Farron Cousins: Motel 6 agrees to massive settlement for turning guest info over to ICE
Seth Meyers: Minority voter suppression.
Roll Call: Lame duck Congressional hits and misses.
Rachel Maddow: GOP gerrymandering—Democratic votes not matched by seats gained:
Chris Hayes: Cindy Hyde-Smith stumbles in senate debate.
Mental Floss: Cooking facts and life hacks!
The Atlantic: The most extreme railway in the world.
WaPo: Cindy Hyde-Smith’s controversial comments, a timeline.
Lauren Mayer: Thanks for rich liberals!
Louis Black: Flat Earth International conference.
Mother Jones: Lockdown!
The Dotard Трамп and His Band of White Nationalist:
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard Трамп pardons some turkey
- Stephen: The Dotard Трамп goes to battle with another war hero
- Farron Cousins: Трамп says Republicans lost because he wasn’t on the ballot
- Ari Melber: Bombshell—Трамп ordered Hillary Clinton, James Comey prosecution:
- Ari Melber: Former DOJ Prosecutor, “I could draft Трамп indictment right now”
- Young Turks: Трамп picks a fight with a Supreme Court justice
- WaPo: Here’s why private email accounts can be problematic in the White House
- Stephen: Melania Трамп has more staffing demands
- Chris Hayes: President Dotard Трамп links cheap oil, Saudis and Jamal Khashoggi murder
- Seth Meyers: Трамп’s weird lie about raking in Finland
- Ali Velshi: Ivanka Trump used private E-mail for government business
- Rachel Maddow: The Dotard Трамп defies CIA with lie about Saudi role in Jamal Khashoggi murder
- Stephen interviews Chris Wallace’s interview of Dotard Трамп.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Dotard Трамп furious over Ivanka’s emails
- Stephen: Why hasn’t Трамп visited U.S. troops in a war zone?
- Late Show: A tale of two email controversies on FAUX News:
- Ari Melber: Why Трамп’s own lawyer is Robert Mueller’s most important witness
- Stephen: Трамп flubs the name of the disaster zone he’s in
- WaPo: What Matthew Whitaker has said about Hillary Clinton
- Mark Fiore: You’re welcome America first.
- Seth Meyers: Трамп turns on allies, stands by Saudi Arabia
- Stephen: Трамп pardons peas, carrots, and Saudi Arabia
- Ari Melber: Трамп WH rattled by rare rebuke from Chief Justice John Roberts
Trevor: Kristen Gillibrand is fighting for New Yorkers and celebrating the “Bold & Brave”.
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Vox: The roots of America’s democracy problem.
Ari Melber: New Blue Congress breaks diversity records, plummets average age.
Jim Jefferies: Why immigrants should be celebrated, not feared
Trevor: Khizr Khan paying tribute to Democratic values in “An American Family”:
The Atlantic: A dangerous job at the highest point on Earth.
Chris Hayes: A humanitarian crisis unfolds in California
Real Engineering: Britain’s most daring WW2 raid
Stephen: Justice Sonia Sotomayor allows Stephen to approach the bench
Trevor: Pete Souza on being the eyes of the White House in “Obama: An Intimate Portrait”.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The extreme railway, sounds like it could use a conductor like the conductor in Emporer of the North.
People are fucking crazy. No surprise it is Florida. Wackos live in Florida. Too bad we had a few surface cracks here at the new Penn Station expansion – right Bob.
I didn’t bear watch, but this might be your kind of thing if you love guns.
Hey, let’s put this guy’s poor wife on the Supreme Court.
Monica Lewisnky recounted the moment that the sitting president encouraged her to lie under oath on the final episode of the A&E docuseries The Clinton Affair.
It marked the first time that Lewinsky has actually stated that Bill Clinton advised her to deny their affair if called to testify in the Paula Jones case, pointing out that she could avoid being deposed if she simply denied the charge in an affidavit.
In the TG thread Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit mused that Hillary would make a good SCOTUS justice. I suppose if Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s idea of a good justice is one who has his morals and command lf law, then he’s correct.
The only artist I’m familiar with is Liv Warfield, who was part of Prince’s NPG and is playing at Eden Seattle tonite. Wish I knew about her earlier – she’s amazing.
Ahhhh there it is, early in the thread, the “plink, plink, plink…” Dr. Dumbfuck plucking away at that single “Clinton” string.
The thing is, Clinton as POTUS, even on his worst day(s) is still a much better POTUS than Trump. Take the budget for exampl: https://www.factcheck.org/2008/02/the-budget-and-deficit-under-clinton/ vs. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/08/20/donald-trump-trillion-dollar-plus-deficits-fiscal-ruin-column/986236002/
Human stampede on the border currently under consideration.
In hostels, there is talk of the possibility of a massive crossing.
“Some want to pull the wall, others want to go the other way, others want to wait to see the answer there is,” said Molina.
“We were going to summon that gate, that jump, that villa,” said Sergio Tamai, the founder of Ángeles sin Fronteras, referring to the intention of the migrants.
That intention of thousands has generated the closure of sentry boxes.
“Several groups came yesterday,” Tamai said. “They have that intention, I believe that thousands could make that jump.”
(click the translate option)
Yeah, but Trump stationing troops at the border to handle it is just a stunt, amirite?
The only job Hillary Clinton should have is living quietly somewhere in New York until she dies. She should NEVER be in ANY government job again, not even working as a temp enuminerator in the upcoming census in 2020.
Clinton ’94 through ’99 just shows what can be accomplished with wise tax policy and judicious use of earmarks.
Now all Senate Republicans have to do for their border wall boondggle is raise taxes and restore earmarks. As usual they did it to themselves.
@ 8
Clinton ’94 through ’99 just shows what can be accomplished with wise tax policy and judicious use of earmarks.
And 9/11 shows what can be experienced when unwise people like Sandy Berger and Jamie Gorelick are inserted into positions of authority at the same time that defense budgets are slashed.
Also good advice for Republicans hoping to survive President BabyShits.
‘Cause sending armored divisions into Kosovo is sure to take out bin Laden.
Stay golden pony boy.
@ 10
Or, just avoid The Who concerts. They didn’t do Keith Moon or John Entwistle any favors.
@3 “In the TG thread Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit mused that Hillary would make a good SCOTUS justice.”
No, in the TG thread I set out a dumbfuck trap and a dumbfuck took the bait.
@5 Gotta laugh at Doctor Dumbfuck bleating about a 20-year-old scandal when there’s so much to work with right now.
@7 I’d much rather have her than Trump in any government job you can name if I had to choose one or the other. It takes a real moron to vote for Trump.
@9 I’m glad you brought that up, doc. Because memories dim and people tend to forget over time, it never hurts to remind folks that 9/11 was a colossal Republican foul up. Here’s how it occurred:
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations to avoid his father’s mistakes and to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in international affairs: in his first nine months he reversed Clinton’s policy toward China, proclaiming it no longer a ‘strategic partner’ but a ‘strategic competitor’; in the Middle East, by withdrawing U.S. involvement in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians; toward Korea, by abandoning the negotiated accord that had frozen the North’s nuclear program and by humiliating President Kim of South Korea, who was promoting North-South reconciliation, during his March 2001 visit to the White House, contributing to a wave of anti-Americanism in a country that was among the staunchest American allies; by withdrawing U.S. support from the Kyoto treaty on global warming; and by forsaking Clinton’s efforts to address the dangers of international terrorism.
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
In short, Bush43 was as negligent as Trump is stupid and dishonest. And I’ll bet you voted for both of them; it’s what dumbfucks do.
Good call.
RIP, Paul DeLay.
It occurred because drooling idiots like Teh Dumbfuck were so preoccupied bitching about the closure of moribund facilities like “Naval Support Activity Seattle” and digging through each other’s porn collections they never noticed the flying bombs overhead.
But the good news is we can all sleep safe knowing that the Korean peninsula is now nuclear free, and the White House chefs have learned how to make Big Macs.
The most devastating attack on the United States since World War II took place while they were busy jacking it to Sasquatch porn and inventing new ways to prevent “the blacks” from voting.
This is really who Republicans are now.
GOP Senator Hyde-Smith being roasted for her darkly racist past all over Mississippi media this weekend. Lots of supporters from her past now declaring they can’t vote for her. Reading their comments one thing jumped out at me.
More than one or two of them use the precise term “n-word” when referring, at least in the abstract, to African Americans. For example, one friend from her past commenting on her attendance at an all white segregation academy when she was growing up*:
““When the public schools in Mississippi were ordered desegregated, many thousands of white families cobbled together what they could laughingly call a school to send their children to for no other reason except they didn’t want them to be around n-words or to be treated or behave as equal to black people.”
I ran into this construction and use several times among these white dudes, many of them “progressive” Democrats, who absolutely do not think of themselves as racist.
I mean exactly what the fuck is the purpose of referring to people in that way, except in order to say it without saying it?
*Hyde-Smith also sent her daughter to an all white segregation academy.
You don’t normally see Barron’s, a financial magazine with a conservative editorial slant, promoting a bigger welfare state. But that’s exactly what an article by one of their staff writers does this weekend. The article is titled, “The New Case for a Bigger Welfare State,” and can be found online here:
“The situation today [for average Americans] is much worse than it was a few decades ago …. [C]ompanies have changed how they treat their workers … lifetime employment and guaranteed pensions” have disappeared.
“Rising income insecurity wasn’t an inevitable feature of the past few decades. Rather, it was exacerbated by policy choices ….”
“Since the financial crisis, governments across the rich world have cut back on welfare spending in a misguided effort to save money at the expense of their most vulnerable citizens … there is a case for governments to expand their insurance offerings. A world with more risk is a world in need of additional hedges” such as “a guaranteed minimum income, paid parental leave, and higher payments for future retirees. Governments need to take more risk, so regular people can take less.”
Coming from a conservation publication, that’s profound.
It was if you were non-white or a single mom, or worse both.
Big sur-fucking-prise. Now that the klownsurvaturd shit is deep enough to begin submerging a few trailer parks it is the moral duty of Democrats to come to the rescue.
Always such a real pleasure to be back here in the great state of Florida among my people!
@15 – I didn’t vote for Trump or Clinton in the 2016 election. If Trump does not win re-election in 2020, it won’t matter to me. A government without a Trump or a Clinton sounds pretty damn nice, now that I think about it.
Me neither!
You built that trolls. May it hasten your baked-in demographic decline. As usual we’ll clean up after you..
@23 “A government without a Trump or a Clinton sounds pretty damn nice”
You’ve already got half your wish, so why not help make the other half come true?
@25 Most of them still haven’t moved out of the denial stage.
@25 hey that’s kind of what I posted or stated in the previous thread. I’m a trail blazer while Doctor Dumbfuck thinks about African American genetali on Fire.
The guy is pure Dumbfuck!
Some of the trolls are expert at cleaning up after…
…the wife’s bull.
Turns out the GOP’s Mississippi Senate candidate is a big fan of Confederate soldiers … and the Confederacy in general.
Leading Mississippi back to the 1950s. What a wonderful time that was … for white people.
Yeah, this is what Southern Democrats were like back then. Sure glad we’re not stuck with them anymore. The GOP can have ’em.
Thought the rules the Obama FRA put in place to allow lighter multiple units to be used by passenger rail operatorswould be repealed, partly because it was under the Obama Administration, and also, would be an added expense to potential operators. Turns out the FRA has a competent railroaded running it, the Final rules look to be an improvement on the Obama rules. Perhaps with these final rules, other builders will be entering the US Market, giving the Swiss builder with a factory in Utah some competition.
The Trump administration, trying to deport Christians to Iraq, lied to a federal judge.
Because. They’re. Refugees. And that makes it okay.
This will get ugly if it turns out he wasn’t involved in the altercation, wasn’t armed, and merely was fleeing like everyone else.
Still remains the case that throughout the federal court system judges largely grant the benefit of the doubt to federal government officials and their lawyers when reviewing claims, documents filed, evidence offered, and other arguments made. And that presumption of trust and good faith goes a long, long ways toward making overworked, underpaid government lawyers jobs survivable.
But evidence is growing that this presumption of good faith is being systematically vaporized under GOP administrations. And that can have dramatic consequences for citizens turning to federal courts for protection from sociopathic international corporations, unaccountable wealthy con artists, and other Republican scum. The pattern ought to be clear. Republicans are bent on destroying the credibility of federal law enforcement so they can profit.
Whether it’s bullshit diploma mills, pyramid investment schemes, phony patent mills, or big-dick toilets, the idea is to get federal law enforcement out of the way so sleazy con men can fleece trailerbillies. Under this administration it isn’t just ICE that’s lying to federal judges. And future administrations are going to have to carefully but seriously consider legal administrative sanctions including terminations for the AUSAs involved.
@34 Do we care anymore if they’re fleecing trailerbillies who voted to get fleeced? God can’t help those who won’t help themselves, and we can’t either.
What is happening with the judges is clearly what Trump is bitching about, there are “Obama” judges and there are going to be “Trump” judges. Going forward it will be more important to know who did the ruling, someone that values justice or someone that puts party over justice. Trump and his ilk are contributing to the erosion of that hard-earned trust and capital that the federal law enforcement has worked hard to build and keep.
I tend to side with Roberts here. The vast majority of federal judges try to apply the law as given, fairly and without favor. A few of them may be lazy as fuck. And quite a few can be bitter, angry, and obviously immensely disappointed in their career choice.
But that leaves a vast machinery of federal govt. lawyers bound by oath and regulation to do the right thing. And under successive Republican administrations they are being bent. There are very good reasons Monica Goodling now depends on wingnut welfare.
I actually agree with Roberts and I’m glad he broke his silence. I can hardly wait for the next State of the Union address by Trump. Trump will through his barbs and Roberts will just sit there with a smug look of contempt for the POTUS. It will make for great theater.
What I fear is the longer that Yertle and Trump place their tools in the court system, as you point out, they are being bent.
I think Kavanaugh will be nothing more that a partisan hack and a poor justice. However, as long as Thomas is on the bench, Kavanaugh will not be the worst justice there.
Looks like the Maine 2nd is going to court because Rep. Poliquin believes only the election night plurality is Constitutional. Maine voters approved Ranked Choice Voting twice.