’s call with Ukraine leader sounds a lot like blackmail
- Now This: The Трамп-Ukraine scandal, explained.
- Stephen: Трамп’s political allies shamble to his defense after whistleblower report
- Jimmy Kimmel: When it Ukraines it pours
- Seth Meyers: Whistleblower alleges Трамп cover-up of Ukraine scandal
- Jimmy Kimmel: Joe Biden on Ukraine transcript, impeachment & defeating The Dotard.
- Now This: Трамп’s potential crimes revealed by Adam Schiff at whistleblower hearing
- WaPo: 2020 candidates react to Трамп accusing whistleblower of treason
- Lauren Mayer: The quid pro quo song
- Stephen: Innocent people don’t do things like this—Трамп’s Ukraine cover-up spills into view
- Reflect: Pelosi schools Трамп on nationalism using JFK’s inaugural address
- WaPo: Rudy Giuliani’s wild week of television interviews
- Trevor: Ukraine whistleblower complaint released
- Robert Reich: Трамп’s economy revealed
- Stephen: Трамп-Ukraine call log clearly demonstrates quid pro quo demand
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп talks to Ukraine about Biden
- Samantha Bee: Ukraine and the Трамп impeachment inquiry (Part 1)
- Samantha Bee: Ukraine and the Трамп impeachment inquiry (Part 2)
- The Late Show: Garmin DNI—The GPS for intelligence official
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Трамп WH limited access to transcripts of calls with Vladimir Putin
- WaPo: What is in the declassified Трамп whistleblower complaint
- Jonathan Mann: Трамп Impeachment Potato and Rice:
- Stephen: Rudy Giuliani is at the center of Трамп’s whirling corrupt-nado
- Now This: Sen. Chris Murphy on why a Трамп impeachment investigation is essential
- Rachel Maddow: Whistleblower’s safety a concern as Трамп makes veiled threats
- WaPo: “You can’t say Трамп didn’t warn us”—Late-night hosts react to release of whistleblower complaint
- Seth Meyers: Трамп pressured Ukraine to meddle in the 2020 election
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп lashes out at whistleblower
- Stephen: Buckle up America—Pelosi moving forward with Трамп impeachment inquiry
- Trevor: Трамп pressures Ukraine to investigate Biden and impeachment looms
- Ari Melber: Former intel official says that Трамп’s aides could face criminal exposure
- The Late Show: More world leaders reveal they were pressured by The Dotard
- Stephen: Sen. Bernie Sanders says the impeachment inquiry needs to move quickly
- WaPo: Impeachment—What happens next
- Seth Meyers: Трамп releases damning Ukraine Memo Amid Impeachment Inquiry
Minute Physics: When it’s OK to violate privacy.
Bill Maher: Former EPA administrator Gina McCarthy on our climate tipping point.
AJ+: How oil-loving Texas is making America green again
Samantha Bee: Greta Thunberg—The GOP’s teenage climate nemesis:
Weird History: Things you may not have known about Nikola Tesla.
Matt Lieb: Why criticism of Israel isn’t antisemitism.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
So, the Whistleblower’s complaint says this call happened after the Mueller Testimony. Should have waited for things to die down before doing this stunt.
In Britain, one of the largest bus builders , Wrightbus, has gone broke. Some are blaming Brexit, some the company’s inability to adapt to hybrids and electrics. It also can be due to the Thatcher Deregulation, and tye order well drying up as fleets in the UK finished becoming wheelchair accessible. Their competitors, Alexander Dennis, were recently bought out by NFI Group, a North American concern. Alexander Dennis has went after business outside of it’s comfort zone, selling their double decker buses in Germany, Switzerland, Canada, Mexico, and the United States.
Wherein Rudy Dumbshit slaps a “private business” label on Trump’s dealings with Ukraine by asserting they’re covered by attorney-client privilege, which of course doesn’t apply to official government business.
You almost have to be a lawyer to fully appreciate just how stupid Giuliani is. He should take the Fifth, too.
@1 He wanted to make sure prosecutors couldn’t possibly fail to find the collusion this time.
Rules for whistleblower reporting were changed in the month before the current claim, in order to permit second-hand information to be used in a claim.
Intel Community Secretly Gutted Requirement Of First-Hand Whistleblower Knowledge
Federal records show that the intelligence community secretly revised the formal whistleblower complaint form in August 2019 to eliminate the requirement of direct, first-hand knowledge of wrongdoing.
Derp State. They all were in on it.
Again, the allegations in the ‘second hand’ whistle blower complaint have been confirmed by the administration so keep focusing on second hand.
Instead of, Donald tried to extort a foreign power to investigate the D frontrunner then hid evidence of that crime on a private server.
Confirmed by the White House.
Dumb as a box of fair scones, aren’t you Doc? “Why those pesky intelligence bureaucrats. If they just kept their mouth shut law breaking by any president would just stay secret.”
@6 You gotta wonder if he’s on Putin’s payroll. Horses are an expensive hobby. Especially when the horse needs regular vet visits to check for STDs.
Now we have to endure this bullshit again.
Having to perpetually explain to mouthbreathers why there is a staffed and taxpayer funded White House Counsel. And how and why that job is not to represent the private person who holds the title of POTUS.
It’s fucking comical in a way. Dare to give a black guy the title and Republicans are suddenly entitled to examine his bowel movements and urine. But when it’s one of their own, and the criminal conspiracy becomes vulnerable, then suddenly everything is super-duper private.
Wherein Teh Dumbfuck and Mr. Meghan McCain will now declare that Dan Coats is part of a commie sleeper cell.
Obviously, president peepee and his coterie of Capos had issues with Coats and Gordon and wanted them gone before the campaign shenanigans got going. The question has always been why. And now we know.
All these motherfuckers knew that Fuckface VonClownstick was routinely engaging in this kind of shit and that a lot of it was criminal. Like good underbosses they did their best to protect him whenever they could. But some just couldn’t.
I think the problem for Teh Dumbfuck and the GOP is going to be that too many American voters have seen enough gangster stories at the movies and on television to recognize all of this behavior.
“The Feds” got one of his boys to wear a wire.
He got caught.
Now instead of denying what’s on the recordings, he wants to put “The Feds” on trial. But that wont make the recordings go away.
Look on the bright side: if Trump gets impeached by the House, the Senate won’t throw him out of office, and we avoid having Pence as president!
Also, I have to say now that once again I find myself deeply regretting following one of these hyperlink chains. It is perpetually disappointing to see what these people have become.
The Federalist is reporting on a tweet. A tweet by a Qanon-style “internet researcher” whose primary area of work is as a climate denier. This person’s Twitter timeline is a modern exploration of unfounded, and unsourced speculations assembled out of isolated and cherry picked quotes, dates, and randomly assembled timelines of unrelated events.
The truth is out there.
I want to believe.
Look on the bright side: if Trump gets impeached by the House, the Senate won’t throw him out of office, and we get a half dozen shiny brand new U.S. Senators in 2021!
More sexual assaults being reported by the famous and well known. Who knew men are such pigs and perverts? I thought it was just the gay people that were perverts…..wait a minute – did god make men this way? Is it all his fault? To be such perverts? Is this why we needed religion in the first place?
Dear God, you should have created better people. Your creation(s) is pretty much you Achilles heel.
Now tell us how this brilliant scheme of yours has affected Biden’s prospects.
Seems to me Biden was already falling. All this does is create an opportunity for him to recast himself as the dragon slayer of GOP/FingerRape/Putin corruption. Although he’ll probably blow it.
But none of it was even necessary.
Meanwhile this is digging a massive hole into president peepee’s chances in suburban Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. And instead of being able to use all that money, and power, and resources to rail against SOCIALISM!!!, BROWNINVADERS!! and CLASSWARFARE!!! in those areas, you idiots have to put everything you’ve got into trying to un-ring this corruption bell. And that Senate vote your are counting on – a vote that wasn’t even necessary – will make a half dozen ToddlerTorture Senators vulnerable who wouldn’t have been.
Yertle is going to have to do some hard trading to keep them all in line. And he doesn’t have much to trade. So if he lets Susan Collins cross to safety, what does that say to Cory Gardner? And if he lets Gardner go, where does that leave McSally, Tillis, etc.? It’s a very dicey calculus for all of them. PornLube surviving impeachment but losing in November will be portrayed and perceived as if he was removed from office for corruption. Half the conservative opinion media are already arguing for that. Where does that leave Republicans who vote to protect him?
If I didn’t know any better, I’d think the same idiot who crafted your 2018 DateRape strategy was responsible for this plan too.
Massive #owngoal
A Republican is someone who hates democracy, wants America ruled by a rightwing dictator, and has contempt for the laws, rules, and principles in the way.
Best move for Senate GOP is to refuse to take up impeachment.
Wont change perception if PornLube loses in November that he was removed from office for corruption. But it will save Yertle’s vulnerables from having to take a pro-treason vote.
Still leaves the difficulty of the campaign. Vulnerables like McSally were absolutely depending on Trump2020 to help push them across the line. And Gardner and Collins are unlikely to be able to skate through debates without having to answer for Teh Treason. All that at a point in time where turnout could be seriously impacted for all of them.
Geraldo Rivero, who’s never right about anything, gets it wrong again: The whistleblower is a hero, and he’s the piece of shit.
Precisely conforms to the classic mobster defense.
Does not help. Of course.
Doubt it? Kindergartners mistrust tattle tales, perhaps because at that age they spend half their time fucking up because they don’t know any better. Grown up voters apparently see things very differently. “Rotten snitch” Edward Snowden remains more popular and trusted in national polls than Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney.
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Well that’s not a great look for the (ahem) Winter White House.
Miami Herald:
@19 If Trump isn’t a mobster, he thinks like one. Probably got it from hanging around with them.
@21 Army official or Army officer? One of the Army’s own, or a civilian appointed by Trump?
Rudy. Hmm. Remember when Republicans were bleating about the Logan Act?
Rudy. Hmm. Remember when Republicans were bleating about the Logan Act?
“President Donald Trump is raising a large chunk of the money for his border wall with Mexico by deferring several military construction projects slated for Guam, a strategic hub for U.S. forces in the Pacific. This may disrupt plans to move Marines to Guam from Japan and to modernize munitions storage for the Air Force. About 7% of the funds for the $3.6 billion wall are being diverted from eight projects in the U.S. territory, a key spot in the U.S. military’s efforts to deter North Korea and counter China’s growing military.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I guess it all boils down to his priorities: Ego or national defense.
Teh Dumbfucks are more afraid of BROWNINVADERS!! than PRC aircraft carriers.
Now I’m not saying Godwinha has no alibi but no one knows his whereabouts.
@29 I’ll vouch for him. I saw him in the goat pasture.
The President has a “perfect” phone call with the general in charge of Air Force Global Strike Command to review authorization procedures for releasing nuclear weapons. Notes, memos, and transcripts are secured under codeword level security. Because national security secrets in call.
The President has a “perfect” phone call with a foreign leader to arrange a smear campaign targeting a domestic political opponent. No codeword level security because no national security in call.
Using codeword level classification to hide politically embarassing criminal conspiracies is a violation of the National Security Act.
I will transmit this information to Vladimir.
Susan Rice: Obama Put Call Transcripts On Top Secret Server, Too
Former national security adviser Susan Rice acknowledged last night that the Obama administration moved transcripts of conversations with foreign leaders onto the same top-secret server where the Trump administration stored his recent phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
The revelation from Rice comes amid media reports and comments from political leaders that have painted the use of this top secret server as proof that Trump was trying to cover up the contents of his conversation with the Ukrainian leader, a full transcript of which the administration has now released to the public.
Trump had a problem with leaks. Leaks stopped when the server was used. Until someone leaked using a retroactively-created “whistleblower” option.
Obama, certainly, had his own reasons for wishing some of his conversations to remain secret. Libya, perhaps. Vladimir-related stuff, certainly. Poland, Czech Republic, and every other nation he back-stabbed.
It’s okay to use a telephone to trade anti-tank missiles for help smearing a domestic political rival because other people have used telephones. Yup! Derpy derp derp. Wheeeeeee!
@31 Wherein Teh Dumbfuck thinks Obama and Trump are the same because Obama used a secure server for legitimate governmental purposes and Trump misused the same server for illegitimate personal purposes.
Because that’s how dumbfucks think.
I can only assume that Republicans in general are intending to try to inject as much hyper-partisan fog into the atmosphere surrounding their President’s apparently multiple abuses of his powers of office that they can at least delay if not dissuade SCOTUS intervention into the production of evidence.
Although entirely predictable, it can also backfire by making them look even more guilty to the voters they need to reach. As such, it seems like a desperation move since it is not likely to be successful in any legal proceeding. But right now I think such concerns are largely secondary. Senior staff are performing for the boss’s approval and/or forgiveness. And Teh Dumbfuck is just doing what stupid FOX programmed meat robots do.
Can’t wait for him to lecture us on hearsay.
Russian bot, That’s a good headline you have here….
Susan Rice at TexasTrib actually said
“We never moved them over unless they were legitimately, in the contents classified.
Calling a crime classified just because you don’t want anyone to hear the crime on an otherwise unremarkable and not classified conversation…..
“We GOT her! Donald is FREEEEEEEEE!”
Dumbfuck loves him some Agitprop!
The Anti-Defination League (ADL) says the hand signal for signaling “okay” is a symbol promoting white power and superiority. Where was the ADL when Black Panthers were raising their fists and saying “black power?” How about Jesse Jackson’s “hymie towner” comment?
What’s next, ADL? Are you going to deem Mr. Spock’s “Live long and prosper” schtick a symbol of Vulcan superiority and racist to boot? Stop being hypocrites, for once!
Oh dear. In your enthusiasm for jumping into something you think gives you some sort of moral or cultural “upper hand” you once again went just a bit too far and exposed your true self.
Wherein you argue that the “Black Power” cultural movement is equivalent to the “White Power” cultural movement.
I’m just gonna leave that there and we’ll see if you can figure this out on your own. Best of luck.
Republicans are going to investigate Hillary Clinton’s email server.
Finally! It’s about time!
It’s a shame what Dumbfuck is doing to that dead horse…
“But her EMails!”
@36 Tom, so what does the sign mean? To do it must mean something otherwise why do it? Are you arguing that the ADL is wrong or just that they are hypocrites? And if they aren’t wrong then do you approve of white people are going around doing that when this Country has a history of white people hanging and discriminating against blacks. Did the Panthers ever use their gesture and talk of Black Power with the meaning of overtaking the White race and hanging people to do so?
Your equivalent and whining isn’t the same and just a stupid comment.
Where is your outrage of Republican hypocrites?
You shouldn’t abuse Thomas Jefferson’s name with such stupidity, he’d be embarrassed by you.
@36. Thanks. I wrote what I wrote before reading what you wrote. That’s indicative of Thomas being an idiot
@36 White power didn’t need to raise their fists and shout “White Power!” because they were never slaves, were never lynched by the KKK, are never stopped by police for walking while black, don’t have insults like “n—-r!” shouted at them, etc. etc.
You seem like a very small person who feels threatened by blacks who want equality and an end to racism and discrimination.
Stop pretending to be Thomas Jefferson. You’re not like him. He was much bigger than you.
Don’t know about you, but henceforth whenever that sock puppet posts in these threads my only response is going to be to ask her to explain that argument that the White Power cultural movement is precisely the same thing as the Black Power cultural movement.
I will do so because I think it is very important for these people to be confronted by that distinction that they consistently seek to blow past. It’s a very big deal. And it is at the heart of why they, as white people, believe that efforts in society to treat everyone with dignity and respect and the equal protection of the law can only result in some “loss” to them.
What precisely is it that they fear they will lose? It certainly is at the heart of White Power. But what is it? That question is theirs to try and answer. But I’ve never seen a single one of them really try.
And these half wits call us the snowflakes.
No need to ask: “…what does the sign mean?”
She concedes that it means “White Power” by arguing that it is somehow a harmless equivalent to “Black Power”.
You have your answer. It means WP – White Power.
That is so manifestly obvious that she didn’t even notice that she was conceding it while attempting to argue against it.
@43 Typical rightwinger. Feels victimized because black people want to stop being victimized.
This morning I ran the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers 5K Race in NYC; going from Brooklyn thru the Tunnel to the Towers.
55 year old male ran the 3.5 mile course (as advertised, more than typical 5k distance) in 35 minutes or a bit less. That’s a 10 minute mile pace. Any other runners here? I was pretty proud of myself – only my second 5k Race ever and I really didn’t train for it. Train meaning – I use to run 10 minutes on the treadmill (at a minimum) before each workout at the gym, 4-5 days a week. But for the last year I stopped running the treadmill and just do other warmup exercises. But for the previous week I ran on the treadmill 3 times, the last run (Wednesday for 20 minutes only). I’d love to run the NYC Marathon, I think that would be neat, but I’m not the biggest runner. Although I enjoy it, my knees are the greatest, but thru strength training that is changing.
I think I need to run a mini marathon first. Maybe a 10 mile race. They had a 10 mile race too today in the Bronx.
I looked up the average time or pace for a 55 year old male for a 5K and it is plus 11 minutes.
I was going to through in a horse joke in there but I think Bob has had enough. Sorry guys, I am going to try to not kid Bob anymore about… know what.
He really is stupid…
Rudy, regarding why he is working on the Biden investigation.
So no one hired you to do this and you are acting as a private citizen?
Cool. There is no attorney/client privilege. Any attempt to claim otherwise in a court of law will probably result in an ethics complaint if not a contempt citation.
You are AWESOME!
Latest poll shows 55% of public now supports an impeachment inquiry.
@47 He should’ve said, “I billed Trump a dollar for my representation. Might as well. That’s all I’d ever get from him anyway.”
not sure if this Fuck knows it but just because he’s “President” doesn’t mean he can be all out dictator and Nazi – it just doesn’t work that way.
Why have a second amendment to fight against your own government if you can’t even whistle at him? What a bunch of fucks. Spying on someone – isn’t shit classified because other people are there to know about what is going on – there are no secrets in that office. So how can you spy if there are no secrets and people are there to be witness’ purposely.
A-C Priv doesn’t operate here anyway. Trump’s private attorney may not negotiate on behalf of the United States any more than you or I could. He can only negotiate on behalf of the US as a representative of the office of the POTUS, not the private person, DJT. As such only Executive Privilege applies, if at all. And that is far, far narrower owing to statutory requirements for all kinds of public disclosure, as well as Congr. oversight. And then there’s the simple fact that priv is waived the minute you speak publicly about the matter. Which Orange PornFinger has already done enough of and will no doubt continue.
But even Executive Priv probably can’t apply because Rudes is just a private atty. If The President of the US chooses to bring a rando in off the street and involve him/her in sensitive “Executive” consultation and deliberation then by doing so Executive Privilege is waived. This is why Javanka are on payroll, for example.
Finally there’s the goddamn crime/fraud exception. It’s why Tom Hagen goes out on the patio for a smoke when Michael discusses whacking Hyman Roth.
Even Mario Puzo is a better gangster than these idiots.
@48 Well, some people get it. Can’t do anything with the brain-dead demographic, though. No evidence can penetrate solid bone with no gray matter inside. Maybe gamma rays can.
In Austria, the Freedom Party took a big hit, while the Austrian People’s Party gaining 11 seats, the Greens 24. Wonder if Chancellor Kurz is going to work with the FPO, even though their corruption scandal caused this snap election.
This is interesting, in the case of Wrightbus, now the family that owned it, are getting threats.
If not following the industry trend was the cause, they could have partnered with a company working on EV Technology, like their competition did.
From Reddit.
So, out of the entire Republican Party…
…53 Republicans in the U.S. senate…
…198 Republicans in the House Of Representatives…
…27 Republican Governors…
…not to mention countless other prominent party leaders…
Only one Republican lawmaker has denounced the president of the United States tweeting a threat of civil war.
Only one.
These clowns were furious when Barack Obama wore a tan suit, but they say nothing when Trump tweets a threat of civil war.
They serve the party and themselves, first, last, always, and only.