Thom: The Good, The Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Olbermann with Ali Soufan on misinformation about success of torture & waterboarding.
President Obama marks the 10th anniversary of 9/11.
Stephen: Michael Moore admits he’s a bigot….
The Republican Primary Asylum:
- Colbert celebrates Ron Paul gaining the coveted ‘shit faced vote’ (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Young Turks: Nicknames for GOP candidates.
- Red State Update: Recapping the CNN Teabagger debate.
- Young Turks: Michele Bachmann’s vaccine problem.
- Young Turks: Huntsman calls Perry treasonous.
- David Schuster and comedian Lizz Winstead on Michele Bachmann’s dubious HPV vaccination claim.
- Olbermann on Bachmann’s bizarre claim about HPV vaccine.
- Sam Seder: Not just Ron Paul…all conservatives say “let ’em die.
- Ed and Pap: Perry and Bachmann — The fringe frauds
- Young Turks: Ron Paul’s DEAD UNINSURED former campaign manager.
- Mark Fiore: Sarah and Michele fillin’ in.
- Thom: Let the uninsured die!
- The Donald had dinner with “Jim” Perry.
- Sam Seder: Conservative secret fears.
- Susie tackles Michele Bachmann.
- Jon on The Teabagger Debate (via Political Wire).
- Olbermann with Alan Grayson: Letting the uninsured die.
- Red State Update: Rick Perry and the rise of the Red State Jackiebaggers
- Sam Seder on The debate.
Roy Zimmerman: My Conservative Girlfriend:
Stephen on FEMA’s waffle house index.
David Schuster and comedian Katie Halper on the revelations in Joe McGinniss’ book about Sarah Palin.
Sam Seder: The future of Libya.
Jon: Obama’s Solyndra scandal.
Thom: More Good, Bad and Very, Very Ugly.
Ann Telnaes: The GOP base.
Anthropogenic Climate Change:
- The last hour of Al Gore’s 24 hours. (h/t Artistdogboy)
- David Mitchell’s Soapbox: Burden of Proof.
- Greenman: Energy efficiency (Part II).
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Pap: Chamber of Commerce at odds with reality.
Ann Telnaes: GOP bathroom reading.
The PA Plan:
- Sam Seder on PA GOP electoral college plot.
- Young Turks: Republicans fighting electoral college.
- David Schuster and Ian Millhiser on GOP attempts to manipulate electoral college
ONN: Landmark civil rights act made racism slightly less overt.
Glenn Beck is BACK…as Worst Person in the World.
Thom: If you don’t have a job, you’re not free.
Pap: America’s income disparity explained.
Liberal Viewer: California ending the death penalty?
White House: West Wing Week.
The American Jobs Act:
- Jon: The plan.
- Thom: Lunatic Florida Gov. will turn down jobs monies.
- Alyona: Pass the jobs bill? Dream on!
- Ed and Pap: Soulless Republicans will never sign onto jobs bill
- Ann Telnaes: The only job the GOP cares about.
- Stephen: Paul Krugman explains how the government can create jobs
Young Turks: Panic!
Jon on NY’s 9th District.
Sam Seder: FBI investigating Scott Walker?
Thom: Republicans unfazed by 15% of all Americans now poor.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I think Rachel Beckwith’s charity, which has already surpassed its $300 goal, will reach $1.25 million. With 13 days to go, she needs only $2,507 more to hit the million-and-a-quarter mark. But I’d like to see her reach $1,250,300 so her family can say she exceeded her fundraising goal by $1.25 million.
After Rachel’s fundraising ends, I think we should take up a collection to send our friend Puddybud to therapy. He appears to have a persecution complex. See Open Thread 9/16 below.
Nope you dope.
But since you raised the issue, I think we should take up a collection to send your friend Roger DOPEY Rabbit to therapy. He appears to have a bestiality complex. See an Open Thread below where he claims to “fuck 50 bunnies”. I’ve met the man and he needs oxygen assistance to play with himself!
Colbert celebrates Ron Paul gaining the coveted ’shit faced vote’. Just visit the Ron Paul FB page. You’ll see all the ’shit faced voting’ DUMMOCRAPTS for Ron Paul. This is old news!
You could have included a link where scores of people died and were injured at the Nevada Air Show.
But that would demonstrate compassion. DUMMOCRAPTS don’t have the compassion gene!
Remember them in your prayers.
Thanks Zotz.
Such compassion! Right on time!
Or Darryl could have put up the fact Texas government jobs were lost while private industry keeps on hiring.
Oh wait, the leftist dolt Michael parroted Chris Matthews in another thread!
Or Darryl could have posted the ABC link where they exposed the lie of the Bush Administration was going to approve Solyndra. Oops it was another of Michael’s lies!
Oh, there you go again, puddy. Is it simple, sheer stupidity, or mendacity? It seems, when dealing with Repulicans, things seem to always boil down to that question, whatever the original topic.
Just Google ‘myth perry job miracle’ and you get this:
From Krugman,
From the Financial Times:
New York Magazine suggests another boon, this on quite illicit, to the Texas economy – drug money:
Robert Gibbs, on NBC:
Texas miracle my ass. I think puddy really likes Perry because Perry’s solutions to problems are either to cut taxes, execute more black people, or organize ostentatious stadium-sized prayer-fests. The man is classic snake oil salesman.
Oops, the second source above should be Fiscal Times, not Financial Times, link here.
This is an interesting post at dailykos right now…Headline:
Texas unemployment rate hits highest level since before Perry endorsed Gore
This is a powerful, must-read diary by a sister about her brother’s death, and a stark look at the plight of dying without insurance in the Greatest Country in the History of the Universe(tm).
Republicans are bloodthirsty protofascist superstitious knuckledragging threats to the welfare of good-hearted people everywhere.
Excellent – MoveOn making a hard-hitting commercial about the deafening silence of the the Republicans who would be President in the face of the bloodthirsty Teahaddists yelling “Yeah!” to the question whether to “Let him die?”
What is wrong with these people?
Pud, these are your ‘peeps’ – whence the compassion? For this bunch of Bible-thumpers, did they forget the Good Samaritan?
How is it that this most religion-soaked, mawkish, Jesus-peddling, “‘merka is a Christian nation” rabble can so deftly and unapologetically turn its back on its supposed core beliefs?
Well, I suppose it’s because its real core beliefs are greed and tribalism, and its heart is cold as a stone.
More on “All Hat, No Cattle” Rick Perry, this from over at Digby’s place, by thereisnospoon:
Toxic Sludge Champ Rick Perry
As Letterman said, you could practically smell Perry’s cologne trough the TV. The man is slick. Good thing there’s a lot of oil down there.
Thing is, if he’s elected, we’re all gonna need some lube.
@3 You don’t expect a rabbit to fuck humans, do you? I’m better than that.
@8 L.S. has done such a good job of taking you apart on this one that no further reply is needed.
Wait! Huh? I thought the right wing ding line was that all private hiring was “halted” because of “Obamacare”…
These wing ding loons are totally losing it on their propaganda.
Go Dubuque!
Hmm… Maybe I should move back.
All of a sudden PudNutz has compassion – oh boo hoo hoo.
LS has indeed been on a great roll in this thread.
Ali Soufan has been making the rounds on his book.
Definitely worth a listen or a watch. Take your pick: NPR, Olbermann, whatnot.
Totally destroys the torture lovers (like PuddyIdiot).
OMGZ!!! I needs my guns to keep me safe! Crime’s just getting crazy.
Actually, haven’t heard the righty’s going nutz about crime lately, but give it some time they seem to bring that one up about once a year, even when it isn’t true.
nsfw and a completely awesome editing job.
Even Gary Locke’s big on Dubuque!
Where did I ever say I liked Rick Perry?
Where did I bring up health insurance?
Where did I bring up wages?
So using your argument those 22.7 million jobs Clinton supposedly created over half were $7/hr jobs. Ask the serial arschloch plagiarizer what leftist east coast magazine ADMITTED it!
You are a moron Lib UnScientist! Projecting again!
BTW did you finally figger out conceptguerilla? Roger DOPEY Rabbit posted it forever and you missed Roger DOPEY Rabbit posts?
And of course Lib UnScientist missed what Rick Perry said about the fool in the audience.
It was one fool of a person who everyone has condemned. One person corroborated by PMSNBC!
Ummm not so Roger DOPEY Rabbit! Try again!
Nope you dope serial arschloch plagiarizer… it was reduced.
Good try at your useless projection!
@17 LS has done such a good job of taking you apart on this one that no further reply is needed
Oh, absolutely, and LS has such an incredibly BROAD reading list that also recommends him: DailyKos, MoveOn, Paul Krugman!
Ali Soufan, the same guy who said Clinton’s CIA knew about the hijackers? That’s in his previous book!
Oh wait… he said it again in this new book
Now who was preznit back then during both these incidents? So why did Keith Odormann skip over this?
Hmmm Ali Soufan, who Newsweek said there’s something wrong here back in 2010…
“In fact, Padilla was arrested in May 2002, not 2003. . . . The information ‘[leading] to the arrest of Padilla’ could not have been obtained through the authorized use of EITs.” (The use of enhanced interrogations was not authorized until Aug. 1, 2002 and Zubaydah was not waterboarded until later that month.)
Ali Soufan, who claimed Zubayah was waterboarded unnecessarily but there’s some amiss here
But there’s more for Ali Soufan to answer to… When you read the DOJ Inspector General’s Report
And further reading produces this little tidbit…
The Padilla Information:
1) Acquired after the CIA began to apply the enhanced interrogation techniques
2) Was definitely obtained by the CIA, and not Soufan at all
So how much of this book is true and why was Keith Odormann so quick to put it out for libtardos. Well we all know why!
32-36 Did some right wing moronic idiot betray yet again his undying worship of the torturers of the Shrub misadministration??
Or just babble incoherently for 5 comments?
Oh my is his panties in a bunch! Must have struck a nerve!
“2012 Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul’s 2008 campaign manager Kent Snyder died … at the age of 49 because he couldn’t get health insurance ….”
Why didn’t the candidate revive him? Isn’t Ron Paul a doctor? Is he so fucking cheap he’d let his own campaign manager die unless he gets paid for a house call?
California GOP Straw Poll Results
Ron Paul got 374 votes.
Rick Perry got 244 votes.
Mitt Romney got 74 votes.
Michelle Bachmann got 64 votes.
Jon Huntsman got 17 votes.
Herman Cain got 15 votes.
Newt Gingrich got 14 votes.
Rick Santorum got 7 votes.
California has 37.25 million people. So my question is: By what stretch of some newsroom editor’s imagination does this straw poll mean a fucking thing?
Puddydope @ various: ” … Roger DOPEY Rabbit … ”
I’m a rabbit, and rabbits aren’t supposed to be very smart; what’s your excuse?
@31 Paul Krugman has only one Nobel Prize; how many Nobel Prizes do you have?
So you are self-described? Do tell!
This is too precious! I have to save this one!DONE!
Notice how the serial arschloch plagiarizer brought up Ali. I didn’t. Did anyone else besides Darryl in the headlines?
NOPE YOU DOPE! Ali got smacked by Newsweek and we know they are LEFTISTS!
I provided links so anyone can verify before trusting anything coming from Keith Odormann!
The serial arschloch plagiarizer is a terrible worthless person!
Sucks to know Clinton’s CIA knew about these guys and never told GWBush’s FBI before GWBush took office!
Now we really know the truth after all!
@36 Let’s see how smart the Busheviks were …
“‘Abu Zubaydah was one of the top three leaders’ in al-Qaeda. – President George W. Bush
“Abu Zubaydah was a ‘very senior al Qaeda operative.’ – Donald Rumsfeld
“Abu Zubaydah was a ‘key terrorist recruiter and operational planner and member of Osama bin Laden’s inner circle.’ – White House spokesman Ari Fleischer
Now contrast that with this:
“After Abu Zubaydah’s capture, officials from the U.S. Government spoke out publicly about Abu Zubaydah’s supposed role in al-Qaeda. However, as would later be reported in 2009, the U.S. Government’s depiction of Abu Zubaydah was overly inflated and he was, as Justice Department Officials stated, “[t]he above ground support… To make him the mastermind of anything is ridiculous”, a “personnel clerk”, a “logistics chief”, and a “travel agent.” In fact, the CIA reportedly told Abu Zubaydah during his interrogation that they discovered he was not an al-Qaeda fighter, partner, or even a member.”
Now let’s flip back to the Busheviks:
“Top officials in the U.S. government refused to believe Abu Zubaydah was not the operative they believed him to be. The May 30, 2005 Department of Justice memo noted that while on-scene interrogators believed Abu Zubaydah no longer had any information to disclose, CIA Headquarters ordered additional waterboarding. The interrogators believed the waterboarding was ‘unnecessary.’ Orders for the additional waterboarding likely came from Dick Cheney directly. Additionally, the Bush White House and CIA officials couldn’t believe Abu Zubaydah didn’t have additional information. One official stated the pressure from upper levels of government was ‘tremendous,’ and that ‘[t]hey couldn’t stand the idea that there wasn’t anything new.’ The official said, ‘[t]hey’d say, “You aren’t working hard enough.” There was both a disbelief in what he was saying and also a desire for retribution – a feeling that “He’s going to talk, and if he doesn’t talk, we’ll do whatever.”‘”
Now contrast that with what the U.S. government said in court (where, unlike SOU speeches, you go to jail for lying):
“However, in September 2009, the United States Government finally admitted, during Abu Zubaydah’s habeas corpus petition, that Abu Zubaydah had never been a member of al-Qaeda, nor involved in the attacks on the African embassies in 1998, or the attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001. The motion, filed by the United States Government, states:
“‘Evidence indicating that Petitioner is not a member of al-Qaida or had ideological differences with al-Qaida is not inconsistent with the factual allegations made in the Government’s factual return, because the Government has not contended in this proceeding that Petitioner was a member of al-Qaida or otherwise formally identified with al-Qaida. Pg. 35, 36
“‘Respondent [The United States Government] does not contend that Petitioner [Abu Zubaydah] was a “member” of al-Qaida in the sense of having sworn a bayat (allegiance) or having otherwise satisfied any formal criteria that either Petitioner [Abu Zubaydah] or al-Qaida may have considered necessary for inclusion in al-Qaida. Nor is the Government detaining Petitioner [Abu Zubaydah] based on any allegation that Petitioner [Abu Zubaydah] views himself as part of al-Qaida as a matter of subjective personal conscience, ideology, or worldview. Pg. 36
“‘The Government has not contended in this proceeding that Petitioner [Abu Zubaydah] had any direct role in or advance knowledge of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Pg. 82
“‘For example, for purposes of this proceeding the Government has not contended that Petitioner [Abu Zubaydah] had any personal involvement in planning or executing either the 1998 embassy bombings… or the attacks on September 11, 2001. Pg. 34′”
I can easily prove torture is ineffective. It’s simple. No matter how many times you waterboarded George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld, you would have gotten no useful information from that. Because they didn’t have any.
Zubaydah is under death sentence in Jordan. Why don’t we just hand him over to the Jordanians and let them kill him?
@42 Be sure to save the rest of it, too, so you’re not quoting out of context. Because, you know, that’s a form of lying.
@43 “Sucks to know Clinton’s CIA knew about these guys and never told GWBush’s FBI before GWBush took office! Now we really know the truth after all!”
Let’s do a quick review of what pussybutt’s notion of “truth” is:
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations to avoid his father’s mistakes and to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in international affairs: in his first nine months he reversed Clinton’s policy toward China …; in the Middle East, by withdrawing U.S. involvement in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians; toward Korea, by abandoning the negotiated accord that had frozen the North’s nuclear program and by humiliating President Kim of South Korea …; by withdrawing U.S. support from the Kyoto treaty on global warming; and by forsaking Clinton’s efforts to address the dangers of international terrorism.
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
Pussybutt gets bitch-slapped again! Ouch! That hurts!
Puddinghead, you’re just making shit up, and it’s not fooling anyone except you, you self-deluding fool.
Ohhhh I seee.. The folks in North Dakota intoxicated by industry and prosperity and free flowing credit from a state “gubmint” bank didn’t get the memo from Rush and Sean Insanity that they were supposed to “reduce” hiring since “Obamacare” was passed.
Guess the right wing hate talk radio stations up there don’t carry too well!
When I met puddy, he didn’t impress me as being so stupid as he appears in his comments, so maybe he’s just a damn Republican liar.
@49 Ouch! That must hurt! Poor puddy stepped on his dick again.
This is boring. I need some excitement so I’m gonna go read Barron’s …
@41 @31 Paul Krugman has only one Nobel Prize; how many Nobel Prizes do you have?
So what? So does Barack Obama, but I don’t see many HA followers swooning for him the way they did 30 months ago. And you certainly aren’t . . . ANYMORE!
Ummm DOPEY Rabbit… it’s Ali Soufan’s book where he says it ya moron! I didn’t write the book!
The rest of that rant was just flushed down da toilet!
Let’s review Ali Soufan’s first book
Now Ali Soufan’s second book the one making the rounds on all the leftist pinhead shows
Those are his words Roger DOPEY Rabbit! Too bad facts make you into a rabid rabbit! Looks like Clinton’s CIA hid it from GWBush’s FBI!
Arrg, I agree with Tim Eyeman. It’s not tolling, it’s taxing. The 1125 Tolling initiative makes sense! I’m voting for it, unless I learn something really important for voting against it. (I’m a progressive, I change my mind, if I get better facts)
I-1125 asks voters to decide on eight questions:
Should toll revenue collected from motorists be used for non-transportation purposes?
— No
Should road lanes funded by gas taxes and tolls be used for non-highway purposes?
— No. No. No.
Should toll revenue collected from motorists be restricted to highway purposes only?
— Yes, otherwise it’s just a general tax
Should tolls only be used for construction of a new road, or may tolls be used for ongoing maintenance and operations?
— Yes, just for the new road.
Should toll revenue be restricted to the roadway from which it was collected, or may toll revenue be used for other roads in other areas across the state?
— Only on the road collected, other wise it’s a tax
Should elected legislators set toll rates, or may they delegate that authority to an unelected commission?
— It should decided by someone accountable, our elected legislators.
Should toll rates be constant, or may they change based on certain criteria like time-of-day or traffic volumes?
— This is the only element I could care less about.
Should toll revenue collected from the I-90 bridge across Lake Washington be restricted to funding improvements to I-90, or may the new revenue be used to fund other roads, like the proposed SR-520 bridge replacement?
— Restricted. Otherwise it’s a tax. See above.
What say you all?
I agree with you on each point.
With utter predictability, Republicans are calling President Obama’s insistence that millionaires pay at least the same tax rates as their janitors and secretaries “class warfare.”
“Republicans on Sunday decried the notion of a new minimum tax rate for millionaires as ‘class warfare,’ saying the proposal by President Obama may be intended to portray Congressional Republicans who resist it as being callously indifferent to the hardships facing many Americans.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Obama doesn’t have to protray Republicans as callously indifferent to the hardships facing many Americans. Republicans do a fine job of that all by themselves, through such actions as opposing food stamps and unemployment extensions, and raising taxes on workers.
The thing to remember is that, as unpopular as Obama is with voters (as shown by recent polls), Republicans are even more unpopular.
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous Dep’t
“A Russian tycoon has punched a fellow billionaire on a television panel show after a discussion on the financial crisis degenerated into petty name-calling.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So much for billionaires being role models.
Let’s see, tolls collected on the Seattle Tunnel will go to pay off the tunnel. Tolls collected on the new Narrows Bridge go to pay off the new bridge. Tolls collected on the Hood Canal Bridge went to pay off the Hood Canal Bridge. Tolls collected on the Monroe Street Bridge in Spokane (I think it was Monroe that was tolled) went to pay off the Monroe Street Bridge. I can’t remember if either of the Lake Washington Bridges were tolled, but I think one of them was.
So yeah, I’d say that tolls collected on the I-90 bridge should go to the I-90 bridge. The past isn’t always the best guide to the future, but in this case I think it works.
Auto complete strikes again! One of these days I’ll remember to check what name I’m posting under.
There’s a committee that sets tolls and such for the new Tacoma Narrows Bridge and it seems to be working just fine.
Variable tolling is the way to go, it evens out traffic flows and helps reduce congestion.
But, we have to remember that not only are cars becoming more fuel efficient, fewer people are driving and people are driving fewer miles as well. These trends also predate the recession. Road work is also much more expensive in an $90 a barrel of oil world than it was in the past. Our current taxes will not be able to keep up with future road needs. We’ll either have to have have more toll roads and taxes or have fewer roads. Probably a mix of the two.
Yes, the Milk Chocolate Messiah has fallen out of favor with the far left crowd, but he’s still all the Dems have.
@56 “Should tolls only be used for construction of a new road, or may tolls be used for ongoing maintenance and operations?
– Yes, just for the new road.”
This makes no sense. Construction of a project is only one of the costs; maintenance over the life of the project also has to be factored into the total cost of the project. What’s the logic of building something if you’re not going to maintain and operate it?
@66 Take your racist comment and shove it up your ass.
@53 “@41 @31 Paul Krugman has only one Nobel Prize; how many Nobel Prizes do you have?
So what?”
So plenty — it suggests he’s more qualified to talk about economics than you are.
@53 Let me put it another way. Millions of people pay attention to what Krugman says; nobody pays attention to what you say.
You mean “@65,” not “@66.”
As for your comment, take yourself and shove yourself up your ass.
Just hurry up and fucking die, rodent.
@70 There you go again. So please tell me, is it that anybody you think is a know-it-all deserves to die, or do you just think leftist know-it-alls deserve to die? Or maybe it’s lefty former attorney/judge know-it-all rabbits who you believe deserve to die? You do understand, don’t you, that as long as we’re going to start dealing out death, someone here just might conclude that you are the one who deserves to die? Of course, I’m sure you do realize that some people can be extremely dangerous when harboring such thoughts, while for others death wishes are just meaningless words.
Why Does The GOP Still Exist?
“It’s a massive health care entitlement with unfunded future costs over $7 trillion. Many conservatives are still upset at the way it was rammed through Congress.
“But when the Republican presidential candidates were asked last week asked if they would repeal the Medicare drug benefit, they said no way. After all, Republicans created it.
“Republicans want to pull the plug on the health care overhaul they call ‘Obamacare,’ but that law is arguably less a deficit driver than the Medicare drug plan they are defending.”
“Republicans on Sunday decried the notion of a new minimum tax rate for millionaires as ‘class warfare’ … in response to a White House assertion that … individuals making more than $1 million a year [should] pay at least the same percentage of their earnings as middle-income taxpayers.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You have to be awfully ignorant or awfully stupid to vote Republican. A lot of people, it appears, are both.
Okay. The argument for giving millionaires the special privilege of not paying taxes like the rest of us is they create jobs. The question, then, is where are the jobs?
@71 If you’re referring to @68, I mean @66, not @65.
Btw, the reason I told you to shove your racist comment up your ass, and didn’t tell you to shove yourself up your ass, is that would be hard to do because your head is already up your ass.
this thread has turned TEH GEHY….
@68 So what?”
So plenty — it suggests he’s more qualified to talk about economics than you are.
@53 Let me put it another way. Millions of people pay attention to what Krugman says; nobody pays attention to what you say.
Yes, well Milton Friedman has one too, and HA will never swoon over him. And as far as Krugman is concerned, many more tune him out, Nobel or not, including the administration, which the HA faithful couldn’t praise enough three years ago. You should know, despite your searing criticism of Obama now.
Don’t be a bigger dope than you normally are, dumb bunny.
Well yay,
@76 “Milton Friedman has one too, HA will never swoon over him”
As one Nobel laureate to another, Krugman called Friedman “a great economist and a great man” but criticized Friedman’s claims “that markets always work and that only markets work.”
Meanwhile, libertarian economist Murray Rothbard questioned whether Friedman was “a free market economist at all.”
Friedman’s economic views embrace two broad areas, monetarism and free markets. A subset of the latter is his ideas about government intervention in markets. His philosophy on these matters is often considered a counterpoint to Keynesianism.
You are correct that most liberals don’t “swoon” over Friedman’s free market philosophy — most liberal economists and policymakers are Keynesians. You can be a Keynesian and still have reservations about the efficacy of regulation or intervention. But in light of history, it’s hard to make a case for no regulation or intervention at all. Why would anyone “swoon” over something that history has repeatedly shown doesn’t work?
With 11 days to go, Rachel Beckwith’s charity needs only $862 to reach the $1.25 million mark.
@79 I’d like to see Rachel’s donation site become permanent.
I hate the rodent because he’s a self-important arrogant fucking asshole. He thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room, and that everyone should be kissing his ass constantly. He’s fucking in-love with himself, and I can’t wait for the day he drops dead.
You’re a racist, too, just not willing to admit you’ve got racist personality traits like everybody else. It goes way back – to tribal hunter/gatherer days. Everyone is a racist in one way or another, only you arrogant fucking cocksuckers are too full of yourselves to admit it. That’s why I get so much delight in calling Obama the Milk Chocolate Messiah because I know it pisses you off so much!
Hurry up and drop dead, you fucking arrogant has-been!