Stephen: Steve Kornacki looks into his midterms crystal ball.
Minute Earth: The secret weapon that could help save bees.
Lauren Mayer: Oh, Beto!:
Real Engineering: How we will colonise the moon.
Bill Maher: New Rule—Power begets power.
The Dotard Трамп and His Band of Rape Deniers:
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard Трамп is a master of impressions
- Stephen: Трамп makes up with Canada, Melania goes to Africa
- Seth Meyers: Трамп’s Mississippi rally and presidential emergency alert system
- Trevor: Dotard Трамп’s dodgy tax history
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп out Трамп is NOT a self-made millionaire
- Late Show: Kim Jong-Un responds to Трамп using the L-word
- Roy Wood, Jr.: Extreme team-building in Трамп’s divided America
- James Corden: Трамп tax cheating and test messages.
- The Atlantic: The “nightmare” of a Tweeting President.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Mike Pence reveals greatest threat to America
- Seth Meyers: Трампy monologue
- Stephen: Dotard Трамп “self-made” claims are bogus
- Trevor: Трамп “loco” trade announcement
- Jimmy Kimmel: Drunk Dotard Трамп can’t stop bragging
- Stephen interviews Трамп’s new White House attorney
- Jimmy Fallen: Трампy news
- James Corden: Трамп’s shady taxes
- Late Show: Not all of Трамп’s presidential alerts were the same
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard Трамп’s dead father has a message for him
- Seth Meyers: Stephen Miller’s anti-immigrant policies
- Trevor: Трамп makes a trade deal with Mexico and Canada
- Stephen knows how to block the presidential alert
- Late Show: How many times can Трамп interrupt women in one press conference?
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп’s presidential alerts – The movie
- Trevor: Трамп’s China conspiracy
- Stephen: Трамп takes a stand for the real victims—men
Kurzgesagt: Why meat is the best worst thing in the world.
James Corden and Eric Idle: “We are probably all going to die’:
Now This World: The problem with the UN veto power
Supremely Boofed!
- Trevor: Jeff Flake flips on Brett Kavanaugh
- Stephen with Jake Tapper: Jake Tapper credits Jeff Flake for “gutsy” decision
- Jimmy Kimmel: New proof that Kavanaugh has bad judgement
- Trevor: Brett Kavanaugh’s 1985 bar brawl brings his honesty under oath into question
- Roy Zimmerman: White Indignant Male Person (W.I.M.P.):
- Seth Meyers: Трамп melts down over Dr. Ford’s testimony
- Jimmy Kimmel: Hope for Kavanaugh and other men accused of sexual assault
- Late Show: Kavanaugh testimony drinking game
- Stephen: Kavanaugh’s drinking buddy speaks out
- Mark Fiore: Beer warning alert.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Kavanaugh is one of the finest people Трамп has known
- Super DeluxeAmerican horror story—Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation
- Trevor: Why don’t Republicans just dump Brett Kavanaugh?
- StephenKavanaugh may have boofed the truth during his testimony
- Jimmy Kimmel: Things that lasted longer than Kavanaugh FBI investigation
- Seth Meyers: GOP pushes for Kavanaugh vote after FBI report
- Late Show: UB40’s “Red, Red Wine” Ft. Brett Kavanaugh
- Stephen with Jake Tapper: Lindsey Graham’s transformation as a survival tactic
- A very scary time for men
- Trevor: Secretive, speedy & sketchy—The FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh
- Jordan Klepper Asks mississippi Трамп supporters about Brett Kavanaugh’s sexual assault allegations
- Seth Meyers: Трамп defends Kavanaugh in crazy press conference amid FBI probe
- James Corden: Brett Kavanaugh still has a shot
- Jonathan Mann: Angry Kavanaugh Lying Song:
- Rachel Maddow: Brett Kavanaugh vote will drive political backlash if history is any guide.
- Late Show: Ken Burns presents the Kavanaugh letters
- Conan’s high school year book
- Stephen: Brett Kavanaugh’s very stereotypical “80s bar fight”
- Trevor: Трамп weaponizes victimhood to defend Kavanaugh
Jim Jefferies: All America wants is the most entertaining candidate.
Wendover: Why the world is running out of pilots.
Late Show conspiracy theories with Damon Wayans Jr..
The Atlantic: Can women’s anger save America?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I noticed Senator Murkowski had the benefit of Roll Call being in Alphabetical order. Plus, she’s a survivor, due to the Native vote, and the Native corporations. The AFN had been putting on a lot of pressure.
Interesting labor dispute between Kansas City Southern and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen. KCS wants to move the crew change for trains coming from Mexico, to Laredo Yard, instead of the current practice of stopping on the bridge over the Rio Grande. On this one, I mean towards KCS. The current crew change takes up to a half hour.–55528
The CrowdPac page for Collins 2020 opponent was restoed after a few hours down. They thought at first that it was a DDOS attack created by Collins and the GOP (or their FSB pals). But it turns out the site was litterally overrun with real users seeking to donate.
During the brief outage users were redirected to a dedicated ActBlue page. But once the page was restored on massively expanded server capacity it went nuclear. Over 20,000 new donors. And the pace of engagement has remained at that level.
I think she’ll have to retire. It’s blown up enough this weekend that it will probably begin driving away Collins PAC and dark money. And the day is still young. If she votes as expected with the expanded server capacity today might be a one million dollar day.
Dont miss out on the fun!
You neglected to mention Pelican Brief mode.
Goldy Retweeted
Will Bunch✔
I wish I believed this. But Obama and a (brief) big majority in Congress did nothing about Bush-era torture and other war crimes. Unless we go into French Revolution mode, nothing will happen to Kavanaugh.
You know, as an alternative to ‘burning shit down’.
I’m not a physically violent purpose. I don’t advocate violence, and I’m certainly too old to effectively engage in it. But at this point and in this moment, I’d certainly at least empathize with literally burning shit down.
This is what “reaching across the aisle” gets you with WhoTheyAreNow:
“A real profile in courage from Lyin’ liberal @JoeManchinWV. Waited until Kavanugh had enough votes secured before he announced his support. I bet he had another press release ready to go if Collins went the other way. “
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 5, 2018
With Murkowski voting “present” and the White House twisting the knife Manchin is all alone outside in the trailer park being chased by yard dogs. Everything PornSweat touches is destroyed.
@ 5
Fuck you, really.
Your ilk has acted like a collective festering asshole over this since before BK was nominated. Start with the Women’s March opposition to the nomination of “XX”. Add to it Schumer’s vow to oppose the nomination with everything he has and his hopes that others will do the same, which some senators apparently took way too literally. Then a Senator’s description of BK as evil. And finally the 11th hour attempted sandbagging by an uncorroborated claim held back for several weeks.
After all this shit your side pulled, the endless delays and attempted delays, you expect Trump to be magnanimous because Manchin doesn’t want to inflame slumbering WV Republicans?
Go paint your nails, QoS McHillbilly.
This is about the Merrick Garland incident of about two years ago.
If you want to make Manchin into an object lesson for every single Democratic candidate and office holder (and more than a few Roypublicans in the bargain)… who am I to try and stop you?
You do you and things will work out.
After all, if the way things have worked out with your Ride-or-Die nomination of Quaaludes McRapeVan has really been so humiliating for you* it bears pointing out that with commanding majorities in both chambers and feudalistic control over the White House, you picked him, you chose the timing, you set the agenda, you ran the schedule of hearings including every single aspect of what witnesses would be called, who could question them, and what the answers could be. Sorry you disappointed yourself… again.
*By now you’d think with a dozen years of picking through the scabby buttholes of Medicaid bums and another dozen years of your wife in “the lifestyle” that would be impossible
@6 “Your ilk has acted like a collective festering asshole over this since before BK was nominated.”
Merrick Garland. Other blocked Obama judicial nominees. Obstruction in general. Ken Starr, and Rape University. Rendition and torture. Christine Blasey Ford and whitewash FBI investigations.
And you want us to be nice to you? A great big fuck you back.
Yesterday, I called Sen. Collins’ floor speech “disingenuous.” This morning, I tore apart her arguments in detail here:
“Go paint your nails, QoS McHillbilly.”
Judging by that and similar comments directed towards YLB, I take it that you don’t quite get it yet that you post the most effeminate comments this cesspool has ever seen.
“Your ilk”
Coming from Putin’s favorite HA troll, I take it you mean “loyal, patriotic Americans”.
Rusty Rudy calling Soros the Anit-Christ.
The GOP is the Party of Satan.
@11 Bob is a closeted masculine man. He is most masculine when he’s blowing the Horse’s cock and sniffing its balls.
Dont forget closing polling places, Toddler Torture, finger rape, “purging” voters, desert rape camps, Long Form birth cert, semen stained Blue Dress, BENGHAAZIII!!!!, Vince Foster, Seth Rich, five-year-old Crisis Actors, “vote fraud”, Dildo Navy, Guns! Guns! Guns!, Jade Helm, Chem Trails, Treason, etc.
@14 I haven’t had my morning coffee yet. I appreciate the help. We’re a team here.
@6 “the endless delays and attempted delays”
Two words: Merrick Garland. Apart from Machiavellian machinations, hypocrisy is the one thing you asswipes excel at. As for magnanimity, if Democrat electeds had any balls, they’d never give your ilk any quarter ever again. Their cowardice is the best thing you have going for you.
“White Indignant Male Person”..
Can we add bald and limp to that?
“Rusty Rudy calling Soros the Anit-Christ.”
I saw that. Funny stuff. All this week on the Tea Party’s FB page they were babbling about Soros being behind the accusations by Ford and the others. Borrowing from The Scarlet Pimpernel…
They see him here, they see him there,
Those dumbfucks see him everywhere.
Kavanaugh is confirmed, on a final vote 50-48, with 2 Republicans not voting. The gutless Murkowski voted “present” under the guise of a “courtesy” to Sen. Daines, who was absent for his daughter’s wedding. Thus, no Republican voted against Kavanaugh, and 1 Democrat voted for him. Just yesterday, Murkowski said she would vote “no,” and a “no” vote by Manchin would have made it 50-49, although in that case you can be sure McConnell would have postponed the vote until Daines could make it back to Washington D.C. So, in the end, it was Collins who tipped the scales; a “no” vote by her would have given the “noes” an unbeatable 51-majority.
In choosing this party hack to fill Kennedy’s seat, Trump went to war against Democrats and liberals. Should Democrats win the House and/or Senate next month, there’s no reason for them to cooperate with Trump on anything.
In closing ranks behind this offensive nominee, and brushing aside Dr. Ford, Republicans abandoned the last pretense and vestige of bipartisanship, not to mention principle and public interest, and handed Democrats a great big “fuck you.” That being the case, Democrats owe them no further cooperation or courtesies with respect to anything.
Republicans wanted war, and partisan warfare is what they should get in return for what they have done. All we can do now is hope Democratic electeds grow some balls.
As for Kavanaugh, like Clarence Thomas, he will forever serve under a cloud, and his place in history is already defined. Dr. Ford has defined it for him. Thus, her courage and sacrifice aren’t in vain.
Over on the Tea Party FB page this week they’re into talking about rounding up all Democrats and putting them in prison, with leadership going to Gitmo.
I used to think Obama’s biggest failure was adopting the Heritage Foundation’s health care plan instead of universal coverage.
I thought Syria was a failure, too, but there really wasn’t much Obama could do about it, seeing as how the previous administration had shot the nation’s wad for Middle-East intervention by invading the wrong fucking country.
But lately I’m thinking Obama’s biggest failure wasn’t either of those two things. Rather, it was in his failure to round up the nation’s dumbucks and putting the whole fucking lot of them in FEMA camps.
Say it with me, HA libbies:
Justice. Brett. Kavanaugh.
@21 You and Putin are pleased, I’m sure. But does this mean you’re going to go back to hating on black people?
“It’s been a great political gift for us. The tactics have energized our base,” he said, adding: “I want to thank the mob, because they’ve done the one thing we were having trouble doing, which was energizing our base.”
Not one Republican voted against Kavanaugh. Not one. And only one Democrat voted for him.
No, the two parties aren’t the same, nor are they equal. Republicans sided with the rapist, Democrats with the victim; and that sets them light years apart.
Go back 75 years and, all things considered, I’d rather be a Jew than a Nazi. Today, I’d rather be a Democrat than a Republican. Even in the darkest hours, it’s still better than to be on right side than on the winning side.
Had a Democrat won, the Supreme Court would be 6-3 in the liberals’ favor by now.
Steve, I cannot thank you enough for backing that horrid woman. I am forever in your debt.
Hmm. those HYPOCRITE liberals with whom democrats sided in their confirmed sexual assault crimes (partial list)
Gary Hart
Teddy “#MeToo” Kennedy
Blue Dress Billy Clinton
Anthony D. Weiner
Al Franken
John Conyers
Eliot Spitzer
Kwame Kilpatrick
John Edwards
Daniel Inouy
Barney Frank
Gary Condit
Brock Adams
Gerry Studds
Ira Silverstein
Jim McGreevey
Sam Adams
Ed Murray
… with special mention of Senator Stolen Valor
“Elections have consequences” – BarACK! Obama
“I won.” – BarACK! Obama
I think we might now see liberals believing in God and actively, loudly praying to Him that neither Ginsburg (age 85) nor Breyer (age 80) drop dead or retire.
Should they both leave the court PRESIDENT Trump should first nominate Amy Coney Barrett, then, (after solidifying fealty to the constitution even further) to make heads explode and to show the world democrat hypocrisy, Merritt Garland.
Probably be 8-1 if you hadn’t have stolen a couple of elections.
Putin’s the big winner, not you. All you got was a horse trailer, which I reckon stinks more of borscht than it does horseshit.
“Pulitzer-winning reporter Greg Miller on Trump and Russia: We’ve all seen the smoking gun”
@26 Thanks for pointing out one of the essential differences between us and you. That’s mostly a list of Democrats who were dumped by their party, colleagues, and constituents when their misdeeds came to light. Republicans, on the other hand, shield and elevate their gropers and rapers. No, the parties aren’t the same; we’re better than you. But that’s not hard; beetles, earthworms, and even mosquitoes are better than you.
@28 “Should they both leave the court PRESIDENT Trump should first nominate Amy Coney Barrett, then, (after solidifying fealty to the constitution even further) to make heads explode and to show the world democrat hypocrisy, Merritt Garland.”
I’m on board with this. Barring any skeletons in their closets, I think this is an excellent suggestion, and vastly superior to where Trump’s natural inclinations would lead him should further SCOTUS vacancies occur during his hopefully shortened tenure as POTUS.
When exactly was Blue Dress Bill dumped?
When exactly was ted Kennedy dumped?
More RAN (or arrested) than were “dumped”. but hey, good try.
Say your prayers
Now that we’re stuck with an even more anti-worker Supreme Court, I’m sure glad from a practical perspective, setting aside philosophical compunctions, that I’m a capitalist leech instead of a productive member of society.
Pray harder, dude. Hope He listens.
@26 Off the top of my head, Anthony D. Weiner, Al Franken, John Conyers, Eliot Spitzer, Kwame Kilpatrick, John Edwards, Barney Frank, Gary Condit, Brock Adams, Gerry Studds, Ira Silverstein, Jim McGreevey, and Ed Murray were all forced out of office. Sam Adams was cleared of wrongdoing but he, too, left office and politics. Inouye died before the allegations against him surfaced, so there’s nothing to be done there.
All you’ve done is reinforce my point that Democrats and Republicans handle these things differently. A Democrat usually won’t survive this kind of scandal, but when a Republican does it, his party closes ranks behind him. That’s a huge difference between us and you; we stand on principle, while you asswipes care only about power and advantage.
@34 How sweet. And we still don’t have an ERA in this country, unlike most other First World countries. Our infant mortality doesn’t look so good, either, after 47 years of mostly Republican governance. And our gun violence, including police violence against black men and children, makes Yemen look like a safe house.
Heh. Nothing a like an always wrong wing pyrrhic
winloss to the country to bring out the dumbshit putin stooges out there.Speaking of Pence, the “Pence rule” isn’t so funny or mockable anymore, is it?
@34 Ha ha ha – yep, women in this country are so marginalized, so subjugated. And of course, the Constitution doesn’t apply to women – just you privileged men:
Make me a sandwich
Trending: #BeersforBrett
My wife shopped for dinner. Tonite she picked up a ’16 cab I had not previously seen.
“The Federalist” Ben Franklin on the label.
Here’s lookin’ up your address, Steve.
@38 Yeah, that’s it, we progressives are out to crush you righties, and always have been, because we have nothing better to do with our time. Yep, that’s gotta be it.
Brilliant analysis there, ace.
@40 Speaking of rubbing it in, your horses are laughing at you out in the barn while you’re online shopping for $2 bottles of wine.
A Republican is someone who draws bigger crowds to protests than to inaugurations.
Here’s a short list of potential Supreme Court nominees whom the next Democratic president should seriously consider:
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
Elizabeth Warren
Kamala Harris
Deval Patrick
Loretta Lynch
Ken Salazar
There’s more, but that’s enough to get started. Only 50 senators needed to confirm, and we’ll likely have that many by 2021, when the new president takes office. By quickly expanding the court to 11 seats, we can seat Barack and Hillary right off the bat.
Don’t like it? Fuck you.
All rise – Pussy Grabber Court is now in Session.
Let’s now pledge allegiance to Pussy Grabber Nation.
New Zealand just celebrated 125 years of women voting. Delivering the keynote address, the current Prime Minister, their 3rd woman leader. The dumping of Winner take all helped. The National Party tried to change the system back, ran into a small group that loved the new system better, voters.
I have been following the BC Electoral Reform Referendum, and an odd alliance of left and right are really ramping up smear tactics, while telling the voters if they vote to change, They will force an early election. The biggest opponent of electoral reform? The BC Liberal Party, which fears their Conservatives will join the BC Conservatives. The left wingers in this opposition are the old guard of the BC NDP fearing fringe parties could get elected. It’s interesting, because after the Liberals lost the confidence vote, outgoing BC Premier Christy Clark told the Leftenant Governor the NDP couldn’t govern. That was over a year ago.It helped that the NDP and Greens avoided one obstacle by electing a Liberal speaker.
The options for the voters in Question 2 of the referendum, are the German Mixed Member Proportional system, a new system called Dual Member Proportional, which preserves some aspects of the current system, and a hybrid of the Irish Single Transferable Vote system called Rural-urban Proportional. In the latter, urban districts would be multi-seat using STV, and rural districts being largely single seat, with a top-up tier like MMP.
Now that we have an originalist court again, I expect to see a decision clarifying that every household has a right to keep one flintlock muzzle loader for each household member belonging to the National Guard and to bear said arm on his (no girls allowed) right shoulder during organized unit marching drills.
@ 47
You have clarified that you are nothing but a useless festering asshole, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@48 You’re just now realizing that? Kinda slow if you ask me. After all, you’ve been here a while. What did you expect from a capitalist who lives on other people’s labor? An honest day’s work? News alert: Posting drivel on HA is what I do with my time.
Just like you.
Senator Weasel Words now claims Dr. Ford is mistaken about who assaulted her. [Derisive laughter in background]
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, like she was there and saw the whole thing, but nobody called her to testify, so there was nothing left to her but voting according to her conscience.
Are we up to $4 million yet? If not, the fundraising goal should be reached by the end of the day.
Is it too late to replace Manchin with a write-in candidate on the Murkowski model?
I gave. You can, too, through the link below.
Yeah – but I bet the cake was delicious! Maybe even blessed by the evangelical baker right after conception.
Come on now, no snowflakes should be offended, such is life.
Collins is twit….one of the craziest of the bat shit crazy, literally.
@54 Lest we forget:
“By NOLAN D. MCCASKILL 11/19/2017 12:20 PM EST
“The allegations against Sen. Al Franken are ‘credible, disgusting and appalling and degrading to women,’ Sen. Susan Collins said Sunday. … Collins (R-Maine) told ABC’s ‘This Week’ that she believes the allegations, noting that Franken ‘has essentially admitted to them.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Uh-huh. Show me a Republican and I’ll show you a disgusting two-faced hypocrite.
Thank you, Senator Collins, for bringing into clear focus what a complete total sham these confirmation proceedings were.
I do believe in giving credit where it’s due.
Yes, let’s save the bees. Also the ladybugs, monarchs, and orcas.
This is the gratitude that sucking up to McConnell gets you.
“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the Republican Party will still challenge Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia despite his help confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. ‘We appreciate his vote for Judge Kavanaugh,’ the Kentucky senator said …. ‘But we’re trying to win seats.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, Manchin should have known this going in. Now West Virginia Democrats have to decide whether to exert themselves to save his sorry ass. I won’t be surprised if some of them say “fuck him” and stay home.
@ 55
1. Contemporary photographic evidence of corroborating behavior.
2. Social media contemporary evidence of corroborating behavior, posted by his victims.
3. Numerous women claiming more or less the same thing about Franken.
8 women have now alleged sexual misconduct by Sen. Al Franken
4. Non-denial denial:
“I certainly don’t remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way, but I send my sincerest apologies to Leeann,” said Franken.
5. Eventual admission when the evidence against him was too great to ride out:
The senator, now in his second term, said he is “embarrassed” and “ashamed.”
“I know that I let a lot of people down: the people of Minnesota, my colleagues, my staff, my supporters and everyone who has counted on me to be a champion for women,” he said. “So all of you, I just want to again say I’m sorry.”
Other than those and other notable differences, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, boy, you really nailed the similarity.
You’re one useless festering asshole.
Robert Stacy McCain:
“Once the party of the working man, Democrats have become the party of the screaming woman. “
Take heart, libbies: HA is still the blog of the festering asshole, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Interception by a tip from Bobby Wagner at the goal line.
Go Hawks!
(yes, knee-jerk Seattle hating trolls, Rams are favored to win. Ooops Hawks are in the red zone.)
Hawks score!
@59 Regaling us with your legal expertise again?
Sworn testimony is sufficient to convict a person of a crime or find civil liability in any court of law. Giving false testimony under oath is a crime and an impeachable offense.
If you can’t get those two points right, you probably couldn’t pass a bar exam.
@60 Yes, go ahead and disrespect women, with an election just a month away.
Dumbfuck. The GOP needs more like you, so they never get elected to anything ever again.
The Crowdpac to defeat Susan Collins now stands at 118,857 pledges totaling $3,496,306 as of 5:00 pm EST. Over $4,000 came in just in the last 5 minutes. That’s almost $1,000 a minute.
Donate here:
Rog – you are getting under the skin of The Dumbfuck. You are doing lots right and very effective. Nice Job.
@64 unfortunately there are many Woman that want to be disrespected….just look at Dumbfuck’s wife.
@66 He deserves most of the credit, because he makes it easy.
@67 Yeah, no kidding.
The twice-fired ex-cop who killed Tamir Rice is a cop again because the police chief in Bellaire, Ohio, thinks he “deserves a second chance.” You probably should avoid that town, especially if you’re black.
Wherein Huffington Post exposes Susan Collins as a McConnell lackey pretending to be a thoughtful centrist.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now we know what McConnell knew that we didn’t know when he said before Dr. Ford testified that he had the votes to confirm Kavanaugh.
Meanwhile, McConnell is “peddling a new story about his decision to block President Barack Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court in 2016 … on Sunday, McConnell offered a revised version of his reasoning and refused to say he wouldn’t push for confirmation of a potential Supreme Court nominee from President Donald Trump in 2020.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: C’mon, Mitch, everyone knows you’re playing dirty politics, and there’s nothing more to it. If you’re going to throw Senate comity out the window, then don’t expect cooperation from Democrats in the future. They shouldn’t give you the time of day ever again. I sure wouldn’t. Courtesy and fair play have to be reciprocal to work.
They’ll probably complain he was “silenced” because he was fired for violating station policy and taking sides in a political campaign.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Journalists are supposed to be politically neutral (at least in their professional work) and cover both sides impartially. Virtually all reputable news organizations have rules against their reporters displaying campaign paraphernalia, buttons, yard signs, or bumper stickers, or openly campaigning for a candidate. It’s a condition of employment in the news business, and if you don’t want to abide by it, you don’t have to work there.
So I guess it’s just easier to write “Justice Kavanaugh is a rapist.”.
After all, it’s been years since anyone has taken Goldy seriously. No journalistic cred left after a half-decade of financial support from a liberal billionaire. What’s to lose?
Goldy Retweeted
Bridgette Maryman
Sexual assaults are some of the hardest allegations to prove (civilly, criminally, generally). They are inherently intimate, meaning that there are rarely witnesses. Unlike many assaults, they rarely leave injuries or corroborating evidence. /1
Oct 6, 2018
@73 Where in that quote does Goldy call Kavanaugh a “rapist”? It isn’t even he’s quote, only something he retweeted, which standing alone doesn’t even constitute an unqualified endorsement of what Bridgette Maryman — whoever she is — said, although I don’t see anything in her comments that any reasonable person would take issue with.
But then, you’re not a reasonable person, and your lame attempts to cast aspersions on Goldy’s cred provokes derisive laughter.
[Raucous knee-slapping bunny laughter in background from at least three dozen rabbits, and possibly more.]
“Governments around the world must take ‘rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society’ to avoid disastrous levels of global warming, says a stark new report from … the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), [who] says the planet will reach the crucial threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels by as early as 2030, precipitating the risk of extreme drought, wildfires, floods and food shortages for hundreds of millions of people. … The planet is already two-thirds of the way there, with global temperatures having warmed about 1 degree C.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you stupid humans want to commit species suicide, that’s your business, but please don’t take the rest of us with you.
Some people think the Supreme Court now stands on the precipice of illegitimacy. Here’s how one opinion writer thinks that might play out.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I think we have to respect the decisions of our courts even when we dislike or disagree with them. To do otherwise is to undermine one of the three essential checks and balances of our system of government. But impeachment, or changing the court’s composition, are remedies available under the Constitution.
While much of the talk has centered on expanding the Supreme Court, which Democrats could do with simple majorities in the House and Senate, I propose what I think is a better solution: Shrink the Court to 7 seats, with the legislation specifying that the 2 justices with the least seniority will be the ones leaving. they would, of course, be eligible for consideration if one or more of the remaining seats became vacant.
It looks considerably more thoughtful, nuanced, and eminently more fair than “Obama was born in Kenya”, “Obama is a muslim”, “Obama is a Marxist”, “Clinton is a rapist”, “Clinton murdered Vince Foster”, “Clinton murdered Seth Rich”, “Clinton is a lesbian”, “John Kerry never even served”, “Bridget is John McCain’s half breed bastard child”, or the enduring and always utilitarian “nigger”.
I’m honestly not convinced of your “search for credibility”.
You burned your pulpit to ashes.