Ann Telnaes: Grover Norquist on raising taxes.
Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA): 10th anniversary of Enron:
Mark Fiore: Hard science.
Ann Telnaes: The most wonderful time of the year.
Thom with more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
White House: West Wing Week.
America Occupied:
- Alyona’s Tool Time: Bloomberg’s army.
- Occupy the Washington state’s special leg session.
- Thom: Seattle’s Dorli Rainey on being pepper sprayed.
- Olbermann with Jackson Browne on his performance at Zuccotti Park
- Ann Telnaes: Speech is not created equal.
- Sam Seder: GOP plan to neutralize OWS.
- The Pepper Spray song.
- Young Turks: Adam Carolla OWS rant.
- Thom: GOP admits being frightened by the Occupy movement.
- Olbermann with Markos on Republican’s summoning Frank Luntz.
Thom reveals some Good, some Bad, and Some Very, Very Ugly.
Jon on Obama’s war on Thanksgiving.
Ann Telnaes: Detainee provision trashes the Constitution.
Jon on elections in Egypt.
WA and RI Governors want pot recognized for medical uses.
Young Turks: Republicans won’t tax the rich to offset payroll tax.
Thom: Are lies and sabotage the only hope for the WI GOP?
An interview with Rep. Roger Goodman (D-WA-45).
Rupert Murdoch hacks his way to Worst Person in the World.
Why we need to protect voter rights.
The Republican Primary Asylum
- Bashir: Who’s the biggest flip-flopper?
- Sharpton: The party of gaffes.
- Sam Seder: Herman Cain’s extremely simplistic view of foreign policy.
- Lawrence O’Donnell with Ginger White: Gifts from Herman.
- Rick Perry mocks Rick Perry
- Young Turks: Rick Perry’s latest disaster.
- Herman Cain’s brain.
- Alyona’s Happy Hour: Women for Herman Cain.
- Newsy: Cain launches “Women for Cain” site.
- Young Turks: Cain’s hilarious sex scandal.
- Sam Seder: Women for Cain!
- Herman Cain’s 1986 sexual harassment training video.
- Ed and Pap: Stupidity is Cain’s problem.
- Stephen on the Cain scandal.
- Jon: Thirteen years and can’t close the deal.
- Conan’s new Herman Cain campaign adRep. Roger Goodman (D-WA-45).’>on the economy (via recognized for medical uses.’>Huffington Post). - Stephen defends Herman Cain.
- Red State Update: Herman Cain should say, “Yeah, I Fucked Her!”.
- Thom: Why do Republicans think an affair is worse than sexual harassment?
- Young Turks: Was Newt a lobbyist?
- Ed and Pap: Skeletons in Newt’s closet.
- Bashir: Newt Gingrich is like a drunk who thinks he can control his drinking.
- Young Turks: Newt’s brave new ideas for child labor.
- Stephen: On Newt not being a lobbyist.
- Young Turks: Newt the new front runner?
- Young Turks: Ron Paul destroys Newt in new ad.
- The Huntsman girls bring him back.
- Mitt’s disastrous interview.
- Stephen: Mitt’s new attack ad.
- Young Turks: Mitt hates his FAUX News interview.
- Romney’s Two Weeks.
- NH voters on Mitt’s troubling attack ad.
- Jon: Mitt Romney is his own mistress (via Huffington Post).
- Young Turks: Romney stumbles on immigration.
- Sam Seder: More Michele Bachmann stupidity on Iran.
Sharpton: DNC’s Voter Protection Director discusses
Alyona’s Tool Time: Rick Scott cares.
Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) urges extension of payroll tax cut for middle class:
Sam Seder: The problem of Republican ignorance.
Thom with the Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
USA Ammo shoots up to Worst Person in the World.
Actual Audio: Grover Norquist on Meet the Press.
Kimmel’s Week in Unnecessary Censorship (via Huffington Post).
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Patty Murray couldn’t stop spending 1 dime even as head of her so called Super Committee. She will have this country in a depression due to the debt and deficits of this administration! That Committee was a disgrace!
Well, you did get that one right – I can’t tell how though – is it the 100 monkeys and a typewriter, or the stopped clock theorem?
This from BiPM over at kos, yesterday:
So true, so true.
I feel so bad for our trolls, sometimes. The stupid must really hurt.
What next?
Bloomberg Government (no, it’s a consulting firm, not a pipe dream) reports that Solyndra was an anomaly, but one anticipated and planned for – hardly an under-the-table conspiracy.
Some exerpts:
From TPM:
Exactly.. And Dino Lossi in the Senate just would have made this worse.
“The stupid must really hurt.”
Dumb fucks such as YD proudly wear “teh stupid” like some cheap Made-in-China flag pin.
Lots-o-people getting shot this weekend. Shooting people seems to have taken over from Baseball as the national pastime.
No one hurt in this one, but since it was one of our friends at the post office going postal decided to post it.
This was back on Wednesday. Who shoot four kids?
American cities are now being outfitted with sensors that detect gunfire.
And this one in Portland.
@1 “She will have this country in a depression due to the debt and deficits of this administration!”
We’re already in a depression due to the debt and deficits of the previous administration. Bush apparently didn’t realize that you can’t cut taxes and increase spending at the same time without borrowing money. How lame was that? How lame are all the GOPers who think we can keep giving more tax cuts to the rich and reduce the deficit? Even Jerry Ford could walk and chew gum in sequence.
@7 The “polite society” created by America’s gun culture makes Syria look like a gated community, doesn’t it?
Our homegrown psychos kill more people than despots can kill in a full-scale civil war. Pathetic.
Another great piece by Gwynne Dyer.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
@10 It’s crazy. All I’m saying here is that things change over time and we need to change and adapt with the times. I’m not saying we need to get rid of guns. Hell, I’m typing this 10 away from a locked cabinet with a couple of lever-action rifles in it. But, we do need to figure out a way to make it so fewer people are getting shot.
and how many of those shooters from above had a legally obtained firearm? Im guessing just about none of them.
@ 13
Any purchase of a firearm, whether it is from a gun store, a gun show, or in a private transaction is legal, as long as the purchaser is not a convicted felon or is not otherwise legally disallowed to possess such a weapon, and the seller is legally allowed to sell the gun. The onus is on the purchaser.
So, these examples could be perfectly legally purchased firearms in every example.
I’d guess the Homicide/suicide was probably a legally owned gun.
I’ve wondered for a while now if having instant back ground checks on ammo purchases would cut down on shootings and crimes by people who couldn’t legally own guns. I don’t have any data go with that, it’s not an assertion, it’s a question.
We do have a big problem with “straw purchases” and a little tinkering with the laws on those might help end straw purchases and wouldn’t have any effect on legal gun owners like me.
Look at the sea-change in behavior that we’ve had when it comes to smoking, seatbelt use, and drinking and driving over the last 30 years. While there were changes in laws to go with that, most of that change came about not from the changed laws, but from education and changes in behavior and societal mores. You can still drive a car, a 5th of booze and a pack of smokes. Could we do something similar with guns and gun violence? Again, it’s a question.
But, I don’t see how anyone, except maybe a nihilist who hates everyone and isn’t going to be a relevant part of forming public policy anyway, can look at what’s going on in America and not see a need to make a few changes.
Guess you didnt notice that one of the above was an ex-con…im thinking it probably wasnt legal for him to own a firearm.
your assumption that most firearms used in crimes are legally owned, is not supported by any facts.
What’s not supported by any facts is your statement above. Of the one crimes I listed above we only know that one of them was committed by someone that wasn’t legal to own a gun. I said that I guessed that only one of them, the murder-suicide not the felon, was committed by someone who could legally own a gun.
A large percentage of people who commit crimes with guns get them illegally though straw purchases, which is why I mentioned maybe we need to made that harder to do.
I never said or assumed that.
Please try to keep up.
Sadly, Herman, The Human Art Project, Cain has decided to suspend his campaign for president and is going to resume his book tour.
Let us bow our heads and mourn our loss of this once front runner for the GOP nomination.
Essential video viewing this week is Jesse LaGreca’s devastatingly cathartic smackdown and pulverization of Greta VanSusteren’s roving producer-hack at OWS:
Every once in a while someone manages to say what you wish everyone had the presence of mind to say to Fox so-called News.
Sadly, this didn’t end up getting broadcast–I’m sure it was just for lack of time. Luckily, we still have YouTube.
One of my nephews and two of his friends were renting a house in Seattle in the Green Lake neighborhood at the beginning of the year, but they had to move as the landlord was pocketing all the rent money and not paying the mortgage and that home was foreclosed on. So, they moved to West Seattle. I was just talking to him and it seems that last week they moved from West Seattle to Capitol Hill as their landlord in West Seattle wasn’t paying the mortgage and that house got foreclosed on.
That shit’s fucked up.
@20 The get-rich-quick gurus must teach that shit on late-night informercials, because I had a neighbor who did the same thing.
Tenants also play this game. I once owned a rental house (never again!) and a guy parked his wife and four kids in my house, paid the first month’s rent, then gave her a lift to the welfare office and that was the last anyone ever saw of him.
Cain Suspends Campaign
“Herman Cain said Saturday that he is suspending his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, choosing to end his campaign after weathering weeks of scrutiny over alleged sexual misconduct and accusations of an extramarital affair. …
“Cain said he’s launching a ‘plan B’ of his public career, a new policy-oriented website …. He said he will endorse a Republican candidate for president ‘in the near future.’
“His announcement could lead to the effective end to his campaign, but technically leaves open the option of reviving his bid for the presidency. …
“Cain spoke of his campaign mostly in the past tense throughout his speech, lashing out at the media for fueling the frenzy that became associated with his campaign.”
We’re gonna miss you, Herman. You were quite a carnival.
With Pawlenty and Cain out, Santorum and Huntsman still stuck in the starting blocks, and Perry and Bachmann on life support, that leaves a 3-way race between Romney, Gingrich, and Paul. But Paul’s really not a contender, so the only thing between Romney and the nomination is Gingrich, a flawed candidate if there ever was one. Obama must be chortling.
They probably learned it at a Dino Rossi seminar.
I’m getting a little more than a little sick of the self entitled grifter set.
Today’s lesson: Adulterers can win the presidency, but liars can’t.
That’s why Gingrich is still in the race, and Cain is out.
Bill Clinton is both an adulterer and a liar, and he became President.
I think the difference is that we knew who and what Clinton was when we hired him. Cain claimed he wasn’t the man we knew he was.
We know who and what Newt is and he’s not out there claiming any different.
Good Luck With That …
“Under a new policy unveiled … by the Walker administration, protesters who apply for permits to protest outside government buildings in Wisconsin may be charged for [police] costs …. ‘Gov. Scott Walker now wants to charge protesters for the … pepper spray,’ … Keith Olbermann observed last night.
“Marquette University Law School prof. Edward Fallone told the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel that he’s ‘skeptical about charging people to express their First Amendment opinion.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, that’s unconstitutional, but when did Republicans ever respect free speech rights? This crap is brought to you by a guy whose supporters try to run over recall signature collectors with cars. What an anal bunch of bullies.
Screw the permit. You don’t need no frikken permit to stand on public property waving a political sign. This isn’t China.
Wisconsin Update
Wisconsin’s Republican Party tried to drive signature gatherers away from Black Friday shoppers by urging mall owners to call police if they saw signature gathers on their property.
But the GOP harassment tactics are failing to overcome the huge groundswell of opposition to Walker’s policies. As of yesterday, December 2, Walker opponents had over 300,000 of the 540,000 signatures they need by January 17.
Democrats and unions are also collecting signatures to recall four more GOP state senators. Following the ouster of two GOP senators this summer, the loss of a single seat would cost the GOP control of the state senate.
#31 (continued)
At the very least, the recall drives will force the GOP to spend tens of millions of dollars to defend its existing office holders. That money can’t be used to win new seats.
Mob of Occupy protesters in Seattle assault peaceful anti-Occupy protester.
I wasnt responding to your post.
Perhaps it is you who needs to “keep up”.
A bunch OWS losers have been breaking into houses(in the seattle area) and squatting in them. When confronted, they claimed that they had a right to the houses because they needed a place to live.
what a bunch of fucking lazy losers.
Here is some more from these losers:
the OWS movement is showing its true socialist colors,…these are the lazy piles of shit of society, who expect the nanny state to take care of them. fuck them, let them freeze and starve this winter.
these people have earned nothing in life, and it shows.
fuck them, they deserve a boot in the eye.
now the OWS losers are breaking into houses and buildings and squatting in them.
fucking losers. this is the quality of people that the nanny state produces….
Yeah, but given the republican’s tendency to cheat and lie and dirty tricks, how do we know the thugs were not plants for some right wing tool and the whole thing was planned?
Does everyone remember when Goldy used to go apeshit over a tea party protester having a violent sign?
Yet when there is actual violence committed by Occupy protesters, he’s silent.
Makes you lose a little respect for him, doesn’t it?
LMFAO…yah, sure.
the republicans dont needs to make the OWSers look bad, they do it all by themselves.
they deserve a boot in the eye.
OWS has completely jumped the shark…
When Troll @ 38 said this:
“Fucking god-damned nigger bitch.”
Does anyone have any “respect” for anything troll posts here?
From October? This has been on HA three times already. Ask the crazed databaze deala ylb. And so what? Smackdown and pulverization? Hardly! The guy just rambles off his set of memorized talking points. Easily found on any George Soros web site!
You’re as timely as ever Yellow One!
Golly when we brought up the few “racist elements” in the Tea Party rallies of 2009/2010 and placed the leftist web site evidence of DUMMOCRAPTIC loons placing their “racist elements” emissaries in Tea Party rallies, your comment was what again?
What a crock. We had the complicit libtard media and the gaggle of Clinton War Room liars denigrating Gennifer Flowers and Paula Jones as “Trailer Trash” and claiming the vast right wing conspiracy machine that never was!
Then when Kathleen Willey came out regarding her “interactions” with Slick Willy she was visciously attacked. When the FBI man wrote his book detailing the coverup of Arkansas State Troopers helping Bill’s infidelity George Steponallofus was out front and center leading the Clinton War Room charge calling him a liar.
Thank goodness Monica Lewinsky kept the blue dress. All the lies and coverups by the complicit leftwing media came down like a house of cards.
Yeah right!
Overseas again and I was listening to CNN International at brekkie. What a hoot. They called the Muslim Brotherhood moderate after the first round of Egyptian voting. This is the same Muslim Brotherhood that called for the annihilation of Israel.
Glenn Beck called it correctly again months ago.
Sometimes Troll you act like the standard HA leftist. Could you please stop acting like headless lucy and not use the N-word? Let headless and his 63 other names use it okay? Remember rujax called Juan William the N-word and later on reentered the charge! The crazed databaze deala ylb has the search results.
Let them call my people that okay troll. Don’t sink to their level ever!
Shaolin Monk Max,
Maybe those were Fast and Furious guns used in those crimes! You know… 2500+ guns unaccounted for. One dead Border Agent! Multi-level coverup!
LMAO!! I can’t recall any HA lefty calling my relatives “cheap” and not the European ones either – it’s the ones with the brown skin.
We all know who sets the standard on the right around here.
It’s a fiend with well over 30k comments to his name.
Unbelievable.. The fool finally condemns a right wing act of hate speech…
Over two years after the fact!
O pleeeez…
We already know how her vineyards don’t hire union labor but cheap relatives of ylb.
“Do I want a jigaboo for president?” Nahhh.
Hymie Cocksucker – Can you give even one example of where your “seems to me” marxist beliefs have EVER been applied successfully?
So will you be voting for the nigger in November, or McCain?
Just scratching the surface..
Maybe Steve can chime in with the ODS driven insane racism of the KLOWN…
Did I comment in that thread ylb?
Man you are one stupid wormdillhole!
We all knew who and what the man was. What the media might have done or not done isn’t really the point. But, don’t look at me, I never voted for him and never much liked him.
I am so glad I OWN YOU ylb. You are my beta, I am your alpha!
Run along now you have to update your Sound Politics crazed databaze, the end of the month has passed!
In other news… another DUMMOCRAPT law maker has been stealing from the little kids
Now this is the same Harry Thomas Jr. who was against Michelle Rhee, the ex-DC schools superintendent who was cleaning up one of the worst school districts in the US.
Well it seems you didn’t either Harry Thomas.
DUMMOCRAPTS, always looking for ways to line their pockets.
Wasn’t the crazed databaze deala ylb screaming about Scandinavian universal health care earlier this year? Don’t worry he seldom finds his useless commentary… Well this is priceless…
I’ve been to Nyöpking. Nice place. People treated me very well. But I don’t think the water causes your legs to grow back!
“In other news… another DUMMOCRAPT law maker has been stealing from the little kids”
Only a hypocritical perv asswipe whines about some Democrat stealing from kids when his kind do far, far worse. The self-loathing loon’s every post here should be a display of him pathetically groveling and begging forgiveness for being such a foul excuse for a human being. He wouldn’t find much forgiveness here, but at least he’d finally be getting in touch with reality. Just imagine! A dose of reality for the loon. Surely, an exploding head soon follows.
Golly Roger DOPEY Rabbit… I posted the list of DUMMOCRAPT pervs then I moved on. I post new ones while you continue to use the same 2008 link.
You are so yesteryear.
I meant to say Stupid Solution Steve. I post new items all the time. Stupid Solution Steve, ylb and Roger ROPEY Rabbit use the same tired link.
They are so yesteryear!
Oh my I guess it’s time so let’s revisit the DUMMOCRAPT List of Pedophiles again…
Oh butt wait Stupid Solution Steve… here are DUMMOCRAPT Congresspeeps in action. Listen as DUMMOCRAPT Protect Pedophiles.
Hmmm… did this happen, you decide…
Then there is this additional list from FR.
Surely you remember Bernard Vincent Ward? DUMMOCRAPT Senator Barbara Boxer’s former chief legislative aide? Radio personality from CA? I posted him on HA. The WaPo scrubbed the link. I wonder why?
Surely you remember Gary Becker? No?
Butt then again you have a libtardo state, Vermont, home of that nutcase Bernie Sanders who seem to like pedophiles…
You see Stupid Solution Steve, no one really compiles the full list of DUMMOCRAPT pedophiles and there are more in other locations. Butt given time they can be found…
The loon’s list of Democrats is a pathetic display of wingnut denial and false equivalencies. All he could come up with was a handful of names and all of them from the last millinium. There are literally hundreds of Republican perverts who have been busted in this decade, this century, this fucking millinium. And those are only the ones who have been busted, in other words, only the tip of a huge iceberg.
The loon has no defense. The self-loathing loon lies and distorts because he knows that he and his perv party are nothing but a bunch of America-hating asswipes, pedophiles and goatfuckers.
How fucking pathetic. The loon needs to pull his dick from that pig and wake the fuck up.
you two are missing the point.
If either party really cared about kids, why dont they make pedophilia and sex crimes against children punishable by the death sentence.
all other talk besides that is utter bullshit, because both parties are full of limp wristed pussies.
there is no fixing these sick bastards…there is no treatment. they need to be shot in back of the head…period.
no mercy for child molesters.
max has spoken.
Remember Stupid Solution Steve, Roger DOPEY Rabbit said all I need is one example…
So here we go…
Bernard Vincent Ward. DUMMOCRAPT Senator Barbara Boxer’s former chief legislative aide. 2009
Charles Rust-Tierney was a former president of the Virginia chapter of the ACLU. 2007
DUMMOCRAPT money man Palm Beach billionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein 2008 much sex with over 24 underage Florida girls.
Democrat activist Andrew Douglas Reed 2006
Golly these are 5 years or less. You DUMMOCRAPTS wear your actions as a merit badge. In a couple of years DUMMCRAPTS forget and all is “forgiven and forgotten”. You give a wink and a nod to DUMMOCRAPT perversity.
Now you see why Stoooooopid is the first name of Stupid Solution Steve! Oh BTW Stupid Solution Steve, if Mark Foley is still on their list then it’s a lie. He was cleared by the FBI!
Sucks to be you!
Of course Stupid Solution Steve forgets all those “teachers” caught having sex with underage children. And since we know teacher unions jock-strap DUMMOCRAPTS, most are probably DUMMOCRAPTS!
And last but not least we couldn’t forget ObamAA+’s safe schools CZAR.
Remember those GLSEN lessons in fisting? No? I posted this on HA before. The crazed databaze deala has it cached at home.
No Shaolin Monk Max… Everytime I post non-sexual evil doings of DUMMOCRAPTS, Stupid Solution Steve, Roger DOPEY Rabbit and ylb sink to their common demoninator, that old link. Puddy moved on and is delivering continual DUMMOCRAPT malfeasance. When their arguments get weak HA DUMMOCRAPTS deliver that old link.
I agree kiddie sex offenders need to be eradicated. But if you read some of my latest links, DUMMOCRAPTS forgive and forget, especially the ones who continue to line DUMMOCRAPT coffers with campaign cash. I was one of the first conservatives here to say if Mark Foley was guilty send him to the slammer. The FBI cleared him as he broke no laws. So why was Gerry Studds continually reerected to his MASS congressional seat? DUMMOCRAPTS don’t really care!
These right wing morons always whine about “life” but they never talk about the many thousands of fertilized eggs that are thrown into the biohazard bins by fertility clinics..
Because so many of those infertile couples are right wing themselves and have the money to pay for those fertility treatments. To the right wing idiots, money buys everything including their blatant hypocrisy on “life”.
Then they whine about taxing smokers to pay for kids’ health insurance..
They’re yawwwwnnn.. fucking insane.
That “old link” shows your BLIND EYE towards right wing insanity..
Oh wait you suffer from it! How could you possibly see it for what it is?!?!
See Shaolin Monk Max,
Not a word of DUMMOCRAPTIC condemnation from the king of HA fools, the crazed Sound Politics and HA databazes deala ylb. All that evidence posted above and nothing from ylb.
I always wondered what he did at home all day. Well his own words proves he screen captures two Seattle blogs. I wonder how many other blogs he captures and tries to catalog with his failed search methods each month?
He loves it and lives it!
LMAO at your silly fantasies!
Keep denying the corruption of your tribe fool. I laugh at you!
I exposed the blatant racism of your moronic fellow travelers and your bigotry was exposed as well. You can run from it BUT YOU CAN’T HIDE!
The facts about your corruption and hypocrisy is at my fingertips IN TOTAL.
You all deserve one another..
See Shaolin Monk Max,
Still no condemnation.
Was an idiot before he arrived at HA. He’s been an idiot all the while he’s been on HA. He’ll still be an idiot in the future.
No fantasy crazed databazes deala. Your own words damned you when you posted from Sound Politics monomaniacal one!
Almost 20% of the posts now by the loony freak puddywuddyduddypussy.
Like Ron Paul creepy-creepin’ up in the polls.
Too bad the puddywuddyduddypussy’s fave was a lying serial adulterer….nice moral values there puddywuddyduddypussy.
Yeah…the emperor max-minidick is outraged…OUTRAGED. He’s so mad about the fact that not ONE….NOT ONE of these financial “titans” that looted the US Treasury (stealing HIS money…which he values above all else)…NOT ONE of these mega-crooks has gone to jail, and the emperor max-minidick is soooo mad he’s going to invest more with their companies. THAT will show them by god.
You know, if the puddywuddyduddypussy didn’t constantly, obsessivly post insane rantings and loonytoon gibberish ylb would not have any reason to catalouge the atrocities. Just sayin’.
THIS is why people are pissed off.
Sorry you’re in the grip of stupid fantasies O insane one.. You have not proved that I scrape soundpolitics just like you fantasized about having things in my database that Goldy deleted..
Just like so many other stupid things you have said and done here like the 64 circle jerk comments with your sockpuppet MWS..
It’s too funny to see you arrogantly swimming in your delusions..
Too bad about Cain huh?
Moron! You posted my words from SP.
Whatastoooooooooooopid Lying Jerkoff. I don’t have to prove nuthin. Your own post proved it.
And if it wasn’t GOLDY exposing my sock puppet you’d never know. I did enjoy watching Goldy take heat from both sides after he exposed my sockpuppet.
Remember fool, I expose leftist sockpuppets without Goldys assistance HNMMT!
No I didn’t O silly one. I just said you taunted Goldy at soundpolitics which you YOURSELF documented in your very first post here at HA..
Damn you’re stupid!
How when you were at post #93?
Then you went back and called MWS something else?
Regarding my comments at Sound Politics. Ummmm try again… You said something completely different.
See ya moron!
You mean you don’t know???
Like I said, damn, you’re stupid..
As for soundpolitics, again from your very first post:
If a tree falls in the wilderness, and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? Not to those who don’t hear it.
And if Puddy posts a taunt on (Un)Sound Politics, and nobody reads it, does it mean anything? Not to those who don’t read it.
Why should anybody read Puddy’s postings on a site which bans anybody who doesn’t agree with it? I can get better logic and reasoning by going to the local tavern at 1:00 a.m., and listening to the drunkest guy in the room trying to vocalize his political views.
I don’t very often.. Yet somehow the idiot @ 78 is under this delusion:
Uh NO,…
Right on time ylb.
You have no idea how many times I play you as the fool. You are there ready to go.
I own you sucka 24×7. You still don’t get it.
If Cass Sunstein farts is rhp6033 within 3 feet to smell it?
You wrote
So how could you know I was going to post @133 when you posted @93?
Oh oh…the puddywuddyduddypussy is invoking the “Cassasinator”!!
the puddywuddyduddypussy better look out!
Like I thought, you don’t know what’s going on..
Yawwwwwnnnn… What’s next..
I should know better indeed.. Darryl long ago nailed you as a pathological liar and said he’d treat you as such..
Waaaaay past time I did the same..
I’ve made my position on political corruption very clear in these threads..
I won’t repeat it here. Use teh google..
Keep searching..