DC needs a town crier.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Kansas Teens Are Running for Governor
Vox: Why Atlantic fish are invading the Arctic.
Adam Ruins Everything: How the USA stole the Panama Canal.
Stephen: Profiles in discourage—A disaster named Don Blankenship.
Minute Earth: Why you shouldn’t give ginger to monkeys (and other animal sayings.
Jim Jefferies: The fight to repeal the Irish abortion ban.
Francesca Fiorentini: Will legalizing sex work protect women?.
Mental Floss: The little-known lives of the women in classic Hollywood.
Mother Jones: FAUX News goes ape-shit over Kanye West Tweets.
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
The Dotard Трамп And His “Very Best” People:
- Trevor: Drunk driving and overprescribing drugs?!?
- Late Show: Трамп’s Counsel Of Doom adds a new member
- Seth Meyers and Chris Hayes: That FAUX and Friends interview
- Stephen: Dr. Ronny’s boozey scandal grows worse
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп misses Macron:
- Samantha Bee: Meet Mike Pompeo
- Cohen pleads the 5th: Here is what the Dotard has to say about that
- Trevor: Трамп celebrates Melania’s birthday by ranting to “FAUX & Friends”
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп’s favorite restaurant catered state dinner
- Stephen: A scandal a day keeps the doctor away from the VA
- Heads of State: Scott Pruitt to limit what science the EPA can use
- Seth Meyers: The check in on the V.A.
- Stephen: Трамп is bringing back abstinence-only education
- Daily Show: Jaws (1975)
- Mark Fiore: Installing you new secretary of state
- Late Show: Superman can’t save Scott Pruitt
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Happy Birthday, FLOTUS:
- Jimmy Kimmel: Sarah Drunkabee Sanders
- The President Show: The President talks guns with his constituents
- Seth Meyers: The week in the tiny voice in the back of the Dotard’s head.
- Late Show: Melania prepares the White House for Emmanuel Macron
- Daily Show: Grandpa Trump calls FAUX & Friends
- South Park: Please do not feed the President
- Stephen: The GOP is hesitating to endorse Трамп 2020
- The Roast of Dotard Трамп
- Stephen: “FAUX & Friends” couldn’t get Трамп off the phone
- Seth Meyers: As Macron visits, Трамп’s foreign policy makes no sense
- Trevor: Dotard Трамп and Emmanuel Macron rekindle their bromance
- WaPo: Scott Pruitt kept dodging ethics questions
- Late Show: Russia’s new “thank you, Трамп” anthem
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard only hires unqualified people
- Trevor: Трамп Forbes 400 fib
- Stephen: Kanye West, Трамп’s Secretary of Dragon Energy
- Jimmy Kimmel: Dotard & Melania host French President Macron
- Lauren Mayer: Flip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah:
- Stephen: Трамп is flipping out over rumors Cohen is flipping
- Seth Meyers: Трамп goes on FAUX & Friends and freaks out about Michael Cohen
- Trevor: Kanye West’s MAGA meltdown
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Kanye West Goes Conservative
Vox: This 19 year old can keep astronauts safe from space junk.
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Go away, Hillary! (Just kidding — We need you)
Bill Maher: Monologue:
Trevor and Roy: Kanye West ignites a debate about racism.
Minute Physics: Relativity of simultaneity—special relativity chapter 4.
Hannity blamed Obama for foreclosures even as he exploited foreclosures.
Vox: How Russian trolls weaponized your social media feed.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Having the French President address Congress went well, not exactly the speech they were expecting.
This is it! Final weekend!
Only two more days!
This is your last chance to bask in the limitless stupid that is Diamond and Silk. Grab the shirts, hats, autographed tea sets and other branded swag (all paid for by the campaign) before they disappear. And disappear they will, now that the FEC and DOJ have discovered their “unique” business model.
These are sure to become collectors items.
It’s because you’re a fucking liar.
.@MSNBC’s Joy Reid addresses homophobic blog posts:
“I genuinely do not believe I wrote those hateful things … But I can definitely understand, based on things I have tweeted and have written in the past, why some people don’t believe me.”
7:13 AM – Apr 28, 2018
@ 1
I recall thinking pretty much the same thing when Ted Cruz was finished at the RNC convention.
Hey, but Hillary lost, so a lot of Democrats must have tuned in to hear Ted implore them to ‘Vote your conscience.’. Who am I to complain?
Sooner or later, every liberal sells out. How many of them chose Hillary, for instance? And then there’s Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. The only thing he is worse at than being a liberal is being a capitalist.
Not even all that Nobel Prize money will keep a liberal from selling out. Just look at what Al Gore did.
Or, say, Bob Dylan.
Bob Dylan Is Selling Whiskey Now, So Allow Him to Give You His Sales Pitch: ‘This Is Great Whiskey’
There’s no “sooner or later” with a klownservatic.
They’re all lying, misogynist dumbfucks the moment they tack a portrait of Ronnie Raygun to the wall and grin at it.
Young, attractive, accomplished attorney. The anti-Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Molly Shaffer Van Houweling, an associate dean at the University of California, Berkeley law school, teaches classes on intellectual property and serves on the board of a number of legal and technology organizations.
And in her free time, she has set national and world records in track cycling.
In September 2015, she broke the cycling hour record that had stood for 12 years by riding 46.273 kilometers (28.75 miles) in 60 minutes around a track in Aguascalientes, Mexico.
She set her record at 6,200 ft elevation. When Francesco Moser set his hour record in Mexico City in 1984, that was at nearly 7,400 ft.
I had thought for decades that the idea of Dylan “selling out” when he went electric with Like a Rolling Stone was as dumbfuck as it gets, but along comes Doctor Dumbfuck to show me that I hadn’t anything yet.
Really, Doctor, you’ve written truly dumbfuck shit, but you’ve just taken it to a whole new level.
Not exactly on par with what Democrats did at Paul Wellstone’s memorial service, but it’s a weak-ass pussy move worthy of weak-ass pussy YLB’s approval.
Texas Dems say they’re sorry for the inexcusable thing they did to Melania Trump’s photo
Got it veterans? The BoneSpurs/PornHub Party believes it is “low” of you to demand that your sacrifices on behalf of freedom be respected.
If some perverted PornFucking con man who never served a day picks his buddy over a thousand more qualified aspirants, and in doing so spits on you, your service, and the memories of your fallen comrades you should just shut the fuck up and play along.
As far as Roypublicans are concerned you haven’t earned an opinion.
“weak-ass pussy move”
Fitting description of boob mcdumbfuck’s personal teahad at HA. Talk about projection.
Don’t recall seeing Melania smiling much at an orange julius drumpf function..
Now watch.
@ 10
Yes, because things turned out SO much better when a community organizer trained by anti-military socialists who doubled as pipe-bombers, and who ALSO never served a day, picked the VA chief.
Obama accepts resignation of VA Secretary Shinseki
Eric K. Shinseki resigned as secretary of veterans affairs Friday, apologizing for a scandal in which employees throughout the VA’s massive hospital system conspired to hide months-long wait times that veterans faced when seeking care.
Hey Dr. Bob, since you are a doctor, go volunteer at at the VA, offer to run the place for for no salary, put your money where your mouth is. You seem to have all the answers, prove your greatness.
When an orange con man rejected the veterans’ choice:
And who appointed MacDonald?
And why did orange julius reject the former REPUBLICAN CEO of a fortune 25 company?
A little something called graft maybe aka “privatization”? amirite?
“Texas Dems say they’re sorry for the inexcusable thing they did to Melania Trump’s photo”
Now if only Republicans would apologize for the inexcusable things they did to children and goats. And horses.
And killed Osama…
Or did Bush and Cheney’s torture do that?
Was better. Speaks volumes about Private PornFucker and The BoneSpurs Party. Hard to believe, isn’t Dumbfuck?
That in less than 18 months the PornHub Party has meekly surrendered every square inch of moral high ground you ever claimed. Except the “whiteness”.
You’ll always have the “whiteness”.
As much as Joy Reid’s statement may be deceitful at least it was powerfully supportive of the LGBTQ community, and in itself an apology. More than any homophobe could ever exploit as a lie.
Tell me Bob – in all you truthful moments could you ever be as supportive?
@ 18
Tell me Bob – in all you truthful moments could you ever be as
@ 14
Veterans groups had been largely silent since the VA inspector general released a report last Wednesday concluding Shulkin improperly accepted tickets to Wimbledon and airfare for his wife during a 10-day trip to Denmark and London last July.
Shulkin said the findings were unfair and inaccurate, then expressed regret for the errors he and his staff made and reimbursed the government.
Days of turmoil followed. Friday, his chief of staff, Vivieca Wright Simpson, announced she was retiring after 32 years at the agency. Investigators determined she misled ethics officials by doctoring an email to get clearance for Shulkin’s wife to travel with him at taxpayers’ expense.
If financial malfeasance is a reason for Pruitt to go, YLB, why not Shulkin as well?
“why not Shulkin as well?”
And why not Ryan Stinky?
Pruitt is going?
Jesus. Who the fuck is President PornFuck gonna get to fire Rosenstein then? Such a fine team.
Only the best.
Maybe when Pruitt is gone the Roypublican PornHub party can replace him with the reanimated corpse of Foster Brooks?
At least that would be consistent.
Thought so. Thanks for affirming my point. You might fool the hillbillies but you’ll never fool me.
One I’m smarter than you, as evidence of the moniker that you’ll never be able to rid yourself of. Oh and the horse knows it too.
@12 The sins of the underling define the character of the boss.
I find it insightful that godwin is willing to cast guilt by association in reference to the misdeeds of Shinseki, but is totally unwilling to do the same in reference to trump and Flynn, trump and Manafort, trump and Porter, trump and Reverend Johnson, trump and Gorka, trump and Bannon, trump and Price, trump and ….. On them godwin is queerly silent.
Joy Reid.
I personally do not want her fired.
I have heard repeatedly the same comments about Coulter in the gay community.
I’m sick and tired of liberals destroying anyone who is not Jesus perfect while the conservatives giving their own a mulligan unless they are arrested having sex with an under age boy. Multiple wives, multiple affairs, cheating, stealing, lying, colluding, they don’t care.
Everyone has something in their past that they regret. I voted for Reagan and I regret that. What I care about is their actions now. I believe in redemption and growth.
I’m preeeetty sure any Roypublican could be caught having sex with underage kittens and Dumbfuck would give them a pass.
They knew Porter liked to beat up his girlfriends in March of 2017. And they stood by and watched him get it on with “My Hopey” anyway. Dumbfuck has passed beyond the Orange Event Horizon. No information that is not 100% favorable to Cheeto Jesus can ever reach him now.
Cop killing white boy caught.
My bet would be that he is a hetero that voted or supports The Hump.
Stick together Liberals! Don’t let them divide. As Bob pointed out – they are the most disingenuous low life individuals.
For some reason people have difficulty placing trust in the media.
Sean Davis✔
After getting dossier leaks from James Clapper, CNN ran a story featuring James Clapper denying that James Clapper leaked to CNN. #ThisIsABanana https://www.cnn.com/2017/01/11/politics/james-clapper-donald-trump/index.html …
11:29 AM – Apr 27, 2018
Keep this trend up a few more years and even Goldy could find a job at CNN.
@ 28
Stick together Liberals! Don’t let them divide.
Agreed. I believe it was Abraham Lincoln who famously wrote, “A nation of circled wagons will always stand.” Or perhaps those words were uttered by James Bowie.
Anyway, like gman says, listen to the guy who armed the Mexican cartels so that he could prove that guns are dangerous. Seriously, what could possibly go wrong?
Seahawks drafted a linebacker dude so good he can tackle with one hand.
And if YLB ran the NFL tape room:
Dumbass trolls often gin up false equivalences in their lame attempts to portray Democrats and Republicans as the same. The best way to prove they’re NOT the same is by using a real-life example of how a Democratic governor and a Republican governor responded to the identifical situaton.
Republican governor:
“Thousands of teachers and supporters gathered at the Arizona Capitol to protest inadequate public school funding for a second day Friday, and Gov. Doug Ducey again skipped the chance to address them. Instead, the Republican governor’s public relations machine sent out links to a series of interviews the previous day with TV news reporters where Ducey pushed his plan to boost teacher pay by 20 percent by 2020, talking point by talking point.”
Democratic governor:
“The scene was far different Friday in Denver, where several thousand teachers gathered for a second day to protest low education funding were greeted by Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper. He said he would work to have the state repay all of the approximately $1 billion borrowed from education during the recession.”
We’re a democracy. You get what you vote for. Who would you rather have representing you, the Republican governor or the Democratic governor?
@3 “It’s because you’re a fucking liar.”
So is Trump, but you don’t have a problem with that.
@5 Whatever you say, Snow White.
@ 32
The best way to prove they’re NOT the same is by using a real-life example of how a Democratic governor and a Republican governor responded to the identifical situaton.
Or, by looking at contributions by the NEA and by the state equivalents thereof to the respective states’ governors.
Contributions from Education to Hickenlooper: $111,000
Contributions from Education to Ducey: $ 39,000
After accounting for population differences, the contributions from Educational sources to Hickenlooper are about three times what they are to Ducey. I’d say Hickenlooper owes some Bootenlickin’ to the teachers in exchange.
Always follow the money, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@9 Yeah, it was tacky. They SHOULD apologize. Republicans are much less juvenile. They do it with malice and never apologize.
@35 Typical Republican. Treats teachers like dirt under his fingernails, then expects them to give him money.
@29 Leaking Trump’s dalliances with KGB prostitutes is a problem?
And here’s home video of boob mcdumbfuck growing up:
Can you guess where its congenital birth defect put its brain?
Fast and Furious / Wide Receiver (no Bob, not your Horse’s ass).
Just in time for November they find out they’ve been scammed.
Philips Lighting announces $342M profits in 2017
What are they doing with all that job creating tax break?
$187.4M in planned share buybacks in 2018.
200 layoffs and closure of Fall River USA plant and moves factory to Mexico.
#maga (#mmga ?)
@ 41
Philips, not Philips Lighting, announced those profits.
Philips Lighting, BTW, is not an American corporation. And the US market hasn’t been doing so well:
Philips, which flagged in February its quarterly earnings would be weak, made adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, and amortisation (EBITA) of 106 million euros ($129 million), down from 127 million euros in the same period a year ago.
The drop in earnings was “mainly due to a weak performance in Home, most notably in the United States,” said CEO Eric Rondolat in a statement, referring to a division that focuses on newer technologies in lighting such as its Hue line of networked LED lights that can be adjusted by mobile phone.
So you’ve got a foreign company selling incandescent bulbs despite efforts to kill that market in favor of LED lighting, which it also sells but the prices are falling and inventories are rising.
That’s a double-whammy, Cz-252.
When profits and revenues are down and not looking like a turnaround will occur anytime soon, a company can only look to cut costs. By not overpaying American workers to put glass bulbs into cardboard boxes.
There’s nothing here. You want to learn something? Learn about why the incandescent market is being shut down
Hey California, say farewell to your traditional incandescent light bulbs
Here’s a primer on the new rules that will banish them from stores shelves before long
by Congress, dumbass.
@42 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck unveils his jobs program: Keep selling energy-gobbling incandescent lightbulbs* so American workers can earn fifty cents an hour packing them in cardboard boxes. MAGA
* A breakthrough invention back in the days of whale oil lamps, but lighting technology has advanced a little since then.
Lying liberal gets a pass from the network of Brian Williams.
David Shuster
According to former colleagues, @MSNBC @NBCNews management “certain” @joyannreid lied about being hacked, but decided not to fire her, in part, given B.Williams history + ongoing role. Truth and integrity still matter to a few at the org, though they feel like a dying breed.
2:30 PM – Apr 28, 2018 · Brooklyn, NY
$110,000 + $39,000
So in other words, for a combined total far less than a PornHub appointee spends on office furniture those wealthy powerful public school teachers are somehow able to distort state politics in a couple of the largest western states.
This is how reality works on the derp side of the Orange Event Horizon.
Philips Lighting reported €281m net profit in 2017 which is $341m and change.
That was up €96m from 2016
Not Philips, Philips lighting. Do I need to provide you a link to PHILIPS LIGHTING 2017 annual report since you couldn’t find it on your own and went off on a rant about how Q1 2018 is down and so they almost overnight executed a plan that wasn’t in the works until say March 2018?
If you’re gong to try to be condescending, get your facts together.
Here’s where 45 would say soaring profits due to the 2017 tax overhaul is bringing manufacturing back to Mexico.
#owngoal. Mike Rogers.
Sidenote Dr. Dumbfuck isn’t aware that Philips Lighting is in the top five producers of LED bulbs in the world and so posted an article about incandescent and California.
Because California…liberal
Ergo, apropos of something…..
Toddler throwing tantrum when mommy refuses to give him candy.
Oops, wrong link. Well, close enough. Almost the same.
I wonder if the loon got himself lynched. I sure hope not. SAD!
Nice! Pretty easy to stick a sock in his month….or his horse’s cock. With the cock, at least he can keep himself busy and not looking like he’s hiding that the horse just fucked him but doesn’t want to let anyone one know it.
4/23/18 ENR
“US Steel Fabricators Want Tariffs Extended to Foreign Shops”, by Jeff Yoder’s, page 7.
“”By just stoping the tariff at the mill level, the market is still open to circumvention of those tariffs by bringing in fabricated material from other countries,” says Zelasne,…”. (President of Owen Steel)
“They said that if fabricated products are not included, rising domestic prices could hurt U. S. – based fabricators. They said it also would leave a gaping hole in the tariff that could encourage the fabrication of large assemblies in other countries with no duties applied.”
“AISC believes the tariffs are disproportionately harming small U.S. – made steel,…”
They being AISC
This is one of the VERY FEW times flat beer froth AKA dr numskull checkmate-252 is right! Philips NV sold off its controlling stake in Philips Lighting to <30% last November 2017. It still has 29% of the company!
Philips Lighting NA is repurchasing shares to become fully independent! Bidness people are no longer buying Lightolier florescent of standard bulb track lighting for their bidnesses. Instead they are buying Calculite LED lights.
Butt, does flat beer froth understand that this is old technology? NOPE! Is flatbeer froth AKA checkmate-252 a DOPE? Yes! Can they retool the factory to make Calculite lights? Don't know. Are most of the jobs union? Yep!
Also flat beer froth forgot the promise Philips made to Obummer in 2015… https://www.seforall.org/content/philips-lighting-pledges-world%E2%80%99s-energy-ministers-sell-more-two-billion-led-light-bulbs-2020
So why does flat beer froth forget so much? #owngoal! He's really stooooooooooooooopid! Drinks the DUMMOCRETIN kook-aid every minute of every day!
And from the FEC reports Philips Lighting loves the DUMMOCRETIN! Yes, those California libtards are like the Massachusetts libtards. Libtards love libtards! Vote DUMMOCRETIN to their own demise! Can you say #owngoal? Ax the creepy crazed clueless databaze deala one to display the results. It will for you flat beer froth! So will Trump be quick to run to their “cause”? DOUBT IT!
Till Next Time!
Just put ~350 feet of new aluminium gutters with >100 feet of new downspouts.on the house. Price increase was ~$110 after tariff added. Bought the better quality aluminum! Great installer. Would recommend his company in a heartbeat! Took a day to remove and install!
Just the FACTS ma’am!
Till Next Time!
Same ENR issue, page 8.
Two articles on tax payers funding – Headed under “Reiliency@ and “Electricity”
The resiliency article talks about HUD spending part of $16B of taxpayer money to help communities be better prepared for the next natural disaster so that they have an easier time recovering and need less money post storm to rebuild.
“…, mitigation dollars will be used to elevate houses, buyout properties and harden structures against wind and water,…”
I’ve been to Florida and have seen how cheap the build stuff that can’t stand up to a 60mph storm, because building regulation are so lax, so know we the taxpayer can subsidize what builders fail to do in the first place. The builder gets rich, Florida can make claim to “things are cheaper in our fucked up shithole of a State”, and you the taxpayer get fucked for it.
The Electricity article talks about the debate of subsidizing “uneconomic” nuclear plants.
Kind of like guns, conservatives don’t give a shit about whether nuclear is “uneconomic”, or unsafe, or typically built over budget and with great schedule losses, so long as they don’t have to have something clean.
But the irony is that the states debating for the subsidy are NY/NJ otherwise the plants will close, so now Conservaties have to argue “against” nuke power. What a pickle. Like the one up Bob’s ass.
Regarding Joy “I was Hacked Carlos Danger” Ann Reid variety.com/2018/tv/news/joy-reid-apology-msnbc-hacking-1202791130/
PuddyCommentary: Say Whut? Butt butt butt you claimed you were hacked! NBC News – Not credible!
Till Next Time!
Another great article on page 9. With construction being a leading indicator of how the economy is going to go I would suggest that people get ENR just for that reason.
Every issue I get have articles on investment in renewables by surprisingly the more conservative States. They may not want to publicly admit that Climate Change is a problem but the big push is renewable energy. This isn’t a statement to say that I think they are on the right track; more needs to be done, including publicly speaking up about climate change as an issue and problem.
Ignore the Puddy, no good will come from engaging inany conversation with him.
Another DUMMOCRETIN #owngoal… http://thehill.com/opinion/whi.....ipulations
Very telling!
Till Next Time!
#owngoal… Dam Schiff giving Trump “suggestions” on North Korea… http://thehill.com/homenews/su.....-the-north
Till Next Time!
DUMMOCRETIN SCUM at its best! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJlWGO5XHPk
Gotta love how DUMMOCRETINS ate it up!
Till Next Time!
Something about how could Trump’s campaign be in contact with the Russians when Hillary’s wasn’t even in contact with Michigan.
That was the best joke she told.
Biggest loser: the media.
She was really bad. Yeah that Hillary joke was good. Her attacks on Sara Sanders was putrid! This was DUMMOCRETIN humor at its worst. She was worse than Bill Mahar!
Till Next Time!
Seems the Central American caravan of illegals reached the US Border. Will HA DUMMOCRETINS sponsor some of them?
How about you shitstain steve?
How about the Klamath Mountain hillbilly?
How about flat beer froth?
And of course the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset? Some could be distant relatives! What say you creepy clueless cretin?
Till Next Time!
“Guys I got a weird Twitter DM from [W]ikileaks. See below. I tried the password and it works and the about section they reference contains the next pic in terms of who is behind it. Not sure if this is anything but it seems like it’s really wikileaks asking me as I follow them and it is a DM.”
-Don Jr. email disclosure in HPSCI report
No collusion.
Oh, and did they forget to notice that it’s a crime?
18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(2)(c). It provides:
Whoever. . . intentionally accesses a computer without authorization or exceeds authorized access, and thereby obtains . . . information from any protected computer . . . shall be punished[].
Yes, Steve. You did your share as well.
“I think what no one in this room wants to admit is that Trump has helped all of you. He couldn’t sell steaks or vodka or water or college or ties or Eric, but he has helped you. He’s helped you sell your papers and your books and your TV. You helped create this monster and now you’re profiting off him.”
All you needed was an honest candidate and Trump would be back to shilling real estate. And cabernet.
So you chose Hillary Clinton, Steve. Hillary, who couldn’t sell
Once again California libtards go nutzo over words… http://losangeles.cbslocal.com.....foods-365/
Till Next Time!
@ 66
So punish Assange.
And that twit DNC IT guy who sent Podesta that moronic email telling him all is well.
Will HA Patriots sponsor some of them?
Hell yes!
I’m gonna use some of all my extra coastal, educated, elitist healthy affluent money to buy them trailers in Colorado and Nevada! 10% sounds about right for some reason.
Why Bill Clinton sleeps around.
Moronic Klamath Mountain hillbilly twit @66,
No federal agency inspected the DNC Servers. NONE! The FBI took the DNC’s word for it. And of course we saw what the DNC word was about. Keeping The Bern under water!
Comey admitted they never got access. And for the Klamath Mountain hillbilly or flat beer froth bringing CrowdStrike to the table… they have already been discredited http://dailycaller.com/2017/06.....dnc-story/
DAYUM you too are a real moron! Soooooooooooo stay stooooooooooooopid. You are an expert at it!
Till Next Time!
Hillary trashed her emails in Violation of 18 USC 793-f
Obstruction of Justice (18 USC 1519)
Violation of the Federal Records Act (18 USC 2071)
Violation of the Public Officers Law (18 USC 1924)
Found it… Remember Klamath Mountain hillbilly, Congress issued a subpoena to #CrookedHillary on March 4, 2015 instructing her to preserve and produce all her emails. Three weeks later, on March 25, some 33,000 of her emails were deleted by #CrookedHillary and the server bleach bitted.
FACTS always are hate to DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
It’s understandable that Democrats treat Trump like a joke now that he’s president.
Their mistake was that they built their 2016 campaign around the same approach.
Oh, and that they nominated Hillary. Hillary, who chose Trump as her opponent, and then proceeded to lose to him.
Now that’s funny.
HA Patriots – oxymoron spotted!
Till Next Time!
@ 72
Can you imagine someone like Robert Mueller inspecting the DNC’s servers with the same wide latitude he has investigating Team Trump?
Of course the DNC refused access. Giving access would be like Joy Reid permitting access to all of her old blog material.
Michelle Wolf could have used that one, amirite?
I’m gonna use some of all my extra coastal, educated, elitist healthy affluent money to buy them trailers in Colorado and Nevada!
Why not in Oregon in that empty lot around the corner Klamath Mountain hillbilly? Oh yeah DUMMOCRETINS are always NIMBY!
Till Next Time!
@ 73
Now, Puddy…
No reasonable prosecutor would have gone after Hillary for all of those intentional misdeeds she fully controlled.
Whereas Elijah Klamath McHillbilly wants you to believe that Preet Bharara would be all over Trump Jr.’s response to an overture from Assange for a little convo.
Wait a minute. If a Democrat still controlled the DOJ he’d be right.
Anyone catch the irony that on the same night Michelle Wolf joked about the Hillary campaign’s decision not to engage in Michigan, Trump held a rally in…
wait for it…
So the operating theory of the crim def team will be that the Don Jr. email is faked? Or he’s lying about “I tried the password and it works!”?
Conservatard stupid making me dizzy again..
Well, certainly no Roypublican prosecutor, reasonable or not.
Funny world.
Complete fallacy that The Hump is Chief Pyssy Grab’ems because of Hillary.
If you are going to try to place blame on a Democrat or a Liberal then you should be blaming it on election if Obama. Because he’s black after all. Leave it to some honkey and Oreo to be wrong all the time.
Why not in Oregon..?
You know that’s not how the DerpState/JadeHelm/PizzaGate/SethRich conspiracy works.
We have the Coasts locked down and succumbing to the LaRaza/TransBathroom/GMI/My2Mommies agenda. We need AnchorBaby infiltrators in fly-over country!
I can. So weird that Jeff Sessions can’t. I wonder why that is?
You want mo’ money? No problem. We’ll just raise your tuition to get it. Problem solved.
96% of UW’s Academic Student Employees vote to OK strike
Here’s what it looks like when grad students strike.
Hard to believe you need a Bachelor’s degree to be able to do this. Doesn’t look like it takes any more skill than janitorial services.
Roypublican Hero and Child Molester Milo is in trouble again, I guess.
Lost his most recent sugar daddy when the dude flew off to Cancun in the G-IV to overdose crushing pills. Nice.
Being Milo he did exactly what you’d expect, and had his people reach out to the grieving family to find out what “provision” had been made for the “Dangerous Faggot”. Big surprise. None.
So again, being Milo he did exactly what you’d expect and he told none of his dozens of employees that the money was cutoff and just left them to continue scrubbing his undies and waxing his taint for free. Until last week.
Now unable to pay of the bills, he’s shuttered the whole fake media empire, left all the employees with their dicks hanging out (and not in the good way) and he’s spending what little cash remains flying around the country offering blowjobs to which ever conservative billionaires will take his calls*.
The very finest people.
*Not you, Piddles. Though Milo does prefer chocolate, and dumb, in which areas you appear to qualify nicely, this time he it’s bidness. Trailerbillies need not apply.
I guess when you no longer need Catholics, it stands to reason you don’t nee “the cripples” either.
Now remember, Uber is BAD. Taxis are GOOD. Goldy will be the first one to tell you that.
Eastside for Hire fires 29 drivers amid ‘pay-to-work’ protests
Relax, drivers. Another year or so we’ll be able to take light rail from Northgate to SEA, then none of you will have jobs.
The willingness of Doctor Dumbfuck and his loon to proudly spew their ignorance knows no limits.
Lightolier doesn’t make lamps. They make light fixtures and lighting controls. Calculite is a series of recessed and surface downlights made by Lightolier. They’re now available for compact fluorescent lamps or they can come with LED arrays and drivers.
Lightolier was bought by Genlyte. Genlyte was bought by Philips. Philips reorganized Genlyte’s individual lighting companies, including Lightolier, into Philips Lighting Business Unit – Professional Luminaires North America.
There’s a lot valid criticisms which could be said about our nation’s and state’s energy codes, and I could share my own criticisms of the lighting aspects of those codes, from the code development process to code content. One point of criticism would be how LEDs have been foisted on us prior to development of any fucking standards, one reason why you can’t find replacement LED arrays or drivers for light fixtures at Safeway or Ace Hardware. Need to replace your LED array? Good luck. And the energy codes actually punish you if you want to use an LED like Philips’ Hue, which you can buy at a store, which have an LED array and integral driver in what looks like an incandescent A or PAR lamp with an Edison base.
On this subject Doctor Dumbfuck can offer only dumbfuckery and the loon’s contribution is unintelligible batshit fucking insanity. But that’s never stopped them from spewing really stupid shit on subjects of which they are totally fucking ignorant.
Thank you for calling them “lamps” instead of “bulbs”.
But that’s never stopped them from spewing really stupid shit on subjects of which they are totally fucking ignorant.
Or are they?
Maybe it’s all just more of the Derp State conspiracy?
Seth Rich had an NSA time machine and acting on orders from The Bitch he used it to go back and fuck with Nikola Tesla in order to ruin Dumbfuck’s GE short!
@91 Thanks for not criticizing me for using “light fixtures” instead of “luminaires”.
Hey shitstain steve go back and reread #52.
Oh wait, the shit is so high now, your eyes are blocked! So
Till Next Time!
@90 thanks Steve for being knowledgeable. If we relied on the trolls for knowledge we’d all end up in a house with rubber tires…all 2 of them.
At least the Klamath Mountain hillbilly got something right. shitstain steve doesn’t know what he’s talking about…
And notice how shitstain steve skipped right over the Phillips Corp promise to Obummer in 2015. Personally Puddy likes LED lights. Energy bill has dropped with their use. As each florescent dies an LED gets life!
Till Next Time!
we’d all end up in a house with rubber tires
NOPE, no one wants to be like you hanging human tea bag licker!
Till Next Time!
Trump’s farm labor plan:
“They’re going to be guest workers. They’re going to come in, they’re going to work on your farms … but then they have to go out.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Nah, I think they’ll stay in Mexico to fill the manufacturing jobs we’re sending there. That way, they can make better wages, be with their families, and the work isn’t as backbreaking.
thanks Steve for being knowledgeable
Oh hanging human tea bag licker @93! Anyone can copy and paste from libtard leaning WikiPedia. Even Puddy does now and then!
Like Alias Smith and Jones? Travelin’ ’round the ol’ West solvin’ mysteries an’ waitin’ fer their amnesty to come through!
See how the Klamath Mountain hillbilly admits to NIMBY for those caravan travelers from Central America?
Till Next Time!
Nope. None indeed….
22 MILLION – with an “M”… on a private server.
Kult kompany diskount not available to those of “the world”.
@53 Puddy got new gutters yea. You would not believe the number of houses around here where there plants growing out of the gutters and clearly they are full of dirt.
LOL! The proper word for them are “infiltrators” – from the country that can do no wrong..
Drumpf regards them as a “threat”.. Bibi couldn’t have said that better.
Yawn.. At best they should expect a “concentration camp”..
That’s drumpf’s style.
It’s not so much NIMBY as you guys keep out bidding us for them.
Greitens needs new recruits for his “sexy workout” dungeon.
Porter is always Tindering for weaker sparring partners.
Milo wants to help them “discover” themselves.
Moore wants to “help” vulnerable adolescents.
And your President just wants to fuck them in Las Vegas.
Looks to me like the loon might be on his way to achieving Peak Hate again. I’d say a couple of double posts and he’s there.
I don’t mind the asylum giving the loon internet privileges. I just wish they’d give him his pills first.
“Looks to me like the loon might be on his way to achieving Peak Hate again.”
It’s always funniest when the freak goes into a hate frenzy on sat nights after sunset. Peak entertainment value.
Pompeo is promising “complete, verifiable, irreversible denuclearization”. I’m impressed. That’s a helluva limb to climb out on for a guy like President PornHub. Especially if PornHub gives Kim a chain saw.
I’m filing this complaint in the “Go Fuck Yourself” basket.
Conservatives have perfected the art of being outraged by liberals behaving like them.
@112 or I would file it under “stick it up your twat you pig”.
Thanks for listing the Francesca Fiorentini: Will legalizing sex work protect women? video. Prohibition has never worked to control anything, it always harms the people it purports to protect, enriches the criminal element, and ends up costing tax payers billions.
@116 Wars should be prohibited, with hefty fines for violators.
In Florida, the Brightline passenger train is getting closers to serving Miami.
Notice how shitstain steve calls it HATE when it is found lacking in the reading comprehension department!
Another useless HA DUMMOCRETIN!
An irregular track light failure! Well shitstain is really irregular!
Till Next Time!
Looks like the loon woke up at 4:00 AM spewing hate again. SAD!
“Allegations made by Senator Jon Tester against Admiral/Doctor Ron Jackson are proving false.”
-Roypublican Pissident PornHub
Twenty three different people from the White House medical staff made allegations regarding Doctor Feelgood. Most of them current serving military, a few highly decorated.
Now, because PornHub is shitty at the easiest part of his job, he needs a scape goat. Good. Nationalizing the race in MT will only help Tester. Fuckface injecting himself into the local race will help insure that only the most ignorant, angry, and racist Roypublicans turnout in the June primary. And that will guarantee that the Roypublican nominee will be the Golden Showering Orange Throat-Yogurt swallowing dangerously unhinged lunatic Troy Downing.
Tester comes away the thoughtful statesman looking out for veterans. And Downing becomes the carpet bagging suckup to a fake billionaire pill addict.
First indications of some of the results of the Roypublican smear campaign against law enforcement are beginning to emerge. One of the most significant in the near term may be the strong potential for three convicted criminals to win their Roypublican Party primaries in these mids. Let’s hope so.
Predictably all three are using the Roypublican Pissident, and Congressional leadership’s targeted smearing of law enforcement as a way to waive off their own criminal pasts. This is proving surprisingly successful. And this is forcing leading Roypublican PACs to fund their “clean” primary opponents.
Senate campaigns in AZ and WV and the House race for NY 11 feature convicted crooks, one still on parole. And all three are repeating talking points honed by President PornHub, Roypublicans in Congress and right wing media defending Russian collusion by attacking law enforcement. All three proclaim their innocence. And go on to claim they were victims of law enforcement corruption, a message the majority of trailerbilly voters are primed to receive thanks to FOX News, Breitbart, and AM hate radio nonsense.
This puts the PornHub Party leadership in a tough spot since none of the three are ideal general election candidates, yet all three are doing surprisingly well leading toward party primaries in the next few months. Republicans are having to spend rather bigly in these states to try to boost the preferred, less crooked candidates primary chances. And it also leads some to speculate that this may be why the vicious torrent of the anti-law enforcement rhetoric may have subsided for the time being. Which greatly reduces the pressure on Rosenstein and the DOJ leaving them free to round up the Trump/Russia/Cohen conspirators. Heads we win. Tails they lose.
They were warned. Still they persisted.
Hey Klamath Mountain hillbilly,
So far it’s the Secret Service that can’t find any truth of those allegations against Dr. Jackson. Senator Testor needs to provide proof and you need to stop reading libtard BULLSHITTIUM. Oh wait you are a libtard BULLSHITTIUM floor deposit!
DAYUM you are just a real moron again today!
Till Next Time!
Oh my shitstain steve got caught so it’s ad hominem attacks against Puddy again!
So tired and so stooooooooooooooooopid!
Till Next Time!
Lying again.
There were literally hundreds of reports of misconduct laid against your guy by 23 different people who have worked for him. Everything from cuss filled rage explosions to self-medication, and of course, predictably, porno (what the fuck is it with you guys and all the porno?).
The SS review you guys are praying to before bed each night was undertaken as part of the initial confirmation vetting. They looked into as many of the alleged incidents as they could before Jackson hit the silk. Which was limited to only a dozen or so of the allegations. And they only reported on the stuff they cleared – leaving the huge majority they couldn’t as “unanswered”. This makes them “selective”. It makes you…
A LIAR. Again.
Porno, lying, child molesting, pill popping, wife beating… it’s just all sticky cooties all the time now with you people. I think the biggest argument for mail in ballot voting is so we decent folks aren’t forced to share the use of voting booths with you perverted freaks.
Lying again Klamath Mountain Hillbilly? Wrong again dipshit! From your friends at the NY SLIMES
>Jackson withdrew his nomination Thursday after allegations by current and former colleagues raised questions about his prescribing practices and leadership ability, including accusations of drunkenness on the job. Democratic Sen. Jon Tester’s office collected the allegations, which included a claim that Jackson “got drunk and wrecked a government vehicle” at a Secret Service going-away party.
The records, including police reports, show Jackson was in three minor vehicle incidents in government vehicles during the last five years, but none involved the use of alcohol and he was not found to be at fault. In one case, a side-view mirror was clipped by a passing truck. In another incident an enraged driver in Montgomery County, Maryland, allegedly punched out Jackson’s window during a morning drive to Camp David.<
Till Next Time Schmucko!
Lying again Klamath Mountain Hillbilly? Wrong again dipshit! From your friends at the NY SLIMES
>Jackson withdrew his nomination Thursday after allegations by current and former colleagues raised questions about his prescribing practices and leadership ability, including accusations of drunkenness on the job. Democratic Sen. Jon Tester’s office collected the allegations, which included a claim that Jackson “got drunk and wrecked a government vehicle” at a Secret Service going-away party.
The records, including police reports, show Jackson was in three minor vehicle incidents in government vehicles during the last five years, but none involved the use of alcohol and he was not found to be at fault. In one case, a side-view mirror was clipped by a passing truck. In another incident an enraged driver in Montgomery County, Maryland, allegedly punched out Jackson’s window during a morning drive to Camp David.<
Double Post for shitstain steve’s head explosion.
Now watch and you’ll see it!
Till Next Time Schmucko!
Well Klamath Mountain hillbilly, here’s another lying source… https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2018/04/28/democrat-fake-news-secret-services-shreds-another-allegation-against-ronny-jacks-n2475583
>Read Admiral Ronny Jackson, the personal physician to President Trump and former President Obama, may have withdrawn his nomination for Veterans Affairs secretary, but we’re now discovering that the allegations of impropriety, drunkenness, and pill pushing may have been both overblown and untrue. CNN’s Dana Bash and David Gregory warned against the allegation of Dr. Jackson being some “candyman,” doling out medication because other White House doctors have done this. Second, the allegations that he was drunk and wrecked a government vehicle, and that he banged so heavily on a female colleague’s door while on a foreign visit, which prompted the Secret Service to intervene, also appears to be false. There is no evidence to corroborate both claims according the Secret Service. Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT), who appears to be peddling fake news about the rear admiral, lobbed these allegations against Jackson (via ABC News):<
DAYUM U B weally weally drunk on that libtard white slimy juice!
Till Next Time Schmucko!
Testor is a scumbag, just like you Klamath Mountain hillbilly. Being a scumbag must be the prerequisite to be a slimy DUMMOCRETIN!
Many are on this blog!
Till Next Time!
You lied. You said it was all untrue.
You didnt say “overblown”. And if anyone would know about “over blowing” I guess it would have to be one of Milo’s pimps like you.
“Over blown”. Geez. There it is again. You “family values” conservaturds and your incessant preoccupation with the PornFucking filth, sodomy, and just generally cramming all sorts of things in your mouths like pills, urine, dicks, TicTacs, Forbes Magazine, etc.
So gross.
Promise you and President PornHub will find time in your busy schedules of fake work “executive time” before June to get to MT and preach it to the voters. A goat worshiping lunatic freaking out about MS13 and BENGHAAAZZIIII!!!!! and a PornFucking wife beater is just what Montana Roypublicans need to help focus their minds.
BTW cupcake,
it’s now being quietly reported out by some (especially the Rusian propaganda media) that the committee’s sources for most of the Jackson allegations were VP Pence’s physician.
This White House is like Survivor Island with PornStars, pills, and wife beating.
Yup. That’s another…
Looks like Elijah lit the loon’s fuse again, igniting a double-post loon head explosion. Sweet!
altura penis forte preocupao homem. http://revistas.javeriana.edu......file/36597
It bubbled up out of the swamp and into the navigable waters of real media this morning:
Dr. Pena was alarmed that Jackson was using confidential medical information about patients to curry favor with the bosses. When she tried to intervene, Jackson blew up at her in front of witnesses and ordered her to “let it go”.
Just curious about one “little” thing: If Mike Pence can’t have dinner with other ladies, how come he can let a lady doctor touch his junk?
It’s a freak circus.
Keep fuckin’ that chicken, trolls. It’s all you got.
@134 Thing is, they really do fuck chickens. SAD!