BuzzFeed: Americans and Russians swap snacks.
Jonathan Mann: Medicare for allllll:
Young Turks: Tucker Carlson does incel porn.
The Dotard Трамп and His Band of Mobsters:
- Mark Fiore: The year in lies.
- David Pakman: Трамп busted bragging about news written by his own staff
- Farron Cousins: Idiot Трамп says he can’t be impeached because he “won…the great election….”
- Jimmy Dore: Rick Perry pushes Israel loyalty oath for Americans:
- A quick recap of the 2018 Circus that is the Трамп Presidency
- Chris Hayes: Трамп golf club concealed undocumented workers
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Трамп looks ahead to worst year ever as Democrats retake control of the House
- David Pakman: Трамп provided FAKE GREEN CARDS to his illegal immigrant workers
- Farron Cousins: The Dotard lies and says voters are calling to express support for his border wall
- WaPo: “We’re gonna impeach the motherfucker” says Rep. Rashida Tlaib on Трамп
- Young Turks: Трамп hiding undocumented workers
- Winlar: Border wall
- Ari Melber and Lawrence O’Donnell: The Dotard Трамп destroyed Ronald Reagan
- Sky News: The true impact of the US government shutdown
- Rachel Maddow: Трамп is curiously well versed in specific Russian talking points:
- David Pakman: John Kelly confirms he was lying all along
- Farron Cousins: Jerry Falwell’s idiot son attacks poor people to defend The Dotard Трамп
- WaPo: Dirty parks, closed museums as the government shutdown enters 12th day
Vox: Why fixing the US bail system is tricky.
Nova: 2018 in review—the biggest science stories of the year.
Robert Reich: Why we must get Big Money out of politics.
Wired: How photography is affecting our brains.
The 116th Congress:
- Rachel Maddow: Democrats paint stark contrast with outgoing Republicans
- Sam Seder: New Congresswoman SLAMS The Dotard Трамп, “We’re gonna impeach the motherfucker!”
- Chris Hayes: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Dances, People Lose Their Minds
- Vice News: These scientists just got sworn into Congress and they’re ready for a fight
- Young Turks: ANOTHER Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attack backfires spectacularly
- Sam Seder: Conservatives lose their shit over Ocasio-Cortez dancing on rooftop
- Roll Call: New Congressional hits and misses
- David Pakman: Dems take over and IMMEDIATELY pass a bill to end shutdown
- Ari Melber: Why Nancy Pelosi shrugs off the haters like Drake.
- Steve Kornacki and Joy Reid: Nancy Pelosi will demonstrate what Democrats can do with power:
- Roll Call: Pelosi’s first responsibility as Speaker? A marathon of 300 photo-ops
- Sam Seder: Watch Mike Pence awkwardly swear in a bisexual member of Congress
- Young Turks: Conservative HEADS EXPLODE over Rashida Tlaib.
Pitchfork Economics: Whatever happened to the middle class?
The Atlantic: The world’s happiest animal.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The Coast Guard working without pay, is a shame. Especially with some Coast Guard Cutters deployed overseas at times.
Whichever party is not in the White House always has a crazy fringe who will claim, “The President will declare a national emergency in order to seize power and ignore the Constitution!”
It’s always laughed at because it’s, you know, crazy.
So what to make of a President who actually out loud says he can do it?
@ 2
Obama was President Pen and Phone for the last two years.
We’ve already seen a president ignore the Constitution to rule via executive order, dumbass.
The Republicans in charge no longer understand how the government works. But they do understand the politics of resentment.
Contracting for construction/relief/essential services with the federal government in times of emergency is enabled through pre-existing contracts authorized by the Congress. For example, TSA screening of commercial airline passengers, luggage, and cargo depends upon a host of services and technologies provided and maintained by contractors. Most of those folks all have binding agreements with the agency that enable them to continue to finance their operations during a Republican Shitdown.
It’s an immensely complicated legal/financial machine. Most contractors (guys like Shanahan) understand it far better than the trailerbilly trash the PornFinger admin put in place as part of their “beachhead teams”. We can all “rest easy” knowing that Eric Trump’s brother-in-law will never get past the cover sheets on the operator’s manual before fucking off to play golf.
WALL is a political stunt designed to bring out the MAGA! HATE base. The biggest challenge for Republicans is figuring out a way to keep it alive until summer of 2020. Not actually building anything will play a key role.
@2 a pussy like him would be the one to say it and not just do it, if he can. What she waiting for?
If you can do it you big fucking Hump, then do it! Put your money where your asshole is.
If YLB ran for president…
Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand gauges Wall Street executives’ interest in backing a potential 2020 presidential run
Unserious twat asking others for money.
Nationally, Gillibrand is not faring well in early polls. According to a recent CNN poll, she garnered 1 percent of the vote after participants were asked who they preferred to carry the party mantle in 2020.
Yeah, that can happen when you morph yourself from a conservative Democrat to a blabbering ultraliberal in a decade.
All she’s missing is overuse of exclamation points and wearing her Obama kneepads in public. Ain’t that right , girlfriend.
It’s only a matter of time before photos surface of Bernie Sanders grabbing at the breasts of sleeping 2016 campaign interns.
Anderson Cooper 360°✔
Sen. @BernieSanders tells @andersoncooper he had no knowledge of allegations of sexual harassment and pay discrimination against women in his campaign organization during his 2016 bid for the White House, adding, “of course, if I run [again], we will do better next time.”
5:34 PM – Jan 2, 2019
“I said ‘Be careful, his bowtie is really a camera.'”
Bless your heart…signing statements…
Oh, lookie. Pilsner dude suddenly realizes that Trump is not the first president to make use of extra-Constitutional methods!
Welcome to reality, Cz-252. You no longer have an absolute lock on your fantasy.
Yup. For sure. The only party political drama for the next two years will take place among the Real American Democrats.
That’s because while Real America deploys a crowded and very diverse, competitive field of highly qualified candidates to compete for the Dem nom, the PornNDARussia party is canceling half the state primaries and their Senate majority is waiting in their underwear in the Oval Office powder room for PornFinger’s permission to fund the government.
Once again the GOP maintains “strict” party discipline…
@ 10
The only party political drama for the next two years will take place among the Real American Democrats.
Pretty sure both parties will feature their share of drama. It will be fun to watch.
Fer instance, there’s Pelosi pointing out that all lives matter. That won’t play well among the Micah X. crowd.
Then there’s McAuliffe telling libbies that what they’re asking for is fucking silly.
For example, some senators have started to discuss a “federal jobs guarantee” — a promise that, in certain formulations, means anyone who wants could have a government job paying $15 an hour with great benefits. Sound too good to be true? It is.
Similarly, a promise of universal free college has an appealing ring, but it’s not a progressive prioritization of the educational needs of struggling families.
…do we really want to use the 2020 campaign as a first-time experiment on idealistic but unrealistic policies?
There you have it. Terry McAuliffe calls out YLB as the unserious twat that she is. And he managed to do it without excessive use of exclamation points. Go figure.
@1 Completely agree, fund the US Coast Guard. It is a complete disgrace and dishonor to the people that server as the law enforcement on the water within our Exclusive Economic Zone. They are the front line defense of our water borders, not the US Boarder Patrol.
One of the most critical points in the Pacific Northwest is Turn Point, on Stuart Island in the San Juan Islands. It is the furthest west point of Haro Strait and sees almost all the shipping the comes through the Strait of Juan De Fuca that is headed to Vancouver, BC . The USCG is still manning their post, guarding the country against terrorists, yet not getting paid. I’m grateful for their dedication to their mission. USCG Semper Paratus, and Bravo Zulu to them.
The likes of Trump and his ilk are feckless assholes. Trump clearly only supports the troops it if is convenient. Trump is not about border protection, he is about spreading fear and hate and keeping dark skinned people out of the US.
The USCG was the most prepared and had the best response to Katrina than any other Federal agency during and immediately following the hurricane. To treat this branch like they are being treated is a disgrace.
@11 “There you have it. Terry McAuliffe calls out YLB as the unserious twat that she is.”
Hey doc your mysogyny is showing! I don’t know how you stay married with so much contempt and hatred for women.
Not a single example of prospective political drama from the PussyGrabber side of the aisle?
Of course not. Because like all the trolls, Teh Dumbfuck fully understands and eagerly embraces his political fate between now and 2020. Their national party chair has assigned all her authority and funding to the Permanent Trump Campaign and is working with state party chairs to discontinue the state primaries. All national party funding and spending will now flow through the Keep Russia Great campaign offices. The next 22 months are merely a formality before our trolls line up to support the puppet.
Meanwhile their vulnerable Senators are all cowering comfortably under their desks while the toilets overflow all over the Lincoln Memorial and President FingerProbe declares victory for Russia in Afghanistan.
Even the troll judiciary dreams are slipping inevitably off the edge of The Resolution Desk as their great leader focuses his mighty intellect on more important things to hate and fear.
It’s the stable political family klownsurvaturds have always dreamed of and worked for since childhood. The one where there are no surprises and you know exactly what time daddy will come home drunk to punch out mommy and begin “the bad touching”.
Ah yes, $5b in spending by Executive order without congressional approval as required by the constitution.
Take the weekend. Find where that’s happened under another administration.
We could get into a fiscal conservatism discussion here if you like.
Poor Dumbfuck. Forced to provide cover for an absolute moron in chief in order to a save face. I’d feel bad but Dumbfuck is just another mothefucker.
@ 14
Not a single example of prospective political drama from the PussyGrabber side of the aisle?
Well, QoS McHillbilly, you as much declared @ 10 this to be so.
The only party political drama for the next two years will take place among the Real American Democrats.
Your statement leaves out the GOP. All I was doing was following your lead. Although your love for BBC isn’t something I’m willing to follow. That’s all you, babe.
Hard to imagine a bigger own-goal than the #MeToo movement.
Neil deGrasse Tyson’s ‘StarTalk’ Goes on Hiatus Following Sexual Misconduct Allegations: Report
The allegations against Tyson stem all the way back to 1984, when he was accused of rape by a fellow student, Tchiya Amet, while the two studied at the University of Texas at Austin. In November of last year, allegations about that incident as well as more-recent misconduct were published on the website Patheos. In these most recent allegations, Tyson was accused of inappropriate behavior toward Katelyn Allers, a Bucknell University professor, and Ashley Watson, who was Tyson’s production assistant at the time of the alleged misconduct.
You know, I take that back. The nomination of an unlikable, corrupt wife of a likable, corrupt former president because it was her turn was a bigger own goal.
My bad.
Not nearly as much fun as watching our trolls humiliate themselves out of reflexive party loyalty.
#MeToo cost PussyGrabbing Russia the votes (and dollars) of college educated women and the suburbs. Forever.
#MeToo earned Real America good riddance to a pervy public radio host, a pervy public tv host, and a couple of pervy comics. All of whom have been replaced by more talented women.
TIL beer drunk trailerbillies consider Bill Clinton fuckable.
@6, 7 Your obsession over who will be the Democratic nominee is interesting to say the least. Your party too boring for you? Looks more like stalking to me. I’m wondering if I should report this to the police.
@13 “I don’t know how you stay married with so much contempt and hatred for women.”
All she needed was locks on the doors. The rest was easy as long as he didn’t get in through a window.
@20 Actually, compared to what they usually fuck, he probably looks pretty good to some of them. He’s certainly well preserved for his age and road wear.
12)Also, Port Angeles Port of Entry is one place border guards nabbed a terrorist trying to sneak into the country. Can’t build a wall around Railroad Ave in Port Angeles.
Everyone get a load of this?
Wishful praying from another deeply regretful klownsurvaturd watching the “ideology” go up in flaming crosses.
But rest assured that as before, and like all his Toddler Torture bretheren, at the moment of truth he will find a way to pull the lever for treason.
“Hard to imagine a bigger own-goal than the #MeToo movement.”
Laughable assertion, seeing as how America’s women kicked the shit out of you only nine weeks ago.
You want see what a real #owngoal looks like?
“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Dancing Video Was Meant as a Smear, but It Backfired”
The girl not only shakes it real good, she scares the holy fuck out of the right while doing it.
It amazeballs me that klownsurvaturds still don’t comprehend the world they created by electing a porn-lube smeared, Russian puppet, demented reality teevee star to run their party and be their PeePee President.
There is very little of anything a typical, angry, trailer-bound klownsurvaturd might now call “bad” that any Democrat could ever have done “in seeekrit” that their President hasn’t already done in front of cameras or a hot mic or live-Tweeted from a toilet seat.
For ex. Kyrsten Sinema beat the shit out of Martha McBible running in ARIZONA openly as an atheist who likes vaginas and will probably Tweet her abortion from the Capitol Rotunda. And it’s really no biggeee. Not anymore.
Because… Trump.
All their pieties and all their moralistic pearl clutching are gone. They dragged them all out behind the trailer and burned them in the crazy-racist Bonfire of the Vanities they built to honor the Very Fine Heroes of Charlottesville.
Would not be at all prudent to count on a near term fix for Senate Republican cowardice.
Yertle is continuing to hide under his desk in his underwear and refusing to allow his members to take the exact same vote they took three weeks ago. And PeePee President continues to hide in the bathroom in the personal residence while rage-Tweeting his immense powers and awesome intellect to the laughing world.
Negotiations? Not really. That too is performance art:
“Pence was deputized by Trump to oversee Saturday’s talks, but he did not have the president’s blessing to float new or specific numbers as he did last month in a meeting with Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), according to two Trump aides who were not authorized to speak publicly.”
This is all political performance art. A big messy trial balloon to A/B test this issue in preparation for 2020. Too fucking bad for our trolls if they were depending on getting a re-fi on the trailer to pay for more Oxy and Milwaukee’s Best. Can’t verify stated income when the IRS is closed. No refunds for early filers who need cash for Mountain Dew Code Red. Give it another two or three weeks of stumbling along before some real shit breaks. Then watch how fast Yertle releases his members votes.
This is really “the status quo” of Republicans from now on.
Side note. As had been noticed now by the media, the E-Verify system and staff is included in #trumpshutdown
Making it easier for ‘illegal immigrants’ to get American jobs to own the libs.
@25 I’ll put up with Trump for two more years in exchange for seeing him get 25 years. Lock him up! Besides, I kind of like what he’ll do to the GOP’s 2020 electoral prospects by remaining in office.
@27 Don’t overlook that electing Trump is the #owngoal of the century, if not one for the ages. We’re witnessing the destruction of the Republican Party. See #28 for detailed explanation.
Seahawks lost and are out of the playoffs.
The shitstorm waiting to unfold next week when the fed Dist Courts run out of money is going to be breathtaking. Civil lit will get pushed out first. Fortune 500s paying thousands per hour will watch the sunk costs go up in orange smoke. As will the taxpayers.
I’m actually kind of excited to see it. A whole bunch of senior people at DOJ will just say fuck it and retire out of these active cases they’ve been preparing for years. And some of the def lit firms might break up too. Gonna be crazy.
Trump is threatening to tap military funds to build his wall if he doesn’t get the money from Congress. Apart from the questionable legality of this, and the inevitable court challenges, he would be taking money away from the military’s needs. Does this mean Marine recruits will have to skip mess hall meals and dumpster dive for food during their training? Trump has already proved he doesn’t care about things like that. Meanwhile, Xi is rubbing his hands with glee.
Not a real thing. Not even worth reacting to.
Trump may be dumb enough to think NAF works that way, but the people who are winding him up are not.
This shit is just more of the theater of stupidity that surrounds the GOP now. Ignore it. He can’t even access the funds that pay for the on-base Pizza Huts. Before it ever got that far he’d wake up and look out the window to see Bradleys rolling up the front lawn.
Nobody understands or supports the appropriations process more than the DOD and the Joint Chiefs. That is their true religion.
Hmm, it seems someone else used the term “motherf***er” before Rep. Tlaib did.
“Trump digs out old Obama, Hillary quotes on illegal crossings to boost his bid for border barrier”
News flash, Obama isn’t POTUS anymore and Hillary is retired to private life and not a member of the current Federal legislative or executive branches. Trump won, as he likes to constantly remind people, even from his own party:
So Trump has gone from, “lock her up” to claiming she was right about border security and a wall. What a motherfucking buffoon.
“What a motherfucking buffoon.”
The Problem is that the motherfucking Repukes have no brains, and are so motherfucking dumb.
“…to claiming she was right about border security and a wall.”
He’s not even getting that right. Once again, these are just lies being pushed into the media in order to change the subject again… and again… and again… and trigger mouth breathing idiots like Teh Dumbfuck.
If the GOP agreed with Obama and Clinton they’d take WALL off the table as part of CR and agree to begin a comprehensive reform of immigration. That’s what Democrats have been asking for forever. Border security is useless and a waste of money and resources if it is not included as part of comprehensive overhaul of US immigration which ought to include:
-reforms to the asylum program;
-legal guest worker reforms;
-overhauls of the lottery system;
-significant reforms to Temporary Worker visas;
-significant reforms to E-visas, H-1B visas, L visas, O-1 visas, and most other special temporary worker visa programs;
-maaaasive overhaul of citizenship requirements;
-reforms to employer enforcement;
-and yes, enhancements to border security that ought to include barriers where appropriate.
But the last time the GOP dared to consider immigration reform legislation the entire crazy lunatic AM-HateRadio racist right exploded into flames of outrage because TIK MER JERBS!!!!!!! and a bunch of people like Eric Cantor had to go to get actual employment outside of government. The HORROR!
This is a Trumpublican political problem exclusively involving the Trumpublican political base that came about because they are addicted to lying to themselves. As soon as Trumpublicans are “comfortable” with legislating immigration Democrats remain ready, willing, and perfectly able to join them in that effort.
For two fucking years they could have had WALL but they did not. Two years in which they went ride-or-die for $1.5 trillion in deficit spending, billionaire tax cuts, gutting health care, trans-vaginal probes, and Associate Justice Gang-Rape. But no WALL.
That is not an accident. They don’t want it either. Not even President PeePee wants WALL. He just wants this fight.
Well, I am short on time, so I can not post in length (again). I thought I posted something regarding the murder of the Mexican Mayor, redacting or trying to correct the comments I made, but for some reason it didn’t correctly post and I am not going to re-write the whole thing again. I actually posted it twice and got the comment that it was a duplicate post, but it hasn’t posted.
But, apparently the Mayor that was recently murdered the day of his inauguration, was neither from Mexico City nor gay as I had stated. Apparently the Mexican drug cartel murders politicians like dogs pee.
About 4 days ago, when it had just happened, I tried to google the news but had found very little regarding it, but if you google it today there are a lot more articles. But the very first article that I had read had wrongly stated Mexico City, and they had a picture of the wrong mayor; they had a picture of the gay mayor.
I think that because it is so common for Mexican politicians to be murdered and that there was such little information, at the time, regarding this particular event, it lead me to assume or acquire the wrong information.
My original post, that didn’t post, had various links. But I ain’t got time to add those links again.
Good Day! May Puffy rest in peace.
On Fox News actually…
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: ‘We need fence because we’ve apprehended 4000 terrorists trying to cross the boarder’
Chris Wallace: “I know that statistic and I’m surprised you used it because I looked it up. You know where those 4000 were caught? AIRPORTS!”
Very tall FENCE!
Trumpublican President PeePee needs a way out of WALLL!!! now that more and more Trumpublican Senators are moving across the aisle. Pretty soon Yertle will emerge from his Seeeekrit Volcano Lair to inform “acting” Piece of Shit Mulvaney that he has a deadline to end the political performance art. PeePee does not want to veto the CR. That would wreck the purpose of the political performance art, which is to create this idea of existential conflict between himself and Liberal Enemy America in the minds of Shy-Trumpers over WALLLL!!!. This conflict will be the trigger to turning out the 63 million rubes he needs in 2020.
Pretending he is building it anyway by “declaring WALLLL!!! EEEEMUUUURGENCY!!!!” is the perfect solution. But only if Democrats cooperate and take the delicious WALLLL!!! EEEEMUUUURGENCY!!!!! cheese.
The cheese is poison. There is no WALLL!!!! and therefore no WALLL!!!! EEEMUUUURGENCY!!!!. He will build nothing. He will just make speeches in front of cameras and dirt piles. On this he should be ignored.
Let’s face it,
Fox NewsTrump Network pointing out that WH Press Sec Statements are propaganda is as close as we’re going to get to, “Have you no sense of decency at long last?”@39 “For two fucking years they could have had WALL but they did not.” In another thread I pointed that out and asked for an explanation from anyone other than Dr. Dumbfuck as to why when they had control they couldn’t muster the votes or show the leadership to get a prime Trump/GOP campaign promise done. What did I get? Crickets.
At this stage I would even enjoy listening to Dr. Dumbfuck try and explain why the GOP failed. He won’t respond, you can’t defend the indefensible, although S. Huckabee tries to all the time.
@39 Republicans don’t want immigration reform. They want to keep brown voters from outnumbering white voters. This means no brown immigration, period, and suppressing existing black and brown voters as much as possible.
@40 “May Puffy rest in peace.”
Why? What did he do to deserve peaceful rest? Not saying I’m against it, just asking, that’s all.
@41 This isn’t about keeping terrorists out. It’s about keeping America white. Specifically, it’s about preventing hard working and law abiding brown people from coming in, gaining citizenship, and becoming voters.
Trump wants NO brown immigration, NO asylum seekers, NO Dreamers. Zero, nada, none. (White immigration is okay.) That’s why he will never swap immigration reform or DACA for wall funding. Such a compromise would defeat the purpose of his wall. What use is the wall if you put doors in it for brown people to legally go through?
@42 How tall a fence is doesn’t matter to a good pair of boltcutters.
Chris Wallace: “I know that statistic and I’m surprised you used it because I looked it up. You know where those 4000 were caught? AIRPORTS!”
Where the TSA agents are not being paid and so calling in sick.
So Much Winning.
“…why when they had control they couldn’t muster the votes or show the leadership to get a prime Trump/GOP campaign promise done.”
They could have in the House. But there are a whole bunch of Senate Trumpublicans from moderate states whose re-election depends on pretending to be rational, thoughtful people interested in governing effectively. They know they’d lose their re-election campaigns if they run on immigration without actually addressing immigration.
Pointlessly inflicting cruelty upon children, pregnant women, and old people only plays well in the trailer parks. The moderate, well educated, more affluent, healthier, and more productive parts of Real America would like to see comprehensive immigration reform. But that is toxic sauce to the modern Trumpublican AM-Hate Radio Party.
The Trumpublican base would ideally like to see CBP create an impenetrable barrier punctuated by highly visible openings littered with fatal booby traps, ringed with live streaming cameras and a bounty of children’s toys and snacks waiting on the other side. That’s really who these people are now.
@47 A little bit of compassion, but more so Irony. Subject matter was murder….and poor Puffy suffered similar fate.
Well – It’s because the honkey has such a better smile.
@47, 52 While nobody deserves to be lynched, the loon (RIP) was basically asking for it, hanging out the way he was with those damned white supremacists. SAD!
@51 Putin has some army surplus toys he’ll be glad to sell to Trump.
What Michelle Obama thinks of Trump:
Not much different from what other rational people think of him, except for her it’s personal.
@56 I love her remarks on evolving. Something that The Boob and The Puffy didn’t know the meaning of. Sad. Maybe that was part of Puffy’s demise.
32)My EWU Eagles lost the FCS Title game earlier in the day, in Frisco, TX. Three disappointments in Dallas in one day. The TEXRail service was supposed to start yesterday, but FRA paperwork and the Government Shutdown delayed it.
“A Michigan electronics company chairman, who voted for Donald Trump in 2016, now says he feels betrayed and his factory may have to move to Mexico because of the president’s tariffs. Pat LeBlanc, the chairman of EBW Electronics, told The New York Times that Trump’s tariffs were ‘killing’ the company, which makes lights for the auto industry. ‘I just feel so betrayed,’ LeBlanc told the newspaper. ‘If we fail because the company is being harmed by the government, that just makes me sick.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I feel for ya, man, but hey you got what you voted for, and there’s nothing I can do. Don’t let the door hit your ass on your way out.
Obligatory ‘I never thought leopards would eat MY face,’ sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party
Well, that’s a shock. I stop by to see what the Neanderthals are saying about the Cheetos Christos only to learn that Puffy’s climbed down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. So, what exactly happened?