Stephen: R.I.P. The Internet.
Young Turks: Five years after Sandy Hook massacre, less than nothing done on guns.
WaPo: Fact checker’s list of the biggest Pinocchios of 2017
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Going at the movies.
The Dotard Трамп and His Band of Predators, Thieves and Reality Stars:
- Stephen: Трамп attacks the mainstream “meadia”
- Kimmel on Alabama election
- Young Turks: USA Today’s epic takedown of the Dotard Трамп
- WaPo: Former “Apprentice” star Omarosa Manigault Newman to leave White House
- Samantha Bee: Get a load of this asshole—Zinke edition
- Farron Cousins: Dotard Трамп Jr. botches Tweet, didn’t know his dad appointed FCC Commissioner who repealed net neutrality
- Stephen: Katy Tur on the greatest trick Трамп played on America
- Sam Seder: Trump’s judicial nominee has embarrassingly bad job interview
- Young Turks: Will Dotard Трамп pardon Michael Flynn?
- Jimmy Kimmel: Magazines blast the Dotard Трамп
- Mark Fiore: Dotard Трамп ends the war on Christmas
- Late Show: Meet the Vanquishers
- Maddow: TRMS Law School—What is a constitutional crisis?
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Silent Трамп.
- Stephen: Трамп called his sexual assault accuser the ‘C-word’:
- The Dotard Трамп is making Christmas great again
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Dotard Трамп and the Republican war against FBI & Robert Mueller’s probe
- SNL Weekend Update: Трамп recognizing Jerusalem as Israeli capital.
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: The year of The Dotard.
- Jimmy Kimmel on net neutrality
- Seth Meyers: FCC Repeals net neutrality and Omarosa drama continues
- Stephen: Трамп’s most shameless Tweet of 2017?
- Maddow: Трамп administration distinguished by high-level departures
- Jimmy Fallon: Трамп remixes ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
- Lawrence O’Donnel: “President Dotard Трамп’s lies, the definitive list”
- Sam Seder: Dotard Трамп is PISSED at Nikki Haley for siding with accusers.
- Young Turks: Omarosa escorted out of White House
- Farron Cousins: Трамп’s daily intel briefings are being dumbed down to avoid upsetting him
- Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand calls Трамп’s tweet a “sexist smear.”
- Jimmy Kimmel: Drunk Dotard Трамп in Pensacola.
- Stephen: Omarosa got ‘You’re fired!’ again
How you can help Puerto Rico.
Young Turks: Robots hassling homeless people.
Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship
Farron Cousins: Republican Congressman who mocked sick people as immoral announces he has cancer
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: The Alabama of the solar system.
Sweet Home Alabama:
- Conan: Trump crashes Obama’s Doug Jones robocall
- Late Show: The legend of Roy Moore:
- Francesca Fiorentini: How to be the perfect sexual assault victim
- Jimmy Kimmel: Roy Moore interviewed by 12-year-old girl
- David Pakman: Serial child sex abuser Roy Moore loses in ALABAMA!
- Conan: Roy Moore appeals to the Jewish community
- Sam Seder: Jake Tapper interviews the dumbest spokesperson ever!
- Farron Cousins: Watch the moment Doug Jones supporters found out he WON the election
- WaPo: Alabamians react to Doug Jones’s win
- Seth Meyers: A couple things, Kayla Moore
- Conan: Kayla Moore gets a do-over.
- Stephen: Roy Moore loves Putin just as much as Трамп
- Trevor: Black women save America from Roy Moore.
- WaPo: How Alabamians voted in the Senate election
- Jimmy Kimmel: Roy Moore’s defeat
- Stephen: Dang, that pedophile rode in on a horse?
- Late Night: Amber explains how Black women saved America from Roy Moore
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: How Roy Moore supporters defeated fake news
- Michael Brooks: Don’t forget, the GOP WANTED Roy Moore to win
- Jimmy Fallon and Yamaneika Saunders on how Black women helped stop Roy Moore.
- Stephen: God distances himself from Roy Moore
- Samantha Bee: No Moore!:
- Vice News: What Democrats can learn from Doug Jones’ Win
- Late Show: Who voted for Roy Moore
- Maddow: Weak President Трамп political clout further eroded by election losses
- Young Turks: How Doug Jones beat Roy Moore.
- WaPo: How Steve Bannon’s big bet on Roy Moore backfired
- Seth Meyers: Doug Jones wins in Alabama; Moore, Bannon and Трамп lose
- Stephen: Трамп walks back his Roy Moore endorsement
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: The 12 Wars on Christmas.
Young Turks: The world’s creepiest Congressman resigns amid sexual harassment scandal.
Stephen: Tuck Buckford grills his CIA-Loving Google Home.
VOX: How the end of net neutrality could change the internet.
The G.O.P. Tax Scam on America:
- Farron Cousins: Republican Senators lock office doors, refuse to talk to constituents about tax bill
- Young Turks: Republicans finalize their “F*ck everyone who isn’t rich” tax bill
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Rich get richer in deficit-exploding GOP tax bill
- Trevor: The Treasury Department’s tax analysis doesn’t add up
- Young Turks: Will the tax bill break the G.O.P.
Jokes Seth can’t tell: Starbucks’ gay agenda, the lowest point in U.S. history.
VOX: The diet that helps fight climate change
James Cordon breaks down an insane 2017.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Interesting how the NRSC quickly changed tunes after the vote. Although in politics one year is an eternity, let alone three.
In Santa Fe, voters in 2008 passed Ranked Choice Voting, with the condition that the implementation would happen if and when the New Mexico Secretary of State certified the software. Well the New Mexico Secretary of State says the Santa Fe county election equipment is in compliance. While they are going forward with it in 2018, City Hall is also appealing the judges decision forcing them to carry out the charter amendment.
It’s not just those in City Hall that fear the change succeeding, perhaps it would catch on, for elections at the other seat of government in Santa Fe, the Roundhouse.
On Monday, Amtrak trains will be shifted off of the Point Defiance route, and two new round trips will be added to the Seattle-Portland corridor. The 10 minute savings is misleading, as also being eliminated is the schedule padding to make up for the delays caused by the choke points at Nelson Bennett and Bridge 14.
GOP = government of, by, and for the few.
“A United Nations expert on poverty delivered a scathing report about America’s high levels of inequality and the dire state of its social safety net on Friday. … ‘The proposed tax reform package stakes out America’s bid to become the most unequal society in the world,’ he said in a related statement.”
I’ve watched a lot of these “Sovereign Citizen” YouTube vids lately, and I’ve been trying to get my mind wrapped around the psychology behind it. I’ve come to the conclusion that there is a personality disorder, often put on display right here in this forum, that somehow causes people to take whatever reality has to offer in terms of common sense and basic education, and deliberately turn it on its head. They apparently decide that whatever information their eyes and ears convey to their cerebellum is false, and automatically dismissed completely and with specific intent to refuse it no matter what it may be.
These are people who continue to argue, in the face of everything that everyone else can see without even putting any effort into it, that whatever they hear from other people such as teachers and experts is somehow wrong. So they make the deliberate decision that the opposite must be true, even when their faces are shoved into it. This is an actively deliberate process.
Where I come from this is called “Solipsism”. The notion that there can be no objective reality. Everything is a product of one’s own observations and beliefs. No other observations can be accepted as relevant unless the individual accepts it as an original product of their own thought process.
I used to know a guy like this. He was my best Bud going back to sixth grade and the attitudes were fun to entertain when I was a kid, but as this guy got older it became painfully obvious that he was a seriously crazy person and his decision-making process was seriously damaged at some point. Whether this is organic in nature, or something in the methodology of how he was taught to process information when he was a child I don’t know. But it seems to be getting progressively worse in this Country. It really is a disease.
My personal conclusion is that they somehow, on a subconscious level, know they have been lied to by the people they are supposed to accept as authority on things (like their parents or religious leaders) and have reacted to this by programming themselves to ignore whatever information comes in, even to the point where it is right in front of their eyes. They actively choose to ignore evidence. They actively choose to reject fact and substitute a reality that only they can see. This really amounts to a large segment of the general population.
All the internet has done for them is strengthen their confirmation biases, as it is a very simple thing to find whatever “information” they think is relevant to a conversation, even if it is so laughingly false that the people they’re trying to converse with just throw their hands in the air and give up. At that point, the contrarian presumes he has won the argument and that in and of itself validates their point. It doesn’t matter what anyone else might have to say about it. All that matters is that they can claim a victory even when everyone else in the room is laughing their asses off at them or is so appalled that they go quiet. The latter point resulting in the individual assuming this gives them permission to continue with the argument or start enforcing their ideas upon other people with stronger and more stringent methods, even to the point of violence.
These are the Trumpanzees, the TeaBaggers, the Religious Conservatives of all faiths. Even many supposed “free-thinking” Liberals. They cannot function in the real world unless they can pretend that they are and maintain the conviction that people around them are all fooled by this, and are therefore fools that may be lied to with impunity no matter what the subject may be.
It has nothing to do with anything else. They are play-actors in their own worlds, so they believe that everyone else must be too. Folks who don’t go along with that are “oppressors” who must be destroyed at any and all cost.
#CrookedHillary’s fave FBI bootlicker may not be there a whole lot longer.
Billy House
FBI Deputy Director McCabe sscheduled to testify Tuesday to House Intelligence — but will he? “If McCabe is still there,” says one panel Republican. And another, Gowdy, tells FoxNews he’d a”be a little bit surprised if he is still an employee of the FBI this time next week.”
12:18 PM – 15 Dec 2017
Hey, at least he hasn’t had to take the Fifth. Yet.
@ 2
Population of NM is 2.081M and there are 1.296M registered voters there.
Population of Santa Fe is 66,828, so maybe 60% or 40,000+/- registered voters in the city.
25-50% turnout in a municipal election, so 10-20,000 votes to deal with.
Seems to be a reasonable first test. And not much happening on Election Day there (3/6/18), so we look forward to your summary of how things go, Railfan.
Unless you can’t tell us for months because, well, you know….
Hey doc, don’t you realize that Goldy named this blog in honor of your sex life?
Trump’s had a pretty effective first year.
Trump’s Labor Board Appointments Are Another Blow for Unions
Dividends from these were paid quickly:
NLRB Overrules Browning-Ferris Industries and Reinstates Prior Joint-Employer Standard
You deserve a break today….
@5 I’ve always thought “sovereign citizens” are people whose socialization education failed between grades three and five.
@9 From the party that claims to incentivize work …
Republican Work Incentive Plan: “Work or starve.”
These people would take food stamps away from an infant who just had heart surgery if they could get away with it.
godwinha seems to take great joy in the increasing of grinding misery of people he doesn’t think are worthy.
Anyone else keeping track of how badly the Dems are getting hammered by discovery of convos they wanted to be kept private?
There were the leaks of the DNC emails.
Oh, and the Podesta (John, not Tony – at least not yet) emails.
Then there was the finding of so many State Department emails on perv pedophile Anthony Weiner’s laptop. Pls print.
And now it’s texts between adulterous #CrookedHillary boot-licking FBI types.
Democrats Hit Justice Department for Release of Anti-Trump Texts
Ya know, libbies, this last one wouldn’t have been so bad if not for #CrookedHillary orchestrating transfer of $700,000 to McCabe’s wife less than a year before her own election.
Think on yer sins, y’all. And while you’re doing it, ask what will be the next release of private conversations.
@12 And if automation, outsourcing or off shoring takes your job, then sucks to be you. Starve quickly.
@ 13
godwinha seems to
take great joy in the increasing of grinding misery of peoplebe holding his own pretty well despite being outnumbered at least 20-to-1 by libbie asswipes he doesn’t think are worthy.ftfy
Fucking over Roypublican voters and hillbilly poors. Works for me.
Please continue.
Why we might not see McCabe on the hot seat Tuesday:
Billy House
18h18 hours ago
On FBI deputy director McCabe and his scheduled House Intelligence interview Tuesday, panel Republicans have wanted to talk to him for a long time about how the FBI used the ‘Steele dossier.’ Now they also want to ask about Strzok text messages and Bruce/Nellie Ohr, as well.
Sure. But it’s his own political party base that he despises most. A contempt he holds in common with his own party leadership.
His President even believes people who own pets are contemptible.
More. Please.
@ 17
Please continue.
Hold my moonshine.
@Roger Rabbit 4: Of course the UN hates income inequality NOW, since President Trump is in charge… No mention during the Obama Administration, when that inequality exploded. Nor any real mention of the FACTS:
The US is 62nd in terms of income inequality, per the World Bank:
But hey, they want the US to give a few trillion dollars to “solve” the problem that OTHER countries have in treating their citizens with respect and providing equal opportunity. And of course, skimming a few million off the top to pay for their own high-paid, TAX FREE jobs living in Manhattan…
@ 21
Now, Dan, please do not be too hard on Barack.
I did very, very well under Barack.
I likely would have done well under #CrookedHillary, perish the thought.
Although not nearly this well:
Dow 24,651.74 143.08 0.58%
S&P 500 2,675.81 23.80 0.90%
Nasdaq 6,936.58 80.06 1.17%
@13 “people he doesn’t think are worthy”
That pretty much includes everyone except himself and possibly his favorite goat.
@14 Republicans don’t even try to keep their perversion private. They brag about it.
@21 “when that inequality exploded”
All depressions exacerbate inequality, including the one Obama inherited from his Republican predecessor.
@22 It helps to be part of the taker class when the taker class is in charge.
Speaking of which, Republicans for some strange reason call the people who have the least “takers” and those who have the most “givers.” I’m not sure how they rationalize this weird assertion. Republican logic, I guess. The same logic which argues that giving more to the rich will help the poor.
Republicans for some strange reason call the people who have the least “takers” and those who have the most “givers.” I’m not sure how they rationalize this weird assertion.
It has to do with the soon-to-be-former requirement that one ‘give’ 39.6% of each additional dollar earned so that YLB may ‘take’ a chunk. YLB will have to make do with 37%. Although she’ll be OK, since this is the first year since 2008 that she hasn’t worn out a pair of kneepads.
It has to do with being forced to ‘give’ 3.8% of interest income, dividend income, and almost any capital gain so that Obama could force nuns to buy IUDs.
It has to do with the loss of $30 of the deduction of a $1,000 charitable contribution, making that contribution more expensive, which reduces the incentive to contribute. Pease out.
I could go on, but none of this ever applied to you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, because you never possessed the wealth you claim, so it would be lost on you.
It’s increasingly clear, with every dumbfuck claim that you make, that you truly have no reason to understand why those people on the giving end of wealth transfer may not like it so much. You’ve never been one of them.
Nothing angers y’all libbies more than a happy story involving a southern two-parent family.
Six in four minutes. C-sected, so she’ll still be tight when it counts. Go dad.
Oh boob it’s too funny to see your heart bleeds for Sheldon Adelson and the 40 mil plus he pays each year for the medicaid expansion on his one billion plus yearly income on dividends from the Las Vegas Sand Corporation.
No you’ve never had near his problem. And you never will. Poor boob that.
Don’t ask me for the link asshole. Time you took off the training wheels and up-leveled your poor net skills. You’ll learn more.
And didn’t ya just say you did just fine under Obama (and by extension from the increased business from more patients with better access to the very system you’ve done good by)?
DF’s analysis in this thread of the miserable mush between your ears is too spot on.
39 and change percent. The same rate Bill Clinton signed into law and every klownservatic back then (early nineties) said would tank the economy.
Employment rate and stock market hit all time records. Freaking Fed budget went into near surplus.
Bush on the other hand CUT TAXES! Oh and he gave corps a tax holiday on their overseas cash hordes.
What happened in 2008 again? But haters gonna hate Obama and not talk about Bush.
“Bush on the other hand CUT TAXES!”
Signed into law June 2001. Giant bump in approval following 9/11. Steady and continuous decline in approval thereafter.
I suppose Roypublicans can always count on a massive terror attack.
According to boob, I’ve been one of the “takers” of 21 TRILLION dollars.
It all started under Bill Clinton obviously but George Dumbya Bush was powerless to stop me. Guess that’s why boob doesn’t talk about him even after voting for the guy twice.
Damn, I’ve had it good for so long! If you listen to boob, it seems HUD has been paying the mortgage on my house!
Little Marco drama queen and Mike Lee had them in their prayers.
@16 “holding his own pretty well”
Compared to what? the Italian army in North Africa? the Romans at Cannae? or Samsonov at Tannenberg?
@28 “I could go on, but none of this ever applied to you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, because you never possessed the wealth you claim, so it would be lost on you.”
To the contrary, I’m wallowing in tax advantages, thanks to the gullible fools who vote for the anti-worker party. I pay obscenely little in taxes, and like the rest of the capitalist class, I’m about to pay even less. But I’ll concede that I’m probably not abusing the system as much as you are, although you shouldn’t interpret that as envy on my part.
@29 “she’ll still be tight when it counts”
Do you have a personal interest in that?
@32 “Steady and continuous decline in approval thereafter.”
It should be noted that whereas stock prices are oftentimes forward-looking, political approval ratings are always a trailing indicator of performance. That means Trump’s results are even worse than his lousy numbers suggest.
@32 “I suppose Roypublicans can always count on a massive terror attack.”
Probably not. Unfortunately for them, there aren’t all that many terrorists left after Obama got through with them. They’re pretty much down to rogue individual actors now.
Trump thinks the public should hold cops like these above criticism or reproach. I disagree. Unless they have a damn good explanation, they should be fired, no matter what Trump or the police union says.
In Trump World, it’s now a crime to render first aid to protesters:
“’Ms. Lawson was prepared for war and she was going to make it succeed,’ Qureshi said, saying she planned ‘to mend them and get them up on their way.’
“’What do you need a medic with gauze for? I thought this was a protest,’ he said. ‘There’s nothing wrong with being a medic, but she was aware there was a riot going on.’”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, well, if she’s guilty so are fire department medics, ambulance crews, and emergency room doctors. From now on, all those folks will have to ask, “were you injured in a protest,” and if the answer is yes, “sorry, but it’s illegal for us to do anything for you.”
After she’s acquitted, I hope she sues their asses off for false arrest, false imprisonment, malicious prosecution, defamation, and violating her civil rights. If I were on the civil jury, I’d give her half a million, the same as that nurse who refused to do a nonconsensual blood draw got.
This is the kind of shit Doctor Dumbfuck celebrates. That’s why we call him a dumbfuck.
@ 41
If one follows Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s link and then clicks on the link within it, one finds this:
Leibovitz and defense attorneys battled over jury instructions involving the First Amendment on Thursday, with the judge saying the amendment protecting speech and assembly isn’t a protection for criminal conduct, and that her instructions to jurors would say so.
“Strongly held beliefs, we get to express them all day long. Aiding and abetting the breaking of the Starbucks window? Not allowed,” she told defense attorneys, largely denying their recommended rewrite.
You’re a fucking clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Which is better than being the fucking incompetent attorney you were, because now you can’t hurt anyone except Newt and the Fucking Moron, who inexplicably exhibit a tendency to take you somewhat seriously.
@42 Do you have any evidence that Brittne Lawson was anything other than a medic? Didn’t think so. Neither does the government. And you call ME a dumbfuck? This blog was named in honor of your sex life.*
* Yes, I know I’ve already used this one (@8), but I’m using it again in case you missed it the first time, and because I like it a lot.
Yes it’s many minutes past sunset…
But watch anyway:
New Polls Show Trump In Free Fall
“Just 32% of respondents to a new Associated Press-NORC poll said they approved of the job Trump is doing as president, while an overwhelming 67% they disapproved.”
“A Suffolk University poll released this week [shows] just 58% of respondents who cite Fox as their most trusted news source view Trump favorably … down from … 90% … six months ago and 74% in October.”
The tax bill isn’t helping:
“According to the AP-NORC poll … 66% of voters disapprove of his handling of taxes — and 84% don’t like the job the Republican-controlled congress is doing, either.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump isn’t just unpopular, he’s massively unpopular, and unloved by his own crew. Captain Bligh comes to mind.
@22. As long as Godwin does well, that’ s all that matters. Godwin seems to think that if he personally does financially well in the stock market, he’s winning . He seems to have no shred of caring for anyone who isn’t him.
@45 My republican senator has stopped having live staff take phone calls. It just goes to voice mail. I wonder how many of his constituents are asking about him adding 1.45 trillion to the debt. The debt used to matter to him.
Aiding and abetting the breaking of the Starbucks window?
Do you really think you know what that means?
Pro Tip: it absolutely does not include cheering approvingly after the fact. That’s settled law.
Why do you have a Roypublican Senator?
That’s just wrong.
@8 that was a pretty good one!
Cheers Roger!
Never fear the wrath from an ant at a picnic.
@42. Seems Godwin is extra shrill. Wonder what scares him so much?
So, carrying a gun to a protest is okay, but carrying first aid supplies is participating in a riot?
Without having to do a lot of research or digging myself – does anyone know how the CBO scores the new tax bill with respect to the forecasted additional 1.5 Trillion Dollar deficit that it will cause over the next 10 years?
Does that include interest? And the media doesn’t report or the CBO doesn’t provide how much the current deficit that is being run. Can they forecast the National Debt say 10 years from now? Will it be something like say $25 Trillion? What’s going to happen when they have to raise the debt limit then?
I think I know the answer to the last question – medicare, medicaid and social security cuts or elimination.
Maybe it is me – but I’m not sure the stupid American masses realize what this means. Bunch of dumbfucks.
“libbie asswipes”
@16 what’s the matter? Do you feel a little inadequate hanging around places where you might have some friends, so you hang around here. I thought you had cars, boats, houses, and a wife. But you are stuck here living this life. Damn horse not putting out enough either? Maybe it is your breathe.
@21 UN talking about Income inequality now but not during Obama. Well, maybe because they are talking about the Republican tax bill. Obama didn’t have a tax bill directly implemented. He didn’t let the Bush tax cuts expire. Wondering why? Well, maybe because the economy at the time sucked due to Republicans crashing it and driving it into a ditch. Income inequality during the Obama years was a carry over from the GWB tax cuts, aside from an progressively worse economy with respect to income inequality.
When your going down a hill you don’t stop until the hill ends (or you crash). You can’t stop if you make the hill even steeper. Trump and Republican tax bill makes the hill steeper.
So stick that up your ass you fool.
@25 Roger – can always count on you to be there. They are a bunch of dumbfucks. But I think they know better. They just don’t want to know the truth. They can’t handle the truth.
This blog as an interesting cast of characters that contribute to the discussion and dialog. There have been many trolls over the years, some better than others and then there is you, the rectal polyp of HorsesAss.
RR at least has a modicum of decorum when he discusses legal issues. Does that make him a great attorney? I don’t know, never looked up any of his cases, nor have I ever asked for legal advice (nor investing advice, I asked what he thought about GE stock, not if I should buy any).
You on the other hand, being a doctor and all, continually show utter contempt for the human condition, constantly berating anyone that is ill or less fortunate. I wonder if your patients on Whidbey Island know how much contempt you have for your fellow man? Add in the fact you actually bought worthless hay/oat burning horses. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we hear how they pleasure your wife and we all know you stumbled upon this blog doing research about how to pleasure your Horses’s Ass. Taking any investing advice from a guy that hates humans, roots for death to win, and bought a truck, trailer, and ranch as an investment? Ha! Piddles wouldn’t even take you serious.
I would call you a clown but that harkens a mental image of John Wayne Gacy.
@48 If Doctor Dumbfuck practices medicine like he practices law, a lot of unfortunate people are dead.
@51 “Wonder what scares him so much?”
A rabbit. Shin kicks hurt.
@52 “I’m not sure the stupid American masses realize what this means.”
They should. The media hasn’t been silent about it. Unless, of course, they get their “news” from Fox, in which case they’re being told this is almost the Second Coming (the First Coming was in 2001, followed by … oh, never mind).
@55 I’m not sure which dumbfuck “Shanghai Dan” is, nor does it matter. They’re like cockroaches; see one, you’ve seen ’em all.
@56 “RR at least has a modicum of decorum …”
I do? I’ll have to work on that. I didn’t intend to be kind to him.
It scarcely matters really. The only thing that matters will be growth in GDP, employment, and real wages. History teaches us that’s all voters have ever really responded to.
At nearly full employment that leaves Hillbillies like Doctor Dumbfuck counting on a big jump in worker productivity leading to higher wages. But there’s absolutely nothing in this tax reform to produce investments in productivity. Nothing at all.
Someone wants to be re-elected.
In his first round of Sunday show interviews since securing a stunning victory in red state Alabama over accused sexual predator Roy Moore, Jones said he doesn’t want to get bogged down in Trump’s sexual harassment allegations and would rather work on “real issues.”
“I think we need to move on and not get distracted by those issues,” Jones added. “Let’s get on with the real issues that are facing the people of this country right now.”
Reminds me of the desperation shown by Landrieu (LA) and Pryor (AR) prior to their re-election losses. This is much, much earlier, tho.
Confidential to Carl:
Scotts Miracle-Gro • SMG-NYSE
Gradually Accumulate • Price $101.42 on Dec. 6
by Great Lakes Review
The No. 1 provider of branded consumer lawn and garden products is a market leader and one of only a few publicly traded companies to participate in the emerging hydroponics/cannabis industry, already comprising 11% of SMG’s sales and up 23% organically in fiscal 2017. With the August 2017 sale of its European business, 93% of sales are now generated from the U.S., and thus, SMG is a major beneficiary of proposed tax rÀeform. Despite a market cap of $5.8 billion, SMG is covered by only seven other analysts, offering discovery potential and P/E expansion.
Just curious:
Do you ever worry that you might be getting duped into promoting troubled companies the same way you were so easily duped into promoting troubled politicians?
I mean, if under-employed commie teenage script-kids can do it, why can’t MBAs?
@ 65
Sure I worry.
I worry less if I sell naked puts with strike price 10% below the current stock price.
EDM, do you see the irony, at all, in lecturing me about the risks of (over)promoting (obviously) troubled politicians? Do you?
@66 No irony at all in a 32% approval rating after so much winning …
Alabama wasn’t an outlier but rather a continuation of a nationwide trend of GOP support eroding massively among suburban voters.
Next year’s special election schedule, plus the GOP potentially could lose as many as 3 of their senators before the midterms.
Irony? You and your party of mouth breathers have been nakedly duped by poorly educated teenagers who grew up in a crumbling commie empire playing with broken TV tubes eating lead paint.
There is no irony to be found in that. Just sadness.
In less than 24 months you people have abandoned everything except your numerical advantage. An advantage you know to be static and diminishing rapidly. Yet you continue to increase your investment in it, while proclaiming your superior skill in evaluating investments. Wait! There it is! I found the irony after all.
@70 Any idiot can figure out there’s money to be made from owning stocks of corporations about to receive $1.35 trillion of tax cuts they’re going to spend on stock buybacks and dividend raises.
Uh-oh, the latest NBC/WSJ poll shows voters now prefer a Democratic Congress by a 50-38 margin, and the GOP is suffering massive losses of support among young voters, women, and independents.
What does it mean? It means “the last time this poll awarded Democrats at least a 50 percent preference and a double-digit lead was in September 2008. The Democrats shortly after went on to win the White House, as well as a number of House and Senate seats.”
“Top Republicans on Sunday used news shows to assure the media and America that President Donald Trump is not on the verge of firing Robert Mueller.”
They’re just going to try to discredit him and delegitimize the process instead. But it may be too late for that, because 60% of Americans already believe he colluded with Russia, and 40% believe he broke the law.
@ 72
Uh-oh, the latest NBC/WSJ poll shows voters now prefer a Democratic Congress by a 50-38 margin…
Memory check for Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit:
The headline from a Monmouth University poll out Monday is this: Half of likely voters support Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in a four-way race:
Hillary Clinton 50%
Donald Trump 38%
Gary Johnson 5%
Jill Stein 3%
How’d 2016 end up workin’ out for y’all?
You’re a clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. A fucking useless shill for the Newts and Fucking Morons gullible enough to listen and believe.
I’d respond that we might well ask you the same question. But from your side of the White Nationalist event horizon you can’t see that. And you never will.
Still, whatever you do, don’t let that stop you from studying the blood splattered windshields for signs of Deep State conspiracy.
Still absolutely no offering of anything approaching misconduct on the part of anyone with the Special Prosecutor’s investigation.
Perhaps at some point somebody in the world of “journalism” will think to ask about that. But I doubt it. They just seem to get so carried away with anything having to do with people fucking and the use of social media that they lose all sense of professionalism.
@ 76
Still absolutely no offering of anything approaching misconduct on the part of anyone with the Special Prosecutor’s investigation.
And when McCabe is unavailable to testify this week you’ll be able to continue this claim.
It’s a claim similar to that made about #CrookedHillary, as Fifth Amendment assertions regarding self-incrimination by her employees make that possible as well, along with grants of immunity to her confidants prior to their interviews, failure to examine laptops, and failure to administer oath to or record the statements by the target of the investigation during that horrid person’s brief interview, before which the drafts of her exoneration had already been penned.
You want gullible, just look to the hillbillies that voted for Trump. An entire group of people that thought Trump would make their lives better and not just for the 1% . GOP-> Gullible Only Party.
You can’t fix stupid, just look at Piddles, still shilling for people that want to kill his kind.
Even the people of Alabama have figured out their GOP is full of dumbfuckery, hence why you so strongly support them, Trump, and Vlad. Yet again, it is one of the several reasons everyone here calls you a dumbfuck.
@ 78
What kind would that be, Newt?
@74 “How’d 2016 end up workin’ out for y’all?”
Well, we won the popular vote by nearly 3 million, not counting the millions of legitimate votes suppressed by GOP attacks on our citizens’ most basic right. You guys had to fall back on a slave-era electoral system and Russian interference for your largely Pyrrhic “victory.” Now you’re using it to further alienate, oh, about 70% of the populace. You’ll be lucky to get out of this without being tarred and feathered.
@77 “Fifth Amendment assertions”
Nothing new here. We expect you, as a follower of an ideology that applauds every police murder of an innocent black person, to be against constitutional rights. It’s who you are.
@79 See #81 for details.
@ 80
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, the national popular vote is not how we elect a president. You have had, now, two chances in your lifetime to learn that lesson.
Nor is it @ 73 how we elect a Congress.
The Fucking Moron has long been a lost cause but you are bringing Newt down with you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Please keep betting on those national polls. It was mirthful to watch last time around. Made for a truly spectacular November 9, 2016.
@83 How’d you do in Alabama last week? And Virginia and New Jersey before that? I’d keep the horse saddled, if I were you, in case you need to make a fast getaway.
McConnell won’t have Sen. McCain’s vote for the tax bill:
“Republican Sen. John McCain is returning to Arizona after being hospitalized for side effects from chemotherapy treatment for brain cancer [and] will not be present for the final vote on the GOP tax bill expected early this week,” CNBC says.
Meanwhile, it appears Sen. Corker was literally bribed:
“John Cornyn, the second-ranking Republican in the Senate, was pushed by news-makers on Sunday to explain a last minute addition to the final tax bill that could benefit … Senator Bob Corker …. As first reported on by the International Business Times, Senator Corker originally voted against the tax bill, but then supported it after the provision was added.”
A 22-year-old Virginia woman who went missing while walking her pitbulls has been found dead from dog bites.
Seahawks losing to Rams, 40-0, with 2 minutes remaining in 4th quarter, and Rams have the ball. Looks grim for the Hawks.
“…along with grants of immunity to her confidants prior to their interviews…”
So the federal judiciary is in on this too? Mmkay.
And why would the FBI seek to nullufy the 5th amendment privs of “suspected criminal conspirators” they were in cahoots with?
Like I was saying, you just keep studying the Deep State blood splatters.
@2 @7 Looking at the New Mexico’s state constitution it would appear the ranked voting is not constitutional, and the state constitution states elections in the state are by plurality voting (one person, one vote) and only the state legislature has power over election, local municipalities cannot on their own institute ranked voting. It is not constitutional, and not likely to survive appeal, even if the trial judge believes in the voters have the power in a special election, what the voters decide to do still has to be constitutional, and the Supreme Court is likely to make a ruling relatively quickly for an issue in the courts.
@8 Not true.
Tim Eiman is a horses ass. A voter initiative.
WTF are you babbling about? RR isn’t taking me anywhere. Polls are merely pseudo-scientific guesses. I don’t put a lot of stock in them, RR might, you might, but I certainly don’t.
What is proven time and time again through your insipid and vapid comments is you are a clear and unabashed dumbfuck. I don’t need RR or anyone else to lead me to that conclusion as you constantly demonstrate it.
What is apparent, is RR gets under your skin in a big way, rightfully so. Apparently I am doing it too since you want to equate me with RR. As long as I’m never equated with you or Piddles, I’m good with that.
@35 Perhaps the 300 hundred? Themistocles at Salamis? Grant at Shiloh?
@89 What specific provision of the New Mexico constitution are you basing your argument on?
@91 “What is apparent, is RR gets under your skin in a big way, rightfully so.”
Yes, he seems to be upset because I slandered his horse. I had no idea he cared so much for his horse.
@84 Right now the Democrats have to embrace progressive politics. Actual support unions to have a real chance in 2018. Something the party is keeping very quiet is Not getting it’s broke, and not getting enough contributions to stage a real nation wide campaign in 2018. The state elections are a good sign, but New Jersey outcome was predictable with Christie going into hiatus for a time. Virginia bodes well unless it was the voters returning to their Democratic roots. Virginia is not a Republican friendly state traditionally, and has been a Democratic stronghold since before the Civil War, Continuous I doubt Moore is going to close the gap, but I suspect most of the uncounted votes would go to Moore. Jones barely won, and frankly he looks pretty much like a Dixie Crat, So he may vote often with the Republican’s. Especially if he wants to win in 2020.
The Democrats have a lot to protect in the Senate, and the party is broke. The Republican’s may pick up seats. Democrats should pick up seats in the House, but they may not end up controlling the house, and a lot of Republicans will run against Nancy Pelosi unless she is the dead parrot I think she is and loses her primary to a Progressive in San Fran. That lose could really help Democrats. Still she is the incumbent and likely to win,
Of course there is the conservative dream of a convention to pass a balanced budget amendment or impose term limits on Congress. If Dems do win there will be a push in state legislatures, and they will have support from Trump (and Pence would support if he were President). Of course Trump could use the wag the dog tactics of Bill Clinton before the 2018 election. Tell voters I need my party in control of Congress to deal with this crises.
Hey the winter Olympics are coming.
And Pongs are birds.
@92 Let me guess: You don’t do well on this type of test.
@28 Nuns should definitely have IUD’s and other birth control after all they are married to Jesus. Best to stop all the immaculate conceptions, just in case.
@95 “not getting enough contributions to stage a real nation wide campaign in 2018”
You mean like this?
and this?
Suggestion: Have someone teach you to use Google, then do some research before posting nonsense that makes you look like an ignoramus.
@96 Sorry dude I’m just calling you on your bullshit. I think both of you should be on here as yourselves under your own names, as you may be the same anonymous person under two personas or suffering from a split personality.
You bot make valid points from time to time, and you both engage in exaggeration and ad hominies, parochial, and are far too entrenched in your camps to be persuasive in many of your arguments. You both spend a lot of time preaching to the choir and are really just spinning your wheels, and are not really adding to the discussion, just attacking each other. If you play poker together it maybe fun to be a fly on the wall, but I don’t know about participating, though I probably could not afford to play at a table with such lords of finance.
@98 So how about the political consultants from Hilliary Clinton that the party is still paying, and will be paying for time to come? The party is corrupt and needs a serious house cleaning which is why Democratic contenders had better be raising their own funds. They are not going to get much help from the Democratic party. It’s a club and you ain’t in it.
@92 Actually I do very well on that type of test. Though I do tilt at Windmils from time to time.
@99 “Sorry dude I’m just calling you on your bullshit.”
Sez a blowhard who routinely posts factually inaccurate assertions.
“I think both of you should be on here as yourselves under your own names”
No. I can’t speak for Newt, but speaking for myself, I don’t wish to be a target of unhinged people like the one(s) who reported Goldy to the police as a child molester and dumped manure in his driveway.
“you may be the same anonymous person under two personas”
I’m not Newt and don’t post under that name. Re @101: A person capable of passing such a test would recognize the dissimilarities in our commenting styles, so why can’t you?
@98 So incumbent politicians are able to raise money for themselves. Unfortunately they spend far too many hours dialing for dollars when they are supposed to be working for the citizens. Corporate democrats are raising money, but if I want that kind of person in office I should just vote for the Republican.
On the subject of horse buggering. I don’t believe anyone on this list is buggering their pets or farm animals. I think these kinds of attacks are uncalled for and frankly violate the rules of Horses Ass though I don’t expect Goldy or anyone else to take appropriate action, and delete said posts and inform the writers they are deleted for violation of the rules. Since they are not being deleted perhaps horse buggering is ok, or they are ok with the attacks. If they are I really don’t care.
@100 You’ve got it backwards. Hillary bailed out the DNC, not the other way around.
As things with the Roypublican Russian White Supremacy deteriorate further, the EEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE will grow steadilly more frustrated and even angry with Dems for refusing to let them slink back from the Charlottesville limb they climbed out onto. Whether their numbers are needed or not, the sweep of this treasonous authoritarianism they helped to install is simply too grotesque to ever be forgiven.
Recall that Shortbus was taken in by the Russian Buttery Males Pizzagate bullshit even more than most openly partisan Roypublicans. He’s passed beyond the Hillbilly Event Horizon right along with the rest of that pathetic mob of toothless, arm-fishing meat puppets.
By all means do. After all, if treason and rape wont stop you why should honorable and decent patriots give a fuck who you vote for?
@104 You weren’t given the HA ad hoc posting rules when you arrived here? As the ex-officio HA greeter, it’s my duty to get new trolls squared away. See especially #3, #4, and #5:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here except JCH.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of unpatriotic, anti-American, fascist trolls.
5. No mercy for wingnuts!
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender, and there will be trials.
7. klake is a nazi.
Any questions?
I”ll just put this here:
– Evangelical Leader Who Criticized Trump Is Swamped with Death Threats from the ‘Christian Machine’
– Don Lemon receives death threats from white nationalist
– Kathy Griffin Reveals Death Threats
– Racist death threats follow Green’s call for Trump impeachment
– NFL Player Receives Death Threats From Trump Supporters
– A Fox News host gets death threats after criticizing Donald Trump
@104 We know for sure Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t this horse bugger, but that doesn’t prove he’s innocent of horse buggery. In fact, he hasn’t even denied buggering horses.
Go get him Newt.
But I actually think Boob was trying to win you over – he needs some allies. But the Dumbfuck screwed up again – par for the course.
Themistocles at Salamis? Is that anything like Testicles and Salami?
“That’s correct.” Trump Treasury chief admits tax scam won’t increase wages for years
Dickerson asked Mnuchin how long the promised effect on wages would take. Mnuchin responded by citing recent stock market performance.
“But that’s not wages,” Dickerson interjected.
After trying similar evasions, Mnuchin was forced to admit that Dickerson was correct, and that even by the Trump White House’s own reckoning, the wage effects of the plan are many years away….
“This is the disappointing answer in terms of timing,” Hassett said. “If you go to the optimistic side of the literature, it could take 3 to 5 years. If you go to the pessimistic side, it would about double that.”
Answer is C – that was pretty easy….took me no more than 30 seconds…..probably less.
“A person capable of passing such a test would recognize the dissimilarities in our commenting styles, so why can’t you?”
It requires a bit of intelligence.
@104 now you want rules…..before, or other times no rules, but throw in a little horse play, and now you want rules.
Is there something we should know that you would like to tell us?
Cory Booker now receiving death threats…..just for being a politician…..all black one all be it.
This is more than people think – it is a political machine involved in this one.
But stop with the horse fucking jokes – not appropriate.
I think what i comes down to is this.
Democrats don’t like Trump because of who he is and what shittery will come (mind you it can’t come without Republicans helping – you know for the good of the Country because they are the most capable and loving people to push Freedom the furthest!). Goly, that really needed an exclamation point at the end!
And Republicans because they can’t swallow their pride and speak negatively about “Their Boy” nor can they argue for him, can only tell Democrats to stop whining and crying and want us to just get over it……because, they have no other response.
Now if only Repukes would try to do the right thing and denounce death threats, bigotry, lying, cheating, being treasonous, etc..then maybe there would be no need to talk about fucking horses and goats a little girls.
Poll: Majority of Trump voters would support him even if he colluded with Russia
Only 14 per cent believe president should resign if found he connived with Moscow
A Republican Special Prosecutor was hired by a Republican Deputy Attorney General to investigate a Republican President’s firing of a Republican FBI Chief.
Republicans: “This is a Democrat Conspiracy!”
@99 See @102. specifically “I’m not Newt and don’t post under that name. Re @101: A person capable of passing such a test would recognize the dissimilarities in our commenting styles, so why can’t you?”
For the record, I’m not RR, never met the person, never talked to them other than in this blog.
It should be clear that we are two different individuals, however your limited cranial capacity and poor cognitive reasoning clearly shows you are lacking in the ability to read, comprehend, and critically reason, based upon the the distinct writing styles, that we are indeed, two distinct people.
Then again, with all the explaining you do with regards to the bible verses, indicating which should be considered stories, myths, or legends, as apposed to “facts”, it isn’t a wonder you think RR and myself are the same person.
With regards to “horse buggering”, you said, “…since they are not being deleted perhaps horse buggering is ok, or they are ok with the attacks. If they are I really don’t care.” But you do care, care enough to comment about it.
One thing should be clear, I’ve never claimed to be a financial expert. I did ask once about GE stock, but not for advice on what to buy or to sell, just the thoughts about what one person that appears to have broader and more in-depth stock market experience than I do. If you think for a second, that I would actually take financial advice from anyone on a political blog without independent verification from a professional, my word, you are dumber than Dr. Dumbfuck and Piddles combined.
I’ve given enough clues that anyone that really gave a damn, could find out who I really am without having to ask the blog admin.
@118 See #119.
@120 Don’t expect to get anywhere trying to explain anything to a box of hammers.
Hillbillies hillbillyin’.
Moments ago, 34 years of Amtrak trains stopping at the Amshack onot Puyallup Ave in Tacoma came to an end as Amtrak Cascades train 508 departed for Tukwila and Seattle. Southbound 501 will be the first Amtrak train to call at the new depot in Freighthouse Square in the morning.
Been concerns about traffic on the line through Lakewood, but the crossing gates will not be doworking too long. The biggest train they have to worry about is Amtrak 11/14 the Coast Starlight, the Talgo coaches are smaller than the Super liner, but there is an occasional freight train on the route.
Stewie gets his ass handed to him on his own show.
FOX viewers think he’s “upper crust” because he talks through his nose.