John Oliver: Mobile homes.
The Atlantic: Watch community self-policing in action.
WaPo: Rep. Ilhan Omar’s “some people did something” comment on 9/11, in context.
Chris Hayes: Congresswoman Ilhan Omar targetted by conservative media
Trevor: Assange arrested and charged with conspiracy
Bill Maher: Masturbate, don’t procreate.
Vox: How Norway designed a more humane prison.
Robert Reich: Socialism of the rich, capitalism for the rest
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
New York Times: We’re losing the war against bacteria, here’s why
Dotard Quixote Трамп And Other Toxic Windbags:
- Stephen: Трамп wrongly blames Obama for family separations
- Rachel Maddow: William Barr scrambles to rewind “spying” conspiracy theory embrace
- Trevor: The battle over Трамп’s tax returns
- Seth Meyers: Трамп dodges questions on Mueller, tax returns, WikiLeaks
- Lauren Mayer: If you’ve got nothing to hide
- Jonathan Mann: Throw William Barr into the black hole
- Bill Maher: Seth Abramson—Proof of Collusion
- Conan: People gave Трамп money to get the hell out of Los Angeles
- Mother Jones: The Dotard’s WikiLeaks amnesia:
- Stephen: Mar-A-Lago is a spy’s dream come true
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Blocking Трамп tax return release puts Treasury Secretary in legal jeopardy
- Jimmy Kimmel: The real reason The Dotard won’t release tax returns
- The Late Show: The Kirstjen Nielsen farewell card collectjion
- WaPo: The fight against Trump’s travel ban just arrived on Congress’s doorstep
- Stephen: Caging kids isn’t tough enough for Трамп
- Seth Meyers: Трамп listens to Stephen Miller and Lou Dobbs on immigration
- Trevor: The Mueller report tug-of-war
- Samantha Bee: The DHS purge
- Chris Hayes: The Трамп’s Twitter feed is full of garbage
- Stephen: William Barr hints at his Mueller report redactions
- The Late Show: The Acting Secretary school of acting
- Stephen: Maxine Waters has the gavel, not the “gravel”.
- Ari Melber: Mueller indictment busts Democratic lawyer linked to Трамп’s guilty campaign manager
- Roll Call: Swamp monsters return to the Hill to protest Трамп’s Interior secretary nominee
- Bill Maher: 25 things you don’t know about Mike Pence:
- Mark Fiore: Calling all xenophobes
- Rachel Maddow: Assange Arrest puts WikiLeaks tie to Трамп camp back in spotlight
- Stephen: Трамп’s “Our country is full” is the new “Lock her up”
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard thinks we’re very lucky he is President
- Bill Maher: Barr fight
- Jimmy Fallon: Трамп’s Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen resigns
- Seth Meyers: The Dotard lashes out over immigration and his tax returns
- Samantha Bee: Fifty Cons of Way
- Trevor: Profiles in tremendousness—Federal Reserve Board nominee Herman Cain
- WaPo Opinion: Where’s the love for WikiLeaks now, Dotard?
- Stephen: The Dotard thinks he has “won” the Mueller report
- The Late Show: Should Mnuchin stay or should he go?
Seth Meyers: Chelsea Clinton doesn’t know what FAUX News would talk about without her mom.
Jim Jefferies: Jim talks with sex workers in Thailand about trans rights.
Physics Girl: How magnet paper works.
Roll Call: Congressional Hits and Misses.
Songify some political news:
Vox: How Leonardo da Vinci made a “satellite” map in 1502.
Samantha Bee: Yemenis in Djibouti.
Jimmy Kimmel: DO NOT USE #YachtCocaineProstitutes or Devin Nunes will be mad.
Twenty-Twenty Vision:
- Stephen: Rep. Eric Swalwell is a presidential candidate
- Roll Call: Tim Ryan is running for president, here are some congressional basics
- Chris Hayes: Sen. Warren, Amazon should pay “fair share” in taxes
- Conan’s dog is thinking about running for President
- WaPo: The ever-expanding role of a candidate’s partner on the campaign trail
Vox: Why this black hole photo is such a big deal.
Seth Meyers: A political monologue.
Stephen interviews Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05).
Jim Jefferies: The mistreatment of trans people in sports.
Roll Call: Climate debate heats up Oversight Committee.
Jimmy Fallon with political News and Improved.
Seth Meyers: Political monologue.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Who didn’t get purged at DHS? The Coast Guard Commandant?
Remember when The Federalist Society pimped tort reforn book tours and tort reform model legislation?
Now ranking Trumpublicans go venue shopping in VA to sue imaginary cows.
And once-shy-Trumpers like Teh Dumbfuck pin their hopes for a klownsurvaturd future on the Fed Soc, while any woman who wants can mail order an abortion for $5.
Conservatism is truly all gone now.
Hey, how many of y’all HA libbies are still backin’ Michael Avenatti for prez? Or was it just the MSNBC/CNN crowd?
Elizabeth Warren proposes new tax on corporate profits
Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren is proposing a new tax on corporate profits{ The 7% tax on corporate profits above $100 million} that’s designed to prevent business giants from taking advantage of the existing tax code to effectively pay a zero rate.
What’s not to like?
Amazon’s response “Amazon pays all the taxes we are required to pay in the U.S”.
Must be nice to have republicans change the tax laws into your favor and then protest you are following the rules.
The sight of Assange being dragged, kicking and screaming, from the Ecuadorian Embassy by police is how I imagine what Bob will look like when authorities come to take him in an effort to rescue his horse.
To be filed under “Getting High on the Smell of their Own Farts”.
Elizabeth Warren is a joke.
Favorable/Unfavorable at -9.3%.
She spent nearly as much as she raised in Q1.
She’s as dishonest as Hillary Clinton and just as unlikable. The difference is Hillary Clinton spent far more time racking up negative opinion events in a very, very public way.
I’m not even sure he’s a Democrat.
I know his most famous client was a registered lifelong Republican.
I see we are now shifting into the “convenient amnesia” phase of the Orange Revolution. While the rest of us should never forget that all of the “liberal attacks” from “angry Democrats” that Trumpublucans attempt to armor themselves with is stuff they did entirely to themselves, and at their own initiative.
From Toddler Torture, to Nuclear Free Korea, to Associate Justice Date Rape, to “Very fine Death Car”, to “Grab ’em by the pussy”, to “Russian Collusion”, to “the jizz-covered porn stars”, to whatever.
These are one and all #owngoals they perpetrated on themselves. Stuff they initiated for the lulz, and kept alive with their own investigations, their own blundering attempts at concealement and obstruction, and their own incessant whining.
And the minute it suits them they will pretend they can’t remember any of it, and that they’ve spent the last two years being philosopher statesmen floating above it all.
Sure, Jan.
• Unanimous
• Ninth Circuit
Trump’s Policy Forcing Asylum-Seekers To Wait In Mexico Has Been Temporarily Allowed By A Federal Court
Hey, no big deal, libbies. When it finally gets to SCOTUS I’m sure Justice Garland will issue an opinion favorable to the ACLU.
@ 8
I’m not even sure he’s a Democrat.
Oh, look what matters in 2020.
Hey, QoS McHillbilly, I’ll gladly exchange a couple more ‘own-goal’ references from you for two replacement SCOTUS justices.
All of those critiques of Trumpism, and yet you haven’t dented his approval ratings a bit.
Trump’s approval is back at the upper end of a very narrow window
Number’s not great, but it’s good enough for re-election, especially if Dems run another disaster of a candidate. And there are way, way too many dumb twat Dem voters like YLB for you guys to trust in a primary race.
Elizabeth Warren has the highest percentage of Democrat voters in New Hampshire who say they won’t vote for her under any circumstances.
Although to be fair to Liz, that’s only because Hillary’s not running.
Fed Soc approved and ready to fight for Devin Nunes’ day in court to face off against an invisible cow. #winning
Did we already cover this? Yup. We did.
Mind the rakes, Sideshow Boob!
This is cool.
Due in part to steep declines in crime (in spite of all the rapey Canadians sneaking into the US with all their guns and drugs) starting in 2014 law enforcement agencies took more stuff from Americans than criminals.
@ 8
I see we are now shifting into the “convenient amnesia” phase of the Orange Revolution. While the rest of us should never forget that all of the “liberal attacks” from “angry Democrats” that Trumpublucans attempt to armor themselves with is stuff they did entirely to themselves, and at their own initiative.
I see someone else is experiencing some amnesia over the Orange Revolution. No mention of:
• 8,000 point climb in the DJIA since Election Day 2016
• Increasing Federal tax revenues, even as
• Americans pay less in federal income tax
• Gorsuch
• Kavanaugh
• Packing of the judiciary with many more confirmed appointees than predecessors have managed.
QoS McHillbilly, when you and your ilk do your best Pauline Kael over the 2020 election outcome, remember that results, even if not pretty, are still results.
I wonder if Cz-252 has realized that Netanyahu won.
He seemed so confident about the other guy’s chances. One would think he would have learned something from his overconfidence in Hillary’s chances.
Of course, one would think all y’all would have learned something from that. Clearly not.
QoS McHillbilly @ 14
Polling, and voting, are not the same thing. I can send you some YouTube videos of Hillary supporters on Election Night 2016 if you need further clarification. Or, you can just read the HA Election Night thread.
Here endeth the lesson.
@ 15
starting in 2014 law enforcement agencies took more stuff from Americans than criminals.
In which we learn that criminals are not Americans. I guess that explains why we don’t want them to vote.
YLB’s greatest influence growing up was Bob Barker. Other than Anna Wintour, I mean.
Ocasio-Cortez Appears On ‘The Price Is Right,’ Guesses Everything Is Free
What is the world coming to when a self-proclaimed socialist like Bernie Sanders can become a millionaire, while a self-proclaimed capitalist like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit cannot?
Hey y’all, I’d like to stay and chat but Steve’s become a bore, and I have some GDP and federal taxation to contribute to, so I’m outta here.
I want to leave y’all with something positive. Only 20 days ’til
An Evening with the Clintons
And snow melts every spring too. Amazeballs!
Trumpublunkins do magic just like dogs.
Swap forty seats in Congress and a half dozens states for this AMAZING RED BALLOON! (pop)
Tell me about it.
Tell me about it.
Tell me about it.
Tell me about it.
Following your logic, neither are Law Enforcement. (pop)
How much do you want to bet Barr redacts every word of the Mueller report except for the two sentences he quoted already.
That would really own the libs.
The only group salivating for Michael Avenatti for prez were republicans. Democratic voters and talking heads were wait and see.
@ 30
We were salivating for Hillary, too.
Takedown Of The Century.
@16. You champion greed at the cost of middle and lower class Americans, ballooning the deficit, ignoring the rule of law when it’s no longer convenient, ignoring women, and packing the courts with people who put their greed and their tribe above american values.
@16 & 32. Elizabeth Warren used to b a republican like you,
The story of Warren’s awakening—from a true believer in free markets to a business-bashing enforcer of fair markets; from a Republican to one of the most liberal senators in America — is key to understanding how she sees the world: with a willingness to change when presented with new data, and the anger of someone who trusted the system and felt betrayed.
Gudwad, tell us your reasons, when you were presented with the truth, why didn’t you change for the better?
Wait and see?
This is a guy who, besides his multiple bankruptcies, squandering of firm resources and failed investment schemes, had already been caught playing with client trust funds.
That may not seem like a “big deal” to lay persons. But Rog or any other credible lawyer will tell you it is the professional equivalent of the mark of satan. Nobody with any awareness or other real options would go near the dude. Exactly the kind of lawyer you’d expect to dredge up a over-the-hill, saggy porn hose-bag who fucked Donald Trump and wanted to be paid for it.
He’s filth. His identitiy isn’t the point. Neither is hers. Neither for that matter is Pecker’s. Nor finally is Trump’s. They are all filth.
The point is the identity of the people who support all this filth.
The GOP.
@ 33
…with a willingness to change when presented with new data…
Don’t forget her willingness to change ethnicity when presented with an opportunity for professional advancement.
This chick is toast. She got rich off of lies. She’s polling at single digits in the area of the country that knows her best. For a reason.
@ 32
Greed is an American value.
Debt is an American value.
Both of these are necessary to get the majority of the country out of bed in the morning.
Say, where’s ‘froggy these days?
Biggest winners under new tax law: People who worked their asses off to be born to rich parents.
Not so much: People working their asses off at shitty jobs trying to make ends meet.
@1 No, the guy on the pier who unties the mooring line. He’s next.
Wherein Assange gives lessons on how to wear out your welcome when you’re living in someone else’s house.
No doubt true if your morning promises to be filled with rummaging around in the unspeakably smelly secretions from the nether regions of homeless addicts and sorting through ER drug seekers for the “hot chicks”.
Salad days, eh Dumbfuck?
@2 “Conservatism is truly all gone now.”
There wasn’t much to it in the first place beyond the factory owners wanting to break strikes, retain the 16-hour work day, and employ child labor.
@3 Why don’t you read the polls and find out? Why do we always have to look things up for you? Get off your lazy bum and do something for yourself once in a while.
@7 “Elizabeth Warren is a joke.”
But she’s a United States Senator and you’re not, neener neener.
I’ll tell you who the joke is: The dumbfuck who votes for the party of Trump and Roy Moore.
@11 “especially if Dems run another disaster of a candidate”
Since you’re starting out with a disaster of a candidate, they’ll have to really work at it to lose, but this is America where anything is possible, including reviving a political movement long thought dead for all time.
Btw, how’s that scheme to attract Jewish voters by merging the GOP with neo-Nazism working for you?
“Hey y’all, I’d like to stay and chat but Steve’s become a bore”
You’re now known by everybody here as a dumbfuck. I did that to you, Doctor. Pissed off much?
A measure of selfishness is fine, but unfettered greed is toxic I checked there are hundreds of bible versions about greed
Ecclesiastes 5:10 Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless.
Proverbs 1:19 So are the ways of everyone who is greedy for gain. It takes away the life of its owners.
and the classic
Proverbs 22:16 Whoever oppresses the poor for his own increase and whoever gives to the rich, both come to poverty.
Mark 8:36 What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?
So, I disagree that “Greed is an American value.”
Greed seems to be a driving republican value and since republicans are Americans, it is part of the culture. But Slavery used to be a conservative American value and we did our best to get better. Women used to be second class citizens at best, but we got better. Minorities and gays used to be third class citizens at best, but we got better. Unfettered greed is destructive to democracy, and we can get better.
@12 “Elizabeth Warren has the highest percentage of Democrat voters in New Hampshire who say they won’t vote for her under any circumstances.”
Given a choice between her or Trump, I’d bet money that nearly all of them would vote for her, and a fair number of New Hampshire Republicans, too.
You see, dumbfuck, your candidate makes our candidate’s popularity irrelevant. Thanks to Trump, we can run anyone we like, with no electability concerns.
So if we nominate Warren, don’t blame us; we didn’t tell you to rally around a known criminal and foreign agent.
@11 “All of those critiques of Trumpism, and yet you haven’t dented his approval ratings a bit.”
Hard to do when he doesn’t have an approval rating to dent.
@16 “Americans pay less in federal income tax.”
They don’t think so.
@17 “I wonder if Cz-252 has realized that Netanyahu won.”
Well, I certainly do. My Israeli defense stock jumped 5% the next day. Heads I win, tails I win.
@18 “Here endeth the lesson.”
The “lesson” you impart to us every day is that it doesn’t take any brains to be a dumbfuck. Even garden slugs are smarter than you. At least they know where they’re going and why they’re going there.
“Dumbfuck” is the right word to describe someone who is against everything good and decent in the world and supports the likes of Trump, Kavanaugh, Roy Moore, leering MAGA hat kids, etc.
@19 Actually, they are Americans, just like you and me, and you can’t evade the reality that, per capita, Americans are twice as criminal as immigrants by trying to change the definition of “American.”
As for cops taking more stuff from Americans than criminals do, if you think all of that is legitimate law enforcement and cops aren’t stealing from innocent citizens, then you learned nothing from what happened in Ferguson.
You probably still think Ferguson was about nothing more than another white cop shooting another unarmed black guy.
I think it’s far more interesting that, when he isn’t choke-fapping to AOC’s dance video, Teh Dumbfuck is preoccupied with the electoral potential of just one of twenty possible challengers to his beloved leader, in a state with only four electors that hasn’t awarded a single one to a Trumpublunkin in nearly twenty years.
Let Teh Dumbfuck spend his declining days peering at OfDumbfuck’s weekly entertainments from his blind in the bedroom closet, and worrying about New Hampshire. The rest of us need to get some poor folks registered to vote in places like Ohio and Pennsylvania.
38)…And the Commander of the International Ice Patrol, too. Also, their reason for being, the anniversary is coming up.
The older trumper I know on facebook has become more vocal. All brown illegals are now criminals and the term “wetback” is starting to pepper his comments of them.
It enrages him that we are wasting resources being nice to them. He’s all for anything that punishes libs for challenging cruelty.
Look on the bright side, enough normalizing of that kind of language among Republicans will cost them Florida and Texas.
And Mike Pence will never be President.
Brazil’s rightwing leader is shocked — SHOCKED — that Israel took offense at his suggestion that the Holocaust can be forgiven.
Is he channeling Pinochet? In any case, if he’s contemplating throwing chained naked people out of airplanes into the Atlantic Ocean, he doesn’t mean YOU, Jews.
“A federal investigation found ‘severe and pervasive’ sexual harassment of female employees” including “unwanted groping and kissing” at AccuWeather while Barry Myers, Trump’s nominee to head NOAA, was CEO of the company. Myers also has conflicts of interest, because AccuWeather profits from selling data collected by NOAA at taxpayer expense, and his family still owns the company.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What’s the big deal? The entire federal government is run by a sexual harasser with conflicts of interests, so what’s one more federal agency?
@56 – Other Look on the Bright Side, Pence will probably never be president but Hillary Clinton DEFINITELY will never be president.
And neither will Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren!
Was wondering when this would happen. Union Pacific’s goal was to have a Big Boy Steam locomotive running in time for the 150th Anniversary of the Golden Spike. Cutting it real close, but 4014 is under steam for the first time in 50 years.
Another legacy of WW2 popped up this week, unexploded ordinance. In Germany, construction crews probably have to have EOD on speed dial. Today it was on the River Main in Frankfurt. Earlier in the week, London.
And neither will Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren!
Because sixteen generations of Latinos living in Florida will get up extra early to cast ballots for people who call them “wets”.
@59 I would vote for Warren just to fuck over Republicans. They’ve got payback coming to them. I’d rather see her on the Supreme Court than in the White House, though. She’d be a great replacement for RBG.
“Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Congress Not ‘Smart Enough’ To Understand Trump’s Tax”
“Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Trump Was ‘Making A Joke’ When He Said He Loved Wikileaks”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: She needs to get laid.
“I’ve lost my home, my insurance, what little savings I had, my ability to make a living because people pay me to write and talk, and of course the things they want me to write and talk about are the very things I’m not allowed to talk and write about. In the blink of an eye you can lose everything.
I have to pay everything I have to lawyers. And I could no longer pay the rent in the property that I was in. I moved from a nine-bedroom house to a one-bedroom apartment. Had to do the move myself with my wife renting a truck. On the last day of the move in kind of a freak accident the truck slips out of gear and rolls over my wife’s ankle, breaking it.”
-Roger M. Stone, interview with tiny local sat trailertalk podcast
Of note: He too did this to himself.
He had been granted generous bail terms that would have permitted him to continue to bilk idiot trailerbillies like our trolls for cash. So naturally he used that freedom to threaten violence against the court. And his bail was revised.
Also of note: This very interview, however obscure and irrelevant, is itself a further violation of his revised bail terms. I’m pretty sure at this rate he won’t have to worry much longer about the rent on that apartment either.
The GOP has a new technique for punishing refugees.
The DHS court administrators leave the names of one or two minor children off the docket for the asylum hearing, or alternatively they misspell the child’s name. Then they issue a deportation order against the minor only, leaving the parents to either abandon the child or abandon their application for asylum.
Republicans have issued a deportation order against an 11 year old girl named Laura Alvarado in Houston.
Because this sadistic shit really is “the status quo” for Republicans now.
Was looking at a new bicycle and the expert at the shop was saying that all the bikes are at least $30 more expensive now that the tariffs have kicked in. The other countries are not absorbing the tariffs , I’m having to pay them.
Republicans whining because cities have more voters than farms communities. Fuck ’em. One person, one vote. If they don’t like it, they can move to a state that doesn’t have any cities.
I recently got into an argument on a different forum with a guy who complained about western Washington running our state. He thinks that’s very unfair, because eastern Washington is bigger. These people think representation in the legislature should be based on acreage, not population. They believe one-fifth of Washington’s population should be able to tell the other four-fifths what to do. Fuck ’em. If they don’t like it where they are, they can move to Idaho or Kansas. I don’t think we should make any effort at all to accommodate their concerns. We tried that and all we got in return was whining and name-calling.
@66 It’s not all that far removed from the mentality that herded people into places like Dachau, when you stop to think about it. First they dehumanize them, then deny them legal rights, and when no one cares about them anymore they can be killed with impunity.
That’s why we have to care about them.
Republicans are attacking Social Security and Medicare again, this time enlisting the big mouth of Alan Greenspan, a self-described “lifelong libertarian Republican.”
“In September 2008 Joseph Stiglitz stated that Greenspan ‘didn’t really believe in regulation; when the excesses of the financial system were noted, (he and others) called for self-regulation—an oxymoron’. Greenspan, according to The New York Times, says he himself is blameless.”
Greenspan was another one of Ronnie Raygun’s gifts to body politic. After all the misery and suffering he helped heap on the American people, he doesn’t deserve to be listened to anymore. He should just go fuck himself.
For someone who has spent a lifetime as a high earning lobbyist and campaign operative he sure wasn’t planning well for his golden years if he only had a ‘Little’ savings.
There are no capitalists in the retirement home I guess. Those places are pretty expensive without medicaid and SSI.
Oh, lookie. There’ll be a litmus test for the 2020 Dem prez nominee.
Laurence Tribe✔
I agree. The @PeteButtigieg audience was overwhelmingly white. He’ll need to be more inclusive going forward. I trust he will be.
Replying to @tribelaw and 2 others
He was great. But that audience was very very white. We need to be sure whoever is the 2020 candidate is able to inspire folks of all backgrounds and races to come out and vote for him or her. That didn’t happen in 2016.
2:17 PM – Apr 14, 2019
“I don’t care how awful she is, it’s Kamala Harris or bust.” Really, libbies? Is it ’cause you can’t find a minority woman who’s also gay or trans?
Greenspan is the guy who while 30 year mortgage rates were at historical lows was telling everyone they should get variables.
There’s plenty of blame for the Great Recession to go around but Greenspan did more than any other single person to sell people on the idea of loans they eventually could no longer afford.
By all means, Trot Out Greenspan to sell your new economic ideas.
@ 71
Greenspan was renominated, twice, by Bill Clinton. Tying him to Reagan when three subsequent presidents renominated him is silly.
@ 73
Yup. He did that. It was one of several major factors that led to the Great Recession.
@65 “my ability to make a living”
Interesting complaint considering he’s been a political swindler since his teens and has never had what most people would consider a job. His misfortune is he was born into a blue-collar family; doesn’t he realize that politics is a hobby for the idle rich, something to do with your time if you don’t need to make a living?
@75 The Great Recession was a direct result of the anti-regulation, anything-goes fever that Republicans foisted off on the American public as an “economic policy,” just as the 1980s S&L scandals were.
The housing crash was the economic equivalent of what happens when there are no speed limits, stop signs, or traffic cops. Republicans call it “free markets.” The rest of us call it anarchy. It leads to the same results every time.
@75 “Tying him to Reagan when three subsequent presidents renominated him is silly.”
No it’s not, because if he hadn’t been nominated, he wouldn’t have been renominated.
You remind me of the old joke, “If I get there first, I’ll put on a stone on the wall; if you get there first, knock it off.”
I thought you didn’t like the Clintons? When did you become a Clinton fan? Five minutes ago? Reminds me of another joke about a guy try to hitch a ride in Utah …
@ 78
No it’s not, because if he hadn’t been nominated, he wouldn’t have been renominated.
If Bill Clinton had not married Hillary, the Democrats would have the White House today. Bill Clinton’s fault there’s a President Trump.
By your logic, at least.
@79 By your logic, if you’d been born a horse, you’d have children.
Sounds like Stone blew a lot of his money on fetish gear, steroids, and “dates” for his wife.
Typical Republican. Perverted and financially irresponsible.
Duncan Hunter’s wife knows exactly what I’m talkin about.
Some Black people are bigots, I’m sure Mayor Pete would to include them. But it’s they that don’t want to include him.
If he came to NYC, his audience would be very diverse.
“One of China’s richest men has been criticized for endorsing the controversial culture of 12-hour workdays in the country’s red-hot tech industry, saying employees who worked longer hours will get the “rewards of hard work.”
“Jack Ma, founder of e-commerce giant Alibaba (BABA), has spoken out on social media in recent days in support of the Chinese work practice known as ‘996.’ The number refers to working from 9 am to 9 pm six days a week and is said to be common among the country’s big technology companies and start-ups.
“‘If we find things we like, 996 is not a problem,’ Ma said in a blog post Sunday on Chinese social media site Weibo.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Good to see China’s capitalists catching up with early 19th century western labor standards. Maybe in another 200 years they’ll start treating their workers like human beings. In the meantime, I’m not buying anything from these fuckwads.
@81 What Stone needs is enrollment in a federal retraining program that will give him exposure to real skills like operating laundry equipment or serving food in a cafeteria line between head counts.
“Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon slashes pay for his employees as revenue drops”
“The bank cut compensation and benefits set aside for employees in the quarter by 20 percent to $3.26 billion, outstripping the decline in companywide revenue.
“Goldman posted first-quarter revenue that missed analysts’ expectations, dropping 13% to $8.81 billion amid a tougher market for trading and investing.
“The drop in pay helped the bank beat analysts’ expectations for profit, however.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hmm. Can’t say I feel sorry for the bankers. Revenue down 13%, so cut pay 20%, and profit soars. Now they know what it feels like to be an employee.
Obviously, they should trade their three-piece work suits for shareholder’s jeans and loafers. These days, it’s much better to own companies than to work for one.
The essence of capitalism is getting paid for not working. Employment is for fools and poors. Just sayin’ I didn’t create this crazy system; I’m stuck with it like everyone else. (snicker)
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit doesn’t own Goldman Sachs stock — why should I? they give half their revenue to employees — but does own other bank stocks.)
Don’t forget to file your automatic extension. If your income is over $350,000 a year, you don’t have to send money with your Form 4868. Otherwise, you have until midnight to reimburse the IRS for your lower withholding under Trump’s tax “cut.”
Just watched Pete Buttigieg on Rachel Maddow. He makes for a compelling and credible candidate. I think he will do very well.