Pap: No-tax, no-regulation Tea Partiers are killing America.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Young Turks: Turning your dead relatives into bullets.
Obama: The American Jobs Act.
The Republican Primary Asylum:
- Red State Update: Are Herman Cain, Ron Paul, an Rick Perry jackiebaggers?
- Newsy: Cain faces heat over statement that black voters are brainwashed.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Cain moves to the back of the bus.
- O’Donnell: 999 brainwash.
- Stephen: The rise of Herman Cain.
- Young Turks: Koch brothers are funding Herman Cain.
- Romney’s foreign policies sound just like Bush’s.
- Jon: Out with the Christie, in with the Romney.
- Romney’s policies run up against reality.
- Newsy: Whoda thunk? Christie isn’t running.
- Thom: A scorned love affair with Chris Christie
- Actual Audio: Chris Christie at the Reagan Library.
- Stephen on a post-Chris Christie G.O.P. field
- Sam Seder: It’s cool to be racist in the GOP primary.
- Jon on Rick’s family ranch.
- Newsy: Media writes Bachmann’s campaign obit.
Thom: Eric Cantor…no jobs bill, no safety net, no regulations…no! no! no!.
Young Turks: Did Senator Reid screw Senate Dems?
White House: West Wing Week.
Pap: The GOP’s cult mentality.
Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber on the American Jobs Act.
Stephen: Obamacare and the Supremes.
Fleeced Palinistas:
- Newsy: Sarah’s out.
- Jon: Take the money and don’t run (via Political Wire):
- Ann Telnaes: Who to thank for former Gov. Sarah Palin.
- Stephen: A tragic end
- Young Turks: Down goes Palin!
Young Turks: FAUX News—we hire hot women for ratings.
Taxes on the wealthy: Reagan and Obama (via ThinkProgress).
Pap: Chris Christie’s Koch addiction.
Thom: Proof the Heritage Foundation flip flopped on ObamaCare:
GOP supporters take honors as Worst Person in the World.
Young Turks: Meghan McCain vs. Red State.
The Demise of al Qaeda Operative Anwar al-Awlaki:
- Newsy: Media misses the mark on Paul’s impeachment statement.
- Mark Fiore: Drone attack.
Newsy: DNA clears Texas killer after 25 years in prison.
Thom with some Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Hartmann: The Romney Rule vs. Buffet Rule.
Glenn Beck is back in the saddle as Worst Person in the World.
- Occupy your city
- Olbermann: First collective statement of Occupy Wall Street
- Sam Seder: Occupy Wall Street doesn’t need demands!.
- Newsy: Unions join the occupation.
- Sam Seder: Occupy Wall Street more popular than Congress & Tea Party…What next?
- Thom: American Exceptionalism versus Occupy Wall Street
- Olbermann: Portland police with infant.
- Susie Occupies LA.
- Young Turks: Republicans are “uncomfortable” with Occupy Wall Street.
- Republicans are on the side of Wall Street.
- Jon: Occupy Wall Street and the Tea party.
- Sam Seder: Occupy Wall Street will outlast Erin Burnett’s show.
- Hartmann: From Occupy Wall Street to Occupy America!
- Young Turks: Cenk talks with Occupy LA occupants.
The Tea Party’s not-so-funny comedian.
Young Turks: Scott Brown gets a bit sexist.
Pap: The GOP’s plan to raise taxes on the middle class.
Thom with another episode of The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Liberal Viewer: What does our jails say about us?
Rep. Wasserman Schultz talks about Eric Cantor’s comments on the American Jobs Act .
Hank and Hitler:
- Newsy: Hank Williams, Jr. pulled from MNF.
- Young Turks: Hank Williams, Jr. Obama Hitler comments.
- Sam Seder: Making sense of Hank’s statement.
- Ed and Pap: Fox’s new celebrity has-been.
- Hank apologizes
- Red State Update: Hank Jr. & Hitler, N-wordhead & Perry
- Young Turks: Hank Williams, Jr.’s fake apology.
Obama hosts the 1985 Chicago Bears.
Young Turks: Koch Brother’s benzene emissions.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
As one wag commented: “Sarah Palin, the grift that keeps on grifting.”
Interesting the way none of the liberal blogs are covering Obama’s crackdown on medical marijuana..
@2. Not true. Go to Lawyers, Guns, and Money.
@2: Another 30 seconds on “the google” would reveal others….Dem Underground, Truthdig, etc.
Teh firebaggers are on the case also: http://justsaynow.firedoglake......pensaries/
You don’t read many blogs I guess.
When did 150 become a handful?
The Tacoma paper ran a editorial from the LA times claiming that occupy protests have been held in a handful of cities. The real number’s something like 150.
FDL gets attacked at DU by the Obama apologists. I suspect you may fall into that group by your use of the term “firebaggers”..
I have feeds to TPM, Kos, C&L, and of this morning, I don’t see anything on Obama’s betrayal of medical marijuana users.
I shouldn’t have to search..something tells me it wouldn’t be necessary if this was a Republican administration pulling this crap..
I heard that some religious zealot in SC was saying that Romney’s religion was a cult. He’s LDS, or Mormon, as you probably recall. What these Christianists don’t relize is that all religions are cults. None is better than any other in the scheme of the universe.
Anybody who tells you he believes in the “true religion” is either a bald-face liar or a dolt.
Left Wing Teabagger at an Occupy Protest takes a shit on a police car.
So these “troll” “puddypussy” “mr cyniklown aka everett” and emperor “max-minidick” don’t care if their daughters get knocked around.
Real stand-up dads there.
The most f’ed up zombie cretin of these comments threads once called Bush appointee (appointed according to the miserable zombie cretin, on orders from Robert Rubin), Hank Paulson, a “lefty”.
Well I guess this guy is a lefty too. Who said this?
Answer: Herman Cain.
On October 20, 2008.
That wasn’t just “some zealot” that was one of the head zealots speaking just before and endorsing Rick Perry.
Shorter Mittens: I’m George Bush.
I can see how someone can be anti-Obama. What I can’t see is how anyone can be pro any of the knuckle heads the Republicans currently have running for president.
I keep having this vision of the final presidential debate where Obama and whomever is running against them stand on stage for an hour pointing at each other and repeating “at least I’m not him” over and over.
@2 Not true, I’ve been commenting on it.
@7 “Obama apologists”
Are you out of your mind? Obama’s getting blasted by Democrats all over the country, some of whom openly wish he wouldn’t run for re-election.
@9 So what. Police cars are public property. Citizens’ taxes paid for them. Therefore citizens can shit on them if they want to. Pigeons shit on police cars every day. If pigeons can do it, why can’t people do it, too? Take it from me, a rabbit, humans are no more civilized than pigeons. So, humans shitting on police cars is not a big deal.
See #14.
@18 I’m not up to #14 yet. I’m still reading #10.
@10 Sell one of the Pentagon’s “smart” bombs and give the money to Topeka. Problem solved.
According to the story Troll link to several people in the area told the police what was going on and the police didn’t care.
Which points out that A. the cops didn’t care so why should we and B. the mad crapper wasn’t a representative sample of the protestors. Statistical outliers don’t prove anything beyond the existence of statistical outliers.
@14 Yeah. Shit. We’re fucked either way.
Circular firing squad, anyone?
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, “What I can do as governor is this: I can make Louisiana the last place that anyone who wants to in any way harm a child by exposing children to inappropriate material,” Jindal said. “I can make Louisiana a dangerous place for Congressman Weiner to relocate to.”
Riddle me this, Bobby J. Which group has a higher percentage of pedophiles, Republican Party officials or the Catholic priesthood? Isn’t the answer to that question why you’re in fucking denial, projecting your party’s pedophile problem onto Democrats?
From leftist pinheads who are very scared of a Herman Cain candidacy. They also know Herman can peel off ~33% or more of the black vote. And that percentage can sway the swing states, so they have to gin up negative stories on a self made man who isn’t on the reservation!
We’ll see November 2012 eh libtardos?
Proud to be an Ass,
Thank you for correctly identifying #11, the HA arschloch back in March 2009. He’s been a monomaniacal stalker ever since.
Another PMSNBC provides his black attitude for all to see.
It’s got nothing to do with November 2012, he was being a jackass.
Proud to an Ass,
Thank you for correctly identifying the cretinous zombie skull-fuck correctly 35 times in these comment threads for exactly what he is:
a lickspittle.
Ohhh poor HA arschloch,
I expect PTBAA to attack me. It is also very funny you went back into your crazed HA databaze and counted his attacks against me!
ROTFLRHMBBAO! If you only applied that “zeal” into finding a yob ylb!
Now back to you arschloch. He’s on your political side and he described you, the HA Puddy Stalker, to a “T”.
M O N O M A N I A C A L!
L I C K S P I T T L E!
The goto day to day behavior of right wing zombie cretins.
Thank you PTBAA for calling this zombie as you see him!
Cain supported the actions of Paulson so according to certain zombie lickspittles,
And your point is stalker?
There is No Point Your Honor. Just smelly gas from all over the HA arschloch!
M O N O M A N I A C A L!
D A M N,
This didn’t make Perfesser Darryl’s Friday Night Comics.
Cain again,
LMAO! We see Cain barking orders at the cretinous zombie skull-fucks among us!
Same link as 11.
Watch this video to see Republicans’ vision of America’s future: A country in which Americans aren’t allowed to vote in their own country.
P.s.: As this video points out, Republicans don’t allow our troops in combat zones to vote, either.
@35 Gee, when have I heard this lie before? Oh, starting about 60 years ago, and in response to every popular demonstration since then. Republicans just can’t fathom the concept of anyone doing anything unless they’re paid to do it. Which is why it seems probable that every single HA troll is on someone’s payroll. Personally, I think puddinghead gets paid by the word, and that explains why there’s so much repetitive pussybutt drivel here.
Governments Fear The People (And They Ought To) Dep’t
“A well-regarded Germany-based hacker group claims a German government-created Trojan horse program is capable of secretly spying on Web users without their consent.
“The group says … it obtained and analyzed a piece of software that is supposed to … listen in on Internet-based phone calls as part of a legal wiretap, but its capabilities go far beyond legal bounds. The program is capable of logging keystrokes, activating Webcams, monitoring Web users’ activities and sending mountains of data to government officials ….
To cover its tracks, the data is routed through rented servers located in the United States, the club alleges. …
“The program, labeled a ‘backdoor’ because it can open a computer to surreptitious access, targets certain applications for keylogging, including Firefox, Skype, MSN Messenger, ICQ and others, according to F-Secure. …
“After a court battle in 2008, Bundestrojan was ruled legal as long as it screened only very specific communications — essentially, Internet telephone calls. But the Chaos Computer Club announced Saturday that … the software is also capable of remote control ….
“[T]here is no technical reason that the software could not be used on U.S. citizens traveling in Germany, or even on Web users who are outside of Germany. …
“The Chaos Computer Club used the announcement to make a generic plea for less electronic monitoring by government officials. ‘The (government) should put an end to the ever-growing expansion of computer spying that has been getting out of hand in recent years, and finally come up with an unambiguous definition for the digital privacy sphere and with a way to protect it effectively,’ it said. ‘Unfortunately, for too long the (government) has been guided by demands for technical surveillance, not by values like freedom or the question of how to protect our values in a digital world. It is now obvious that he is no longer able to oversee the technology, let alone control it.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Personally, I think this is an act of war and we should start bombing Germany immediately! Heh! Just kidding! That’s a wingnut joke, folks!
So, bankers getting away with banking rules banking rules, profitable corporations paying no income tax, and Citizens United are OK because someone got paid to go to a rally? That doesn’t even make sense.
Never mind that there’s no proof being being offered that people were paid to go or that thousands of people get paid to lobby the various governments we have in the USA and that we have a huge paid PR industry.
Here’s what Laurence D. Fink thinks of Occupy Wall Street.
The Thom Hartman piece above about the flip-floppers at the heritage foundation is a must watch.!
@40 The fear of those who raped America — and the political party that aided and abetted them — became palpable today when Eric Cantor criticized the “Occupy” protesters as “mobs.”
What does he think Teahadists are? Or audiences at Palin rallies? And, for that matter, the House Republican Caucus — led by Boehner and Cantor — also could be fairly characterized as a “mob.”
Down The Rabbit Hole …
Bet you didn’t know that The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was written as a political protest in a time very similar to the present, did you? Neither did I, until I ran across this:
“L. Frank Baum’s book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, which appeared in 1900, is widely recognized to be a parable for the Populist campaign of William Jennings Bryan … one of the main constituencies for the movement was debtors: particularly, Midwestern families such as Dorothy’s, who had been facing a massive wave of foreclosures during the severe recession of the 1890s. According to the Populist reading, the Wicked Witches of the East and West represent the EAst and West Coast bankers (promoters of and benefactors from the tight money supply), the Scarecrow represented the farmers (who didn’t have the grains to avoid the debt trap), the Tin Woodsman was the industrial proletariat (who didn’t have the heart to act in solidarit with the farmers), the Cowardly Lion represented the political class (who didn’t have the courage to intervene). Teh yellow brick road, silver slippers, emerald city, and hapless Wizard presumably speak for themselves. ‘Oz’ is of course the standard abbreviation for ‘ounce.’ As an attempt to create a new myth, Baum’s story was remarkably effective. As political propaganda, less so … few nowadays even remember what The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was orginally supposed to be about.”
David Graeber, Debt: The First 5,000 Years, pp. 52-53 (New York: Melville House, 2011).
Why Lenders Should Eat Bad Mortgages
“NEW YORK, Oct 2 (Reuters) – More than three years after the financial crisis struck, the U.S. economy remains stuck in a consumer debt trap.
“It’s a situation that could take years to correct itself. That’s why some economists are calling for a radical step: massive debt relief. …
“What some are envisioning is … forcing banks to incur severe write-downs and bond investors to absorb … losses ….
“‘We’ve put this off for too long,’ said L. Randall Wray, a professor of economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. ‘We need debt relief and jobs and until we get these two things, I think recovery is impossible.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary; Republicans will be against this. Even though they tear up pension obligations and union contracts without a qualm, they act as though debts are sacrosanct, protected by the gods even — creditors must be repaid no matter what. That’s bullshit, of course. Lenders get paid for taking risks. But apart from that, I say fuck ’em. If pension and union contracts are no good, then mortgage contracts are no good, either. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. The fat bankers have robbed the common people long enough. Now it’s their turn to get held up.
Why The Global Economy Will Get Much Worse
“Europe’s leaders cannot seem to agree on anything. Should private-sector creditors be forced to take losses? How big should the euro zone’s bail-out fund be, and how broad its scope? Governments have taken one line, the European Central Bank another, sometimes the European Commission has taken a third. After the IMF meetings in September British newspapers were full of reports of a plan to ramp up the European Financial Stability Facility by letting it borrow money. But then Wolfgang Schäuble, the German finance minister, said: “I don’t understand how anyone in the European Commission can have such a stupid idea.” It makes America’s debt-ceiling negotiations look like best practice.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Europe’s pols are about to prove there are people on this planet stupider than Republicans.
@15, 16
I realize a lot of people who voted for Obama are upset with him ..I’m one of them. However, you’ll find the majority of Democrats are still compromising their values and principles and defending his Bush-like policies just because he has a “D” after his name.
And when I made the point that very few liberal blogs are noting the administration’s crackdown on medical marijuana, I wasn’t referring to the comment section..
@48: Many politically aware lefties knew going in that Obama is, at best, a centerist politician. Look at his vote on FISA for just one example. There’s been a lot of debate on what he could have done to promote a sane health care policy (good debates at LG&M, for example), but I give him his worst marks for coddling the banks and continuing the American Empire project.
I enjoy the firebagger site, but they are a bit too conservative for my tastes.
With Apologies,
Great editorial in the NYT.
This is interesting… With all the political bantering here about how Barack ObamAA+ is a centrist… the independents are running away.
PuddyCommentary: Oh wait it’s from a leftist rag too! So if Barack ObamAA+ is a “centrist” independents would be firmly entrenched in the DUMMOCRAPTIC sphere. Since this leftist rag has a different opinion will it matter to the NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbats? Nope. It’s doesn’t matter, because to a DUMMOCRAPT the ends always justifies the means and collateral damage is part of the ends justification. Whack job left wing MSM isn’t portraying the news from a centrist position. Real Americans are seeing what they wrought in 2008. “The chickens are coming home to roost!” Butt wait there is more..
You guys are so blinded by your “progressive theology” you can’t see what the Real American electorate sees… whack left policies are digging the US into a deeper hole. Remember any blue dog DUMMOCRAPT who voted for Nancy Pelosi in 2011 after the DUMMOCRAPTIC House shellacking IS NOT a blue dog DUMMOCRAPT no matter what they “claim”.
How come no Occupy Issaquah? Fife? Silverdale?
Ummm Roger DOPEY Rabbit, it’s your side who claims I’m paid to blog here. Need to review the HA left wrong dope commentary again DOPEY Rabbit? You can always leave a note with my stalker the crazed HA databaze moron arschloch.
Is your memory failing you even more these days? Is the person interviewed by the Daily Caller a “leftist plant”? Or did someone tip them off and now the truth appears and facts explode libtardo minds? Just what is it with you and facts DOPEY Rabbit? Looks like another headache. Take a couple of rujax’s and throw it all up!
45 – Gore Vidal was a big childhood reader of L. Frank Baum and wrote at length about Baum in an essay. That essay is in some huge compilation of Vidal essays, maybe “United States, Essay 1952-1992”.
As I recall Vidal noted the sympathy of Baum towards the populism of Bryan in some of the OZ books but didn’t think it was represented very strongly. They were just kids books after all.
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
Ya know…in addition to being mind-numbingly stupid, puddypussy is a raving egomaniac (but we ALL know that)…
…why the fuck he would think that anyone would PAY him for this drivel is ludicrous.
There are paid trolls here, but puddypussy clearly is NOT one of them.
Who? who gets paid to post here?
Why would anybody spend money to send a troll to this site??
how many people post here regularly? 10? 12? probably not even that many. this place is dead.
maybe your just pissed that nobody is willing to pay YOU to post here…lol
hhmmmm…wow…posts from 6 years ago and 2 years ago..about someone who isnt even here anymore.
yawn….like I said, this place is dead – nobody posts here anymore, other than the same few people. nobody would wast the money to be paid to post here.
@51 “the electorate is increasingly likely to see itself as ideologically closer to the Republican Party than to Democrats”
Well gee, this is a surprise, when the public is bombarded daily with propaganda from the multibillion-dollar rightwing noise machine? How often does a countervailing point of view ever get heard in this country?
@51 (continued) “whack left policies are digging the US into a deeper hole”
Really? Who’s been running this country for the last 30 years? And whose policies got us into this hole?
Hey dipshit rujax… Do you actually read what others write? Last week they claimed I was paid to blog here. Why don’t you ask your left wrong idiot friends!
Besides being stupid, you are a M O R O N!
Built that way and making morons proud!
@52 Don’t worry, they’ll get around to your hole soon enough.
@53 “Ummm Roger DOPEY Rabbit, it’s your side who claims I’m paid to blog here.”
More precisely, it’s me who claims you’re paid to blog here.
Stupidest line of the day. And that’s saying something when rujax appears!
Slobbering love affair with Barack ObamAA+!
@53 “my stalker the crazed HA databaze moron arschloch”
Poor baby … you’re being picked on … booo hooo …
@55 Yes. Absolutely. And the Occupiers will win, because it’s simple math: There are far more screwees than screwers.
@56 Actually, I believe some Republican moneybags are stupid enough to pay someone like him for posting drivel like his.
How else would a guy who supposedly is working for a livng find time to post more than 35,000 comments here?
@59 “this place is dead”
If this place is a morgue, what does that make Stefan’s sucky little blog? Peat moss?
Again the DOPEY Rabbit is sooooooooo wrong!
I am arschloch’s alpha! I own him. I am in his head!
@70 “I am arschloch’s alpha! I own him. I am in his head!”
Thanks for lightening things up around here. With all the serious issues we’re facing, I think we all can use a good horse laugh.
59 – LOL! Silly right winger misses the point. This blog has attracted paid right wing trolls and as long as it continues to express uncomfortable truths about right wing politics, it will continue to do so.
LMAO!! And you’ve said this how many times?
Go away then little right winger. You can do naught but name call and knee jerk the same old vacuous opinions.
But you won’t go away.. Your almost daily appearances here betrays an emptiness that only this place can satisfy.
My next comment is topically more appropriate for the “Vision of the future” thread and I direct you there.
Bosses Are Bastards Dep’t
Many employers are blatantly turning away the unemployed without even considering their qualifications. A new and fast-spreading meme in the job market is that applicants “must be currently employed.”
The Obama administration wants to make this practice illegal and give job applicants legal remedies against violators. Republicans complain threatening employers with a new legal cause of action would chill hiring.
Obama’s proposal won’t make it through the GOP-controlled House, but it’ll give Democrats an issue to campaign on: Republicans are anti-job seeker.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No employer will face a lawsuit under this bill unless he uses hiring practices that nearly everyone (except employers and Republicans) agree are odious, unfair, and destructive to the economy.
A little-noticed phenomenon of the jobs crisis is that the Great Recession is knocking many older workers out of the job market permanently, and a growing number of these people are seeking government disability benefits. After all, they have to live on something, and if capitalism can’t meet their basic survival needs by providing employment opportunities, then SO-SHU-LISM has to.
Let’s review the GOP’s response to the worst jobs crisis since the last Big Collapse Of Capitalism (TM; patented) in the 1930s.
They’re against unemployment benefits.
They’re against food stamps.
They’re against Social Security.
They’re against Medicaid and Medicare.
They’re against welfare.
They’re against regulating Wall Street and banks.
They’re against regulating hiring practices.
They’re against union wages and benefits.
They’re against pensions.
They’re against taxing the rich.
They’re against tax breaks for the working poor.
They’re against stimulating the economy.
They’re against an infrastructure bank.
If Republicans succeed in taking away the safety net, and fail to provide jobs to everyone who needs a job, what do they think millions of unemployed, desperate, starving people are going to do? Lay down on the sidewalk and die?
Maybe they’ve forgotten another part of the Republican agenda: This isn’t Africa, it’s America, and in America anybody can have a gun and almost everyone does.
I’m not advocating armed robbery, much less armed revolt, but if employers turn America’s unemployed workers into a caste of untouchables and Republicans refuse to let them survive on the dole, I strongly suspect that conservatives will get the every-man-for-himself society they seem to want. I can’t see a frustrated, angry, jobseeker watching his children starve. When his kids’ ribs are poking through their undershirts, he’ll head for Safeway or Wells Fargo Bank with gun in hand. That’s the kind of society Republicans want to give us. I don’t want that. Why would anyone want that? Which brings us to this question: Why would anyone vote Republican?
The troll response to #75 – #77 will be something on the order of,
“like I said, this place is dead”
which tells you everything you need to know about the moral and intellectual abyss into which American conservatism has fallen. Bill Buckley is thrashing in his grave.
Kemper Freeman says he opposes light rail in Bellevue because construction will disrupt his business properties. Sound Transit says transportation planners will devise work-arounds to maintain traffic flow, just as they did for construction of the I-405 and 8th N.E. interchange.
Eyman’s initiative has raised $1.35 million. Freeman provided $1.1 million of it. Without Freeman, Eyman would be running a $250,000 initiative campaign instead of a $1,350,000 campaign.
Even the Republican Times is against this initiative. And that’s saying something.
The Republican Times editorial board, in a very rare moment of enlightenment, also criticized the Obama administration’s crackdown on medical marijuana.
The Koch brothers’ rightwing extremism and financial support of the teaparty movement are well known. This article details how the way they manage their businesses crosses the line from anti-regulation advocacy to outright criminality. Which raises the question: Why aren’t they in jail?
Little right winger. Spoken by couch potato arschloch!
“In December 1999, a civil jury found that Koch Industries had taken oil it didn’t pay for from federal land by mismeasuring the amount of crude it was extracting. Koch paid a $25 million settlement to the U.S.
“Phil Dubose, a Koch employee who testified against the company, said he and his colleagues were shown by their managers how to steal and cheat, using techniques they called the Koch Method.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s not surprising that ideologues who are against the federal government see nothing wrong with stealing federal property and lying to the cops about it. I repeat, why aren’t they in jail? That’s where you or I would go if we cut a Christmas tree in a national forest without a permit.
This a cool website:
Now watch..
This applies to more than one right wing idiot around here.
Stop misappropriating my copyrighted materials, thief! If you want to use that phrase, pay royalties to me. I want $1 per word.
solyndra is a huge scandal but fast & furious gets worse and worse and worse and worse.
I’ve seen some of the stupid 99%er bumper sticker on the back of some real ugly hairy-legged broads prius. you tend to miss the bumper sticker because of how ugly they are. if you are a real ugly fat chick, you got to be on team obama.
now team obama wants to let people sue businesses that won’t hire them claiming they won’t hire them because they were unemployed too long. yet another trial attorney jackpot, those greedy bastards. this ought to really make employers want to hire anyone when the greedy bastards can sue on behalf of the unhired applicants. shows what a bunch of scum-sucking bottom-feeder trial attorneys are on tram obama
no, it doesnt….
you place far too much importance on a site like this…which I suppose is normal for people like you who “live off the net”…
When the Montana “friendo” appears rambling incoherently you know he’s deep in his cups, overheated after burning up the goat shed OR ALL OF THE ABOVE!
89 – zzzZZZZzzzzz… So typical of a right wing troll – obstinately, willfully ignorant.
I’m going to be here Nov 2012 troll..
And so will you. So much for a “dead” blog.
Snore…. boring as ever!
montana “friendo”??
wtf r u talking about dumby?
Here is a wonderful song in support of the 99% of us who are getting screwed by big corporations and banks. This is a must listen-
@93 You’re new here, aren’t you?
@94 Along the same lines, here’s an article that describes what life is like for the other 99% in the economy that Wall Street created for the benefit of 1% of us.
Unless you’re a one-percenter, the American Dream now consists of working your ass off in three jobs to make somebody else rich.
Craig Dubow, 57, is retiring as CEO of Gannett, the media company whose flagship property is USA Today.
During Dubow’s 5 years at the helm, “Gannett’s stock price dropped from $72 to $10, and the company laid off hundreds of journalists.”
For this lousy performance, Dubow will get a retirement package worth $37 million.
And Eric Cantor remains clueless about why the “mobs” in Wall Street and dozens of other U.S. cities are growing larger every day.
Here’s another reason why America may be heading toward some sort of socioeconomic revolution if those who have looted the economy and their facilitators (the Republican Party) don’t pull their heads out of the sand.
This isn’t about redistributing wealth. It’s about sharing the wealth — all of which is created by workers — in an equitable manner.
The rich don’t create wealth. They merely profit from the labor of others.
If you’re a banker, you’re not producing anything, you’re merely skimming.
Ron Suskind, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, has published a new book about the Obama presidency. Here are some excerpts from an review (which 312 of 349 people found helpful):
“Suskind’s ‘Confidence Men’ is based on 746 hours of interviews with over 200 people, including former and current members of the Obama administration – including the president. …
“The most attention-getting material involves comments from Obama’s economic team. For example, Lawrence Summers is quoted as saying to Budget Director Peter Orzag at a dinner that ‘There’s no adult in charge. Clinton would never have made these mistakes.’ Former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker, in turn, describes the president as too reliant on Summers …. Suskind also tells us Geithner was working behind the scenes to neutralize Elizabeth Warren and prevent her being named to leadd the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – per bankers’ demands. And then there’s Christina Romer, former chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, … [who] threatened to walk out of a dinner with the president and outside economists ….
“Additional concerns over sexism surface in the book. ‘This place would be in court for a hostile workplace,’ former White House communications director Anita Dunn is quoted as saying. … Another – ‘The president has a real woman problem.’ Some have complained to Obama about being ignored.
“Per Suskind, President Obama decided in March, 2009 to create a plan to restructure many of the large, troubled banks, starting with Citigroup – only to learn a month later that Geithner/Treasury had ignored his directive … Obama excused it ….
“Suskind sees Obama as a passive CEO sketching out guiding principles and allowing others to fill in the details. This ended up delegating the creation of ObamaCare to Congress, and fiscal reform to Geithner – losing control and momentum in both instances. Another Obama characteristic was seeking consensus among advisers, instead of considering whether one side or the other was just plain wrong.
“Author Suskind also wonders why Obama turned away from his campaign advisers … and instead chose men associated with the disastrous prior deregulatory policies ….
“As for health care reform, … Orzag was aware of the highly credible practice-pattern variation data compiled by Drs. Wennberg and Weinstein, how American medicine had become supply- and investor-driven, and was aching to incorporate major potential savings from these findings. It was not done, however, and the result was minimal impact on driving down the costs of health care, limiting financial-sector salaries, or preventing future financial meltdowns.
“Bottom-Line: The White House is now trying to minimize the effect of Suskind’s book … [but] Suskind’s reporting of a largely dysfunctional White House is not likely to be easily dismissed …. Clearly there are major problems with his leadership style – probably because he’s never been a leader before. And it is clear that our economic crisis is not an ordinary cyclical one that will go away with the passage of time – something has to be done …. The ‘really good news’ is that it is still not too late for Obama to start addressing underlying flaws in the free market system ….”;sr=8-1
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Obama ran the most expensive campaign in U.S. history, much of it financed by Wall Street, to whom he is clearly beholden and to whom he has ceded many of the levers of governing. That, alone, is reason enough to reject him. But Obama also has broken promise after promise on things like Guantanamo, public option, prescription drug price-fixing — he can’t be trusted. I’m not saying I would ever vote for a Republican. (Every effort will be made to portray Romney as a moderate, but Romney — if nominated — will be beholden to a radical party with a radical agenda that makes Obama’s derelictions look good by comparison.) And all presidents have a learning curve. But it’s getting a little late in the day for Obama to still be stuck in kindergarten. Either he is going to take charge of his administration and deliver what he promised to those who so diligently supported him very soon, or he never will. I’d like to see him call it a day and step aside for the bitch in combat boots. We should have nominated and elected her in the first place.
Why America Is Facing A Revolt
“In a grim sign of the enduring nature of the economic slump, household income declined more in the two years after the recession ended than it did during the recession itself, new research has found.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Even the rightwing tea partiers are angry at Wall Street and the banks. And the “Occupy” protests may have been sparked by the revelation that the rich did even better while everyone else went down the tubes.
I’m not against people being rich, per se. The deal in this country always was that if people who created new products, services, and industries would enjoy very comfortable lives in exchange for providing lots of jobs for the rest of us.
But today’s rich aren’t job creators, they’re job destroyers. They’re the CEOs who get paid millions for laying off workers, ruining companies, and destroying shareholders’ savings. These CEOs deserve firing squads, not eight- and nine-figure retirement packages.
Today’s rich are bankers and brokers who contribute nothing to the economy but simply skim off the top. They’re rich because they’ve taken the financial system captive, not because they’ve produced anything or in any way deserve to be rich. In the last year before the crash, the financial industry captured 40% of all U.S. corporate profits. For what? Destroying the economy and the livelihoods of millions of honest workers. They too deserve firing squads, not the mansions and yachts they continue to enjoy while millions of honest workers feed their kids with food stamps because there’s no work in this destroyed economy.
The incentives are all screwed up. The tax code punishes work and rewards those who excel at financial manipulation. Executives get compensated for failure, and the bigger the failure, the more their captive boards of directors pay them. What we need is better legal remedies for shareholders against incompetent directors and executives. In China, a lot of the people running our publicly-held companies would be shot. I’m not kidding — they shoot people for a lot less than the screwups you routinely see in Corporate America today.
Hell, you look at today’s U.S. economy, and if the Chinese had that in their country, the firing squads would be working seven days a week. They don’t take the kind of shit we’re
routinely expected to put up with.
Well, I say things have gone too far, and it’s high time that fuckups who lose money for their companies and cost workers their jobs get CANNED. U.S. companies need to re-learn how to FIRE people who FAIL in their jobs, starting at the top and working down. Here’s how you do it.
A manager and two security guys go to the Offender’s office. The grim-faced manager tells the Offender, in an emotionless tone of voice, that his services are no longer needed and he has 20 minutes to clear his personal belongings out of his desk. Then walks out. A security guard hands the Offender an empty cardboard box and stands there watching as the Offender packs his personal belonging to make sure the Offender doesn’t take any Company Property. The Offender is informed that all pencils, pens, and Post-Its in the Offender’s desk are to remain in the desk, for use by the next occupant of the Offender’s office, unless the Offender can produce receipts proving that the Offender purchased those items with his personal funds (which, of course, he cannot because the Company purchased those items and therefore they are Company Property). After the Offender’s desk has disgorged the Offender’s personal items into the cardboard box, the Offender is escorted out of the building by Security and informed that he is not to set foot on Company Premises or the police will be called if he does. The Offender gets in his car, exits the parking lot, and goes into exile.
That’s how you’re supposed to fire someone. Then, he goes and applies for unemployment benefits, and gets them, because in this country stupidity, failure, and incompetence are not legal reasons to deny someone their unemployment benefits.
We Americans are not mean to each other. We don’t let children starve just because their fathers are stupid fuckups. If you’re a stupid fuckup who ran a good company into the ground and cost honest workers their jobs, all we ask you to do is live on $350 a week of unemployment benefits — like the unemployed workers have to do. If it were up to me, you’d get a firing squad, but nobody listens to me.
Man, I love good French brandy, and my writing gets better after about half a bottle of the stuff.
P.S.: I didn’t buy the French brandy with my stock market winnings — I never spend that money, I reinvest it. I bought the French brandy with my Social Security money. Some senior citizens spend their Social Security in bingo parlors, but I prefer to spend mine in state liquor stores. Oh, and btw, I’m gonna vote against that liquor privatization initiative because I want my liquor money to go for supporting schools instead of into some rich convenience chain CEO’s yacht acquisition account.
P.P.S.: I like yachts, or at least wooden sailboats, although I don’t own one — yet. Maybe someday. I “invest” like a Republican so I can live like a Republican someday. I think it’s a crime that Republicans own all the pretty boats. A previously undisclosed fact about Roger Rabbit is that I’m a HUGE fan of classic wood sailboats. I have a very large collection of classic books about wooden sailboats and I know how to build and repair them. I’ve actually built a number of small wooden boats. I (heart) boats like this one and would (heart) to have one.
Sure they’re a hole in the water into which you pour money. But still … how can you not love them? More than your wife even … er, never mind, forget I said that … oh shit, I just remembered I’ve got an important meeting in Idaho and need to leave this burrow right now —
[clanging noise]
My husband isn’t sailing anywhere. The only place he’s going is Urgent Care. Trust me on this. I lose more frying pans this way — they’re no good after they have a big dent in the bottom because then they don’t sit level on the burner and the eggs slide off to the sides and cook unevenly. But whenever my frying pan gets a ding in it, I just buy a new one, and take it out of Roger’s allowance.
no, I dont think I will be.
Why doesn’t this asswipe just go back to being “Mr. Cynical”…he’s not fooling ANYBODY.
re 106: It’s probably Dick Cheney posting gibberish when he’s not in a drug-induced coma.
@105 Don’t let the door hit your ass when you leave.
@107 Republican ebonics
Here’s what I think of Occupy Wall Street
See Wikipedia Woodstock