Today I Found Out: How did the ancient Romans manage to build perfectly straight, ultra durable roads?
Daily Show: Microchipped employees in Wisconsin.
WaPo: Espresso stand featuring shirtless men turns heads in Seattle
Kurzgesagt: What’s hiding at the most solitary place on earth? The deep sea.
Mark Fiore: How to get the US to care about the war in Yemen.
The Dotard Трамп and His Squad of Quacks, Liars, and Grifters:
- Seth Meyers: Whistleblower claims The Dotard made “troubling” promise to foreign leader
- Rachel Maddow: WaPo—Трамп call with foreign leader prompted intel whistleblower
- Now This: 2020 Candidates unite for powerful ad on gun violence
- Stephen: Трамп’s unlikely 2020 victory plan—Wooing Hispanic voters
- Ari Melber: The federal case that can stop Трамп’s immigration plan in its tracks
- Samantha Bee: Full Frontal’s second annual Brett Kavanaugh Remembrance Act:
- Chris Hayes: It’s tough out there for a Трамп propagandist
- The Late Show: $20 bill almost escapes from The Dotard’s back pocket
- Trevor: Mike Pence’s horse bite & Lou Dobbs’s ass-kissing Трамп tribute
- Stephen: Трамп whines to reporters about Obama’s Netflix and book deals
- Jimmy Kimmel: Least favorite character in the Трамп universe
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Laurence Tribe on Трамп’s desperate legal filing and whistleblower.
- Stephen: America’s greatest security risk is The Dotard Трамп’s mouth
- The Late Show: America’s call to arms
- Now This: How Corey Lewandowski tried to obstruct this Трамп obstruction hearing
- Rachel Maddow: New details emerge as Трамп fights to quash whistleblower report
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard rants and raves about Saudi Arabian drone attack
- Stephen: Трамп defends Kavanaugh as new account of sexual assault is published
- WaPo: Lewandowski, “I have no obligation to be honest with the media”
- Now This: Трамп puts Ilhan Omar in danger again with fake 9/11 footage
- Trevor: Will Трамп go to war with Iran to defend Saudi Arabia?
- Ari Melber: Is Трамп hiding from whistleblower? Former prosecutor says he can declassify “anything”
- Stephen: Трамп is in California, raking in cash and rolling back emissions standards
- Rachel Maddow: Adam Schiff slams DOJ for isolating intel community whistleblower:
- Seth Meyers: Трамп threatens war with Iran on Saudi Arabia’s behalf
- The Late Show: Hot Wheels Трамп edition
- Now This: Sean Spicer makes “Dancing With The Stars” debut and worries about discrimination
- Samantha Bee: Dancing around the consequences
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Former NSA inspector general on whistleblower and Трамп
- Jimmy Kimmel: Impeachment will distract Трамп!
- Stephen: Corey Lewandowski testifies at contentious House Judiciary Committee hearing
- The Late Show: The nasty fly responsible for Трамп’s nasty thoughts
- Now This: The Dotard makes new, offensive comment about Hispanics.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп’s promise to foreign leader exposed
- Stephen: Трамп’s new National Security Advisor worked the A$AP Rocky case
Weird History: What was it like to be a Civil War soldier?
Jim Jefferies: Debunking myths about trans athletes.
Mental Floss: 30 Harry Potter spells and word origins.
WaPo: GM workers go on strike.
Vice News: The fight to save the dying languages of Alaska.
Samantha Bee: The Founding Fathers were not gods
Sky News: School children sue US government over climate change.
Twenty-Twenty Vision:
- Stephen: Elizabeth Warren points out that no President gets to declare war on their own
- Seth Meyers: Andrew Yang on universal basic income and measuring our economic health
- Now This: Elizabeth Warren discusses her vision for America with Ady Barkan
- Stephen: Warren closing in on Biden in recent polls
- Trevor: Warren and Трамп’s dueling campaign rallies
- Jimmy Fallon: Slow jam the news with Senator Kamala Harris
- Stephen: Corn pop was a bad dude, but Joe Biden wasn’t scared
- Mother Jones: Warren supporters on how to win over Трамп voters
- Seth Meyers: Late Night Democratic Presidential debate, round 3
- Jimmy Fallon: Sen. Kamala Harris on women’s health and the climate crisis
- Now This: Julián Castro explains his health care vision to Ady Barkan
- Stephen: Elizabeth Warren points out that a country that elects The Dotard is already in trouble
- Jimmy Kimmel pitches new campaign slogans to Cory Booker
- Seth Meyers: Warren surges as Democrats focus on Трамп’s corruption
- Stephen: Elizabeth Warren tells a crowd of 20,000, “I am not afraid.”
Today I Found Out: In which Teddy Roosevelt makes men everywhere feel a little less manly.
FOD: The Mooer Report press conference:
Adam ruins eating.
Samantha Bee: Meet the rich—The Koch brothers.
Chris Hayes: Exxon knew about climate change long ago.
NY Times: How to disagree better.
Robert Reich: The real political battle in America.
Seth Meyers with some political news.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
“How did the Romans manage to build ,,, ultra durable roads?”
Sandals don’t make potholes.
Steak sauce has less than nothing…
“In March 2016, Biden told Poroshenko the Obama administration was prepared to rescind $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees unless Shokin was given the boot, according to an investigative column in The Hill.”
Accept that as true.
“Prosecutor General Shokin on 16 February 2016 submitted a letter of resignation.”
“I sent investigators to
HawaiiUkraine. a wholeteamRudy Giuliani. You won’t believe the things they’re finding. Thebirth certificateevidence that a soon to be Ex Vice President’s son sat on a board of directors is a sham.WHITEWATER!
Oh you people and your silly clocks and calendars and your insistence that time is a vector dimension.
Modern Republicans grasp the subtle complexities of quantam theory better than you. We understand that under certain circumstances causal relationships are reversible in spite of thermodynamics.
You just have to be dense enough.
Steve just can’t quit Putin.
Hillary Clinton just can’t quit Wisconsin.
Or, more specifically, can’t quit blaming its voting system for her 2016 electoral defeat.
Spoiler alert: Clinton’s numbers still aren’t anywhere close to accurate.
This is the third time we have rated claims from Clinton on the Wisconsin turnout. She’s no closer on this one than the last one.
She was awful. Truly awful. Like Steve, Hillary cannot face the truth behind her loss.
And still she was better than the openly degenerate traitor you voted for.
There will never be enough hippie tears to fill the hole that fact is eating away inside of you. Never enough sobbing Guatemalan toddler tears. Never enough dead black kids. Never enough Tiki Torch pageantry or DeathCar parades to distract and dull the hollow pain of knowing you turned your back on your own country.
No one has lost as much as you, Dumbfuck. There’s no hedging strategy for risking your integrity and losing.
Didn’t expect Wabtec to close the MotivePower plant in Boise, even after the merger with GE. IF anything, I thought they would close what is left of the Erie, PA plant, and move the work to Boise, or Texas. Mostly rebuilding work was being done in Erie.
What is happening today is brainwashing. Repukes are resorting to brainwashing by creating an atmosphere of confusion and chaos to cause such disenfranchisement that nobody believes right, wrong or indifferent anymore. To think that it could get worse is crazy, but this is only the start and it will get a lot worse. The Hump will win. Towards the end of his 2nd Term, all hell will break loose.
Once this Country becomes so disenfranchised and polarized no body will care for anything or anyone.
The only hope are the young people. The white, heterosexual, old farts have really fucked up this Country. Forget Term limits, there should be set age limits to living.
Trump 2020 re-election pathway:
North Carolina school officials cancel football game after cheerleaders’ Trump 2020 banner
Hundreds of people on a Facebook page supporting the cheerleaders said they would be coming to Friday’s game to wave American flags in support of the cheerleaders, reported Charlotte ABC affiliate WSOC.
I can see how voluntary, enthusiastic displays of patriotism would be something educators don’t want.
Keep NC red, y’all. Thanks fer yer support.
Biden or Warren? Warren or Biden? Democrats’ dilemma summed up.
@8 Only low-information morons associate Trump with patriotism. I see you got kicked out of the barn early today. Sometime before 7:51 am, to be precise.
Once again Doctor Dumbfuck is calling Hillary “awful,” without ever once mentioning how much more awful Trump is — something he’s never done on HA, even when claiming he didn’t vote for him (which, btw, is plausible; children and those adjudged mentally incompetent can’t vote).
Because he’s a dumbfuck.
@8 you should head over there with your Pom Poms and skirt. I can picture you jumping up and down.
What’s especially dumbfuck is the doctor lecturing about Hillary to liberal voters of a state that went something like 73% for Bernie in the statewide Democratic caucuses.
I think he just likes to hear himself bleat, or whatever kind of noise people who think they’re farm animals make.
@12 Without undies. Not that he’s got anything underneath.
“Once again Doctor Dumbfuck is calling Hillary “awful,””
As with Dumbfuck’s inability to identify a single crime committed by Hillary, Dumbfuck has never been able to articulate even one single reason why Hillary Clinton is so…awful, let alone why she is more comparatively awful than the orange moronic traitor supported by Dumbfuck with thousands of pro-Putin hashtags.
So Dumbfuck comes here to repeat for the thousandth time that it’s all my fault that Dumbfuck and his orange moron are traitors because…Hillary is so…awful.
That’s what living in shame looks like.
@ 13
the doctor lecturing about Hillary to liberal voters of a state that went something like 73% for Bernie in the statewide Democratic caucuses.
Washington Democratic primary, May 24, 2016
Candidate Popular vote Estimated delegates
Hillary Clinton 420,461 10
Bernie Sanders 382,293 0
No one shows up to the caucuses except Steve, and that’s because it’s the only place he’s got left in the whole state that might give up some pussy to him.
Washington Democratic caucuses, March 26, 2016
Candidate District delegates Estimated delegates
Bernie Sanders 19,159 74
Hillary Clinton 7,140 27
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, if you’re going to dismiss all of the Hillary voters, then you need to dismiss all of the Trump voters, too.
The Deathfrogg of the NFL.
Patriots Release Antonio Brown
Assholes gonna asshole. Now he’s unemployable.
‘”No one shows up to the caucuses except Steve, and that’s because it’s the only place he’s got left in the whole state that might give up some pussy to him.”
Good grief, Doctor. Dumbfuck much?
Only low-information morons associate North Carolina with Trump’s critical path to re-election.
He won North Carolina in 2016 by a greater vote margin total than his margin in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania combined.
Trump’s battle lies in affluent white suburbs, primarily in those three states. So naturally Teh Dumbfuck seeks battle in a far away nearly all-white, rural “holler” county with a population of less than 70,000 and a per cap income of less than $37k that went 73% Child Molester.
North Carolina’s consistent Blue trending will undoubtedly continue in the vastly more populated metropolitan census areas with higher educational levels and higher incomes regardless of Stanly County.
But jeezus I hope Brad PubeBeard is as bad at reading an election map as Teh Dumbfuck is.
The weekend has arrived. Throughout the past week, and notwithstanding enormous effort to distract, facts gradually emerged surrounding president peepee’s most current and ongoing efforts to rig the upcoming election with help from a foreign government.
And yet, despite having spent most of the last two years keenly focused on answering questions about the last time president peepee sought to rig an election with help from a foreign government, today the corporate media are already trying to move on.
They are in the bag. They are all in the bag. Recall that the ongoing Hunter Biden deflection strategy to distract from the latest election rigging campaign was launched at the NYT, that the freelance “journalist” who did the work for NYT was already in the employment of Ukraine at the time, and that the NYT never formally retracted the reporting, though they did finally admit that the factual assertions made in the story were all just the dictated ravings of, yes that’s right, our pal Rudes.
Democrat politicians are so damn gutless and timid. I admire MoscowMitch for being a ruthless son a bitch. We desperately need many Progressive versions of him.
“A whistleblower alleges Trump requested 2020 election interference. Pelosi still says she won’t pursue impeachment.”
“Pelosi Not Budging on Impeachment and Her Colleagues Are Privately Screaming”
“Trump embolden because he know Democrats will do nothing.”
Fuck Democratic Leadership! Republicans are going to win again if Democrats don’t step up.
A follow up on the locomotive builder moving jobs from Boise, to Pennsylvania. GE moved the jobs from Erie to Texas, after the unions did not give in to their demands. They even had a strike against the new owner. I thought it was a bad business decision for GE to move foreign orders to Fort Worth, as the test track at Fort Worth is standard gauge, and the Erie track is in multiple gauges. Also, the Boise plant was union, not sure how strong in recent years, being in Idaho.
Guess Sound Transit will not have a local builder for new SOUNDER locomotives. The F59s are 20 years old, but they have 3 MP40s, made in Boise.
Dumbfuck doesn’t read his own links.
After a cheerleading team openly violated the districts’ policies a bunch of MAGA bros started making threats.
Apparently Dumbfuck thinks Trumpers going buck wild and and threatening violence is what America really supports.
Vote for my guy or I’ll punch you. Wining message.
@ 23
To you fucking snowflakes an urgent safety concern is a Trump 2016 bumper sticker on the other side of the parking lot.
More on the Kavanaugh own-goal by the NYT twits:
ENJETI: I do want to talk about that, because the person who allegedly saw this incident, Mr. Max Stier. As I understand it, he was on the opposing team from Kavanaugh during the Clinton impeachment and his wife was denied a federal judgeship by the GOP. Did you include that information in your book? I mean, that’s seems like pretty clear evidence of a vendetta against Brett Kavanaugh.
POGREBIN: You know, we didn’t include it in the book but we do talk about what he’s been doing for most of his career, which is non-partisan
ENJETI: Don’t you think germane? I mean, for somebody to accuse somebody like this and the victim does not recognize – does not even remember this incident, you don’t think that is germane detail?
POGREBIN: Do you think it’s germane that Brett Kavanaugh wrote the Starr Report?
ENJETI: Yes, absolutely! And he was grilled for that during his [confirmation] hearing.
I had not heard about the wife being denied a judgeship by the GOP.
What a petty, vindictive, juvenile thing, to smear someone falsely because his colleagues found your wife’s jurisprudence unacceptable.
Yep. This is how you’ll get more Trump.
Another Rambo movie! Which reminds me of a joke from the ’80s:
“There’s’ a new action movie out, starring Rock Hudson and Sylvester Stallone.
It’s called Ram-butt.”
“you fucking snowflakes”
Somebody’s cranky today.
The DJIA didn’t stay above 27,000 very long. Sad. At this rate the performance of the DJIA will never each the 50,000 needed to match what it did under the black commie-Muslim usurper from Kenya. With that, I suppose there’s no point anymore in even talking about the DJIA ever matching the performance it had under Hillary Clinton’s husband.
The Dem prez Final Four: All of ’em will be white.
@ 27
Much more money to be made in an oscillating market than in a flat one, Steve.
I know you’re dying for a recession. Things seem not to be going your way, so console yourself that the market is doing some consolidating in 2019.
See, Steve, you should be dying for a nice peak in 2019 and early 2020, followed by a 10% or even 20% retrenchment into the late summer and early fall of next year.
The sideways movement we currently see makes it more likely the market – Trump’s market – will resume climbing next year.
I’m OK with what’s happening, Steve. You should be worried, not celebrating.
@16 “No one shows up to the caucuses” except for the standing room only crowds that showed up at the caucuses.
“then you need to dismiss all of the Trump voters, too”
Ahem. Can you read? Do you read this blog? Doesn’t look like it.
@24 “to you fucking snowflakes”
Ooooh, he’s getting violent now, or what passes for violence on HA.
Defends rapists, too. Now, of course, so do criminal defense attorneys, and even GOP senate staff attorneys, but unlike Dumbfuck they’re smart enough to insist on getting paid for it.
About that Ukraine thing:
“There is no evidence of wrongdoing by either Joe or Hunter Biden.”
“Aid to Ukraine enjoys bipartisan support in Washington: lawmakers were prepared to vote on a measure that would have forced the administration to release the funds. But critics of the Trump administration pointed to what they described as a pattern: The US President inexplicably doing another favor for Putin.”
Now, you wonder how anybody, least of all fervent supporters of the Cold Warriors Party, could take Putin’s side on anything, much less something like this.
But that’s who they are now.
“But that’s who they are now.”
Besides loving Putin, some have even found it in themselves to extol the virtues of a DJIA that beats its head against 27,000 and just can’t seem to stay there.
an urgent safety concernAn IQ not eligible for trial by jury with a GED is a Trump 2016 bumper sticker on the other side of the parking lot.Fixed it for You
@14 I don’t know Roger unless he looks like this guy,
I’d rather he keep his undies on
Did you see that NYC is going to or did place a $4B order with a Canadian Company. But all the trains will be assembled in the United States. That sounds like a big order.
@23 / 24
It’s the new thing – fly Hump Flags on Boats, on Houses, on Cars, and now at High School Football Fields.
Nazis displaying their flag – there is only one flag. Fuck the American Flag!
Leave it to Bob to suggest Liberals are snowflakes, but if he and those people displaying Hump Flags see a black person they have to lock their doors and call the cops – Unstable Geniuses.
It’s God. God doesn’t want Bob to enjoy prancing around in a skirt with Pom Poms, so every time he does God puts a stop to it.
Goldy – It’s fucking Sunday tomorrow!
The conservative Teapukes will all be in church. But I think Puffy’s disappearance kind of happened around the same time as the Bible Studies stopped. Did you do something with Puffy??? Weird coincidence? I don’t think so.
@24 so before you tried to defend the Hump Flag’s flying by equating it to Obama posters. And now You digress – you now just cast it aside by claiming Liberals are snowflakes.
America – we’ve really lowered the bar to shit.
I hope all holy hell breaks loose in the near future (tomorrow is Sunday Goldy) – we really do deserve it.
And hopefully one will be a gay married man that is more heroic, smarter and has more integrity and morals than any Republican, especially the Evangelical types.
Like you guys to see yo beat that. Heck, you won’t even let the GOProud fags even attend the National Convention.
So this year they all happen to be white, as you hope and predict. Where’s your black dude running? What did you do shoot him? Or did they call the police on him.
Steve – Imagine – being a Black guy running for President and he goes door to door campaigning. I sure hope not! What would the fucker be thinking.
The term “urgent concern” are magic words coming directly from the IC whistleblower statute.
Understandably there should be reservations about implementing a reporting process for employees working on a day to day basis with the most highly classified intelligence. The IG provides a chain of authority for reporting allegations of misconduct outside the normal hierarchy to give some protection to whistleblowers.
The expression “urgent concern” identifies sustained and credible allegations of intelligence misconduct so manifestly injurious to national interest that the statute mandates that these reports be forwarded to the HPSCI. The statute sets fortn specific identifiable criteria in key areas of national interest when reaching the conclusion of “urgent concern”
The IG who made the determination according to the statute is a lifelong Republican hand picked by president peepee.
And now, very suddenly it seems, he is a “fucking snowflake”.
This is really who they are now.
When Obama was President – you were dying for a recession, a Katrina, a broken Oil Well in the Gulf to Pollute the entire Gulf, and Terrorist attacks.
Dude – do you ever think? You just project. You shouldn’t give away all your secrets and the secretes of the GOFuckers.
Did I miss it? Damn! The Hump sucked Putin’s dick again? Was it on the horse?
Next – Hump Billboards on Public lands, like Saddam’s portraits. And then thereafter there will be calls to Goat Fucks with Ted Nugent noise in the background.
One of my dreams would be to write for SNL. Not write but give them ideas. I think I would have a Puffy character, but maybe that is copyrighted.
Where’s PI? Did PI’s Mom stop paying bail money?
You mean Powel’s market?
I don’t have to remind everyone that Bob is wrong about everything – run for the doors.
Ok – I have to go and party it up at the clubs.
But I’ll be back tomorrow, Sunday, to see if the Bible studies are back. I really need them. Without them I am misled to watch a lot of porn. The Bible studies, were to me like Mike Pence’s wife is to Mike the Puntz……keeps you on the straight an narrow.
Lol @ “party at the clubs”
Is that what they call the bathhouses now?
And speaking of black politicians, where’s Michael Steele? You guys finished prancing him around?
The whistleblower didn’t have direct knowledge of the communications, an official briefed on the matter told CNN. Instead, the whistleblower’s concerns came in part from learning information that was not obtained during the course of their work, and those details have played a role in the administration’s determination that the complaint didn’t fit the reporting requirements under the intelligence whistleblower law, the official said.
Hearsay, then.
“Tim Corkum, who owns an art gallery in the downtown strip of Menomonee Falls just blocks from the Harley-Davidson factory, said that even in his deeply Republican town ― ‘You can’t make this place any redder if you opened up an aorta and sprayed it all over’ ― he’s hearing from people tired of Trump. ‘It’s becoming clearer to them that putting a failed real estate tycoon in charge of the international economy wasn’t such a great idea,’ he said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Anyone with a basic knowledge of economics could have told them that three years ago. In fact, people tried. But they wouldn’t listen. Some folks have to learn from hard experience, because they don’t learn any other way. (Then, when the next election rolls around, they forget what they learned and vote against themselves again.)
@46 “Trump’s market – will resume climbing next year.”
Which will make the millionaires happy (including this one, but I won’t vote for him anyway).
@50 Trump wants Zelenksy to dig up dirt on the Bidens — if he can’t find any (because there isn’t any), then make some up (something doesn’t have to be true for him to run with it). He doesn’t give a damn about Ukraine, the Ukrainian people, or Putin invading Ukraine and poaching its sovereign territory. All Trump cares about is himself. And Republicans are 100% on board with this, because they only care about power. Not our (former) friends, not our (former) allies, not America or Americans, but raw naked power, period.
And Doctor Dumbfuck is 100% okay with this, or at least doesn’t criticize it, because he’s a dumbfuck. Plus, he hates America.
Trump nominates a gay Filipino-American to the Ninth Circuit.
Bumatay, who is openly gay, currently leads the appellate and narcotics sections of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of California, and worked as counselor to the attorney general in 2018, advising on opioid strategy and other issues.
He also nominated a lesbian.
Alongside Bumatay, Trump chose former Nevada Solicitor General Lawrence VanDyke to fill a Ninth Circuit vacancy. VanDyke serves as deputy assistant attorney general at the environment and natural resources division of the Justice Department.
Also quoted in Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s HuffPo link is a dude named Randy Jasper.
Here’s what the same dude had to say about Obama’s last year in office:
Since 2012, corn and soybean prices have collapsed. Corn has plummeted from above $8 a bushel to less than $4 today; soybeans from nearly $18 to $10; wheat from over $9 to $4.50.
“Last year was the worst grain prices in 30 years,” Randy Jasper, 66, who farms corn and soybeans in Muscoda, Wisconsin, said in a phone interview. “One bushel — 56 pounds — of dry-shelled corn delivered to the market sold for $2.90 in 2016. It was a good crop yield last year, but farmers couldn’t compete because the price was so lousy.”
Time now for Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit to criticize eastern Washington farmers for being eastern Washington farmers.
@55 Yeah, crop prices collapsed in 2012 because of Obama’s tariffs.
@56 I’ve never criticized them for being farmers. I criticize them for being socialists who vote Republican and not seeing the contradiction in that. Plus, they think their taxes pay for Seattle’s roads and schools, when it’s the other way around.
But you should get along fine with that crowd. Just don’t molest their livestock.
The whistleblower’s complaint was vetted, investigated and deemed “credible” and of “urgent concern” by a lifelong Republican IG, Michael Atkinson, hand picked by president peepee and sworn in May of 2018. He has a name, the highest possible security clearance, and over 17 years of service, including a decade as an AUSA DC.
Teh Dumbfuck gives us absolutely unsourced, anonymous* wheedling and moaning about “partisan smears” and DERP STATE!!! conspiracies.
What he does not give us is any conceivable explanation of any kind for why a Republican partisan unswearvingly loyal to this administration would conclude “falsely” that the complaint was very credible and required oversight by HPSCI.
Except of course “fucking snowflake“. A classic dance move made irresistable when accompanied by “the white man’s overbite”.
*most likely Rudes
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s HuffPo piece @ 51 quotes a guy from a “deeply Republican town”. You might think the guy is one of those deep red types.
It’s HuffPo, so nope. Here he is being quoted in the Boston Globe right after Hillary failed to visit Wisconsin during the general election:
Other Wisconsinites said they had not anticipated the Republican wave that washed over this part of the country.
“Incredible,” said Tim Corkum, working at a coffee shop on the downtown strip of this small town. “Polls got everything wrong.’’
Asked what he thought of Trump, Corkum replied, “I consider him an extreme risk to the security of America.”
HuffPo went out and found an anti-Trumper to say bad things about Trump. Bombshell of a story, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
I wonder if the dude blames Hillary. Nah. ‘course he doesn’t. He’s like Steve. Nothing could ever be the fault of the left.
@54 tempting, very tempting Bob……but, nahhh.
36)I believe they have gone with Bombardier and Alstom in the past. the SOUNDER coaches were assembled in Plattsburgh.
Chicago and Boston have gone with CRRC of China, but Congress members thinking final assembly is in China, plus National Security, want to make it illegal. The factories are in Chicago, and Springfield, Mass. I believe both plants might even be union.
WTF @ 47 says he gotta go “hit the clubs”(lol!) at 6:19pm
WTF @ 59 apparently is back from “hitting the clubs” at 8:53 pm
@58 So you can’t be a Republican and anti-Trump at the same time, is that it?
That’s dumbfuckery, and you’re a dumbfuck.
I’m not saying the guy is a Republican. I don’t know what he is, I only know what he said, which is that he lives in a “deep red” town and people there are pissed at Trump.
But of course it’s all a lie because it was reported in Huffpost. That makes it a lie, even if it’s true. The Washington Post is full of shit, too.
So is this conservative reporter for Daily Caller.
Or anyway, a dumbfuck would think so, because dumbfucks only listen to what they want to hear.
Those farmers will be pissed at you, too, if you molest their dairy cows. Who the hell is going to buy milk with your spew in it?
@61 Or maybe he took his iPhone with him …
So then “clubbing”(early evening clubbing? Lol) and posting on HA while “at the club”
Super winning!!!
Hint: most people with a clue don’t show up to a club until after midnight.
WTF is probably clubbing in his moms basement.
@61 wizard you are!
East coast dumbfuck.
Add three fucking hours if you need some help. And I had to shower. And with great technology I can post in a club – who knew, you dumbfuck.
A lot of dumbfucks in Seattle. Seattle isn’t the center of the universe. Some please help the motherfucking Wizard of dumbfucks.
@63 thanks Roger. These trolls have no intelligence
@66 They’re living in the 19th century. You can’t expect them to know about modern conveniences. They still shit in an outhouse in the woods behind the cabin because they’ve never heard of plumbing. And they don’t know what a time zone is because they’ve never traveled beyond grandma’s cabin down the road a short piece. Low intelligence probably factors into it, too. This blog only gets idiot trolls. I’ve been complaining about that for years. But maybe there just aren’t any smart ones to be had anywhere.
Still thinks it’s somehow our fault who he voted for.
“She was so shrill. And pant suits! And Monica!!
‘Spose I’ll just have no choice but to vote for an incompetent, corrupt, finger rapist in the control of a foreign dictator. But that’s somebody else’s fault. Not mine.”
Personal responsibility.
If you’re in your own apartment, minding your own business, and someone who can’t find her own apartment invades your home, assumes you’re an intruder, and shoots you dead, should she be acquitted because she made a “reasonable mistake”?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Some mistakes aren’t reasonable under any circumstances. We’re all taught from early age that fucking up has penalties. Employees get fired for honest mistakes. Tourists taking selfies who walk too close to a cliff edge die, etc.
There’s a concept in tort law known as “strict liability.” It means if A happens, you’re liable, regardless of fault or negligence. The doctrine typically applies to inherently hazardous activities, such as storing dynamite or letting livestock roam free. When you’re doing something that has a high potential to harm innocent persons, the law imposes an affirmative obligation on you to prevent it from happening.
Strict liability exists in criminal law, too. For example, in some states you can be convicted of statutory rape even if she seduced you and lied to you about her age.
Strictly speaking, strict liability doesn’t apply to killing someone with a gun; self defense can excuse you from criminal and civil liability. But what if your self defense claim is based on a royal screwup? What if the victim did nothing wrong and you have innocent blood on your hands because you made a mistake?
In the real world, White Privilege can get you off. So can Cop Privilege. In this case, the defendant was an off-duty white female cop and the victim was a black man (again).
What’s unusual about this case is the cop was indicted and put on trial. If I were on that jury, I’d throw the book at her. I’d argue that because she was a cop she should be held to a higher standard and is more, not less, culpable for fucking up.
Cops are paid to go around armed, even off-duty, which implies they’re being paid to not make stupid mistakes of this nature. This level of fuckup by a cop, who is expected to never make such a mistake, should not only result in job loss and civil liability, but in criminal responsibility as well.
Call it de facto strict liability if you like, but when a soldier, mercenary, or police officer kills the wrong person for a bad reason (like going to the wrong apartment), heads should roll. Anyone who’s ever worked on a factory shop floor understands the concept. Some mistakes just aren’t tolerated. A careless mistake inflicted with a gun and an itchy trigger finger should be one of them.
Donald J. Trump
“They’re trying to turn what was a Biden scandal into a Trump scandal.”
The problem is, “Trump” did nothing wrong!
2:50 PM · Sep 21, 2019
So you send one of your private personal henchmen instead of prosecutors from your Department of Justice?
In Alaska, which has a Republican governor and winter temperatures of -40 below, homeless people will freeze to death because of the GOP’s slavish insistence on austerity even when it’s cruel and unnecessary.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Personally, I think there’s a simple solution: Don’t be in a state run by Republicans for any reason. Don’t live, work, travel or even just pass through there. Avoid red states, go around them, have nothing to do with them. That’ll save you untold grief and maybe even your life.
I’m sure gman’s iPhone was safe during his clubbing. He had it nestled safely right next to the gerbil.
After over a decade of my befriending trolls and never saying a nice word about Democrats other than that they’re not Republicans, Dumbfuck thinks this fucking clever.
“He’s like Steve. Nothing could ever be the fault of the left.”
Haven’t you heard? It’s because I’m a commie-fascist-liberal-Jihad-Lovin’ socialist!!
You’re so fucking stupid.
“Still thinks it’s somehow our fault who he voted for.”
It’s obviously my fault the dumbfuck doctor chose treason and loyalty to Putin. Because I say such wonderful things about Democrats and, of course, because Hillary was so…awful.
Makes sense to a dumbfuck, I’m sure.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s stupidity is catching.
Democratic Candidates Are Misrepresenting Michael Brown’s Death
But at the core of the story, there was a problem: The original account of Brown’s death, that he had been shot in the back or while raising his hands in surrender, was false. The shooting was thoroughly investigated, first by a grand jury and then by the Obama Justice Department. The investigations found that Brown assaulted Wilson, tried to grab his gun, and was shot dead while advancing toward Wilson again.
Despite these findings, three Democratic presidential candidates—Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Sen. Kamala Harris of California, and billionaire Tom Steyer—said last month that Brown was murdered. These candidates haven’t backed down in the face of press queries and fact checks. Warren even dismissed a face-to-face question about the DOJ report that cleared Wilson.
Three autopsies, including one by a private pathologist at the request of Brown’s family, found no entry wounds in Brown’s back.
@ 73
With “befriends” like you, Steve…
@72 At least he doesn’t exploit the poor defenseless gerbil. I wouldn’t trust you alone with a hamster.
@ 76
I guess if you shove enough catheters up your ass over a period of a decade or more, like Roger Rabbit, there gradually doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with whatever else might get shoved up there, too.
@73 “Makes sense to a dumbfuck, I’m sure.”
I gotta to take issue with you, Steve. This begs the question. Things don’t have to make sense to dumbfucks. They simply don’t operate on that level. Dumbfuckery, by definition, is irrational. The doctor displays this trait every day. It’s what makes him a dumbfuck.
Leftists put things in their butts!
I win!
@78 You’re right. A dumbfuck’s dumbfuckery not only doesn’t need to make any sense, it seldom does make any sense.
Another definition of “dumbfuck”.
“An outed troll who rubs his treason in the noses of patriotic Americans.”
Doesn’t make any sense. But that’s stuff of a dumbfuck.
“With “befriends” like you, Steve…”
Tell it to Max and the hateful, name-morphing troll. Even the pre-loon Puddybudd. And at least in the realm of horn section arrangements, Marvin. And there’s the occasional liberal, like Daddy Love, for whom I have nothing but contempt.
Political differences , even racism, have never been friendship -killers for me. Hell, my Dear Ms. Wingnut had both of those traits going for her. But treason? That’s a bridge too far, doctor. I don’t tolerate that shit.
You chose treason. Bad fucking move.
Live in shame.
If we had the same corporate media staffed with corrupt and lazy access journalists in 1972 as we now have in 2019:
“The break-in at the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters at the Watergate Hotel raises some troubling questions about just what it is that the Democrats are hiding there.”
Virtually all media are in the bag now. It’s just gaslighting for clicks and likes.
“The assassination of Abraham Lincoln raises some troubling questions about what he was doing at Ford’s Theater. Sources say there are disturbing reports he may have been wearing a tan suit at the time.”
Balance Baby!
“If the Democrats had nothing to hide, then why the break in?”
“The very name “Watergate” is synonymous with scandal. Which raises very disturbing questions about why the Democrats would choose to have their offices there.”
“The real scandal here, and the real risk to America is not the very legitimate and very cool break in itself. But rather it is the source of illegal leaks about the break in. That and the insidious Deep State conspiracy to smear the President is what we must focus on.”
@74 Those are details only a medical examiner would care about. The English language is broad enough to allow calling it “murder” for political purposes. That’s not much different from Trump calling Biden “Sleepy Joe” even though he has no history of falling asleep in meetings (as Wilbur Ross, Trump’s commerce secretary, habitually does).
Ferguson’s corrupt white-run municipal government routinely exploited the city’s black residents. The cop was part of that system. The shooting resulted in the city’s insurer paying Brown’s family $1.5 million, virtually the entire city government was replaced, and the prosecutor who refused to prosecute Wilson was voted out of office. That’s not exactly a resounding endorsement for the argument you’re trying to make.
If you want to drill down into details, according to Brown’s companion, whom you can choose to believe or not believe,
“Johnson stated that Wilson initiated a confrontation by grabbing Brown by the neck through his car window, threatening him and then shooting at him. At this point, both Wilson and Johnson state that Brown and Johnson fled, with Wilson pursuing Brown shortly thereafter. Wilson stated that Brown stopped and charged him after a short pursuit. Johnson contradicted this account, stating that Brown turned around with his hands raised after Wilson shot at his back. According to Johnson, Wilson then shot Brown multiple times until Brown fell to the ground. In the entire altercation, Wilson fired a total of twelve bullets, including twice during the struggle in the car; the last was probably the fatal shot. Brown was hit a total of six times from the front.”
Note that Johnson didn’t claim Wilson shot Brown in the back; he said Wilson shot at Brown’s back. Wilson fired 12 rounds, but Brown was hit only 6 times; half of Wilson’s shots missed. So the facts established by the autopsy don’t necessarily contradict Johnson’s account of what happened. Like I said, you can believe him, or not believe him.
In any case, your argument misses the whole goddam point, because whether Brown was a criminal and whether Wilson acted in self-defense is beside the point. Ferguson blew up because black people were oppressed by a corrupt white-run city government which the police force had a part in. What was being murdered there was the human rights and civil rights of its majority-black residents. That oppressive system was the backdrop for the Brown shooting, and that backdrop can’t be ignored, because it sparked the protests and subsequent fallout.
Brown may not have been “murdered” in a criminal law sense, but I don’t hear the Democratic candidates arguing that he was. I hear the term being used in a rhetorical sense that’s completely lost on you. I see you and your ilk as blind and deaf to what the real issue of Ferguson.
What it all boils down to is that Democrats are against racism and racial oppression, and people like you either are for it, or don’t care. You’ve never posted one word on those blog about the mistreatment of blacks in Ferguson and the corruption of its city government, police court, and police department. Not one word. These Democrats are on the right side and you’re on the wrong side of what Ferguson was all about. Because you’re a dumbfuck. That’s what it all boils down to.
“How did journalists learn of highly classified reports connecting the break in with the Republican Presidential Campaign? These leaks of highly sensitive intel are risking lives! We have to find out who in the campaign or the FBI is the real criminal here!”
@74 You could argue they’re taking too much license, but you probably shouldn’t because Trump doesn’t take license, he lies, and you’ve never once called him out on it, so that would be extremely hypocritical on your part.
And the “murder” characterization may not be that far off. The physical evidence shows there were two shooting scenes. Even taking as a given that Wilson was justified in shooting Brown at his patrol car, the questionable actions arise from the second shooting approximately 124 feet away, and whether the shot that killed Brown was necessary or justified, which is clouded by conflicting witness accounts and ambiguous physical evidence and autopsy results. I don’t intend to rehash those details here, which serves no purpose; the point is, it’s an issue on which people differ, and the fact Warren, Harris, and Steyer don’t agree with your opinion of the matter doesn’t mean they’re “misrepresenting” the incident. They simply take a different view of the matter than you do.
I wonder if this info is correct. Thanks for the read but I think my article covers the topic better. Here read here
When a Dumbfuck thinks he’s got something…
Now our Dumbfuck probably spent hundreds of hours reading law textbooks when he was supposed to be a radiologist.
The, or any, administration doesn’t get to make that determination. The law is clear. A complaint formally filed of this type MUST be forwarded on to the appropriate oversight committees.
That statement could be argued is a clear admission of obstruction of justice.
To use an old Right Wing phrase, if you’ve got nothing to hide why not let the investigation happen.
Too damn funny
C’mon Bob, be adventurous. A gerbil won’t hurt. After all, you are having sex with a horse and who knows maybe even a few goats,
The problem they have there is that the statute itself declares who has the legal authority to make that determination.
Atkinson, the man hand picked by president peepee, is the only person with that legal authority. And he has already made that determination. They simply disagree. The statute does not grant them the right to disagree.
So in order for the OLC to prevail here, ultimately they have to bring a challenge to the statute on constitutional grounds. That is, they must argue that the exclusive grant of authority spelled out in the statute impermissibly disturbs or hinders the President’s article II authority.
The fact that the OLC has so far refused to make that argument may be telling.
Yo Gman, I hope you took your PrEP before you went “clubbing”
We aren’t going to bail you out again.
Donald visited the boarder wall and declared that top climbers in the world had visited and deemed it unclimbable.
Mexican youth in border towns, not actually trying to cross, have made a contest of racing each other to climb the wall. Reportedly the current record is 45 seconds and they’re still practicing.
Sounds like a good opportunity for some target shooting if you asked me.
So your new plan is to man every half mile of WALL!! with a qualified sniper team. That’s 4,000 snipers plus 4,000 spotters per shift for a total of 35,000 full time equivalent positions Each FTE will cost you $125k per year in direct and indirect (training, equipping, supervision, admin) for a total of $4.3 billion.
Mexico pays for that too, right?
This my friends is just exactly how dumbfuck Republicans are now. Everthing president peepee touches, he makes dumber.
Your right, a minefield would be much cheaper.
Or how about machine guns on motion sensors.
A minefield on the Mexico side, on Mexican sov territory?
Sure, Jan.
Automated machine guns on motion sensors trained on sovereign Mexican territory, presumably occupied by Mexicans.
Now do Canada.
Why? Are there millions of Canadians crossing the border illegally?
@94 yeah Max, The Hump is bailing us out again. Repukes are great at bailouts.
Oh and by the way Gilead pretty much provides co pay assistance to everyone. I don’t even have a copay. But you probably have more sex than I personally do.
Don’t take your eyes off Ebola though, otherwise probably one day it will be coming for you
You believe that there “millions” of Mexicans invading our country.
BTW, if after all this your new, new, new plan is to train hundreds of thousands of automated rapid fire machine guns on neighboring countries, do you actually still need a ten billion dollar wall?
You don’t really have any plan at all.
Go ahead. Keep going…
Shooting people who are still on the Mexican side of the wall would be…..
And very very Christian.
And probably extraditable. And….uh…murder.
Drones. Lots of drones. Authorization to fire if they get too close to the wall.
How about small tactical nuclear weapons? Automated of course. One shot gets a whole bunch of em
And….at last estimate there was what, roughly 15 million illegal immigrants in the US. So yes, thAts a few million.
Probably a few hundred are canadian.
Yes, it’s nuke time.
Okay, so your new, new, new, new plan is to launch a thermonuclear war against Mexico along a couple thousand mile border. Check. Got it.
First question: Have you checked with Texas?
Second question: Are you still sure you need WALL!!,?
Third question: Do we need to revise the specs for WALL!!! now that it needs to withstand nuclear attack?
Not very bright trolls.
Personally I like Iran’s use of drones.
I really hoped I get to fly a Mayor Pete flag on my boat, house and at High School sports events, after he becomes The President!
A new poll from last week shows Trump trailing Biden by 14 points, and even trailing Warren by 6 points. FAKE NEWS!!! Gotta be a fake poll, right? Um, no, it’s a Fox News poll …
@95 “top climbers in the world had visited and deemed it unclimbable”
That’s what they once said about Everest, too. What’s the speed record on Everest now? Under 11 hours from base camp, according to Wikipedia. And Everest is, um, taller than Trump’s wall. By quite a bit.
As for the Maginot Line, or Hitler’s Atlantic Wall, or the Western Front, all of which were much bigger and more formidable than Trump’s border wall — and guarded by armies, too — do you even want to go there?
There’s a reason why people quit building castles many centuries ago. It became too easy to break into them. Today, the Great Wall of China is a tourist attraction, not a military installation. The number of troops the million-strong People’s Liberation Army has assigned to manning it is zero.
Mobility, not fortifications, has been the basis of nearly all military strategies since no later than 1918. Because castles, walls, trench systems, and other physical barriers of all descriptions simply don’t keep out the people you want to keep out.
I guess The Donald didn’t get that memo. Maybe if he read a little history, or just a newspaper now and then, he’d know that. He knows nothing. His supporters are equally ill-informed. Or delusional.
Yeah, forty-five seconds sounds about right. For training. Before they get serious and starting competing for prize money. Before they unleash 12-year-olds on it. Climbing agility and speed peaks at, what, about age 14 or 15? That’s what it is for gymnasts.
@101 The troll’s obviously never been in the military. Every basic training recruit knows barbed wire, minefields, etc., don’t stop even heavily armed massed infantry assaults, and aren’t designed to; they only slow them down, hopefully long enough to bring up reinforcements if you’re lucky.
But there’s no stopping people who have convinced themselves they have all the answers. Blissful ignorance is an unstoppable force. Until it gets you killed, which it often does.
The problem is, ignorance on their scale could get us all killed, and we have to oppose them because we really don’t want them taking us with them. You kinda gotta do something about that.
@108 The troll wants to nuke his future Social Security benefits. Interesting.
Social Security is pay-as-you-go. This means paying benefits depends on current workers paying into the system. The U.S. native population growth has fallen below the replacement rate, and labor participation has fallen to a multi-decade low.
Who’s gonna pay taxes for your benefits, Maxie, if those millions of hard-working, law-abiding,* taxpaying immigrants — who get zero benefits in return for their contributions — don’t?
And they don’t complain. They’re so happy to have a job picking tree fruit and field crops for $5 an hour, reaching and stooping under a hot sun, they let us take advantage of them.
Get back to us after you do the math. If you have any brains, you’ll give them legal status, and you’ll give their relatives in Mexico work visas — bring the whole family — but no benefits.
* In case you missed it in my previous postings, the crime rate among illegals is about half that of native-born U.S. citizens. So, if you want to reduce crime, then deport the Americans and keep the illegals.
Alabama experimented with banning illegal immigrants from their farms and fields. Passed by a Republican legislature and signed by a Republican governor. It worked, too; many illegals left the state. That freed up thousands of agricultural jobs for American workers. And what happened? Those jobs went begging. Most Americans didn’t want them, and the few who did — mostly college students looking for temporary seasonal work — couldn’t do the work and typically didn’t last a week. They simply weren’t acclimatized to doing backbreaking stoop labor continuously for long hours every day. You can’t get in shape for it no matter how hard you try, because it takes a lifetime of conditioning for that kind of labor.
@109 Presumably he’ll check the wind direction first, so he knows where the radioactive fallout will end up …
@110 Yeah, more surgical, and no Chernobyl effects.
Nukes are area-type weapons. For example, you might use tactical nukes against massed Soviet tanks pouring through the Fulda Gap. Illegal border-crossers tend to be more dispersed, and are softer targets, so you need to go to the other end of the megatonnage spectrum — i.e., use a really big weapon with a fireball radius of, say, twenty miles — if you’re lucky and time it right, you might get a couple thousand of ’em at one time — and which will sow 1,000 square miles with deadly radioactive residue. Kind of like a huge minefield. Immigrants will need protective gear to cross it, which they’ll be able to buy in flea markets at borders towns …
“For incoming European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde, the U.S.-China trade war is the biggest threat to the global economy. Lagarde, who has run the International Monetary Fund since 2011 and was selected in July to replace Mario Draghi on Nov. 1, said the tariffs that the U.S. and China have slapped on each other’s goods are set to shave 0.8% off global economic growth in 2020. ‘That’s a massive number,’ Lagarde said in an interview with CNBC’s Sara Eisen. ‘It’s fewer jobs. It’s less business going on. It’s less investment. It’s more uncertainty. It weighs like a big, dark cloud on the global economy.'”
I’ve been around for quite a few years now — longer than I care to admit, e.g. I remember the 1950s — and one thing I’ve observed over the years is that Republicans are really good at tanking the economy.
I wasn’t around then, but my grandfather and father noticed it, too. In fact, they lived it. Took a world war to bail them out.
Trump’s plan for the U.S. farm economy, besides fewer crop pickers, is more ethanol.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Ever get a feeling this guy has no plan, is just winging it, testing various schemes (none of which seem to work) as he goes along?