Late Show exclusive trailer: Steven Seagal’s Special Envoy.
The Atlantic: Video can create a just society.
Stephen: The GOP Congressman who broke the law at a picnic.
Lauren Mayer: My favorite Jill’s pins.
Jimmy Fallon: Spike Lee on how today’s political climate mirrors real-life history of BlacKkKlansman.
Samantha Bee: Pregnancy discrimination.
Jimmy Dore: Chris Christie’s family still thinks he’s Governor.
Jonathan Mann: Twitter is the wrong place.
Real Engineering: Designing a perfect airport runway.
Late Show: Ronda Rousey defeats America’s enemies.
Vox: How reliable is fingerprint analysis?
WaPo Opinion: Banning Alex Jones isn’t a violation of the First Amendment.
Trevor and Roy Wood, Jr.: Franklin’s 50th Peanuts anniversary.
Why 10% of Floridians can’t vote.
Stephen: Tuck Buckford will not be silenced.
The Dotard Трамп and His “Best” Criminals, Imbeciles and Space Cadets:
- Stephen: Colbert meets a religious liberty task force special agent
- Seth Meyers with Lester Holt: Трамп calling journalists the “enemy of the people”
- James Corden: Hollywood, ’90s Pence & Broadway stars hate Трамп
- Bill Maher: New Rule—I, Q
- Chris Hayes: Melania Трамп’s parents benefited from “chain migration”
- Jimmy Kimmel: Dotard Трамп is the least racist person ever
- WaPo: Why does The Dotard want a Space Force?
- Trevor: Team Трамп’s plot to block legal immigrants from citizenship
- Samantha Bee: Bad boy roundup—Manafort and Don Jr.:
- Stephen: A presidential makeup tutorial
- Our Cartoon President: “Deep state hijacks Трамп speech”
- Seth Meyers: Трамп confesses on Twitter and Rick Gates testifies against Manafort
- Boycotting Bigotry: Comedians combat Трамп’s corruption and hate
- Stephen: Трамп isn’t taking a vacation from lying
- Late Show: The Трамп Postcards—New Jersey edition
- Mark Fiore: The leaning tower of Трамп
- Stephen with Chris Hayes: (Un)presidential tweeting and Rick Gates’ testimony
- Jimmy Kimmel: Hey Dotard Трамп, climate change affects you too!
- Trevor: Gates and Manafort—The white-collar Bonnie and Clyde
- Seth Meyers: Andrew Wheeler and the Environmental Protection Agency
- WaPo: Трамп has a history of mocking his black critics’ intelligence
- Stephen: Rick Gates confessions, infidelity, and “WTF”
- Rachel Maddow: Senator Bill Nelson—Russians have penetrated Florida election systems
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The shocking story of the “biggest grifter” in The Dotard Трамп swamp
- Late Show: The White House sets new parameters for Mueller
- Jimmy Fallon: Трамп News Network—LeBron James and enemies of the people
- Seth Meyers: Трамп’s Week of Corruption Scandals
- Chris Hayes: Fuzzy grasp on numbers seems to run in the President Dotard Трамп family
- Stephen: Трамп floated firing Mueller 20 times while golfing
- Jimmy Kimmel: Join the Space Force!
- The Atlantic: How ICE drives immigrants to “self-deport”
- Our Cartoon President: The American way
- Late Show: ‘Friends’ theme song, Manafort/Gates Edition
- Maddow: Nunes on tape at McMorris Rodgers fundraiser—Brett Kavanaugh vote, then Rod Rosenstein impeachment!:
- WaPo: Devin Nunes just tied the Mueller Russia probe to the 2018 midterms
- Seth Meyers: Point, Counterpoint—Трамп-shit edition
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Jill Wine-Banks on audio of Nunes talking Mueller probe at McMorris Rodgers fundraiser.
- Rachel Maddow: Magazine’s odd model choice—A cover story or a cover story?
- Stephen: Mike Pence tries to make Space Force sound less dumb
- Hasan the Record: Can President Трамп pardon himself?
- Chris Hayes with Seth Meyers on late night in the Dotard Трамп era
- Jimmy Fallon: Tweets with Beats—Dotard Трамп’s Space Force all the way
- Ari Melber: President Dotard Трамп’s Twitter distraction amid scandals
- Samantha Bee: Crashing Sean Spicer’s book tour
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп’s space force gets celebrity endorsement
- Trevor: Melania Трамп is so over it
- Seth Meyers: Chris Collins, Трамп’s earliest congressional backer, is indicted
- Stephen: How Dotard Трамп butted into Ohio’s special election
Vox: How “levee wars” are making floods worse.
WaPo: How Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) allegedly tipped off friends and family in insider trading scheme.
Chris Hayes: FCC lied about being under cyber attack.
Physics Girl: The projector illusion.
Our Cartoon President: Alex Jones addresses ban:
Ronny Chieng brings Stephen a ‘Colbert Report’ souvenir.
Jim Jefferies: 3D-printed guns are only a few clicks away.
The Atlantic: #MeToo and sexual harassment in the government.
Trevor interviews Geogia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (D).
Vox: What a new Supreme Court means for abortion.
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
WaPo: Who is Rashida Tlaib?.
Stephen: Senator Cory Booker is running in 2020…for something.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The Ohio Race seems to be just an opening act. Usually incumbency can help, but the House will not be meeting much before November. New Zealand has an interesting way if filling vacancies. Depends on how the MP won.
A Spanaway militia was just protecting his property. If you’re going to have car trouble, make sure there is no militia nearby. If you stop in front of a militia the militia will see you as invaders. And shoot you.
I have in my hands Senator a list of….
Florida GOP Candidate, after being questioned about her academic claims, creates her own fake diploma and poses with it posting the pictures on Social Media. College that she claims conferred her degree says, “Yeah that’s not real and she attended but never graduated.”
As unpopular as Nixon, but …
“Although only 2% of Democrats say Trump is doing an excellent job, 49% of Republicans do. Democrats are far more likely to give a poor rating at 80% compared to 6% of Republicans.”
… because Republicans have no common sense.
@2 @3 Both Republicans, for sure, to which you can add this one …
Now why do nearly half of Americans still support a party filled with such bozos? Because they’re stupid. There’s no other plausible explanation.
Alaska Airlines planes have a history of flying upside down because of loose screws. Just an observation.
“In the months since [Hurricane] Maria, President Donald Trump has been remarkably silent about Puerto Rico’s struggle to recover. Trump, a notoriously prolific tweeter, hasn’t mentioned the hurricane on social media since November, and he hasn’t visited Puerto Rico since October. The only time Trump publicly addressed the death toll was during his only post-Maria visit to the island, in which he suggested Puerto Ricans were lucky Maria wasn’t a ‘real catastrophe’ like Hurricane Katrina in 2005, which left over 1,800 dead.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t expect any disaster relief from Trump if your skin isn’t white enough. You might, however, get a roll of paper towels for the cleanup.
Correction, given how she looks on the photo in the article and that according to clues in her campaign bio she is now minimum late 40s…
She created that fake diploma decades ago to convince her mom sitting next to her that she didn’t just spend her college years drinking and partying and failing out.
Not that there aren’t numerous ways to interpret this, but
2014 RCP generic Congressional vote: GOP +2.4%
Final 2014 results: GOP +5.7%
Whatever happens, happens. Meanwhile, Kavanaugh SCOTUS hearings begin September 4th.
It’s always nice to see the educational records of all candidates for office when they were college students.
Must be some reason Occidental College sealed Barack’s records. Not that it matters now.
Hey, speaking of candidates an’ grades an’ shit:
Much was made during the past two presidential elections about President George W. Bush’s mediocre grades at Yale. It now turns out that his 2004 opponent Sen. John Kerry had similar grades. The Boston Globe reports that Kerry’s Yale transcript shows he had a cumulative score of 76. President Bush had a score of 77.
John Kerry was a dumbfuck before there was a Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, who didn’t appear until a year later.
Quite a come down from
Something must have changed.
“Quick Robin! To the Time Machine!”
Trump won. Everything has changed. Elections have consequences. This is who you are now.
@ 12
What hasn’t changed, McHillbilly, is the Dem advantage. The post to which you linked had it D +3.
Today on
Generic Vote: YouGov: Dems +3 | Reuters/Ipsos: Dems +2 | RCP Avg: Dems +3.9
Average them and it’s D+3.
So really, no comedown. And whatever happens, happens.
Put up with this tool for 90 minutes, get a free book. That should appeal to YLB, and all she needs now is for someone to give her a free ticket as well.
Live @ Benaroya Hall
Join DeRay Mckesson — the internationally recognized civil rights leader and host of the podcast Pod Save the People — for a timely conversation on culture, social justice and politics. Drawing from his own experiences as an organizer, educator and public official, DeRay will explore the issues of the day and discuss the subtle structures and inherent biases that impact our communities. The conversation will also examine the core themes of DeRay’s upcoming first book, ON THE OTHER SIDE OF FREEDOM: The Case for Hope, a meditation on resistance, justice and freedom, and an intimate portrait of the Black Lives Matter movement from the front lines. Every ticket includes a copy of ON THE OTHER SIDE OF FREEDOM by DeRay Mckesson (a $25 value).
Hillary put up with him and everything else #BLM and look how that turned out.
I do note it’s not a victory tour he’s shilling. I also note that after eight years of Barack’s leftism, this IS the other side of freedom.
Powers of perception amazors. Really.
The fact that the generic ballot sample hasn’t changed was the point, Dumbfuck. You’ve gone from hip thrusting and taunting to “whatever happens”. Sad, really.
Your team is in complete control. You run the table. It’s your Congress, your White House, your Treasury, your DOJ, your FBI, your everything. And yet, quite obviously the whole thing is shaping up to be a bit of a let down for you. And while you’re hedging and equivocating with “whatever” your little sidekick
RobinPiddles has flown off to cloud cuckoo conspiracy land to do battle with Lucifer, Tony Podesta, and pizza cannibals. These are your House seats. Even the ones being vacated in disgrace like Farenthold, Tiberi, and Collins should be a relaxing jog around the bases.Again I have to ask, when the fuck did Republicans become such a bunch of pussies?
@4 It is wrong for the typical Republican to be as partisan as RR?
Bald, inflamed yet chronically limp boob bores us all again..
Better trolls please…
@5 Americans love winners, that is why we send incumbents back to Washington so often. Does not really matter the party, just they are in office and a winner. Usually the other party does not even put up a serious contender to the incumbent unless they have been caught drinking Billy beer at the picnic with Alex Jones.
@9 And Democrats would do well to allow the nomination to go through the process unimpeded. Get it to the floor and vote as quickly as possible. If they fight it will take whatever hot air is left in the blue wave balloon right out. The Republicans have timed the process to the upcoming congressional elections. or those of you familiar with Star Wars: “IT’s A TRAP.”
We don’t see much of the Loon these days. But when he shows up he really brings it. I’d like to see a whole lot more of that crazy, fucked up, QAnon, Derp State, Satanic pizza cannibal stuff.* It’s very entertaining. And it makes the whole Trumpist, Roypublican revolution look so very sensible. Maybe he can invite a few of his pals from the goat cult to join in the fun.
*Did you know Tony Podesta eats babies?
Well, it’s election season, and campaign signs are sprouting like blackberry bushes. In my neighborhood, none of the Republicans have “GOP” or “Republican” anywhere on their signs. Guess they don’t want voters to know what they are.
And then of course, we have Shortbus.
@10 “It’s always nice to see the educational records of all candidates for office when they were college students.”
Maybe that explains why you don’t run for public office.
@17 Even though I’m a liberal propagandist and Democratic party hack, when I rail against Republicans I do so with the best interests of my country and fellow citizens in mind, including you. Republicans suck. Nothing good ever comes from the party of racists, bigots, neo-Nazis, hillbillies, trailer park trash, and white nationalists. Calling out their bullshit is patriotic.
“We don’t see much of the Loon these days. ”
It’s tough for a freak when the whistle’s been blown on it.
For over 13 years, in this forum, it has shilled for an ideology that has done little but serve the agenda of white privilege and now has morphed into all out white nationalism and white supremacist pin head explosion.
That’s what the freak likes.. The white folks in charge and getting some crumbs from that. It likes being their tool.
Oooh and those Fridays and Saturdays after sunset.. That’s entertainment!
@20 “And Democrats would do well to allow the nomination to go through the process unimpeded.”
They would do even better to represent the voters who elected them by doing everything legal and humanly possible to block this slimy party hack who doesn’t even pay his credit card bills. I’m a better Supreme Court candidate than he is, because I pay off my credit card in full every month and on time. Also, unlike Kavanaugh, I believe in the Constitution’s checks and balances, not unbrided executive power.
“Maybe he can invite a few of his pals from the goat cult to join in the fun.”
Yeah, way back in the day the tool recruited a fool named Pacman to troll with it.
Pacman became an Obama supporter..
It had some other sockpuppets and fellow travellers. I guess the freak turned out to be too nuts even for them.
Hey Shortbus, here’s what Kavanaugh can expect from Democrats:
“Kavanaugh, who is currently a judge on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, may get more questions on sexual harassment than most. Democrats have drawn attention to his decades-long relationship with former Judge Alex Kozinski, who abruptly retired last year after 15 women accused him of harassment. The two have remained close over the years and it’s raised questions about what he knew about Kozinski’s bad behavior.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Oh, he’ll probably get on the Court, simply because Republicans have a voting majority and no character or fitness requirements.
@16 The question is whether they will be viewed as pussies after the World Series is over. You know a winning team from the Northwest in October could really boost Democratic chances. So you ought to be cheering the Mariners out of slump and into the series. Have some fun doing something that can some oomph to the blue wave. Yeah Mariners the most progressive team in baseball!!!
“Florida GOP Candidate, after being questioned about her academic claims, creates her own fake diploma and poses with it posting the pictures on Social Media.”
Apparently this fraud was convinced that whiteness alone would carry her into power and open all doors as whiteness has done for so many others. Who needs credentials?
@22 In Seattle and probably especially your neighborhood that makes sense. Human beings do not run for office to loose. This progressive state does have some rules that reduces the power of parties. Could bring about one party politics so if you are new to running for office and want to win you become light purple or light blue. There is no way from the Democratic party of Washington from KKKers, NAZI’s ect from running as Democrats, which they should if they want to win particularly in most of Western Washington. Just a matter of time before it happens.
“Oh, he’ll probably get on the Court, simply because Republicans have a voting majority and no character or fitness requirements.”
Kavanaugh is a bad person and a bad judge..
Full due diligence is more than justified.
Trump and Republicans “support” our troops by making them easy prey for financial predators:
“The Trump administration plans to eliminate routine audits of lenders for violations of the Military Lending Act …. The proposal to weaken oversight under the Military Lending Act, which was created to protect military service members and their families from financial fraud, predatory loans and credit card gouging, came as a surprise to advocates of military families ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah? Well, it’s no surprise to me. To Trump and his business cronies, our defenders are just another set of pockets to reach into.
@32 I’m not interested in being trolled in this ridiculous manner. Take that nonsense somewhere else. Thanks for your cooperation on this.
@24 We do not usually see the educational records of candidates. Candidates open that door. Many will put down they graduated from somewhere. Not that it matters as the basic requirements for office don’t have educational requirements. We can put a Rhodes Scholar in or a person dumb as a box of rocks and get the same results. Or there is an equal chance the box of rocks will be the person needed for the time and the voters got it right. It’s also hard to really compare candidates education records. It’s not often you will have candidates that took the same classes at the same school with the same teachers the same year. Education is good fluff, but being affiliated with the Democratic or Republican party is much more important.
@35 I must be at the truth of the matter.
Maybe you should compare those politicians running for state office if their signs in your neighborhood, Bellingham, or Lynden are the same. Perhaps they are really cagey and have used computers to determine the demographics of neighborhoods and determined which neighborhoods to put party preference. Could be in Lynden it’s the Democrats who don’t have their party on their signs.
@36 “Not that it matters as the basic requirements for office don’t have educational requirements.”
The Republican Party probably couldn’t exist without voters like you.
@37 “Could be in Lynden it’s the Democrats who don’t have their party on their signs.”
You live in that area, don’t you? Why don’t you check it out, take some pictures, and get back to us?
@27 Then write the White House and ask the President to add you to his short list of candidates. One never knows maybe the current candidate will not be confirmed.
I really suspect that any sitting Federal judge is more qualified than you are, if simply that is the way the system works. Though if you want a shot the US Courts have provided guidelines.
Jesus. This sad underachiever running for Congress as a Roypublican in Florida sat down and spent undoubtedly many hours creating a fake diploma from Miami of Ohio. She buys some special parchment paper and prints it up on a fairly high quality full color printer. She orders a special display frame from the Miami of Ohio bookstore and puts it in that frame. She gets her hair and makeup done. She gets her mom’s hair and makeup done. She hires a photographer to photograph the two of them posing with the fake diploma (filled with easily discovered errors). Then she publishes the photograph and goes on to scold her political opponents for lack of character.
And the best our Roypublican trolls can do is that word salad nonsense excusing it all at 36. Roypublicans are just pathetic.
@29 That would be going into the trap. Democratic Senators can do that, but it will place the Senate out of reach for Democrats to take over, and will strengthen Republicans in the house, especially when after all the mud slinging and the man goes to sit on the court with Democratic members voting to confirm. You cannot have a single Democrat vote for him if you go down that road, but two Democrats will not return to the Senate if they do not vote to confirm. Sure you do not like the nominee, but you and your party has to put the face of the opposition on, and Trump could wisely nominate Barack Obama. Guess Obama would be for a liberal interpretation of the powers of the President and executive branch.
@39 You do your neighborhood first.
This is a collaborative project, but could get someone the beginnings of a thesis for a masters or doctorate in political science.
@38 While rare today. There are politicians who run with only a high school diploma. Usually when this situation occurs the candidate is a Democrat. And the majority of candidates do not lie about their educational background. Some exaggerate a honorary degree, or claim a medal they did earn and get away with it for a time. Lying on this sort is a dumb lie. Yet to many it does not matter as much if the candidate matches their affiliation.
@22 You are not perhaps having a diploma moment and there is a sign saying GOP or Republican in your neighborhood? This can be easily verified, and no doing that time honored routine of stealing the other guys signs.
Maybe you are such a great Democrat you cannot even see the GOP signs,
Nice try. Everyone’s academic records are sealed. What a University will do for any reporter or employer is confirm if a degree was achieved.
But assuming the black guy couldn’t possibly have gotten his act together until he got to law school and damn he got his act together so much he edited the law review…..yeah that’s racist.
The NY Times has hired an Asian racist named Sarah Cheong.
@40 “I really suspect that any sitting Federal judge is more qualified than you are, if simply that is the way the system works.”
That’s a pretty big assumption, pardner. Are there judges more qualified than me? Yes. Are there judges less qualified than me? Without a doubt. I’ve met plenty of stupid lawyers and judges over the years. And a few brilliant ones. The bell-shaped curve seems fatter at the bottom end, though.
Here’s a simple solution: Trump should nominate Merrick Garland. He’s a centrist. Moderate in every way. Acceptable to everyone. And no personal baggage we know of at this time.
It would make up for the crap McConnell pulled when Obama was still president and nominating a justice was his prerogative. It would go a long way to heal that wound. And it would put an eminently qualified jurist on the Supreme Court bench.
You’re a good two weeks late with that fake story.
@42 Keeping a partisan hack judge off the court is not a trap. It’s the honorable and patriotic thing to do. As there aren’t more than 2 or 3 scraps of honor and patriotism on the GOP side of the aisle, if any at all, Democrats have to do nearly all the lifting here.
@43 I already did, dummy. The results are posted @22.
Jesus, this blog needs better trolls. All we get is goat fuckers, lunatics, and morons.
@44 This isn’t about a candidate’s educational qualifications. It’s about a candidate who lied about her educational qualifications. It’s fair for voters to ask what other frauds she has committed.
@45 There is not a sign saying GOP in my neighborhood. None of the Republican candidates in my district put “GOP” or “Republican” on their yard signs. That’s what I posted @22. If you don’t know what the word “none” means, get yourself a dictionary and learn how to use it.
@49 He can’t spell her name, either. Add illiterate to the troll traits listed @51.
“he got his act together so much he edited the law review…”
He was President of the Law Review which is not the same thing. What the trolls don’t want to remember (and some liberals) is that he got there by earning the support of conservatives.
“As I recently discussed on Vox’s daily podcast Today, Explained, the alt-right has codified a systemic method of deep-diving into perceived enemies’ past and decontextualizing their online interactions, with the goal of demonizing them through sustained campaigns of harassment and very loud virtual yelling.
It’s a simultaneously diabolical and simple strategy: greatly exaggerate and feign outrage over your so-called foe’s behavior while removing, distorting, or ignoring the context surrounding it.”
Are we seeing troll freaks ramping up for November?
Unless he got lynched by his white supremacist friends, the loon will soon be back and he’s gonna be full of hate!
22)Noticed that on my way to Port Angeles last Saturday. I was expecting to see a lot of them. In Sequim, saw sign waving on the street corners, but not for GOP Candidates.
What it takes to be Attorney General of the United States under Trump: Must be willing to work for a bully who has no respect for rule of law, and possess an unlimited tolerance for being publicly abused and humiliated.
@56 It ropes in the Doctor Dumbfucks and shortbuses of the world.
It also leaves mighty President PornSweat the weakest, most impotent sovereign executive on the planet. For a reality teevee performer whose catch phrase was “You’re fired!”, he’s uniquely unable to acheive a “firm enough standing” with his own underlings to “get the job done”.
No wonder they don’t respect him. He’s unable to “perform” where it counts, leaving a flacid trail of failure in his wake.
Seriously, I can’t think of a modern President more consistently unable to control his own staffing, and hire and fire who he likes. Others have had conflicts. But none that I can think of have openly and publicly demanded a change of staffing only to have it completely ignored and even laughed at.
Interior boss Zinke is being an ass again. Of course, he’s an ass all the time, so that’s not news. Oh, and here’s the Whopper Of The Week: “No one loves public land as much as I do,” Zinke insisted. Except if he can’t drill it, mine it, or ride an ATV on it, he has no use for it.
More “damn fine police work” in Baltimore.
According to the Baltimore Police Department Officer Williams spotted Mr. McGrier sitting on the steps in front of the building where he resides, exited his patrol car and proceeded to conduct a Terry Stop*. According to Officer Williams’ sworn police report he was attempting to issue a “citizen contact sheet”** to Mr. McGrier and in an effort to gather information to be included on the form, demanded identification from Mr. McGrier***. When Mr. McGrier refused to comply with the order to produce identification “the situation escalated”****.
Naturally, the officer involved is being rewarded for his diligent efforts with a paid vacation for several weeks and/or months, a $225/hr lawyer on retainer at taxpayer expense, and plenty of moral and PR support from his labor union.
Mr. McGrier remains hospitalized with damage to his jaw, orbital socket, teeth, and mouth. He is not charged with any crime.
*A “Terry Stop” is a non-consensual brief detention of any person permissible under the fourth amendment only when it is supported by “reasonable, articulable suspicion” related to “a particularized crime”. No such has been offered in any official reports so far.
**In all US jurisdictions a citizen contact report is an administrative document arising from policy having absolutely nothing to do with the criminal codes in those jurisdictions. They are used for data gathering and tracking purposes to assist with managing police activities. Citizen involvement in these data gathering activities is entirely voluntary as a matter of law.
***There is no legal requirement to provide documentary identification arising from a Terry Stop. Law enforcement officers may not compel document production as part of a Terry Stop.
****The “situation escalates” at the precise moment when Officer Williams begins repeatedly striking Mr. McGrier in the face with his fists.
Creating jobs, one tariff at a time:
“President Donald Trump renewed his war of words with iconic U.S. motorcycle maker Harley Davidson on Sunday, denouncing the company’s plan to shift some production abroad and appearing to back consumers that have called for a boycott. In a series of early morning posts on Twitter, the president said that people looking to stop buying Harleys was a ‘great’ development, adding that other companies were moving to produce in America.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I guess all the biker clowns who voted for Trump will be riding Vespas now.
Nothing but love here. Incredibly amazing!
Elements Music and Arts Festival – Bronx, NY
Trump’s EPA is positioning to legalize air pollution by, of course, denying the science that says soot is harmful.
Elections To Watch
Ex-sheriff David Clarke’s thug jailer, who has multiple wrongful death lawsuits pending against him and once said women should “submit” to abusers, is on a primary ballot against two opponents in MIlwaukee on Tuesday.
Like Clarke, he runs as a “Democrat” — this is a free country where anybody can call themselves anything they want to — but the Milwaukee County Democrats aren’t having it.
I may have found the loon.
“Neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer confesses ‘I don’t even know’ what went wrong with pathetic Unite the Right rally”
“the total count of UTR marches appears to be between 20-25, including two women and a black guy.”
I sure hope the loon is taking my advice about not making eye contact with his white supremacist friends.
“I sure hope the loon is taking my advice about not making eye contact with his white supremacist friends.”
Puffy’s hood only has hole in he back seat are.
File this under good guy with a gun.
A Las Vegas militia stationed at outpost Ross Dress For Less did not like orders so opened fire on the CO while lots of shoppers were present.
The militia hit no one, because terrible training and why would a militia be well regulated anyway, though reports indicate he fired all his supply of ammo and was later wounded by a police officer after a brief standoff.
64)Union Pacific had a shipment of rail delayed, allegedly over confusion over the tariff. The Pacific Spike was anchored in San Francisco Bay for over a month while the confusion was sorted out.
The type UP is using, is a new process that requires fewer welds, and is stronger.
A resource that will help in writing Analytical Essay Topics
“A federal district judge who was appointed by President Donald Trump has upheld Robert Mueller’s appointment and constitutional authority … ”
hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahaha hahahaha
@70 That particular militia probably will be reassigned to serve in a penal battalion for the next 60 years.
Red Wave Dep’t
“The son of a prominent House Republican announced Sunday that he was supporting the Democratic candidate to succeed his father — and he encouraged others to do the same.”
A cop union is complaining about NFL players complaining about police brutality and police lynchings of black people.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s a little bit like Hitler complaining about the Normandy invasion.
The PBA and its members have just as much right to protected political expression as the NFLPA and its members. I don’t know the CBAs the Broward County PBA represents, but chances are good that they all include binding language about workplace conditions, including uniform standards, behavioral standards, etc. The leadership of the union should have a very good understanding of the issues involved in attempting unilateral changes to the workplace conditions in a contract, especially where those changes would implicate protected forms of expression.
Given that understanding, if groups like the PBA sincerely believe that the quality of the NFL entertainment product will be improved by including new workplace conditions controlling player behavior on the field outside regulation play they should be willing to support those changes in the NFLPA CBA with their pocket books.
Like police officers or any group represented by a CBA, the players deserve an opportunity to negotiate the binding terms of their contract and to be compensated fairly in exchange for meeting those terms. By putting forth the arguments, the rhetoric, and the framing of the issue in this way these police unions ultimately weaken their own bargaining position and are doing a significant disservice to their members. Adopting their logic my local city council is justified in unilaterally implementing a host of sweeping changes to personnel policy affecting my city’s police union members without negotiation or modification to the contract.
They will reap what they sow.
“Don has received notoriety for a brief meeting, that many politicians would have taken, but most importantly, and to the best of my knowledge, nothing happened after the meeting concluded”
To me this moment, a written response from the White House to questions from a reporter for the WaPo preparing a story about Donnie Jr., represents yet the latest, and perhaps the biggest yet shift in the legal defense strategy being put forth by the White House over the criminal probe into conspiracy.
These are magic words directed at the conspiracy statutes. Not about obstruction. Not about denial of criminal acts by others. This statement finally seems to admit that 1) the offer from the Russians was itself potentially criminal (real criminal, not just BENGHAAZII/Pizza Cannibal criminal), 2) that coordination and/or effort to conceal subsequent to the Trump Tower meeting would constitute conspiracy violations rooted in those criminal violations, and 3) if any of that is the case, PornSweat will claim he remains in the dark about it, even now.
Say what you will about the credibility of such a defense, given the record of falsehood and fabrication by all the potential accused, including most importantly PornSweat himself, this is a pretty big shift away from “nuthin’ burger”.
That would be the 4th Federal Judge to come to the same conclusion. The RW talking heads will keep spewing the line that the Independent Council is unconstitutional. Because to the RW talking head, the Constitution is the sum total of his deeply held beliefs.
@78 “No crime was committed, but if it is found a crime was committed, my client didn’t do it, but if he did do it, they can’t prove it, but should they prove it, he deserves leniency.”
Of course, if crimes were committed, and Trump’s associates are convicted of committing them, there goes his “partisan witch hunt” argument.
For example:
“Just a day after he finished a report suggesting he was working with Trump campaign officials, for example, he transferred $9,500 from an account he had set up to fund the email project to his personal account, later taking out more than $4,900 in cash.”
At some point in the not-so-distant future Rudes is going to be on FOX News spit-shouting about how all sorts of things were going on within the campaign that PornSweat knew absolutely nothing about.
Why does everyone except Putin want to secretly record Trump?
I think PornSweat’s “partisan witch hunt” falls apart the instant his re-programmable meathead supporters realize that 1) it’s run by, funded by, and authorized by Roypublicans, 2) the tiny handful of people connected to it that PornSweat has been willing to fire are Roypublicans, and 3) PornSweat has had the authority to stop the “partisan witch hunt” all along, but is for some reason afraid to do so.
@82 Funny how, only 10 days later, that guy suddenly got tired of living. Maybe because Trump’s check bounced? You know how Russians are if they don’t get paid.
Trailerbilly love.
The Confederate flag was the flag of an enemy nation and foreign army that fought and lost a war against the United States of America at a high cost in American lives.
More recently, it’s been adopted by racists, Klansmen, and neo-Nazis as their flag, and functions as a surrogate swastika emblem.
But if you think Confederate flags and monuments merely represent “history,” then you should not object to moving them to museums.
Prosecutor overrules sheriff; Florida “stand your ground” shooter is charged with manslaughter. The defendant has been arrested.
hard to understand how pretending belief in an imaginary invisible secret sky buddy with super powers wasn’t enough to soothe his fears and help him cope with his hardships.
Oh well. What else could possibly be done?
Perhaps an object lesson is to be learned here.
That pretending belief, even belief in invisible imaginary hippie conspiracies with super powers, or belief in fake birth certificates, or belief in ridiculous promises of coal jerbs for everyone, will never succeed for very long in soothing fears or helping the weak cope with their hardships.
Something always gives.
Something always gives.
And before you know it, Mitt Romney and the Wall Street Journal are tied to a bed screaming, while Crazy Uncle Liberty suits up in his tactical gear and heads out to do a deal with the GRU and blow away the Constitution.
@73. The judge was obviously not vetted well enough.
How do Republicans find these people?
“Trump-inspired GOP candidate who killed his own mother also threatened to kill head of his condo association”
“Kentucky Republican mayor charged with hitting a 15-year-old girl with his car — and fleeing the scene”
“Twinks 4 Trump” pimp and avowed white nationalist anti-semite Lucian
Wintrich<<>> has been fired again. Expect a steep decline in the degree of incomprehensible irony in the most fashionable Pizza Cannibal conspiracies emerging to “energize” the Roypublican base.The Loon will now be entering a prolonged period of mourning.
Senior White House staff reacting to the firing of Omarosa Manigault Newman via Axios:
“”I’m scared shitless of her… She’s a physically intimidating presence,” a male former colleague of Omarosa’s told me. (He wouldn’t let me use a more precise description of his former White House role because he admitted he’s still scared of retribution from Omarosa. Other senior officials have admitted the same to me.)
“I never said no to her,” the source added. “Anything she wanted, ‘Yes, brilliant.’ I’m afraid of her. I’m afraid of getting my ass kicked.”
Three other former officials shared that sentiment: “One hundred percent, everyone was scared of her,” said another former official.
Decorated war hero John Kelly arranged to fire her in a secure area with his team of lawyers backing him up and Secret Service on standby, then left quickly through a secured, separate exit.
Don McGahn had his team force her to sign a legally unenforceable NDA because, unlike at NBC or Trump Tower, official White House communications belong to…
wait for it…
the United States Government and its citizens. Duh.
And now the geniuses who are forced to live out their lives subject to the dick-pill fueled insomnia rages of President PornSweat are being set up to piss away more tax dollars trying to get some court somewhere to agree to impose prior restraint on her book publisher.
Again, I must ask, through a fog of weariness and revulsion,
exactly when the fuck did Roypublicans become such a bunch of pussies?
“U.S. economic growth will probably accelerate this year before slowing in 2019 to well below the Trump administration’s 3 percent target as a fiscal stimulus fades, congressional researchers projected on Monday.”
@92 Sometimes you can’t tell in advance. Some of them leave the reservation after you’ve appointed them. Eisenhower famously said his two biggest mistakes as president were sitting on the Supreme Court. That worked out okay for the Democrats, though.
@95 I think it was a gradual process, kind of like radiation sickness, that began when Ronnie aimed his raygun at them. Turned out it wasn’t a toy.
Trump seems to have the outlaw biker vote locked up.
Guess they know a thug when they see one.
RR will be attacking or lumping the Green party with Republicans. o real danger of the Greens being meaningful due to Washington states rules adopted from California.
Or will this preemptive strike bring denials or prevent the attack. Stay tuned and see when RR or others shame Greens.
@73 I can see where a trial judge could make this decision, but they may not want to rule against the folks they work with daily, easier to go along to get along. The real question is whether judges once removed from the judge agree. They may. They may also determine the judges at the district level did not fully consider the ramifications, It may well be that the US AG cannot side line himself and must approve or disapprove Mueller’s action as he is the person with the proper authority and Rosestein does not have the authority, if there is an AG.
Democrats cashing in.
Rather Republican of them, doubt RR or anyone is going after their party cards.
Mueller charging Russian spies with spying oh my!!
@100 Yawn. (picks teeth)
@101 Go back to your coloring book, derp. This stuff is way over your head.
B, b, but… “it may well be…”