The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Solar panels and whining cheerleaders
Jimmy Kimmel: Do whatever you want at Starbucks!
Mental Floss: Dogs can smell fear, and other dog facts
Newsbroke: Powerful White Nationalists behind the “English only” movement
Mark Fiore: Freedom sticks.
Young Turks: Racist woman attacks US serviceman.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Jeanine Pirro is an American institution
The Dotard Трамп And His Band of Dopes:
- Trevor: Трамп’s nighttime chats with Sean Hannity
- Seth Meyers: Трамп cancels NK summit and pushes crazy “spy” claim
- Stephen: A judge ruled Трамп can’t block people on Twitter anymore
- Rachel Maddow: Mueller probe’s many threads are why details can’t be public.
- Chris Hayes: What about the North Korea summit commemorative coins?
- Michael Brooks: Трамп’s ICE terror squad LOSES 1475 CHILDREN—Abolish it NOW!
- Late Show: The Summit—A Трамп-Kim love story
- Seth Meyers: Трамп’s “spygate” claims
- WaPo: The boom and bust of Michael Cohen’s taxi business
- David Pakman: Giuliani unhinged—Трамп might commit perjury because “truth is relative”
- Ari Melber: DOJ caves to President Dotard Трамп-backers
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Abstinence-only sex ed and the POTUS prayer shield
- SNL Weekend Update: Eric and Donald Трамп Jr. on Трамп Tower meeting
- Stephen: This isn’t your grandfather’s constitutional crisis
- Rachel Maddow: James Clapper on Russia, “They swung the election to a Трамп win”
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп cancels North Korea summit
- Joy Reid: Is Dotard Трамп running the country or producing a show?
- SNL: Sarah Palin’s advice:
- Chris Hayes: This is the next key figure to watch in Трамп scandals
- Farron Cousins: Judge rules that Трамп blocking people on Twitter is unconstitutional
- Ari Melber: Giuliani revisited—Has Трамп’s TV brawler “lost it”?
- Stephen: Трамп hates White House leaks, according to White House leaks
- Seth Meyers: Late Night’s timeline for Robert Mueller’s investigation
- Chris Hayes: Checking in on Dotard Трамп’s promise that tax cut would bring jobs
- Late Show: How the FBI came up with ‘Crossfire Hurricane’
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Dotard Трамп letter hinted at “end of a romance”
- Seth Meyers: Fired Трамп aides and officials
- Stephen: Michael Cohen’s “taxi king” partner flips
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: America’s “no scrubs” immigration policy
- Trevor: The U.S.-North Korea summit might not happen
- Rachel Maddow: James Clapper Russia assessment calls Dotard Трамп legitimacy into question
- Ari Melber: Stunner from Court TV founder—Giuliani is admitting Трамп’s guilt
- Late Show: An approximation to Трамп’s interview with Mueller
- Farron Cousins: Dotard Трамп SUCKS at being President
- Rachel Maddow: Clapper—Dossier was not used for intelligence assessment of 2016.
- Chris Hayes: Mike Pence thinks he’s #Winning on the NFL kneeling issue
- David Pakman: Judge rules Трамп regularly violating 1st amendment
- Stephen: Nice try, deep state, Трамп has you figured out
- Young Turks: Mueller finds half a million more reasons for Cohen to flip on Трамп
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Anthony Scaramucci talks White House leakers
- Chris Hayes: Despicable new Dotard Трамп policy on children:
- Seth Meyers: Трамп’s spying claims and Don Jr’s meeting with Gulf emissaries
- Rachel Maddow: Dotard Трамп haphazard N.K. summit dump put journalists in wanton danger
- Joy Reid: A new concern for Dotard Трамп Jr.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: President Dotard Трамп’s “lie” infiltrates language
- Stephen: The commemorative coin spoke too soon
- WaPo: Трамп promised to drain the swamp. The swamp seems to be doing fine.
- Michael Brooks: Totally confused Трамп bumbles his way through explaining the North Korea situation
- Ari Melber: Michael Cohen’s new reported ties to Ukraine
- Chris Hayes: Confused by Трамп scandals? Chris explains.
- Late Show: The Mole—Трамп Administration edition
- Rachel Maddow: History highlights President Трамп’s failure on Russian election outreach
- Stephen: Guess who rose from the sinkhole on the White House lawn?
- SNL: Dotard Трамп and Robert Mueller
- Chris Hayes: Reality show President’s diplomatic effort crashes & burns
Jimmy Kimmel does Jordan Klepper
Michael Brooks: Moron NRA spokesman responds to NFL rule like a third grader
Jim Jefferies: Leave your emotional support camel at home.
Heads of State: Gorsuch rules against workers in forced arbitration case.
Vox: Why people are buying cartoon cats on the blockchain
The Atlantic: Edge of Daybreak—The real jailhouse rock.
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship
Samantha Bee will make you care about Yemen.
NOVA: AI explained—What is a neural net?
David Pakman: NFL goes fascist, bans kneeling during National Anthem
Midterm Madness:
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Republicans don’t need money to win midterms
- Stephen: Profiles in discourage—Joe Arpaio edition
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Stacey Abrams makes history with Georgia win.
- Samantha Bee: Midterm checkin
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Cecile Richards—Planned Parenthood and “Make trouble”
Jonathan Mann: Boycott the NFL.
The Atlantic: The Collapsing Bridge—a poem.
Samantha Bee: Abolish ICE!:
Vox: Monogamy, explained.
Seth Meyers: This is the kind of story we need right now.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Jordan’s predictions—Future fake news
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Looks like Spygate fizzled. I mean so much hype, but at least some in the media did report the name of the informant. Still, some did, and that could have lasting impacts on the FBI, and law enforcement in general.
@ #1 ER:
“Spygate” was a bullshit joke from the beginning. It was a naked lie, the man uttering it knew that it was so, and spewed it out there like he could convince people that their might be some kernel of truthiness to it even if they knew it was really just bullshit designed to obfuscate the issue. Now, the name of an informant in a major investigation of an international criminal conspiracy has his name out there for everyone to see.
Wire-taps of a meeting of Trump Jr. with a foreign national? – Check.
Foreign national listed as criminal by US security apparatus? – Check
NRA re-evaluating (and desperately clawing for a way to hide) its connections to same foreign national? – Check.
Foreign national connected to the Central Bank of Russia? – Check.
Known criminal foreign national connected with many US politicians? – Check.
Are we winning yet?
It wasn’t the first lunatic conspiracy theory completely embraced by the klownservaturd elite and then dutifully latched onto by the media for our consumption.
It wont be the last.
They are creating this looking glass reality as they go, dangling insipid shiny things in front of a television addicted electorate, most of whom eagerly lap it up.
56% of voters polled believe that the OSC investigation is not producing any results. This despite five senior campaign advisers agreeing to guilty pleas along with 16 others indicted on felony charges.
Spygate is no different than Birfergate, Pizzagate, Beghazigate, Chemtrails, and Jade Helm and all the rest.
Our democracy is at the mercy of a tabloid media that willingly abets this nonsense for the sake of driving clicks and shares. Spygate did not fizzle, since it occupied the serious consideration of the DC press corp for nearly three months. Likewise for “unmasking-gate”, FISAgate, etc. It fits a narrative that is useful to a lazy political media reduced to covering a constitutional crisis like a sporting contest. That being that this investigation arises from partisan conflict, when nothing could be farther from the truth.
The Democratic party is more poweless today than at any time in the last fifty years. They play absolutely no role in this, since they are utterly powerless to do so. This entire shitshow from shady deals with Russians to sell our foreign policy to payments for porn star abortions and every part of investigating it is a singular creation of modern movement klownservaturds. They control the government, the investigation, and the media narrative.
Remember when the major national political media went insane with fury because President Obama wore a tan suit?
Found these pearls of wisdom in the message boards. from liberals are getting tired of conservatives.
“I say give them the Republican option. NO welfare. NO unemployment. NO Obamacare. Let them opt out so they can have their “freedom”
That’s why when Dems get back in office they should offer an “opt out of taxes” program to the working poor morons who vote republican. They don’t pay taxes anyway. Let them opt out of taxes, and opt out of everything taxes pay for. They can pay for what they use up front.
Want to drive on a road? Tolls.
Want trash pickup? Pay per bag.
Want to use electricity? Pay the cost of producing the power, no more socialist government subsidized electricity.
Kids need public school? Pay by the hour.
Want to use internet or cell towers? Pay bigly.
Want to buy food? Pay the cost of producing to food, no government subsidized farm prices.
They can go ahead and pay a few grand up front when they renew their license and car registration.
Want health care, pay for it. Out of pocket, or by private insurance.
No more bankruptcy, Pay your debts, takers.
Go ahead, motherfuckers, pay $20 for a gallon of milk. Good luck.”
Think godwin and puddy would put up or shut up?
@4 Every other news item is a lesson in conservative hypocrisy. Have a democrat did a 1/100 of what the republican did and they lost their shit. We need to break up Right Wing Media conglomerates. We need to stop the brainwashing.
Dumbfuck will die before he gives up his Lifetime massively discounted America the Beautiful Senior Pass.
Good example of one of the biggest scams around. Working poor families looking for a little healthy outdoor recreation in our publicly owned lands pay through the nose. While pre-diabetic Medicare frauds driving class A motorhomes towing horse trailers get a lifetime subsidy. ‘Cause poor kids don’t vote.
Not Klownservaturd hypocrisy.
Media hypocrisy.
They actively work to normalize these Republican outrages in order to sustain their precious supply of life-giving false equivalence. That’s why it is vital to lash out at Michelle Obama for growing an organic vegetable garden. So that we have the proper “perspective” when “Melonie” pays her best friend $25 million for party planning.
If the media were even the least bit honest, the very first question put to Sarah Sanders at every briefing would be:
“Sara, what reasons can you give us today to believe that you aren’t lying to us again?”
I see a growing anger toward hypocritical conservatives. I read more calls to punish them for abandoning the values they claimed to have, once their tribe is in power.
They’d have to have them to begin with in order to abandon them later.
All Klownservaturds have is identity.
Can you identify any examples demonstrating engagement with an ideological struggle as Trump rose to power? It all comes exclusively from the left, or from the media playing to the left.
The right bear-hugged Trump. Even John McCain embraced most of it, and adamantly refused to grapple with the hypocrisy. Still does. Mittens practically sucked Trump off.
Why do you suppose Dumbfuck spends so much of his energy exhorting “libbies” to “look upon your sins”? Embracing abortion, spousal abuse, Tiki-Torch Nazis, Based Stickman, racist cops, porno orgies, disrespect of decorated military heroes, Russian funded political “dirt”, tax-payer funded coke-fueled NetJets weekends in Paris, sexual assault, and $30,000 dining room tables came easy to these people. They never even noticed it happening.
to be clear, and speaking only for myself, I’m not angry at Klownservaturds.
I’m angry at liberals. We have more money, more education, better health, more job and business opportunities, more financial security, and stronger local economies. But we continue to pander to the delicate sensitivities of a hooting mob of racist wife beaters as if we owe it to them. Fifty years is enough time and space for them to come around. We don’t owe them any more. We are to blame for letting it go this far for this long. The problem wasn’t that Clinton was “too strident”, “too shrill”, or “too liberal”. Angry white men have been using those phony excuses for five decades. The problem is that we continue to believe them.
Why we post under pseudonyms, and why “outing” or posting identifying information about another commenter — aka “doxing” — should be a banning offense: “The new thing in right-wing goonery, apparently, is house calls.”
Goldy has personal knowledge of this, having been “visited” at his home. Of course, we have the right to defend ourselves in a manner consistent with the law of self-defense.
With Memorial Day almost upon us, it’s time to remember and honor those who have served our country, especially those who made the supreme sacrifice, but not to be overlooked are our living veterans — the survivors of our wars.
Vietnam veterans affected by Agent Orange and their survivors continue to face delays and hurdles in accessing VA benefits. While there may be legitimate questions about causation (and therefore whether particular conditions are service-connected), it seems to me that sick veterans should get the benefit of the doubt.
In my opinion, any veteran who served in Vietnam should apply for disability benefits. The best way to do this is through a veterans service organization (e.g., VFW, American Legion, DAV, etc.). These groups have trained service officers who provide applicants with invaluable assistance in navigating the VA’s byzantine and opaque compensation system.
It typically takes years to get a disability compensation award. The application date is all-important, because if eligibility is found, benefits will be paid retroactive to the application date.
After applying, it can take up to two years to hear back from the VA. At some point, the VA will refer the applicant to one or more medical professionals for evaluation of the specific conditions claimed by the veteran. For example, a veteran claiming hearing loss will be referred to an ear doctor for testing and evaluation.
If a veteran is found to have a service-connected disability, s/he will be assigned a rating, e.g. 10% disabled, 20% disabled, etc., and the monthly stipend is based on this rating. It can range from $136.24/mo. (10%) to $2,983.76/mo. (100%), with additional amounts for dependents.
Because VA disability benefits are considered compensatory, as opposed to earned income, they are not subject to income tax. A VA disability award also entitles the veteran to free VA medical care. If the veteran dies, his widow and dependents may qualify for a widow’s pension.
The VA also provides disabled veterans with other benefits and services. For example, the VA may pay for home modifications needed by a disabled veteran, a wheelchair, and a vehicle equipped with a wheelchair lift under certain conditions.
There are some state benefits, too. For example, at Washington state parks, entry and camping fees are waived for resident disabled veterans.
If you are a veteran of WW2, Korea, Vietnam, or our more recent conflicts, or know someone who is, you should consider discussing your situation with a qualified veteran’s representative even if you don’t think of yourself as “disabled.” (You might be surprised by the result of an independent evaluation.) Here in Seattle, the major veterans organizations’ service officers have offices in the Federal Building downtown.
@11 “I’m angry at liberals … we continue to pander to the delicate sensitivities of a hooting mob of racist wife beaters as if we owe it to them. … We are to blame for letting it go this far for this long. … The problem is that we continue to believe them.”
I plead “not guilty” to those charges.
“The Proud Boys is a misogynistic far-right group with members who flirt with and often fully embrace white nationalism.”
Founder and preznit:
Grand “incel” Boob.
The Presidency of William Jefferson Clinton was all about appeasing those people, from “welfare reform” to “mandatory minimums” to the mid-campaign “timeout to electrocute a mentally ill black guy” to financial casino de-reg to the blow-job trials. Liberals and Democrats gave the Atwater Amerikkkans everything they could have asked for, without making them ask for any of it. We let an actively complicit corporate media scold us into it.
We should all be ashamed and committed to never letting it happen again.
@16 ” Liberals and Democrats gave the Atwater Amerikkkans everything they could have asked for, without making them ask for any of it. We let an actively complicit corporate media scold us into it.”
I didn’t.
“We should all be ashamed and committed to never letting it happen again.”
Not me. I’ve been urging Democrats to behave more like Republicans, and warning liberals to arm themselves, since 2004.
This is the kind of shit that Trump is encouraging. If you voted for Trump, you helped build this.
“A man is facing criminal charges after threatening Muslim students with a knife and stun gun this week while they were eating outside a McDonald’s in St. Augustine, Florida. …
“One of the victims … told The Washington Post that he and four other Egyptian exchange students … were simply eating burgers and fries when Smith came at them.”
One of this morning’s rage-Tweets:
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
The Failing @nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.
8:21 AM – 26 May 2018
Thursday afternoon:
Yashar Ali
Verified account
4. I’ve obtained audio of the WH press briefing. You can hear Raj Shah, Deputy Press Secretary, introduce Pottinger (along with the terms – which are standard) and then Pottinger makes the statement that POTUS says was never made. Lots of reporters in briefing room and on phone.
9:49 AM – 26 May 2018
63 million beer-drunk wife beaters allowed themselves to be manipulated by pimply Moldovan teenagers (because ANGRY!) so that Putin, MBZ, and Kim could enjoy an absolute imbecile in the White House.
I found this an insightful quote
“We are as a culture moving on to a future with more people and more voices and more possibilities. Some people are being left behind, not because the future is intolerant of them but because they are intolerant of this future.”
@20 Okay with me if they get left behind, but I prefer they get raptured up so the rest of us won’t have to listen to their whining and complaining anymore.
The fact that we hear “their whining” is at the heart of the problem.
The eager willingness of the corporate media to embrace and amplify dangerous myths about the “economic uncertainty” of Republican voters or the “intollerance” of campus liberal elites keeps us all from recognizing that these people are holding themselves hostage.
No, it’s not the economy, stupid. Trump supporters fear a black and brown America.
“President Trump has accomplished more positive things for this nation in less than two years than the last three have accomplished in twenty plus years. After the past eight years of a Muslim Marxist in the White House this nation could not survive another demwit in the White House. … Could you please list one thing the demwit party has done for the black people in America other than hand out government freeies for their continued votes?”
“[America] has a constitution which guarantees equal rights for all and yet people like you hungar for change that puts people like me in the back of the bus. You seem egar to know what it would be like to be in the driver’s seat. You need look no further than Zimbabwe and South Africa. When people like you started driving the bus, the wheels came off. That’s what terrifies people like me.”
Again, finding more people giving up on the trumpers. They are lost and unreachable.
Someone summarized the mind set of a trump voter.
‘I don’t want to have to compete with minorities and women. It’s already hard enough competing with other white men who share my general disposition about money/economics, I can’t handle having other races/nationalities suddenly showing up and competing with me and my kids, too. Instead of just admitting that like a man, I will spend my entire life deluding myself into believing my racism and bigotry and misogyny and homophobia doesn’t have to do with that.’
Nice of the loon to leave this thread unsoiled. But the loon will be back and he’s gonna be full of mindless, unintelligible HATE!
2) Sounds like desperate for a distraction. Actually, it seems anot excuse for a briefing, so Nunez could leak it.
Hey Roger senile idiot wabbit,
You got just what you wanted all these years!
Four blacks kill white female cop by running her over with the stolen jeep!
Waytogo libtardos!
Sad sad day!
Till Next Time!
Hey Roger senile idiot wabbit,
You got just what you wanted all these years!
Four blacks kill white female cop by running her over with the stolen jeep!
Waytogo libtardos! Double post just for shitstain steve. Better wipe up!
Sad sad day!
Till Next Time!
Till Next Time!
More hilarity… Even the intelligent libtards ( a real oxymoron) are not sending their precious to Evergreen State College next year!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WHen you demonstrate what really crazed libtard progressiveism is, it scares off level headed (?) libtarrd parentns! Remember when they got the new police chief fired? Maybe they will give the creepy clueless spawn some scholarships and they can go to Evergreen and get their indoctrination!
Till Next Time!
Nice of the Chrome-challenged loon to give us a Memorial Day double post of mindless, unintelligible HATE!
Maryland Democrat candidate for Senate realizes there won’t be a Blue Wave this year.
“I’m sorry – I tried – I’m sorry I let you all down,” Manning wrote. “Im not really cut out for this world – I tried adapting to this world out here but I failed you – I couldn’t do this anymore – I can take people I don’t know hating me but not my own friends,”
she added. “I tried and I’m sorry about my failure.”
Also that 15 minutes were up long, long ago for this traitor.
Always follow the money.
‘Reparations Happy Hour’ Invites White People to Pay for Drinks
While it was far from the full-scale reparations sought by some as penance for the horrors of slavery and continuing racial injustice, Cameron Whitten, the 27-year-old activist who organized the event, said there was one similarity: It made attendees feel as if their pain were valued and understood.
Attendees who drank to ease their pain were oblivious to the irony.
Roger Stone thinks Assange is a hero…
Who enable Manning again? Heroic enabling, no?
The Trump Treason timeline.
Oh, and to the SpittlePuddle at #28??
You realize that the Republican solution regarding that sort of issue is the total extermination of all non white skinned people in the world.
At least the ones that can’t be put back into honest work. I mean, they do pretty much say this outright.
Last weekend, the Brightline passenger train extended to the MiamiCentral Station. The project, started by Fortress Investments, is the first private passenger train since Amtrak in the US. Part of it is a real estate venture, part of it is providing a needed alternative the congested highways and airports, just like the Florida East Coast Railway, their partner, is doing with freight.Phase 2, Orlando.
With this mostly private venture, one would think the Florida GOP would love it? Not at all, obstacles at every level of government. NIMBYism, ideological, and a former Airline CEO worried about it succeeding.