Stephen: Ocasio-Cortez is teaching Twitter 101 on Capitol Hill
Trevor: A BuzzFeed story and a teen’s standoff with a native American come into question.
Daily Show: FAUX News can’t stop misreporting deaths
Jimmy Dore: “I’m a weed guy now” says John Boehner.
Stephen has a KKK story.
The Atlantic: “I have a message for you.” Words of Holocaust survivor.
Minute Physics: How to make MUONS.
Trevor: Martin Luther King Jr.—Not just an excuse for a mattress sale.
Samantha Bee: The masked federal worker
Roll Call: The week in Congressional hits and misses.
The Dotard Трамп:
- Jimmy Kimmel: Don Jr. & Eric Трамп hunt the last lion in Africa
- Seth Meyers: President Трамп whispered something bizarre to Claire McCaskill
- Trevor: The politics of the wall
- Stephen: Трамп has been Posting Altered Photos Of Himself
- Samantha Bee: Shutdown showdown
- WaPo: What Roger Stone’s indictment means for the Russia investigation
- Daily Show: Kim Jong-Un teases “Summit 2”
- Jimmy Fallon plays Talk like Трамп
- Stephen: White House aide Hogan Gidley is an odd dude
- Seth Meyers: The tiny voice in the back of Dotard Трамп’s head, “How come you don’t have a cool hat?”
- Trevor: Трамп’s wall-funding fantasy inspires the A-Mexican Express Card
- Jimmy Kimmel: Jimmy Kimmel’s Halftime Tribute to Трамп:
- Late Show: Rudy Giuliani’s gravestone—The rough drafts
- Stephen: Pence’s Трамп-MLK comparison doesn’t add up
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard Трамп added to Mount Rushmore
- Stephen: The Dotard is on a losing streak.
- Seth Meyers: Cohen and Giuliani cause problems for The Dotard
- Jimmy Fallon: The Dotard responds to Photoshop accusations
- Stephen: The state of the State of the Union
- WaPo: What we know and don’t know about Трамп pardon power
- Jimmy Kimmel: What’s worse, working for Трамп or being married to him?
- Late Show: Need a location for your State Of The Union?
- Chris Hayes: The Dotard Трамп loves space, but doesn’t quite get how it works
- Stephen: The shutdown is making it harder for FBI agents
- Seth Meyers: No one likes Трамп’s latest shutdown offer
- Alyssa Milano presents Dotard Трамп commemorative plates
- Trevor: The state of the State of the Union is not good, folks
- Aloe Blacc sings New Трамп anthem “Great Again”
- Seth Meyers: Трамп’s shutdown is making America less safe
- Jimmy Fallon: Window thoughts with President Трамп
- Stephen: A new tell-all book details Трамп-Paul Ryan meeting
- Mark Fiore: What would MAGA Jesus do?
- Jimmy Kimmel chats with The Dotard Трамп’s dad
- Late Show: Art responds to Karen Pence
- Vox: How Трамп wins press conferences.
- Daily Show: Mike Pence is the hottest beat of 2019:
- Seth Meyers: The tiny voice in the back of Dotard Трамп’s head, “You have the most beautiful daughter
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard Трамп’s SAVAGE alternative to State of the Union
- Stephen: Rudy Giuliani has out-Giuliani’ed himself
- Bill Maher: Yippee ki-yay, pussygrabber
- Leon Bridges sings Трамп Tweets.
- Seth Meyers: The tiny voice in the back The Dotard’s head, “It’s time to sign some documents”
Mother Jones: Onesie-wearing Beto O’Rourke sings The Ramones in newly unearthed video.
Vox: How bite marks made one man a murder suspect.
Samantha Bee: Women for President.
Trevor: Political news of the week
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
The Avenging Ones: Why don’t White superheroes help the Black community?.
The Atlantic: The big business of pot.
SNL Weekend Update: Sen. Elizabeth Warren on running for president.
Roll Call: Demonstrators arrested outside McConnell’s Russell office.
Trevor: El Chapo, drug lord, and exhibit A of the problem with a border wall.
Stephen: Rep. Ocasio-Cortez debunks myths about a 70% marginal tax
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
So the Shutdown is over, but only for three weeks? They were expecting the Democrats to back down first.
Shut it Down! Shut it Down! Shut it Down! Shut it Down! Shut it Down!
It’s cause they are hypocrites and terrified of the trump base. I hope the rest of the republicans learn from this and vote differently in the primary
Why Aren’t Texas Politicians Standing Up for Texas Landowners?
By contrast, wherever the border fence goes up, the federal government will seize and clear-cut a 150-foot buffer zone, fill it with lights, cameras, sensors, and access roads, and build a three-story steel and concrete structure, with additional infrastructure behind it. Much of this would cut across nature preserves, homesteads, ranches, colonias, and historic sites.
Ted Cruz was another one of the people who made hay out of the fight on the Red River, pressuring the agency and then, when declaring victory in 2017, writing that “Texans along the Red River should not be subject to the seizure of property they rightfully own.” On Thursday, on the Senate floor, when he rose to urge Democrats to capitulate and pass funding for the wall, Senator Bennet noted how odd it was that Cruz was going to the mat in support of a project that would seize his constituents’ property.
Three rightwing terrorists get 25 years each for plotting mass murder against innocent refugees. ADX is a good place for them, and let’s hope they never get out. Let them spend the rest of their lives rapping morse code messages on concrete walls to the likes of Ted, Terry, and Ramzi.
I wonder if right wing media will go nuts over this, spreading fear and hatred of rightwing terrorists.
Bring it on, snot nose.
@5 Probably. At a minimum you should expect some snide remarks from our resident dumbfuck trolls.
GOP bringing in a set of Thai rescuers to see if they can get Donald out. Elon Musk already called one of them a pedophile and he has a Sub.
What third world government regulation, the GOP’s holy grail, actually looks like in real life.
Richard Blumenthal
Nathan Phillips
Roger Rabbitt
All Liars
Apparently there may in fact be “an education” in the second kick from a mule…
…for Republicans.
Yes. This really is “the status quo” for Republicans from now on.
I wonder where the “anti-Pelosi” House Democrats are doing their drinking this weekend?
This from a Harvard Law prof:
Adrian Vermeule
I’m not happy the journalists have lost their jobs, per se; I believe everyone should have the chance of productive work and hope they find some in another industry. But I am positively thrilled they can no longer pour an endless stream of poisonous error into the public forum.
7:57 PM – 25 Jan 2019
Me? I’m a little happy. So many fucking assholes in journalism these days.
I hear Chik-fil-A is hiring. Heh.
Life not so sunny in France this past week. You’d hardly know if you were following the news from this country.
Peter Allen
3h3 hours ago
Paris riot police are currently using water cannon, tear gas & baton charges to try and restore order in Place de la Bastille, one of city’s traditional protest squares. Angry crowds everywhere on 11th #GiletsJaunes demo Saturday in a row. President Macron will be very concerned.
Anyone wonder who will be running, again, to replace Macron?
There is a video with this tweet. 82 seconds out of your life.
Tulsi Gabbard
Verified account
Jan 24
We are being torn apart, with divisions that seem too deep to heal. But when we are united in the spirit of love, there is no challenge we cannot overcome. Join me in building a movement for peace to create a bright future for all.
Hell, most of y’all probably spent twice that amount of time in the last 24 hours watching AOC clips.
Everyone pick up that a guy arrested after an early morning full combat tactics raid by the FBI is so dangerous that he was released OR later the same day?
That must have been some disgusting video he made, amirite?
See @ 13
Jeff Pojanowski
Jan 24
I’m a dying industry looking to monetize the biases of my remaining readership. Please DM me. …
has a whorehouse
in it
Texas moves to purge 95,000 voters suspected to be non-US citizens
On Monday, counties are expecting a list from the state of suspected non-citizens on their voter rolls, said Williamson County Voter Registration Supervisor Julie Seippel.
Seippel said Williamson County will then review the list, looking for possible errors, before sending letters to registered voters giving them 30 days to prove their citizenship. Those that don’t, or can’t, will be removed from the rolls.
Prior to this, the method of identifying non-citizen voters was when people excluded themselves from jury summons orders claiming to be non-citizens.
This would seem to be quicker, if not more accurate.
I should think Doctor Dumbfuck would be celebrating that someone has FINALLY been indicted for Hillary’s emails. Oh, wait, it was Roger Stone who was indicted for Hillary’s emails. Heh. My bad.
@ 19
Steve, the emails have adequately served their purpose prior to yesterday’s news, doncha think?
They certainly have for me.
Next time, Steve, choose a safer password, if not a less filthy candidate.
Now THIS is funny:
After 11 years of hemorrhaging money, the Baltimore Sun on Friday announced that the Newseum, a 250,000 square foot temple dedicated to journalists by journalists, will close.
The Sun reported that the $500 million building will shut down at the end of 2019, finally ending the saga of a Washington D.C. museum that was always in debt and had five chief executives in the last nine years. In 2017, the Washington Post announced it was on “death watch” after a “stunning decline.”
Sort of a metaphor for the credibility of US mainstream journalism, itself in stunning decline.
“They certainly have for me and Putin.”
You’re welcome.
Before CAVE! Preznit Grope polled his record low 34%.
Would CAVE! bring that number up? Or push it further down?
That’s a tough one. Hmmmmm.
Godwun sure has a hard on about destroying the free press today. I guess he likes Pravda better. Hypocrite.
If the Republicans will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.
Adlai Stevenson I
Read more at:
gudwon, the key word there was “suspected”.
It’s texas so it’s just a voter purge of Latino democrats.
“I hope that the Secretary of State and the Attorney General are extremely careful to ensure that they make accurate matches and do not unnecessarily alarm the public or falsely accuse people who are eligible to vote,” said state Sen. Jose Rodriguez, D-El Paso. “For example, a legal permanent resident with a driver’s license who becomes a citizen is not required to go back to DPS and change their status. So just because someone is listed as a non-citizen in DPS records, that does not mean they still are.”
@ 25
The designations of citizen vs. non-citizen are made by the counties, not by the state. The state has a database and will share it with the counties.
The article is clear about that. There MIGHT be as many as 95,000 noncitizens who have voted.
Suppose it turns out that only, say 20,000 non-citizens voted in Texas. Still not a small number.
I’ve got time to wait.
“…the emails have adequately served their purpose prior to yesterday’s news…”
In more ways than one.
Keep it up. It’s already turned into the world’s worst losing game of Whack-A
More like “if their name ends in a “z” put ’em on the list.”
Nuthin’ racist about that.
Here’s the bright news: They only pull this racist shit in states where they are going down.
Here’s some of that purge of Latino Democrats @ 25 you decry.
US Attorney John Bash✔
Today in S.A. an unauthorized migrant was sentenced to 6 months for illegally voting in the 2016 election (+2 years for identity theft).
Understand this: Illegally voting is equivalent to *suppressing* a vote, because an illegal vote offsets a legal vote. We won’t abide it.
9:19 AM – Jan 24, 2019
Only 94,999 to go
We are witnessing the Fyre Festival of Administrations.
A for Asshole or more so A for nAzi!
@13 Of course you prefer an ignorant populace to an informed one. We expect nothing less of you.
@ 32
I see little difference between ignorant and misinformed, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Of course, you are a cesspool of each.
@16 Darn, I hoped he’d go for his gun. Just kidding, that’s an NRA joke.
@33 “I see little difference between ignorant and misinformed”
In your case it’s a distinction without a difference.
Let’s see, Doctor Dumbfuck hates government, journalists, Guatemalan children, rape victims … what does he like? He likes … HORSES ASSES!!
Well done, Republicans!
You were only off by 15,505,000.
You’re gonna have to get a lot better at math…
Or Whack-A-Mole.
@18 “Texas officials have launched a purge of 95,000 people from the voter rolls, saying they do not appear to be U.S. citizens … Texas Secretary of State David Whitley said working with the Department of Public Safety, his office has been able to identify the potential non-citizens ….”
Hmmm, I wonder how they “identified” these non-citizens? Go through voter rolls looking for names like Juan, Jose, and Carlos? It’ll be interesting to see the details of their ID methodology unfold in a federal courtroom.
@20 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck brags about receiving stolen property. Even dumb criminals don’t do that. It takes a Grade-A dumbfuck.
@21 “Sort of a metaphor for the credibility of US mainstream journalism, itself in stunning decline.”
At least you managed to find a metaphor for journalism’s decline. There isn’t one for the GOP’s decline, only Third Reich comparisons.
@24 “Godwun sure has a hard on about destroying the free press today. I guess he likes Pravda better.”
Roger Ailes didn’t invent Fox News, Stalin did.
@25 There will be lawsuits.
@26 “There MIGHT be as many as 95,000 noncitizens who have voted.”
It’s equally plausible there might be none.
“Suppose it turns out that only, say 20,000 non-citizens voted in Texas. Still not a small number.”
Based on past results of similar GOP-instigated voter purges, it’s more likely that 20,000 citizens will be prevented from voting next time because 20 non-citizens voted last time.
I’m not saying voting fraud never happens. You can find cases where it does if you look hard enough. For example, a Milwaukee insurance executive named Robert Monroe voted for Scott Walker 5 times in the 2012 recall election, for Mitt Romney twice in the 2012 presidential election, and twice in a 2011 state supreme court race. And he wasn’t even a Mexican illegal.
Fat lot of good it will do them balanced against 500,000 new voters.
Every year.
Of course that explains why, in the midst of all that flag-wrapped hypocrissy at 29 about “supptession”, it’s also super duper extra important to close polling sites, limit polling hours, and force people to take sick leave and stand in the rain for hours.
Yes. This really is “the status quo” for Republicans from now on.
Thanks Canadian Journalist for digging.
Donald’s event in McAllen TX on the need for wall Jan 11th had props. Cash seized from someone who overstayed his visa and was yes a criminal but did not enter illegally. Drugs seized at a legal point of entry and guns seized in 2016 also at a legal point of entry.
100% bullshit.
I can’t speak for the others but a far as the Huffington Post goes, it’s been going downhill ever sense Arianna Huffington sold it to Verizon Communications, , it’s getting more and more like a sensationalized liberal fox news site and my reading of it has gotten less and less.
“The cutbacks at Huffington Post come just a day after Verizon Communications, a telecommunications corporation that includes AOL, Yahoo, and Huffington Post, said Wednesday it would be cutting around 7 percent of its digital media operations.”
“Verizon had set out to turn a patchwork of dot-com brands into a thriving online-advertising business, but it’s been scaling back its ambitions. Last month, it wrote down the business by $4.6 billion. That erased almost half the value of the entity, which also houses sites like the Huffington Post.”
Good to see the Coast Guard is getting paid again. They were still doing their jobs saving lives. Today they had some assistance from a Washington State Ferry.
Heeeeeeey, but he wasn’t gay! This one is mainstream so let’s get back to breakfast, shall we?
Bibi must be having a sad.
Maybe the holocaust is a bit of fake news.
Hey look,The Hump attended a Nazi gathering. The pig Thomas so ugly that she’s angry about shit.
It would have been funny if The Hump or the Pig Thomas put on black faces.
Calm down now. Blackie was President – this had to be. It doesn’t matter that Putin is hung like a horse. The Hump couldn’t keep a secret and they all wanted a shot to suck hat massive cock.
Suggesting he quit? Fuck no! Make this guy the next Repukilan Presidential nominee.
Oh it’s such a shame that the quilty Hump supporters that use to love SNL can’t realky watch it anymore.
They no longer can have small chit chat and self admiration with thier groupie klan by laughing together about their privileged Saturday evening lives. So sad.
Workers smworkers. Hail The Hump! – Faux News.
Nancy Pelosi Didn’t End The Shutdown Alone. Federal Workers Did The Heavy Lifting. – Huuf Post
Confidential to Willie Brown:
Kamala Harris – How was she?
Ohhhh those poor Catholics in the Philippines. The world is so unjust. But maybe if the justly didn’t unjust then they themselves wouldn’t be unjust by the unjustly of thy just…….DO UNTO OTHERS AS DONE UNTO YOU (spoken in spiritual godliness). It is Sunday Goldy, you either got lazy, ran out of material, or caved like The Hump.
@54 should say guilty Hump supporters (and meant voters). There is a difference between supporter and voter. One is just dumb and the other is dumb and dumber (with 80% bigotry and racism).
See how much fun this is! Let’s s hope for 4 more years of fun (and destruction). It’s what they wanted. Tear down that wall…I mean build that fuckng wall.
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Dakota Theriot, suspect in 5 killings in Louisiana, arrested in Virginia
Move’em on, head’em up, head’em up, move’em up, Build that Wallllllll,
“How was she?”
“Pennsylvania GOP lawmaker under criminal investigation for drugging and raping a woman in capital”
Rape. Apparently the only way a Republican male can relate to a woman or a farm animal.
Trombone Shorty in Edmonds, Tuesday. In Tacoma, Thursday.
There were 29 FBI agents participating in the pre-dawn arrest of Roger Stone.
That’s nearly as many people as the number of attorneys and advisors that were permitted to accompany Hillary Clinton during her unrecorded FBI interview in 2016.
Guns Don’t Kill Bears Dep’t
“An Alaskan father and his son who were caught on camera killing a black bear and her two cubs have been sentenced to jail, fines and hunting suspensions.
“Andrew Renner, 41, will spend three months in jail, pay a $9,000 fine, forfeit his boat, truck, firearms and poaching gear — and lose his hunting privileges for 10 years …. His 18-year-old son, Owen Renner, was sentenced to probation and community service and will … [lose his] hunting license … two years.
“The Renners were out skiing … when they approached the bears’ den …. Owen Renner fired twice at the adult bear while it slept in its den …. Then, Andrew Renner killed the ‘shrieking’ cubs ….
“What the two men didn’t know was that their actions were caught on tape. The bears were being monitored by a motion-activated camera as part of a study by the US Forest Service and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: They’re probably Palin fans, too.
@62 “There were 29 FBI agents participating in the pre-dawn arrest of Roger Stone.”
It certainly made an impression on Roger Stone.
Such a show of force is perfectly appropriate for people who intimidate witnesses and threaten to kill their dogs. At this point, I suspect Stone will take any deal he can get.
“Wonderful dog you have there. Sure would be too bad if anything happened to it.”
Republican Campaign Tactic No. 232, page 173 of GOP Playbook
“Let’s all grow up and be adults.”
Sure. Whenever you’re ready.
@56 Just when you think Doctor Dumbfuck can’t go any lower, he goes lower.
The bad news: He’d have to go back to school.
The good news: There might actually be a job that ‘froggy could hang on to for a bit.
The University of Wisconsin-Madison is seeking to hire three social justice interns to help with social justice efforts around campus.
According to the listing, the university is seeking people “who are passionate about advancing social justice issues such as racial justice; access to education; access to clean food, air, and water; criminal justice and prison reform, LGBTQ+ rights; women’s rights; voting rights; economic justice, immigrant justice; and/or civic engagement.”
Following up on @ 62
Robert Barnes
Jan 25
#Hillary case: lawyers allowed to destroy documents & servers.
#Trump case: lawyers offices raided.
#Hillary case: no search warrants for homes or offices.
#Trump case: pre-dawn raids of old folks homes.
#Hillary case: free immunity for life
#Trump case: swat arrests live @CNN
Learn to code.
Today it’s fun to read Gudwad shriek and wail about the conspiracy theory unfairnessess he perceives given to Hillary Clinton. Or at least tries to deflect with.
When you stop being a bitter woman hating hypocrite, I’ll care what you say.
I dunno. Holdin’ out until she starts croonin’ “Amazing Grace”.
Reverend Al Sharpton
Verified account
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand started preaching this morning during her remarks at NAN’s King Day Public Policy Forum. #NANMLK19
11:09 AM – 21 Jan 2019
There’s video at the tweet. Funny.
Enjoying these headlines today
Donald Trump: Right-wing supporters label president ‘wimp’ and ‘broken man’ over border wall capitulation, forcing him onto defensive
Ann Coulter on Believing Trump’s Wall Promises: “OK, I’m a Very Stupid Girl”
“But there’s this, what I call a wall porn crowd, people like [right-wing pundit] Ann Coulter and [GOP representative] Steve King who almost seem to have like a sexual fetish for a cement wall … a big beautiful erection of a wall.”
@ 71
You’re right, Red. Of course you are.
No true 2016 Berniebro would ever have a reason to think that favoritism was shown to Hillary Clinton in any way, shape, or form.
America can finally sleep safe at night.
A brave conservative patriot has destroyed the Pizza Dungeon!
Kirsten Gillibrand is not my first choice for President. Luckily I have abut 200 other running Democrats to chose from.
Always make sure the bitch swallows.
gman swallows. Shouldn’t bitches do the same?
Apparently Gudwad has got marching orders
Roger Stone arrest prompts Trump to seek distractions and dredge up Hillary Clinton’s emails
“This is trumpism in a microcosm. Notice they almost never defend his actions by saying “this is a good policy because ____”. It’s always “whatabout Obama/Hillary/etc.”. They can never defend anything on its own merits, the defense is always somebody else also did something bad in the past.”
If the Dems run one of their “socialist specials” in 2020, they will be supporting Trump’s re-election.
But look on the bright side: Hillary Clinton is finished!
@ 73
Another headline for you to enjoy, Red:
Study: Trump’s judicial appointees are more conservative than those of past Republican presidents
As of fall 2018, Trump had seen more circuit court nominees confirmed than several of his predecessors, though he lagged in district court nominees. (The circuit courts are the second most powerful federal courts in the US after the Supreme Court, while the district courts are just beneath them.)
Barton, of the University of Tennessee, says the results match up closely with how Trump has talked about his efforts on judicial nominees, many of whom have the backing of the Federalist Society, a group that seeks to appoint conservative judges.
The Democrats will control the House for two years.
The GOP will control the judiciary for a generation.
@77. You say that like it’s a bad thing. Don’t knock it till you have tried it.
Gudwad, Really, flailing for anything to change the subject? SQUIRREL!
Your fragile Masculinity, woman hating and homophobia are coming out again. Get mental help. Before you snap.
Red seems blissfully unaware that the IG is way, way deep into an investigation into the DOJ’s conduct leading up to and following the 2016 election.
Oh, I see. Now I see why Gudwad brought up Richard Daniel. He’s black. That seems to hold a special place in Gudwad’s head.
@ 81
‘fraid I’ll just have to live vicariously through your swallowing expertise, Red.
“The GOP will control the judiciary for a generation.”
Maybe so, and for a generation or more, every single Democrat will run with part of their message being
“Vote for Democrats everywhere, so the republicans never get to elect another judge to screw you out of [Insert partisan conservative ruling here].
As long as I can still demean and exploit those of small intelligence. YLB.
OLYMPIA – A bill sponsored by Sen. Mike Padden, R-Spokane Valley, would end dwarf-tossing contests at bars and strip clubs across the state – and end a most-unsporting activity that demeans and exploits those of small stature.
@ 85
Red, you can shorten that by merely saying that for a generation Democrats will be playing catch-up.
2016 was disastrous for your ilk.
I think it is important to assure gman that salad-tossing would not be affected by this @ 86 bill. You may still partake of your favorite delicacy.
Pinky promises that if The Real Patriotic Americans Not Conspiring With Russian Spies will agree to nominate a candidate who ignores Republican treason he might possibly maybe be willing to maybe consider possibly not actually voting for more treason… maybe.
This really is “the status quo” for Republicans (including EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE) from now on.
Is Bob having a conversation with himself? Puffy maybe?
@77siory to have to ruin your fantasy but I don’t swallow – if you must know or be corrected. But the horse tells me he appreciates you doing so.
@80 more conservative or more like Nazis?
Look on the bright side – I ain’t Jewish.
@68 I see the College Republicans in Madison are opposed to “racial justice; access to education; access to clean food, air, and water; criminal justice and prison reform, LGBTQ+ rights; women’s rights; voting rights; economic justice, immigrant justice; and/or civic engagement,” and think it’s “inappropriate” to hire interns to work on those issues.
I guess that’s true if you think racism, ignorance, unsafe food, dirty air and water, innocent people in prisons, throwing gays off roofs, treating women as chattel property, vote suppression, poverty, demonizing immigrants, and telling people to stfu about the social conditions you’re creating is “appropriate.”
Locally, here in Seattle, the College Republicans are best known for scamming vulnerable elderly people out of their life savings.
@69 Dumbfuck not only fucks live horses, he also beats on dead ones.
@86. Gudwad: Squirrel! Squirrel! SQUIRREL! Look over there dammit!
….But sure, I’ll comment.
Has there been a sudden spike of Dwarf Trafficking and Dwarf tossing against their will that has not made the Mainstream News? The Padden bill seems like a Republican trying desperately to distract from some other problem. Or trying to show he’s relevant.
Also, I thought republicans were the party of small government and if a consenting adult wanted to get tossed, that was their right. Asking for a friend.
@71 “When you stop being a bitter woman hating hypocrite, I’ll care what you say.”
You’re more generous than me. I’ll never care what he says, even if he stops beating his wife and fucking her horse.
@80 “The Democrats will control the House for two years.”
Aren’t you being a tad optimistic? I mean, shutdowns, indictments, corruption, etc., aren’t exactly the stuff of which voter mandates are made. Do you know something about Russian election tampering capabilities I don’t know?
“2016 was disastrous for your ilk.”
I agree. In 2016, Democrats were bringing powerpoint charts to a gun fight.
In 2016, Democrats were naive and projected that republicans were still basically decent and fair even if they disagreed with Democratic policies.
Democrats are under no such delusions now.
@90 Could be. He’s been a bit more daft than usual lately.
Draft Hillary.
This thread as 100 comments! Meanwhile, you never hear about Stefan Sharkansky or his defunct blog anymore. Here’s a photo of Stefan (L) and Goldy (R) in the old days, back when there were still 6 or 7 Republicans in King County.
I suspect that the steady routine of rhetoric like…
…doesn’t help either.
They lost 40 seats and the OC without President Rohypnol on the ballot.
What kind of sick fuck does this?
There are some scary people out there. Bet it was a citizen.
Bob is on the sauce again… sauce that is. You can tell the wife has had enough of him.
“2016 was disastrous for your ilk.”
If by “ilk” you mean “loyal, patriotic Americans” then, yeah, you and Putin certainly have cause to gloat.
“While Washington reels over Trump’s alleged Russian ties, President Putin is cracking jokes.”
Making Russian oligarchs great again.
“US officially lifts sanctions on firms tied to Russian oligarch”
@100 Speaking of the draft, where were you in 1968? I was in the Army, as a volunteer.
Trump is spending this weekend trumpeting that he’s more than willing to shut down the government again. Man I wish the 2020 election was this Tuesday, but who knows, given a little more time maybe he can get his approval rating to a number approximating the temperature of interstellar space.
All those government employees will be paying bills and putting what money they have left over for a savings reserve. Nobody will be spending any discretionary money.
He’s tanking the economy and encouraging more than 800,000 people not vote for republicans, one paycheck at a time.
Trump ordered 15,000 new border and immigration officers — but got thousands of vacancies instead
Customs and Border Protection allocated $60.7 million to Accenture Federal Services to recruit, vet and hire 7,500 border officers over five years, but the company has produced only 33 new hires so far.
Nice cash if you can get it. Wonder how much scrutiny Accenture Federal Services is getting now. Is this like the 4 person firm that was going to restore power to all of Puerto Rico ?
I know some people looking for work: