Vox: Scientists are remaking mosquitoes to fight malaria.
Conan: Obama also asked James Comey to make a promise….
Trevor: A Mali migrant rescues a child in France
Jimmy Kimmel accepts Ted Cruz’s challenge.
Minute Physics: Length contraction and time dilation.
The Dotard Трамп and His Gang of Criminals:
- Rachel Maddow: Dotard Трамп ends signal with pardons, could face rude awakening
- Conan: James Comey says Трамп’s “spygate” claims are made up
- Lawrence O’Donnell: What you’re really worried about tonight if you’re Dotard Трамп
- Ari Melber: How a Трамп pardon in collusion case could be a crime
- Late Show: Трамп and Xi’s high stakes poker game
- Rachel Maddow: FBI assembling contents of Michael Cohen’s shredder machine:
- Chris Hayes: Backlash grows against separation of migrant families
- Trevor: Where is Melania?
- Ari Melber: How Dotard Трамп uses trolling as political warfare
- Lawrence O’Donnell: WhatDotard Трамп’s pardons really do
- Samantha Bee’s has some words for Ivanka Трамп
- WaPo: What the Dotard has said about pardons
- Trevor: Kim Kardashian goes to the White House and Трамп pardons Dinesh D’Souza
- Conan: James Comey is like a breakup Трамп can’t get over
- Ari Melber: Listen to the tape of Michael Cohen making threats for the Dotard
- Rachel Maddow: Paul Manafort gets contender for world’s sketchiest legal defense fund
- Jimmy Dore: Sean Spicer desperately trying to stay relevant
- Chris Hayes: Dotard Трамп falsely blames Democrats for family separation
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The Michael Cohen tape.
- WaPo: What’s the hurry Sarah Sanders?
- Jimmy Kimmel: Hammered Dotard Трамп gives commencement speech
- Ari Melber: Трамп’s problem with lying
- Bill Maher: Tweet sorrow:
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Jeff Sessions is key witness in Robert Mueller obstruction probe
- Chris Hayes and friends: How Dotard Трамп paved the way for Roseanne
Trevor: France’s migrant hero.
Minute Earth: How long can we live?.
Bill Maher: New Rule—Conspiracy theories.
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
The most valuable airspace in the world.
Racists SUCK!
- Trevor: Even the anti-PC brigade condemns Roseanne Barr
- Jimmy Kimmel on Roseanne cancellation
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The Dotard Трамп doesn’t denounce Roseanne Barr’s racist tweet
- WaPo: Roseanne Barr’s offensive comments got her canceled
- Chris Hayes: Roseanne Barr reflects a chunk of the Dotard Трамп base
- Full Frontal: Ask your doctor about Ambien
- Trevor and Roy: Starbucks shuts down for racial bias training.
- Hallie Jackson and Morgan Radford: White nationalists running for office in record numbers
- Starbucks’ racial bias training went great, according to Starbucks
- Jonathan Mann: When Трамп tells a lie, when Rossanne says something racist
Vox: The culture war between doctors and midwives, explained.
Seth Meyers sits down with The Washington Post.
Jonathan Mann: 4,645 Americans died in Puerto Rico:
Best of Newsbroke (farewell).
How scientists discovered dark matter.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I was wondering, don’t some states have the power of the pardon taken out of the hands of the Governor? If using pardons to disrupt an investigation, might need to reform the process at the Federal level.
@ 1
If using pardons to disrupt an investigation, might need to reform the process at the Federal level.
reform the process = amend the Constitution
Just throwing that out there, Railfan.
Bill Clinton used the pardon to benefit a political benefactor who was at the time of the pardon a fugitive from justice. Since we’re reforming the process an’ shit.
“Franklin Graham is on a crusade across California. But unlike his father, Billy, who launched his career as the world’s most famous evangelist in Los Angeles and held numerous revivals across the state through the decades, Franklin has not come to California to win souls to Christ. Instead, he’s looking for voters he can deliver to the Republican Party.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Jesus would not approve.
Let’s face it, Franklin Graham is a GOP operative, not a legitimate preacher.
@2 Pardon Poker:
Clinton: I pardoned Marc Rich.
Trump: I’ll see your dubious pardon and raise you three outrageous pardons. I can abuse the pardon power more than you, neener neener!
“In a confidential letter to special counsel Robert Mueller in January, President Donald Trump’s legal team acknowledged for the first time that Trump ‘dictated’ the first misleading statement put out about his son’s controversial 2016 meeting with Russians at Trump Tower.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This isn’t news. We already knew Junior lies for Dad, and Dad tells Junior what to say. And this family has security clearances?
FBI agent accidentally shoots bar patron when gun falls out of holster while dancing
FBI, hard at work rehabilitating its image as a competent and trustworthy government organization.
It’s good video, and the gun doesn’t fire until the highly trained agent touches the trigger while picking it up from the dance floor.
@7 And here’s Doctor Dumbfuck hating on the FBI, on cue from his puppet master.
Under the new regime, the FBI is bad, and traitors are good.
When Trump and Kim meet in Singapore, they will stay at a 5-star hotel, and neither will pay his own way.
U.S. taxpayers will pay Trump’s tab. U.S. taxpayers may pay Kim’s tab, too.
The art of the deal.
@ 9
Substitute Hillary Clinton for Donald Trump in your Singapore hotel stay, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
How would the cost to the US taxpayer be different? Other than fees to totally restock the alcohol in the minibar tacked on to the tab in Hillary’s case, I mean.
Kim would not have to meet with #CrookedHillary because she would not change her foreign policy tune from Obummer’s sad diplomacy! Kim would still be doing overflights on Japan’s air space sovereignty. Kim would still be testing big boomers underground! Kim would still be flicking the bird testing for the presence of roger senile idiot’s brain up his arschloch!
Hence the taxpayers would save a bundle and the FBI would be happy!
Just saying FACTS!
Meanwhile the largest public toilet on the planet has its headquarters on 1st and Utah in Seattle… https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-01/uncomfortable-starbucks-employees-respond-becoming-worlds-biggest-public-toilet
A story about two countries, admired by HA DUMMOCRETINS everywhere… https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-cuba-helped-make-venezuela-a-mafia-state
I thought gman was the biggest public toilet on the planet.
So roger senile idiot wabbit @6, Mueller’s team is purposely leaking confidential presidential information to the press. Wow! Wait till that gets to a real court setting!
How much more of a self-inflicted wound can Mueller’s team create! If a special prosecutor’s investigation is supposed to be secret even a quack lawyer as the senile one can see the legal implications here!
See ya moron!
Till Next Time!
So roger senile idiot wabbit @6, we know you lover Meuller!
Once again Alan Dershowitz makes it plain. That’s because Dershowitz uses his brain as a real homo sapien should! FACT analysis!
https://tinyurl.com/yc7eydlv – Its real clear politics because the real URL doesn’t fit the window!
And that’s something HA’s senile idiot lawyer can never do here!
Till Next Time!
@ 17
Puddy, you’re wrong.
In October Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit gave a strong recommendation for the purchase of GE stock, and informed us it was one of his largest holdings.
I immediately called him out for the absolute
stupiditydumbfuckery of his rationale and he immediately thereafter ‘changed’ to recommending a short of the same stock he was previously recommending.Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit: The Spine of a Liberal.
‘froggy, your problem is that you’re job-seeking in the wrong state.
The Diversity Staff at the University of Michigan Is Nearly 100 Full-Time Employees
The University of Michigan is not truly diverse unless it lists at least one otherwise unemployable motherfucker on its payroll.
‘froggy, that could be you.
When you work for PMSNBC you get a pass! https://hotair.com/archives/2018/06/01/joy-reid-called-wolf-blitzer-aipac-flak/
More on HA Heroine Joy Reid… https://www.thedailybeast.com/msnbc-staff-on-joy-reid-enough-apologies-we-want-answers
Nice to see the loon’s white supremacist friends didn’t lynch him this weekend. Too bad he’s still batshit insane and spewing mindless, unintelligible hate. SAD!
Minute Physics was outstanding. Did a great job explaining some of the more subtle intricacies of time dilation and length contraction.
Sadly, none of the Minute Physics series can even come close to trying to explain Piddle’s constant gibberish and stuff he calls FACTS!
@19 And they need every one of them, although they could dispense with half of them by getting rid of the fraternities.
Giuliani’s pearl of wisdom today is that Trump can pardon himself and will be impeached if he does.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Useless, like nuclear weapons.
Giuliani says “Trump could shoot the FBI director in the Oval Office and still not be prosecuted for it.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is the lawyer you hire when no one else will take your case.
The deal the BC New Democrats made with the Greens last year included electoral reform. Last week, the referendum was announced, and they are doing it differently than the two attempts by the BC Liberals. First, a simple majority is needed for passage. Second, using a ranked ballot, the voters will get a choice of three alternatives, to rank in order of preference.
The first option is Dual Member Proportional Representation, which combines the single ballot of First Past the Post, with 2 seat districts, with proportional representation. The first seat would go to the candidate with the most votes in that district. The second would be awarded proportionally.
The option is Mixed Member Proportional Representation, which combines the geographic representation of Single Seat districts, with the fairness of proportional representation. The voters gets two votes, one for a district, one for a party. A party’s total seat count is proportional to it’s share of the vote. District wins are topped off with candidates from the party list. There are three ways of how they are awarded. A single ballot, like Baden-Wurtenberg, Closed list like in New Zealand and Germany, or an Open List where voters can over idea their party ranking. If selected, the manner of the party list will be chosen later. A few provinces have tried referenda on MMPR, and Closed Lists don’t do well. An Open List system won in Prince Edward Island, but not enough votes were cast was the excuse there.
The third option is Rural Urban Proportional Representation. It combines Single Transferable Vote with Regional top up seats. Urban districts would be multi-seat, and Rural seats would be single seat. A regional tier would also be added to ensure proportionality.
Businesses have no morals, not even when it comes to pushing unneeded pills on elderly people in nursing homes in order to defraud Medicare, which is why business has to be regulated by government overseers.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans want no rules, no cops, no restraints. To them, vulnerable elderly people are just another market to be tapped, or victim to be defrauded. They would sell baby organs if there was a market for them — and then falsely accuse Planned Parenthood of supplying the organs.
Meanwhile, the GOP farm bill seeks to lift restrictions on government subsidies to billionaires while slashing food stamps for poor people and hungry children.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s easy to vote Republican. Just leave your conscience in church and visit it once a week between elections.
Love you too Bob. I’m sure the horse loves you too.
Viagra Feminino É O Exercícios De Kegel
A melancia pode ter um resultado semelhante ao Viagra, segundo um especialista da curso de Texas Amargin-left:auto;
margin-right:auto;’ src=”http://www.cell.com/cms/attachment/531222/3639473/gr2.jpg” width=”558px” alt=””/>
Ladrão não deve faltar na alimentação diária das crianças, pois que lhes é muito benéfico para a saúde e lhes favorece
confecção de doces, geléias, compotas, xaropes, por outra forma outras guloseimas,
mamão perde grande parte dos seus sais, das suas vitaminas, e das suas
propriedades, pelo que se deve comê-lo, sempre
que capaz, cru.
“Ao melhorar funcionamento do intestino, também atuamos no tratamento e advertência com quadros como afitamento e constipação, mais de prevenir desenvolvimento a doenças como câncer com intestino”,
afirma nutricionista Israel. A agência americana estabeleceu uma enxurrada de regras para a prescrição e venda do remédio,
entre elas a divulgação de alertas sobre os riscos do uso concomitante da droga e
de bebidas alcoólicas.
De forma geral e resumida, sem gerar polêmica entre os especialistas
e entre as diferentes abordagens nutricionais, uma dieta saudável deve ser
equilibrada em todos os tipos de alimentos e composta de produtos locais, sazonais, frescos de outra maneira pouco processada, proveniente da sua cultura de origem.
“A abonação a hoje oferece às mulheres afetadas por seu baixo desejo sexual uma alternativa de tratamento aprovada”, declarou Janet Woodcock, diretora do Centro
a Avaliação e Pesquisa dobro drogas do FDA, em nota divulgada pela agência.
Só assim, estarão abertos a fim de entender como os Produtos
Orgânicos e Meio Ambiente estão intimamente ligados.
A FDA informou que os estudos clínicos do medicamento indicam que número de eventos sexuais satisfatórios por mês cresceu de 0,5 a 1 nas mulheres pesquisadas.
Sugerimos entre R$ 30.000,00 a R$ 50.000,00 dependendo do dimensão da armazém, mix
e quantidades de mercadorias entre outros fatores que possam influenciar.
relaxamento da musculatura lisa dos vasos do corpo cavernoso e
a conseqüente ereção peniana envolvem aumento na produção
de Oxido Nítrico, a partir da Arginina, dentro de neurônios
denominados não adrenérgicos não colinérgicos (NANC), nas células endoteliais e,
provavelmente, nas fibras musculareslisas, deste órgão.
Ao trabalhar com um ecommerce de itens naturais, você estará contribuindo diretamente para uma alteração na qualidade de vida da população brasileira.
Desenvolvimento da inédita droga aconteceu a abalar da receita do verdadeiro Viagra, mas se adaptando aos fatores psicológicos
da fêmea. http://www.kalymnos.gov.gr/el/.....9-08-38-47
Children will die so the increasingly testy and embittered Doctor Dumbfuck can get his tax cut. I’m sure the news will warm his heart. Snide remarks will soon be posted, I’m sure. My hope is that it’ll lessen the pain of his losing all that money he worships while stupidly trading options as his Orange Moron tweets. A story as old as time – dumbfucks gotta dumbfuck.
“House Republicans eliminate funding for Children’s Health Insurance Program”