VOX: When the only way to go free is to plead guilty.
Chris Hayes: Democratic turnout surges in Texas early voting.
The Dotard Трамп And His Gang of Stable Geniuses:
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Dotard Трамп’s campaign chairman and aide indicted on 32 new charges
- Farron Cousins: Was Трамп’s porn star hush money illegal?
- Rachel Maddow: Robert Mueller adds new piece to plot with new Manafort & Gates indictment
- Michael Brooks: Jeff Sessions goes off script and proves he’s still living in the 1800s
- Stephen: Трамп’s state of affairs….Actual affairs:
- Our Cartoon President addresses CPAC
- Chris Hayes: Melania’s parents likely in U.S. thanks to “chain migration”
- The making of Our Cartoon President
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: The Trumpian plot of “Black Panther”.
- Stephen: Dotard Трамп Jr.’s Bollywood debut: ‘The dance of the greasy son’
- Our Cartoon President: These jokes are bigly crap
- Maddow: Sanctioned Russian spy chiefs meet with Трамп administration
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard Трамп endorses Mitt Romney
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Jared Kushner’s security clearance is a problem for John Kelly
- Stephen points out Obama’s parting gift to Трамп
- Farron Cousins: Trump allies Manafort and Gates hit with new indictments from Mueller
- Late Night: The dossier interviews the Democratic memo
- Our Cartoon President: Paid family leave
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Trimming the fat—State Department edition.
- Chris Hayes: Mitt Romney said he wouldn’t accept President Dotard Трамп endorsement. He did.
- Farron Cousins: Трамп to Republicans—Ignore PA gerrymandering laws
- Stephen: Трамп’s Twitter spree after Robert Mueller’s Russia indictments
- Our Cartoon President: “I flew in a Playmate for Sex”
Rachel Maddow: Americans Google Alex Van Der Zwaan as Robert Mueller issues new charges .
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Francesca Fiorentini: Why the rich love destroying unions.
Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens (R) is indicted on felony invasion of privacy charge.
Young Turks: Governor arrested for revenge porn.
Daily Show: How to make people care about the Great Lakes.
Were Neanderthals the first artists?
Gunz In ‘merica:
- Stephen: If politicians won’t take action, these high schoolers will
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: The moderate (uncensored)
- Trevor Noah: Parkland shooting survivors school Congress on gun violence.
- Chris Hayes: Second Amendment doesn’t protect AR-15s
- Stephen asks God about his stance on the NRA
- Heads of State: Трамп announces new NRA approved gun policy:
- WaPo: Parent of FL shooting victim slams Rubio for “pathetically weak” comments
- Jimmy Kimmel on Florida shooting survivors being called fake news
- Stephen: The kids from Florida aren’t acting
- Jonathan Mann: You don’t need an AR 15
- Maddow: Americans rally for gun safety with Dotard Трамп and GOP as only obstacles
- Trevor: Gun control vs. porn control—Florida takes on the wrong kind of mass shooting
- Young Turks: School shooting survivors aren’t buying Трамп’s bullshit
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Why arming teachers is a fantasy war game
- Vice: The political aftermath of the Parkland School shooting
- Late Show: Meet the school teacher ready for her gun
- James Corden: Gun control in Ameica
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: America’s teens experiment with gun control
- Lawrence: Трамп lives in a fantasy world.
- Stephen: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, “The NRA has a chokehold on Congress”
- Mark Fiore: Electoral gunsights.
- WaPo: Трамп’s changing positions on guns over the years.
- Trevor: Marco Rubio and President Трамп stumble through gun control debates/a>
- Late Show: The GOP finally proposes a ban
- Stephen: Трамп wants more guns in schools
- #ArmMeWith: Teachers respond to Трамп with viral campaign.
- Chris Hayes: Parkland survivors transform the gun debate
- Teens Tell VICE why they’re protesting after the Parkland shooting
- Trevor: Conservatives attack Parkland survivors once again
- WaPo: An hour-by-hour comparison of Трамп and Obama responding to school shootings
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Carly Novell and Delaney Tarr on reforming gun laws with #NeverAgain
VOX: How the economy shapes our live lives.
WaPo: Sketching Robert Muller III—how accurate are pop culture’s portrayals?
Lewis Black: How territorial rats could fix New York City’s transit woes.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The crisis actor accusations again. Didn’t that happen with Sandy Hook too?
Arm the Teachers. Yeah, I’m sure these cops and some others will love that so that they don’t have to go in against an AR-15, leave it up to the teachers….I’m sure they’ll take that little bonus they get and run off on a grand shopping spree similar to one Ivanka can have.
Leave it to a Repuke to propose something stupid, and then leave it up to the sheep to say bahhhh, bahhhh. Bunch of dumbfucks.
Not only would the teachers have to teach your little brats, they now have to risk their lives for you brats.
@1 accusations from people that have no morals.
America is dumbing down. Sad. So, sad.
Take that dumbfucks.
@ ER @ 1:
Yeah, and the Fascists will do just about anything to support their Nazi fairytales.
I think I have figured something out. It’s all conjecture of course, but I believe it makes some sense within the context of the basic existence of the internet.
Vladimir Putin is a Fascist, in every real sense of the word. He’s the right-wing version of Khrushchev, more or less in the model of Stalin. He fancies himself a Shaper of History in the same way that Hitler and Stalin had. Such people have always been deeply atavistic and corrupt at the roots of their personality structures, and the methods they work out to create their personal universes are mostly about theft and the ability to control how they are described and perceived in the courts of public opinion. Putin is an expert at the latter, he was one of the last KGB leaders during the Soviet period and going on to the beginnings of the Russian Federation. He had a well-established reputation for ruthlessness back then. I suspect he was very well-schooled at psychological warfare methods and economic manipulation.
So, the question is, that if one wanted to kill off a Nation-State that stood in opposition to one’s own desires and notions of how the World should be shaped, how would one go about doing that without resorting to an utterly destructive, absolute War that one could not really afford to undertake? The United States up to this point has certainly the superior economic power while Russia has spent most of the last century just trying to maintain a grip on itself against total domestic anarchy, and that going all the way back to Ivan. It was an entirely artificial economy during the Soviet period. I suspect that Putin knows this, as do most of the other top-echelon leaders in the Russian Federation. Their method is the Corporate method, that is, total, top-down authoritarian control of everything in the economy so little has really changed since the fall of the Soviet Union. But they are still, as a Nation-State, comparatively very poor. They don’t have the financial means to develop the domestic resources they do have without some outside investment, which means allowing some measure of outside influence and control.
They are National-Corporatist absolutists, and they sure as shit don’t want to see anyone but themselves in the position of making decisions about those resources or who should be permitted to enrich themselves from the development and exploitation of those resources.
So, again the question: How would one go about acquiring that outside investment while simultaneously destroying the Nation-State that is the only real threat to it, without resorting to a massive, unlimited open War that would almost certainly destroy both actors?
I tell you how I would do it. I would go with the Lao Tzu method. That is, carefully study how the opposition was structured in terms of their economic model, their basic National legal structure, what the foundation is of that structure, and attack that.
In a Capitalistic economic model such as the United States, there are always, without exception, going to be criminals who are more concerned with their personal wealth and social position than any loyalty they would have to the Nation-State. Donald Trump and his entire administration certainly exemplify this.
To quote Frank Herbert:
“All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible. Such people have a tendency to become drunk on violence, a condition to which they are quickly addicted.”
That certainly describes Ronald Reagan, George Bush and Dick Cheney. It describes Lyndon Johnson and Harry Truman to a “T”. The fact is, it describes pretty much every President this Country has ever had.
So, that being said, how would one go about attacking us at the very foundation of our legal and socio-economic structure?
I’ll tell you how. Make us choke on it. Make us choke on the availability of money and food, the words of purported social leaders. The accouterments of wealth. Make us choke on weapons and legalities and rights of possession and ownership of various types of properties.
Make us choke on our National wealth. All that would be required to do so, is encourage a system of certain things like a permanent state of debt for the common people, and encourage the positioning the corrupt people to create and maintain that debt as a means of social control. Make that debt a requirement for socio-economic advancement amongst the financially poorer demographic. There are a lot of people in this Country that one could dangle enough money in front of, and they would sell their mothers and sons to a cannibals butcher shop. This is the same in any Nation.
Take all that, and then create the narrative that their Government is the Enemy, and the legal structural foundation of that Government is subversive and dangerous. Then foster a sense of near-total insecurity through propaganda campaigns directed at and through Religion, finance and other social constructs, and then do all one can to encourage the personal need for lethal weaponry amongst the general population.
The best propaganda is always rooted in factual information. Take those facts that have already occurred and that nobody can really dispute, then control how those facts are described to the people. Control the free press and one has control over information. Destroy the system of education by corrupting it and restricting access to it. Encourage as much information as one can, and people start to choke on the sheer volume of that information simply because there is nobody anywhere that can absorb it all. Most people cannot discern what is fact or fiction in the corresponding flood of words, especially when they have never been allowed instruction on how to do so.
Make us drown in it.
I do wonder how much Russian and American Oligarch money is invested in our publishing, banking and weapons industries. In food production and information technology.
So, the Orange Potentate is serious about spending our money on a lavish military display? Is the purpose of this to cow Kim into submission, or just feed his own ego?
@2 “Leave it to a Repuke to propose something stupid, and then leave it up to the sheep to say bahhhh, bahhhh. Bunch of dumbfucks.”
The chief benefit of democracy is that everybody gets to vote. The biggest downside of democracy is that everybody gets to vote.
“Not only would the teachers have to teach your little brats, they now have to risk their lives for you brats.”
They’d probably prefer to shoot the little brats. Which raises an interesting question: If the stupid Republicans arm the teachers, and a teacher goes berserk in the classroom, then what? Is it really a good idea for frustrated and stressed out teachers to be packing heat?
Imagine a classroom gunfight between a teacher with a handgun and a madman with an AR-15 exchanging fire from 15 feet apart, with 20 kiddies between them. Does anyone in their right mind think this would end well?
U.S. skier Lindsey Vonn said in December she hoped to “represent the people of the United States, not the president” at the Olympics. The response was a deluge of hate from Trump fans.
“I don’t think I was expecting that much hate that came my way … that’s why I normally don’t talk about politics,” Vonn says.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, it’s hard to tell what’s coming from paid Russian trolls and our own indigenous rightwing Putin stooges, because the two are virtually indistinguishable.
Hey, how about that USA men’s curling team? USA! USA! USA!
“No one rides it. They want Bike lanes and light rail and it’s a waste of money. Cars! CArs! CARS! Why wage war on CARS! CARS! Cars are the future
4 million more trips on ST Light rail in 2017 over 2016. Soft Paywall
Roosevelt and Northgate stations come on line in 2021. Bellevue 2023 expected though ’24 seems more likely.
When they say, It won’t be built for 30 years they are purposely trying to get you mad about the timeline for getting the whole project done.
Well it would appear we finally know what was going too far and it was sending your SpokesHole out to suggest that some people love dead children.
Your NRA Membership no longer gets you anything except her salary.
No longer offering discounts:
First Nat. Bank NRA VISA
United Airlines
Delta Airlines
Enterprise Rent-A-Car and it’s subsidieries Alamo & National
Best Western
Cabellas and Bass Pro Shops are sticking with them though. At least until their March Sales numbers come in.
@12 “It won’t be built for 30 years they are purposely trying to get you mad about the timeline”
I’ve always gone by ST’s own timeline. Currently, the schedule is this:
Light rail reaches Northgate: 2021
Mercer Island, Bellevue, and Microsoft in Redmond: 2023
Downtown Redmond: 2024
Lynnwood and Federal Way: 2024
Downtown Seattle to Tacoma Dome: 2030
Downtown Seattle to West Seattle: 2030
Downtown Seattle to Ballard : 2035
Lynnwood to Everett: 2036
South Kirkland to Issaquah: 2041
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Issaquah is already a bedroom community of people working in Seattle and Bellevue, and for them, light rail is 23+ years away. For people in Everett it’s almost 20 years away. For Ballard, almost as long. Meanwhile all these folks are paying taxes for it in the here and now. That’s what the carping’s about, along with the arbitrary and inflated valuing of cars for tax purposes.
But, as I’ve said before on HA, the voters approved this and are stuck with it, for better or worse, and it’s pointless to keep arguing over it. It’s a done deal and continued arguing is a waste of time and energy.
They want enough Bellevue/Redmond people to get oussed about “30 Years” so Kemper can stack ST board and starve or kill the project. But Bellevue Redmond will be online in 5-6 years.
Unless new votes slow that down.
Downtown to Tacoma done can already be done on Sounder commuter rail.
@13 Cabela’s and Bass Pro Shops are one and the same. BPS bought Cabela’s last fall. The combined company, like its BPS predecessor, is privately held with BPS founder Johnny Morris the principal shareholder and for all intents and purposes calling the shots. So when you talk about Cabela’s and BPS sticking with the NRA, you’re really talking about one individual, i.e. Johnny Morris is sticking with the NRA. Nobody else in those companies has any say about it.
@7 “Is the purpose of this to cow Kim into submission, or just feed his own ego?”
You have to ask? It is pure “feed the ego” on Trump’s part. Trump does military parades all the time for NK, how many B2 flyovers have there been to show Kim our strength? https://www.cnn.com/2017/06/20/politics/north-korea-b-1-bombers/index.html
How many F-22? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/feb/17/us-f22-jets-south-korea-air-force-north-seoul-flyover
A three carrier strike force in the Pacific: https://www.cnn.com/2017/11/12/politics/us-navy-three-carrier-exercise-pacific/index.html
Kim knows he can’t beat the US. He knows he will be taken out and there will be massive casualties on both sides. Kim’s only hope is to inflict as much damage as possible, or at least threaten to wipe out as much of the South as possible to make the risk of re-engaging in active fighting between armies as undesirable as possible.
No, a military parade on US soil is all about appealing to his hillbilly base.
Nice thread. 100% loon-free. But the loon will be back and he’s gonna soil this thread with head explosions of HATE!
@18 Of course he is. He has no other life.
@8 and to think they may even turn the gun on each other. My god what an awful dumb fucking solution. The people should have their brains investigated for some type of dumbfuck disease.
Mona Charon who stunned the CPAC audience by calling out their aquissance to Groper-in-Chief and Roy Moore escorted out by three security guards
CPAC says it was not ejection but protection. Either way, CPAC loves child molesters.
Imagine needing protection for saying “Grooing women and diddling pre teens is bad.”
Trumpism has broken their decoder ring.
This stuff is wildly popular with the base. So much so that we can rely on shills like the Pious Liar arriving to defend it eventually. And of course, it isn’t untrue! Michael Steele was elected “because he’s a black guy”.
But the point is you aren’t supposed to say so. You are supposed to pretend it was based on merit and ability. You are supposed to pretend that conservatism is a “big tent” with plenty of room for all colors and creeds of stoopid nihilism. And most of all you must never openly confess that it was to serve as a fig leaf for the rampant White Nationalism that has taken over conservative politics.
Because to do so is to confess that as a movement, conservatism in America is not only uninterested in reaching out to grow and expand, but that such growth and expansion threatens the identity of the movement, which is fundamentally a white nationalist movement now and forevermore
Now that the Democratic rebuttal of the Nunes memo has been released, heavily redacted of course, the task before Republicans is to mischaracterize what it says by lying about its contents.
@20 Unfortunately, Republican stupidity is incurable.
Written by a Republican. No mention of the debt? No mention of the other potential negative effects – like less services or paying more in other means of taxes like gas tax or state and local communities now bearing more of the cost. Not to mention the potential negative conditions on the economy.
Read some of the comments by the sheep of CT.
The timing of this article is great. A couple of days ago I got a call from the friend that prepared my return. It was happy call. She tells me I am getting back a good health amount from Federal and NY State. Double to what I got last year.
Today I received in the mail the actual prepared return to sign and send back and she will file them. So I was able to take a look and compare back to last year. I think I may have mentioned before that I keep a spreadsheet tracking the past 30 years of my taxes.
The results are as follows:
2016 – % of Taxable Income to AGI = 74.7%, % of Tax liability to Total Income = 15.2%, and % of Tax Liability on Taxable Income = 20.40%.
2017 – respectively 72.1%, 15.2%, 21.16%
So. I made more money than last year (approximately $20,000). And even though I had a smaller % of Taxable Income in 2017 than in 2016, I paid the same amount of taxes as a percent to Total Income, but more in % on the taxable Income.
The reason why I had less taxable income this year is because I had more deductions in mortgage (last year was only 6 months versus this years 12 month) as well as less of a deduction related to taxes that I am able to write off as a shareholder in the Co-op in which I live (full 12 months versus only the 6 months).
The other day in discussion with her (the person who prepared my taxes) she said that next year she would expect less back then this year because of not being able to take the same deductions as I did this year because of the changes in the tax law.
Now am I better off this year than I was last year?
Abigail said I would be. Is he right?
Other than the unexpected fat check that I am getting I don’t fell like paying more in percent is better.
I’m noticing that since the NRA slaughter at a high school in Florida last week, all the thoughtful, so-called “moderate” voices of conservative politics in America have been really, really focused on all the reasons why, in an age where the Republican Party has become a dumpster fire of white nationalism, “plain ol’ regular folks” like them simply cannot turn to the dirty, hippie Democrats. Who despite not having driven cars into crowds, donned swastikas, taken to sheltering wife beaters, or selling themselves to a failed commie empire, are just far, far, far, FAAAAR too liberal.
They are signaling a couple of pretty important ideas here.
First is that the NRA is merely an arm of the Republican Party nowadays.
And second is that there really are only two kinds of Republican voter anymore: the ones who lustily embrace white nationalism, and the ones who…
…lustily embrace white nationalism but pretend they don’t while they are doing it.
Is it clever? It is if they can get the rest of us to buy it. They are voting for these people every fucking day. They attend their fund raisers and conferences. They send them money. And they reliably promote their ideas at every turn. That makes them one of the white nationalists. Full stop.
I don’t know about you guys, but I haven’t seen a hippie since Jim Carrey won Best Male Performance at the 1999 MTV Movie Awards. And I’m almost certain it wasn’t real. But the so-called moderate conservatives depend on hippies even more than they depend on MAO inhibitors. So they keep the myth alive to excuse who they really are.
@25 Many filers who itemized will lose from combining the personal exemption and standard deduction, but end up paying less tax because of lower tax rates. If you break it down, you’ll probably find that all of your tax savings come from the lower rates unless you were previously taking the standard deduction.
@NRA is now taking to twitter to excoriate cops who didn’t storm the building.
Blue Lives Matter?
Attacking a reliably conservative voting block. This is going well for you isn’t it Ms, Loesch?
@28 If cops won’t confront a rampaging gunman why does anyone think a teacher will?
Now watch…
It works. It really does. And in precisely the same way that it works for Pissident Stoopid McWifebeater to go after federal law enforcement.
It works so long as everyone agrees to play along with the make believe nonsense that has propped up movement conservatism since Goldwater:
Tax cuts are good for the economy;
Poor people are to blame for being that way;
More military spending does not equal more warfare;
The NRA does not equal the Republican Party;
Trump’s muscular white nationalism is not a logical result of the last fifty years of conservatism.
Everyone plays along or they risk offending Jimmy Stewart’s ghost.
Fuck Jimmy Stewart.
Well, I suppose we could all return to hunter-gatherer days.
@29 ” If cops won’t confront a rampaging gunman why does anyone think a teacher will?”
I can’t stand the NRA, but not all cops cower and fold like a cheap paper doll in the face of adversity, and clearly some teachers don’t either.
It is a disgrace to the law enforcement profession what that copy did by not confronting the threat.
The football coach that shielded students and died as a result of of heroic actions is to be admired for his selfless sacrifice.
However that doesn’t mean teachers should be carrying weapons. Teachers are there to teach, school resource officers are there to protect. You wouldn’t ask a SRO to step in and teach your children now would you? Why would you want them packing guns?
The NRA calling for an end to gun-free zones is BS and the excuse they use is also BS https://theintercept.com/2018/02/22/trump-blames-gun-free-zones-school-shootings-echoing-myth-spread-n-r/, after all, there was a gun at the school, the deputy/SRO had one.
More guns is not the answer.
Today a Prominant Conservative African American activist tweeted about how good blacks voted for Trump.
45 Retweeted.
Would have been better if the activist hasn’t tweeted dozens of times that Sandy Hook was a hoax and the dead children were props and the parents hired actors. But he said something nice about a narcissist so nothing else matters right?
It’s soooooooooooooooooooooo good to see how Puddy PWNS both shitstain steve and the creepy clueless crazed databaze cretin!
Till Tomorrow!
HA HEROES.. The freak ZERO @ 35 can’t help itself..
It must put HA HEROES first! It needs to carry HA HEROES in its pin head to face the weekly duty in the salt mines with the salt mining buddy.
@32 “Well, I suppose we could all return to hunter-gatherer days.”
No, you can’t, and this starkly shows how superficial your thinking is.
Historically, more efficient food production allowed human population expansion. Hunting and gathering is the least efficient method of obtaining food and can only support a tiny population. Agriculture and animal husbandry produces more food per acre, which allowed a larger population to exist. Industrialized agriculture produces even more food from a given amount of land and allowed further population expansion.
If you abandon these modern methods of food production, and revert to older and less efficient methods, then your population must shrink to a level those methods can support. Because hunting and gathering supports only a small population, the population decline would be drastic. Those who couldn’t catch or find enough food would die off.
Imagine Seattle’s population trying to live off the land in the Cascade hills and lowlands. Without farming, there isn’t enough food there to feed all of you. You’d soon be eating each other after everything else was consumed. Only a few hundred would ultimately survive.
You and Steve live rent-free between Piddles ears.
This paper suggests hunting and gathering can support at most 1 person per km2, whereas farming can support 100-1000 people per km2. Thus, if an agricultural society reverted to hunting and gathering, it could expect a population reduction on the order of 99% to 99.9%.
Gotta love the American sense of humor.
Where is Walt Kelly, now that we really need him?
Eat Shit Bob!
When I look at the date and time stamp and see the 3 hour difference it always reminds me of Bob’s limited brain power.
Bob’s limited ability to think and his perverted mind made him think that I was up at all odd hours of the time because I was tending to the abducted strangers that I have tied up in the basement.
I wonder if a deformation lawsuit would be in order.
This is how a Democrat talks.
Ellison Barber
.@JakeTapper asks Broward sheriff if he thinks the Parkland shooting might not have happened if his office had done things differently.
Sheriff responds: “If ifs and butts [sic] were candy and nuts OJ Simpson would still be in the record books.”
6:43 AM – Feb 25, 2018
Sure as it rains in Seattle, pro-gunners are responding to a Florida sheriff’s call for more gun control with personal attacks on the sheriff, including a Republican state representative’s demand to the governor for his removal.
Why do Republicans hate law enforcement?
@ 42
I think you meant defamation.
A deformation lawsuit is one you would file against your parents for not aborting you when they had the chance, gman.
@ 39
Thus, if an agricultural society reverted to hunting and gathering, it could expect a population reduction on the order of 99% to 99.9%.
Either that or more people would move to the red states in the middle of the country, you stupid fuck.
I think one of the new tactics being developed by the Repukes is to make people think it is the Democrats that prevent the things that you want.
Say Gun Control for instance. Polls show a grand majority of people want tougher gun laws and they want Congress to Act.
You would think that that doesn’t bode well for the Repukes, but if they can actually get people to think that it is the Democrats that are the ones preventing it (pull the foreskin over their eyes), then they can try to salvage any loss of votes. You don’t actually have to worry about being the one responsible for the inaction if you can get people to think the problem is the other party. And god knows we have a bunch of dumbfucks – probably the easier path of less resistance is to brainwash the dumbfucks then to have to try to defend your wrong position.
@28 If cops won’t confront a rampaging gunman why does anyone think a teacher will?
Because then the teacher would be shooting BACK. The alternative is cowering under the desk or in a closet.
Teacher died fighting for her students
Deformation – “the action or process of changing in shape or distorting, especially through the application of pressure.”
No. Wrong again. I meant Deformation. See @47
@48 or to get out of teaching all together so you don’t have to be the one to die for anyone.
Good Luck Bob. Limited Brain man.
Ask Drumpf and deferments.
@ 28
@NRA is now taking to twitter to excoriate cops who didn’t storm the building.
Attacking a reliably conservative voting block. This is going well for you isn’t it Ms, Loesch?
Actually, the first responders are just as outraged because the Broward first responders didn’t. In addition to being reliably conservative, the vast majority of them are horrified at what their Broward colleagues failed to do.
Sometimes there just isn’t a defense for awful behavior. Hillary Clinton learned that.
When all of this is over, Pilsner, Loesch will still be standing. The Broward County Sheriff will resign in disgrace. It took awhile for the message to get through to Anthony Weiner, too. We can wait.
@46 or the great lakes region, right after all them evangelicals teach them how to fish.
@45 I think he meant deformation. Your brain obviously is deformed, and no telling what else is deformed, too. Maybe your wife knows.
@46 Yes, I know they’re still neolithic hunter-gatherers there, which is why their population is so small, but they get two senators just like New York and California anyway. Which renders the Senate of interest to anthropologists because some of its members offer a living window into the distant past.
More on @ 51 for the Pilsner Pussy:
With direction from the Broward deputies who were outside, Coral Springs police soon entered the building where the shooter was. New Broward County Sheriff’s deputies arrived on the scene, and two of those deputies and an officer from Sunrise, Florida, joined the Coral Springs police as they went into the building.
Some Coral Springs police were stunned and upset that the four original Broward County Sheriff’s deputies who were first on the scene did not appear to join them as they entered the school, Coral Springs sources tell CNN.
First responders who are not cowards have no reason to be upset that Loesch is rightfully calling out those who are, Pussy.
The resentment among Coral Springs officials toward Broward County officials about what they perceived to be a dereliction of duty may have reached a boiling point at a vigil the night of February 15, where, in front of dozens of others, Coral Springs City Manager Mike Goodrum confronted Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel. A source familiar with the conversation tells CNN that Goodrum was upset that the Broward deputies had remained outside the school while kids inside could have been bleeding out, among other reasons.
For some reason, though, Pilsner Pussy thinks the LEO who were too afraid to go in and help deserve some space.
President Dotard approval at 35%, including only 35% approval from independents.
Americans aren’t buying what you and your party are selling, Doctor. Gen X, millennials, Gen Z, women – they may not love Democrats, but they hate your fucking guts. Only Putin can save you and the GOP this fall.
“Trump approval slides, matches lowest point of presidency”
“Sometimes there just isn’t a defense for awful behavior.”
Not true, Doctor. You keep coming here to defend the dotard in the WH whose behavior is truly fucking awful, so quit pretending that awful behavior offends you. It doesn’t. You’re quite willing to overlook awful behavior and all it takes is money, a fucking tax cut.
If you’re looking for truth, I’ll gladly lay some on you, Doctor. For 30 pieces of silver you’re eagerly helping to flush our nation down the fucking toilet.
@48 “Because then the teacher would be shooting BACK. ”
Maybe, you never know. It is more like, “could be shooting back.” There is no proof all teachers, even if they were armed with a weapon, would definitely to shoot back, case and point, the deputy/SRO assigned to the school that had 17 people murdered in cold blood.
Keep plugging away at wishful thinking that arming teachers is a good idea.
Why continue to push the gun solution? Why not push body armor? Just have everyone in school wear uniforms and body armor? Why not issue tasers? The reason is the fucking gun-nut culture can’t think about any other approach that “more guns!”
@55 Yeah, the yellow sheriff’s deputies fucked up, but the Republicans whose lax gun policies enabled this madman to get his hands on an AR-15 fucked up much, much bigger. And, as @48 pathetically demonstrates, you’re no smarter than they are.
“More on @ 51 for the Pilsner Pussy”
Apparently fucking a horse can make a pussified doctor feel manly enough to call real men pussies while hiding behind his keyboard.
“… ‘an I’m gonna get the guns.”
Never fails to make YLB moist.
@60 That’s good, Boob. Too bad our real-life president isn’t as good at his job as this actor and his scriptwriters. Yes, they should confiscate your assault weapons. I’m no psychiatrist, but you look unstable to me.
Someone feels, deep down inside, just knows it, the last 10 days have been good for the NRA.
In the year after Sandy Hook their membership dues collection fell 27% according to their tax filings.
The loss of corporate sponsors is just a small piece of what “The media loves dead children” and “We absolutely do not have responsibility to stop gun deaths!” is bringing to their balance sheets.
Rent free Newt?
Did you check the last two weeks how Roger senile idiot wabbit, shitstain steve and creepy crazed clueless cretin give the Friday night PuddyTime countdown?
So once again your FACTS are wrong. Puddy lives free in these FOOLS minds!
Till Next Time!
California Democratic delegates refused to endorse Sen. Feinstein for reelection this weekend after hearing a plea by her primary challenger for “passion, not patience.”
In other political news, Trump’s approval ratings are back in the cellar, although you gotta wonder what’s wrong with the 35% who still approve of him. Did their mothers drop them on their heads?
@ 62
In the year after Sandy Hook their membership dues collection fell 27% according to their tax filings.
Check out what happened to the WEA’s collections the year after Act 10 was signed into law.
Yet the WEA is still around. (So is Scott Walker, but I digress.)
“fucking a horse”
Once again shitstain steve @59 provides his daily personal actions to all to read! One really sick puppy!
Till Next Time!
Although the loon and his exploding head are still batshit fucking insane and full of HATE!, I’m so glad to see that his white supremacist buddies didn’t lynch him last night. It would have made me so…SAD!
@67 There’s still tonight. Not hoping, just observing.
But they love him at CPAC. Like 99%. Yuuuge. Best ever and the biggest crowd.
“In addition to being reliably conservative, the vast majority of them are horrified at what their Broward colleagues failed to do.“
Horrified?! Now you are horrified? How sweet. The fact that a cop would use excessive force or kill someone just for being a minority doesn’t horrify you or them. How sweet Bob.
“Some Coral Springs police were stunned and upset that the four original Broward County Sheriff’s deputies who were first on the scene did not appear to join them as they entered the school, ”
I’m sure many Vietnam vets feel the same way about all the deferments.
“For 30 pieces of silver you’re eagerly helping to flush our nation down the fucking toilet.”
Don’t fall for just another trailerbilly’s bullshit.
He’s getting nothing out of his support for white nationalism beyond a misguided sense that maybe the 17 year old fat chicks at the Freeland DQ will notice his truck.
Another one of YLB’s HA Heroes.
Transgender wrestler Mack Beggs finishes high school career with another UIL state title amid boos, criticism and questions
“It just comes down to technique and who has the most heart. I put too much blood, sweat and tears, I put too much B.S. into this journey that I wanted to come out on top.
“In my heart, I am a champion. No matter who you put in front of me, I am a champion.”
Whatever. I guess B.S. is short for testosterone injections for the last three years.
@ 72
Hey. That DQ is in Clinton. There’s nothin’ in Freeland.
Altho the Freeland Cafe pours a seriously high-alcohol Bourbon ‘n Diet Coke. $4.50.
Interesting that not much has come out questioning what weapons the state, city and local police departments have in their armories. Many have AR-15-s, many have a weapons similar to M-16’s, sniper rifles ect. All the weaponry and none of it prevents these tragedies. Of course the fact we have militarized the police is part of the problem. There is no reason for the police to have weapons that the citizenry don’t also have. If the police believe they need some type of weapon and justify having it, then citizens should also be able to have that type of weapon. Remember we the people are sovereign in these United States.
@2 Form militias and arm the students. That is patriotic and American it’s what we did in the old northwest during Indian uprisings. Just ask Daniel Boone.
@3 All states are amoral. Including the United States. Something that the 2nd Amendment takes into account. A lot of the rest of the Constitution also makes that point that states are amoral. The first 10 amendments make our Federal and State government unusual in placing limits on the power of the state.
@7 So why not have a parade. He can invite Kim. Invite the North Koreans to send a troop to march in it even. Definitely have Kim send some of those cheerleaders. Male and female cheerleaders, don’t want anyone feeling left out.
Remember the NRA speaks for Roger Rabbit a law abiding Aerican citizen who owns a gun. Since RR is a rabbit I would suggest to Carl he not mess with RR gardening or non gardening as rabbits get touchy. The NRA does not speak for me though. I’m less than crazy about guns. Don’t really like them, and I’ve found some gun owners even less likeable. (And I’m not referring to a certain rascally rabbit on here.)
@8 Actually it come up with an interesting calculation for teachers which little brats won’t be missed by their parents. Hmm they didn’t show up for that parent teacher conference. Maybe we should ask Bryan Cranston on how Walter White would answer the question on teachers with guns, and his calculations on protecting the children.
An HA HERO comments on HA and laughs at limp, balding dumbfucks and babbling buttholes and other assorted fools.
Basic requirements.
@9 Noisy. The teacher would have the advantage. Any advantages of the long gun are lost in the situation. Most of the shots would of course miss either shooter and any of the kids in the room.
Should some of the kids be on the wrestling team they could swarm the shooter, possible disarm the shooter or make the shooter a better target. It could even be potentially embarrassing for the shooter and teacher if no one is shot. Then the 33 year police veteran assigned to the school can take over the situation. And if it’s an elementary or middle school classroom you can shoot over most of the kiddies. And if the teacher takes a proper stance behind a desk the teacher has the advantage, and should shoot the bastard dead. Too bad it would not turn out that way 10 times out of ten. Still according to the statistical methods the McNamara used in Vietnam that should be the outcome. Not like there were school shooting in South Vietnam when you were there? I think the Vietnamese would have preferred school shootings to American bombs from B52’s, or an attack using Napalm.
@78 so long as they don’t invite you that sounds good.
@14 Are you suggesting you would support a shorter time span for this to happen? Maybe 5 years?
Will you get a brick or your name on a plaque at one of the stations? To reduce car tabs, or for prestige.
Or do you think the whole project sucks as you are married to the automotive solution that America invented, and supported for about a hundred years now. I think the trolleys in cities were far better, but Detroit sought to kill that competition. Buses and motorized taxis are the solution, took Detroit about 20 years to fully implement that on a national plan. except for that plunky San Francisco Trolley. If only there had been Russian Trolls in those days, and your boxes of the San Francisco treat would be different.
@16 Well BPS does have a board. ON the issue I would think all the board members would come to the same conclusion, and would not support a NRA embargo. Not like they sell firearms.
Can’t help boob anymore..
The freak stays limp.. and ever more hair recedes..
@18 You all should give him his own theme music, or he should pick it out himself. In celebration of black history month I suggest the theme from “Shaft.”
Heroes and Zeros. Sucks to be the loon. SAD!
Speaking of the loon, after reconsideration, I’ve come over to the side which argues that it’s good of the asylum to give the loon internet privileges. It gives the loon a safe place to spew his unintelligible HATE! And except for the loon head explosions rocking the joint, I’d bet things quiet down quite a bit at the asylum when loon is online putting HA first and last. Unlike a certain radiologist we know, those docs deserve a break.
@26 Of course your version leaves a lot out of this Greek/American tragedy. It’s another case where an angry young man has gotten payback from the system, He has no future so it’s a rational act to attack the part of the system. Ample opportunities to prevent the tragedy, pity no blind future readers were available, not that anyone would listen. The innocent students who are not so innocent. The tension between generations,
Could be America’s next greatest musical. Tragedies just don’t do well on Broadway these days. That requires introspection, and that is definitely un-American these days. Since the 70’s actually could be time for a come back though.
@26 You need to get out more. There are hippies in Washington state. A few even have micro buses. Some flaunt it. Many have grey or white hair, but many are younger. And they are more common in California, Florida, Texas, and Arizona, something to do with the hip climate those places have. (Hint some hippies like to be nude year round.)
@26 Plenty of Democrats are NRA members, as are plenty of Democratic politicians. They may have to be from eastern Washington to find the NRA decal on their chevy or ford pick-up, but they exist.
@29 It is because gun men deliver. Therefore the teacher gets to greet gunmen into their classroom as that is where gunmen choose to deliver than at police offices, If only gunmen would deliver at police stations. For some reason gunmen don’t, but Detective Calahan would welcome gunmen to deliver at police stations.
@29 @31 You people obviously don’t remember Kent State or did you excise that from the history books as it upsets your narrative?
@71 “I’m sure many Vietnam vets feel the same way about all the deferments.”
I don’t mind Orange Julius evading the war. After all, I wouldn’t want to be in a foxhole with him. It’s his hypocrisy I can’t stand.
@37 Actually the Pacific northwest can support millions, and did. You would have to take out a chunk of the dams, but salmon supported the largest population of hunter gathers on the Salish sea, and a sophisticated civilization. Fewer millions than today, but far more than RRs hundreds.
@80 There ya go. Let God sort ’em out.
@44 I think it is appropriate ti ask these Sheriff’s what is in their departments armories and issued to officers. That should then lead to the question of what would that Sheriff give up, and the answer most likely will be none as it’s dangerous out there.
Which means well meaning public servants will always bow to the States siren call that the state should have power, and people should not have equal means in a dangerous world.
@84 “Are you suggesting you would support a shorter time span for this to happen? Maybe 5 years?”
No, I’m suggesting that, as I’ve said before on HA, the voters approved this and are stuck with it, for better or worse, and it’s pointless to keep arguing over it. It’s a done deal and continued arguing is a waste of time and energy.
@46 Yes salmon were traded to people in red states.
@85 Glad to see you realize BPS/Cabela’s is one of the biggest arms merchants in our country if not the world. It’s hard to not trip over the gun racks, and the aisles are like a grocery store for ammo.
@47 With a Democratic legislature, and governor, it’s the Democrats that killed off a number of gun control bills. Can’t place non passage on the Republicans. It does give rise to the puzzle of the politicians in charge not maximizing what they do when in power.
The loon will have a sad to realize that he’s just a field negro on the Trump plantation.
‘I’ve been emancipated!’: Omarosa claims leaving life under Trump is like being ‘freed from the plantation’
After all, Omarosa says so.
@53 And as an attorney you know that would not be the basis of a tort. And that there is no tort of deformation. Unless you want to sue the Yellowstone caldera, but collecting is going to be a bear, or a bison.
If our emperor wants to watch a parade, there’s no reason for taxpayers to pay for it, because plenty of free ones are available on YouTube. His ol’ buddy Adolf put on some really good ones.
@55 Kinda makes one wonder why there are officers at schools. Could it be to grease up the school to prison pipe line? To harass students? To give school officials an out rather than they appropriately handle discipline. Officers enhance the prison atmosphere. All this and they don’t really make schools safer. Remember kiddies no drugs in school the officer is here all day to search your lockers…what some of you think you have rights, so funny.
@58 I don’t think the Sheriff and the deputy liked each other much and that is why the deputy was assigned to the school. Nine mill against rifle not good odds. I can retire tomorrow, hmmm Sheriff Israel can take the bastard on. This 33 year vet is going to the beach and Disneyland.
@61 Which shows the problem with such laws. I have not see anything the man has written on here that would be any basis of taking weapons from him. If he has any. Though you have written a few things and you own weapons that have raised my eyebrow in at least mock concern. No Mock Turtle to report it to though.
Wow, shitstain steve’s latest black fem heroine is Omarosa!
Who knew after all that horse sex?
Till Next Time!
Trump channeling Duterte.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He probably admires how Arpaio and Clarke run jails, too.
Heh. Not only is she gorgeous, smart and educated..
She’s black and Republican???
And called a “lesbo” and the “full n-word” by another Republican..
Lady, if you were smart, you’d get yourself a new party.
@107 The measures I advocate are purely defensive. If you’re worried about people with guns, you should look in the direction of people who carry signs about “watering the tree of liberty” with blood, advocate solving our internal differences with civil war, bleat about “executing” their political opponents are putting them in “concentration camps,” etc. etc. In case you didn’t notice, all of these people are conservatives. You don’t need to be afraid of me, but you should be afraid of them, even though you’re not one of us; they might mistake you for a liberal. In Puddy’s case, his skin color is enough to stir their homicidal juices.
@103 You’re right, Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t a tort, no matter how grotesque. He’s an “act of God.” Some god, though, who would do a thing like that.
She’s a Roypublican’t.
So, obviously…
…not smart.
Investment opportunity for HA heroes.
Happy Purim Goldie.
Did you know the Book of Esther is the only book of the Bible there is no mention of God. Everyone try not to be a Haman this week.
@114 Sure, why not, let’s live like 1940s Germans. If any of those people are still around they’re laughing at us now. What goes around, comes around! They didn’t even have to bomb us. We did this to ourselves.
This is a better one: https://youtu.be/7ceLnMT0rps
Trump would love to do a bigger and better parade than ol’ Adolf did in Nuremberg.
It’s in color so Piddles can see if he sees folks like himself getting into the swing of things.
“It would be a travesty to waste his (Mr. Trump’s) time and to set a precedent which would cripple a future president.”
This is regarding a guy who golfs three days a week, every week and is scheduled a three hour nap every afternoon.
The WSJ should be ashamed to report such nonsense.
It seems some of Trump’s heroes in blue may be arresting people just to pad their paychecks.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Honest cops who do their jobs professionally and well are heroes and deserve our unstinting support. But policing, like any other profession, has bad apples and mindlessly supporting the bad actors along with the good performers is stupid and counterproductive. But then, when you contemplate it, just about everything else Republicans do is stupid and counterproductive, too.
“They didn’t even have to bomb us. We did this to ourselves.”
Khrushchev said they would bury us. I had no idea at the time they would someday bury us in something called “tweets” while at the same time being urged to do so by a treasonous President Dotard. SAD!
A right wing pollster seems to have come out against winner take all. That’s right, Rasmussen (the pollster, not the poll itself)
12, 14.
One of the reasons I am opposed to further tunnels, unless absolutely necessary. I catch it late mornings and evenings, first of three cars almost full. Usee LimeBike and the 50 for last mile.
As the GOP has stopped pretending to be anything other than a political party of the same old Germanic Whites (Pure Aryans) that protested the Roosevelt Administration’s war against the Nazis and later denounced Dwight Eisenhower as a communist, the “family values” crowd is asserting its resurgent hivemind that supports their assertions of moral superiority.
They are killing off the perceived “opposition” any way they can. They own the Wall Street Journal, they own over 80% of the television and radio networks, and as Tim McVeigh has already demonstrated, they are almost completely unafraid of using whatever means necessary to engage in the stupid little “war” that they also claim to be the victims of.
Pretend to be the victim of an attack, and then promote the idea that the only rational response is to respond to that threat with the greatest possible level of violence one can muster. Develop in people’s minds that there is the mere potential for an attack and any violent response can be rationalized, including cold-blooded first degree murder.
Expend several years promoting the notion that a potential attacker can be easily identified by ethnic appearance, national identity, or political and/or religious affiliation and then make sure a substantial demographic really believes it.
It works for every Police department in the country, it worked for Germany during the 1930s, the United States in Vietnam, it worked for Iraq, the propaganda is being pushed in the media around Iran and North Korea, and it works for Israel on a continuous narrative.
Then all that is required is to screen for and employ cowards, liars and thugs to become the “First Responders” to enforce the law. It is coming out that the other three Sheriffs Deputies supposedly on the scene and cowering outside the school during the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre in Florida may not have existed at all, and are merely a product of an open slander by the local city Police in their reports on the incident. In such a case, that story would be political in nature.
I’m willing to bet that someone wants that Sheriff’s job and is setting up the campaign narrative for the next election. It was the local city Police and their Social Services that dropped the ball on Nickolas Cruz, apparently a good guy with a gun, until that moment when he ceased to be. Florida is a standing joke on several news aggregator websites simply because the entire State is utterly corrupt, is a primary example of how civilized people shouldn’t behave in public, and the voting public is barely educated enough to operate a doorknob without losing an eye in the process. When people there are presented with a copy of the Constitution, they threaten to murder the presenter for promoting Communism.
Florida is a seriously fucked-up State.