Daily Show: Can liberals survive the apocalypse?.
Information about the winter solstice.
Young Turks: Roy Moore’s Muslim Marxist MELTDOWN.
Samantha Bee: FAUX and Friends’ war on justice.
The Dotard Трамп and His Merry Band of Looters, Thieves, and Deviants:
- The Late Show: The Dossier’s rebuttal to Dotard Трамп.
- Seth Meyers: Words the Трамп administration wants to replace.
- Samantha Bee: Apocalypse soon.
- Young Turks: Nobody kisses ass like Mike Pence!
- VOX: How Трамп makes extreme things look normal:
- Farron Cousins: Трамп family so bad at filling out forms that all their election ballots were thrown out.
- Трамп’s unqualified judge nominee embarrassed.
- Ari Melber: Dotard Трамп hid Mar-A-Lago tax deal from IRS.
- Farron Cousins: Dotard Трамп believes that all women are beneath him and he isn’t afraid to show it.
- Sam Seder: Трамп Jr. lies through his dumb teeth about people trying to take down his daddy.
- Seth Meyers: Senator-elect Doug Jones wants us to listen to President Трамп’s accusers.
- David Pakman: ANOTHER unqualified Трамп nominee drops out in shame.
- Maddow: GOP have been meeting in secret to undermine the FBI’s investigation of the Dotard Трамп.
- Seth Meyers: Republicans praise Трамп; Трамп claims he repealed Obamacare.
- Donald Pup the Трамп Pup: A Трамп Pup Christmas.
- Samantha Bee goes to church.
- Chris Hayes: Dan Rather on the similarities of the Dotard Трамп and Nixon presidencies.
- Young Turks: Trump Ambassador to The Netherlands is BUSTED!
- Sam Seder: U.S. Ambassador caught lying by reporter, incoherently tries to defend himself.
- Farron Cousins: Трамп is officially the Worst President Ever, says hardcore conservative George Will.
- Late Night: A Трамп Christmas Carol.
- Jackie Sampson: The 12 Months of Трамп:
- Ari Melber: Gov. Jay Inslee, “We must stand up to Dotard Трамп.”
- Sam Seder: Animatronic William Howard Taft calls in to defend nightmarish Трамп robot.
- Young Turks: Nikki Haley needs more friends.
- WaPo: Трамп name to be stripped from posh New York hotel.
- Young Turks: Трамп’s banned words list.
Jimmy Kimmel: The year in unnecessary censorship.
VOX: How smart is today’s artificial intelligence?
New Scientist: The best science and tech stories of the year.
HBO: Alabama—The special election.
Daily Show: Today’s future now — Crime-fighting technology.
The GOP Tax Scam on America:
- WaPo Opinion: The tax bill is the worst domestic policy legislation in a lifetime.
- Seth Meyers: Republicans pass their tax scam.
- Sam Seder: Paul Ryan admits he has no clue if the GOP tax scam will work.
- Chris Hayes: Don’t believe Republicans who say they care about debt.
- WaPo Opinion: The GOP is giddy about its tax bill, but Democrats will laugh last.
- Schumer promises to “hammer away” at “unpopular” tax bill.
- Roy Zimmerman: Chuck G’s in Love:
- Elizabeth Warren: The GOP tax bill is for the rich, and no one else.
- Young Turks: Paul Ryan’s stunning tax cut admission.
- Chris Hayes: Many G.O.P. and Ivanka Trump bungle the basics of the tax bill.
- Sam Seder: Ivanka Трамп proves she’s a total moron after botching tax facts on FAUX.
- Seth Meyers: Senator-elect Doug Jones shares his thoughts on the Republican tax plan.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: White House repeats lie about Dotard Трамп’s tax returns.
- Mark Fiore: Christmas made permanent for billionaires.
- David Pakman: Republicans are clueless about what’s in the tax bill they just passed.
- Maddow: GOP tax bill set to make rich richer at everyone else’s expense.
- WaPo: Who gains and who loses under the G.O.P. tax plan?
Newsbroke: White genocide—Fake and present danger.
David Hawkings: The GOP is anxious to look productive in 2018—4 takeaways from the 2018 Congressional calendar.
Trevor Noah: The politics of branding, meeting Obama & Трамп’s first year.
Mental Floss: 500 facts.
I know Robert Muller.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Those that complain about voter fraud, have their own balots thrown out because of discrepancies. Very interesting.
@1. It’s kind of like when Doctor Dumbfuck reads that someone somewhere (in Mexico) is killing people (possibly for fun) and he could care less, but then he would be bothered if I said I could care less if 50 people died in the Philippines due to a storm. It’s unfortunate that more didn’t die.
“Every single one of those families will have more money in their pockets next year.”
Get used to this. Y’all are gonna run against it next year.
It’s looking like the FBI’s general counsel leaked the Steele dossier to David Corn of Mother Jones.
He’s the same guy who leaked a confidential document about a surveillance program at Yahoo:
FBI lawyer allegedly under investigation for purportedly leaking about Yahoo, Inc. program
James A. Baker, the general counsel for the FBI, is allegedly under a criminal investigation for an apparent connection to the story published in October 2016, according to several government officials. The Reuters report exposed the top secret security program built by Yahoo Inc. in 2015, that has not been disclosed by the U.S. government. The program, which was built at the request of the U.S. government, allowed intelligence officials to scan what is known as “upstream data” using specific characters or phrase words, according to Reuters. Upstream data is information from a device such as phone or a computer to a server.
I’m sure that after Trump is cleared from the Russian collusion allegations, Steve will promptly revert to “treason is patriotic” mode when it looks like one of Steve’s own will be taken down.
Which reminds me:
Steve, thank you for the Christmas wishes and I hope you enjoy the holidays as well, and emerge from them refreshed and ready for the beatdowns to come.
Jeezus Alonzo Presley, the Doctor Dumbfuck is losing it.
Next he’ll dig up some bot-farm post accusing the FBI of killing Seth Rich. Oh wait. He’s already done that about 100 times.
Never mind.
A conservative is someone who blames the government when a private business steals from the government.
Trump’s vote suppression commission loses a round in its effort to operate in the dark.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The GOP is, always has been, and always will be a minority party. If we had straight-up democracy in this country, Republicans would never win anything. Consequently, they depend on undemocratic strategies to win elections. Vote suppression is one leg of a three-legged stool. The other legs are gerrymandering and dirty tricks. Attacking Americans’ right to vote in their own country is crucial to their 2018 and 2020 strategies. But there’s hope, because it didn’t work in 2008, 2012, or 2017.
Nicely parsed. No such thing as “collusion”. And owing to potential immunity a sitting President is unlikely to be indicted while in office. And so long as Roypublican perverts control the House, Fuckface is unlikely to be impeached. And even if Dems gain control of the House and Senate still unlikely to gain two-thirds on a party line vote including perverted traitors. So all-in-all a completely made up and ridiculously unrealistic scenario for Doctor Dumbfuck to weasel out of later on.
Well played, all except for the usual dumbfuckery.
8, cont.
Just thought I might add a warning that seems appropriate.
The holidays can be a very dangerous time for a guy like Doctor Dumbfuck. A little extra rum sitting around (just for the “eggnog”) etc, lots of festive television programming, long nights and dark, dreary days of rainfall amidst the towering firs. Before he knows it he’s having that first drink of the day earlier and earlier, and the last drink of the night later and later.
Do yourself a favor Doc, and try not to wake up a week from Tuesday coming off a four day black-out. All the compulsive groping of high-school freshmen by your political heroes will still be there in the New Year. The $60 will still be there. The court nominees. The hearings. The Special Prosecutor. The plea bargains. It’ll all still be there waiting for you if you can just make it to the other side.
Five years ago, Republicans asked the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service whether tax cuts (i.e., “supply side” economics) works. You don’t hear about this report anymore, because it simply adds more weight to a huge volume of academic research — not to mention practical experience —
showing that “supply side” is voodoo economics. It concluded:
“The top income tax rates have changed considerably since the end of World War II. Throughout the late-1940s and 1950s, the top marginal tax rate was typically above 90%; today it is 35%.
Additionally, the top capital gains tax rate was 25% in the 1950s and 1960s, 35% in the 1970s; today it is 15%. The average tax rate faced by the top 0.01% of taxpayers was above 40% until
the mid-1980s; today it is below 25%. Tax rates affecting taxpayers at the top of the income distribution are currently at their lowest levels since the end of the second World War.
“The results of the analysis suggest that changes over the past 65 years in the top marginal tax rate and the top capital gains tax rate do not appear correlated with economic growth. The reduction in the top tax rates appears to be uncorrelated with saving, investment, and productivity growth. The top tax rates appear to have little or no relation to the size of the economic pie.
“However, the top tax rate reductions appear to be associated with the increasing concentration of income at the top of the income distribution. As measured by IRS data, the share of income accruing to the top 0.1% of U.S. families increased from 4.2% in 1945 to 12.3% by 2007 before falling to 9.2% due to the 2007-2009 recession. At the same time, the average tax rate paid by the top 0.1% fell from over 50% in 1945 to about 25% in 2009. Tax policy could have a relation to how the economic pie is sliced—lower top tax rates may be associated with greater income disparities.”
@8 He just doesn’t want to take responsibility for voting irresponsibly.
@3 Shell game. Car dealers figured out 100 years ago that most consumers will gladly pay $2500 for a $1500 rebate. Just give ’em cash upfront and charge ’em more at the back end. Works nearly every time. Ryan and McConnell must be getting advice on strategy from car dealers, because this tax bill sure resembles a deal you’d get at a car lot. And Doctor Dumbfuck falls for it because he’s a dumbfuck.
No such thing as “collusion” Oregon moron? You see to forget who brought collusion to the US populace. DUMMOCRETINS!
You really are an idiot!
Till Next Time!
@13 Why do you care? If Trump sold our government to China to give himself tax breaks, you wouldn’t give a rap. Oh wait, he just did, and not a squeak from you.
Just give ’em cash upfront and charge ’em more at the back end. Works nearly every time.
Isn’t that how the Obummer sadministration pushed out the Chevy Volt!
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Roger idiot senile wabbit @14,
Oregon moron made another stoooooooooooopid comment (just one of tens of thousands here) that needed to be refuted!
Puddy just doing the yeoman’s work you DUMMOCRETIN FOOLS neglect to do!
Till Next Time!
Seems FBI Ass’t Director Andrew MCCabe has seen the writing on the wall and is bailing for his DUMMOCRETIN loving / Trump hating actions!
Till Next Time!
Republicans may get to defend another Senate seat in a special election in a deep red state. Should be a slam dunk for them, like Alabama was.
Obummer bragged and people died again? Wow!
Till Next Time!
@17 Or maybe he doesn’t want to sully his reputation by working for a traitor.
Hello? The Veterans Administration hiring scummy doctors? Hmmm…?
Wait for roger senile idiot wabbit or the Oregon moron to compare those hires to godwin. Wait for it…
Wow roger senile idiot wabbit @10…
Three paragraphs? Let’s see if Da Perfessa imprlements and enforces the rules
Aw shit. Yours truly was about to post a
at 4:18 pm. And we see the fiend has already let itself out of its cage.
Heh. The “need” of this troll to HATE HA HEROES is too funny and SAD to see!
“Every single one of those families will have more money in their pockets next year.”
How cheaply “those families” can be bought so that billionaires can get windfalls..
so say the GOP..
He Boob, What do you think? You think they should send the kid to Mexico?
@21 This has been going on for 15 years, so it started on Shrub’s watch. What deregulation looks like. And who blew the whistle? The muckraking media Trumptards love to hate.
Find and cite the code, Freak.
Hell, I’ll even grant you state criminal codes if you want.
Just find it and post a link to some U.S. criminal code, other than antitrust) naming something called “collusion” that your fat, raving, dick-pill addicted, Orange Shitgibbon can be “cleared from”.
Or don’t. Respond instead with another long raving screed filled with lunatic caps-lock, perseveration, and lots of exclamation points and absolutely no substance. Because that’s all you got.
You perverts can’t stand that you must live with having voted for a KGB asset who is looting the federal treasury. So you are reduced to just straight up making shit up. And because the people you voted for can’t stop scoring own-goals, you can’t keep up. So your shit changes daily. It’s become tiresome even trying to keep track. This week it’s the FBI. Before that it was the entire DOJ. Before that it was Congressional staff. Before that it was all the major broadcast media networks. Before that it was a conspiracy of internet media companies. Before that it was a massive false flag operation coordinated between the FSB and something you freaks call “The Deep State”.
Meanwhile one consistent thing endures. Every single suspicion that ever arose about an effort to coordinate assistance between Russian state actors and the Fuckface campaign, the PTT, and the Fuckface admin continue to be slowly but steadily confirmed despite persistent lying by every single Roypublican pervert who ever drew breath. We don’t even need to follow the news anymore. We can just gauge how much the walls are closing in by your hysterical reactions.
count on that perverted Freak claiming to be on EST to escape the Sky Daddy’s terrible wrath.
Matters not. It already lives every day in hell.
It is a Roypublican.
@22 Write your complaint here _ and submit it here [ ]. Thanks.
The clueless crazed cretin will gladly tell you where Puddy is. It tracks Puddy’s every move. It was following Puddy last week. Just ax him Oregon moron! Go on and grow some marbuls (balls – Major League movie) dude! And it’s very warm and humid here. It’s someplace Puddy doubts the clueless crazed databaze cretin will ever visit!
Glad to notice that the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset and its acolyte the Oregon moron are clueless as always!
Till Next Time!
The Oregon moron farted…
Find and cite the code, Freak.
Hell, I’ll even grant you state criminal codes if you want.
Just find it and post a link to some U.S. criminal code, other than antitrust) naming something called “collusion” that your fat, raving, dick-pill addicted, Orange Shitgibbon can be “cleared from”.
Man the Oregon moron is really stoooooooooopid. It wasn’t Republicans whom claimed collusion!
So, Let’s take this
Congressman Adam Schiff?
Till Next Time!
Caps-lock? Check.
Perseveration? Check.
Multiple exclamation points? Check.
Not oriented to time and place? Check.
Florid manifestation. Do not approach.
The other traitor bot-troll.
So whenever you’re ready to cite the code.
Yawwwnn.. Sheer gibberish.. None of it is true, either today or last week. The freak is making shit up.
At one time everyone here (including the babbling butthole troll) could do something like this (approximately) but it hasn’t been the case for a long time.
No interest in any place where the freak’s miserable ass occupies and wastes space. No interest where it farts.
Still as delusional as it was back in 2005 when it was clueless!
Till Next Time!
I’m sure that after Trump is cleared from the Russian collusion allegations,
Once again the Oregon moron is stoooooooooooooooopid as evah.
Did godwin make those “collusion” allegations or was it Adam Schiff and his pals? Did godwin claim Trump colluded with Russia? Ax the clueless crazed databaze cretin deala for ASSistance because you really need it Oregon moron!
DAYUM you really are a moron Oregon moron!
Till Next Time!
Making stuff up? From the FOOL whom told everyone when Puddy was in Seoul Korea? When Puddy was in Europe?
Wrong answer clueless crazed databaze cretin!
Till Next Time!
The loon is spending his SDA doomsday death cult’s wrong-day-Sabbath spewing HATE again! SAD!
No interest where Puddy farts.
R U Sure clueless crazed databaze deala? It is a very warm place to fart. Lots of sun too! Great place for Christmas!
Till Next Time
That was years ago. Not the case today..
It was too funny back then yours truly caught the freak using an apple product to troll a political website..
Now Apple knows its stupid politics! HAHAHAHA!
shitstain racetrack underwear steve,
Sun set where Puddy is at. Butt then again you really are a DUMMOCRETIN FOOL! You prove that every day in every thread shitstain!
Go wipe up dude! Those posts from shitstain really smell! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Till Next Time!
HA HERO YLB – yes indeed. It takes a HERO to deal with an
like the babbling butthole troll. Now what’s it doing?
Oh it’s visiting a “warm and humid place” and PUTTING HA HEROES FIRST!
HA ON VACAY! This freak is very silly!
Using an Apple product was demanded by the customer you FOOL!
Marvin Stamn was 100000000000000% correct. Life really sucks for the clueless crazed databaze deala. Tracking Puddy was and still is its only life. The crazed databaze was created for PuddyMissives!
Till Next Time!
and HA HEROES know WHY the freak PUTS HA HEROES FIRST in that “warm and humid place”..
The freak will PUT HA HEROES FIRST and then…
Doctor Dumbfuck is very obviously who I was responding to before this most recent of your many episodes of florid mania.
So, once again, whenever you are ready to cite the code.
Was conducting your politics required by the customer?
Puddy is soooooooooooooooooooo glad the clueless crazed databaze deala worries about what Puddy does and when Puddy does it.
BTW Puddy didn’t put HA DUMMOCRETINS first. Where was Puddy yesterday you FOOL?
BTW what are you a hero of?
What war did you participate in?
What police action did you participate in?
What person did you save from death?
What person did you save from a fiery car wreck?
What person did you save from a burning building?
What person have you save from death PERIOD?
That’s what qualifies as a HERO! Puddy knows HEROES and you are no HERO clueless crazed databaze deala!
HERO Puddy’s ASS! Truly delusional!
Till Next Time!
I must say it is quite telling that whenever the Freak goes into one of these manic fugues his bot-trolling counterpart disappears utterly.
The freak prohibits its fambly from using google and apple products and then…
It types out its political bullshit on an apple product!
The freak is toooo daaaamn funny!
Was conducting your politics required by the customer?
Really clueless crazed databaze deala? Was Puddy at Apple? Was Puddy at the customer when Puddy was posting?
DAYUM you are as much a moron as the Oregon moron!
Till Next Time!
Already answered…
I’ll repeat for the baby:
The freak prohibits its fambly from using google and apple products and then…
Got proof? Puddy’s sons are adults you FOOL!
Till Next Time!
are there really still people who don’t use VPN?
Meanwhile it looks like another DUMMOCRETIN scumbag is identified! https://www.buzzfeed.com/coralewis/don-hazen
Till Next Time!
Fool @53,
Read #50!
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LOL! Does that mean they don’t give 10 percent to that MISERABLE KULT????
Praise JEEBUS!
What about salt mining buddy? She don’t obey your miserable dictates?
GOOD ON ‘ER! Give my regards to her…
So great to see how Puddy controls the clueless crazed databaze cretin!
Till Next Time!
I’m frankly a bit disappointed we haven’t gotten a double post explosion yet. Many head explosions. But no double post.
Either way, it certainly would not behoove the Freak to try to pass through TSA in this state. A prolonged cavity search would certainly ensue.
LOL! The freak went stupid about how it doesn’t use google or apple products because they are “libtard companies”.. And it said it prohibited its family members from doing the same.
And then I caught the freak trolling HA on an apple computer. Those were the days when you could see that information through this website.
Now look at how the freak is behaving in this thread. It’s obviously still stupid about google and apple.
The clueless crazed databaze cretin tracks Puddy everywhere and the conversation is about Apple. Well it seems collusion argument was never true after all!
Till Next Time!
are there really still people who don’t use VPN?
Don’t need to when you are NOT at the customer site Oregon moron!
Another of the clueless crazed databaze cretin TRAIN WRECKS when it loses another argument. Change the topic of course!
Till Next Time!
I’m frankly a bit disappointed we haven’t gotten a double post explosion yet. Many head explosions.
Yes the heads of HA DUMMOCRETINS exploding all over the place is soooooooooooooooooooo funny.
Till Next Time!
I’d ask the freak to prove that I do this today or last week but it so loves to be stupid..
Shit the moron still can’t believe the earth is more than 10k years old.
How can anyone expect more from this idiot?
And the freak is still PUTTING HA HEROES FIRST in that “warm and humid place”…
when will salt mining buddy call for the weekly obligation?
You track Puddy everywhere. That’s what you do with your sucky blog using tctmgr which no one reads! You tell about how many posts Puddy has submitted on HA DUMMOCRETINS! And now you lie about it?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Good night clueless crazed databaze cretin! Arguing with you is tedious and worthless because you truly are stooooooooopid!
Till Next Time!
Anyone? Are you out there? Doctor Dumbfuck? Pars? Reality? Bueller?
Lonely at the top of Freak mountain. Warm and humid too, apparently.
The Christmas season always inspires the loon to HATE! SAD!
Can you blame him?
@30 @43 A lunatic on the loose is always reason for concern. Given your frequent meltdowns into incoherent babbling there’s no telling when you might snap for good. A little vigilance seems timely.
@54 But you still think it’s okay for Trump to do it, right?
@58 You mean shining a light in his ear and projecting it on the opposite wall?
So it turns out the person whom Interior Secretary Zinke put in charge of reviewing the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments is the daughter of a former CEO of Peabody Coal.
@67 “The Christmas season always inspires the loon to HATE! SAD!”
But of course it inspires such hate from Piddles. Why? Because he knows that Jesus wasn’t born on December 25: that is a blatant lie, just a myth and a story (I’m sure Mark will chime in on this and confirm it is nothing but a myth). The hate is because he is forced to live a lie, and a whopper of a lie at that.
@72 Correction, her father was Peabody’s Senior V.P. for Governmental Affairs, i.e., the company’s chief lobbyist. He was CEO of an industry trade association.
I wonder how much more environmental vandalism Trump and his crony looters will commit before they’re stopped?
Friday, I took the train to Portland, sort of. I had a ticket I purchased last week before Monday’s tragedy. The train from the Stellicoom wreck is still in the shop, I doubt the other one can be repaired, so that is 5 sets available, and the state for 501 on Friday, was the one in awhile mechanical breakdown. Charter buses will be doing well for awhile. Coming back, 508 was also replaced with a bus, not because of train issues, but a lack of available crews. The morning issues affecting 501 and 503, the crews had clocked in, so the delays affecting their hours of service. For these days trips, which include a visit to Powells Books and the Oregon Rai Heritage Center, and exploring the network, I usually pay for the upgrade to business class, Amtrak refunded me that portion.
was going to try out C-Tran’s Vineyard Bus Rapid Transit system, but the delays prevented that. Having both a Hop Fast pass and ORCA Cards, I am beginning to like the former better.
@76 without knowing the train system in Washington it sounds like an antiquated system.
If you are ever in NYC take Metro North. That rail system runs fairly decent without problems and will take you from NYC to points northeast to New Haven and North towards Albany. And connecting systems can take you further east to CT and RI and Boston via Amtrak, or even Montreal Canada via Amtrak. Soon, in Mayish, they are opening a commuter line extension from New Haven CT to Springfield MA, something like 9 round trips per day.
Or you can go west to NJ via NJ
Transit or Amtrak (to D.C.) or NJ Path Trains.
Or Long Island Railroad that serves all of Long Island, NY
Systems are great, except wish Amtrak was better.
Merry Christmas Eve HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Puddy been up this morning planning the day; visitations, present wrapping, dealing with HA DUMMOCRETIN hate.
Till Next Time!
The Christmas season inspires DUMMOCRETIN hate not Christian hate. Why? It’s when the world ACTUALLY acknowledges Jesus Christ as the Son of God! That’s big time HATE to DUMMOCRETINS!
Christmas December 25th is just a holiday. Best estimations of Christ birth put September 3 BC. Just read Revelation 12:1-5 and the true signs are there. You can purchase a DVD with this information that explains it to you “Newt”. It has where the constellations, the sun, moon and stars all were in the Heavens when Jesus came to this earth! I have seen this DVD as a friend has it and Puddy can get hold of it whenever Puddy wants!
Why do you HA DUMMOCRETINS give presents? Giving presents to others is representative of God giving His only begotten Son as a present to the whole Earth to die for our sins. Sooooooooooooooooo HA DUMMOCRETINS, you should be Jehovah’s Witnesses and not celebrate Christmas EVAH! Giving presents means you truly believe in God because it’s symbolic of God’s gift to mankind!
Till Next Time!
@72 & @74
Sooooooooooooooooo roger senile idiot wabbit cleaned up its senile fart post in 72 with another fart in 74. Apparently rereading an article did the senile FOOL good. What made you correct it senile idiot? Knowing you’d look stooooooooooooooopid when others actually read the article?
Till Next Time!
What happened to the “collusion” hate spew of the Oregon moron!
Down the porcelain swirly bowl like 99.9999999% of its useless arguments!
Till Next Time!
Another instance of DUMMOCRETINS being DUMMOCRETINS! https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/23/business/media/vice-sexual-harassment.html
Another instance of DUMMOCRETINS being DUMMOCRETINS! https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/23/business/media/vice-sexual-harassment.html
Double post on Christmas eve! Watch heads explode!
Nothing new here, move along!
Till Next Time!
Hey Oregon moron, your pal Adam Schiff was speaking about collusion on the Collusion News Network… http://www.cnn.com/videos/poli.....t-sotu.cnn
FACTS are always hated by DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
CNN had a “Heroes” show… http://www.cnn.com/videos/worl.....-watching/
Sadly HA’s gutter DUMMOCRETIN self identified clueless crazed databazed cretin was not recognized.
Puddy knows why!
There is no hero on HA DUMMOCRETINS! Otherwise CNN would have made it well known!
Till Next Time!
CNN, NY Times, are hate to shitstain racetrack underwear steve.
Till Next Time!
Hey HA DUMMOCRETINS, still want to fly United? http://www.chron.com/news/poli.....452258.php
Houston Chronicle – right wing? NOPE butt shtistain steve is still the DOPE!
Till Next Time!
The Freak continues ir’s lonely vigil atop Roypublican Holiday Hate Mountain!
Here’s warm holiday wishes from more of your “good friends” at FauxSNOOZE https://youtu.be/ftbrkK_qQdE
@78 We don’t hate you. We’ve always considered you a buddy of sorts. After all what would HA be without a resident lunatic to heap scorn on? We merely despise what you stand for.
@80 Correcting factual errors is an educated-elite thing. You wouldn’t understand it, nor Trump and his barkers.
@78 We don’t hate you. – says Roger senile idiot wabbit.
The Freak continues ir’s lonely vigil atop Roypublican Holiday Hate Mountain! – says the Oregon moron.
So which is it? A house divided can not stand!
So Oregon moron and Roger senile idiot wabbit… And other HA DUMMOCRETIN HATERS…
Are you FOOLS giving Christmas gifts tomorrow? So Christ does lead your life after all.
Till Next Time!
#CrookedHillary is asking for money. You DUMMOCRETINS gonna give?
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So Stenk Yogurt and the Young Turks are filthy racist misogynist pigs? No wonder HA DUMMOCRETINS love the Stenk! Typical DUMMOCRETIN 4th Tier Toilet! Da Perfessa will have Stenk in the Friday Night Comix lineup this week! Watch! http://thegatewaypundit.com/20.....san-piker/
Till Next Time!
Stenk yogurt nephew is a real DUMMOCRETIN SCUM! http://thegatewaypundit.com/20.....ely-video/
Till Next Time!
@91 “A house divided can not stand!”
The house you refer to is built of rock. You’re its straw floor to be swept out daily with the chicken poop.
77, The conductor actually said that the mechanics had discovered a problem, fixed it, but rules required another inspection. What I like about Amtrak Cascades is the involvement the manufacturer has with the operation, they do much of the maintenance, and their mechanics actually ride the train, checking for any issues, and if need be, can do some minor repairs while underway. I don’t know if Pullman Standard or Budd had that level of dedication in their day. One reason TALGO supposedly does this, is their experience the first time they worked with American railroads.
I have seen several books published by former Northern Pacific and Burlington Northern dispatcher Jim Fredrickson, with his extensive photo collection, and one was a photo of a passenger train, over sort of this route, and it was one of NP ‘s last branch line runs in Washington State . I believe the description was that their train to Aberdeen used the Prairie line before switching to the mainline, then to the Grays Harbor Branch. Of course, the connection from the mainline tof the Prairie line in Tacoma was different then, Tacoma LINK led to the abandoning of that connection, and led to the D-M street connector being built.
Back in 2007, I was in Washington DC, I used the Metro, and rode an interesting commuter train in Northern Virginia, the Virginia Railway Express, at the time using rolling stock borrowed from Sound Transit. They got used rolling stock from Chicago, liked the gallery cars better, then bought new ones.
As we speak I boarded my Amtrak connection inNew Haven after traveling Metro North from NYC. Left NYC at 8:05 and arrived in New Haven a little after 10:00am. Train to Springfield Mass leaves at 11:05. I’ll reach Hartford area around 11:35. But I can’t wait till the new commuter service trains start in May that will eventually have 17 round trips per day. When they first start up they’ll only start with like 12 to Hartford with 9 continuing to Springfield.
@97 continued. The Amtrak trains are more comfortable and better conditions (less rowdy people), but it costs a little more and not as convent because they run less frequently and you have to book ahead or you will not get a spot. Metro North – you show up without any advance an they never sell out.
The house you refer to is built of rock.
You DAYUM funny Roger senile idiot wabbit!
Till Next Time!
Oh goodie, Stenk Yogurt has left Young Turks due to being a DUMMOCRETIN against wimens… Sexist and Racist… That’s today’s DUMMOCRETIN! http://thegatewaypundit.com/20.....statement/
Will this be covered on HA DUMMOCRETINS Friday Night Comix?
Till Next Time!
Oh lookie here …. http://thegatewaypundit.com/20.....cide-note/
Jameson was a Bernie Sanders supporter according to his Facebook page which has just been deleted (below is a screenshot).
DAYUM another Sanders nutcase went nutzo. Just like those HA DUMMOCRETINS here!
FACTS, not friends of DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
You would think the loon would have some class on this day? Ape is a loon.
Whoa! The loon’s really bringing the 4:00 AM HATE! The loon and his SDA doomsday death cult must have found a poor little goat to abuse on their wrong-day-Sabbath yesterday. SAD!.
Happy HOLIDAYS everyone.
@102 “You would think the loon would have some class on this day?”
Are you kidding? He still thinks Santa Claus is a Republican.
He still thinks Santa Claus is a Republican.
He knows Santa Claus is a Black Republican.
Till Next Time!
Puddy really bringing the 4:00 AM FACTS, LOVE and TRUTH!
Hey shitstain, Puddy in another time zone loving the warm weather and humidity! Pay attention and get the shit out!
Till Next Time!
Puddy doesn’t mind the hapless hanging human tea bag licker calling Puddy an ape. The gorilla is the smartest and strongest of the simians.
Now being a tea bag licker isn’t a claim to fame!
Till Next Time!
Ray Dalio isn’t a big fan of the GOP tax plan, either.
“When we look at the tax plan holistically, it looks to me like it’s a short-term minor boost to the economy that will have some minor positive longer-term impacts, but by and large it doesn’t deal with the impediments that are holding back investment and productivity in the US economy, and it won’t have any notable effect on our biggest economic, social, and political issue, which is the conditions of the bottom 60% and the growing disparity with the top 40% (especially the growing disparity between the bottom 90% and the top 10%). …
“The reforms to the structure of corporate taxes at the core of the bill will certainly make the US a more attractive environment to do business, but the impact of those changes is likely to be small relative to the improvement that could be achieved by investing more in things like infrastructure and education, which more directly boost productivity. …
“So, while the tax bill will stimulate growth in the short term, we won’t get much long-term mileage out of it in comparison to paths to direct stimulus spending to areas that hit the core issues holding back US productivity.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Anyone who knows anything about the U.S. economy knows slow productivity growth is why we have slow economic growth. Infrastructure should have been done in 2009, but Republicans opposed it, ostensibly because they were against deficits. But now they’re using deficits to finance billionaire tax cuts that will do little or nothing for productivity growth. Dalio isn’t fooled. Neither am I. But the Republican hoi polloi are. They’ll take sucker bait every time.
Roger senile idiot wabbit,
Three paragraphs hijacked, post too long so skipped! Can’t follow rules!
Till Next Time!
@110 Write your complaint here _ and drop it in here [ ].
P.S., if you want an economics tutorial in one paragraph, read a Doctor Dumbfuck rant.
Hmm, looks like the GOP is suffering from the same weaknesses as the Old Confederacy:
“A senior adviser to the White House said there is an urgency in the administration and the Republican Party to get a strong message out ahead of the midterms but that there is no clear organizational or implementation process in place. ‘Many of us see the need to work closely together to keep the majority,’ the adviser said, ‘but there are so many factions inside and outside the White House and Congress that are out for purely their self-interest that I think there is a growing concern whether or not we can collectively get our act together.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In other words, the GOP is a confederacy of factions instead of a unified whole; and for a party whose ideological underpinning is selfishness, overcoming their differences might be challenging. Do tell.
I’ve always maintained it won’t be Democrats who bring down the GOP; they’ll do it to themselves. It’s obvious their messaging must be about the economy, but selling the roaring stock market to ex-factory workers and ex-coal miners now working in $7.25/hr. warehouse and retail jobs or driving school buses might be a tough go.
I found an interesting article that explains why Bitcoins, not nuclear weapons, will destroy the world and wipe out the human species.
It has to do with the fact the energy required to “mine” Bitcoins increases exponentially, and eventually Bitcoin mining will consume all the fossil fuels left on earth.
Under Trump, even weather reports are corrupt.
Snow!!! A white Christmas in Seattle!?! Ok, hope it melts by Tuesday morning, because we don’t get Boxing day off. Retired rabbits can enjoy the snow. Though just where are the HA presents Rabbits? Maybe some fudgy pudding. Plum pudding. Look I’ve got Little Tiny Tim here to say Merry Christmas. Maybe a lump of coal Mr Rabbit. At least from Republican Scrooges we can get coal.
@114 Not all the weather reports. The NOAA is not the only Federal weather service. There is the military one that provides some data to the NOAA, but does its own weather predictions. Though in a pinch the NWA is usually just fine.
Yes there are cases of government duplication of programs, though in this case it’s probably good in wartime, maybe not so good in peacetime. Not sure which we are in at the moment.
@115 https://www.bluemountain.com/ecards/christmas/peace-on-earth/card-3344721
@5 The problem is that the FBI does sometimes kill people. A good example is Bonnie and Clyde. No attempt was made to capture them, it was murder by the government. A big win by the FBI, widely celebrated and definite evidence of government power run amuck. But they saved the government the expense of a trail. Now we got drones. Rich Seth is dead so how did he die? The death does seem to fall under mysterious circumstances, or at least a death the county coroner should have spent some time on. Did the coroner get it right? Could government power have corrupted the truth? Neither party has a monopoly over when citizens can or should be skeptical of the government and those in power. Particularly when the 4th estate is a mere shadow of itself, and often unwilling to rock the boat, either because it’s been bought off, or it’s just can’t be bothered,
@117 Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too.
@7 The same could be said of the Democratic party as that party does much the same. Both major parties participate in this sort of behavior. Behavior we were warned by James Madison and others that is the destructive behavior of factions. Some of the collusion is just both parties doing what is in their best interest, some of it though goes much beyond that, and is collusion that is far more damaging than any Russian or others activities in our elections.
@9 Yep the American Corp of Discovery thought the Christmas they spent on the coast here sucked. The natives were totally puzzled as they are on the best hunting grounds. And the Corp was out of rum or nearly so, and the ship they were to meet on the banks of the Columbia never showed up.
Lot of speculation in the article. He could die in office which is as likely as the speculations made. Doubt he will run again, but old men and old women have been reelected to the Senate all too often. Voters are reluctant to take care of the matter as thet would their old dog.
@117 Did you mean Furry Christmas and Hoppy New Year?
In other words, the GOP is a confederacy of factions instead of a unified whole
It’s always been that way Roger senile idiot wabbit. DUMMOCRETINS march lock step based on litmus tests! When Joe Lieberman disagreed you FOOLS attacked him!
Till Next Time!
Although Trump and Republicans are hailing their tax bill as a great legislative victory, they suffered many defeats and failed to achieve many of their top objectives:
* They failed to eliminate the estate tax.
* They failed to eliminate the alternative minimum tax.
* They failed to make the individual tax cuts permanent.
* They failed to eliminate the mortgage interest and SALT deductions.
* They failed to reduce the number of tax brackets.
* They failed to simplify the tax code.
* They failed to enact significant middle class tax cuts.
* They failed to make the tax cuts pay for themselves.
* They failed to lift restrictions on political activity by churches.
* They failed to get “fetal personhood” language into the final bill.
* They failed, again, to completely repeal Obamacare.
* They failed to write get bipartisan support for their tax plan.
* They failed to win popular support for their tax plan.
So much winning!
Barrons is an investing magazine with a conservative editorial slant. Here’s their take on the GOP tax scam bill:
“The new tax bill passed by Congress on Wednesday and signed into law on Friday is a major coup for corporations, but a mixed bag of give-and-take for individual taxpayers, with benefits skewed sharply to the wealthy. …
“[T]o pay for the corporate tax cut, the law reneges on many of its original objectives that would have benefited individual wage earners. President Donald Trump promised tax reform that would simplify the tax code, focus tax relief on working families, and close loopholes for wealthy taxpayers and corporations. But the bill … does none of those things. ‘Instead, it is more complicated, creates more loopholes for special interests, and is more unfair to the middle class …,’ says [a tax policy specialist at] a nonpartisan think tank in Washington, D.C.
“Most taxpayers will see their tax burdens decline and their after-tax income rise under the new law. But … more than half of the benefits of the bill go to the richest 5% … and more than a quarter go to the richest 1%.” (Source: Barrons, Dec. 25, 2017, pp. 12 et seq.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: While the corporate tax cuts are permanent, the individual tax provisions expire in 2025, except for one that Barrons calls a “stealth tax increase.” By using a less generous method for inflation indexing, it will gradually lift most taxpayers into higher tax rates.
As for the deficits the tax bill will create, Paul Ryan called them “one of the key ingredients to fiscal discipline.” (Source: Id., p. 10) There’s no ambiguity about what this means. Republicans intend to weaponize these deficits and use them to cut middle class entitlements. The Democrats should respond, “Fuck you! If deficits are okay to cut taxes for the rich, then they’re okay for Granny’s Social Security checks, doctor bills, and food stamps, too.” After this cynical stunt, Republicans will never again have any credibility on the subject of deficits.
Meanwhile, Trump brags to his rich friends that he just “made you all a lot richer.”
The man has no feel for political optics.
Christmas spirit at the North American Aerospace Defense Command, besides the Santa Tracker, Santa gets fighter escort.
BC Ferries getting into the Santa tracking with reports on their Facebook page from their vessels up and down Vancouver Island. Love the photo shop.
Again #126 from Roger senile idiot wabbit… Three paragraphs, post too long skipped.
Merry Christmas libtards. Glad to see you are celebrating God’s gift of Christ to the world by giving your spawn gifts!
Till Next Time!
Hello. Libtards are sooooooooooooooooo gullible! http://thegatewaypundit.com/20.....ped-quote/
Merry Christmas!
Till Next Time!
This will pizz off HA DUMMOCRETINS… http://thegatewaypundit.com/20.....h-service/
Merry Christmas!
Till Next Time!
The UN is a place of hate just like HA DUMMOCRETINS is a place of DUMMOCRETIN libtard HATE. Sooooooooooooooo the United States is cutting its budget to the UN. About time!
Merry Christmas
Till Next Time!
Hey everyone isn’t the clueless crazed databaze cretin from this state? http://www.theblaze.com/news/2.....ats-agenda
DUMMOCRETINS will be DUMMOCRETINS no matter if they control the state houses!
Merry Christmas
Till Next Time!
Merry White Christmas, trolls. I’m referring to the weather, not your party. But Puddy, don’t forget your friends want you dead.
@133 “United States is cutting its budget to the UN. About time!”
Not surprised. Republicans have never liked peace, or any organization that promotes peace. Peace on earth? Bah, humbug! War is good for business!
Other things Republicans don’t want to spend our money on:
Health care
Senior citizens
Meals on Wheels
People with disabilities
Unemployed and displaced workers
National parks and monuments
Puerto Rico disaster relief
Road and bridge repairs
Consumer protection
Drug rehabilitation
Pipeline safety
Poor people
Things they do want to spend our money on:
Flying to Mars
Police and prisons
Private religious schools
Investigating Hillary Clinton
Border walls and deportations
Golfing weekends at Mar-o-Lago
Prosecuting protesters and journalists
Interfering with abortion rights
Corporate welfare
Rich people
@ 136
War is good for business!
Google ‘blue helmets child rape’.
At the risk of deletion for excessive cut-and-pasting, here are some examples from the first page. This is not new, and this has not been a secret for a very long time.
The growing U.N. scandal over sex abuse and ‘peacekeeper babies …
Feb 27, 2016 – But in a number of homes, women and girls are raising babies they say are the children of U.N. troops who abused or exploited them. “Peacekeeper babies,” the …. “We can’t just put a blue helmet on them and assume their mind-set will change overnight,” Onanga-Anyanga said. U.N. officials here have …
U.N. peacekeepers accused of raping civilians – CNN – CNN.com
Apr 6, 2016 – A senior U.N. official heads to the Central African Republic amid a new wave of abuse allegations; U.N. official: Over 100 women, children said they were sexually abused by U.N. and non-U.N. forces; Accusations of sex abuse have emerged since peacekeeping forces entered the country in 2014. (CNN) A …
The U.N. Is Not Serious About Its Peacekeeper Rape Problem …
Aug 13, 2015 – A source who asked not to be named said that, according to MINUSCA, one more civilian was killed and 61 people in total were injured, including seven children — numbers, the blue-helmet mission said in an Aug. 13 interview, that it was “not in a position to confirm.” (Amnesty first learned of the attacks the …
It’s not like these are unpaid NYC parking tickets incurred by UN diplomats.
Here’s Newsweek, reporting on a massive troop drawdown in Haiti. I guess Sean Penn and Wyclef Jean have things covered there…
Under a new resolution supported by the U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres, a total of 2,370 troops, known as Blue Helmets, currently deployed in Haiti will be replaced with 295 officers focused on upholding the rule of law and strengthening the country’s institutions and police force.
U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley expressed support for the proposal to end the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), which costs $346 million a year and is largely bankrolled by Washington. It is one of the 16 peacekeeping missions under review by the administration of President Donald Trump, Bloomberg reported in February.
Seems to me that if the UN is pulling troops out of deployments because it can’t stop them from impregnating the 12 year-old girls they are supposed to be protecting, things should end up costing less as well.
So a funding cut seems appropriate.
Eric Garner’s daughter. Her ‘strong heart’ has suffered its second attack and she’s comatose. At age 27.
Esaw Snipes-Garner, Erica’s mother and Eric Garner’s widow, said her daughter’s heart attack was brought on by a severe asthma attack. This is the second heart attack that the 27-year-old activist has suffered; the first one occurred after she gave birth in August to her son Eric, named after her father.
It was then that doctors discovered that Erica had an enlarged heart.
“[She] is still with us,” Snipes-Garner told the News. “She’s fighting. The doctor says she has a strong heart.”
No cop in sight, either.
Uh-oh! The loon woke up Christmas morning spewing hate in the name of Baby Jesus again. SAD!
Hey, and speaking of the UN…
The U.S. Just Had a Very Good Week at the UN
While most of the world was focused on the symbolic gang up at the UN General Assembly, the Trump administration had some quiet diplomatic success.
Actually, successes. Plural.
There are the increased sanctions against DPRK. These are racheted up so high, now, that if they don’t work then there probably isn’t a non-military solution. But Haley got China and Russia to go along.
Then there is the problem of Iran supplying missiles to its pawns in Yemen. Haley was able to compel Germany to acknowledge the problem and that Iran is the problem.
Finally, it seems there are reasons to watch those wiley Syrians as they come back into your country after fighting abroad. 15-0 was the UNSC vote on that one. The Ninth Circuit is apoplectic over it, but hey, standing is standing, and the Nutty Ninth doesn’t have it.
@ 129
BC Ferries getting into the Santa tracking with reports on their Facebook page from their vessels up and down Vancouver Island. Love the photo shop.
Alas, Santa tracking down I-5 corridor in the Olympia area isn’t functioning properly this week.
For those of you who are waking up to find your stockings empty, you have only yourselves to blame.
Apparently some douchebag in LA filled a box with all of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s HA spews and sent it to Treasury Secretary Mnuchin as a Christmas gift.
Here’s an op-ed in yesterday’s Oregonian:
It’s up to Trump to save hundreds of SolarWorld jobs (Guest opinion)
It’s written by the mayor of Hillsboro.
This isn’t a partisan issue. This is about American workers making quality products and earning a good living. As a retired elementary school principal and mayor of Hillsboro, I personally know families who depend on SolarWorld to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads.
Well, not exactly. Those families depend on SUBSIDIES to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads. In no small part those subsidies have heretofore been provided by the OR state legislature. But not for long:
$6,000 Oregon Tax Credit for installing solar is ending at the end of 2017
Things that can’t go on forever, don’t.
Yesterday Goldy pointed out on his Twitter feed (see the sidebar) that despite the snowfall, light rail is functioning fine, because it’s light rail.
Well, today my solar panels are not producing energy because they are covered in snow. Because it’s solar.
Happy Hanukkah, Goldy.
Here’s Doctor Dumbfuck spewing Peace On Earth … yep, better to let Boko Haram take those girls … after all, a thirty-something banging a 14-year-old is no big deal here in the States, either … don’t you have a family to spend Christmas with? … didn’t think so … how about your horses? they’re lonely …
better to let Boko Haram take those girls
Under Obummer that is Roger senile idiot wabbit!
Big yawn.. HA trolls spewing hate on a holiday…
Yours truly has better things to do… Merry Christmas HA HEROES..
FACTS always called hate by HA DUMMOCRETINS! Idiots will always be idiots!
Till Next Time!