Space: The next trillion dollar industry.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Mad props to Judge Jeanine Pirro
Daily Show: Hasan Minhaj breaks down “punish a Muslim Day”.
Stephen launches a Facebook alternative.
Vox: US voting machines are failing and here’s why.
Samantha Bee: A message for Ted Cruz.
Stormy Sunday and the Naughty Dotard Трамп:
- Stephen interviews Anderson Cooper’s interview of Stormy Daniels
- Conan’s take from the Stormy Daniels interview
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Stormy Daniels’ lawyer and Dotard Трамп’s legal team’s “catastrophic mistakes”
- WaPo: The key to good political satire in the Трамп era? Sticking to the facts.
- Trevor: Someone needs a proper spanking
- Vox: Why the Stormy Daniels lawsuit matters.
- Maddow: Senate Democrats ask DoJ officials to protect Mueller from President Трамп
- Our Cartoon President: You miss him don’t you?.
- Young Turks: Jim Carrey is The GOAT at trolling Трамп
- Ari Melber: Dotard Трамп’s CIA pick busted for destroying secret torture tapes
- Stephen: The scariest, hairiest Трамп appointment
- Late Show: Galino & Farnes—Lawyers that sue lawyers
- Chris Hayes: President Donald Трамп’s odd one-letter Twitter abbreviations, explained
- Our Cartoon President: I’ve got a great, great, lawyer:
- Rachel Maddow: Robert Mueller reportedly eyeing Sessions as Sessions cheats on recusal
- Stephen: Трамп has a new nickname in Washington
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Prosecutors say Трамп’s campaign leaders are tied to Russian intel officer
- James Corden: The Трамп 5-day forecast is looking *Stormy!*
- Stephen: New GoFundMe project—A border wall
- WaPo: Fact checking The Dotard Трамп’s gripes with Amazon
- Late Show: John Bolton’s terrifying ideas sung by Michael Bolton
- Our Cartoon President: A bonus Трамп!
- Maddow: Jared Kushner under investigation… by the White House?
- Slate: Why Трамп’s decision to allow drilling on our coasts is so shocking
- Stephen Stormy Daniels’ “60 Minutes” tatings beat Трамп’s
- Trevor: Profiles in courage—John Bolton edition.
- Ari Melber: Трамп lawyer’s mind-blowingly stupid offering of a pardon to Gates and Manafort.
- James Corden: The Dotard Трамп denies an affair with Stormy
- Stephen: Dear Robert Mueller, Is it collusion yet?
- What do people really thing about Трамп
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Stormy Daniels beats The Dotard Трамп
- Our Cartoon President: We’re going to make you a real Трамп
- Mother Jones: Трамп’s plan to rig the 2020 census, explained
- WaPo: Трамп under oath—What Трамп’s past depositions indicate about ones to come
- Stephen: John Bolton is a madman
- Трамп Combat TV: How to be a successful bully
- Stephen falls victim to CNN’s “fake news”
- Songify the News: Porn stars, video games, and weed:
- Mark Fiore: Pruitt’s 5 steps to environmental apocalypse
- James Corden: It’s the military’s turn to pay for the WALL
- Chris Hayes: What do you call a see through wall?
- Rachel Maddow: President Трамп shops for new hires from TV and small, familiar circle
- Lauren Mayer: Dayenu (For the Трамп era)
- Late Show: The “Dirty Dossier” gets salacious
- Young Turks: Parkland survivor epically takes down Laura Ingraham
- Ari Melber: Трамп proposes “infrastructure week” but can’t get funding passed
- Stephen: Robert Mueller pities the fool
- Chris Hayes: The Dotard Трамп picks his personal doctor as new head of V.A.
- Maddow: Трамп may rue selection of Bolton for National Security Adviser
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Adam ruins everything: The true messed up story of Pocahontas
Roll Call: Congressional Hits and Misses.
The veterans are running for Congress, as Democrats.
Out of control Chinese space station Expected to crash into earth Easter Sunday.
Vox: Why old buildings use the same leaf design
Trevor: An Alabama sheriff legally siphons cash from inmates
Marching for For Our Lives:
- Stephen: Rick Santorum’s hot take on the March For Our Lives
- Mother Jones: A Las Vegas survivor marches for gun control
- Jim Jefferies: attends march for our lives in San Diego
- Vox: How the NRA hijacks gun control debates:
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Student protesters did what most of us could not
- Daily Show: Montana gun owners rally against the March For Our Lives
- Heads of State: Santorum tells March for Our Lives students to learn CPR
- 17 year-old gives a blistering spoken word performance at SLC’s March For Our Lives
- Mother Jones: Highlights from the epic March For Our Lives rally in D.C.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Parkland Students’ sway hits those who mock them
- Slate: Multiple generations explain why high school kids are now better than adults at talking about guns
- Samantha Bee at The March For Our Lives
- Lawrence O’Donnell and friends: High costs for mocking Parkland student survivors
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Second amendment Yoga
- Mother Jones: High School students speak out at the New York March For Our Lives rally
- Chris Hayes: The reality of gun violence in America
Mental Floss: Behind the scenes secrets of shopping malls.
Stephen: Jeff Sessions loves the secret Wu-Tang Clan album.
Slate: Why we need “queer”.
Francesca Fiorentini: Will social media destroy democracy?
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Passing judgment
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
CPR would not work after a shooting, a tourniquet would stop the bleeding. Better yet, keeping the worst guns out of shooters hands would help. Just like I am not against people having a .50 cal rifle, just keeping the worst ammo out of civilian hands, including the Raufoss cartridge.
Also, I am surprised nobody has mentioned the rifle range under a high school stadium.
One aspect of 6 streetcar problem is planners should have built the CCC as part of the South Lake Union line, first. People point to Portland’s success, but Portland built a loop first, running from Portland State University to the Pearl District. Then a couple dimple extensions south to OHSU, then the Eastside Loop, with options that are now endless. They now have an order from another manufacturer, Brookville Equipment, which got into the business, refurbishing streetcars from three legacy systems, San Francisco, New Orleans, and Philadelphia. Interesting how Brookville got their first order for their Liberty streetcar. Dallas wanted just two to start, all the other manufacturers wouldn’t go that small on an order,
As for the CCC, I Understand SDoT and Metro had got the estimates wroNG, but I wonder if all sides are ignoring the multimodal network effect, tying RapidRide, LINK, Sounder in, as well as both WSF and Passenger only ferries. Buses can be rerouted, and the lack of service on 1st Ave is proof of that. Also, Bus Rapid Transit is turning into not delivering on its promise. Albuquerque is one example. Although ABQ wanted an electric bus, and it was not a proven design.
“I wonder if all sides are ignoring the multimodal network effect”
It sounds like you’re describing what I’m hearing from people who are getting out. NYC is no picnic as far as apt leases and comuting. And it can be tricky at first for newcomers trying to learn how to get around and work within the transpo system. But it seems to take most people only a year or so, and perhaps one relocation to get dialed in.
I keep running into people leaving Seattle because they find that process too difficult there for newcomers starting out. A year after arriving they’ve probably got to either find a new place or renew their lease for another 12 months. But in any big city thats a complex multi-variable problem. Putting together various disconnected links in a fragmented transportation system with a rental market broken up by nimby hostility, and workplaces, schools, retail, and entertainment spread around by a chaotic history of urban planning can be overwhelming. If it takes someone more than a year or so some of them will look for a way out.
@1 “keeping the worst ammo out of civilian hands, including the Raufoss cartridge”
$65 a bullet keeps it out of many hands.
@ 4
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit can’t even afford his own copy of Barron’s.
April is sexual assault awareness month.
For Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, April is the 158th straight month of impotence, so his assaults continue to be merely verbal.
Having lost more than a dozen of her most important sponsors, Laura Ingraham is now on vacation indefinitely. And next week her Fox time slot will be occupied by fill ins.
Well done, HelpDesk!
That kid is only seventeen years old. He hasn’t even graduated from high school yet. He’s probably more focused on his calculus mid term than trailerbilly gun fapping.
And still he kicked your asses.
Why should he buy when he can get it for free? Better yet, have taxpayers like you pay into public libraries so smart capitalist can reap the benefits from others.
Speaking of April being sexual assault month, another one of your fine people taking advantage of a position of authority do do nasty things to kids:
“April is sexual assault awareness month.”
November is women vote out Republicans month.
“Trump declares April as National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month”
Good luck with that.
With Ted Nugent adding to the chorus of right-wing hate, students who survive school shootings are now pathetic bigoted, mushy-brained, constitution-ripping, crisis-acting, lying Nazis who have no soul.
When told that right-wing gun freak pedophile Ted Nugent was coming for them, the student survivors, having just taken down Laura Ingraham, laughed at him.
@ 11
…the student survivors, having just taken down Laura Ingraham, laughed at him.
Ah, the “confidence of youth”, as the albino wannabe put it in Cold Mountain.
In ten years, when those kids are working alongside YLB’s kids, using their liberal arts degrees to craft the perfect French fries to serve to Ted Nugent, he’ll have the last laugh.
@ 8
Why should he buy when he can get it for free?
You’d have to see the pitiful value of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investment porfolio to fully understand the correct answer to your question, Newt.
Several years ago, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit disclosed it to everyone at HA. To the dollar. It’s a mistake even he is not stupid enough to make again.
I could care less what either of your stock portfolios are.
Maybe you can understand it this way, “Why buy the cow when you can get the mild for free.”
18 reported dead in yesterday’s Gaza ‘march’ protest.
You’d think there would be a huge international outcry after Israel massacred so many peaceful protestors.
Not so much, it seems.
Ofir Gendelman
Hamas claimed yesterady that the Palestinians who were killed during the #GreatReturnMarch were peaceful protesters.
Now it reveals the truth: 5 were members of its Al-Qassam Bridages, whose sole mission is to murder Israelis. The others were also members of terror organizations
6:57 AM – Mar 31, 2018
The Palestinian shtick is getting old and even the usual supporters of that clown show are tiring of the never-ending victim cards it plays.
Bob get off Puffy’s face.
@ 14
“Why buy the cow when you can get the mild for free.”
Own cow – get fresh milk when and where you want it, right out of the tap.
“Free” milk – you get what you pay for. Days old and digested and pissed out by everyone willing to pay for it before you even get to taste it.
The shit I’ve been reading this past week, and probably had the opportunity to act on while the market was open, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit won’t see until this weekend and won’t be able to act on until Monday.
Here’s an example, Newt: On October 20 of last year Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit notoriously recommended GE to you and specifically referred to the juicy dividend it paid as one of the reasons GE was one of his largest positions. However, had Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit had a Barron’s subscription, he would have been able to read this, which was published only the previous day:
GE: Options Market Sees More Trouble Ahead
The options market is treating General Electric’s dividend cut as a fait accompli.
With the stock at $23.19, Goldman’s derivatives strategists advised clients to buy GE’s November $23 put for 66 cents.
Many people have invested their retirement savings in GE because they thought the dividend was sacrosanct, and the business portfolio was among the world’s best-run. They have been proved wrong.
Imagine if Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit had read that the GE dividend was thought by the market to be decimated, the day before he relied in substantial part on that same dividend to support his contention that GE was a worthwhile investment. He could have avoided adding to the credibility of the Dumbfuck label with which he has been saddled.
Newt, do you understand, now, why some things are worth paying for, even if they can be had, elsewhere, for “free”?
@12 “using their liberal arts degrees”
Wow, your ignorance of the power of what a liberal arts degree can do is just astounding, yet, not surprising in the least.
Here are some very successful people that have liberal arts degrees:
Steve Jobs attended Reed College, a prestigious liberal arts college ( Washington state has it’s own prestigious liberal arts that has many notable graduates, such as a US Supreme Court Justice, a co-inventor of the transistor, a CEO of GE, and many more:
Keep spouting your disdain for a liberal arts education, it just drives home you being a troglodyte and a high-functioning mental pygmy.
I asked RR’s opinion on GE stock, RR gave that but never told me to buy it.
Did I buy any? No. I can read and do my own research thank you.
Horses and a cow, wow, a cornucopia of barnyard fun for you!
@ 18
Nothing wrong with a BA if you can afford to earn one.
If you can’t, that’s a different story.
I can pick out millionaires and billionaires who never earned a college degree, perhaps starting with local boy made good Bill Gates. Would that persuade you? No? Then why do you think I would be persuaded by a cherry-picked list of liberal arts degree-holders who have excelled, Newt?
Go join YLB in the third tier. I’m outta here.
To hear Doctor Dumbfuck tell it, all you need is a home subscription to Barron’s and you can be reeeech just like him.
Then spend your “Golden Years” scraping moss of your porch, caging free samples at Costco, bartering for “senior discounts” at the Cheesecake Factory and trying to provoke a pity-smile from the H.S. cheerleaders at the DQ.
If only he’d known thirty five years ago that all those weekends and vacations spent hitting the books, all those years of unbearably long hours for less than min wage, and all those close encounters with homeless scrot cheese would ultimately come to this.
Talk about bad investments.
@5 Keep scratching on that violin, doc; you might become a musician someday.
@11 Nugent’s own brain is so addled by drugs he wouldn’t recognize mush if he ate it for breakfast.
@12 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck accelerates his dumbfuckery by worshipping Ted Nugent. Listen, shit for brains, those kids have more class in their fingernail clippings than Nugent’s whole family.
@13 Next, you’re going to tell us you got rich by paying for free magazines. Of course, anyone with your brains doesn’t get why the rest of the world sees him as a dumbfuck.
@15 “The Palestinian shtick is getting old”
So too, apparently, is Benjy’s Clown Show of corruption and personal pocket-lining.
@17 Imagine how many Barrons renewals you could buy if you had shorted GE at 23.
@18 “Wow, your ignorance … is just astounding …”
Not really. He’s been here long enough now that I’m used to it.
@20 Of course, not knowing anything about liberals arts education, you’re clueless as to what you don’t know.
You were berating the liberal arts degree Dr. Dumbfuck, you never said anything about people, like Bill Gates, that never completed a college degree (to be fair, I did point out Steve Jobs attended Reed, I never said he graduated, so he was my defacto rich person that dropped out, like Bill Gates). Deflect, deflect, deflect, you are a one-trick pony.
All I did was point out people that were successful with a liberal arts degree and apparently you couldn’t accept that some people are successful with a BA. Some are successful with a BS, some without a degree. I think you will find the percentages of successful people that graduate from liberal arts institutions is very high, as compared to other types of schools. Take a look at alumni from Williams College
With that said, investing in a liberal arts degree is a very good investment. A medical degree from a banana republic, not so much. With commentary like you are providing, you make Piddles look almost coherent.
Finally, “Nothing wrong with a BA if you can afford to earn one.” If you have the smarts, skills, drive, and desire, you can earn a liberal arts degree, despite the cost. There are things called scholarships, financial aid, and student loans, that can be obtained if one truly wants to earn a BA. Problem is, most students are lazy and want mommy and daddy to pay for it and are satisfied with going to a large state/public school to be churned out into the world like factory cheese.
Third tier? Ha! Back-bencher like you make all the HA regulars look brilliant.
“Back-bencher like you make all the HA regulars look brilliant.”
When all is said and done, Doctor Dumbfuck is still a dumbfuck.
3)I’ve read about the mess of commuter rail operations in NYC, and ironically, the Private Sector is responsible. The PRR/New York Central rivalry, though the MTA did not help make it better. Separate Stations, even third rail connectors were different. I have seen some of the suggestions the Regional Plan Association had to make the three networks more like the RER in Paris, or the S-Bahn in Germany.
I would like to see the Swiss/German model applied here but it is more than just multimodal connections, it’s integrated timetables, and fare networks. We have buses that operate on flat fares, while LINK and Sounder are distance based. With the ORCA card, perhaps zonal fares are not a bad idea,
In Georgia, a white woman who intentionally voted her dead mother’s ballot for Donald Trump wasn’t prosecuted.
In Texas, a black woman confused about her eligibility to vote got 5 years in prison for voting a provisional ballot in her own name.
What’s wrong with this picture?
“What’s wrong with this picture?”
For Doctor Dumbfuck, nothing. “The black bitch got what was coming to her.”
Trump’s dumb-fuckery just continues with his rant against Amazon and the U.S. Postal Service:
News to Fat Donny, “Boosted by e-commerce, the Postal Service has experienced double-digit increases in revenue from delivering packages, but that hasn’t been enough to offset pension and health care costs as well as declines in first-class letters and marketing mail.”
Amazon isn’t the problem. In fact, if Amazon hadn’t come along and increased package shipping, the U.S. Postal Service would probably be in much worse shape.
If they want to save money, cut down on the marketing mail, that would also help the recycling problem to some degree. I can’t think of anything I’ve ever purchased from direct marketing mail, it all just gets recycled.
@35 And the recycled paper now goes into local landfills because China won’t take it anymore because of Fat Donny’s tariffs.
The ban isn’t due to Fat Donny’s tariffs:
I received a letter from Waste Management today explain how the ban requires them to ask for a surcharge from the UTC. Fucking bullshit if you ask me. We’ve been pushed towards recycling for years, now we just have separated piles that go to landfills.
China announced their ban in July 2017, WM and other’s have had time to be proactive, but no, they just want to raise the rates so they can just dump it in the landfill.
dumbfuck and its “tiers” are too funny… A view from a bottom of the barrel troll.
No babbling butthole tonight? Good. What a lonely life here at HA for bottom of the barrel boob.
Now the dumbfuck is making Nugent out to be a vegetarian.. Doubling down on the dumb.. yawn..
@38 If Nugent is the best role model the right can come up with, no wonder all their kids are doing drugs.
@35 and you know why the US Postal Services is having problems with pension and the profits right? The Repuke Congress passed a law that requires the USPS to fund their pension something like ep or 50 years up front and since then it’s been harder for them to turn a profit.
Third world building codes …
If Republicans regulated construction like this, would you stay in a hotel built by a Republican?
@ 33, 34
“What’s wrong with this picture?”
Nothing wrong with this picture.
1. States’ rights. Different states have different laws. There’s that silly US Constitution interfering with liberal hopes and dreams again. Someone ought to amend that amendment.
2. The Texas woman is a felon, and had served three years in federal prison for defrauding the government of nearly $5M when she prepared taxes. Then she committed another felony, which was based on her felon status, when she voted. Somehow we are supposed to believe that she’s smart enough to steal $5M before she’s caught, and yet she isn’t smart enough to understand the meaning of the word Affidavit.
3. The Texas woman had an opportunity for a jury trial, and decided against it.
Since the judge’s name is Ruben Gonzalez, perhaps the racism you allege is not of the white vs. black variety. Too bad this would not fit your preferred narrative.
Steve, you’re better than this.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you were a useless attorney and your position on this is no surprise. The only time you surprise, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, is on the rare occasion you get something right.
Your Pissident’s lawyers don’t. Why should she?
Nice piece in the Seattle Times about the repeated smackdowns suffered by the Seattle City Council when their moronic intrusions are reviewed by the courts.
Meet the pin to Seattle’s liberal bubble: Attorney Ethan Blevins
In the past two years, three city ordinances have been struck down by judges for being unconstitutional or overreaching. In all three, Blevins and his two-lawyer Bellevue office of the Pacific Legal Foundation were involved in suing the city.
“I think the city sees itself as an activist in its own right,” he says. “Not a government weighing the pros and cons of an issue, but an activist. I’d say that’s where most of the problems originate.”
It’s almost like the City Council lets Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit write their shit before its members vote on it.
looks to me like every one of those were argued by house counsel in your city atty’s office. Cost the taxpayers almost nothing. Better way to spend their money than hiring Badge Bunny firms to defend corrupt cops on violent roid-rage sprees.
Have you mailed PLF this month’s check yet?
Could be the economists are right with their theory that consumers will substitute when a product becomes too expensive or not available.
35)Isn’t the USPS job to deliver letters and packages?
The Pacific Legal Foundation is a Sacramento, California-based legal organization to support pro-business causes. In recent years, it has taken a lead in pursuing anti-affirmative action policies.
It is the key right-wing public interest litigation firm in a network of similar organizations to support capitalism and oppose environmental and health activism and government regulation.
To be precise, to support pro real estate investment and pro development causes. They position themselves as “Libertardian”, but they are anything but. They lobby tirelessly for taxpayer subsidies, public investment schemes, and a plethora of special tax treatment for their real estate and development investments and expenses.