Vox: What melting sea ice means for life in the Arctic.
Trevor: So much news, so little time.
Lauren Meyer: Pay your teachers well:
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: The left tries to silence Laura Ingraham
- Jimmy Kimmel: Your data was shared! Love, Facebook
- Slate: They told Mark Zuckerberg he should say “Senator” before every statement
- Vox: Why you keep using Facebook, even if you hate it
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Coaching Mark Zuckerberg—Bring your own facts and blame the Left
- Jimmy Kimmel: Senators ask Mark Zuckerberg for help
- Late Show: The Facebook reactions don’t “like” Zuckerberg anymore
- Jonathan Mann: Robot Zuck at the old folks home.
- WaPo Dept. of Satire: The Zuckerberg hearings
- SNL Weekend Update: Mark Zuckerberg on Cambridge Analytica.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Confused lawmakers question Mark Zuckerberg
- Stephen: Zuck explains Facebook to Congress
Jim Jefferies: Oklahoma teachers aren’t taking the government’s crap anymore.
Stephen: Tucker Carlson stole Stephen’s panda bit.
Vox: How border walls disrupt nature.
Malala: Don’t clip the wings of women.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Drag queen story time.
The Dotard Трамп:
- Stephen: Трамп’s lawyer Michael Cohen wasn’t expecting company
- Kimmel: Трамп loves to pronounce things dead
- Late Show: The Queen completes the royal wedding Guest list
- Seth Meyers: Late Night White House press briefing
- Stephen: Bannon’s master plan to defeat Robert Mueller
- SNL Weekend Update: Трампy news
- Mark Fiore: Lie deflector.
- Ari Melber: Why Comey’s “pee tape” claim matters to Bob Mueller
- Conan: Michael Cohen offered the FBI $130,000 to keep the raid quiet
- Trevor: The FBI raids and The Dotard has a Twitterfit
- Stephen: The President’s WrestleMania foreign policy:
- WaPo: Five takeaways from James Comey’s new book.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Dotard Трамп wants to fire Robert Mueller
- Late Show: Confessions of a Трамп tower doorman
- Trevor: Трамп might have a secret kid
- Seth Meyers: Pee pee tape allegations, Paul Ryan retires, Трамп attacks Mueller
- Stephen: Трамп condemns the “disgraceful” raid of Michael Cohen
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Трамп board game.
- Stephen: The state of the White House is, “Oh my God!”
- Late Show: New tariffs are making Crazy Ernie’s Electronics even crazier
- WaPo: Трамп attorney Michael Cohen is under federal investigation
- Chris Hayes: A preview of Comey’s book.
- Stephen: Трамп’s Chief of Staff is eyeing the door
- Jimmy Kimmel: Dotard Трамп’s doorman paid to keep quiet
- Daily Show: What is a “taint team?”
- Rachel Maddow: Mueller report on President Трамп obstruction takes shape ahead of schedule
- Seth Meyers: Трамп lashes out after Michael Cohen raid
- SNL: The Game of Life, DACA edition
- Stephen: Трамп lashes out at Amazon and “delivery boy” USPS
John Oliver: Crisis pregnancy centers.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: False flag—Is a crisis actor posing as Alex Jones?:
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Paul Ryan Chickens Out:
- Stephen: Paul Ryan is taking his tax cuts and going home
- Conan: Paul Ryan wants to take away his family’s health care in person
- Jimmy Fallon: Paul Ryan retires from Senate
- Roll Call: A look back at Paul Ryan’s career in the House
- Jonathan Mann: Bye-bye Paul Ryan.
- Jimmy Kimmel: The saddest part about Paul Ryan leaving
Adam ruins ancient gladiators.
Newsbroke: The religion of libertarianism.
Jonathan Mann: Ten State Senators voted for bestiality.
Vox: Why Black Americans are getting less sleep.
Trevor: Kim Jong-un transitions from reclusive madman to super social madman.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
So, we’re bombing Syria.
Remember when Obama stated that the use of chemical weapons would change his calculus?
Well, I suppose it might have, but not sufficiently to stiffen Obama’s spine.
Syria Will Stain Obama’s Legacy Forever
Here we are. At least Obama’s stain wasn’t captured on a blue dress.
Our more lunatic troll likes to go on and on about the ‘fake’ dossier.
As does Hannity
And 45
Mic drop
@1 “So, we’re bombing Syria.”
Not really. Trump lobbed a few water balloons at them.
After warning the Russians.
And after warning and lecturing, then President, Obama to stay out of Syria.
@2 Fake News!
Why is that the Hart Family has to be dragged through the mud on what Conservatives like to call private family matters?
But this, hey it’s all good fun and games…..Fuck them Whores!!
See, the Hart Family really didn’t do anything different from the average parent….according to Republican Kenfucky Governor.
So what if Rosenstein is fired but it isn’t Trump who does it?
Chad Pergram
Fox has learned that articles of impeachment have been drafted for Rosenstein..though not filed. It is not clear which lawmaker drafted the articles…or if they would go anywhere in cmte or on the flr
1:32 PM – Apr 13, 2018
Hey, y’all remember articles like this?
After Texas Slashed Its Family Planning Budget, Maternal Deaths Almost Doubled
Why, surely. Y’all do, because it dovetails with those pink tennis shoes and that hot blonde y’all thought could run the Lone Star State.
Problem is, those articles caused researchers to look further, and it turns out the rise in maternal deaths was a coding error in most cases. Instead of 147 deaths in 2012, there were only 56.
Approximately half (50.3%) of
obstetric-coded deaths showed no evidence of pregnancy
within 42 days, and a large majority of these incorrectly
indicated pregnancy at the time of death.
To determine which pregnancy status on the
death certificate was most often reported in error,
we compared differences in reported pregnancy status
among confirmed maternal deaths and deaths for
which we found no evidence of pregnancy using our
enhanced method. A majority of the 56 confirmed
maternal deaths (83.9%, n=47) had a correct pregnancy
status. In contrast, 82.4% of the 74 deaths found
to have no evidence of pregnancy had a false-positive
status indicating pregnancy at the time of death or
within 42 days of death (n=61).
Published this week in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Biggest loser: Planned Parenthood.
MSNBC hosts noted anti-Semite for some anti-Trump commentary.
Valerie Plame said on MSNBC Friday that if President Trump pardoned Libby, it would show “that you can commit crimes against national security and you will be pardoned,” according to The Associated Press.
Plame tweeted a link to and initially defended a piece which contains this passage:
For those American Jews who lack any shred of integrity, the media should be required to label them at the bottom of the television screen whenever they pop up, e.g. Bill Kristol is “Jewish and an outspoken supporter of the state of Israel.” That would be kind-of-like a warning label on a bottle of rat poison — translating roughly as “ingest even the tiniest little dosage of the nonsense spewed by Bill Kristol at your own peril.”
I wonder how Plame would want the TV screen to be labeled when Alan Dershowitz is being interviewed?
’cause I’m sure MSNBC would do it.
Paid for abortions…
because all life is praaayrshuss! Except the life that can get you bent over and fucked in the ass by your wife’s divorce attorney.
Doctor Dumbfuck knows what I’m talkin’ ’bout.
@ 12
What this proves, Klamath Mountain Hillbilly, is that Trump’s lawyer has more than one client.
I wonder what
The Clinton FoundationHillary Clinton has to pay to fuck Playboy bunnies.“Trump’s lawyer has more than one client.”
When two thirds of the parties involved are facing felony indictments, and the other third is trading pardons in exchange for obstruction….
@ 14
Thank you for your assertion of the importance of attorney-client privilege.
I just read the McClatchy piece. The worst I can say about it is can we now stop talking about how leak-proof the Mueller investigation has been?
The other thing is that it’s possible that Cohen did meet, in the Czech Republic, but not in Prague. If so, then his passport tweet and his testimony to Congress might still have been truthful.
I wonder what Mueller had before the raid.
Forgot to mention, Mr. Safety School, Esq. has announced his intention to plead the 5th in the civil suits (plural!) over the Porn Star NDA.
In civil procedure plaintiff is permitted to introduce the defendants exercise of the 5th at trial in front of the jury. In fact they get to walk the witness right through it, question by question right in front of the jury. And not surprisingly, the jury is permitted to infer culpability from the refusal. And of course plaintiff’s atty is permitted to telegraph it during opening and hammer on it during closing.
Which proves something else.
President PornHub and his donor pal Broidy chose a profoundly stupid lawyer to clean up their porn problems and get rid of the praaayshuss babies.
can we now stop talking about how leak-proof the Mueller investigation has been?
So. NY not OSC. These are basic facts. Try to keep up. It’only going to get more complicated since there are obviously multiple overlaps between Nader (a cooperating wittness in OSC probe) and Broidy and now Cohen.
the importance of attorney-client privilege.
Priv does not attach to criminal fraud and money laundering.
As a private atty representing the private matters involving porn star hush agreements and abortions, any communications involving non-private matters would not be privileged.
@ 16
Point of clarification, please:
Does he take the Fifth in the civil suit? Or does he plead it in a federal suit, and simultaneously move to delay the civil suit until the federal suit is resolved, after which his choices in the federal suit can be used against him during the subsequent civil suit?
Asking for a friend.
@ 17
Following up on that and specifically about the tapes, assuming they exist:
Under prevailing law were those recordings made legally? If not, what’s Trump’s protection, if any?
It is a trap at @18, answer at your own peril. Dr. Dumbfuck doesn’t appear to have any friends, other than the ones he pays to be his friend.
Besides, horses and goats could care less about this stuff.
So, Congress declared war on Syria, right? #ArticleISection8
No, and it didn’t last year, when failed 2018 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton supported bombing Syria, too.
The US acted in concert with France and Britain. Spain supported the air strikes as well.
Oh, and so did NATO. All of the members of NATO.
The Associated Press
BREAKING: NATO chief Stoltenberg says all NATO allies back Syria airstrikes by US, UK and France .
9:07 AM – Apr 14, 2018
Finally, Russia didn’t do a fucking thing in response.
If this had happened under Obama, MSNBC would be canonizing him today for it.
Strike 1: Pushing the baseless “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory.
Strike 2: Calling Islam a “cult.”
Strike 3: Suggesting Obama and Clinton should be “hung for treason.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: She has a right to free speech, but she doesn’t have a right to a government job. Fire her, then she can say whatever she likes as a private citizen.
Despite all the errors in your question I’ll respond by simply pointing out that Mr. Safety School’s criminal defense team are undoubtedly unaccustomed to this situation. And are probably wondering why they are responding to Mr. Avenatti instead of Mr. Safety School’s civil team. All of whom are sharing drinks this weekend with his wife’s divorce team.
#settlementconference #winning
@9 They won’t go anywhere in the Senate.
I promise.
@10 “hot blonde”
What Republicans think about when a woman runs for public office.
Issues? Nah.
Policy? Nah.
Good schools, fixing roads, growing jobs, improving health care? Nah.
Only … “hot blonde.” Do you wonder why we think you’re a dumbfuck? Nah, you can’t figure that out either. Because you’re a dumbfuck.
@17 You don’t expect a dumbfuck doctor to understand lawyer ethics, do you? As in, using your ticket to facilitate the commission of a crime is not privileged …
@ 26
I do expect a purported attorney to understand ethics. And the definition of perjury.
And that the Fleeing Felon Doctrine
What Citizens Don’t Understand About Police Use Of Force
does not apply if the felon is shot five times while bull-rushing a cop.
@18 “Does he take the Fifth in the civil suit?”
He can. The Fifth Amendment applies any time a person might incriminate himself, which includes a criminal or civil trial, a deposition, or congressional testimony, among others.
@19 “Under prevailing law were those recordings made legally?”
Yes, because New York is a so-called “one-party state”; i.e., you do not have to disclose to the other party that you’re recording.
@ 29
What if one of the parties is the sitting president of the United States?
Is there a federal statute covering that?
@20 Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t have to be shy about this. We already know what kind of people he hangs out with.
Like all of the other #FREECARTERPAGE Roypublican defenders of child molestation, he’s just angry that USA S. NY is leaking Cohen to the media.
At the end of the day it was procedurally correct, but wouldn’t it be a clever move for Rosenstein to move a single, perhaps minor, but very salacious fork of the probe to a separate office well known for “media relations” just in time for the next phase of obstruciton?
@27 “while bull-rushing a cop”
Ancient history. America has moved on … to Stephon Clark. This screed may not work as well for you in that case. But go ahead and be a dumbfuck anyway.
@30 The federal statute is similar to the New York law. For general information on the subject, see:
As for the current context, the initial news reports suggested the trove of Cohen recordings seized by the FBI does not include any conversations with Trump.
What if one of the parties is the sitting president of the United States?
As I understand it, he might assert Exec Priv but only if the matters under discussion were directly related to his Article 2 authorities and of course were not in furtherance of a crime. For more on this please see Rob Blagojevich.
It took years of sustained day-and-night bombing to reduce Germany’s war production. It was never eliminated during the war. Why does anyone think a pinprick like last night’s will make a dent on Assad’s behavior? It took defeat, surrender, and regime change to end the German and Japanese WW2 atrocities. Assad’s gonna be Assad; ISIS is gonna be ISIS. Warning shots and symbolic measures don’t work with people like them; total defeat and/or unconditional surrender does.
@ 33
@27 “while bull-rushing a cop”
Ancient history.
I’ll let Claire McCaskill be the judge of that.
What’s nowhere close to ancient is that you had the coroner’s report available to you when you wrote that and you still were 180 degrees off, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You were, then – you are, still – a fucking clown.
@ 36
It took years of sustained day-and-night bombing to reduce Germany’s war production. It was never eliminated during the war. Why does anyone think a pinprick like last night’s will make a dent on Assad’s behavior?
Perhaps because Germany occupied numerous nations on two different continents by the time the massive bombing in response got underway. Meanwhile, Assad is in one relatively small area, and for awhile wasn’t even in full control of his own country’s regions.
Perhaps because the bombing was intended to send a message to Russia, not just to Assad, and Russia has done nothing in response.
Perhaps because it has been twice, now, that Trump has bombed Syria after Assad’s use of chemical weapons, and if we were accurate last night, we could be accurate if we decide to go after Assad, himself, next time around.
You’re a unique kind of dumbfuck, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Following up on @ 38 in response to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 36:
Perhaps because the bombs we had available to us for use against Nazi Germany weren’t laser-guided, and didn’t include bunker-busters and MOABs.
Perhaps because Assad doesn’t have to worry merely about nations such as the US, France, and Britain, but also about the member nations who make up NATO.
And that little piece of land I like to call Israel, which borders Syria, has done very well in keeping Syria’s nuke aspirations in check, and which has nuclear capability just in case Assad gets a little too far out of hand.
No, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, Assad’s calculus isn’t like Hitler’s was.
You’re a clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You demonstrate it to the world on a daily basis.
@37 “you had the coroner’s report available to you”
There were three autopsies, jackass, and given the rampant police corruption targeting minorities that existed in Ferguson at the time, why would I necessarily believe the official one? You’re a dumbfuck.
@38 “Perhaps because it has been twice, now, that Trump has bombed Syria after Assad’s use of chemical weapons”
Thanks for reinforcing my point. You’re such a dumbfuck you probably don’t even realize you just did.
“and if we were accurate last night, we could be accurate if we decide to go after Assad, himself, next time around”
If we’re that accurate, why didn’t Trump go after Assad this time? This is his third use of chemical weapons we know about; if we have the power to kill Assad, how more people will Trump allow him to kill before taking him out? You’re really and truly a dumbfuck.
@39 “didn’t include bunker-busters and MOABs”
You’re not so fastidious about facts yourself, it turns out.
Following up on #39, Doctor Dumbfuck would have us believe that the U.S. and other* NATO nations could have ended the Syrian civil war years ago with a few precision-guided munitions. Pregnant question for ya: If they could have, why didn’t they? Note: Don’t expect a dumbfuck to come up with a plausible answer.)
* You’ll soon be able to delete this word such that the sentence reads, “the U.S. and NATO nations … “
I never thought I’d find myself defending Trump, but here we are; that’s how deep Doctor Dumbfuck’s dumbfuckery goes.
@41. And why did it take two times to declare that last nights bombing drastically set back Assad’s stockpile. Why s didn’t they take it out the first time? Was Drumpf trying to play nice that time because he didn’t want to offend his BFF Putin? And now he has to show his toughness more against Russia than Syria. This is more about Russia and US and less about the chemical attack.
Nothing more than games being played.
@ 43
…the U.S. and other* NATO nations could have ended the Syrian civil war years ago with a few precision-guided munitions. Pregnant question for ya: If they could have, why didn’t they?
@ 45
Why s didn’t they take it out the first time?
Answer to both questions: Who was president “the first time”?
@46 Answer to your lameass rejoinder: Trump was.
Let me help you out here. This is the second airstrike Trump has ordered against Syria. This being the case, the ***first*** airstrike Trump ordered against Syria was ordered by …
[Doctor Dumbfuck scratches head]
… Trump! If you got this one right, give the man a cigar.
The trick to solving this puzzle is knowing how to count. For example, two follows one, and “second” follows “first,” second being equivalent to two and first being equivalent to one.
Therefore, if a given person does a thing twice, the first time he does it counts as one, and the second time he does it counts as two. Still with me? Good. Because where the inexorable logic of mathematics leads you is … if this is Trump’s second bombing of Syria, then there must also have been a first bombing of Syria by … Trump.
I hope this helps. Probably won’t, though, because you’re an incorrigible dumbfuck.
Ah, the benefits of holding the White House…
US to audit grants awarded to California bullet train
The inspector general’s audit, announced Thursday, will examine the Federal Railroad Administration’s oversight of nearly $3.5 billion in federal grant money awarded to the project.
It comes as the plan to bring travelers between Los Angeles and San Francisco in less than three hours faces growing scrutiny.
A business plan released in March shows the state does not have the roughly $30 billion needed to complete the first phase of the project between the Central Valley and San Francisco.
You can jump in any time on this one, Railfan.
@ 43, 46, 47
Obama was “years ago”, not Trump.
What did Obama do? Why, he struck a deal after chickening out on his CiC responsibilities. So brave, Barack.
In 2012, President Barack Obama said the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime would not be tolerated. He said it would be “a red line for us.”
In August 2013, a chemical attack in the eastern Ghouta suburb of Damascus killed more than 1,500 people, including hundreds of children. Horrific images circulated.
Obama gave a speech saying the U.S. should act against Syria. But he said Congress should authorize any military action.
The worse Syria becomes, the worse Obama will look because of it.
Own it. You’re a clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Even Hillary Clinton would have had the stones to be firmer with Assad than so-brave Barack was.
Oh man, even I didn’t see this one coming.
“Mission accomplished!”
@49 The question is not what Obama should have done, but what he or Trump had/have the capability to do.
In court, when a lawyer asks a witness a question, and the witness doesn’t answer the question and instead says something he wasn’t asked about, the lawyer will ask the judge to strike the answer as nonresponsive and instruct the witness to answer the question that was asked.
Here, we’re not in court, so all I can do is call you a dumbfuck.
Here’s one of Obama’s guys, who was right in the middle of it in 2013, making it clear that Obama blinked.
Former Obama Adviser Says Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria Must Have Consequences
OBAMA: After careful deliberation, I determined that it is in the national security interests of the United States to respond to the Assad regime’s use of chemical weapons through a targeted military strike.
KELLY: But the U.S. didn’t strike. Instead, the Obama administration kicked the decision to Congress. While a deal was made to remove some chemical weapons from Syria, no military strikes were ever taken. Philip Gordon was working at the Obama White House then as the National Security Council coordinator for the Middle East and the Gulf. He says he regrets that decision.
PHILIP GORDON: At the time, I thought we should act, and that remains my view now. I totally understood why the president felt he would be stronger with congressional backing. But I also thought it was important – having issued a red line and made clear that the United States wouldn’t tolerate Syrian use of chemical weapons killing a thousand people – that it was important to act.
KELLY: If you were back on the National Security Council today, what would your counsel be?
GORDON: My counsel would be to undertake military strikes that punish and deter the Syrian regime from using chemical weapons in the way that they just did.
No criticism of Trump in this interview, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
From Samantha Power, Obama’s Ambassador to the UN:
In reports released in August and October 2016, the OPCW-UN Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM), which was created unanimously by the UNSC, determined that the Syrian Arab Armed Forces used chemical weapons in three incidents from 2014-2015. The Syrian government’s forces did this through the deplorable practice of dropping barrel bombs from helicopters that released toxic chemicals onto innocent civilians, killing and injuring countless people.
Obama’s response was to slap wrists with the presidential ruler. One slap for each of the three uses of chemical weapons.
Replacing YLB as the Official Fellator of The One won’t change history, nor Obama’s role in it, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Plus, you’ll be stuck on your knees until help comes.
@50 This tweet, like nothing else, captures what a complete dumbass Trump is. Good God Almighty! Even Assad is laughing at him.
@52 Obama should have bombed the fuck out of Assad’s regime back in 2012. He didn’t and it was a mistake. Obama goes down in history as having saved the U.S. from a Second Great Depression and turning around the bleeding of jobs, supported the Arab Spring and helped get rid of Ghadafi, but he fucked up his response to Assad’s actions in Syria. So far, Trump isn’t doing much better; the Syrian civil war still rages, he’s turning Syrian refugees away from our shores, and answered the latest of Assad’s multiple violations of the chemical weapons red line with a pinprick. Next.
I’m not talking when Obama was President. The first time meaning 1 year ago when Drumpf did it the first time, eh.?
If Obama had asked Congress to authorize military action against Syria, how do you think the Republicans would have responded? You know, the party dedicated to making his presidency a failure by obstructing him in every way they could?
Obama should have gone to Congress and asked for that authorization, which he wouldn’t have gotten, and then it would have been clear who was actually at fault for what followed.
Thanks Rog, either the Doc is not up to current event or he’s playing du……
@56 I believe this was covered in #47, which demonstrates that Doctor Dumbfuck can’t count backwards from two.
Yesterday I pointed out that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit repeatedly and consistently contradicts himself very soon after making some sort of inane pronouncement:
Pretty sure there is no topic on which Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has not already weighed in, and then contradicted himself in a subsequent post fewer than 48 hours later.
Today is no different.
@ 51:
The question is not what Obama should have done, but what he or Trump had/have the capability to do.
Although apparently Obama’s inaction was very much part of the question, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit belatedly realizes, because only 19 minutes later @ 55:
Obama should have bombed the fuck out of Assad’s regime back in 2012. He didn’t and it was a mistake.
…he fucked up his response to Assad’s actions in Syria.
I believe my work here is done for the day.
@58 He’s not playing. He is.
@60 “Pretty sure there is no topic on which Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has not already weighed in, and then contradicted himself in a subsequent post fewer than 48 hours later.”
When you posted this yesterday, I pointed out that I have been consistent in my evaluation of your intellect.
My answer still hasn’t changed today.
You’re still a dumbfuck.
Last night middle launch was nothing more than a show for The Russian Soap Opera.
Bob, if this continues and escalates will you support it?
Your living in the past. If you want to live in the past let’s go back to the whole region being destabilized when we evaded Iraq. Your wish to blame Obama is a coverup
@ 57
If Obama had asked Congress to authorize military action against Syria…
OK, it’s someone else’s turn to give Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit his daily modern history lesson. Start here:
Today, I’m merely adding details, to wit, you’re a dumbfuck who can’t count backwards from two, among your other talents.
@64 I stand corrected. We DO know who dropped the ball back in 2012. To wit:
“Before the authorization bill had even been drafted in the Senate, much less voted upon, there were already doubts being raised about whether any such measure would pass in the House. …
“The Washington Post also created its own whip count of where the votes stand on Syria. Their count on September 13 stood at:
“Yes: 25 (17 Democrats, 8 Republicans)
Undecided: 145 (111 Democrats, 34 Republicans)
Leaning No: 101 (38 Democrats, 63 Republicans)
Against: 162 (34 Democrats, 91 Republicans)”
So the argument of who’s to blame boils down to this:
(A) Obama is to blame because he decided to comply with the part of the Constitution that vests the warmaking power in Congress, not the Executive; or
(B) Republicans are to blame because the House opposition to the Senate resolution, although joined in by some Democrats, was lopsidedly partisan.
I vote for “(B)”.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, doc. I stand corrected again. What happened (and didn’t happen) in 2012 was another GOP clusterfuck. I should have known from the beginning of this conversation that that’s where the evidence would lead to.
missle and invaded.
I ain’t got time for this!
@63 Blaming Obama is what’s expected of him by the Dumbfuck Tribe.
I haven’t seen a Roypublican since Reagan that didn’t leave the seat up, use the last of tissue, plug the toilet, break the seat, overflow the sink and then immediately blame the guy before him… including 41.
It is a reflex for the “party of personal reponsibility”
Dr. Dumbfuck should just cut the crap and go back and blame Truman and Churchill for the problems in the Middle East. Heck, don’t even include the U.S., just blame Briton: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Mandate_for_Palestine_(legal_instrument)
Why stop there? Just go back to the formation of the various Abrahamic religions. Face it, they just hate each other and have been killing each other in the name of their god for centuries.
The attempt by Dr. Dumbfuck to simplify the problem by just trying to call out Obama as the sole source of the continued chemical weapons attacks by Syria just continues to prove his dumbfuckery and his simpleton intellect.
Too funny.
This is what Bob was promised…..a bag of rocks. The economy will be roaring soon!
Doctor Dumbfuck jumps up and down with righteous glee when Sessions fires McCabe for lying to the FBI.
Doctor Dumbfuck jumps up and down with righteous joy when Trump pardons Scooter Libby of lying to the FBI.
Doctor Dumbfuck jumps up and down with righteous outrage about Roger Rabbit’s alleged “inconsistent” posts.
Dumbfucks will dumbfuck. It’s what they do.
I see Bob couldn’t answer whether he would support US involvement in Syria at a greater scale.
And conversely whether he thinks Drump’s desire to pull out the current 2,000 service members there.
Naturally because it is present and future tense….the boy is stuck in the past. All he has now is the past. When Repuke is in office everything is about the past, and not until Dem is in office does he think about the present and future.
“Stormy calls me four or five times, by the last two phone calls she’s with Donald [Trump] and I can hear him, and he’s talking through the phone to me saying, ‘Oh come on Alana, let’s have some fun! Let’s have some fun! Come to the party, we’re waiting for you.’ And I was like, ‘OMG it’s Donald Trump!’” Evans previously recalled. “Men like him scare me because they have so much power and this was way before his presidential nomination. So I bailed on them and turned my phone off.” The next day Evans apologized for bailing, and asked Daniels how her night was. “She tells me, ‘All I’m going to say is: I ended up with Donald in his hotel room. Picture him chasing me around his hotel room in his tighty-whities.’”
I wonder what “Let’s have some fun” sounds like in equestrian talk.
I wonder if the horse would have been like “Oh my God, it’s …..!”
What a party animal running around in his tighty whities
Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick…..
Ohhhh my!
Heh. Indeed…
Cue the music of “The X-Files”…
Before Alex Jones there was Art Bell – very kooky always wrong wing nutjob spinning all kinds of way out, whacked out claptrap on the ray-dee-ooo from a shack in Pahrump, NV.. Yes the government does some way out shit that it keeps secret but Art Bell was hardly a credible guide.
Art Bell is dead at 72.
Don’t smoke and you’ll live longer. Too late for Art.
BTW… Didn’t the X-Files just squeeze out another season?
Just scanned a review. It appears it was pretty awful.
Let it “moulder” away…
@38 Of course the Germans also had an Air Force which is why the Eighth Air Force took heavy losses. One mission required hundreds of bombers, not so with todays aircraft and tools.
Of course the President did not respond to the use of chemical weapons as we would have with the Soviets. Which would have been response in kind or tactical or strategic nukes.
@45 A stockpile the Russians guaranteed would not exist after all of Assad’s /(old) chemical weapons were destroyed. Guess the Russians need to try harder.
@72 You have any proof of all that jumping up and down? Looks kinda rhetorical to me. Attack the guy so we don’t have to r
present a rational argument to support our view.
If Gomer Pyle goes to a whore is that a dumbfuck? Can only the whore be dumbfucked? Is Gomer just getting a professional fuck?
@73 Actually the answer is the US should not be in Syria, should insist the Russians and others get out. If the Syrians want to gas each other, fine. Maybe the Hague will get some business after the rebels are defeated. (Most rebellions are won by the government and best to stay out of civil wars. Yet bama could not resist going in. And as usual it was easy getting in, not so easy getting out. Occupying forces still in Germany, Japan and korea after all these decades.
@74 Dunno. Ask Mister Ed.
Rice lied, 75 people died…
Susan Rice -Archived ✔ @AmbRice44
Important achievement: removal of last 8 percent of declared chem weapons precursors from Syria
6:34 AM – Jun 24, 2014
@87 booo hooo hooo – 75 people died….I have my sad face on for you.
Bob is no Mayonnaise Ass Cracker, how dare you.
And if for some unexpected reason that doesn’t work, we can always follow up with a finger wag, a really, really mean look and take away their Xbox.
‘Cause nobody in four years would ever sell them some more Clorox with Scent of Lemon Fresh Pine Sol.
Time to update that comic book subscription, Shortbus. ‘Cause none of the sov states involved is a party to the Rome Statute, including the United States.
Why does anyone listen to them?
@93 “Kentucky gov. says “I guarantee” child was sexually assaulted during teacher protests”
Best Comments from the Internet
“By this logic, when politicians cut down the school week to four days, they were doing it so children could be more easily sexually assaulted.”
“I assure you that Kentuckians can’t be left alone with children without molesting them” – The Governor of Kentucky
“It’s not a threat. It’s a promise!”
The governor of Kentucky buttressed his claim that the teacher strike has resulted in an increase in child rape with the remark, “I mean, come on. It’s Kentucky.”
I wonder what percent of Americans would favor replacing the Bill of Rights with the Ten Commandments? I’m guessing, a lot. Which is all the more reason to cherish the Bill of Rights.
Apr 14, 2018
I’ll propose a trade. I’ll strike “Thou shalt not kill.” You can strike the Second Amendment.
“I mean, come on. It’s Kentucky.”
It’s common knowledge that Republicans everywhere fuck goats, but in here in Washington they also fuck horses.
Couldn’t he have just said it’s an abomination and gone back to trying to earn an honest living?
Prominent Gay Rights Lawyer Dies After Setting Himself On Fire In New York Park
This is why we should support legal immigration.
There seemed to be no way Shohei Ohtani could live up to the hype — after all, at just 23, he has been called a modern-day Babe Ruth, a threat both at the plate and on the mound. But so far, Ohtani is delivering: He struck out 12 batters on Sunday, after hitting home runs in three games last week.
It’s still early, but the Japanese star is generating the kind of stats that people in America’s big leagues last saw around 100 years ago. In four starts as a designated hitter, Ohtani has knocked in seven runs, going 7 for 18. He also has two wins as a pitcher.
Interesting proposal to upgrade Metrolink in LA for frequent, electrified service. It’s a shame, in 1961, they shut down the last line of the Pacific Electric. Although that was the LA MTA, while it was still in private hands, the CPUC actually denied permission to shut down the remaining lines, because freeways were already congested, and the air quality was bad.
How else can the court protect her client’s time-honored and “sacred” right to obstruct?
Judge Wood will rule on the law rather than the personalities. But between Cohen blowing off court to sit out on the sidewalk smoking stogies with his mobster pals, and his former client trash talking the court to anyone who’ll listen, if she were to rule on the personalities I wouldn’t hold out much hope for Ms. Hendon’s pleadings.
#owngoal #PresidentPardonPen
Well, sure maybe it’s not everything you hope for. But at least you managed to get rid of both Paul Ryan andk Heather Heyer. So there’s that.
@ 102
After eight years of Obama we had $9.3 trillion added to the national debt, war in Syria…
…and Preznit Trump.
…and Stormy Daniels…
and Robert Mueller…
and Paul Manafort…
and Karen MacDougal…
and George Nader…
and Eric Greitens…
and “Based Stickman”…
and Roy Morre…
and Connor Lamb…
and these guys.