Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Trevor: Conservatives slam Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s green new deal.
Jimmy Dore: Chris Christie “names names!” in new book.
Full Frontal: Black History Month—Rosa Parks.
Roy Zimmerman: Rise Up with the Girls’ Choir of Wilmington.
Vox: Why safe playgrounds aren’t great for kids.
Kurzgesagt: Loneliness.
The New Yorker: How gender politics play out on the red carpet.
The Dotard Трамп and Other National Emergencies:
- Stephen: The national emergency we “didn’t need”
- Jimmy Fallon: Talk like Трамп
- WaPo: The Dotard will take credit for almost everything!
- Ari Melber: Judge rebukes Roger Stone and sides with Mueller
- Stephen: Putin’s new missile threat against America
- Rachel Maddow: Grand Jury investigating former Dotard Трамп Interior Secretary Zinke
- Roy Zimmerman: Secret agent Manafort:
- The Late Show: William Barr’s plan for the Mueller report
- Bill Maher: Congressman Adam Schiff investigates
- Stephen: Трамп asked a favor of Matthew Whitaker
- Seth Meyers: Трамп prepares for Mueller’s final report
- WaPo: How QAnon, the bizarre pro-Трамп conspiracy theory, took hold in right-wing circles online
- Stephen: Roger Stone threatened the law and the law won
- Lauren Mayer: The National Emergency Song:
- Ari Melber: Former FBI Chief Andrew McCabe previews Mueller report.
- Stephen: The Mueller probe enters the home stretch
- WaPo: New wall or not? Трамп’s misleading claims on border wall progress.
- Trevor: Трамп admits there’s no emergency while declaring a national emergency
- Stephen with Andrew McCabe: There was no “coup” to remove Трамп
- The Late Show: Трамп’s National Emergency Broadcasting System
- Ari Melber: Busy Friday, and then Robert Mueller report news breaks
- Stephen: The Трамп quote that stood out to McCabe
- Mark Fiore: It’s a wall emergency
- SNL Weekend Update: Nancy and Chuck on the wall funding:
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Andrew McCabe’s credibility
- Stephen with Jake Tapper: Republicans don’t want to vote on a wall
- Bill Maher: If you see salsa, say something
- WaPo Opinion: Money laundering may help explain Donald Трамп’s curious relationship with Russia
- Stephen: Трамп could give a lot to Kim for a small victory
- Rachel Maddow: DOJ policy on indicting a President has weak basis in 1973 memo
- Seth Meyers: Трамп undercuts his national emergency declaration
- Stephen: Andrew McCabe had Robert Mueller as a boss
Wendover: How Hong Kong changed countries.
Trevor: The opioid crisis—Трамп blames Mexico & big pharma blames addicts
John Oliver: Brexit III.
The Atlantic: Band-aids over bullet wounds.
Real Engineering: Designer babies—The problem with China’s CRISPR experiment.
Bill Maher: Geospatial inequality
Stephen: Obama takes in a basketball game.
WaPo: The modern anti-vaxxer movement explained.
Jim Jefferies: The fight for the right to be naked in Hawaii.
Daily Show: Jaboukie Young-White makes the case for climate change “preparations”
Campaign Venti-Venti
- Stephen: The most “Bernie” way to kick off a campaign
- James Fallon: Bernie Sanders announces his 2020 presidential run
- Trevor: Bernie’s back, Kamala gets questioned, Gillibrand eats chicken & Booker doesn’t
- Robert Reich: Who will be the next President?
- James Corden: Elizabeth Warren reacts to fellow Democratic presidential candidates
- Seth Meyers: John Oliver thinks it’s too early to talk about the 2020 elections
- Trevor: Kamala Harris on her 2020 presidential campaign and Трамп’s vanity wall
- The Late Show: Invasion of the presidential candidates
Mental Floss: 100 year-old words.
Roy Wood, Jr. Black contributions to music.
The Atlantic: America’s dopamine-fueled shopping addiction.
Vox: American segregation, mapped at day and night.
Jimmy Dore: Congressman Peter King elated over Ilhan Omar controversy.
Late Show: It’s not easy being the green new deal.
Vox: What the #$@!% are these?
Seth Meyers: The real national emergency is climate change
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
So, it appears we are headed towards a new missile race. I was for withdrawal of the ABM treaty, because it was hamstringing our ability to defend against rouge-state missiles. With the INF Treaty, it needs to be renegotiated, just not sure about the negotiators. China has an Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile, Perhaps we need a few of ours. Perhaps other systems can fill the gap.
When having an in-flight engine problem, a pilot does not have time to determine the nearest airport that is sanctions free. 8 weeks ago, a Norwegian 737 MAX had to land in Shiraz. If the 737 still used the Pratt and Whitney JT8D, probably would have found a replacement engine, but the 737 MAX uses the CFM LEAP-1B, and a spare had to be flown in. It appears finally a new engine arrived, and the plane has flown out.
“Roger Rabbit Commentary: The GOP is now America’s Stalinist party — pro-Russia, pro-dictator, anti-democracy.”
Bam! Another reason why the good people of Isreal should lynch the ( you know who!) bastard!
Long Live Ireland – True Home of Democracy and Freedom and the Brave
@1 a good nuclear war would be good for Bob’s horse – put him out of his misery.
It’s the multimedia thread. Really, it should include The Daily Show’s takedown of Jussie Smollett.
Interesting report on am joy about alt right hate media doing everything they can to conflate jussie smollet to every black candidate. Many video examples.
Good news, ‘froggy! I finally found you a job.
Yeah, OK, so you’ll be working for Amy Klobuchar as her personal assistant. Look, do you want a job or don’t you?
Nathan Phillips definition of a “happy ending”:
Only one camera.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit definition of a “happy ending”:
Only one catheter.
It serves to prevent the baboon troop from experiencing real world defeats in real time: Roger Stone, Qatar Investment Authority, Alexander Acosta, Wilbur Ross, Michael Cohen, Betsy DeVoss, SHITDOWN!, Noel Francisco, Saudi Nukes, Manafucked, Collusion, all in one week.
The real beauty of this magic trick is that the meaningless manufactured celebutard scamdal exploited to distract fades very quickly. But the base corruption that it is meant to distract from lives forever. The GOP will always be the political party that sold US national security for skeevy real estate deals, protected the most heinous child rapists and wife beaters, traded cabinet appointments for handjobs, and stole housing from soldiers for a politcal stunt.
Over and over again Republicans have been forced to internalize this kind of monumental corruption. It is now integral to their identity. They are even protective of it to the point of opposing reform, transparency, and accountability.
@5 We throw our liars to the wolves. What does your faction do?
Here. Watch it unfold in real time.
Somebody (nobody) you don’t know named Nicole Paula Oliver with fewer than ten followers posts a tweet with a a dozen likes and rt’s taking the piss out of #blackface:
Jonah Goldberg’s NRO, who one presumes has built some kind of snowflake bot-crawler to comb the innertubes for the slightest hint of PC excess, discovers the nobody tweet and runs a mocking story top of the landing page and cross promoted on every channel. They do this confident that every mouth breathing crazy uncle liberty MAGATroll will reliably link to the story and drive traffic because… FUCK YOUR FEELINGS, etc.
Is it even a thing? Of course not. Not until NRO got hold of it. You can still get more likes and rt’s with a cat-cheezburger meme. But Rushbo will pick it up, FOX, etc. By next week the trailer parks will be filled with lively discussions about how “the blacks” always go too far. And while black America will be looking on going wtf?, about a third of registered Republicans will conclude that they are now hereby justified in blowing through the crosswalk next time “one of those people” dares to cross in front of them. President FingerFuck will trot it out at a night rally. And some cop will apply the pain compliance technique a bit more aggressively.
And it will help convince these people that they are okay, they needn’t concern themselves with their own bigotry, and allow them to say with a perfectly straight face “I don’t see color”. It’s a hermetically sealed, self-ratifying universe of perpetual self destruction consuming the brains of about half of all voters. And the only way to correct it is to dillute them into insignificance.
@8 Nick Sandmann’s nightmare ending: Summary dismissal with prejudice and Rule 11 sanctions.
@9 At least I don’t have a horse dick up my ass.
Have you ever wondered how Doctor Dumbfuck ran across this blog in the first place? I’m sure “Horse’s Ass” had something to do with it. Probably was trolling the internet for underage horses.
Have an abortion! Only $3.
At that price you should stock up and have a dozen abortions!
Order today and you can save 5%.
@17 Republicans want to make abortion convenient and affordable. 100 abortions for only $32.95.
@5 “Jussie Smollett”
Robert Kraft
@5 “Jussie Smollett”
Acosta, Epstein
@5 “Jussie Smollett”
Lt. Christopher Paul Hasson
@ 12
Here. Watch it unfold in real time.
Somebody (nobody) you don’t know named Nicole Paula Oliver with fewer than ten followers…
Twasn’t long ago no one knew who Nathan Phillips is, either.
That’s the thing about stuff going viral. It’s some nobody until somebody elevates it.
Market’s up nine straight weeks.
Thanks, Moscow!
The only reason these forced pregnancy freaks are still drumming on that washtub is because it brings the rubes and their checkbooks. The abortion genie is out of the bottle and has been for years. With the growing extremism among Republicans in the US, women and doctors are taking control and making the medicine safely available evetywhere.
You certainly have never concerned yourself with your own bigotry. Why start now? So long as some nobody can always be counted on to exploit victimhood for personal gain, you can keep on telling yourself it’s all fake.
He look they are throwing rocks just like the Palestinians, and they aren’t black….so don’t negatively judge because these are the good rock throwers. Today is Sunday = Bible Study Day. Portray your enemy as thy asshole, and fool the World you’ith thy victim.
Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron discovers 4th of July…
“HOLD THE DATE! We will be having one of the biggest gatherings in the history of Washington, D.C., on July 4th. It will be called “A Salute To America” and will be held at the Lincoln Memorial. Major fireworks display, entertainment and an address by your favorite President, me!”
…and will hold campaign event on taxpayer’s dime.
Thanks, Moscow!
@22 Nathan Phillips owes his fame to one Nick Sandmann, who’s now seeking a second five minutes of notoriety on the courthouse steps, because he sure isn’t going to get anything in the courtroom..
Now there’s an untapped business opportunity: Renting out smirking 16-year-olds to people who crave attention. Milo Yiannopoulos sure could use one of those. You don’t hear about him anymore.
@23 Even PI can make $ in a market like this, although he can’t seem to get above +33% no matter what the market does. It’s like he ran into a border wall or something.
@27 He doesn’t have qualms about pilfering another $100 million from military housing and schools for military kids. And Doctor Dumbfuck has no qualms about voting for someone like that. Not even a twinge.
So the annual July 4th Celebration, Concert and Fireworks show is a campaign rally now. Stay classy.
@ 27, 32
Between 1/20/09 and 1/20/17, how many events at which President Obama spoke were not on the taxpayers’ dime?
You fucks are becoming sillier and sillier. Just wait until the Mueller report concludes that Manafort was a crook in 2014 and nothing else.
How sociology is done.
…three counts of vandalizing political signs after fingerprints left on the signs matched up with hers.
Patricia Wonch-Hill, a sociology professor at UNL, was cited for vandalizing the signs, which were the property of the campaigns of Nebraska Republican Sen. Deb Fischer and Republican Rep. Jeff Fortenberry. Campus Reform emailed Wonch-Hill for a comment, to which she responded, “Please have my comment read exactly “Fuck Campus Reform.” Hill then referred Campus Reform to her lawyer, Marc Delman, who told Campus Reform that Hill maintains her innocence.
Hill has a history of previous politically motivated convictions. She received charges of destruction of property with intent and disorderly conduct in January 2018 and October 2017, respectively, in addition to the three counts of vandalism Hill is charged with this time…
But wait, there’s more!
Hill poured fake blood on the steps of NRA lobbyist Chris Cox’s Virginia home in January 2018.
A Virginia court found Hill guilty of vandalism and ordered her to stay away from the Cox home, the business of Cox’s wife, as well as the D.C. and Virginia NRA offices, The Washington Post reported.
My multi-state Monte Carlo analysis indicates a 98.1% chance of dumb twat and a 1.9% chance of YLB on vacay under an assumed name.
Isn’t VA holding a complete new election because of fraud by the Repuke?
Did the Dumbfuck have his head up his horses ass when that happened?
See 33.
Despite allocutions and stipulations in plea agreements and sentencing memos, Teh Dumbfuck and the rest of the Orange Baboon Troop remain convinced that the Republican Presidential Campaign Manager did not admit to criminal violations that occurred during the 2016 campaign.
It seems some of the court records are invisible when viewed through the sticky film of jizz, porn lube, and dried diet Coke that forms Teh Orange Event Horizon.
However, it is now a matter of record uncontested by the defendant that in August of 2016 he met with genuine Russian spies to pass along campaign polling data and to coordinate the use of that data in the GRU’s efforts to assist the Republican Presidential campaign. That is a thing that the Republican Presidential Campaign Manager admits to doing with the full knowledge of Individual 1.
In order to persevere as a modern era Republican they’ve got to bury their heads in all kinds of strange places: porn hooker snatch, Bladen County trailer parks, starched white hoods, and of course horse’s asses.
@32 At taxpayer expense, of course.
@33 Obama didn’t put on $100 million parades or fireworks shows on the taxpayers’ dime to round up votes. He didn’t need to round up votes. After the last GOP clusterfuck president, plenty of people were not only willing but eager to vote for him, and didn’t have to be talked into it with lies or threats against journalists.
@34 “dumb twat”
Sounds like something Bob Kraft might have said to those young teen sex slaves as he was raping them.
@35 “Did the Dumbfuck have his head up his horses ass when that happened?”
I think Doctor Dumbfuck wants us to talk about someone nobody has ever heard about before who vandalized a campaign sign instead talking about, say, a Republican sports idol who was busted for raping young teen sex slaves.
@33 In other words, a crook working for an honest man. Good one. I’m laughing.
Yeah, the Godfather was just an honest businessman, too. He merely happened to know a lot of gangsters because he lived in a tough neighborhood.
@34 Obviously the woman is passionate about politics, in a similar vein to people who blow up abortion clinics, shoot up mosques and synagogues, terrorize pizza parlors, etc., but without the personal violence that characterizes rightwing extremism and presidential rhetoric these days.
@35 North Carolina.
“Jussie Smollett”
Harris sat in court and sobbed into his hands like a child. (ツ)
Sen. John Cornyn has a thing for Mussolini. Because…of course.
“‘Oooh! Do Hitler next!’: Texas Senator ripped to shreds for heralding Mussolini in Twitter quote”
Don’t worry. It’s all part of a larger strategy to fake Beto.
Word is next week Cornyn will be at a truck stop on I-35 selling Guatemalan toddlers to truckers.
LOL! Many moons ago in our Seattle neighborhood some Republican dumbass would put up the biggest Dino Lossi and Mike! (remember him?) signs right where a lot of folks could see them.
Let’s just say we were running a pool over how long those signs would last.
No, they didn’t last long. Oh yeah!
Dino 4-time Lossi. Mike! who?? It feels so good.
Thanks for memories boob!
Greetings to my fellow HA HEROES from our comfortable redoubt in Seattle.
And no, we’re not going anywhere anytime soon.
@45 either that or giving out blowjobs.
Heh. Boob is too stoopid.. Only a pathological horse rapist would vacay in VA in January..
Tanks for the projection bottom of the barrel troll..
Honest, I don’t recall – didn’t Obama and Clinton catch holy hell from disposing Khadafi. Now I’m not saying this to take position one way or the other on the situation in Venezuela, I’m just saying Was Rubio one of the critics regarding Khadafi and bows he’s using for PR
Maybe one of you little girls can explain why the set of the Pandering and Social Justice Awards looks like Donald Trumps hair.
What fools.
A crooked detective who destroyed exculpatory evidence cost an innocent man 39 years of his life and cost taxpayers $23 million.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We should support honest cops who do a good professional job, but it makes no sense to support bad cops who destroy innocent lives.
China’s Chief Negotiator Literally Laughs In Donald Trump’s Face During Trade Talk
I don’t like MOUs because they don’t mean anything,” he said during a presidential lecture in front of trade officials and Chinese vice premier Liu He. “To me, they don’t mean anything.”
That is, in a very literal sense, not true. Robert Lighthizer, the White House’s top negotiator, made that clear, turning to the press to clear up any misunderstanding: “An MOU is a contract, it’s the way trade agreements are generally viewed… an MOU is a binding agreement between two people. It’s detailed. It covers everything in great detail. It’s a legal term. It’s a contract.”
“By the way, I disagree,” Trump shot back. Liu burst out laughing.
trump knows the best jokes. He tells jokes bigly! It’s a good thing he’s got a thick skin and doesn’t mind being laughed at.
If you close your eyes and just listen, the Republican President sounds exactly like Bea Arthur.
Conservatives hate workers getting paid for their work. They think workers should donate their labor to employers.
P.S., if you think $52k a year is a big salary in D.C., you should try living on it there.
P.P.S., Kinda silly for a guy making millions to criticize an employer for paying $52k. Honestly, I think Carlson just likes to hear himself talk.
@52 Everyone knows what Trump thinks of contracts. They only exist to be broken, just like laws.
The half dozen or so “volunteers” Roger Stone meekly tossed under the bus in his show cause hearing on Thursday are made up of a group of unemployed ProudBoy MAGA trolls working the Fred Perry grift. At least a couple of them are also being kept around for the amusement of Stone and his wife “in the lifestyle”*.
As a result of his utter collapse in his hearing Stone is now silenced on social media regarding his case. But the gag is also extended to Stone commenting indirectly “by having statements made publicly on his behalf.” Que the ProudBoys/Mrs. Stone’s Bulls.
This is not a Mensa society. Their “lawyer” was mentioned in a previous thread by RR – the lunatic who got his Texas bar card punched following a string of criminal and civil misdeeds surrounding the Fred Perry grift, some rule 11 violations, as well as an insurance scam. The reason these guys live at Roger Stone’s house (other than for the convenience of Mrs. Stone) is because their moms kicked them out. And I give Stone full credit for recognizing their vulnerability and putting their energy and stupidity to work for him.
They have every right to express their opinions about Mr. Stone’s pending criminal trial. But given their track record on social media, it is hard to understand how Stone could feel very comfortable placing his freedom in their hands. It is simply not in their nature to refrain from boastful threats of violence. It’s all they got.
*Teh Dumbfuck can explain it better than I can.
Trump isn’t just running off illegals. He dislikes all immigrants, and his policies are encouraging desirable immigrants go to Canada instead. Our loss, their gain.
@56 Stone has a missus? Who’d be stupid enough to marry him? Gotta be another Republican.
Skidding beer sales has big brewers squabbling among themselves.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, nobody could have predicted what would happen if they cheapened their products and jacked up their prices …
His second. So creepy you can’t even imagine.
Mrs. Stone cucks him. They found each other in their forties in the DC area when he was in partnership with Charlie Black, Lee Atwater, and Paul Manafucked. He was later fired from the Romney campaign when Mrs. Stone’s ads in DC area sex club magazines were discovered. At the time he claimed the ads were planted by a disgruntled employee – although that would hardly explain the accompanying photos. But a few years later he admitted that they were real and that he pays men to mount his wife while he looks on with great interest. Just part of his “lifestyle” as he tells it.
Yes. This really is “the status quo” for Republicans now.
Klownsurvaturd voters demanded a Republican nominee who would “shake things up”. They got a pathetic freak show. Forevah.
“Did the Dumbfuck have his head up his horses ass when that happened?”
Democrats need to be clear about this going forward.
Republican voters are going to be pretending to have their heads up horse’s asses about a lot of things as we approach the 2020 elections. Widespread unlawful schemes of vote suppression, vote fraud, paramilitary white nationalist radical groups rioting in our communities and plotting political assassinations, hundreds of adversarial foreign nationals buying their way into Republican politics, an endless parade of sexual assault victims, and a very thoroughly documented history of foreign corruption surrounding the 2016 Republican Presidential campaign, to name only a few.
On that last, here’s what has been entered into the legal record in the trials, pleas, and hearings so far:
– January 20th, 2016, Mr. Trump’s personal attorney communicated to a Russian diplomat that the President was willing to work through the Russian spy agency and sanctioned Russian banks in order to advance an agreement for a Moscow tower real estate project.
– June 9, 2016, Mr. Trump’s eldest son as head of the Trump Organization arranged a meeting at Trump Tower with representatives of the Russian government, and the senior leadership of the Republican Presidential Campaign to arrange to trade Russian sanctions relief in exchange for opposition research into the Clinton campaign.
– August 2, 2016, The Republican Presidential Campaign Manager and the Deputy Republican Presidential Campaign Manager met with a Russian espionage agent in a private New York club to supply the Russian government with detailed election polling data to be used in assisting the campaign.
– December 29, 2016, the incoming Deputy National Security Adviser relayed instructions from the President-elect to the incoming National Security Adviser to inform the Russian Premier that the recently announced sanctions by President Obama would be removed upon the President-elect’s taking office.
– January 11, 2016 the brother of the incoming Secretary of Education met the leadership of the sanctioned Russian sovereign investment authority in the Seychelles to receive a series of bullet point instructions for US foreign, military, and security cooperation policy with Russia along with sanctions removal for the new administration.
That shit is all on the record now. Presumably Mueller had most of it early on from NSA SigInt capture. But they’ve gotten parallel construction on all of it including sworn testimony and confirming documentation.
That alone does not in my opinion build a case for impeachment. But it certainly builds a solid case for foreign influence peddling by the campaign in exchange for illegal campaign assistance. It’s a disgrace, as no fewer than three different federal judges have said so far. And of course, it is “collusion” whatever the fuck that is.
This really is “the status quo” for Republicans now.
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