Stephen: The sketch of Stormy Daniels’ perpetrator looks very familiar.
MoJo debunks the biggest myths about voter fraud.
Stephen: Wu-Tang wants their album back, Jeff Sessions.
The Atlantic: When Einstein warned the world.
Golf Pro Dotard Трамп And His Caddies:
- Late Show: Kim Jong-Un’s first impression of Mike Pompeo
- Ari Melber: Humiliating leaked tapes catch Трамп lying about his wealth while posing as hi own spokesperson
- Jimmy Kimmel travels back in time to visit baby Dotard Трамп
- Trevor: Trump sends a $250 million message to Syria
- Stephen: Comey Compared Dotard Трамп to a mafia boss
- Heads of State: “I Swear” — Dotard Трамп SINGS about Russia investigation
- Jimmy Kimmel: 3rd grader explains fake news to Dotard Трамп
- Jimmy Dore: Rick Perry struggles to understand Amazon Alexa
- Chris Hayes: President Dotard Трамп hits 108 days at his own golf properties
- Late Show: Dotard Трамп is obsessed with the dossier:
- Rachel Maddow: James Comey memos immediately leaked after FBI delivers to Congress
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Diamond and Silk’s Journey on the Трамп train
- Stephen: Not-secretary of state Mike Pompeo went to North Korea
- Conan: James Comey’s dramatic ABC interview
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп calls Comey “Worst FBI director in history”
- Jeff Jefferies: The U.S. should not bomb Syria if it won’t help its refugees
- Maddow: Mike Pompeo’s N. Korea trip meant to boost his nomination
- Chris Hayes with Senator Menendez (D-NJ): Syria strikes may have been “choreographed” with Russia:
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The Comey emos—Трамп, Vladimir Putin & prostitutes
- Maddow and O’Donnell: James Comey’s consistency is “powerful” evidence
- Jimmy Fallon: Joel McHale wins Трамп diss Bingo
- Francesca Fiorentini: Can Трамп fix Syria?:
- Stephen: Nikki Haley is standing up to Трамп and Russia
- Farron Cousins: Sniveling Ted Cruz sucks up to Трамп in The most disgusting way
- Ari Melber: “Art Of The Deal” co-author on how Трамп uses confirmation bias
- Stephen: Sen. Harris—There is bipartisan support for protecting Mueller
- Samantha Bee: This week in bombshells: Comey, Ryan, & Bey
- Vox: Why Трамп’s “limited strike” on Syria probably won’t work
- Conan: Tony the cameraman has seen the pee tape
- Rachel Maddow: James Comey—Rudy Giuliani boasts prompted investigation into FBI leaks
- Lawrence O’Donnell with Pete Williams: The Comey memos—fast facts
- Ari Melber: Comey memos boomerang on Трамп, add to potential obstruction case
- Stephen interviews James Comey
- The Daily Show: Hasan the record—What is impeachment?
- Trevor: Трамп blabs about Mike Pompeo’s secret meeting with North Korea:
- Conan: Трамп’s overqualified NASA nominee
- Rachel Maddow: James Comey—George Papadopoulos discussed getting Clinton e-mails from Russian government
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: The sick liberal pee tape fantasy
- Jimmy Kimmel warns baby Dotard Трамп about Comey book
- Stephen: Skeletons in the Cabinet—Scott Pruitt and Ryan Zinke
Full Frontal: Medicinal cannabis for all.
Wendover: How to design impenetrable airport security.
Roy Wood Jr.: CP time—The fair housing act turns 50
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses.
Chris Hayes: Senator Tammy Duckworth’s 10-day-old daughter makes history.
Thinking About the Earth:
- Vox: How a warmer Arctic could intensify extreme weather
- NOVA: Understanding natural climate cycles
- Bill Maher: Grass warfare
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Conservatism is the new punk rock
- Trevor: NASA is experimenting with space sperm
- Bill Maher with Gov. Jay Inslee: War on weed
MoJo: Here are the country’s worst voter laws.
Rachel Maddow: James Comey—I don’t believe that Loretta Lynch did anything improper
Farron Cousins: Alex Jones admits live on air that he’s a total liar and scumbag
Adam ruins Copernican mythology.
Chris Hayes: West Virginia GOP Senate candidate is a convicted criminal.
Loitering While Black:
- Trevor: Two Black men get arrested for doing nothing at Starbucks.
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Could climate change save crab dicks?
- The Late Show: Starbucks announces its racial bias training.
- Sam Seder: Starbucks victims speak out on their ridiculous arrests
- Stephen: Starbucks, you kicked out the wrong people.
Samantha Bee: It’s not hard to hire women and people of color.
Trevor: A series of gunfortunate events
The Atlantic: When tax cuts failed.
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
The Mannity And His Cleaning Man:
- Stephen: Sean Hannity forgot to mention something
- Slate: How FAUX News reacted after Sean Hannity revealed as Michael Cohen’s mystery client
- Trevor: Sean Hannity had “exclusively almost” nothing to do with Michael Cohen
- Lawrence O’Donnell and friends: Will Michael Cohen flip on the Dotard?
- Bill Maher: The Dotard’s lawyers
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Sean Hannity fucked a house
- Chris Hayes: Buzzfeed editor speaks out after Michael Cohen drops suit
- Conan: Is Andy Richter Michael Cohen’s fourth client?
- Jimmy Kimmel: Sean Hannity is Michael Cohen’s mystery client
- Stephen: How loyal is Michael Cohen?
- Samantha Bee: People are saying, Sean Hannity is a serial killer.
- Ari Melber: Dotard Трамп’s fixer Cohen can’t fix his own problems
- Rachel Maddow: FBI sought “papers of the President” in Michael Cohen searches
- Mark Fiore: Cohen & Cohn, fixers-at-law
- Stephen: Comey goes ‘Hollywood’ (according to Hannity)
MoJo: The architects of voter suppression in America.
Songify the News: MEMES & YODEL TRAP.
Trevor with Karlie Kloss on Getting girls excited about coding with Kode With Klossy.
Vox: How Parkland student David Hogg beats his critics.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
So now his personal attorney is in trouble? Then again, Cohen is definitely not a normal lawyer.
I’m really hoping the loon doesn’t get lynched this weekend. But if he does, my conscience will be clear as I’ve warned the loon many times not to hang out with those damned white supremacists. SAD!
@ #2
Well, yesterday was Adolph Hitlers birthday, so he was probably out celebrating.
Meanwhile, in Trumpland. (open in a private window)
The long and short con exemplified. I wonder how much cash he’s looting out of the Treasury every day? We already know he’s charging the Federal government something like a $Million a day for security access for his properties in New York and Florida. He seems to be primarily in the business of paying his Russian masters off as fast as he can with American taxpayer’s money. Now he’s hired Rudolph Guliani as a personal attorney, probably because Rudy has already been one of his canned assets since the 1980s and he owns him outright anyway. No better way to motivate someone than outright blackmail.
He’s already used the United States Navy to blockade (muscle) Qatar when they wouldn’t buy out his Son-in-Law’s personal debts. I wonder what else he’s got going? Hell, he has an unlimited bank account now with his direct access to the Treasury. I’ll be willing to bet that, once he’s out of office, he’ll be richer than the goddamn Waltons and none of his supporters will even question it.
He thinks Putin is going to share the world with him once he’s taken control of every oil-producing nation in the middle east. Even Japan and most of Europe are taking a couple steps back from us, entirely based on the fact that our Dear Leader is an utter, fucking imbecile who is entirely focused on enriching himself at any and all cost. He’s a goddamn lunatic.
Someone with a physical description and appearance
suspiciously similar to YLB was involved in an altercation with the College Republicans group at UW earlier this week.
Liberal assholes two days in a row were unable to control themselves because a college conservatives group set up a table on the quad. OOH. SCARY. A banner creates an unsafe feeling for liberal snowflakes. It was so brave to throw paint on banners and persons deemed offensive. Must be protected from alternative points of view – isn’t that why mom and divorced dad sent them to college? To be insulated from the real world?.
Only one asshole was detained but since the pronouns ‘they’ and ‘them’ were used by a UW police spokesman it’s clear it was a trans motherfucker – gender confusion similar to what YLB oozes every time she posts on HA.
Keep this up, HA libbies, and a UW degree will soon be as worthless as one from Evergreen.
That nail polish really isn’t working for you, YLB. Try a shade with a bit more purple.
@ 3
He’s a goddamn lunatic.
Lunatics are unpredictable. Little Rocket Man knows that.
North Korea willing to accept ‘complete denuclearization’ without conditions, Moon says
Its not a necktie he’s feeling these days.
Cory Booker: I Get Angry That Privileged People Are Opening Up Pot Shops
It is not so much a matter of states rights versus federal rights, he argued, as it is one of privilege.
“I get angry when you see just privileged people, wealthy people suddenly getting into the marijuana businesses and when I see people celebrating,” Booker said…
Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to loseSativa’s just another word for White Privilege, Carl. Every time you push marijuana legalization you are merely rubbing in the faces of others your freedom to do what they cannot.That’s gotta harsh your mellow.
Not as good as the chances Amy Goodman will feature you as a guest on Democracy Now! – The War and Peace Report, Goldy.
If I write a piece advocating for Kevin Williamson to be murdered, what’re the chances I’ll be rewarded with a guest op-ed in the WSJ, instead of, you know, being arrested?
The article also uses the label “College Republicans”, so you know they must have been raping Frat Boys. They should check those paint stains for DNA.
A prison disturbance that leaves 7 inmates dead isn’t something that happens every day. But the Republican governor of a red state where the prison budget has been cut to the bone, leaving its prisons severely understaffed, is trying to paint it as normal. Because, you know, inmates are naturally violent and not having enough money to properly run the prison has nothing to do with it.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wouldn’t trust a Republican to run a lunch sack, much less a maximum security prison. When you put Republicans in charge, you end up with no security prisons.
@3 “Now he’s hired Rudolph Guliani as a personal attorney, probably because Rudy has already been one of his canned assets since the 1980s and he owns him outright anyway.”
More likely to create an attorney-client relationship in order to keep what Giuliani knows canned. Isn’t Gules under investigation, too? If he isn’t, he will be.
@4 Now you know how journalists feel at a Trump rally. I’m not saying it’s right. I’m just saying that people who throw rocks at glass houses …
@8 “raping Frat Boys”
When they’re not busy robbing old folks.
I mean, let’s be real here, the College Republicans aren’t exactly Boy Scouts. More like Hitler Youth or Konsomol. But yes, they have a right to be there, free speech and all that. We don’t want to start down the slippery slope of encouraging politically motivated assaults (even though Trump is doing it); we’re already turning into a third world shithole too fast for comfort (thanks to Trump and his trailerbilly fans) and our side shouldn’t do anything to speed up the process.
There’s always a tweet. Always always a tweet. Trump told Comey he never spent the night in Russia during the timeline of the dossier claiming he made a pee tape. Never in a Moscow overnight. Lying to the FBI?
You see what I mean is, everybody agrees with me, only the fake news media says a weekend is more than a couple hours. I flew in had a meeting and left. It was a fabulous weekend. I never stayed in that dump. It’s a shithole. Why would anyone think a weekend is more than an afternoon? What are doing folks? MS13 takes four hours on a Friday for the weekend that’s why we need to build the wall. My tax cuts are bringing the 8 hour weekend to the middle class in America. No collusion. I like to spend weekends with my kids. No collilusion. Especially Ivanka. Did you know she makes the best breakfast in bed? That’s proof there was no collusion. Lock her up. They’re animals breeding no collusion.
Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck has finally embraced his inner loon. About time.
It’s a damn shame that
violentpatriotic white guys perfected the “Heckler’s Veto” forty years ago in places like Los Angeles and Greensboro.Damn shame.
@ DD @ #5
Lunatics are unpredictable. Little Rocket Man knows that.”
That blade can cut both ways, and it always does. That is one of the defining aspects of Fascism.
You’ve now openly embraced Fascism. So how does it feel to realize that you’re siding with people that would stand to realize a substantial profit if they found some reason to lock you up, or a substantial savings if they figured out a reason to kill you?
It’s always the same. The stupidest, meanest and most ignorant third of any nations population somehow always seems to be able to manufacture a reason why another third should be locked up or killed off, convince a substantial number of people to put them in charge or just ignore their intentions, and yet, in some way those people always seem to forget the fact that they could just as easily be the fool at the end of a rope or in a gas chamber if somehow they actually got what they wanted. One of the basic premises of Fascism is that it always ends up at the point where it doesn’t discriminate on who is going to be murdered in furtherance of the Cause. It’s just Rule by, and for, gangsters and thugs.
Fascism always works to continually reduce the number of people it allows into its little clubs. That is its basic purpose.
The easiest way to do that is just kill off everyone else, including its initial supporters that develop a conscience once they’ve actually been subject to the system they demanded in the first place. There were a substantial number of Jews amongst the National-Socialists during the late 1920s and early 30s. That right-wing, hardline Conservative political theology appeals to the people who harbor Hatred and pure selfishness as the defining traits of their personality. Greed and violence always go together. The Republicans represent Greed, and promise violence to anyone who opposes them.
The hard-core Odinists and Neo-Nazis of modern America openly demand that the population of “undesirables” be reduced by any means necessary and the German method seems to be their starting point. Fat Donny, the Republican Party and his little toy Cosa Nostra openly cultivated that voting bloc, publicly claim to represent those people, and you freely embrace that paradigm.
Thus, you are a Fascist.
Bear in mind that an awful lot of “Good Germans” found themselves looking down the barrel of a gun in the hands of same people they themselves had put in charge to defend them, from those “others” that had become so threatening.
They’ve brought this on themselves over the last four or five decades. Law enforcement agencies and campus administrators with the support of the “law and order” community (who were overreacting to “campus unrest” that they created) laid the legal groundwork for this fundamental weakening of the 1st amendment through these exceptions.
It really is a shame. Losers like Ben Shapiro and Milo Childmolesteropolous would have far less audience and far less influence if not for these kinds of incidents. But the misdirected responses of campus police and administrations are born of the intolerance of dissent championed by conservatard mouthpieces like the National Review and conservatard heroes like Ronald Raygun many decades ago. The response then, as now, is to shut down the offending expression rather than protect it from those it would offend. And a host of right leaning conservatard ideologues on the Court have backed them up despite warning that the exceptions could be misused.
They were warned. Still they persisted.
Now THIS is funny. Apparently McCabe thinks the IG should have buried the report on his desk for 6 weeks or so before doing something about it, like McCabe did with the FBI report about Hillary’s emails showing up on pedophile Anthony Weiner’s computer.
Andrew McCabe’s lawyer accuses IG of rushing process “to be able to terminate McCabe”
And here’s some more whine to go with the cheesy complaint of rushing to punishment after a neutral investigator’s judgement that Andrew McCabe is a fucking liar:
Browmwich said McCabe and his family have no health care as a result of his firing.
McCabe’s wife is a pediatric ER physician. Something tells me that health care won’t be a problem – she probably makes a third of a million dollars per year. Although that Obamacare penalty by the IRS might sting a bit, amirite?
One of the people the IG report says McCabe was not forthcoming with is former FBI Director Jim Comey, to whom McCabe reported at the time. Comey has not defended McCabe in recent interviews. On ABC’s “The View” Tuesday, Comey said he himself had ordered the investigation, and he has read the IG’s report.
“I ordered that investigation. We investigate and hold people accountable,” he said. “Good people lie….I still believe Andrew McCabe is a good person, but the inspector general found that he lied, and there are severe consequences, as there should be throughout the government.”
The wheels of justice do seem to turn a bit more quickly when you lie to your boss. McCabe should have factored that into his preferred timeline.
Even CNN is giving credit to Trump for the PDRK developments:
CNN’s Will Ripley, one of the few journalists who regularly reports from the repressive Hermit Kingdom, phoned in to Wolf Blitzer’s show on Friday night to cover the breaking news.
“Kim Jong Un has announced to his country and his own people that he has completed his nuclear program, and therefore there is no need to continue developing nuclear weapons,” Ripley reported.
“This is an extraordinarily significant development, and frankly a huge win for President Trump going into these discussions, this potential summit, with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un,” he continued.
Ripley quoted a North Korean official who had optimistic words about the move: “Finally Kim Jong Un has decided to open up,” the source said. “This is a new chapter for the DPRK. He has committed himself to the path of denuclearization and will now focus solely on economic growth and the national economy. Finally he has realized the best path forward is to open up the country and normalize relations.”
I wonder what Jim Acosta will shout to Trump next time he’s got a chance.
“The wheels of justice do seem to turn a bit more quickly when you lie to your boss.”
True enough. Which underscores the element in his termination you conveniently overlook. That the IG investigation as originally prepared, into the New York FBI office purposefully leaking excerpts from Clinton Cash to promote a prosecution that would never materialize, is not yet complete. And that the parts involving McCabe were broken off and pushed ahead of schedule in order to effect his retirement. A decision that was taken, not by McCabe’s boss at the time, but by the Attorney General, presumably at the insistence of that fat orange PornFucker/abortion guy.
The thing is, he probably deserves this outcome. But whether or not this outcome is the result of a normal disciplinary process within the FBI, or the result of political pressures from that fat orange PornFucker/abortion guy with the multiple FBI and DOJ criminal probes surrounding him, is something Mr. McCabe may be legally entitled to see answered before this is all over.
My favorite move from Mr. Safety School, Esq.’s lawyer this past week:
Translation: you may be sleazy and unethical af, but that’s beside the point. You’re too shitty at your job for the court to trust you not to fuck the process up.
*Make Attorneys Get Attorneys
@ 20
So, you’re backing off from your earlier position, I see.
All I gotta say is I’m looking forward to seeing Comey call McCabe a liar on the stand, after which McCabe’s attorney gets to tell Comey that Comey’s the reason McCabe’s kids don’t have health care.
My “earlier position” was that if it was proved that McCabe lied under oath he should be fired.
But it’s understandable that as the spawn of a Brady List failure, you’d have overlooked that.
Either way, please keep right on positioning your political movement as being zealously devoted to intrusive public oversight of law enforcement. If you ever get around to CBP, ICE, or DEA be sure to let us dirty hippies know so we can join you, mkay?
“I wonder what Jim Acosta will shout to Trump next time he’s got a chance.”
Maybe this?
‘Cause, like dude, when has that ever happened?
“From his dairy farm in southeastern Nebraska, lifelong Republican Ben Steffen believed Donald Trump meant what he said on the campaign trail about ripping up U.S. trade agreements.
“So Steffen, who produces milk, beef, soybeans, corn and wheat, wasn’t shocked when Trump pulled America out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership pact, began renegotiating NAFTA or announced his intent to impose aluminum and steel tariffs on China that have drawn the threat of retaliatory sanctions on American products.
“But he is alarmed about the potential costs of Trump’s trade agenda to his own operation and the state’s economy.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t suppose it does any good to tell this guy how hollow his whining is. Yeah, trade wars are good if tariffs are paid by city folks and farmers aren’t affected. Cry me crocodile tears.
@16 But don’t you see that’s why every rightwinger needs to stash a half dozen AR-15s and 50,000 rounds of ammo in his basement, in case his ideology turns against him?
@18 “The wheels of justice do seem to turn a bit more quickly when you lie to your boss.”
How would you apply that to elected officials who lie to their boss, the voters who elected them?
@22 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck gleefully celebrates kids being denied health care.
@23 There’s such a thing as due process, and inasmuch as the IG investigation wasn’t completed yet, the “due” may have been denied because the “process” was rushed, and even the guilty get off the hook for that kind of screwup.
I don’t think we know that any part of the normal process of such an IG investigation was not followed. What was unusual was the intervention by the Attorney General ordering the IG to break off the larger investigation, and focus exclusively on McCabe’s role to an early conclusion that would give him time to terminate the subject prior to his retirement benefits vesting. Quite a number of former IGs and IG investigators have stated on record that this appeared to be unprecedented. They also state that so far as they can tell the investigation was thorough and without taint of bias, political or otherwise. They have only questioned the intervention with respect to timing. The fact that it was unprecedented may only be owing to the circumstances themselves being unprecedented.
The Attorney General is certainly within his authority to intervene in that manner if he believes there is an important public interest to be served. Protecting the integrity of the agency and their investigations by promptly terminating an agent found guilty of serious misconduct would arguably be in the public interest.
I merely suggest that given these circumstances, McCabe may be entitled to interrogate the process by which that decision was made. If the Attorney General arrived at that decision independent of any improper influence then so be it. But given the Chief Executive’s unfortunate tendencies to politicize every possible confrontation, to transform process into personal dominance, and to trumpet those tendencies into the public sphere, McCabe is entitled to know (and it is probably in the agency’s and the public’s interest to learn) that whether or not those tendencies played any part in his termination.
The orange PornFucker/abortion guy began calling for McCabe’s termination months ahead of the AG’s order. He published countless public pronouncements declaring McCabe a criminal long before the IG report was complete, thus without any supporting evidence. And he accused McCabe of political and personal biases and professional misconduct for which there has never been any evidence. McCabe would not be without cause to suggest that the AG’s decision to accelerate the investigation into his conduct was motivated by those many accusations and pronouncements from the White House.
@30 Well, c’mon now, what do you think are the chances Fat Donny DIDN’T influence that decision?
Oddly enough, I missed this on Thursday:
Apparently that was too much for the Florida Klan rally he was scheduled to appear before and they broke his speaking contract.
Being that it’s Stone, he’ll sue.
Being that they are all a bunch of amoral child molesting racists, Roypublicans will remain utterly silent and continue to pay blood tribute to vermin like Stone because, as odious and scaly as he may be, he makes them look good. Which tell us more about “economically uncertain, working class whites” than David Brooks ever could.
I don’t think they are good. But what’s more important, I think Andrew McCabe has at least a 50/50 legal argument that he’s entitled to find out. That’s good enough odds to risk funding a law suit seeking discover of all of PornHub’s communications with his AG prior to the firing.
I think Dennis Rodman deserves the credit for the latest North Korean developments….that guy went over their at risk to his life and really brokered bringing Kim to the table. God Bless Dennis and America!
@19 Fake News Bob… are very gullible.
That goes without saying. He’s a loyal PornHub voter who has never once paused to reconsider his zealous support for “David Dennison” and his global trail of urine soaked hotel mattresses.
Following the money will lead you to Scott Pruitt.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Pruitt is Trump’s kind of guy.
Active heavy small-arms fire at the royal palace in Riyadh, grenades and possibly mortars being used. apparently a coup attempt. Ongoing.
Shit, oh dear.
Heh. Kind of reminds me of this TexASS Republican..
And this N’Yawk Republican:
Heh. Just joined the drumpf “dream team”.
Such “confusion” is perhaps boob’s darkest secret?
@38 The official story is that a drone flew near the royal palace and security guards shot it down “per their orders.” If there was fighting or a coup attempt, the major networks would be reporting it, but there’s nothing in the MSM.
So is the babbling butthole finally getting its priorities straight?
Teh grueling “weekly obligation” out of the way first?
A Saudi coup is possible, because the country is effectively being run by the crown prince, who is implementing some “modern” changes (e.g., allowing women to drive) that don’t sit well with traditionalists, and there are change-resistant forces in Saudi society (especially the Wahhabists) who might like to replace him with a more conservative ruler (or take over themselves).
However, as I said, the official explanation is that someone’s toy drone got its feathers clipped, which may be a cover story, but if so it’s a very believable one.
B4 heading to bed Puddy decided to see what happened in the world of leftist FOOLS. Y’all didn’t disappoint. And of course the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset did its customary time check! The FOOL is stuck on Puddy!
Till Next Time!
LMAO @ 43
Notice that our pet fool runs to its swine call: babbling butthole.
HA HEROES are FIRST to the babbling butthole AGAIN!
Oh dear. Without the goat fucking and the piety crutch he may actually become dangerous… to himself anyway.
Puddy visiting?
‘MAGA’ maniac shoves Mexican man onto Union Square subway tracks
I didn’t read the whole article, as short as it is. Not sure why, but I think I get bored easily. I think all you really need to know is that there was another maniac NRA member.
But I’ll go out on a limb and guess that he didn’t have a semi-automatic loaded with 60 bullets or a bump stock (Yes, I know relatively little about guns). But it would have been really nice, according the NRA, if he had.
Ohhhh Bob is so proud of his corrupt con buddies.
@46 A black right-wing nutjob who’s full of hate? Could be the loon, alright.
A teacher who was tone deaf at the very least….
“The Life of Slaves: A Balanced View” with two empty columns for students to fill in: one labeled “Negative Aspects,” the other “Positive Aspects”
It was from a charter school in texas. Maybe the teacher was trying for the balance of fox news?
GOP senator: Trump tariffs are hurting US farmers
Some comments
“Thoughts and prayers, just thoughts and prayers”
“when you vote against your own interests, don’t whine when you get what’s coming to you”
“Translation “We need you to find a way to hurt educated liberal snowflakes at work, and not patriotic all-American rural farmers and such.””
“I’m getting a bit tired of all these stories about people who voted for the Leopards Eating My Face party complaining about how their faces are being eaten by the leopards they voted for.”
Trump challenges Native Americans’ historical standing – Tribes say they should be exempt from Medicaid work requirements.
“Work requirements will be devastating,” said Smith, the former Indian Health Service acting director. “I don’t know how you would implement it. There are not jobs to be had on the reservation.”
Should play well with the trump base for obvious reasons.
“What!? We are going to kick them down some more?”
“In 1993 Trump went before a congressional committee and complained that tribes getting casino approval don’t “look like Indians” to him. After getting chewed out by the congressman he complains at the end that it’s “discriminatory” that only Indians can get reservations.”
“Pretty sure he feels they should “go back where they came from.””
“What kind of human being wakes up in the morning and thinks “let’s beat down on some native Americans today”?”
For the win…
“See, this is why we need that border wall. …400 years ago. They’re bringing disease. They’re bringing Christianity. They’re racists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
More “College Republicans”?
“Syverud said that in addition to expelling the Theta Tau chapter, university official “have begun a top-to-bottom review of our entire Greek system.””
Top/Bottom/Greek – get it.
@53. “Chancellor Kent Syverud called the Theta Tau video “racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, ableist and sexist” in a video posted on the university’s website.”
“fraternity members say was intended as satire.”
“”It was a satirical sketch of an uneducated, racist, homophobic, misogynist, sexist, ableist and intolerant person,” the statement said. “The young man playing the part of this character nor the young man being roasted do not hold any of the horrible views espoused as a part of that sketch.””
Then who isn’t teaching these young men critical thinking skills to be self aware enough to recognize that the skit might not be perceived as satire?
@54 not the guy who used Top, Bottom, and Greek in the sentence, that’s for sure.
I’m surprised he didn’t throw a noose or black face in there too.
An inspiration to boob:
Heh. C’mon! Naked? Save for a bomber jacket? An assault rifle? Bodies on the floor?
The absolute definition of “gender secure” for boob.
YLB prefers quadruple homicides accomplished the old-fashioned way.
Report reveals details of Charleston Co. quadruple homicide scene, arrest
@51 I’ll keep those farmers in my thoughts and prayers.
@53 “See, this is why we need that border wall. …400 years ago. They’re bringing disease. They’re bringing Christianity. They’re racists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
All of this could have been avoided if the border wall had been built 400 years ago … on the east coast.
LOL! So boob considers the white kid wearing only a bomber jacket not only “gender secure” but “new fangled”..
And maybe “protesting with its gun”?
In the bad old days boob’s ilk would have made “strange fruit” out of the black guy. Problem solved for boob.
Hey boob,
Darryl took out our long jpeg urls. I’ll put pics of your favorite “gender secure” republicans on my blog – rompin’ rudy (member of the drumpf dream team), Sam Walls, etc.
You can fap to ’em there.
Don’t buy it. They just hope they can avail themselves of satire protections. The biggest problem for them getting away with this (aside from the obvious likelihood that their national would pull their charter cutting them off from insurance and new members) would be the broad exceptions to the first amendment granted to schools and universities during the campus protest era of the 1960s. I mentioned this in another post.
In almost any other venue the “Heckler’s Veto” has been rejected by the courts. But during the 1960s reactionary conservatives in society, in government, and in the courts, driven to flights of paranoia by the civil rights movement, the campus free speech movement, and the anti-war movement,
and citing the public interest in preserving the “educational environment” from “disruption”, granted these institutions sweeping powers to control expression. The courts have even gone so far as to grant them the authority to limit expression on private social media platforms.
Plenty of Nazi-Youth like Ben Shapiro, Milo, Liz Mair, Richard Spencer, Stephen Miller, and many others have attempted without success to challenge these exceptions using the same tactics. These junior league racists are blindly flailing with rhetorical tropes they’ve absorbed from their social media bubbles.
The problem for conservatives is that they can’t seem to decide if they want to change the law surrounding campus free speech, change the policies, or just gin up some crowd funded law suits for sport (and profit!). They’re too dumb to realize that the obligation they want to impose on “leftist” universities to protect trolls like Richard Spencer would obligate Notre Dame to protect this guy.
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM) kills her own little girl.
Waffle House Customer Hailed A Hero After Wrestling Rifle Away From Shooter
Pretty amazing. Haven’t been watching the news but I wonder if Drumpf will Tweet something about this guy or will it be silence because he’s black?
Is Puddy still missing? He’s been silent here?
@65 Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s our loon.
Yertle’s getting nervous, and turning cannibal.
Twelve months ago McConnell was anticipating increasing his majority. Now not only is he worrying about losing it, he’s jeopardizing future votes to crush any Roypublican dissent from the PornHub agenda.
As for Corker, it’s not as if he was actually standing up to the Russian PornFucking/Abortion/Obstruction guy. He’s far too cowardly for that. Still, just the slightest hint of “softening” and the hammer comes down all covered in spent condoms, sticky NDAs and hooker pee.
When Republicans dream big —
“But hopefully when … the dust settles … we’ll have candidates that are electable in November.”
Sooooooooooooo good to see how little Ol Puddy can engender such useless responses form useless HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Idiotic from jump street. Sophomoric at best!
Till Next Time!
That was no slip of the tongue, since “Hillary always broke down Trump supporters into three baskets,” Chozick writes.
“Basket #1: The Republicans who hated her and would vote Republican no matter who the nominee.
Basket #2: Voters whose jobs and livelihoods had disappeared, or as Hillary said, ‘who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens in their lives and their futures.’
Basket #3: The Deplorables. This basket includes ‘the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it.’”
Puddy talked to a local DUMMOCRETIN precinct captain about this. He laughed and said nuthin new he said! Well known views.
“Wow” Puddy said!
Till Next Time!
“DNC is suing WikiLeaks for spectacularly revealing that the DNC rigged its primaries on behalf of Hillary Clinton. The DNC was so corrupt that five of its officers, including its president, were forced to resign.” — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) April 20, 2018
Till Next Time!
Puddy hopes so… DUMMOCRETINS are dispicable and deplorable!
Till Next Time!
Even CNN knows when something smells like flat beer froth posts – dead fish on arrival –
Till Next Time!
PuddyCommentary: This IS the future of American health care if DUMMOCRETINS get power again. This can not happen!
Case in point: a well known retired Lt General’s 3rd cousin was recently involved in a devastating car accident that left her in a coma for four weeks. A big box truck ran a traffic light and T-Boned her. The hospital claimed there was no brain activity and wanted to pull the plug after ten days. Her mother said no, God will provide. We prayed hard and diligently. Another doctor took over the case and said she did have some brain activity. Members from her mother’s old church went into a prayer fast. Two weeks later she woke up, smiled, recognized her three children and now is in rehab. God did provide. God always provides to those who love Him! Socialized medicine would have killed her. Bernie Sander’s socialized medicine SUX! This is why we whom think right think DUMMOCRETIN ideas suck worse than the NAFTA sucking sound Ross Perot identified decades ago.
Sux to be a DUMMOCRETIN! Being a libtard is a certifiable mental disorder!
Till Next Time!
Soooooooooooooooooooo, James Clapper was CNN’s Fake Dossier leaker? Say it ain’t so Joe!
PuddyCommentary: One word only – AMAZING!
Till Next Time!
Oh wait an AR-15 was used? What will the senile idiot wabbit think now? Sumtin stoooooooooooooopid of course!
PuddyCommentary: Of course the senile idiot wabbit is stooooooooooooooooopid. Been that was since it arrived over a decade ago!
Till Next Time!
This is what gets a rise out of the roger senile idiot wabbit and other HA DUMMOCRETINS…
PuddyCommentary: When you have shitstain steve calling FACTS hate this is what a crazed FOOL does! Calling the police all types of names from behind a keyboard is what HA DUMMOCRETINS do! Thanks shitstain steve and roger senile idiot wabbit!
Remember this one roger senile idiot wabbit? ? This officer was the younger cousin of my wife’s high school girlfriend, “assassinated without warning”. Ax the creepy clueless crazed databaze cretin for a crazed databaze replay! You DUMMOCRETINS scream cops are SCUM and when they are mowed down it’s your own DUMMOCRETIN vitriol to blame.
Till Next Time!
Further declines in PornHub Party Senate prospects:
Willard will be forced to compete in a PornHub primary contest to see who can swallow the most orange throat yogurt and guzzle the most hooker pee.
winninggrovelingNow this is definitely white privilege. This has to make the Klamath Mountain hillbilly proud!
Now this is definitely white privilege. This has to make the Klamath Mountain hillbilly proud!
Till Next Time!
Pornhub seems to be the latest offering from the Klamath Mountain hillbilly. Must be something weally weally speshul!
Till Next Time!
@70 What’s the point of this post? That break down has become common knowledge. You state the obvious.
Whoa! Look at all those loon head explosions and double posts of hate! The loon is really bringing it. Some poor goat suffered for this, I’m sure.
@70 What’s the point of this post?
Proof why #CrookedHillary was found deplorable in 2016. She claimed to apologize for the remark and behind closed DUMMOCRETIN doors she meant really it after all!
Till Next Time!
Plenty of people are bitching that Rosenstein coughed up some of the Comey memos that had been collected as part of the DOJ investigation into Russian ties to the Republican Presidential campaign. He might have refused the subpoenas and braved it out in court later. But that also might have served as pretext for President PornFucker to go after him, or Senate Child Molesters, or both. As it is, the memos seem to have dominated the news cycle for a few days while doing little more than confirming many of the statements Comey already made.
But the speed and indiscretion demonstrated by Congressional Roypublicans in immediately leaking the materials to the media may have been what Rosenstein was after. There’s good reason to suspect that Nunes and Grassley will not slow down in their efforts to use oversight as a way to feed “pre-discovery” to potential criminal suspects and blow the investigation. Even their demands for the Comey materials are a rather unprecedented and fairly naked attempt to weaken it. But by leaking them immediately and to multiple media outlets here and abroad, they make Rosenstein’s argument for him. When a future subpoena is resisted, as surely it must, this example (and many other before) will provide a crucial framework of facts for a court to use in deciding if the DAG is empowered to resist such a subpoena.
What a Bomb Shell.
My God. This is beyond fucking belief.
The Waffle House shooter is a “sovereign citizen” nutjob.
And I do mean “nutjob.”
I know this may seem weird, but many of the groveling Russian hand-puppets on the wrong side of the Orange Child-Molesting Event Horizon continue to tell themselves that calling sister-fucking, arm-fishing, toothless, ignorant, pre-diabetic racist ass-hats “deplorable” served as evidence of moral failure on Clinton’s part. They think bringing it up is like rubbing our noses in it, instead of the truth: that it was her best moment as a candidate.
It was true, of course. But more importantly it was honest. And it laid bare why the 63 million angry, bitter, rapidly disappearing white people who abandoned their patriotism for the sake of racist jokes are doomed to regret it for the rest of their miserable lives.
So here we have a nut who’s not allowed to have guns, and the police give his confiscated guns to his dad for safekeeping, and his dad returns his guns to him, and then he goes to a restaurant and kills four people. My guess is he’ll go to an asylum and his dad will go to prison.
Steve is @69 in reference to you?…….hehehe
@87 Unfortunately, Republican corruption is so predictable the public is becoming blase about it.
“Secretary Ben Carson’s department recently increased Hannity’s original $17.9 million mortgage for purchases in Georgia by an additional $5 million, records obtained by the Guardian show. Hannity did not disclose his cooperation with HUD when he had Carson on his show last June, the Guardian noted. During that segment, Hannity praised Carson, telling him, ‘you’ve done a good job.'”
(from your link)
@92 Just surprises me that Hannity is in the Real Estate business. And why the shell companies. Just seems odd beyond the conflicts of interest. Why the need to hide it?
You have to wonder if the Drumpf Family and Kushner Family, or some Russian Developer is involved, but $90M is small potatoes to them. Along with Cohen – the lying Infidelity Lawyer, although he seems to specialize in that stuff more than being a real estate lawyer.
@93 Well, of course, our troll friends won’t see even a tad bit of irony, not to mention hypocrisy, in Hannity borrowing tens of millions from a government program to snap up foreclosed homes formerly occupied by, shall we venture to guess, his listeners?
Why the secrecy? Well, you gotta remember this guy makes his bones by ranting against the injustices perpetrated by big government on factory workers evicted from their homes by greedy real estate speculators …
So Hannity purchases foreclosed properties in 2013? Ben Carson was HUD secretary then? Now HUD increases them and you TOOLS are upset?
So it’s interesting to see that Hannity used a program pushed during Obummer sadministration and now libtards are upset!
Oh wait… Even Al Jazeera has found fault with this Obummer program… along with Fauxcohantas.
DO DUMMOCRETINS care they look stoooooooooooooooopid anymore?
Till Next Time!
@95 Who’s upset? We’re not upset. Hannity’s upset because somebody found out the effing hypocrite exploited an Obama program to prey upon distressed homeowners.
So by definition roger senile idiot wabbit Al NotSoSharpton is a sovereign citizen by not paying his taxes all those years!
Till Next Time senile FOOL!
@97 No, just a tax dodger. You should look up “sovereign citizen” sometime to find out what it means. That’s quite an extrapolation you’re attempting there.
Not sure about you Rog, but I’m not upset about Hannity. I just think he’s despicable for being a hypocrite hiding behind a shell company and the conflicts that arise by not disclosing it while reporting or interviewing the HUD official. And my personal suspicions of impropriety – only time will tell on that one.
I guess it is hard for some to grasp that concept.
And Puddy bought some balloons today…yeah balloons, those things that get filled with helium.
@99 “I just think he’s despicable for being a hypocrite hiding behind a shell company and the conflicts that arise by not disclosing it while … interviewing the HUD official.”
Exactly. Hypocritical behavior by rightwing mouthpieces masquerading as “journalists” who hide their despicable profiteering on the misery of others behind shell companies while publicly praising their government lenders on TV without disclosing their conflicts of interest is nothing to get upset about. It’s what we expect from these ethically-challenged asswipes.
I’ll leave it to Hannity fans evicted from homes he secretly bought at distressed prices with HUD loans to deal with this as they see fit. Possibly they might be upset about it, but I’m not.
Still no tweet from the Hump, on the Hero who single handedly took down a maniac?
Wonder why?
Sometimes that freaks baby talk reminds me of Sov Cit magic incantations. A FreeLoon Traveling on the Land!
@101 Probably lucky for the loon he wasn’t in that Waffle House. We know the shooter was white and several of the victims were black. Maybe all were, still waiting to find out. Might not be a coincidence.
@90 Donno about that. Unlike Castile, he’s white, so the NRA may come to his rescue.
@91 Because my loon decoder ring quit working years ago, I seldom have much more than a clue about what the unintelligible loon might be talking about anymore.
President PornHub announced his endorsement of Governor FuckDungeon.
Germany’s largest bus operator, Flixbus, will be starting operations in the US soon.
I doubt that the independents should worry, they might be partners. It’s Greyhound that has to worry. They are dropping services again, latest, East of Spokane. Jefferson Lines swooped in again to to fill the gap.
Hannity’s real estate investments look pretty pedestrian to me. One might argue that he’s got too much of his personal wealth invested in an asset class with great downside potential. But I think most real estate investors understand and accept that. It’s about what I’d expect to see from a guy in his income level. And I presume these purchases have been made by professionals working on his behalf to build this portfolio. So it’s very unlikely that Hannity played any part in how the purchases or any financing was set up, other than to approve of it. And it’s just as unlikely that his relationship with Trump or Carson played any role in those arrangements.
He’s invested $90 million over ten years in a broad mix of properties through several different companies his money managers set up for him. That’s the way it’s done usually when these are legitimate investments. It’s not like a home. It’s a business, with ongoing income and expenses so that’s how you set it up.
Hey Trumpies! Orange Julius promised to “drain the swamp” and you fell for it! What you got instead was a bunch of entitleds living it up on your taxpayer dime.
You know what they say about “fool me once … fool me twice … “
@92 If there’s nothing wrong with it, why the secrecy?