Samantha Bee: #MeToon.
Jimmy Fallon does Jim Jefferies.
Jimmy Kimmel’s climate change warning to red states.
John Oliver: Robocalls!
The Dotard Трамп and His Band of Felons, Past and Future:
- Stephen: Policy proposals from Mar-A-Lago members
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп lies about “Tim Apple”
- The Late Show: Evidence that walls don’t work
- Roll Call: Why presidential budget requests are usually dead on arrival, explained
- Stephen: A Republican rebuke of the “President”
- Conan: Melania went on FAUX News to ask for a divorce
- Seth Meyers: Cheating rich people
- The Late Show: Now that’s what I call an alibi
- Lauren Mayer: Bibles & hush money:
- Stephen: Stephen does the math on Manafort’s jail time
- Trevor: You’re fired—In memoriam vol. 2
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard Трамп blasts late night shows
- Stephen: New Трамп nicknames for 2020 Democrats
- James Corden: Трамп has veto and beto on his mind
- Seth Meyers: The Dotard Трамп lies about Paul Manafort and “Tim Apple”
- The Late Show: What happens when The Dotard signs a bible?
- Jimmy Fallon: Трамп vetoes via Twitter to get his border wall
- Conan: Трамп is relaunching his airline business
- Stephen: Трамп told Gen. Kelly to “get rid of my kids”
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп continues attacks on late night hosts
- Joy Reid: The Dotard Трамп basks in praise before signing veto
- Late Show: Mike Pence Loses Some Office Space
- Stephen: Rudy Giuliani’s secret backchannels
- Rachel Maddow: The Dotard Трамп makes gross mix of NZ condolences with border stunt
- WaPo: Can The Dotard take a joke?
- Trevor: Fake Melania, Tim Apple & Трамп’s six degrees of corruption
- New York Times: Who is Paul Manafort?
- Jimmy Fallon: Jim Jefferies on compares Трамп’s U.S. naturalization ceremony speech to Obama’s
- Stephen isn’t above doing massage parlor jokes
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп wants Jared & Ivanka out of the White House
- Stephen: Трамп denounces “very boring late night shows”
- Conan: De-Трамп your Bible with MiracuClean wipes
- The Late Show: President Трамп simplifies Air Force One
- Rachel Maddow: Трамп admin tracked individual migrant girls’ pregnancies
- Jimmy Kimmel: Continues attacks on late night hosts
- Seth Meyers: Late Night White House Press conference with Трамп
- Stephen: Speaker Pelosi puts impeachment on hold
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Stephen: Tucker Boy Carlson’s terrible apology for “naughty” comments.
Robert Reich: The yuge Republican lie about the deficit:
Today I Found Out: What happens if you are sleep walking and you kill someone?
Vox: Why you still don’t understand the Green New Deal.
Samantha Bee: Is Tucker Carlson a White Supremacist?
The Atlantic: Who has time for doomsday? Not Alaska.
Today I Found Out: When aluminium cost more than gold…
Venti Venti Venting:
- Stephen: Doin’ it donkey style—Born to Beto
- Trevor: Beto O’Rourke’s Texas-sized tease & Joe Biden’s lead in presidential polls
- Seth Meyers: John Hickenlooper wants to heal the United States’ deep divide
- Trevor: Beto O’Rourke becomes 2020’s 15th Democratic presidential candidate
- Stephen: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard on America’s role in the world
- Jimmy Fallon: Beto O’Rourke’s hands announce his 2020 presidential campaign
- Seth Meyers: Beto announces 2020 bid and The Dotard attacks him
- New York Times: Who is Beto?
- Trevor Noah and Jake Tapper at SXSW: Preparing for the 2020 election & keeping up with Трамп
- Seth Meyers: John Hickenlooper jumped out of a plane for a campaign ad
Jimmy Fallon with some political news
New York Time: Fool House Rock—How measles is making a comeback:
Vox: Why you’re recycling wrong.
Jim Jefferies: Cole Kleen (Seth Rogen) is Jim’s new pro-climate change weatherman.
WaPo: Is “bipartisan” a bad word on Capitol Hill?
Samantha Bee: The great Ilhan Omar debate
Trevor: The truth about the Tomi Lahren interview.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Interesting that the FAA seems compromised now. I might be able to go with an airline exec as head of the FAA, but not a pilot whol lets a registration lapse.
In honor of Puffy.
Lidsey Graham is scum bag of the earth.
@1 disgrace – it’s worse than a swamp, it’s a pigsty.
@YLB – from previous thread.
Hog Slop works for me. Funny, I read the previous thread and your comment after posting @4 above.
Six unremarkable years in the House. At least Obama was a senator, as well as smart enough not to drive when he was chemically intoxicated, and with friends wise enough to disappear those early college years from the public eye.
Jim Geraghty
Verified account
If Beto had an R after his name instead of a D, you’d hear he was boarding-school-attending judge’s son who dodged serious charges for the DUI & burglary, used eminent domain to gentrify poor Latino neighborhoods & married into a billionaire’s family.
7:36 AM – 14 Mar 2019
Think about that before dropping to your knees in front of the guy’s zipper, YLB.
Beto needs a butt-shine.
gman, that must be code for something in your world.
YLB, how did Olivia Jade’s fall from grace affect you on a personal level?
In 500 words or less. I know your emotions run deep, girlfriend.
Uh oh, YLB. If Beto wins then white men speaking dismissively about women will be back in vogue.
Beto O’Rourke apologizes for jokes about wife, says he has benefited from ‘white privilege’
It’s been a long time since Bill Clinton was in the White House. Now go fix me a sammie, bitch.
Australia has awful rightwing politicians, too.
Hey, I’m not suggesting a jihadi take this guy out. All I’m saying is a white nationalist terrorist just took out 49 Muslims. Nobody expects jihadis to avenge them. Any white nationalist will tell you this is supposed to escalate in only one direction, even though Islam has the Bomb now, too.
@2 Yeah trolls, even the lunatic ones, are hard to replace. This blog chews up trolls. Most don’t last more than a few weeks. Even Doctor Dumbfuck looks like he’s been through a cheese shredder. Only reason he’s still here is because he’s a dumbfuck.
@6 “married into a billionaire’s family”
So now marrying money is a bad thing? That pretty much takes in every Republican of substance.
Doc is an exception, though. The rich wife just happened to come with the horse.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s children-in-law will never be able to claim they married into money.
The dowry of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s better-looking daughter was a basket of turnips. That of the ugly one? Two baskets.
@13 At least my daughters don’t look like unicorns.
Love the video of Chelsea Clinton being blamed for the mosque massacres. Nothing wrong with being on the receiving end of your own inane shit once in awhile, motherfuckers.
I’m just glad someone had a cell-phone camera running when it happened to Ms. Marrywell.
The video @ 15 is here:
It’s a four-year education at Evergreen State College condensed into a 34-second clip.
@ 14
@13 At least my daughters don’t look like unicorns.
They look like gargoyles. Not sure you helped yourself there.
Do you “blog celebrities” think the current Democrats who have declared, or are likely to declare, for the 2020 election are not far enough left, about the correct amount of left or too far left?
If Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit truly was wishing to defend his daughters he could have said, “At least they don’t have my intelligence.”.
@15 Chelsea Clinton? Are you kidding? Have you no imagination? At least Sen. Anning has the vision to blame the dead Muslims. You should look to him for inspiration. He’s awe-inspiringly awful; you’re merely dull and listless.
@ 18
Compared with the HA libbie crowd every candidate so far declared is way too far to the right.
Wherein Milo gets his Aussie visa yanked for being Milo.
No worries. Russia will still host him. Yemen, too.
@18 No, I don’t think shadings matter. I think you guys are in danger of Trump getting a far-left U.S. government elected in 2020. You probably have no idea how many people are pissed off at your party, or how pissed off they are.
@19 Your idea of an insult is accusing my daughters of having your intelligence? That’s plenty devastating, alright.
Avoiding people with MAGA hats isn’t discrimination. It’s like wearing a dust mask where there’s asbestos.
Actually, I think I will vote for a third party candidate in 2020.
I’m gonna write in #CrookedHillary. For VP probably Epstein.
@26, 27 You don’t need to lie. You’ll vote by secret ballots.
Gudwad, stop projecting your personal issues on YLB and get professional help.
Shy-Trumper Alert! Whooop! Whooop!
C’mon dude, just own it properly like Teh Dumbfuck.
He’s not turning back, no matter how bad things get. In ten years when he’s coughing out the last chunks of bloody alveoli sheltering in a Whirlpool box behind the Thriftway in Burns he’ll still be wearing that red trucker.
On the other hand, if you’re really going to pussy out why not do it right like this guy!
I mean, either way you end up looking pathetic. But at least Rick Wilson is spectacularly pathetic. He also earn a lot more money than you do for doing nothing more than shit-tweeting dupes like you.
@31 Like Doctor Dumbfuck’s comments, that tweet didn’t age well, did it? At least Rick Wilson knows an orange moron when he sees one. Some are just too dumbfuck to see it.
Speaking of dumbfucks, it looks like Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t want to talk about how one of his kindred spirits lost it the other day. Of course, with 49 dead, including women and children, I can understand why the doctor doesn’t want to go there. So it’s back to hashtags for Putin for our Doctor Dumbfuck.
#hashtagsforputin #dumbfucksforputin
“Like Doctor Dumbfuck
’s comments, that tweet didn’t age well…”ftfy
Probably the most interesting thing about Wilson’s tweet (and about Wilson in general) is how his prediction got it all precisely, 180 degrees backward.
2018 Trumpublicans led by the Date Rape nominee, ran quite predictably on a foul distillation of angry, aging, semi-rural, white male identity politics including a strong emphasis on restricted access to reproductive healthcare services, unlimited firearms rights, and restroom genitals. While the women who swept the Paul Ryan majority out of the House did so running on health care and raising the value of work.
Wilson lives in a fantasy realm where the Republican Party resembles nothing like its true self, and where at any moment the ghost of Cpt. John McCain will come swooping out of the sun in an A-4 to sweep the USS GOP decks clean of all the nasty lowlifes who drink domestic beer and use the “N” word. For 3 straight years he’s been predicting that the Republican Party would somehow “rise above Trump” and go forward to destroy the hippies forever.
The Republican Party IS Trump, now and forever. And it is solely up to the dirty hippies to “rise above” President Draft Dodger and his corrupt mob of hooting racist xenophobes and child molesters.
Olivia who? Oh some spoiled rich kid. We never cottoned to USC in our family.. Bruins and Cal State grads here at the homestead. And Huskies.
The pro-rape lobbyist of HA fantasizes… yet again… Heh. Too rotten legacy of the ivy league..
Nice day outside.
At least he didn’t shoot and kill people, although he no doubt made Doctor Dumbfuck proud.
“A vigil organized by Christians, Jews and Muslims at Cleveland City Hall to remember the 49 killed in Christchurch, New Zealand was interrupted Friday by a President Donald Trump supporter driving a “BUILD THE WALL” float.”
“Mourners looked on in disbelief as the float rolled past the memorial blaring music. The driver, Robert Cortis of Michigan, then made a second pass and played “God Bless America.””
It’s just too damn funny that this was the chosen politics of the late, unlamented babbling butthole troll – poodebutt..
the jewish, african-american, 7th day kultist. I chuckle when I see those “go to church on saturday” commercials on tv – the pathway to salvation! Praise da loord!
That, rather than a split between Democrats and Republicans, is the real polarization that has broken America since the 1960s. It’s the protected vs. the unprotected, the common good vs. maximizing and protecting the elite winners’ winnings.
A not quite baby boomer friend and I commiserated more than once that the boomers were going to change the world, and this was the best they could do?
A generation so good at making it for themselves and then pulling up the ladder behind them, lest the next generations ask them to share, or worse, take any of it from them.
That’s the real invaders
@33 “including a strong emphasis on restricted access to reproductive healthcare services”
Last I heard, they were going after more than just reproductive health services, they want to take out everything PP provides to millions of low income women.
Of course, this is consistent with their entire philosophy. 19 Muslim terrorists killed roughly 3,000 Americans, so now they want to kill all 1.8 billion Muslims wherever they find them. That’s roughly 100 million dead Muslims for every 9/11 terrorist. A kill ratio like that exceeded bin Laden’s wildest dreams. But conservatives always dream big dreams. They’re fans in total annihilation.
Remember those sci-fi flicks where earth is invaded by alien life forms bent on total annihilation? Those scripts are based on true stories, but the producers realized they wouldn’t sell as many tickets if they called them “Republicans” and didn’t disguise them in alien costumes.
@38 Our generation had the same complaint about your grandparents’ generation. We waited a lifetime for our turn to be the pigs. Be patient, you’ll get your turn. Right now, it’s our turn.
@35 You expect a Trumpy to not be a jerk? That’s what they are. They all have jerk blood in their veins.
His name is out on the internet. I expect he’ll be fired from his job, his girlfriend will leave him, and he’ll get the usual flood of death threats and hate mail. I don’t condone it, but I can’t say he doesn’t deserve it.
Toddlers. Shot to death. Enough to make a white supremacist dumbfuck proud. Right, Doctor Dumbfuck?
“The slain include refugees and immigrants from a number of countries, high school students, toddlers, academics and leaders of local Muslim organizations.”
You and your pro-Putin hashtags can go to fucking hell.
“I know more about Real Estate than anyone!”
“I know steak, believe me, I know more about steak than anyone, folks.”
“There is no President who has ever known as much about the military than me.”
“Nobody knows more about Iran than me.”
“The generals are wrong, I know what’s going on in Syria more than anyone.”
“I understand the tax system better than anyone.”
“I know more about renewables than anyone on earth.”
“I understand Money better than anybody.”
“White supremacists murdering people? well I don’t know anything about that so I’ll look into if there were fine people on both sides.”
Orange shitstain strikes again.
“Trump attacks deceased GOP senator for having ‘stains’ on his record in his latest Twitter meltdown”
Stop it. You know how much Trumpublicans delight in shitting on veterans. You’re giving Teh Dumbfuck wood with that stuff. And it wont be his turn with OfDumbfuck for another two weeks, and only if her bull says so.
@41. I can’t tell if you are being sarcastic or not.
Every generation is impatient about the previous generation being in the way, but boomers ability to hold on and lock out is a new level.
One of Bob’s relatives. I happen to have spent today with a teacher from Hamden who is disgusted by this. She is white.
People must have failed so miserably in their own lives that they fell the need to take it out on others – amirite Bob!
Hamden Public Schools Employee Accused of Using Racial Slurs at East Haven Supermarket Resigns
And to think that this woman is a parent, along with a husband that’s probably the same. This is why America is a shithole, because of ignorant spoiled fucks like her.
That video on the measles has a rainbow in it – the video is subliminally promoting the gay agenda.
@47 I’m not being sarcastic this time. I started poor, and by working extremely hard, beat a system designed to keep the non-advantaged like me down. I never pulled up anybody’s ladder, I only built my own ladder. A lifetime of extreme exertion has earned me a few comfortable years in my old age before I die. What part of that do you want me to share?
The generation before mine grew up in the Depression, won World War 2, and didn’t have most of the things we take for granted today. They were deprived by today’s material standards. I knew them, and they were a hard-bitten lot. Be happy you didn’t have to work for them and have them as bosses, like my generation had to.
And there’s more. This so-called “greatest generation” sent my generation to Vietnam, then turned their backs on us when we came home. I never hated them for that, but I despise them for it. They’re mostly dead now, but I still refuse to call them “great,” and I’m unwilling to forgive them.
My generation, the Baby Boomers, has been called selfish, overindulged, and self-absorbed. That’s a fair characterization of some of them, but not all of us, and certainly not me. That element mostly came from the middle-upper class that existed in those days. I couldn’t afford to be those things.
There really are two Baby Boom generations: The one that went to Vietnam, and the one that didn’t. The former is separated from the latter by how the latter treated the former. There was a lot of anger over the war, and for some strange reason the angry ones were those who didn’t have to go, and they took it out on those who did. Fifty years later, it’s better now, they finally seem to understand it was wrong and we now get the respect we should have received all along, but it took a long time for them to come around and the “Greatest Generation” never did come around. The point is, lumping my half of the Baby Boom generation in with the other half of the Baby Boom generation revives those old wounds, so don’t do it. Let us enjoy in our old age the peace we didn’t have in our youth. Vietnam veterans didn’t have the luxury of being selfish or self-absorbed and certainly weren’t overindulged.
I don’t really have opinions on Generations X, Y, or Z. Every generation is different, has its own characteristics, and lives in a changed world, but there are some commonalities. Every generation feels fucked by the generation that preceded it and disrespected by the generation that follows it. This hasn’t changed for thousands of years.
The “Greatest Generation” killed Hitler, which certainly was worth doing, contained communism, and didn’t blow up the world. They ended segregation and passed civil rights, built the interstate highway system and passenger jets, went into space and landed on the moon. They allowed women into the workplace and gave us Roe v. Wade. These were huge accomplishments. But they fucked us with Vietnam.
The Baby Boom generation didn’t blow up the world either, broke down social barriers and created a less rigid, more informal society, expanded the civil rights movement into a broader social justice movement, started the environmental movement, and invented rock’n’roll, personal computers, and the internet. Sure, we took the Medicare Trust Fund and most of the Social Security Trust Fund and gave it to ourselves, sent you to multiple wars (at least one of which was completely unnecessary), and inflicted Reagan, the Bushes, and Trump on you. But is it my fault Trump was born? I had nothing to do with any of those guys being elected; I went to considerable exertions to prevent it. I understand you feel fucked over, but you didn’t have a Vietnam inflicted on you, and that’s a bigger deal than you’ll ever be able to comprehend.
So what do you want from me now? I kick Republican ass on HA. Isn’t that enough?
You’re fired! YOU’RE FUCKING FIRED!!!
At least, I sure hope she is. It’s past time to get the batshit-crazy hatemongers off the air. This shit wouldn’t happen in the first place if Fox had a code of conduct for its on-air personalities.
“Nebraska struggles with state’s worst flooding in 50 years”
Global warming? What global warming? Nebraska voted for Trump, so there’s no global warming there.
@52. It’s not climate change, it’s just a 500 year flood…. every 5 years. – Republican voters.
Kentucky “banned” abortion this week.
So that’s a thing.
Of particular note was one new law these men came up with that prohibits seeking termination of a pregnancy after any “fetal diagnosis”. So if a young, poor, trailerbetty is forcibly impregnated by her father-boyfriend, and sneaks out to the public health clinic early in the first tri-mester to discover that she is due to deliver a child with Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome, she is forced to carry to delivery. And then watch as her newborn son proceeds to compulsively chew his own fingers and lips off while shrieking and writhing in unfathomable agony only to die in about a year or two.
Did I mention that in two weeks if Gov. Matt Bevin is unsuccessful in court, his EO will terminate Medicaid expansion in KY? So I guess young trailerbetty will be sent home with little “Chewey” to enjoy that eldritch horror in the privacy of her darkened trailer while “Pops” sits out on the porch shooting cans.
@54 Apt description of Kentucky GOP trailerbilly voters. Used to work in coal mines. The coal jobs didn’t come back. But they’ve heard there’ll soon be construction jobs on the border. In the meantime, they pass the time — as you said — by shooting cans and fucking their daughters.
Trump’s core demographic. It’s who they are. It’s who he is.
Wherein Trump’s ambassador to New Zealand insists the mass shooter who says he was inspired by Trump’s rhetoric wasn’t, in fact, inspired by Trump’s rhetoric. To wit:
“Brown, who said he has spoken to White House staff since the attack but not with Trump personally, also rejected the idea that the shooter had been inspired by Trump’s rhetoric. The US president was mentioned in the gunman’s ‘manifesto.’
“‘I don’t give any credibility whatsoever to the ramblings of somebody who is rotten to the core and clearly is an extremist of the worst kind,’ Brown said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: As the mass shooter had no criminal record until now, it seems reasonable to infer he was only an extremist of a bad kind until Trump’s rhetoric inspired him to become an extremist of the worst kind. At least, that’s what makes sense to me, Brown’s denials notwithstanding.
I think the next U.S. president’s first act in office should be to apologize to the world for all of Trump’s acts in office.
I’ll take care of Doctor Dumbfuck’s stupidity, cupidity, inanity, and vanity. That can be handled at this level here.
“‘I don’t give any credibility whatsoever to the ramblings of somebody who is rotten to the core and clearly is an extremist of the worst kind,’ Brown said. ‘Unless he says he’s a Mooslum”.
Someone forgot to warn this dumbfuck the U.K. isn’t the U.S. and the First Amendment doesn’t apply there:
“A 24-year-old man has been arrested over a social media post that supported the terror attack at two mosques in Christchurch …. ‘[If] people cross the line, we will take robust action, which may include arrest and prosecution,’ the [police] spokesman” said.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If Trump goes to U.K., he could face arrest there, too. He probably should stay home, where hate speech is legal. No, wait, I have a better idea. He should visit Mecca, stand on a soapbox, and spew his opinions about Muslims there. Just kidding. It’s a joke! I’m certainly not encouraging anyone to commit suicide. We’ve already had a terrible tragedy this week.
Wherein Trump demands Fox reinstate his favorite Islamophobe.
He feels naked without her. In a rhetorical manner, of course.
“‘The president is not a white supremacist. I’m not sure how many times we have to say that,’ Mulvaney chuckled on’“Fox News Sunday’ when asked by host Chris Wallace why Trump doesn’t give a speech explicitly condemning anti-Muslim bigotry following the shootings, in which an alleged white supremacist killed at least 49 people.”
Maybe because nobody believes you? As when “Mulvaney repeatedly decline[s] to answer why Trump apparently doesn’t intend to … denounce white supremacy” …? You guys aren’t dumb enough to publicly applaud when Muslims get gunned down, but I’ll bet if the walls had ears …
This one is philosophically difficult for me. Having an egg cracked on your skull doesn’t hurt or cause injury, it only makes a mess, but technically it’s assault and we don’t want to encourage that by turning the perpetrator into an internet hero.
Technically, when a grown man punches a kid in the mouth, that’s assault, too. And unlike egging, it does hurt and cause injury.
So here’s what they should do. The situation calls for a proportional response. The kid should get community service and a fine. The senator should be expelled from office and go to jail.
As for the sticky mess covering the senator’s wig and shirt … (snicker) … sorry, can’t help myself … (snort) … tee hee … hee, hoo, haa, har …
The Kentucky GOP’s abortion ban lasted less than 24 hours.
“So what do you want from me now? I kick Republican ass on HA. Isn’t that enough?”
That’s all we can ask.
Being younger than you, my view was slightly different. My very first impression as a 12 year old was, when Kennedy was still alive, Buddhist monks were setting themselves on fire in a public square in Saigon in of protest of the South Vietnamese government.
Next thing I know, JFK was assassinated, Johnson is ramping up, droning on and on, “My fellow Americans…”, and now we’re sending troops over there to fight. For someone my age, this was a “WTF?” situation.
I was saying to myself, “Why are Americans fighting to preserve this government? If this is about Russia, then why aren’t they in Vietnam fighting and dying, too?”
I had read 1984 as a 12 year old, and a year later in 1964 I was looking at LBJ’s big head on the screen and telling myself, “It’s like 1984 has come 20 years early. This is all a bunch of fucking lies! This war is geopolitical bullshit.”
I recall you writing about how you were spat on upon your return from Vietnam. I wasn’t clear if you meant that literally or figuratively, but no matter. I knew of no of my age who would have done that to you. The reason why is simple. Those were our brothers and friends who were dying over there. People like Larry Dahl, classmate and friend to many of us who jumped on and covered a grenade to save his comrades and who was posthumously awarded the MOH for what he’d done. Close friend Don Heider was itchin’ to go fight for his country and he was dead before he’d been there a month, his body ripped apart by 50 caliber machine gun bullets fired from a Huey helicopter. That was the first time I heard the term “friendly fire”.
I had a low lottery number and was attending college with my student deferment. After Heider died, I allowed my student deferment to expire, choosing to at least expose myself to the draft, but I was never called.
Thank you for your service, Roger.
@64 Even 12-year-olds know WTF when they see it.
I wasn’t spit on at SeaTac after arriving there from Fort Lewis in an Army bus in uniform. We were verbally harassed by a group of protesters and there were no cops or security guards in sight. I immediately went to the men’s room and changed into civilian clothes, then blended into the airport crowd, so I wouldn’t be attacked. I hadn’t slept in days, was tired, had just returned from a war, was on my way home to my family, and didn’t want to fight or end up in jail that day. Also, I was afraid of myself, fearful I might seriously hurt someone.
I wasn’t against protesting. I was far more in sympathy with the protesters than they could know, but they didn’t bother to ask when they spotted our group and moved in. I, too, thought the war was a bad deal, a clusterfuck, and like them I wanted it to end. I had seen for myself, at first hand, that it was fruitless, a lost cause, unwinnable, and I didn’t want any more of my buddies to die for nothing. I understood their frustration, but not why they wanted to take it out on me. I could turn the other cheek to verbal taunting, and even spitting if it came to that, but if they got physical, and it appeared they might, well, I had just come from an extremely dangerous environment where people, you know, react instinctively to physical threats, and … know what I mean? I was abruptly put back into a civilian world where you don’t have a license to kill anymore, but you can’t reprogram overnight, especially when you haven’t slept in four or five days and you’re so damned tired your brain isn’t functioning even at three percent anymore. In that state, you just react like you would to a hot stove.
You’re welcome.
The Confederates lost the battle for Atlanta again.
“Adopting a few more social-welfare policies to combat inequality will not doom America to the fate of Venezuela—but more corruption could bring us closer to that calamity. Properly implemented, these policies would make America look more like the previously mentioned Nordic nations. If Americans have anything to fear, it’s not Karl Marx hiding under their bed waiting to surprise them with free health care; it’s the influence of money in politics.”
>> If the trumpers acknowledged the corruption was the issue, they would have to admit we have a problem here too.
@67 Trump promised to “drain the swamp” and clean up corruption. He lied.
Some people get mad when they’re lied to. Others just keep on truckin’ and dumbfucking.
I’m younger than both of you. I was born a couple of months before JFK was shot. I lived a backwater part of Oregon where news filtered in slowly and the John Birch Society was strong. I was 12 when the war ended in 1975. I didn’t know what the big deal was with Nixon or the war. It was just something on the TV as unreal as Saturday Morning Cartoons, it had no relevance to anything in Southern Oregon. When I learned about Vietnam and Nixon, it was all past tense, something the Olds seemed bothered about. I am technically a boomer, by one year. So I appreciate having one of the last Good Jobs, and deep sense of anxiety about it going away.
How to interpret the impeachment clause, and why Pelosi got it wrong.
Spoiler alert: Having enough Senate votes to convict is not a prerequisite.
The first step in draining the swamp is eliminating the Deep State.
@69 I recently read somewhere that the last boomer birth year was 1981. If true, there’s probably some boomers who feel more screwed than you. Not that that’s anything to feel good about. In fact, that’s Doctor Dumbfuck seeks, an America where 99% of us feel screwed. That, and an America in which white supremacist militias freely roam the streets of our cities and towns shooting blacks on sight.
@71 “Deep state” theology belongs in the same trash bin as the Confederate “lost cause” and German “stab in the back.”
And you’re not Thomas Jefferson. You’re a gnat pretending to have human brains. But it’s hard to fake being a circus acrobat when you can’t even do a simple handspring. We know what you are.
@72 Baby boomers are considered to be those born between 1946 and 1964.
People born in 1981 are now 37 or 38 years old. I married at 31, was a renter until 34, paid off my student loans at 39, and didn’t own a personal computer until I was 52. What’s their beef?
If you read this,
there’s no complaint there which we didn’t have ourselves. Minimum wage jobs didn’t pay well when we were young, either. We got laid off when the economy soured, too. My first career field didn’t last long enough to retire from it, and the pensions in that industry disappeared even before the jobs did. Marriage, children, and home ownership came late for many of us, too. Plus, we had the draft hanging over our heads, and the certainty that tens thousands of us wouldn’t get older than our next birthdays, and we might be one of those.
Life has always been tough. Few of us ever had it made. Some things never change: Bitching about the disadvantages of youth when you’re young, and wishing you were young again (having forgotten what it was like) when you’re old. In our society, under our system, it’s normal to wait 60 to 70 years to feel financially secure. A couple generations farther back, nobody ever did, because they didn’t live that long.
I’m not sure I understand the discussion regarding Baby Boomers.
What is their beef? Born in 1964 I guess some would say I am one. But there are many other groups today that really could say they have more of a beef than Baby Boomers.
And I am tired of Millennials needing all this attention.
I dunno, Chuck. Maybe because he was a black Muslim from Kenya who didn’t have a birth certificate and whose wife is really a man whose name is Michael? Fucktard.
“Chuck Todd blames Obama for America’s division: Why couldn’t he ‘bring this country together’?”
“Bitching about the disadvantages of youth when you’re young, and wishing you were young again (having forgotten what it was like) when you’re old.”
You are only as old as you feel.
“But there are many other groups today that really could say they have more of a beef than Baby Boomers.”
Whenever I imagined baby boomers, the picture in my head was always of white people. Looks like the whiners and complainers among us white boomers eventually became today’s whining and complaining white Republicans.
Chuck Todd is a fucking Jackass….he thinks he’s all moderate. Fucking guy should go work for Fox.
They could trade Chuck for Shepard Smith.
– try to fell young again.
My advice – forget your age. Go to the gym – a get back your energy.
never saw that music video….man, would be nice to be Ellen there.
get a tatto or somehting
Lot of beautiful woman in that video……and one SEXY guy!
” Looks like the whiners and complainers among us white boomers eventually became today’s whining and complaining white Republicans.”
Sounds like a mid-life crisis.
They need to get it together or be sew the word Snowflake on their forehead”
@77 “You are only as old as you feel.”
No, you’re as old as your feet, ankles, knees, hip joints, wrists, elbows, rotator cuffs, neck, lower back, and all the other body parts that begin disintegrating somewhere between ages 40 and 60 and continue disintegrating until you’re dead.
@78 ” Looks like the whiners and complainers among us white boomers eventually became today’s whining and complaining white Republicans.”
I’ve heard that most of the hippies are Republicans now.
I was never a hippie. And I wasn’t a Republican much past age 15.
Yesterday I spent the afternoon with a friend of mine for his son’s 2nd year old birthday party. He and his wife had their families over. He was born in Ohio and at sometime during his life he moved to Connecticut. His parents are divorced. His mom, who still lives in Ohio, remarried. And his father who still lives in Connecticut also remarried.
My friend will tell you he is an Independent but he spends more energy bashing Democrats and gives Republicans a free pass, but he dislikes The Hump more than I ever express my dislike. From the very beginning of The Humps victory I would tell him that The Hump isn’t necessarily the problem and that the Republicans are the problem. That The Hump really couldn’t do much harm if other Republicans kept him in check, which we know isn’t the case. His fear is that The Hump will try to maintain Presidency beyond his two terms. I would tell my friend that I think the American public would chase the guy out of this Country if that ever were to be the case…but not to sure he isn’t wrong.
Anyways some of the family are Trump supporters. Guess which ones….you guessed it the ones from Ohio; his mom, his Stepfather, his Sister and the Sister’s boyfriend.
Politics never came up as a discussion, unless my friend and his dad were exchanging small talk and they could throw in a dig about The Hump….I would catch them at times, laughing and dissing the Hump. They would do it discreetly and quietly, but at the same time I think most people herd them. hahaha! It was his house.
Anyways, the ones from Ohio you can tell were a little wealthy, and had rich taste. I think they were the ones that you would say fall under the “whiners and complainers among us white boomers” category.
It was funny when small discuss came up about one of them (the girls) being a Bengals fan….her family questioned whether she really was a fan, in surprise and in sympathy. But then the boyfriend says to her…”yeah, your only a Bengals fan when your sitting in a luxury suite watching them”… me this explained white privilege.
@84…but tell that to one of the Rolling Stones.
Sometimes age catches up with you but you can’t let it. You might have to go easy, but it’s never to late to try to reverse aging as much as possible. Doing nothing will only get you older quicker. And some of those pains could go away with a little more exercise.
I never went to a gym up until 4 years ago. I had a gym membership many years prior and went a couple of time but never was comfortable to stay too long. I had a 1 year contract, paying monthly, but only went twice.
At 50, I was overweight and had joint issues; knees mostly. Then I lost 80 lbs and continue to improve. I no longer have joint pains, unless I overdo it in my workout. I no longer have many health issues that came along with being overweight. I often workout with a couple of personal trainers, one in his mid-20’s and the other in his late 30’s – they tell me I can do more then many younger guys in the gym.
I know many people have limitations. But my advice is – get to the gym and eat healthier – it can only improve yourself for most people.
Feels Great Mother Fucker, yeah – I can listen to that song all day. Listening to younger type music helps too. I don’t know – I just never grew up. But I also can appreciate classical music and Opera.
@87 “tell that to one of the Rolling Stones”
They probably keep a chiropractor hidden backstage.
“I’ve heard that most of the hippies are Republicans now.”
I was at least an observer of Hippies and the aftermath. Not all were rich, but it was the rich ones who disgusted me most.
“I was never a hippie. And I wasn’t a Republican much past age 15.”
I was never the Hippie type either, even though I was playing in a band and played at some Hippie parties during the Summer of Love. Those were happening in some of Seattle’s finest mansions. Not exactly a thrill being around those fucks.
I protested once on 4th Ave for about a block and said to myself, “that’s enough”, and left.
I was never a Republican. I never voted for a Republican. If I call myself anything, I still call myself a Bobby Kennedy Democrat. Alas, even I don’t know WTF that means anymore. But if for no other reason, I still stand with Democrats because they don’t fuck goats and horses or rape 15 year old prep-school girls. Further, Democrats don’t put toddlers in cages to be raped and they don’t go around massacring Muslims for viral video jollies.
Hmmm.. Tennessee goes Bernie Sanders – for poor folks anyways..
Wait for it! rapey-boy will babble TN is “not that red”…
FOX might just do it.
@ 90
US citizens only, YLB. You’re cheering the dissing of the DACA crowd, girlfriend.
Oh, and minimum GPA. Even if you lived in Tennessee and your kids were younger, they wouldn’t qualify.
Dumbfuck has been acting like calling a man his girlfriend is the only way he can get his dick hard.
God damn Socialusts in that Tennessee!
I missed spelled that but I think the word applies, especially in this case, so I’ll not correct it!
@93 Bob has gaylust.
@95 Evidently so.
Dumbfuck is lurking, waiting for Carl to post a new thread so he take his morning shit on it before heading out to the horse trailer.
I’m willing to bet Dumbfuck named his horse “YLB” but calls it “girlfriend”. What are the odds?
Oh now we see the rep for the pro-rape kookus apologizing for “free stuff”… Awwwww..
White establishment approved only need apply. TN is truly “red” after all.