Obama: Address to the U.N.:
Ann Telnaes: The dangers of privatizing Social Security.
Pap: Trade deals are killing American jobs.
Thom: How Republicans are trying to steal elections.
Capital Punishment:
- Ann Telnaes: The problem with capital punishment….
- Thom: Have the psychopaths taken over America?
Mark Fiore: SolyndraGatePocalypse.
Young Turks are going to Current TV.
Something to make Puddybud’s head implode: Al Gore welcomes Cenk and the Young Turks to Current TV:
New co-chair of “Rick Perry’s Florida Presidency 5 campaign leadership team” is Worst Person in the World.
Ed with some psychotalk from a poor impoverished Republican.
Sam Seder: First hand account of “Occupy Wall Street”.
Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
- Thom and Lt. Dan Choi on repeal of DADT.
- Jay Inslee on repeal of DADT.
- Lawrence O’Donnell and Dan Savage on DADT
- Maddow: The end of DADT (Part I).
- Maddow: The end of DADT (Part II).
- Young Turks: No sex in military says Rick Santorum.
Obama: The American Inventions act.
Actual Audio: James Carville wants Obama to fire somebody.
Pap and Ed: The truly evil nature of FAUX News.
Jon interviewed by Rolling Stone.
The G.O.P. Primary Asylum:
- Liberal Viewer: Are Republicans pro-Life or pro-death
- David Lettermann mocks the GOP debate.
- GOP 2012: A lot of reasons not to elect ’em
- Sam Seder: Candidates silent as debate audience boos gay soldier.
- David Schuster on anti-intellectualism in the G.O.P. primary.
- Newsy: Covering the crowd’s booing a gay soldier.
- Michele Bachmann chooses HPV:
- Young Turks: Michele Bachmann & dangerous food
- Alyona’s Tool Time: Michele Bachmann, “The banks are getting killed.”
- David Shuster and comedian Andy Borowitz on Bachmann’s Tonight Show appearance.
- Pap: Michele Bachmann’s warped world view.
- Young Turks: underinformed voters love Perry.
- Aloyna: Perry Chokes.
- Sam: God tells Rick Perry to kiss AIG ass.
- Young Turks: Rick Perry’s Armageddon.
- Rick Perry’s Texas Miracle:
- Tweety: What Texas miracle?
- Young Turks: Perry’s secession lie.
- Newsy: Romney and Perry trade blows
- Mitt-pocrisy on the American Jobs Act.
- Alyona’s Tool Time: Middle-Class Mitt.
- Sharpton: Mitt’s personal investments…
- Young Turks: No sex in military says Rick Santorum.
- Sam Seder: Rick Santorums all over Google.
- Alyona’s Tool Time: Santorum’s Google problem.
- Comedy Central talks to Gary Johnson (he’s running for President).
White House: West Wing Week.
David Schuster with Comedian Jamie Kilstein on Tea Party untruths.
American Family Association breaks into Worst Person in the World.
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Newsy: Political ads on Twitter.
Oh Nos! Class Warfare!
- Ed and Pap: It’s not class warfare…it’s class genocide!
- Olbermann and former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm on class warfare.
- Stephen: The Buffet rule and Obama’s class warfare.
- Ann Telnaes: Class warfare, GOP style.
- Pap: The class warfare that needs to happen.
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Stephen: Obama wasted no time emarassing US at the UN.
Pap: The hatred coming from the Teabaggers.
Thom: Republicans are taking more hostages, are you next?
Alyona’s Happy Hour: Bristol Palin bar fight.
Obama on No Child Left Behind.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Initial news reports indicate NASA’s 6-ton satellite may have broken up over northern Canada, where unconfirmed sightings of a fireball were reported.
Still no exact location but NASA says it fell into the Pacific Ocean. Claims of fireball sightings over Canada were hoaxes, MSNBC reports.
The next big suspenseful question is: Will Rick Perry’s candidacy burn up in a spectacular fireball or just gradually burn out like a dying fire?
Hey, I’m glad someone’s pointing out that Perry slashed funding for firefighters (by 74%) but I wished that video clip had mentioned that Perry — having slashed Texas’ firefighting budget by 74% — went to President Obama begging for $50 million of federal aid.
Think I’m making this up?
So, my question for Republicans out there is, if this guy becomes president and does to FEMA what he did to Texas’ firefighting budget, who is he going to call for help? The Saudis? Vladimir Putin? God?
Oh, and by the way, House Republicans are getting set to shut down the whole damn federal government next week because they don’t want to fund FEMA.
Nobody who loves America votes Republican.
Is it possible to have a country or society in which some substantial fraction, approaching a third or a half, are quite literally crazy? Who live on lies? Who are these people?
Is it time to separate?
They can have the Confederacy, plus Indiana, Kentucky and central PA as well as Arizona, Utah, Wyoming and Idaho, minus all the national parks. We get the rest. They, of course, get puddy.
Oh, this is really really funny…
Isn’t Puppy love to so good.
@5 – Who are these people? Puddypuds are who they are.
9 – Ok I’ve finally settled on what the “puddypuds” are:
An extinct branch of that species anyway..
Sir, you do s terrible dishonor to scarabs everywhere.
@10 – he might actually be the dung from the dung beetle itself.
@5 I don’t know if we should let them have Idaho. They might build military bases there. We need to be forward-thinking in terms of the future potential for Confederate expansionism and even outright aggression. AFter all, given the track record of these people, you don’t think they’ll stop with the enumerated states, do you? They’re certain to covet Oregon’s oil, even though Oregon has no oil.
@1 – @4: NASA now says some of the debris may have fallen on Portland and Seattle. If you have a hole in your roof and strange-looking smoking pieces of metal in your living room, you’re supposed to call the cops, because if you try to sell it on eBay you’re gonna get arrested because it’s not your, it’s gummint proppity. I forget what NASA said about who pays for fixing the hole in your hole, but they may have muttered something about “act of NASA” which is similar to “act of God” meaning they don’t pay, or something like that.
Breitbart – We Have Guns, We Outnumber Liberals
OMG, the real story isn’t the Breitbart quip, it’s the push back from Wes Clark Jr. afterwards. You’ve got to watch the clip.
Anyone finding smoking pieces of Rick Perry’s candidacy in their yard is asked to notify GOP Campaign Central so they can retrieve the debris for their campaign museum.
16 – Wow that Wes Clark Jr’s got a salty tongue, a little over the top, but shit, the man knows his firepower, the military culture and..
he ain’t afraid of no crazy dumbass sweaty doughy right wing overgrown whiny child of wealth and privilege like Andrew Blowhard f’in Breitbart..
I love that video.
It’s the 999 Plan, FTW!
Elizabeth Warren is a *SUPERSTAR*…
Anyone remember the person who lost to Scott Brown?? Didn’t think so..
People WILL remember Elizabeth Warren..
It’s going to be ugly to see the right wing throw every lie and smear imaginable to stop her.
Why Darryl? It’s one loser welcoming to his fold another loser!
Plain and simple.
Butt, as always, I really appreciate your concern and sentiment. Really I do! Even if you got the pressure wrong. 29.92 and steady!
When she loses?
Ahhh an arschloch prediction!
Scarabs eh arschloch? Well you are thinking for a change!
What’s that creepy noise???
Must be the vermin.. I’ll have to call the Orkin man.
Any Liberal who is boasting at Obama’s record, stock market in the tank -5.50 for the year, Unemployment soaring, food stamps becoming the next currency, etc. etc. is going to have their work cut out for them in 2012.
Obama owns this economy!
Must be the arschloch heard himself typing!
For once I would have to agree with Puddypud. Republicans are rigging elections now, no Democrats stand a chance. Republicans have gotten so desperate that they resort to cheating as usual.
@27 – Way to hold the Monkey GWB accountable for the disaster that he created. You think a change in 2012 is going to fix anything, not. GWB fucked up this world economy for a long time. Thanks Monkey ass Bush, why do you think Jeb isn’t running, he is still embarrassed by his monkey brother. How conservatives love to forget.
The only people doing worse than Obama are the congressional Republicans and Republican presidential candidates.
Heh. I see no vermin this morning.
The Orkin man’s formulation must be working..
Of course, repeated applications will be required.
Such is life with vermin about.
Darryl, thank you for taking the time and making the effort to post these little nuggets of information.