Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Alyona’s Fireside Chat: SOPA, bought and paid for: .
Senior citizens rap video: Scrap the cap.
Alyona’s Tool Time: Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) wants abstinence only education!
The Republican Primary Asylum:
- Jon: They really cannot decide (via OneGoodMove).
- Mitt and Rick’s Oops
- Ann Telnaes: The fluid dynamics of the Republican race
- Campaign in 100 seconds: Bomb, bomb, bomb…bomb, bomb Iran (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Jon on the foreign policy debate.
- Stephen defends Bachmann against media bias (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Stephen on the accidental Michele Bachmann email.
- Actual Audio: Michele Bachmann knows how to fix the economy.
- Ann Telnaes: Cain and Bachmann on torture.
- Young Turks: Herman Cain, “I don’t know what I’m doing”.
- Jon: Herman Cain’s mental meltdown.
- Young Turks: Herman Cain’s spins his interview disaster.
- The Cain Brain.
- Alyona: Gingrich-style corruption is systemic.
- Young Turks: Newt’s Freddy & Fannie problem.
- Stephen: Newt’s Booze Cruise.
- Barney Frank on Newt the Historian (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Young Turks: Rep. Barney Frank slams The Newt.
- Bad Lip Reading with Ron Paul:
- Mitt Romney: Our vets deserve better.
Patriotic Millionaires meet with Grover Norquist.
Alyona’s Tool Time: Rep. Bachus to combat insider Trading!? WTF?
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Thanks Bank of America!
Greenman: Lone Star State of drought.
Alyona: National voter intimidation campaign.
Roger Ailes is Worst Person in the World.
U.S.A. Occupied:
- Stephen: The removal of OWS protesters
- Thom:
- Olbermann: The Guardian’s Adam Gabbatt on the violent scene at Zuccotti Park during the Day of Action
- Sam Seder: Bloomberg lies
- Young Turks: Bloody OWS.
- Mark Fiore: Contagionex.
- Young Turks: 84 year old woman pepper sprayed at Occupy Seattle
- Alyona: 84 year old activist pepper sprayed at Occupy Seattle.
- Olbermann with Occupy Seattle’s octogenarian activist Dorli Rainey on being pepper sprayed:
- Jonathan Mann: This is what a police state looks like.
- Sam Seder: First hand account of the Zuccotti Park raid.
- Thom: Journalists enter at your own risk
- Young Turks: OWS raid media blackout
- Alyona: News blackout
- Daily Show on the class struggle within Occupy Wall Street.
- Olbermann: Special comment on OWS:
Alyona: Do-it-yourself video drones.
White House: West Wing Week.
Gloria Cain is Worst Person in the World.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
More Russia Today…yearning for the Soviet Union are we?
@1 You’re imagining things. Nobody yearns for the Soviet Union. The USSR was a criminal enterprise. Today’s Russia is a gangster society. Did you know that Russia is losing population? Do you need to be told why? Anyone who can get out of that country is already gone. Sorry, but snarky inuendo attempting to equate liberals with Sovietism won’t cut it on any blog where the average IQ is above 5. Slither back to wherever you came from.
1 – Translation: When an eyepiece was placed in my navel so I could see, my right wing mommy and daddy made sure my first memory would be Ronnie Raygun yip yapping about teh Soviet Menace. Been playing the Joe Stalin card daily ever since.
Police pepper spraying and arresting students at UC Davis – the video.
The officer who pulled out the pepper spray was Lieutenant John Pike. 530-752-3989
Adding to my comment above…
How is what that police officer did significantly different from the cops in Birmingham, Alabama turning dogs and fire hoses on peaceful non-violent protesters?
Pepper spray oh noes!!!!
When you use pepper spray on someone that’s not a threat to anyone it’s an oh noes, indeed. When someone who’s mouth you’ve forced open and sprayed pepper spray directly down their throat is coughing up blood 45 minutes after being sprayed it’s an oh noes. When California tax payers have to shell out a few million bucks to settle the lawsuits that are sure to come from this it’s an oh noes. When you’re police force loses it’s legitimacy and protestors start lighting fires, throwing bricks, and shooting guns it’s an oh noes.
There’s a general contact page as well.
And a contact page for UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi as well.
These people are completely clueless at what a shit storm their actions have just unleashed.
Lieutenant John Pike, the man captured on video pepper spraying students point blank in the face while they peacefully sat on the ground earns $100,000 a year to serve and protect the status quo.
Don’t act like spoiled, no-nothing little douche-bags and you won’t get pepper sprayed…simple.
Heh. Love to see the ld/LD/yd(iot) crap his pants over this overpaid civil servant and public employees union member.
Sorry, it’s not that simple.
We’ve seen protests all over the country where people who didn’t want to disperse were arrested w/o the use of pepper spray. I doubt that the officers who forced open a protestors mouth and sprayed pepper spray directly into his lungs were following policy.
We get that you don’t care and that you get off on watching violence on your computer screen. Luckily most of the world isn’t as sick and fucked up as you. Right now that UC Davis clip is the top hit on Google News and is front page news all over the world. Unlike you, the rest of the world is horrified.
You might want to get some help. Meds and therapy can do wonders.
Excuse me isn’t it “[k]no[w]-nothing”???
One would think right wing dings would “know” better..
too funny..
There’re calls for the Chancellor to step down. You can send her your own here:
@15 Michael, while the UC Davis Chancellor has subsequently called for a task force to investigate what happened, the petition calling for the Chancellor’s removal nails it:
More video from UC Davis.
This video’s cropped pretty close, but you can see that there’s not a single cop looking up at the balcony or window where the person with the video camera is. What if someone up there got pissed and decided to throw a chair?
Pretty bad call by the campus cops.
eVerbudy sHud occupi evErtinG! waiv yer SineS an fite DuH ZeOONazE JoooS! Bloc duh RooDs an pervant yOu are felu citisens Ferm Goeng abut der daly livs!
PeePer sprae arnt notinG!
“What if someone up there got pissed and decided to throw a chair?”
Hopefully they would get a helping of pepper spray with a side of hickory.
We’ve seen it before.
Gotta get down to it
Soldiers are gunning us down
Should have been done long ago
What if you knew her and
Found her dead on the ground
How can you run when you know
They were a mass of idiots then, and they are a mass of idiots now.
LOL… No they wouldn’t, because no one’s looking up!
Those are some shitty ass trained cops you got then, chief.
The petition calling for UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi is up to 9,716 signatures.
The Atlantic has a good post up.
Hey, someone remind me again why us liberals stick up for police when city and county budget cuts come around?
Our trolls’ comments today concerning the police action at UC Davis are quit eye-opening. Isn’t it the Teabaggers who claim to adore the Constitution and uphold its every provision? Why, in fact, does the Right hate freedom so much? Is it the messiness of freedom (and democracy)? Or is it that the Right is composed of scared motherfuckers who fear whatever it is that lies outside their doors?
According to the righties, when college students riot because their favorite football coach go fired they were misguided youths, who didn’t need so much as a fine. But, when college students peacefully assemble to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, the righties go nuts and want the kids hosed down. Nice.
The UC Davis police chief is doubling down on the stupid, btw. She keeps claiming that the officers were trying to exit the area and the students had cut them off and weren’t allowing the officers to leave. The video clearly shows that none of that’s true.
In this video, you can see officers on both sides of the seated protestors and a squad car in the back ground.!
That police chief needs to go.
Fuck the status quo!
@7 “When someone who’s mouth you’ve forced open and sprayed pepper spray directly down their throat is coughing up blood 45 minutes after being sprayed it’s an oh noes.”
It’s also a potential million-dollar legal judgment if that person ends up with permanent injuries.
@11 Yes, that would be a typical response from a simpleton like you who sees the world in terms of white hats and black hats, was endowed with no capacity for judgment, and has no compassion for your fellow human beings. And you wonder why we have no respect for you rightwing morans (sic)?
@27, @28 — Are you guys just figuring out that wingers are fascist assholes?
Congrats to Baylor! First time defeat of Oklahoma.. That last touchdown was as clutch a play as I’ve ever seen..
Wow. RG3 – a star is born.
Roger Rabbit News Quiz
Here’s a brain teaser for you trolls. Let’s start with a news quote:
“Driven skyward by deep tax cuts, two foreign wars, a financial crisis and the start of a severe recession, all during President George W. Bush’s administration, the nation’s debt has only expanded under President Barack Obama. The annual budget deficit, pegged to be $1.3 trillion this year, has fallen slightly under Obama. But the tax code is still riddled with revenue-reducing loopholes and sharply higher Medicare spending looms ahead as the baby boom ages, painting a dire long-term U.S. fiscal picture.”
Did you read that (or have your mommy read it to you)? Good! This quiz is a real toughie, so put on your thinking caps. Ready? 1 … 2 … 3 … GO!!!
Question 1: Deep tax cuts, two foreign wars, a financial crisis and the start of a severe recession, all during President George W. Bush’s administration, are Obama’s fault.
[ ] True
[ ] False
Question 2: Revenue-reducing loopholes riddling the tax code are caused by too much spending.
[ ] True
[ ] False
Question 3: Obama is to blame for the aging of baby boomers.
[ ] True
[ ] False
Queston 4: Obama is causing the annual budget deficit, which has fallen slightly under his administration, to keep going up.
[ ] True
[ ] False
Question 5: The dire long-term fiscal picture caused by revenue-reducing tax loopholes and sharply higher Medicare spending is due to Obamacare.
[ ] True
[ ] False
Answer Key:
If you answered “True” to any question, you’re a moron. If you answered “True” to all the questions, you’re an eggplant.
Last week, Congress boosted subsidies to mansion buyers and cut funding for housing the poor.
To #6, 11, 18, 19 & 21: Imagine your liberal son/daughter/brother/sister (we all have at least one) coming to you looking roughed up, eyes swollen and red from the pepper spray. Imagine them telling you a story of being attacked by the police while at an otherwise peaceful protest. Do you use that opportunity to scold them, and give the police an attaboy for setting your idiot kid straight? Or do you find yourself wanting to go after the cop who stepped so far out of line?
These are all somebody’s kids. And there’s a good chance their parents don’t agree with what they’re doing anymore than you do. But I doubt many of these parents are rushing to the defense of the cops right about now.
It’s perfectly normal to disagree with the politics of these protesters. But some of you are taking it to such an extreme that you’re excusing (and even encouraging) physical violence against these guys. If you can’t see what’s wrong with that, then you have bugger things to worry about than whether or not some parks are being properly maintained.
Take it down a notch and try acting like human beings for a while. You’re making the rest of us look bad.
Who are putting their bodies on the line to rage against injustice.
It makes it hard for the narrative about OCCUPY being all a bunch of degenerate thieves and rapists and drug addicts shitting on police cars to still ring true (for the unquestioning consumers of corporate ‘news’) when they see their kids, and their kids’ teachers, being assaulted by Imperial Storm Troopers.
“…to rage against injustice.”
LOL, you keep telling yourself that.
@40 naive,
Your comment seems to come from the perspective of one who often talks to him/herself.
Here’s student response to watching their fellow students get pepper sprayed and hit by the people who are supposed to help keep them safe.
It’s a far cry from the students who ran-riot after their football coach was fired for not dealing with a pedophile on his coaching staff.
The emperor max-minidick wants everybody to “GET OFF HIS LAWN”!
Go! Shoo! Now!!!
That, of course, should read:
Two University of California, Davis police officers who assaulted students are being placed on administrative leave as the chancellor of the school accelerates her futile attempt to keep her job.
After the students were pepper sprayed they still had to lift them and I’ve been watching all sorts of folks in similar cases around the nation who were not pepper sprayed get arrested and hauled away.
Yes, they could have, but there was no need. No one was harming anyone or at risk of harming anyone.
If that’s standard police procedure, than how come there’s video of police all over the country behaving differently? If it truly is “standard police procedure” it’s probably time to change the procedures.
Could a young woman who’s been sexually assaulted or raped go to those officers for help without fear? I’m not a young woman, so I’ll just leave that as a question.
Why are police writing their own use of force rules?
And let’s not forget the students were guilty of the heinous crime of sitting in the middle of a side walk. The police could have left, the kids would have sat their for an hour got bored, got up and left on their own.
Same link as 46..
Another example of how ridiculous the fleabag movement has become–
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Scathing indictment…oh yeah.
How ’bout THIS asshole:
And this…
This fuck “ocho” (three guesses who the coward is) has no fucking clue what’s going on here.
The University of California–Davis has placed two campus police officers who pepper-sprayed peaceful demonstrators on administrative leave while the incident is investigated.
(Source: MSNBC)
That even the wealthy folks in the finical services industries are saying the games rigged and are supporting OWS supports our side, not yours.
On the eve of the deficit talks’ collapse, here’s what Republicans have offered to rein in government borrowing over the next 10 years:
Cut spending on Medicare and Medicaid, and hit the middle-class with $25 billion a year of tax hikes, while cutting the top tax rate on millionaires from 35% to 28%.
When Democrats rejected that (wow! who wudda thunk!), Republicans to offered to eliminate $300 million a year of special tax breaks for corporate jet buyers in return for $543 billion of spending cuts that would fall heavily on health care for senior citizens and the poor.
Not surprisingly, Democrats didn’t take that offer, either.
While, I’ve got an offer for the GOPers: They can go fuck themselves while automatic spending cuts lop hundreds of billions dollars a year from the Pentagon’s profligate spending and raise taxes hundreds of billions of dollars a year by letting the Bush tax cuts expire.
It’s now extremely obvious that Republicans aren’t serious about deficits or borrowing from China. They’re just grandstanding.
No, that should read:
That, of course, should read:
Two University of California, Davis police officers who assaulted students have been arrested for assault, and the chancellor of the school has resigned her job.
At this point the best thing the Republican’s on the super committee can do for America is lock them selves in a small room and fire up a hibachi*.
*Not Anne Coulter wingnut humor. I fucking mean it.
Gotta love the Bible Belt!
Newt Gingrich’s response to young people peacefully protesting America’s income inequality after they were pepper-sprayed by rogue cops: “Go get a job after you take a bath.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Newt’s should talk — his dick has been in so many different places even his soap doesn’t want anything to do with him.
Has the man ever had a real job?
@58 No.
When there’s 60,000 jobs and 200,000 people that need jobs it’s pretty hard to just go out and get a job. Add to that that there’s a skills imbalance, those people that need jobs don’t have the skills that the jobs that need filling require. I suppose they could go to school and get those skills, but the schools are all already full, people are broke so they can’t pay for school and Pell Grants are getting cut. Jobs, also, aren’t equally distributed everywhere and places where there used to be jobs, like rust belt cities or Vegas don’t have those jobs any more. People could move from where there aren’t jobs to where there are jobs, but like I said before people are broke and moving takes money. You also might need to sell your house in order to move. Good luck with that one.
Given all that, I see no reason why people who simply shout “get a job” should be treated as credible. They should be heckled and lampooned.
Now here’s an idea:
“It isn’t often we’re privileged to witness the birth of a promising new cottage industry. But we can see it now: a thicket of shingles springing up across this broad and fertile land bearing the legend ‘Member of the U.S Congress and Investment Advisor.’
“Enter the plain premises in an easily accessible location (a storefront will do very nicely) and you find yourself in a small waiting room adorned by a photograph of the well-fed congressperson hanging above the obligatory little table bearing a stack of his (or her) business cards containing the usual name, rank and serial number, plus the discreet informative description, ‘specialists in inside information.’
“Now that the word is out and the poopulace is abuzz with the realization that our solons enjoy legal immunity for trading practices that normal human beings would find themselves in the hoosegow for indulging in, those crafty legislators can hasten to leverage their ill-gotten gains by inveigling the public to come along for a ride (for a suitable fee, of course).”
Barron’s, 11/21/2011, p. 7
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I like it! If we must suffer a corrupt democracy, then we should get a piece of the action, too!
Roger Rabbit Book Review
Reinventing Collapse, Dmitry Orlov
I spotted this book in the library. I haven’t read it yet, but it looks interesting. The author’s approach is to draw parallels between the collapse of the Soviet Union (which he witnessed) and the impending collapse of the U.S. I learned a new vocabulary term, too: Collapsitarianism.;sr=8-1
The article cited @62, by one of Barron’s weekly columnists, points out, “The world must add 80 million jobs over 2012 and 2013 just to get ack to where employment was in 2007.”
If you don’t believe that’s possible, then Dmitry Orlov suggests you buy a sailboat and stuff it full of canned goods.
Correction @64: Add this link to end of comment:
Orlov’s an interesting guy. Reinventing Collapse has a lot of cool stuff about the collapse of the Soviet Union, but I thought he kinda missed the boat on the good old USA.
@61 “Given all that, I see no reason why people who simply shout “get a job” should be treated as credible. They should be heckled and lampooned.”
If they tried that b.s. in Greece they’d get street pavers thrown at them.
“young people peacefully protesting America’s income inequality”
If we run that through the Bull Shit Translator, it comes out as “Aimless morons who love to get “high” off of causing a ruckus”.
We could learn a lot from the Greeks. Hell, we might even learn how to cook lamb.
Grover Nordquist was just on the Tee-Vee talking about how he wants to get get rid of the modern welfare state and take us back to how it was in 1900 and I say fine, but if we’re bring back 1900 we’re bring back Emma Goldman, Joe Hill, and the anarchists (who’s first act would probably dynamiting Nordquist’s house) too. Nordquist is selling a fiction. In 1900 you had people blowing up factories, riots and President McKinley was shot in ’01. Let’s not go back there.
Young people of ALL ages are protesting income inequality in this country. The average age of protester arrested in downtown Seattle a few days ago was 50.
LOL! The jobs that they say Obama is not creating.
Or rather the jobs the right wingers in the Congress are doing everything in their power to block Obama from creating.
You can tell Romney is desperate:
“Mitt Romney, speaking in New Hampshire on Sunday, blamed President Obama for the failure, saying that he should have been more involved in pushing for a [deficit] deal. ‘He hasn’t had any role. He’s done nothing,’ Mr. Romney said. ‘This is another example of failed leadership.'”
Uh no, it’s not:
“But another committee member, Senator John Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts, said on ‘Meet the Press,’ that President Obama and White House budget officials ‘were asked to be hands off. The Republicans said, Don’t let Obama come into this, because if he does, it will make it political,’ Mr. Kerry said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ve heard monkeys screeching at the zoo who were less shrill than The Mittster.
Okay, so the deficit talks collapsed (who wudda thunk?) because Republicans demanded cutting trillions from Social Security and Medicare (but not one penny from the Pentagon’s bloated budget!) and raising taxes on the middle class — so the rich can get more tax cuts. What’s so bad about that? Automatic defense spending cuts will kick in and Bush’s tax cuts for the rich will expire. The GOPers are like little kids brandishing switchblades and threatening to cut their own pensises off if they don’t get what they want. I think Democrats should call their bluff on that one!
YeahS You’dall telleD;em wEs leetle MooneY GuYs nEeeD’um duh moonEys dat der BiG MoOnEy guYs hav!
fiTe deER mooNey Hugary evel ZeONasi jOooo bAnckeRS!
Heh. Here’s a good one for sheep like the ld/LD/yd(iot). Here’s what happens when you knee-jerk support alec-style fascism:
They’re shameless.