The Atlantic: China is surveilling and threatening Uighurs in the U.S..
Ilhan Omar: Diversity in Congress leads to better policy
Wendover: The deadly logistics of climbing Everest.
Stephen looks back at America’s epic fall.
The Dotard Трамп and Other Disarticulating Collusioners:
- Trevor: Трамп’s side hustle vs. Obama’s side hustle
- WaPo: Matthew Whitaker’s past criticisms of Dotard Трамп
- Rachel Maddow: Unlike Richard Nixon, Dotard Трамп misconduct is piling up in full public view
- Ari Melber: Cohen bombshell confession—I reached out to Kremlin and Трамп knew
- Stephen: Cohen exposes Трамп’s business ties with Russia
- Trevor: Трампy news
- WaPo: Why Трамп has become ‘Individual 1’ in Mueller’s investigation
- Watch people’s faces as they react to Трамп:
- Late Show: Pompeo exonerates a crown prince and a Lion King
- Chris Hayes: The President was compromised…full stop!
- Rachel Maddow: Michael Cohen plea shocker exposes Трамп camp lies about Russia dealings
- Mark Fiore: Трамп News Network
- Ari Melber: Retired Lieutenant Colonel—“Infantile” Трамп is no patriot
- Trevor: Migrants get pepper-sprayed at the U.S. border
- Stephen: The Dotard describes earth’s climate as “record clean”
- WaPo: Michael Cohen pleads guilty to lying to Congress about Moscow project
- HeadsOfState: Trump brags about gassing women and children at the border
- Stephen: The Russia probe’s newest character
- Rachel Maddow: Michael Cohen knowledge a “very dangerous threat” to The Dotard Трамп
- Late Show: Is tear gas a nacho topping?
- Trevor: Michael Cohen pleads guilty and Truth Трамп makes an appearance
- Ari Melber: Трамп planned to give Putin Moscow penthouse
- Mother Jones: Secret Service visits Tom Arnold after Трамп tweets
- Stephen: Paul Manafort auditions for a pardon:
- Robert Reich: What’s a subpoena, and should Трамп fear it?
- WaPo: Трамп keeps exaggerating his official White House numbers
- Trevor: Трамп’s broken promise to General Motors
- Stephen: The Dotard Трамп stole Stephen’s bit
The Atlantic: The chaos of the universe is contained in a watch.
Veronica Escobar sees unity between left and right.
Jim Jefferies throws a party for fellow soon-to-be U.S. citizens.
Kurzgesagt: End of space—Creating a prison for humanity.
The Atlantic: Your brain perceives reality by hallucinating.
Jon Stewart does Stephen Colbert:
- Jon Stewart’s interview with Stephen Colbert
- Even more of Jon Stewart’s interview with Stephen Colbert
Antonio Delgado is for a public option, renewable energy and restoring people’s faith in democracy.
Nova: Fireproofing our future through better design.
The Atlantic: Sex and the 1960s college girl.
Adam ruins guns:
Vox: FAUX News keeps breaking its own rules.
Real Engineering: Vinyl versus digital.
Trevor: Al Gore weighs in on ManBearPig.
Rashida Tlaib can’t stand bullies and is keenly aware her district is third-poorest in nation
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
President George H. W. Bush (#41) passed away tonight. Wonder if Trump will not be invited to his service.
No loon to celebrate the absence of, but let’s celebrate his absence anyway.
1)President Bush will be missed. As for the current president, he should, but I fear he would make it about himself.
@ 3
As for the current president, he should, but I fear he would make it about himself.
Yeah, the last one would never do that in a speech.
Or he’d make it about his indoctrination into Islam growing up in Kenya while studying how to kill whitey under Bill Ayers while slinging dope to middle schoolers on the streets of Chicago as he thrust his erect penis into the faces of innocent “journalists” while staffing death panels with Black Panthers under skies filled with ChemTrails LSD as Michelle decorated the White House “Holiday” tree with condoms and dildos.
It must really chap you ass that Bush 41 became good friends with Clinton 42.
Always got a chuckle out of Bush 41 checking is watch during the debate with Clinton:
While I was never a supporter of Bush 41, I can respect his life-long dedication to public service and his grace and dignity upon leaving the public sector.
I predict Trump’s funeral, when it comes, will be attended by a handful of neo-Nazis who will give him Hitler salutes. The rest of the world will turn its back and say, “good riddance.”
But the after party will be fucking lit!
“Vice President Mike Pence has deleted a photo of himself with a Broward County Sheriff’s officer who was wearing a patch linked to the controversial conspiracy group QAnon. According to the Washington Post, the interaction occurred at an airport in Florida on Friday where SWAT team members greeted Pence.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Since when do police departments allow officers to wear political insignia on their uniforms when on duty? But more to the point, why is this guy a cop?
” Since when do police departments allow officers to wear political insignia on their uniforms when on duty?”
How else can the Klownsurvaturd’s signal their virtue?
”I’m here to kill a Mexican!”
Yeah. Probably no chance invaders and build the wall had anything to do with it
Or not.
Right about the time the US was Making strides to combat a new deadly disease, how you doing Magic Johnson, Bush the Smarte…
banned HIV+ people from entering the U.S.
reduced research funding
favored abstinence education over actual sex ed including safer sex practices
People died. 100,000 Americans while he was President.
He took his cue from Ronbo. Reagan failed to acknowledge the HIV/AIDS epidemic and could have made a big difference if he did:
Bush just carried on that conservative mantra that disavows homosexuality based upon religious convictions. Does Bush 42 have blood on his hands? Sure. But then again, every POTUS does.
Bush 41 was a one-term president for a reason, but he was a heck of a lot better the his idiot son.
Other than running a child prostitution ring out of the White House and dumbfucking us into a senseless war, Bush 41 wasn’t too bad.
I understand the difference between GHWB and John McCain. One was a President and one was just a decorated POW service member and senator (not a hero because he was captured).
But let’s see how much people will start talking about the coverage of his passing like they talked of the coverage with McCain in dislike of it. I’m sure they won’t.
The only reason why The Sheep had issue is because The Hump had this little beef with McCain. This shows that they have no standards of equivalency.
On another note – The Cloud Daddy worshipers are a bunch of fucks. When they can live by the Ten Commandments then I’ll give them some respect. But their idea of religion is nothing more than bullshit bigotry. They lie, steal, and cheat. And they have no respect for marriage.
As if the Turdiots didn’t have enough conspiracy to defraud charges to occupy themselves, in the middle of all the guilty pleas, voided plea agreements, and new indictments that dropped after the mids the Very Stable Geniuses at the White House also came up with this beauty:
They want to ask Democrats for $13 billion dollars to get started on SPACE FORCE. They are asking for this to become a cabinet level branch with it’s very own civilian Secretary of SPACE FORCE and a four star general officer or flag officer running the branch. They would draw from the ranks of all the existing branches with the highest priority given to those service members who can hold their breath the longest and who demonstrate mastery at making the pyew pyew noise.
$13 billion line item.
For Space Rangers.
While running a $1.2 trillion deficit. and shutting down the government for a $12 billion dollar border wall art project.
This is really who Republicans are now.
Millennials are killing countless industries — but the Fed says it’s mostly just because they’re poor
“They’re just poorer than previous generations were at this point in their lives, thanks to a large portion of the group coming of age during the financial crisis.”
And yet boomers blame them for just about everything.
Rural Americans Are Now The Largest Slice Of Federal Food Aid Recipients
“since 2012, SNAP participation is highest among households in rural areas and small towns under 2,500 people.”
These comments were insightful
“When there’s a boom in the economy the rurals barely feel any of the benefits, if any at all. Those new jobs and new sectors don’t find their way to the rurals. The people in the rural areas are often trapped with little to no chance of moving away or other forms of upward advancement. Even the well educated and well paid jobs in the rurals tend to be held by people making hour to 4 hour commutes to work most days of the week. A lot of them are angry, but don’t know who to be angry at about their situation. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been in a checkout lane hearing one of the rural locals here complaining about minorities and welfare queens while swiping her EBT card.
Another sad part of the rurals is that it seems to me that the new blood that gets attracted to the rurals tend to be snowbirds who are wealthy enough to have winter and summer homes, or the elderly RV crowd who act more like squatters. Finally the rurals get the white folks who can’t/won’t get along with others in a multiethnic urban setting and are going full white flight.”
I came from Southern Oregon where so old people came to retire and die. They felt they had to hoard their money so they never supported anything that didn’t help them. They voted to disband the public library and counties’ participation in the state police. I wouldn’t want to move back to that hell hole. I didn’t see many businesses seeing a way to make a profit there. And the rurals grow more toxic and resentful by the day, judging from their facebook entries.
“Six White House officials have violated the Hatch Act, according to a letter from the Office of the Special Counsel …. The Hatch Act limits … political activities of federal employees … to prevent the federal government from affecting elections or operating in a partisan manner. This includes sending partisan messages from social media accounts used for official government business.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No awareness and don’t care anyway.
@13 And his idiot son was a heck of a lot better than the current idiot. Republican presidents never really improved much after Nixon, and they’ve been going downhill ever since Ford. Is it possible to sink lower than Trump? Sure it is, and you can count on Republican voters to try.
@18 Well, the rurals keep voting to cut their own food stamps and social security, so you gotta respect that. At least they put their money (what’s left of it) where their mouths are. They sure don’t have any brains to put there, though.
@ 6
It must really chap you ass that Bush 41 became good friends with Clinton 42.
Not at all. My understanding is that GWB43 and Michelle Obama are close.
It’s nice to see. Regardless of ideology, people tend to like other people in US leadership.
Except Hillary.
When the NRA says “good guy with a gun,” they mean “good white guy” with a gun; good black guys with guns are still gonna get blown away by white cops.
No, Americans are not created equal; some are still more equal than others.
@22 Thanks for showing up, doc. Without you to kick around, this blog would degenerate into a circle jerk. Of course, the late Puddy didn’t really count as a troll because he went over the edge and descended into gibberish years ago. In any case, this blog wears out trolls, and we go through a lot of them. Kinda like fracking wells that are quickly exhausted, so we have to keep looking for new ones, but they’re getting harder to find. Most are just transients who stay a few days and then move on. You’re our last living resident troll, and the goats would be terribly lonely without you. The horses, too.
22: Yes, and look on the bright side. Hillary will never be president!
And Trump will be. Nothing you can ever do to change that now.
Think about that. Gingrich layed the foundations for your Roypublican Revolution on the mouldering corpse of George McGovern. A guy who, like Hillary, would never be President.
And the 40 seat flip, featuring the total anhialation of Ronald Reagan’s California, is being built on the living daily reality of a PornAbortion SPACE PATROL unindicted co-conspirator Presidency.
If you think 2018 was tough try overturning Roe.
Please. Do it.
We’ll campaign on that for a generation.
@25 not that I want to see Hillary run in 2020, but you statement that she could never be President is false, wrong and just shows you stupidity and ignorance.
There is no bright side with knowing that fools like you exist.
Long Live Ireland! True home of the Free and Brave.
On second thought, after having The Hump and his Klan Family running this place with full corruption and lies, I think Hillary would fit in well in 2020.
Long Live Ireland – Home the real Free and Brave!!
Ohhh, and Happy Holidays! Tis the season.
Since I miss the Sunday Comics.
“Deuteronomy 25:11-1: If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity.”
Wow – that King looks like a great leader, unfortunate that this Country couldn’t have him instead of some fucking Hump.
That King is a great man.
Makes the ancient Hebrew world seem like an episode of Springer.
This explains so much
Insecure Men Were a Big Trump Demographic in 2016
“… support for the Republican candidate was higher in districts that, based on Google search data, had higher levels of fragile masculinity.”
“Measuring fragile masculinity poses a challenge.”
“We began by selecting a set of search topics that we believed might be especially common among men concerned about living up to the ideals of manhood: “erectile dysfunction,” “hair loss,” “how to get girls,” “penis enlargement,” “penis size,” “steroids,” “testosterone” and “Viagra.” ”
“We found that support for Trump in the 2016 election was higher in areas that had more searches for topics such as “erectile dysfunction.””
Western Washington ranked low in fragile masculinity. Men there are comfortable with who they are, how big they are, how manly they are and their ability to get dates.
@32 I wonder how many of those insecure men typed in “Average size of a horses’ cock”.
@32 It’s tough to get good dates if you’re earning $5.15/hr. plucking chickens in Arkansas. Darn right Republicans are scared. New Republicans aren’t being born anymore.
I say stop worrying about the motivations of disloyal, self-destructive, racist perverts.
Put them in the rear view mirror. Then tear the mirror off and toss it out the window. America is done with Republicans.
Check out the 79 images of the Paris riots.
You Antifa incels in Portland? By comparison to Frenchies you’re fucking pussies. Step it up.
Hunters. Ugh.
@36 So the first thing this brand-new citizen of Oregon does after arriving there is advocate bloody riots in the streets. Shit, you might as well, you already have terrorists running your wildlife refuges.
@35. I disagree. Until they are all physically and spiritually died out, we have to monitor them and be ready to counter them at a moment’s notice. To do that, we have to study them. Like understanding and countering cancer, or toxic waste or forest fires.
Godwin, incels belong to you, all that fragile masculinity and all. You keep forgetting that when it suits you.
@ 40
…all that fragile masculinity and all
That’s the working definition of HA, baby. You may or may not have noticed that women never come on to HA to comment. It’s because the perspective of a woman is already innate in every leftist her who isn’t one.
There are lots and lots of incels on each side of the political spectrum, just as there are lots and lots of racists on each side of the political. Spend less time protecting yours and you’ll begin to realize it, RedR.
then let’s focus on what de-motivates them.
Their own consistent record of self-failure and Oxy-crushing self-harm.
Best exemplified by their “triumphant” two year governmental control trifecta of all three branches of government at the federal level and in most states resulting in… a huge tax cut for a few thousand billionaires, a slight shift in black robes, sobbing Guatemalan toddlers, a $1.5 trillion deficit, SPACE FORCE badges, North Korean nuclear ICBMs pointed at Texas, GM layoffs, and a series of widespread and massively productive criminal investigations undertaken by themselves, and against themselves, culminating in a sweeping mid-term nationwide political collapse.
They gave themselves two years and they spent most of it pleading the fifth and choke fapping to Big Foot/Manga porn. And now that it comes down to four weeks they plan to use that time to shut down the government.
@ 42
…culminating in a sweeping mid-term nationwide political collapse.
Sweeping would be you took the Senate, too. Your Senate participation worsened.
The Democrats will control the House for two years.
The GOP will control the judiciary for a generation.
@41 “there are lots and lots of racists on each side of the political [spectrum]”
@43 “Your Senate participation worsened.”
By 2 seats when your party should have won 6 or 8; one of those was won by a Confederate who likes to watch lynchings; and without vote suppression you wouldn’t have gotten any.
@43 “The Democrats will control the House for two years.”
Two years is all we need to expose the cesspool of Republican corruption, wife-beating, and goat-fucking before the next election.
Yeah, I agree with you that non-whites are racists, too. Black people are racists towards Asians and vice versa. I see it from time to time when I drop into a Korean mom and pop shop to buy some gas or get a lottery ticket. Black customers go out of their way to be dicks, and the Asian shop owners return the “favor.”
“It’s because the perspective of a woman is already innate in every leftist her who isn’t one.”
Godwin, YOUR fragile masculinity is showing. You display signs you are afraid you aren’t man enough.
This should send the conservatives nuts.
“As a waitress, I had to pay more than TWICE what I’d pay as a member of Congress. It’s frustrating that Congressmembers would deny other people affordability that they themselves enjoy. Time for #MedicareForAll.”
Three things they hate. Uppity women, of color, and spending money on people that are not them.
The republicans were in charge of all three branches of government, funny how they didn’t use that time to ban abortion. This proves they want it around to keep the single issue voters in line and voting for them.
I’ll be sure to add that to your long list of famously innane predictions over the last couple of years of a “red wave” mid term. You took a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to flip dozens of D Senate seats in states you won two years earlier and squandered it on Associate Justice KegStand. And in the process you teed up a solid half dozen of your own in the states you lost. Meaning you can not count those votes on the close ones, as your most recent confirmation failure in EDNC demonstrates. Pure genius. Stephen Miller thinks he can threat-Tweet them across the goal line. And incels like you think you can shit post them across. With sharp minds like yours and Miller’s charting your course for the next two years you will never see another opportunity like that again in your lifetime.
But at least the red hats cover your receeding hairlines.
@49 I hope she flaunts all the perks she gets. I hope she turns things upside down.
They like The Hump because he’s different, not a politician….I hope she shows them what the politicians are and shines the light on them fucks.
was not a Ryan/McConnell priority.
Nor immigration reform.
Nor reducing the deficit.
Nor welfare reform.
Nor ACA repeal.
Nor “infrastructure”.
Nor reducing the size of government.
Nor balancing the budget.
Nor “border security”.
There’s really on so much you can get done in two years of unified monolithic control of the entire government… when you have to spend all your time fighting off your own subpoenas, putting out burning crosses, and covering up gang bangs.
I’m sure Bob will like this….he is always talking about penis.
The Dow is poised to gain 500 points tomorrow, because Trump seemingly got through G20 without blowing up the global economy. That’s quite an accomplishment. For him.
However, Trump and the White House are having trouble getting their stories straight about what did happen in Argentina.
Wow – The Straights have a real problem here. Making America great and trouble free. Having babies that grandmama and grandpapa have to raise.
@55. And then in 3 months when no deal is reach it will drop 500 points. But something tells me The Hump can’t have that so he’ll make some stupid deal and call it great success.
“George Bush simply does not have it in his heart to knowingly cause anyone harm or distress, and he again apologizes to anyone he may have offended during a photo op.”
That one was only 16. But hey. You guys all know what they say. “If there’s grass on the field…”
Yes. This is really who Republicans are.
At the end of August of this year, the recently “retired” Vice Chair of Finance for the Republican National Committee and the lawyer for the companies owned by the President of the United States, Mr. Safety School, Esq. pleaded guilty to eight felony criminal charges. Last week Mr. Safety School, Esq. pleaded guilty to additional felony charges of lying to Congress. In the pre-sentencing memorandum Mr. Safety School, Esq. filed with the court Friday some interesting details about his cooperation were revealed.
Mr. Safety School, Esq. has been engaged in cooperation with three different federal offices and two NY state offices since before his first guilty plea. Probably his cooperation closely coincided with two events: the grand jury testimony of Trump Org. CFO Allen Weisselberg and Mr. Safety School, Esq.’s retention of a talented criminal defense attorney.
While President Stupid continues to pin his hopes for surviving this on a political calculation that he can paint his ongoing efforts to leverage the Presidency for personal financial gain as “routine” and “cool”, he along with much of the media he holds in his thrall are missing some important details. First, the SCO investigation has crossed the mythical “bright line” into the Trump Org. corruption. It crossed that line many months ago. It is well along that pathway now. It obviously involves a formal and ongoing cooperation agreement between the Trump Org. lawyer and the SCO. And it probably involves a formal and ongoing cooperation agreement between the Trump Org. CFO and the SCO. But second, those same cooperation agreements extend to separate investigations out of SDNY, EDVA, NY State AG, and NY State Criminal Tax Div. All of these cooperation agreements through DOJ are previously authorized and approved, as are the expanded investigations.
The “bright line” frequently announced by the idiot Giuliani has been breached. And it was done so by the President himself when he, by his own admission, continued to pursue “cool” “business opportunities” through his companies with the Russian State while an ongoing criminal investigation of those matters was underway. He brought the Trump Org. into the investigation. When your lawyer calls, answer the fucking phone.
The only thing unusual about NC 9 is this one time Roypublicans got caught.
This is really who Roypublicans are now.
@57 More like 3 hours.
@59 Given how far Trump’s tentacles reach, there probably isn’t a jurisdiction on the planet outside of Antarctica that doesn’t have dibs on a slice of his cheating, lying, thieving ass.
Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, Republicans are stuffing silverware into their coat pockets on their way out the door.