Pap: Climate change leading to food shortages.
Olbermann with Valerie Plame Wilson on ridding the world of nuclear weapons:
Comcast Newsmakers interviews Gov. Christine Gregoire.
Thom: The Good, the Bad and the Very, Very Ugly.
CNN’s Dana Loesch triumphs over the Toe Sucker and Aqua Buddha to snatch the title of Worst Person in the World.
Wall Street Occupied:
- Sam Seder: Really, the Occupy Wall Street message couldn’t be clearer.
- Alyona’s Tool Time: Michael Bloomberg.
- Olbermann with Matt Taibbi on the evolution of the Occupy Wall Street protests.
- Jon on Occupy Wall Street.
- Young Turks: Pepper spraying cop.
- O’Donnell: Unprovoked brutality on Wall Street.
- Maddow: Why occupy Wall Street?
- Sam Seder: Interviewing the occupiers.
- Aloyna’s Fireside Chat on Occupy Wall Street.
- Thom: News from Wall Street.
- Sam Seder: Media ignore the Occupation but cover Teabagger meeting at Dennys.
- Olbermann: DA investigation of the pepper spraying.
- Thom: Occupy Wall Street—who will win?
- Young Turks: Michael Moore’s street speech.
- Olbermann with Sam Seder on the protests.
Alyona’s Tool Time: Bill-O and his NPR hypocrisy.
Maddow: The French 75.
Mark Fiore: TEMA.
Racism in America:
- Thom: The College Republican’s “race-based” bake sale?.
- Young Turks: Pat Robertson talks racism.
- Herman Cain thinks Black folks are brainwashed.
- Ed with some major Psychotalk from Herman Cain.
- Olbermann with Janeane Garofalo on how “Herb” Caine helps Republicans hide their racism.
- Pap: Teabaggers are still driven by racism.
- Thom: Is racism responsible for infant mortality in the U.S.?
- Racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz. is Worst Person in the World.
Greenman: NASA on Arctic sea ice.
Capitol Hostage Situation:
- Newsy: The Onion tweets fake capitol hostage situation.
- ONN: Video from inside the congressional hostage situation.
Ed with Pap and Joe Madison: At last, Obama fights back.
Olbermann and Markos Moulitsas on Roger Ailes’ attempt at rebranding Fox.
Thom gives Teabaggers a constitutional lesson.
Jon does Bill-O.
Maddow: Unalienable rights are not subject to a vote.
Comcast Newsmakers interviews Peter Goldmark.
The G.O.P. Primary Asylum:
- O’Donnell: GOP Debate gives comedians material
- Ann Telnaes: Newt proposes pro-market health care.
- Young Turks: God, the Bible, evolution and Newt.
- Read Rick Perry’s lips (via Slog):
- Young Turks: Rick Perry backs off Immigrant stance.
- Ann Telnaes: The GOP balloon ride .
- Stephen on Rick’s lousy debate performance.
- Stephen: Perry’s heartless gaffe and education for immigrants.
- Young Turks: Christie presidency unlikely for 2012.
- Alyona’s Happy Hour: Is Christie too fat?
- Ed and Pap: Is Chris Christie healthy enough to run for president?
- Newsy: Is Chris Christie too fat to be Prez?
- Sharpton: Inside Governor Chris Christie’s uncouth bullying tactics.
- Bachmann babbles something about Obama and the Arab spring.
- Ed with some major psychotalk from Michele Bachmann.
- Actual Audio: Santorum gets all frothy over gay soldiers.
- Jon and Larry Wilmore on Herman Cain’s surprise Florida straw poll win.
- Newsy: Rudy thinks about it.
- Maddow: Former McCain Palin staffers discourage a Palin 2012 run.
- O’Donnell: Is Palin on thin ice with FAUX News?
- The Oddest Couple:
White House: West Wing Week.
Thom with more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
O’Donnell: Lynch-mob Republicans can’t get enough of the ‘death penalty’ and misery of others.
Rep. Allen West (R-FL) beats a couple of other kooks for title of Worst Person in the World.
Thom: Time for a revolution?
Pap: Time for Democrats to fight.
Stephen ingests Karl Rove’s PAC fundraising secrets.
Greenman: The 2011 Arctic ice minimum.
ONN: Who is/are the worst liars in D.C.?
Thom: Even more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Valerie Plame is a consummate professional and a great humanitarian. Compared to her, Bush, Cheney, Novak, and Libby are pipsqueaks.
Nearly four hours since this thread started and only one post so far? What are all the usual suspects doing tonight?
I’ve been thinking about the Predator attack that the US did to kill that Al Awlaki character in Yemen. I believe it’s going to come back to haunt us. I think we have som much trouble in the Middle East because we’re ove in the Middle East. If we withdraw from trying to convert them to an Israel-loving, American style democracy, we’re wasting our time, efforts, money and the lives of our troops.
The reason these Islamic countries hate our guts is because we’ve been trying to run their countries and cultures for 60 years. Supporting Israel no-matter-what ain’t helping! The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a religious war involving the possession and control of land that both sides view as “holy” dirt. The US doesn’t fight religious wars, and it’s time for us to declarre neutrality in this one.
Do you want to see an end to Islamo-terror? Then get out of the Middle East and let them live in their Islamic world. Also, Israel has had enough help from us: it’s time to cut the cord and let them stand by themselves.
PI@3, There you go again getting all logical on HA. Haven’t you realized yet the end justifies the means. To see Ron Paul and the ACLU take the same side on Mr Yemen is very telling.
Yup – to a large degree correct. The random presence of fossilized peat bogs that rich countries are addicted to has allowed ‘free’ money to flow into undeveloped tribal societies – allowing them to have goodies without having to develop infrastructure or produce a product – essentially twisted economies, with crony/kleptocracy controlling the wealth.
WTF has the House of Saud ever done for the world to justify their fabulous wealth and chokehold on the world economy?
I’ll say this again – the US has 848,491 MW installed fossil-fuel powered electricity generating capacity. At a cost of about $1.5 million per MW of industrial-sized wind power, we could have replaced all of the fossil fuel power electricity generation for about $1.3 Trillion – a lot, but less than the total we’re going to spend on Iraq and Afghanistan.
Now, most of that present generating capacity is coal driven – but imaging the secondary effects – industrial, environmental/health, technology, jobs – that would have followed such a program.
Just think of what we would have done with a parallel program in advancing electric vehicles and their needed infrastucture. Just skylarking, say we spent a trillion on that and achieved significant market penetration with electric vehicles and their charging infrastructure. At that point we’d have spent $2.2 Trillion, have gained advantage in wind technology and production capacity (with which to dominate world markets), electric automotive technology (ditto world markets), have nearly wiped out air pollution from coal-fired plants, vastly reduced pollution from cars (enjoying health and environmental benefits from both), AND devastated the economic model that petro-regimes like Saudi Arabia (AKA 10 lashes for women driving) and Kuwait and Iraq and Iran depend upon, forcing them to modernize and evolve or get left in the dust.
All for less than the $3 Trillion we’re spending on idiot adventures in the Middle East right now.
I see Pudidiot is making more $$$ by posting inane/meaningless/adolescent drivel on a liberal-dominated thread.
Remember, folks, DON”T FEED THE TROLLS!
Oh my Larry O’Donnell is still on that Sarah Palin is in trouble at Fox kick now for two years. And that video? HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR. Attacking Palin about if you are not on her side you are the enemy? Well witness the witless attack by some HA morons on zzzippy. When he went moderate the sharp claws and hatchets appeared from the usual suspects.
And Larry talks about his audience? Well let’s go back four days ago! He’s down to a paltry 185,000 leftist tools a night. So Perfesser Darryl, do you TIVO or watch him live with the other 184,999 peeps?
But this is very telling
PuddyCommentary: I guess the NYT is saying the HA faithful percentage to WA State as a whole is similar to the MSNBC audience to America as a whole! Small potatoes in both instances!
Awww, listen to that deflating sound!
Pudidiot? Coming from Lib Scumbag?
Puddy does this for free! I don’t accept “donations”. This is too much fun.
Perry’s bad lip reading is HILARIOUS! What’s remarkable is it’s resemblance to his actual statements.
Sarah Palin, falling down on the job, again.
Any Sarah backers around here? Who ya gonna throw your support behind?
I know there are lots ‘o Sarah lovers over with pudge at SP, they must be wringing their collective sweaty hands.
Are the Dominionists like pudge and pudidiot gonna back a magic underwear dude like Mittens? They gonna stay with Slick Rick Perry? Frothy Ricky Santorum shares a lot of their tribalist, cave-man attitudes – is he their guy? Christie has MOOSLUM cooties – hard to see that guy flying.
Pass the popcorn.
Not to mention he’s a barely shambling quarter ton bowl of jello (when he’s not being helicoptered to an Escalade in waiting)
And scary Perry’s heart strangely bleeds for the kids of the undocumented..
Joe McGinnis’ book is out exposing the FRAUD that is wink ’em Sarah..
Pass the popcorn indeed. We’re truly blessed this silly season.
Not to mention he’s a barely shambling quarter ton bowl of jello (when he’s not being helicoptered to an Escalade in waiting)
And scary Perry’s heart strangely bleeds for the kids of the undocumented..
Joe McGinnis’ book is out exposing the FRAUD that is wink ’em Sarah..
Pass the popcorn indeed. We’re truly blessed this silly season.
Not to mention he’s a barely shambling quarter ton bowl of jello (when he’s not being helicoptered to an Escalade in waiting)
And scary Perry’s heart strangely bleeds for the kids of the undocumented..
Joe McGinnis’ book is out exposing the FRAUD that is wink ’em Sarah..
Pass the popcorn indeed. We’re truly blessed this silly season.
Damn. I don’t know what happened there. I ought to make firefox my default browser.
I noticed Lib Scumbag didn’t discuss Herman Cain. Then again some blacks are scared of Herman Cain.
Now didn’t Stupid Solution Steve infer this about me yesterday? Anyone who leaves the reservation isn’t black! Or this…
Yes, Herman is right AGAIN! As they say pass the buttered popcorn!
We do!
Computer tired of you!
LMAO!!! A stinky zombie crew of haters (maybe 3 regulars these days) each sporting multitudes of voices in their empty noggins…
Tooooo Daaaaaamn Fuuuuuuuuunnny!
Can’t forget the entertainment we get from the trolls… Oh wait, it’s toooooo easy to forget those stinky, skull-fucked zombies..
Grasping out to any shred of HOPE from their hapless candidates…
All they have left is HATE, HATE, HATE for Barack H. Obama..
Where are these headlines?
Or this
Now I know why Barack ObamAA+ is attacking Gibson Guitar and their fret wood
Or this one from Maxine Waters when she became upset over Barack ObamAA+ scolding black people at his Congressional Black Caucus speech…
Damn all this wonderful stuff from blacks and hispanics missing from the Funny pages above!
Another reason I am you alpha and in your head. You copy my comments!
My first HA stalker!
LMFAO!! I take it that my calling a black, hate-filled loon a goddamned self-fucking-loather is something a hate-filled, self-loathing black loon can’t quite fucking grasp.
Notice that the zombie skull-fuck can’t even tell when his silly ass is being mocked!
Mr. Perfect, the phony-baloney emperor, has no clothes!
Hadn’t gotten to him yet – target rich environment, ya know, ya betcha!
You mean the lady that Allen West sent his brother to for a job?
Sent his own brother to the plantation?
That was a knee-slapper! Don’t hear much about that joke West since then for sure.
What’s really funny is the conversation going on between the dumbfuck Klown and the self-loathing, hate-filled loon over on the ATF thread. They’re over there stroking each other in the third-person. LMFAO!! I can’t help it, this shit just cracks me up.
puddypussy was abusingh himself to his Dr. Laura nekkids.
My mind’s eye need some Chlorox. Thanks.
Roger Rabbit Quiz
Okay, here’s an interesting little trivia question for nerds (stupid trolls are not required to participate). Looking it up on the internet will be deemed as cheating.
Question: What material are Trident ballistic missile nose cone fairings made of?
[ ] 1. Titanium
[ ] 2. Aluminum
[ ] 3. Steel
[ ] 4. Plastic
[ ] 5. Carbon fiber composite
[ ] 6. Wood
[ ] 7. Glass
Hint: One of these answers is a throwaway.
#6. Spruce!
I went to high school with a girl who’s dad worked one of one of the subs based in Hood Canal.
@31 Yep! I was reading an article about how global warming is adversely affecting the world’s forests, and the role that forests play in countering human-caused CO2 emissions, when I ran across a reference to the fact that Sitka spruce is used in the nose cones of Trident missiles. Who wudda thunk sub-launched ICBMs are partly made of wood? But they are!
Chris Hedges tells it like it is:
No more to be said really.
Some video:
In this video, David Stockman argues that both fiscal and monetary policy are “broken,” that stimulus won’t help an economy drowning in debt, and the payroll tax holiday is a bad idea. He says we need both higher taxes and entitlement reform to get our fiscal house in order.
Bankers say in a survey that foreclosures will haunt the housing market for another 5 years and housing prices won’t recover before 2020.
In other economic news, Norway announced discovery of a new “giant” oilfield on its continental shelf containing up to 2.6 billion barrels of recoverable oil/oil equivalents, making it this year’s largest discovery anywhere in the world.
That’s good news. What Stockman’s saying is absolutely true.
Same with housing, except 5 years might be overly optimistic. Who’s going to buy a house that’s 30 miles from work and twice the size they need? Some of the suburban and ex-urban stuff will never be sold. The best we can do is gut the houses, recycle and reuse what we can, grind up the rest, scrape up the asphalt, and replant whatever was there before the houses were built.
Now who introduced HA to Dr Laura “nekkids”? HA’s dumb cinder block rujax.
How much you wanna bet he has the Dr Laura “nekkids”cached on his ‘puter?
chewing out Barack ObamAA+? Yes!
Oh yeah the HA arschloch brings up Allen West’s brother without any context. Why? because he forgot what was discussed before! He’s like Roger DOPEY Rabbit and his signature conceptguerilla and Sidney Blumenthal comments. Whip out the SSDD again when it’s already been debunked!
Read these words arschloch… Arlan West is a big time liberal. So Allen told Arlan to find a job with his “homies”.
Is that plain enough for ya arschloch? Do I need to repeat myself arschloch? Well I will anyway:
Arlan West is a big time liberal.
Now why did Allen do this? Because everything being offered by Republicans as a jobs plan or revitalizing the economy has either been vetoed by Barack ObamAA+ or not even delivered to Barack ObamAA+ for discussion in the senate. So Allen was saying to brother Arlan, go see if they’ll help you!
That was so easy and I didn’t need to use Lestoil!
The HA arschloch farted
We do!
Conspiracy between ‘puter and couch!
So why do DUMMOCRAPTS only push higher taxes and demagogue anyone who pushes entitlement reform Roger DOPEY Rabbit?
Let me reinsert this again regarding the second issue, big time demagoguery by DUMMOCRAPTS. It’s part of the DUMMOCRAPTS playbook. Go find it arschloch… I dare ya. It’s a second link to similar material. You can be a good doggie and prove to all you fixed that “search” function!
Did the zombie skull-fuck make up shit again???
He did! He did make up shit again!
Well that sounds better than, “You’re a liberal! Go see the “overseer” Maxine!”
Did the skull-fucked zombie make up shit again???
He did! He did make up shit again!
Beck? Limbaugh? Malkin?
What is WRONG with these assholes?
Shame on you pussypussy.
Tehjesus does NOT cotton to liars like you.
who gives a fuck.
Nope you arschloch… It was already posited here
Now why would a conservative brother say this on PMSNBC arschloch? That’s the last place conservatives would be found, on The Dead Show!
Man this one is dumber than a pet rock!
Nooks and Cryers calls those “vicious attacks”? That’s comedic license on Mrs Barack ObamAA+!
Nooks and Cryers has little else to crow about.
Economy in toilet
Job market sucks
Dollar at near record lows
Gold is high
The photographer in question was an AP White House photog. Not so surprising he was along.
The only thing I like less than these useless “look we’re real people” photo ops (remember W out cutting wood) is the media going all nuts and making shit up about them.
Who is this? Oh it’s the arschloch’s new name!
zombie skull-fuck arschloch! Now that’s a mouthful! Wait… Mrs arschloch wouldn’t know!
And that’s what Nooks and Cryers was screaming about the conservative media making fun of her Target visit. Yet this is lost on dumb cinder blocks such as rujax!
You better watch your back Michael or you’ll get teh zzzippy effect from the usual leftist pinheads!
Personally I thought her “getup” was funny but nothing to make a blog comment about!
Remember the impromptu meeting between Bill Clinton and Paul Ryan? No you depend on the crazed databaze and you don’t remember anything at all. Clinton said…
Well what did Harry Reid do arschloch… absolutely nothing… In fact it was voted down.
The House Republican “Cut, Cap and Balance” bill was killed by the Senate.
Now remember the Senate hasn’t produced a budget in how long arschloch?
I think the lefty and righty partisan sites work it all out ahead of time to keep their ratings up and the cash flowing in. This time it was the lefts turn to be indignant about what the right said.
Another missed by Perfesser Darryl
Allow a DUMMOCRAPT to move his lips and eventually we’ll find a racist lurking and hiding within.
36, 37 — Can a troll possibly be more irrelevant?
@35 Yeah, I think Stockman’s onto some things. I’ve read elsewhere that stimulus doesn’t work very well in this type of recession. That doesn’t mean Obama was wrong — I saw an economist quoted in the financial media as saying his stimulus lowered the unemployment rate by 3 points. But what Stockman says is just common sense — people are paying off debts and not in a mood to consume. It took 25 years to get here and it’s going to take time to heal this economic wound.
I watched “Moneyball” this afternoon. If you like baseball you should see this movie. If you don’t like baseball, but you like Brad Pitt, you should see this movie. If you don’t like baseball, Brad Pitt, or movies, you should get off your lead ass and get out of the house and go see this movie, fer crying out loud.
@37 “everything being offered by Republicans as a jobs plan or revitalizing the economy”
The only thing that’s ever been offered by Republicans is borrowing more money from China to give more tax breaks to millionaires and deregulating banks. We tried that and it didn’t work. Next.
@39 “So why do DUMMOCRAPTS only push higher taxes and demagogue anyone who pushes entitlement reform Roger DOPEY Rabbit?”
Because it isn’t true that Democrats only push taxes and demagogue anyone who brings up entitlement reform. Of course, what Republicans are pushing isn’t entitlement reform, it’s privatizing entitlement in order to gut them, and we’re against that. Obama specifically put entitlement reform on the table but Republicans are against entitlement reform. They insisted on turning Medicare into a block grant program and, in their usual fashion, refused to compromise or negotiate. Obama and congressional Democrats quite properly told them, in language suitable for quoting by media, to go fuck themselves.
Oh, and before I forget, you can go fuck yourself too, pussybutt.
Esteem Audio, is advertised and promoted by Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. Strange, the left wrong sites Daily Kooks, Nooks and Cryers, TPM, et. al. don’t seem to carry their message!Watch and be glad for this young lady!
More whack from the HA DOPEY Rabbit. There were no specifics in the Barack ObamAA+ entitlements proposal. They were going to play the demagoguery game. Except this time Republicans asked for Barack ObamAA+’s specific plan. It was MIA. Even Jay Carney his official whitey house dailypresser mouthpiece admitted that to UpChuck Todd of NBC. U need to see the link again with Carney’s actual words Roger DOPEY Rabbit?
Medicare into what? Barack ObamAA+ is raiding Medicare of $500 Billion to pay for Barack ObamAA+Care! So don’t parade on this blog with suppositions. We have facts on our side!
The “Occupy Wall Street” protests are growing in size and spreading to other cities, news media report. About 400 protesters were arrested in New York today.
It now seems yesterday’s drone strike in Yemen that killed U.S.-born al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki also took out one of the terrorist organization’s top bomb makers. Score another one for Team Obama!
@59 = cosmic background noise
If this is as frightening to the corporatists as Chris Hedges seems to think, then they can do one of two things to nip this in the bud:
1) start spending that wad of cash they’ve been sitting on and start throwing off jobs, the excuses they’ve whining about be damned,
2) lobby for tax reform so that loopholes are closed, all corporations are placed on a level taxation playing field and all of them pay. And with the enhanced revenues, government can sop up the excess unemployment in the economy with public works projects.
But they won’t do anything smart. They’ll push for what they’ve always pushed for – repression and violence against dissent.
“President Barack Obama criticized Republican presidential candidates Saturday for not defending a gay American soldier who was booed by the crowd at a Republican debate last week. ‘We don’t believe in standing silent when that happens,’ Obama said.”
There’s a bunch of folks camped out next to the Federal Reserve Bank in Kansas City, MO.
Overall numbers are small, but this thing’s spreading everywhere.
“The Economist” magazine’s GOP presidential poll:
Chris Christie – 15%
Mitt Romney – 15%
Rick Perry – 14%
Too funny! The top-polling GOPer is a guy who isn’t even in the race!
“There’s very limited evidence to support the claim that increased personal income tax rates on higher-income people would reduce hiring,” says Joel Slemrod, who served as senior tax economist for President Ronald Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisers.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Economists say revenue increases are an indispensable component of any strategy to get deficits under control. Polls show the public overwhelmingly favors raising taxes on the rich. Even many prominent rich people say the upper crust should pay more. So what is Congress waiting for?
There also need to be deep cuts in defense spending. We’re spending way too much on military stuff. For example, the F-35 fighter will cost taxpayers a trillion dollars over the life of the program. Defense spending has increased 80% over the last decade. Do we really need 7 or 8 more aircraft carriers, in addition to our existing 11, when no other country has more than 2?
Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns defense stocks that would be hurt by Pentagon budget cuts. Well, fuck that greedy capitalist Roger Rabbit! Cut defense spending anyway. The public welfare counts for more than Roger Rabbit’s personal wealth.
Someone else to do their job for them, apparently.
I thought you were missing an option until I read that last little bit.
@2 – I bet all the gays are off being violent, killing or beating someone up. – NOT! That would be all the heterosexuals.
Roger DOPEY Rabbit
Puddy translation,
Facts always explode DOPEY explanations! Upon examination they think they hear white noise because FACTS arrive in multiple 10GE parallel streams and leetle libtardo minds only process 300 BAUD serial streams.
See ya DOPEY one!
PuddyCommentary: DUMMOCRAPTS without jobs claiming there are no jobs. So why isn’t the HA arschloch there?
Hannity and O’Reilly people interviewed these “people”. Watch their interviews. You’ll bust a gut laughing.
Lefties do the same trick at tea bagger rallies. Leno does it. There used to be a Canadian comedy show that had a segment called Talking With Americans. You should have heard the stuff those silly American’s said! It’s just a stupid, worthless, trick.
You realize teh zzzippy treatment will be coming soon.
You realize the moronic ones were screaming and hollering about those interviews on previous threads.
You realize you outing them doesn’t put you in great esteem.
Did you finally throw away your Stupid Solution? You are very lucid this Saturday.
I think the ‘puddy’ algorithm is really a random word generator.
I’m not outing them, I’m outing you. I’m sick of useless crap and games and when it comes to useless crap and games you’re head man on the totem pole around here.
Still Swigging Steve’s Stupid Solution. Never looking at the 10X more libtards here!
Typical so typical. I’ll file this one away too!
Puddy, Puddy, Puddy,
Man, you really need to step back and think sometime. Ponder facts, evaluate reality, take off your rightwing uniform. Try it, Puddy, for your own good.
Big difference between protesters that want justice and what is right versus the teabaggers who just want to be bigots. I wish I could introduce Puddyputz to a bunch of Republican co-workers of mine that love to toss out the N word when convenient. For some reason I’ve never heard it from any Democrats, just the big anti-government Republicans. Kind of like how heterosexuals love to murder, rape and steal.
Does He Want To Invade Mexico?
Rick Perry horrified Mexican officials yesterday when he said the U.S. military should get involved in that country’s drug war.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Perry is self-destructing so fast he won’t be a factor in the GOP nomination contest.
Then PROVE ME WRONG MORON! Oh wait you can’t… You never listened or watched so you wouldn’t learn a thing or two about Esteem Audio from his commercials. I will look into their stock tomorrow.
You are as dumb as they cum! The best part of you was left on the sheets and was summarily washed away moron!
I’m with Steve.
puddypussy is beneath contempt.
Proud leftist@79,
And join the Bill Maher/Michael Moore crowd who have shown their racist colors? Went into the booth to vote for a black man and they got a white one? These idiots set back race relations 50 years with their “cosmic comments”. I thought he was the president. Now you see how DUMMOCRAPTS think. And the DUmmiers at DU think Michael Moore is a national treasure. Please call me a liar again rujax… please you jackASS!
And join the Steven Lerner crowd who espouses communism and socialism wanting to destroy Wall Street and the American way of life?
You and your friends should write that tax check to Barack ObamAA+ because we know $250K and above won’t pay for his jobs programs.
Join Van Jones who espouses anarchism? You going to join?
Join John Holdren who espouses population control? Who is he going to exterminate lefty?
Join Cass Sunstein who calls everyone Homer SImpson idiots? rhp6033 and ekim exude his calling each day!
These are Barack ObamAA+ “generals” proud leftist! Glad you like their company.
You have to be kidding.
The stupid motherfucker puddypussy is a liar… really stupid and irredeemably gullible.
Excellent work Rujax! You really twisted the skull-f’ed zombie’s empty head into knots!
Two more weeks to the opening ep of the second season of The Walking Dead..
A show whose zombies precisely fit the behavior of our resident right wing ding degenerate trolls!
It’s hardly fun, it’s so easy.
You’ve been knocking these clowns around pretty good lately. Your chops are very sharp!
Hey ylb…
Zombies in Victoria, man…
92 – Yep, totally reminds me of the tea baggers down here.
rujax and ylb,
Two peas in the HA pod.
You see arschloch, rujax can’t prove I am wrong, so his only recourse is to call me a liar. Butt, you see, the evidence proves otherwise. This is the reason you fear to display previous links from your crazed HA database. The FACTS are all there over the past few years arschloch. If you were a man you’d admit the links prove rujax wrong. Instead you are less than a man. Your wife wears the pants and you are the panty “waste”. You are a real sad individual. So sad so full of hate 24x7x365.25.
YOU FEAR ME! And I OWN YOU. You copy all my sayings. It’s all there. I have many of them captured so I don’t need your crazed HA databaze. You are my STALKER, trying 16 times to attack me and all you did you demonstrated l6 times was stupidity, while rujax is just a dumb sack of rocks. He lives on left wrong web sites spouting left wrong moronic commentary. I reduce him to calling me a liar because he can’t FIND ANYTHING TO REFUTE MY FACTS.
A real debater delivers facts. It’s so sad… He just copies my full comment and adds nuthin worthwhile. You two are made for each other… One moron to another. Neither of you are REAL DEBATERS.
Wait for it the rest of the moronic ones will come to their “defense”… watch!
Welcome to the weekend!
puddypussy is clearly insane.
Rick Perry’s campaign sank deeper today into the swamp of damaging gaffes with the revelation his family leased a hunting camp known as “Niggerhead.”
Hey rujax,
It’s pretty sad how insanely this skull-fucked zombie shambles through these comment threads..
Whatever floats the sad sack’s boat I guess…
Okee Dokee ! Here we go…I’ll pop the popcorn, maybe one of you guys can fly for some pop?
PS-From that famous lefty rag Bloomberg too. Mymymymymy. (h/t HuffPo)
And notices how this zombie delights in a fantasy about “owning” people..
The conservatives of days past also delighted in owning those of a certain skin color. Those right wingers grew rich that way..
Now this insanity has come full circle in this skull-fucked zombie cretin..
Too sad..
Gee, I wonder what Obama’s response should be? Maybe Biden can deliver it.
That unlike Dick, he actually delivered the goods.
It’s a bit of an embarrassment, but I think it’s overblown. The place was named that before they got there and they painted over the name. There’s plenty of policy related reasons to think Perry’s a crazed imbecile, without looking at names painted on rocks.
Haven’t dug into the details, but this looks pretty good so far.
When President Obama says that the rich don’t pay their share of taxes, he is lying, distorting, and demagoging.
Here are the facts according to the IRS:
• Those making more than $1 million pay 24% of income in taxes
… • Those making $200,000 to $300,000 pay 17.5%
• Those making $100,000 to $125,000 pay 9.9%
• Those making $50,000 to $60,000 pay 6.3%
• Those making $20,000 to $30,000 pay 2.5%
And what of millionaires who pay no taxes?
There are 1,470 of them. They represent six-tenths of one percent of all those with million dollar incomes in the U.S. If we assume that they make an average income of $2 million a year each, taxing them at the same rate as other millionaires (24.4%) would yield $367 million, which would increase Treasury income tax revenues by 30 one-hundredths of one percent or one-third of one-tenth of one percent!
Overall, the IRS reports that the revenues from the income tax are sharply skewed toward taxes on the rich:
• The top 1% pays 39%
• The top 5% pays 60%
• The top 10% pays 72%
• The bottom half pays 3%
So who does Obama think he is kidding?
It’s just all campaign speak fluff talk for his food stamp “trickle up poverty” economy!
Fuck these nonsensical paid trolls.
Hey sonny…get your facts straight before you make a fool out of yourself.
@103 It’s always risky to turn over GOP rocks because you never know what’s under them.
@106 quoting #105: “Overall, the IRS reports that the revenues from the income tax are sharply skewed toward taxes on the rich”
So? Income and asset ownership are also sharply skewed toward the rich, so … higher income … higher taxes … it’s a wash.
Economists Call For Debt Relief
“More than three years after the financial crisis struck, the U.S. economy remains stuck in a consumer debt trap. It’s a situation that could take years to correct itself. That’s why some economists are calling for … massive debt relief.”
“‘We’ve put this off for too long,’ said L. Randall Wray, a professor of economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. ‘We need debt relief and jobs and until we get these two things, I think recovery is impossible.'”
And there’s also this:
“The bailout of the nation’s banks, a nearly trillion dollar stimulus package and an array of programs by the Federal Reserve to keep interest rates near zero may have stopped the economy from falling into the abyss. But none of those measures have fixed the underlying problem of too much US consumer debt.”
The article notes that “U.S. households are still more indebted than their counterparts in Austria, Germany, Spain, France and even Greece” and “[t]ens of millions of U.S. citizens remain burdened with mortgages they can no longer afford, in addition to soaring credit card bills and sky high student loans.”
The effect on the eocnomy is that “[t]rillions of dollars in outstanding consumer debt is stifling demand for goods and services and that’s one reason … cash-rich U.S. companies are reluctant to hire and unemployment remains stubbornly high.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: One of the big takeaways here is that the bank bailouts, Obama stimulus, and Federal Reserve saved the economy from “the abyss.” Republicans were wrong on all three counts — they hated the bank bailouts (which cost taxpayers nothing), Obama’s stimulus (which they claim was ineffective and merely added to the deficit), and they hate the whole idea of a central bank so much they’d like to dismantle the Fed. Which tells you something. Namely, if Republicans were in charge right now, we would fall into an economic abyss. So my question is, why would anyone vote for Republicans, unless he’s an America-hating al-Qaeda terrorist?
From the same article:
“Take Donald Bonner, for example, a 61-year-old from Bayonne, New Jersey, who lost his job working on a dock in June. Back in March, he attended a ‘loan modification’ fair held by JPMorgan Chase in New York. He has lived in his home since 1970, but was on the verge of losing his job. After falling behind on his $2,800-a-month mortgage, he sought to reduce his monthly payment.”
Now wait a minute. Let’s have a “what’s wrong with this picture” moment here. Why does this guy owe a $2,800 monthly payment on a house he’s lived in for 40 years? Why wasn’t that mortgage paid off 10 years ago? And the article doesn’t say he lost his job, it says he was denied a loan modification because his income was too high, which sounds like he’s still good money.
What we have here is a guy who used his house as a piggybank and got himself overextended. He’s not unemployed, he simply can’t afford the loan service on all the money he borrowed to, we may assume, live high on the hog. Why should someone like that get a writeoff?
I don’t have a mortgage, car loan, credit card debt, or student loan. All of my loans were repaid in full, with full interest, and without any tax credits. If Donald Bonner’s lender takes it in the shorts, the cost of that will be passed on to people like me who paid full freight. In other words, he’ll be rewarded for bad behavior and I’ll be punished for good behavior. That’s called “moral hazard,” folks, and a government that goes down that path is a civilization that’s rotting from within and is heading for a fall. When you start saying to the whole world that good behavior will be punished and bad behavior will be rewarded guess what people are gonna do?
Overseas stock markets are falling 2% to 5% on Monday (today) because of investor nervousness over Greece’s increasingly rickety financial situation. I look for U.S. stocks to open lower in the morning.
Dow and S&P 500 futures suggest the U.S. market may open 2.2% to 2.5% lower which translates to roughly 200 to 250 Dow points. My guess is the market will look better than that in the morning, I’d say off maybe 70 points.
It’s so bad the liberal DUMMOCRAPT California legislature allows guns to be acquired without specific checks.
FACT! More Roger DOPEY Rabbit BULLSHITTIUM… The only one calling for dismantling of the FED is Ron Paul, darling of many young elite DUMMOCRAPTS. Go to his FB page and read their posts.
They want to stop the FED Reserve from implementing Dodd-Frank DOPEY Rabbit. Now who is mysteriously against Dodd-Frank DOPEY Rabbit? I gave the links before? Do you remember? Is the liberalism is a mental disease affecting your memory?
George Soros! Dodd-Frank forces him to disclose who is part of all his funds so he returned all their investments from his funds so he doesn’t have to disclose anything!
Wait for the arschloch or the dumb bag of rocks to respond.
Where does Roger DOPEY Rabbit get his facts from? Puddy provides his link! FACT: More Roger DOPEY Rabbit BULLSHITTIUM… CBO says it’s going to cost at least $19 Billion after CNN claimed it was going to turn a profit.
Roger DOPEY Rabbit you need to update your material!
That’s two FACTS!
Here’s another dhumb brick whopper from rujax
Where is his link to refute.
rujax is just another libtardo DUMMOCRAPT LIAR! Well dumb bag of rocks the UGLY BETTY truth!
You see rujax is a factless fool! So wrong for so long!
Hey moronic rujax… Who is against Barack ObamAA+ for taking out Mr Yemen? THE A C L U!
Who was against Bush for taking out terrorists? The A C L U!
You are a dumb bag of rocks!
P A T H E T I C!
Hey rujax,
Remember I own the arschloch. I am so in his head he’s been stalking me for years. You too can review his 16 attack attempts of useless links from the crazed HA databaze! Many were chronological monomanical failures while the others were and are still relelvant TODAY!
Will he now go for 17. Pavlov calls it now. Wait and watch, the crazed HA arschloch wants to try again… It’s in his “bones”.
Oh wait… you are a dumb bag of rocks!
BTW dumb baag of rocks rujax…
Where is your Esteem Audio refutation link about Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh?
MIA like your brain!
Ya big time LIAR!
You’ve got to laugh at the chutzpah of President Dispshit. I was just watching his June, 2009 Emperor of the World speech proclaiming how America would handle world relations much different than the Bush Administration. This speech came after 1-1/2 years of constant hot rhetoric demonizing Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld.
However the actual record shows, President Dipshit has not only utilized virtually every tool left to him by Bush…he has built on them!
Gitmo–Still here.
Drones–He is in love with using them.
The only thing he can possibly claim (and who knows what really goes on) is the use of advanced interogation techniques.
But Obama must somehow make the case that it is more civil to blow someone up and have collateral damage…than capture them and interrogate them or even waterboard them!
Obama really beats everything. He closely follows Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals at every turn. He had us for awhile with his silver tongue speeches and no record to compare them to. Now Obama has a clear record of action and inaction. And that will be his undoing.
One other thing to keep your eye on.
The RealClearPolitics Poll of Polls shows President Dipshit at -8.5 on the Approval Rating.
The polls included are left & right-leaning and have a range of -7 to -13.
The Class Warfare ranting and rhetoric made a couple points difference short-term.
Even worse for Obama are his high Strong Disapproval ratings. He’s at 42% Strong Disapproval. That means he must whip back to the middle to have a chance. He will certainly try. But with so many business leaders now publicly ripping on him, I suspect the damage is done. No job-creators will ever really trust the guy.
Lack of trust will be his demise.
It’s hysterical watching the friendo from Montana and his skull-fucked zombie comrade tear their insides out with violent spasms of ODS…
The cure is always at hand – rational thinking..
But ODS is like the most addictive of drugs to them.
LMAO! This is too good!
The friendo from Montana is obviously an unhinged tea bagger.
Look where the tea bagger’s sugar daddies get their money from:
“The cure is always at hand – rational thinking..”
I don’t see that happening. Maybe in some alternate universe, but not this one. Oh hell, now that I think of it, I’m pretty damned sure these two are dumber than a stump in any universe.
The new moderators ought to get rid of these two shits. They bring nothing and I’m sure that their stale act bores many of us to no end. It sure as hell bores the fuck out of me.
Hey rujax,
You’re giving the zombie cretin fits just by calling him for EXACTLY what he is:
a liar..
Great work man.
I’m a real small “d” democrat and a really open minded guy, but the puddybuddy character ought to be banned.
I’m with Steve here. This person…whoever he/she/it is, is becoming more and more unhinged and contributes nothing save bile and the worst kind of far-right vitriol.
Just do it.
Here’s one for the (latest) “hit-and-run” troll-fuck that we’ll never see again.
Reagan would have been a “Tea-Bagger”.
He was a slimy son-of-a-bitch.
I saw that last night too. This has a chance to be really big. You put the word “Iran” in this and it certainly could spell trouble for the Koch-heads.
How-everrr…Haliburton and KBR got away with looting the treasury and killing and maiming our servicemen and women with sub-standard to deadly construction in Iraq…and there IS a RICH history of Republicans doing “good business” with the “enemy-du-jour”, so I’ll wait to get my hopes up.
@128 The wingnuts love the image (delusion?) of Reagan that they hold in their minds (minds?? Did I really say that?). Who Reagan really was, both as a president and as a man, would be reviled and rejected by today’s GOP.
I’m against reflexively shutting down people we don’t agree with – but on this issue I’ve come to the same conclusion as you guys.
“Puddy” is not here to discuss or argue, he brings nothing constructive or thought-provoking, he is abusive and I suspect he has an agenda that does not include open, forthright debate.
Again, I’m against the kind of banning done by that idiot pudge over at SP – anyone who disagrees is branded a liar and has their comments deleted. In this case, I think we’ve put up with “Puddy” for a very very long time, and have demonstrated great patience. He has repaid this with relentless posting of word salad and insults and links that often do not support what he contends that they do – quite dishonestly. We’ve all taken our turns tearing his arguments to shreds, and there really is nothing worthwhile there anymore. Fact is, his posts are only destructive and derailing and insulting.
Time to go bye-bye puddles.
I agree that banning people for having views not to our liking would be wrong. Banning a couple of trolls who bring nothing but vile hate and lies has nothing to do with free speech. I see it more like telling two asshole “guests” to get the fuck out of my house, get the fuck off my goddamned property, and to never, ever show their goddamned faces around my home again.
It’s laughable that you leftists are so unhinged that you now need to resort to “BANNING” contrary opinions. Puddybud has repeatedly brought factual info and his opinion on it…like several others.
Here’s an axample–
What’s wrong with this post…other than you may not like it??
And look at all the vile comments from YLB and Rujax among others.
If you were into banning someone, I’d start with those 2 a$$holes.
One is an perpetually unemployed loser living off his wife…and the other is mean and nasty.
I appreciate Roger Rabbit’s comments. He tries to engage in a debate occassionally. The rest of you seem to want to preach to the choir or just read your own posts. Not very enlightening…but hey, it’s not my Blog.
I doubt you’d get any Conservative opinions if you ban Puddybud.
STFU, you racist Klown. HA isn’t a goddamned fucking democracy. The opinion of a goatfucking hater like you doesn’t count for shit. We’re not talking about banning contrary opinions. We’re talking about banning dumbfuck haters such as yourself.
You don’t like the drift of our conversation? Tough shit, Klown.
If I raise the batshit insane ire of haters like the zombie cretin and the “friendo”…
Why haven’t you had a real job in the past 6 years?
You remind me of a lecherous loser who hangs around with real people hoping others won’t notice that massive hump on your back.
Steve’s comment is precisely the kind of stuff his pals were complaining about PuddyBud.
Pretty funny.
Vs a guy who lives in his own speculation world, placing his own worthless words in quotes projecting someone else “actually” wrote them on the blog and then writes a “blistering” answer to his own made up quote.
Yeah, that’s the progressive ticket.
In your own cretin infested world.
How does it feel to be a punk and a pink lace panty “waste”?
Heh. I got the “friendo” and his zombie cretin tool right where I want them.
Here’s a vid for your enjoyment guys. Your idol, Gray Warren:
After the cretins the Republicans have put up, shit, he’s your only hope!
Still waiting for a response from the dumb as rocks rujax on Esteem Audio.
Or this one
Just search on those words. Butt wait… there is more… But as always rujax can’t stand facts. So this is the last post on this FACT filled entry.
Oh my what a jackASS this rujax is.
This rujax is sooooo ugly. Wait for it…
A liar! post will appear shortly from the dumb as rocks rujax! Pavlov calls it.
Watch and see. Count the seconds until “the event”.
Yes you do arschloch… identifying you as a pink lace panty waste hugging your wife’s uniform while you sit at home.
Come on show us your crazed HA databaze chronologically deficient monomaniacally insufficient blog entry #17. You know you have more. Come on; be a man arschloch. You have all that “hard work” going to waste!
And all that time you could have gotten a yob ylb!
ylb has shown no evidence of any marketable job skills whatsoever. I looked in the Help Wanted Section and nowhere did I see a job for a Numbskull. ylb is permanently unemployable.
Perhaps we should try to help poor ylb with his job search. How about an ad on Craigslist?!!
That won’t cost anything.
Something like this
WANTED–High-paying job with excellent benefits and lots of time-off. I have spent the past seven years sitting on my ass complaining about how businesses are cutting a fat hog and screwing all us lazy bastards. I am a flaming leftist who wants to see you Mr. Business Owner fail and rot in hell. I love Obama. I love Obama’s failed, anti-business policies.
Please call me at 1-425-DUMB-ASS
10/03/2011 at 12:41 pm
Too bad you weren’t holding your breath…
Eh, I see that we have another Klown swing and a miss at an attempt at humor. Kind of like this one,
Yeah, that was a fail. What was funny, though, was watching the self-loathing loon give him a few strokes. The loon did the same with Troll, following one of Troll’s tired “N” word rants – the loon showed him some love.
The loon is obviously filled with hate and self-loathing. heh. That’s why I call him the hate-filled, self-loathing loon!